Specific Person Attracting Stories

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Many of the stories discuss using visualization, gratitude, and scripting to manifest romantic relationships or get an ex back. Common themes include focusing on feelings of love and connection rather than lack or loss.

Stories of manifesting specific people, getting an ex back, and improving relationships are repeated across many of the pages. Having faith, believing, and practicing techniques like visualization and scripting also come up frequently.

Visualizing positive outcomes and writing scripts about ideal relationship scenarios seem to help shift mindsets and attract romantic partners or restore past relationships according to several of the stories shared.


YESS you can attract your ex back!
1. Story Still is Left My Friend
3. Manifested Boyfriend And Then Manifested Him Back!
4. How I Attracted a Specific Person
5. Just by Faith Specific Person
6. Manifested SUCCESS!! Yes, I Attracted a Specific Person
7. Writing Own Destiny
8. Proper Application of (1) PRAYERIZE, (2) PICTURIZE, (3) ACTUALIZE.
9. A Success Story about Atracting a Specific Person
10. SUCCESS in my Law of Attraction, Experiment with a Specific Person !!
11. Feeling Detached Attracts Girls To Me
12. I Attracted a Specific Person !!!
13. How I Attracted a Specific Person and Need to do it Again
14. Letting Go has a Power
15. A Man Gets His Dream Girl With The Law of Attraction
16. My Fred called me: One year later
17. From Suicide To Sunshine
18. I manifested a ''dream'' girl. Success story :)
19. Childhood Crush
20. He is Out of My League... Guess What He is Mine!!!
21. Finally Let go of "Fred"
22. I manifested a ''Dream'' Girl. Success story :)
23. My Self Love Made Him Come Back
24. Manifested my ex back and so much more
25. Manifested My Dream Man After Countless Heartbreaks
26. I Got My Ex Boyfriend Back!
27. Success! How I got myself and my ex back :)
28. Attracting Her Love Back Using Law of Attraction – A Must Read Success Story
29. Our Story Was Not Over Yet
30. Gratitude Changed Everything
31. He is back for the Third Time
32. Road to Success
33. Attracted my ex back, and now were back together. :)
34. My success story about attracting love back - I made a choice
35. Manifested ex back against all odds
36. Manifested "Specific Instagram Person"
37. Attracting a specific person- SUCCESS story
38. Rebound guy gets his girl back...
39. Manifesting A Relationship With A Specific Person
40. Specific Person!
41. You Attract Specific People In Your Life
42. He Came Back!
43. Manifested My Marriage
44. Mine!
45. Give Me This Or Something Better
46. My dream girl
47. My Love is Back
48. Manifesting Love (My Girlfriend is a Model! My Success Story with Law of Attraction)
49. Manifested the Impossible
50. Sounds like Miracles!
51. Attracting Someone!
52. Manifesting my ex boyfriend back!
53. Got My Love Back!
54. I got my ex back with the use of LOA!
55. I Manifested Him to Respond!
57. Neville Goddard's Manifestation Story
58. A’s Story Manifesting the EXACT Text
59. Manifesting the Perfect Mate (a Believe It or Not True Story)
60. My SP journey and success!!!
61. Manifesting A Specific Person & Changing Their Behavior
63. Getting Back My Ex When All Hope Was Lost
64. I Got My Ex Back!
65. Got My Ex Back Just As I Visualized It!
66. MY SUCCESS STORY!!! How I got my ex Back
67. Gratitude
68. Back to Back Success !!!!
69. How I Used The Law Of Attraction To Get Ex Back
70. Attracted Specific Person Success Story
71. This Ex of Mine Came Back
72. Journey is about you
73. My success story with my specific person
74. Letting Go Is Key
75. My Canadian Country Gentleman
76. Happily Ever After
77. Letting Go And Forgiving Worked Great For Me
78. Believe And It Really Works
79. Results Of Visualisation Within 5 Hours!
80. The Magic Does Work!
81. Attracted My Pregnancy
82. I Attracted My Perfect Husband
83. Manifested My Ex Back!
84. Get Married A Month After Practicing The Magic!
85. I Knew He Was My Soulmate!
86. Manifested My Perfect Husband And Dream Wedding
87. Finally I Have A Boyfriend!
88. Love And Games
89. A Second Chance At Love
90. I Got My Love Back!
91. Second Chance At Love
92. Scripting With The Heart
93. Love Of My Life
94. Manifested My Ex Back!
95. Manifested My Perfect Husband And Dream Wedding
96. My Boyfriend Came Back To Me
97. Got My Love Back!
98. It Works!!
99. Attracted Him
100. Attracted My Happy Married Life
101. Love Always Wins
This will be a large book in times of despair, sadness and fear of losing something outside yourself,
it is so good to remember that at that moment, you find that something inside yourself again.

This is from an old posting on the old Forum. A beautiful example of true help and insight at the
right time...which is always. I would suggest you to read this many times over, just to keep
focussing on yourself and the love you feel is always there but sometimes...somewhere.

This I have written to help the people to get their girlfriend/boyfriend back. I hope this book will
help you make positive and if you apply again and again whats written here. I guaranty you that you
can attract your girlfriend/boyfriend back in any situation.

Use it and fuse it.

Jasjit Singh
YESS you can attract your ex back!
"I've seen this question asked over and over on these boards: "Can I Attract my Ex Back to me?"
The answer is YES! You can you attract an ex-lover back into your life. I can tell you emphatically,
that you can absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt, attract an ex-lover to you again. I
know because I've done it. I'm living proof of this mysterious and miraculous phenomenon! (In
reality, it is not mystifying or miraculous or any such thing). As a matter of fact, I have brought ex-
girlfriends back into my life on several occasions). And I'm a regular guy. I'm no former underwear
model by any stretch. I'm not a celebrity. Nor am I a millionaire (yet, that is, lol) My problem has
never been attracting exes back. It has been maintaining or developing the actual relationship
following getting her back into my life. So, if maintaing it is your issue then this is not the thread
for you. This is solely about step one: attracting him or her to you again. I am currently dealing with
this very situation as we speak with a particular ex. I can say that she has been the love of my life.
I've attracted her back on several occasions even though she was the one who initially decided to
end the relationship. Now, when I say "I attracted her back", I don't mean the way it looks currently,
and quite frankly, even the way it looks now isn't dim. But that would be misleading to all of you
reading this. I am saying that she wanted to give the relationship another try, full steam ahead. But, I
let my own reservations about moving forward take root. So, I dragged my feet a bit, because my
trust in her was a bit shaken. And she drifted away again. And guess what? I attracted her back into
my life again. I've done this with several exes. So this is not a unique case. Currently, I've already
attracted her back into my life. So, I'm past dealing with it in the same way which many of the
members here are speaking. I just simply will not settle for the relationship in its currently state. I
never advocate allowing yourself to be used. Believe me, people who truly are in love with you and
truly want you in their lives will use you, if you let them. I won't go into all of the gritty details of
"my story", but I will tell you this much: for you heartsick people out there who think "his situation
is not like mine" let me tell you right now…you're absolutely correct. It wasn't as bad as yours. IT

At its lowest point, this woman and I pretty much said it ALL to each other; insults, arguments,
accusations, curse words, hurtful things, etc. After the break up there were other romantic interests
involved, etc. It was nasty. I would try to reason with her and ask her why we couldn't be together
(basically, and I admit this with no shame, that I begged, and pleaded with her; and completely lost
this woman's respect in the process). I mean, she was GONE. She wouldn't communicate with me. I
YADDA, YADDA…LOL! And then, there were the silent times when I heard nothing from her, at
all. And was I hurt? Hurt doesn't BEGIN to describe the pain I felt. I was crushed, depressed, and
devastated. I was a shell of my former self. Getting out of bed in the morning required a Herculean
effort. But that was before I knew how to use apply the Law of Attraction CORRECTLY in these
matters. (And I tell you this; all of that pain you are feeling is of YOUR OWN CREATION. You
have to take responsibility for that if you want any shot of having another chance with your former
lover!) So, I tell you this so you can know that I've been where many of you are at right now. Matter
of fact, I've been lower. And I still attracted her back. Remember the things I told you she said so
long ago that indicated there was no hope? It meant nothing. As little as a month ago she admitted
that she still was in love with me. And this wasn't the first time she told me she loved me. I've been
told this several times in the past despite what she originally said about her lack of feelings or love
for me. She has even asked me to spend time with her on several occasions in recent weeks. I
agreed the first couple of times. But have declined these opportunities lately because they set a bad
precedent. (Don't allow yourself to be used!) See, at this point, the attraction has been re-
established. The relationship, in purest terms, is there. The fellowship is not there yet though. And
that has to be established by showing self-control and self-respect. But I know that the Universe is
taking care of all that for me. So, I don't concern myself with it. So, for me, it's not about attracting
the ex back. Now, keeping or fully developing the rekindled attraction, or relationship…well,
maybe Dr. Phil can help me figure that out! HOW DID I DO IT? But, how did I attract her back
the first time when I had clearly behaved so needy, and insecure? Well, I placed the focus on me. A
lot, not all, but many of the posts I've read here on this topic are really approaching it the wrong
way so I've broken it down into five, easier to read parts:


Well, one thing I've learned is that the Law of Attraction is never wrong. When a person is hoping
and asking for one particular person back, he is really operating out of fear. He is afraid to let go.
He fears that he has lost something. When his lover left, he mistakenly believed that Love left too.
As a result, he becomes sad, fearful, needy, insecure, clingy, and desperate. Then he hears about this
wonderful thing called the "Law of Attraction" or "Universal Law" and instead of applying
properly, he applies it to the fearful delusion. The Law then gives you what you most feared instead
of what you really wanted. The point is that if you continue to act like that person is your happiness,
the source of your love, and that you will not find love unless it is with them, then stop now and
recalibrate. Because you've already guaranteed yourself failure. If the only time you feel truly
happy is when you imagine them back in your arms, then STOP and RECALIBRATE! Because,
you are applying the Law in a manner that will guarantee them moving further away from you.
That's not to say that you can't feel happy when you imagine him or her in your life again. Not at
all. It just cannot be the ONLY thought that brings you happiness. (Interesting Note: Ever notice
how simply imagining your former lover back with you can give you a sense of elation or
happiness? This happens even though they're not currently with you. That's the whole point. It was
never them that made you happy in the first place. It was you the entire time. Otherwise, the mere
thought wouldn't change your mood!) You must begin to use the Law to improve YOU. You must
use the Law to attract the things, people, situations, qualities and traits that will make you a better,
complete person again. This will INFLUENCE, not manipulate, but INFLUENCE your former
lover to CHOOSE to feel that attraction again. I read one post that said "if your ex knew you were
doing these things to get them back, how would they feel?" Would they be more attracted to you?
Ask yourself, would you be more attracted to a person you ended a relationship with if you knew
they were doing all this to get you back? I doubt it. It would come across as the most desperate,
pathetic, needy display of self-loathing you had ever seen. It would push you further away. The real
secret to sparking the return of a lost love is to realize that, usually, when we focus on retrieving a
lost lover, we are focusing our attention on retrieving the wrong person. It's not your former lover
who is lost…it is YOU! The Law oftentimes works against what we think we want in these matters,
because we are focusing our energy in the wrong direction. This creates a pushing or repelling
sensation instead of a pulling or "attracting" one.


A lot of posts seem to be overly concerned with the Free Will thinga-ma-bob. Yes, free will exists.
Yes, your ex has free will. GASP! That really shouldn't be a news flash! You really think you're
going to overpower your ex's God-given right of free will just because the LOA says you can have
anything you want? Umm…if it were that clear-cut, you'd have them already. FREE WILL DOES
NOT NEGATE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!!! It's simply puts into effect what I would call a
different condition of the Law. For instance, in physics, it is shown that gravity affects all object the
same in a vacuum. But when you add atmosphere, gravity appears to work differently on objects of
different mass. In truth, it doesn't. It's working the same. There are just other forces at work that you
didn't take into account. It's the same with the Law of Attraction. It's still working even when the
will of another independent free agent is at work. You just aren't accounting for those other forces.
When using the Law with people, we must understand that it all about influencing that person to
freely exercise their will to be attracted to you. You never want to override someone's power of free
will. To do so would be the antithesis of love. Instead, you want to evolve into a version of yourself
that would powerfully influence your ex-lover to CHOOSE to see the attractive qualities in you
again. This means focusing on YOU! NOT THEM!


Your ex is not special. I mean, they are, but only in the same way you are. They're not granted with
some special power that the rest of us don't have. They go to the bathroom just like you. They have
regular bodily functions they tend to daily, just like you. Despite how beautiful you think she is my
friend, give her a couple of days with no deodorant, and she'd stink to high heaven! The point I'm
trying to make is that he or she is just a flesh and blood human being. Honestly, they resent the
pedestal upon which you've placed them. You gave them a place in your life they never wanted; the
place of YOU! You should be the only one on the pedestal of your life, period! Consider this: the
only human relationship where it is acceptable for one to be dependent and needy is the parent-child
relationship. That's it. As children, we are dependent on our parents as we transition to adulthood;
then they become dependent on us as they transition from this life. No other relationship has this
grace with it. Your ex is human. The law of attraction works on them like it would anybody else.
Take the halo from around their head. Believe me, they'll appreciate it. So, next time you catch
yourself sitting around and thinking about them, that's a sign that you're NOT focusing on YOU!
You're putting him or her on the pedestal again. When that happens, put that thought in check and
get back to the business of taking care of you and let the Universe, or Infinite Intelligence, or God
work on them.


The answer to this is so simple that it eludes most people going through this. You don't ask for the
person to want you despite their own desires…you simply ask to become the kind of person they
would happily, and freely, choose to be with! You could even say something like this: "I am fully
and passionately in love with ME, first and foremost! Thank you that I am already complete
and whole, in and of myself. I am so full of self-love because I have cared for myself and my
own needs to such a degree that I can now send unconditional love to. ....... Even though I may
not consciously know how, I thank you for transforming me into a person that ........ would
happily choose to feel intense attraction to. Thank you for helping me become what I desire
most: the best person ....... and people like her could choose to be with. I say with total
complete gratitude that I am not only the strong, independent, carefree, fun, and loving
person that I was the first time I attracted ....... to me, but even more so! I possess within
myself the positive and healthy traits that ......... would be happy to freely choose to align
herself with of her own Free Will. I am grateful that you have created an opportunity that will
allow ........... to see me with eyes that see no shortcomings, and a heart that holds no hurt from
the past. I also know that in asking this, I am becoming a person who will attract many people
to whom I am likewise attracted. And I feel great because I am no longer bound to the
oppressive, self-deceiving illusion of neediness and longing, as it pertains to another person's
affections for me. I now know that it is not about that person, but about myself and I am fully
and passionately in love with me first and foremost! Thank You!" See? What's wrong with that?

When you decide that you are going to feel badly all day, will that attract your ex back? Is that the
person your ex wants? If you really think about it, the reason we are afraid to let go of old lovers is
NOT because we are afraid of them wanting someone else. No, usually it is because we are afraid
of losing OUR feelings for them. That's how much the human brain loves being in love! So, the
point is to focus on you! That's what people are attracted to! They don't want someone who would
sit, and plot, and plan, and scheme, and wonder, and worry, and hope, and wish, and long, and pine
for them. It's quite the opposite! People are attracted to lovers who are self-confident, who know
themselves, who are independent, strong-minded, and FUN! When you're sitting around moping
over your ex, you're not having any fun! If you're in therapy over your ex, then it's not about getting
your ex back. It's about getting YOU back. If you need to take drugs because your ex left you, then
it's not about the ex. It's about YOU. Now don't get me wrong, If you've been prescribed medication
TAKE YOUR MEDICATION! Just realize that the best part about all of this is, if it's about you
then that means YOU can fix it! So, improve yourself. Work on yourself. Love yourself! This is
what attracts him or her back to you! People have natural chemistries. You and your ex obviously
possessed a natural chemistry. It doesn't matter how far apart you keep sodium (Na) from chloride
(Cl) the instant they are close enough to each other, they WILL form salt (NaCl), period! Same for
you and your ex if you get back on track. So make it about you starting NOW! It is not right to
behave as if you are with someone when you are not. Refusing to date others because you want
your ex to know you’re available is NOT right. It is putting your ex on a pedestal. That is not the
way to move forward, demonstrate independence, or make yourself happy. Remember, when trying
to attract a former lover, you are trying to INFLUENCE. Your ex will simply know that she can do
whatever she pleases, however she pleases if she sees you’re not moving on. Also, that will make
her more hesitant to be comfortable with you because it will appear as if you’re not over the
relationship. Not dating is actually counterproductive to all of your goals, both in terms of you ex
and your own future. When other women show interest in you, it sends a strong biological signal to
your ex that you are desirable to other women. She’ll wonder if something about you is new. But
you shouldn’t start dating to try to make her jealous. You should be dating because you’re trying to
move on and regain the emotional control and power over your own life and well-being that you
previously had. Remenber, Miquel…IT’S NOT ABOUT HER!!! IT’S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU!!!
Do dating other women is always acceptable, as long as you are hones with them. And honest with
yourself. Let them know that you’re not looking for anything serious, at this time. Ask for what I
do? Well, I don’t know if I’ve ever been asked like that, lol. Really, I just try my best to focus on
myself. I exercise. I focus on my goals, I immerse myself in my hobbies. I immediately put myself
in situations where I’m around women (for men, this is HIGHLY therapeutic!). for men, you must
realize that you’re a pursuer by nature. Get your mind to see other attractive, suitable women. Of
course, it doesn’t replace her. But it does take the edge off a bit. And in these types of things, you
need every mental break you can get. But to reiterate, I simply turn the focus inward to me.
Whenever I found myself missing her, I would immediately say “that’s putting her on the pedestal. I
AM on the pedestal of my life! And that will never change!” And I go back to doing the things that
are important to me. Now, unless I did something inherently wrong, or hurtful, I do not call. I
absolutely do not chase. I will write a letter if need be, but that’s it. Now, if you actually did
something wrong, then of course, apologize. But that’s all. And I admit, that this is the “hard part”.
As Robert DeNIro said to Al Pacino in “Heat”; “that’s the discipline!” See, when you chase you
send a message to that person saying “I do not respect your right to choose what is best for you.
Being with you is a prison from which you can never escape.” See, Miquel, it wouldn’t matter to a
person if a relationship with someone meant whey lived in a beautiful palace with chefs,
maidservants and the finest of everything. If that person felt they could never leave the palace, even
for just a walk, they would resent it. It would become a golden prison. Don’t make being with you a
prison. Let her know that she can leave whenever she wants, and you will be FINE. And then do
just that! Go on and be fine. Remember we are trying to INFLUENCE. If I ever doubt myself, or
start worrying that she really is gone I just speak to my fear like it’s a child. I don’t ingnore it, or
scold it. I used to do this and it just made the “little me”(i.e. the fears and doubts) scream louder to
be heard. Instead I just say “it’s okay, don’t worry about it. Everything will be just fine. And I put
my mind on a mental picture of me being extremely happy and doing well and her calling me to say
that she misses me and loves me” and it happens. In my original post I wrote a section about why so
many people have trouble correctly applying the Law in the area of winning the affection of a
specific person, or an ex. I also wrote a basic script of what one can say that positions them to
attract back their ex, while not making dependent on their ex and not violating someone else's free
will. Recreating attraction in an ex-lover is a rather easy thing to do, in and of itself. It really comes
down to just being yourself. But, the reason why it doesn't work for most people is that they're so
emotionally powerless during the breakup period that act exactly the opposite of themselves. See,
one thing I've seen on this board and boards like them, is that too many people here are trying to
micro-manage, control, or over-analyze the process. In some other arena, it would be the use of
manipulation. Others play head-games with their exes. Here, people try to use the law of attraction.
But a lot of them are not "truly" using it! If someone was truly using the LoA to get a lover back,
they wouldn't: * Obsess about it * Talk about it ad infinitum * Worry about what their ex was doing
or not doing * Be sad or depressed or despondent. Someone perfectly using the Law would be
happy, and expectant. They would move on with their life with no concern that their former lover
would eventually return. That person would even be capable of loving someone else, because he
would understand that his ability to love and feel love is his and his alone. THAT person would get
his ex back or someone even better. No question about it. This is truly the most important and
foundational rule of retrieving one's ex:

RULE 1: "To attract one's ex-lover back, one must first apply the Law of Attraction to one's own
self" Yeah, that's where most people get off the ride. Because that means I have to work on myself.
We want our exes to do the heavy lifting for us. Doesn't work that way.

UGLY TRUTH 1: Most people trying to get their ex back are actually in no condition
whatsoever to truly attract their ex back to them. They then try to use the law of attraction as a tool
of manipulation and exercising control over another person, or a situation that in the end has no
bearing at all on the actual problem.

UGLY TRUTH 2: For a person to even want their ex-lover back is a feeling based in fear,
neediness and insecurity. You are stating to the Universe that you need this person to feel happiness,
joy, love, or validation. The Law of Attraction sees through motivations. Just because a person is
able to lie to himself and others does not mean he is capable of lying to the Law, itself. Instead,
want YOU back! Your ex will follow.

UGLY TRUTH 3: When you want an ex back, what you are saying is "I don't want to be
responsible for my own happiness. It is too hard and difficult for me to do. So, please, can you just
do this job for me by being my lover again? Can you please be the god of my life? Because I don't
want to do it myself." HOW DARE I ASK THAT OF SOMEONE ELSE!?!? Making someone
else responsible for my happiness is the most selfish, cowardly, and unloving thing I can do. Not
only do they have to be responsible for their happiness, but now they have to be responsible for
mine, as well? Would you want that responsibility in your life? But's here the really sinister
part...you want to know what really hinders many people's attempts to get their ex-lovers back?
you have placed your ex on a pedestal, above even your own needs and happiness. Then you have
willfully GIVEN YOUR POWER TO YOUR EX. And if you say otherwise, you're kidding
yourself. Because if you hadn't, they would not be able to determine your happiness by choosing to
either be with you or not! So, what frequency does the Law of Attraction pick up, as a result? "This
person has subordinated him or herself to their ex-lover." Since your power BELONGS TO YOUR
EX, the Law respects THEIR WISH and not yours on the matter! The Law of Attraction is
NEVER WRONG! It is simply doing what is told! That is why it is always best in matters of
attracting a new lover, or your former lover to, first and foremost, RECLAIM YOUR POWER
FROM YOUR EX! The BEST way to get your ex back is to; a) focus on getting yourself centered,
and b) being a stronger and better person than you were before who is no longer affected by their
exes' actions or feelings. Once this happens you WILL be an independent agent of free will again
and the Law of Attraction will be better able to serve you. Right now, who's WILL is stronger in this
matter between you and your ex? I guarantee it's your ex's! Why? Because they're not in fear. They
don't feel helpless, or powerless, or depressed. They are in possession of your ENERGY! It's been
said time and time again throughout history that the only way to really get your ex-lover back is to
MOVE ON & GET OVER THEM! You MUST get over them first. Why is that? Because you
don't want the SAMErelationship you had with your ex, do you? That relationship didn't end all to
well, right? You want a NEW relationship with your former lover.

RULE 2: To get a NEW relationship with your ex, you must LET GO of the OLD relationship. To
do so, you must reclaim that power you gave to them. That means COMPLETELY MOVING ON
AND LEAVING THEM BE! Then, and only then, can you make a powerful wish to the Universe
that will attract many, including your ex back into your life! REMEMBER: TAKE YOUR
ATTRACTION CANNOT TRULY SERVE YOU! ....There's this old saying "people respond in
kind". It means that people will respond to you according to the manner in which you approached
them. So, when you're around her, if you act like you're fine with everything, then she will treat you
as if you're fine with everything. But if you show signs that you still long for the relationship, then
she will treat you that way by putting more space and distance between you. So, in your case, you
still need time apart. We forget often that our exes need to get the old relationship out of their
system, too. So, sometimes it's just best to let time wash some of the old things away. Remember,
human beings are "self-healing" in nature. The more time passes, the more old wounds and hurts
fade away. You see sometimes when an abusive, alcoholic parent passes away and years later the
children will say "he had some issues, but he was a good guy underneath it all". Time is a miracle
worker. I would suggest you do the following:

1) WRITE A LETTER Write a letter telling her that you apologize for what you did
wrong during the relationship and that you put the responsibility of your happiness on her
shoulders and that was unfair. Don't tell about your feelings. Just let her know that you care
about her and only want the very best for her.

2) GET LOST! Do not contact your ex for any reason whatsoever for a minimum of 3
months. During this no-contact period, the goal is to focus completely on yourself. Honestly,
you would greatly improve your chances by giving it 6 months to a full year, but 3 months is
the minimum. You want her to entirely forget about the "old" you. YOU want to entirely
forget the old you, too. Only speak to her when she calls you and keep it brief. She'll get the
picture. And she'll respect you for it. Remember, relationships are supposed to be fun and
light-hearted with a little bit of challenge and mystery thrown in. Silence creates mystery.
So, Date. Doesn't have to be anything serious. But date.

3) EXERCISE 30 MINS - 1 HOUR, 5-6 TIMES A WEEK: Let me tell you, unless
you're already in good shape, NOTHING says to an ex "I've changed" more than a good
looking body. Exercise does something for the self-esteem that is indescribable. I think
exercise is probably the purest form of self-love that you can bestow upon yourself. It is
literally you taking care of you. Also try a new "look" (I don't know how your finances are,
but it doesn't have to be radical or expensive, just different).

4) PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN MOVE ON. This is where so many
people get stuck. Your brain still remembers the neural pathways associated with a particular
person. So, trust me, even when you have completely moved on, you will still be able to fall
right back in love with that person again, when the time hits. Proving to yourself that you
can move past the loss of this relationship is critical to your future chances of reconciliation.
If you prove to yourself you can let it go, then your self-esteem will skyrocket and you'll
always be confident in your ability to control your emotions with your ex. Also, your ex will
notice that they no longer hold sway over you as they once did. Guess what that means?
Once you fully reclaim your power from your ex, you create the perfect setting for the game
to start again. You are basically telling her "betcha can't do it again". SIDE NOTE: I know
it's a total "guy" flick but if you've never seen Rocky III with Mr. T, then I suggest you do.
I'm 100% serious! Rocky III uses boxing as a metaphor for the ups and downs of romantic
relationships. Mr. T (I pity the fool!) plays this totally ferocious, badass boxer named
"Clubber Lang". Clubber Lang totally demolishes Rocky in their first fight taking his title,
and his pride with it. Did Rocky beg Clubber to give him his title back? Nope! Did Rocky
try to explain and reason with Clubber Lang why he should have taken it easier on him in
the fight? Nope. If Rocky wanted his pride and his belt back, he was gonna have get it the
old-fashioned way and TAKE IT! And he did just that.


HER A CALL AND SUGGEST LUNCH OR COFFEE. After all this time has passed, the
old relationship will be completely under the bridge. You can call her and just say "Hey, I
was just thinking about you and decided to give you a call to see how you've been. Let's
catch up over coffee sometime. I'm usually at the Starbucks on the corner of XYZ and 123
Street on Saturdays around noon. It'd be great to see you if you can make it." Notice how I
didn't tell you to ask her to you? You don't need her approval. You're basically saying to her
"It's been a while, and I thought about you. I consider you a friend. I go to this particular
place at this particular time, on this particular day. If you're free that day, you can meet me
there. If not, that's fine, I'll still be there with something to do." Because there has been no
real animosity between the two of you, this should really not pose a problem for her. After
this much time, and after all of the work you've done to move past the old relationship,
you'll be able to be in her presence with no dilution of your personal power whatsoever. She
will feel no pushing from you. This will attract her to you even more because she no longer
needs to keep her guard up with you. You will be in charge of your life once more. She'll see
how fit you look and feel a physical attraction. She will sense how happy and confident you
are and she will respect that. Keep the conversation focused on her. She'll be able to look at
you and see that you're active in other things. 6) CONGRATULATE YOURSELF. YOU
JUST HAD YOUR FIRST DATE WITH YOUR EX(who, by the way, thinks you look
hot !)"
1. Story Still is Left My Friend
December 2014, was watching a movie in a hall "Happy New Year", interval came up while
thinking about her. I heard Shahrukh's bold voice, who was looking into my eyes saying
struck by a divine message. It was universe hinting me, something about me and her was about to
show up, it was a movie interval, meant that its just an interval of our real life story and still
everything is left, and it was so positive that it gave me thrilling sensation. Since that day I was
thinking what is about to come? Universe exactly responded to my thought like it talked to me face
to face, trying to fix my heart.

I was refraining myself to talk to her now. 3 years had passed, no contact. Read in some book to
apply no contact rule in this broken relationship. After trying so hard I lost all hope of getting her
back. It was too late, many years have passed. Now I did not want to contact her to escape myself
from this hurt which I had been facing since last 5 years.

All started in 2002 when we went to visit Golden Temple in Amritsar (India), also went to her
home. But, our actual relationship started in 2007. For one year, we were friends. August 2007, on
Friendship Day, I got her mail asking me, do I remember her? I replied where she had been since
long time. My phone number got changed since her big event in life started in 2004. That time also
I refrained myself to call her again so to not disturb her with her life. However she always wanted to
contact me and kept trying. 2008, 10th July, this friendship turned to Love when we expressed
ourselves. Carried on till mid 2010, then broke up.

We are distant cousins since childhood now. I live in Delhi (Capital of India) and she lives in
Amritsar (City of Golden Temple). Childhood we met few times, when I had a visit to Amritsar or
Kanpur where my other set of cousins live, or in Delhi twice or thrice when she visited on some
important family occasion.

My college (school) started that time in 2002. Same year I visited Amritsar where we exchanged
email addresses where our conversation started after we met after a long time. Prior to that I had
gone there few years ago when her Granny expired, we were little young that time. I remember we
used to play together many games in childhood whenever we met. Then very next year I joined
modeling where I developed my personality and later in the year again had the chance to visit
Amritsar (Golden Temple). Also went to her home where our conversation grew stronger where we
got fascinated by each other. Conversations on emails grew stronger, later we started messaging on
mobile phones after 9 O Clock in night almost everyday, when her dad used to pass mobile phone to
her, where we developed lot of conversation and shared many things. I used to study waking whole
nights, other side mobile messaging happened. Later in 2004 we started talking too, but rarely. I
remember I got a call from her when I was in classroom and felt very good.

Later in 2004 we lost touch due to changed phone numbers. For three continuous years I kept
searching her everywhere. Sent her email, unfortunately email addresses were not active. In
between wanted to wish her on birthday also, but no numbers available. Once sent message on her
other number too, unfortunately got no reply. Was able to find her elder sister on orkut.com who is
in USA, as Facebook was not popular that time, it was also a social networking website. Asked her
sister about her, she got little angry on this, told little bit about her, but not completely, I did not pull
conversation after that because of little rudeness in her attitude. Back of my mind I always missed
her, used to think best times we spent together. Her text messages were still saved in my phone,
later I lost that phone as my dad carried it and forgot. Was able to copy few messages and one of the
messages which probably was the best one was " SPECIAL PEOPLE ARE LIKE BALLOONS,
deeply, and after this message, there was a long three year silence. I loved her deeply, she too loved
me inside, we never expressed, but felt. My hobby was to share forwarded messages on e- mail,
when I found her sister on social network, added her to my email list as well. Her sister kept
receiving forwarded emails from my side as usual.

I missed her day and night, while sleeping or awake, she was clouded in my mind, kept thinking
about her subconsciously. When I slept, always felt her by my side, nobody told me that time about
manifestation and law of universe, manifestation was happening itself, sometimes in my
imagination I expressed her by saying "Love You". Once or twice got her dream even may be. I
knew now she is gone and nothing can bring back her to my life, felt sad and disappointed
sometimes, kept missing good times with her. In imagination, always hugged her, felt emotions for
her sometimes, it was unconditional love, had respect for her in my mind and never thought bad.
One day even in 2006, I remember, her Granny came to my dream and was patting my back, it was
surprising for me, how come she is blessing me, I had very less memory of her in mind and never
thought much about her even.

I continued to share forwarded and very beautiful emails with friends as the days passed, sometimes
her sister sent me emails (the forwarded ones), I saw her email address in her email list where her
sister had sent email. Never had guts to send email to her or to contact her. Was thinking what she
would think?

7th August 2007, I opened my mailbox and saw email with her name, was surprised is she the same
person whom I missed since long. Thank God she had guts to contact me. She asked me if I am
same person. I replied, I am same person, and how is she doing with her life. We started emailing
each other again, she was back to my life once more after three years of isolation. My love pulled
her back. I asked how she came to know my details and how come she contact me. She remembered
everything about me and those good times, told she saw my email address in her sister's forwarded
email and contacted me. It was universe working my subconscious manifestation, which was
actually working itself. Yeah, she was again back to me. We again shared numbers, started
conversating again. For one year we were friends and expressed each other in 2008, she felt same
for me. Shared many things, met also when she came to my town few times. Later in family
wedding we met for a long time. Had plans to study together further courses and start business.
Started few online things together. Our love was in a long distance, we were connected through
internet, phone and web cam. Everyday we made lot of plans for our future.

**Practices which I followed Subconsciously or Naturally or Unknowingly/ Universe made me


– Felt emotions for her sometimes

– Missed her a lot which led me to think and visualize her memories
– Felt unconditional and true love for her
– Naturally felt I am hugging her, imagining besides me many times.
– Prayed to meet her again.
– Imagined hearing her voice in mind.
– Continued to try to contact her through various sources.
– Imagined wishing her on her birthday, wished my wishes reach her through brain waves.

After we met on a family wedding, things started to go down, it was a turning point in our life.
Insecurities at both side started affecting our relationship. As the law of attraction says what you
fear most, happens fast, same was happening between us. I never wanted she should leave me, and
same was happening which I never wanted. I worked hard to save everything, but it seemed no
effect on her. I started feeling dead all the time as I could not afford to loose her. It seemed more I
am trying to hold her, more she was slipping from my hands. Whenever we tried to find solution, it
worked for few days, again faced same things after few days. We were near downfall of our
relationship. Now due to hurt I started maintaining distance from her. Once I went to her hometown
to meet her, but she made me wait for four hours to meet, was disgusting. After coming back to my
hometown, I started maintaining distance, did not talk to her almost for three months, which gave
me little relief, or satisfied my ego which was hurting me. I was getting very insecure feeling and
lot of fear, and wanted to get rid of this situation, but could not. You cannot take out your paining
brain from your head and keep it aside to escape the pain. I felt like I am crushed by a truck and
lying on the road with no help. Break up gives you so much of pain, I now realized. Many times we
broke and revived. One day she conveyed her another big decision, which completely shattered me
off and was never acceptable to me. Now it was me who maintained distance, I don't think she got
affected by this. Up til this time I had read many books on relationships to improve and revive the
relationship. Here I am reminded of a popular quote by Bob Proctor " Whatever you are doing is
bringing you closer to what you want ". Every new starting year, I thought she will be back again,
but its been long time, she never came back. I started cursing her while on the way going to office
or night while returning from office. Day and night she was in my mind cursing her, resistance was
high, I was unable to control my feelings. It felt like I am dead. Whenever she called, I was never in
mood to talk to her, stopped replying her through any means. Was tough time for me. Inside I knew,
its not right feeling I am giving to universe. Thanks to one of my friend, she supported me a lot,
kept guiding me about law of attraction. Now I had complete knowledge of law of universe or
attraction, how it actually worked. Now I was never in a mood to talk to her, whenever she called
me,I started giving her excuses, like " I am watching a movie or busy in office", giving her many
reasons to not to get bad feeling about downfall. Once I was missing her and messaged her on
Facebook but got late reply as she is not interested or gave very rude reply. Once or twice I wished
on her birthday, she acted that she is not my friend anymore which gave me the bad feeling to never
talk to her again.

It was end of 2013 now, while coming back from office, while traveling I get her message, and that
message conveyed something which was completely unacceptable to me. I was dead again. It was
something I never wanted, but it happened. What I never wanted, came true. Felt like I am the
victim and she has everything now. I was a looser in this relationship, she had everything, her side
was heavier and strong. I contacted my best friend and met her next day and had dinner, she
consoled me. Decided to move on completely. I was till now fed up of this tiring and dead
relationship. Still I kept manifesting her inside, as I was in a habit now to manifest her back. 2014, I
did not wish her on birthday, neither accepted her wishes on my birthday.

She tried to contact me various times, called many times, sent me email anonymously with different
person name, I recognized and ignored, kept my conditions but could not come to the point. I
moved on, I was too demotivated, scared and insecure and was not in a mood to talk to her. It gave
me so much of stress and depression. Now she was dead for me and thought I will never talk to her
or if she meets me, I will ignore her.

Situation now came up, I asked people on internet its solution, people told me to move on, she does
not care for you so much. All offered me various solutions. I felt like I have been thrown off by her
insulting me making me feel powerless. I remember I used to roam on roads thinking of her, places
I visited used to remind me of her. Whenever I went to Sikh Temple Bangla Sahib (Delhi)in my city
where we met and dated, used to stop there and look at the place where we met for the first time and
sat and spent time. My best friend always consoled me and told me various ways to get her back
using law of attraction. Following are the practices I was using till this time:

* Repeating affirmations regularly day and night, which were:

1) My Wife <Her Name>.

2) I am married to her.
3) I am her husband.
4) She is attracted to me.
5) She is already there with me.
6) Thank you for my marriage with <Her Name>
7) She is missing me
8) She is feeling emotions for me.

* Repeating these affirmations while sleeping. Programming my subconscious mind, it felt like
she is with me.
* Visualizing she is hugging me, talking to me daily.
* Holding her hand in visualization (mind's eye).
* Using gratitude in affirmations.
* Visualizing and recalling our best times and the time I spent with her, way she looked at me,
talked to me. So it becomes my reality in future.
* When I went to Sikh Temple, thanked God as she is already there with me.
* In home temple, imagining she is standing with me (Bringing future to present)
* Making myself believe she has come back.
* While making a walk outside my office, imagining she is walking with me.
* Imagining and visualizing Golden Temple in front of me and praying there, as there is a strong
belief by people that wishes are granted there. You get whatever you pray.
* Making a manifestation, I am exactly following the way or universe is guiding me the way to
how to attract her back. And I am following techniques by default to attract her.
* Manifested exact alignment between me. Used few affirmations like, I am aligned to her. I am
her perfect match, we are unconditional lovers. She loves me more then I love her. We are made
for each other.
* Manifesting my high vibration by staying happy, feeling love for myself.
* Manifesting, she got fascinated by me when she meets me next.
* Later I sometimes meditated on God to give myself relax out of worldly problems. And if you
concentrate on higher power, you are on a higher vibration and everything gets aligned itself.
* Continued to make my subconscious mind believe that she is with me. While sleeping I
continued to repeat affirmations and I felt her in reality as she is with me. I practiced this feeling
and I actually started to feel her with me.

Last year 2015, I met one of my best friend just one day before Valentine's Day, when she advised
me to move on from this relationship if she does not go according to your conditions as she was
now sending me emails so I can come back to her life crying in front of me (the way she wrote
email). She wrote many apologies and said she takes whole responsibility of the problems happened
between us during past years. She had few conditions, but after facing all situations for few years, I
was not ready to follow any of her conditions. Ultimately I decided to move on hurting her this
time, now I did not waste my time on her, even my friend assisted me to find other girl for myself
and move on. I got motivated and she made my way clear, was feeling light and relieved at least I
was on one side and not lingering on. My girlfriend kept sending me emails requesting me to come
back to her life. Sent few love quotes many times. I stopped replying her to save myself from
hurting. Now I was looking for other girl for myself, still sometimes I used to count years I spent
for her waiting. Its been now more than five years. Inside I was still manifesting her, because I
developed habit of manifesting her, so all was going itself. Was making manifestations lightly now
thinking she would meet me this year, following same practices in front of God in Sikh Temple.
Met my best friend few times even who used to console me. She always said to move on and leave
everything on universe (Let Go part), I stopped feeling burden. May be it was September 2015
when we got invitation from Ludhiana where my relatives live, my uncle aunty invited out family
for their 25th Marriage Anniversary. Ludhiana is near to Amritsar where my girlfriend lived. Just
three hours drive by car.

Up-til this time I lost all hope to attract her. Was taking my life easy now, but I knew if I go to
Amritsar, will not be able t stop myself. I made my mind to go Ludhiana to Uncle Aunty's 25th
Marriage Anniversary. My parents told that after Ludhiana they would visit Golden Temple in
Amritsar. I refused them to go to Amritsar, told they can go and I will not go there. I asked for some
time to think. Met my best friend and discussed, she said don't meet her now if you go there, I told
her if I go there, its difficult for me to stop myself. still to save myself from hurt I decided I will go
to Amritsar and will not meet her. My phone number got changed due to some reason since last one
year now and she did not have my number, the only medium she messaged me through Facebook or
email, in 2014 I already deactivated my Facebook account for whole year so she cannot contact me.
Now she was not left with any option to contact me. I told my best friend that I will go to Amritsar
and if she by chance goes to Golden Temple or in the party in Ludhiana if she is invited, I will
ignore her. Last year in 2014, in Kanpur, I ignored her elder sister even to save myself from hurt.

Day came up when we headed to Ludhiana, had little insecurity, if she would be there what would
be my reaction and how would I avoid her or how will I behave, still, I was happy that I will be
attending such a grand party, danced, enjoyed there a lot, was on a higher vibration. Thank God she
was not invited there. Next day after the party, we had to travel towards Amritsar. Sometimes I get
intuition for few things. In the past when my girlfriend used to give me a call, I had the visions in
front of my eyes and saw her mobile number clearly in white color with black background, which
stopped since quite a long time now, since my phone number changed. The day when we had to
head for Amritsar I saw same vision while taking a bath, when I closed my eyes to wash my face, I
saw her mobile number again, which surprised me again. Was wondering how it happened, universe
gave me signal. Had little fear in mind and insecurity and excitement that I am again going to her
city. Was feeling nervous again, what would happen if I see her. I decided I will not call her now as
it gave me high amount of fear and insecurity, due to that I had to take treatment from doctor even.
Internet WiFi connectivity was not there in my uncle's home, unfortunately my net pack got expired
same day I reached Ludhiana, and now only medium she could contact me was email. Luckily one
of my family member called Delhi and asked somebody known to get my net pack recharged while
traveling to Amritsar. My internet was working again. Traveling through the beautiful and green
fields of Punjab we reached Amritsar by taxi, once we had a stoppage in between for tea and snacks.
Slight cold air was blowing there, Punjab is a Sikh state and has lot of farmlands, large percentage
of population of Punjab are farmers.

So, I was in her city, feeling nervous, excited, happy, feeling of lack (because she was not in my
life), actually I had mixed emotions and feeling, was nervous more, expecting her to see her on
streets, did not know she will meet me or not. It was her city, I knew she is around me. May be
previous manifestations dragged me to Amritsar and everything was happening itself. As the law of
attraction says, expectation is a great tool to attract something, I could not control myself, was
looking for her everywhere with lot of nervousness and fear. Was looking at every girl passing from
in front of me and everywhere around I could see and reach. Past was getting recalled in mind, but I
was positive this time. Inside I was praying, God please make me meet her once, please please
please. I don't want to miss a chance to meet her, same time I was dead sure, I won't give her a call,
unsure of her reaction, will she take me seriously or not. Did not want to loose my self respect again
as I lost in past, begging her, pleading her, spoiling my health. Again it would give a feeling of
loosing my dignity and being on lower side, means agreeing to her conditions, which I never
As we reached Amritsar, my sister updated status on Facebook and tagged everyone about our
arrival and entry to Golden Temple. Later, I removed myself from tag as I was confused whether to
meet her or not. Later I kept on liking that status, so she can see it and come to know about my
arrival. Somewhere in my heart I had something for her. Had mixed feelings of meeting her or not.
After keeping our luggage in a booked room, we went for outing outside guest house, which was
inside the Golden Temple area and owned by its authorities. It was late evening by now, we were
roaming on the streets around Golden Temple, my excitement was increasing minute by minute,
was looking at every girl. I did not miss single second to look at face of each girl who passed from
in front me, even I looked inside cars passing by and small scooties, because I know she drove
scooty. It was more than two years now, did not hear her voice over the phone. Was recalling her
conversations in mind. I was in my own thoughts thinking dreaming about her quietly. My sister
asked me why am I so quite? I remember we had Gol Gappas (Indian Dish) in front of McDonalds,
lot of local dwellers have stalls selling on the street. My family stopped in front of toy shop to find a
good toy for my little nephew. While my family was bargaining for price of a toy, I was watching
girls in hope I might see her anywhere, praying, manifesting, repeating affirmations. Was getting
irritated a little as my family was taking lot of time to choose a toy as I had an idea she goes to
Golden Temple everyday at same time or early. Wanted to go inside it as soon as possible so she
would not leave Temple. It was already late and was feeling disappointed, I now was getting super
frustrated to meet her which I could not show to family. It was late evening and we reached at front
side of Temple, but one of the elder family member changed decision to enter from front gate. I had
idea that my girlfriend enters or exits from front gate mostly. We decided to go from backside as our
guest house was near to that gate. I lost hope to meet her that day, but was still confused I should
meet her or not. I left everything on higher power that you call Universe or God (Let Go). I was
sure I won't call her whatever happens. Previously when we were in market while purchasing toy
for nephew, I sat on a scooter nearby looking for girls, so I should not miss her, if she is passing by.
In every girl, I was trying to see her, I tried to imagine her besides me. Almost looked face of every
girl. We were near front gate of Golden Temple and I continuously looked the street if she is passing
by chance.

It was late now, we went inside removing shoes and slippers and clicked few snaps, I was
continuously looking everywhere for her, missing good times, had a feeling like butterflies in
stomach. Took a round around Parikrama (Small religious water body structure inside Temple full
of Water), went to the main building where Sikh religious book is kept, where Sikhs bow their head
in front of it. Prayed their for my recovery of everything with her, wishes in Golden Temple are
granted. Previously my wishes were granted whenever I prayed. Luckily I met one of my another
female cousin who resides in Delhi where I live, she came to Amritsar one day prior to us. We went
to Akal Takhat (Another Temple in same Complex), which again reminded me of her, we met four
years ago at the same place, where I waited for four hours and she was with her family member, her
dad met me as well. Later her another family member came and she did not give me single chance
to talk to her, I was crushed and disappointed, another day we again met just for ten minutes, that
time also I made manifestation I will meet her both days and universe made it possible and I happily
left for Delhi. Was manifesting since that time.

Morning we had to head for Temples nearby Amritsar and had to board Taxi, also had plans to go
Wahga Border (India Pakistan Border) to watch border closing ceremony, later we canceled
program to go Wahga Border due to time shortage. We came back to guest house, all wanted to rest,
but I wanted to go back to Golden Temple, so I can search her though it was very late and it was not
possible that she would be there. Still I practiced positivity and high vibration so I can attract her.
Was praying Universe to bring her at the same time when I go to Golden Temple again. In a relaxed
mood went to Golden Temple to simply meditate on God, sat at same place where we met in past, in
front of Akaal Takhat, was in her memories, still looking and expecting her, anyhow I could meet

Universe gave me other sign, I saw her parents passing from in front of me where I was sitting on
the ground. They did not recognize me. After all it was four years I saw them, her father had greyed
now. I saw him in white beard. I got another hope, may be universe drags her to me. I kept
practicing my positivity, kept practicing affirmations, visualizing, prayer, whatever I could do.
Repeated affirmations in present tense. I had one and half day left in Amritsar. I had the hope,
universe will bring her to me. I again took round of Temple after I saw her parents so I could find
her or her brother as I became excited.

Next morning we left for nearby Temples around Amritsar. Before leaving I came out of my room
and went straight towards window of Guest House, watching people outside, there was a park near
Golden Temple where few ladies were practicing Yoga, I was looking everywhere so I can see her if
she might have come there for morning walk. But I found no one. Early in the morning we went for
short walk outside, where we enquired about Taxis and their charges to visit temples. While all were
having tea, I went ahead enquiring for Taxis alone, where I could see few girls driving scooties,

thought if she is passing by I could meet her once. I saw a school there named Sri Guru Harkrishan
Public School, she used to tell me she completed her schooling from this school, I was not sure if
this is the same one, clicked the photograph of school for my memory. Also there was a park nearby
which touched Golden
Temple's boundary may be, tried to look her there even, might be she has come for a walk. Later,
we left for temples and round about we visited ten Sikh Temples, we also reached Baba Budda Ji
(Name of Temple) which reminded me of her. Last time when she met me, she asked about same.
When I had raw Onion with Indian Bread (Roti) there, as its known for a good fortune there, and I
had an urge to have mouth freshner before meeting her. But could not get it.

Prayed almost every temple I visited to meet her. I was continuously thinking about her, everyone
felt my silence and wondered why I am so quite. We came back to Amritsar again in late evening
after having visit to Temples. It was Eight 'O' clock almost in the night. I had mixed feelings she
will be meeting me, whether she will come to Golden Temple at this time or not, because generally
she used to go there during the day or evening. It was late, I was loosing hope, carried on with my
manifestations making my belief strong. Sometimes I felt like I should call her, but no, I was still
determined that I won't call her now whatever happens and if she would not meet me I will go back
to Delhi leaving everything on Universe. Another reason, I lost all power and guts to talk to her

After reaching, I thought now all my family members would go inside Golden Temple, but story
again was different, they made program to have dinner at nearby restaurant, I could feel butterflies
in stomach. Amritsari Kulcha is popular dish of Amritsar and I love it (full of butter with potato
stuff inside with chollaas), but could not enjoy eating. I wanted to run towards Golden Temple but
could not. After dinner even, they did not go to Golden Temple, instead landed to guest house for
rest, what could I do? I followed them with off mood. It was late, might be Nine 'O' Clock or Nine
Thirty in night and this time was making me disappointed as it was again late. This time I decided
to bluff all, told everyone I am outside the room and going to balcony and left for Golden Temple
and texted my sister I am going to Golden Temple and switched my phone off.

After removing shoes. I was again inside Golden Temple continued with her search looking every
girl and passing person. I stood and sat in front of Akal Takhat where we met last time. Waited for
long time, this was the final time I could meet her, next day in afternoon I had to board a train in
afternoon for Delhi. So, if not now means never. I did not see her, again I went for the round of
Golden Temple (Parikrama around water lake), then went inside the main building. I recalled once
last time she told me about roof of Golden Temple, where generally no one goes and its easy to
meet in privacy. So I used stairs, checked first floor where the Holy Book of Sikhs (Guru Granth

Sahib handwritten by Sikh King Maharaja Ranjit Singh is kept) searched whole floor if by chance I
see her. She was not there even. I went to second floor which was the top most floor where I sat for
few minutes where I could see lot of people and many tourists from Europe or America talking in
their native language. I could feel my heart beating very fast, was repeating "Please make me meet
her once, please, please". After spending long time in main building, I was going back with no hope
of meeting her now, as it was very late now and thought she will not come now. Started walking in
Parikrama again, felt bit disappointed and relaxed, came in mind now she will not come, relaxed
because I could do nothing, so I think I subconsciously released my resistance to universe, thought
never mind if she did not come to meet me, gave up all expectation, still carrying hope and looking
all faces, I felt tired of continuously walking and searching her.

After loosing hope I called my family to accompany me in Golden Temple and all came after few
minutes. And as usual I was with them, we went inside Golden Temple's main building again. I was
giving my energy to her thoughts still, expecting universe would drag her anyhow to me, thinking
about final result, now it was universe's duty to bring her anyhow. During late night, lot of people
inside Golden Temple to see last ceremony of the day of taking back the Holy book Guru Granth
Sahib (kept on Sedan Chair of Gold)to another different building and people find it very auspicious

to be there, I was outside main gate, looking around everywhere, heard sound of Royal Bugle. It
was similar to King passing from in front of us. Sikhs treat their Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib as
not less than any King, like it is King of Universe.

Crowd was increasing as it was Friday night, lot of people from nearby villages come to visit
Golden Temple, mostly they are farmers. As its the biggest Sikh Holy Place, it attracts lot of public
from all over the world. After loosing hopes, kept looking for her in the crowd. I was standing with
one of my family member, I saw something surprising in a crowd, it was my girlfriend's dad, whom
I saw one day before. I was not very surprised but kept looking at him, where is he going? He then
disappeared in crowd. Few minutes passed, we now were in a mood to go inside Akal Takhat
building and went to its stairs. I was feeling relaxed and normal knowing I have to go Delhi
tomorrow. Followed my family members and started climbing Akal Takhat stairs and I casually
looked left side and again I saw her dad, then her mom besides him, then his brother, I made logic
she must be there if her family is there, looked everyone around them and I found her , she was
standing in front of my eyes finally !!! Oh My God !!! Universe dragged her finally to where
exactly I was waiting for her. I could not believe it, I was not dreaming and that's for sure. I think
my mom realized they are there prior to me but did not want to meet them, might be she was shy or
some other problem (Our family relations were not very good since beginning). That is why she did
not tell anyone that they are standing there. I felt uncomfortable in front of my mom to approach
her, so I slowed my speed so my mom could surpass me. Now, my family went inside building and
I reversed my steps towards her and patted her on back once, looked straight at her face and raised
my eyebrows, she was stunned to see me suddenly in front of her.

She was continuously looking at me like she is in a dream and cannot believe how I suddenly came
in front of her. I remember her cute small fair and glowy face with brightened eyes. It seemed like

her eyes are bigger than her face the way she was continuously looking at me stunned without
blinking her eyes. Her complexion was looking very fair, as the white light of Akal Takhat came up
straight on her face and people around her. She was surrounded by her family members, so did not
get chance to conversate with her. All members in her family met me nicely, including her brother.
My dad came up and met them all and within ten minutes we left and she continued to look at me
with her bright eyes. Seemed she wants to talk to me and want me to stay there. I did not exchange
my number with her again and neither she asked, may be she was shy in front of all. We went inside
Langar Hall (Community Kitchen) to have blessed food. I was still angry with her. Thought lets see
what happens next. Did not think much about future, just kept thinking about the conversation
couple hours ago.
My family was not much interested in meeting them due to mediocre relations with them. They
already decided not to meet previously. When her family met, they had a doubt I might have given
them a phone call to meet in Golden Temple, I made clear my family that it was a coincidence and
not to think wrong. I never wanted to tell them that I manifested and attracted her and this meeting
through mind power.

My phone rings, I got email. It was her email with different name. I replied, she asked my number
and told when am I going back to Delhi. Told her everything and whole night we had a chat. Next
morning I get her phone call. She requested to meet me again somewhere. So we earlier decided to
meet at Jalian Wala Bagh, later changed the place to Golden Temple and talked about our past and
to how to change our future which is favorable for both. She cried in front of me so I can accept her
back, I was not ready to give her chance after what she did with me. I could not forget, she assured
me that she will prove and we will have a best relationship. We met on 17th October 2015 for one
hour and clicked few photographs, then I boarded train and left for Delhi. Exchanged emails and
texts on the way. After completing my journey, I clicked a photo with my camera and later realized,
previous snap I clicked where we are together few hours ago, when I was in Amritsar. I smiled, my
manifestation has come true as she is back to my life.

Not to pull more. My aim in this story to tell you is how I attracted meeting with her. Few things
exactly happened as I manifested. You have to be on a particular vibration to attract anything,
including relationships, money anything you want.

Following are few practices which I want to share, I followed when I reached Amritsar:

1) Continuous Praying in present tense "God has made me meet her".

2) Praying normally even, "Please make me her meet"
3) Looking at every girl passed in front of me.
4) Looking inside every car passing.
5) Expected her to see everywhere.
6) Searched all places inside Golden Temple.
7) Imagined herself walking with me.
8) While sitting inside temple, kept looking around everywhere, expected and thought withing
two minutes she is coming to me.
9) Went to places where she said she generally visits inside Golden Temple.
10) While my family was shopping, I sat on a scooter parked on the road and thoroughly felt
excited about already meeting her and looked all girls driving scooter and walking on streets.
11) Making manifestation and believing that we reached Golden Temple at the same time.
12) Thinking, universe has dragged her to me anyhow from anywhere to meet me.
13) Imagining a crain in my mind picking her up and keeping her besides me.
14) After I lost hope of meeting her, I released resistance, I made myself relaxed and ready to go
to Delhi.
15) Kept saying Thank you in mind.
16) Thought about her positive qualities and heard her talking to me.
17) Felt emotions while praying.
18) Imagined her holding my hand.
19) I knew Law of Attraction takes time, it took one day's time for me to attract her.
20) Belief in mind that wishes get fulfilled in Golden Temple.
21) Thought about end result, removing how part from in between. Included, she has come to me
anyhow, its the work of universe to bring her to me.
22) Sat besides Sarovar (Water)in Golden Temple and threw coin and prayed "Make me meet
her". Its an old belief that you throw coin in water and pray for something, it fulfills.
23)Threw off my Ego to approach her. Ego is a big resistance to get anything. Important
to throw off our ego.
24) Kept liking my sister's status of reaching Golden Temple, so she can also read that.

Later when our phone conversation started happening, she said she thought everything is over
between us and if I will meet her in future, I (me) will ignore her, it was miracle for her also to meet
me surprisingly. She continued to say me "Thanks for meeting there and approaching me". Also she
told she could’nt sleep whole night after we met and kept thinking about me, also she and other
family members kept searching for me after I left. She already thought if she sees even one positive
move from my side, she will never let me go anywhere. Often she tells me now, she prayed multiple
times in Golden Temple and said whenever you are in Gurudwara (Sikh Temple), whatever is going
in your mind, fulfills. Also said she read our status of reaching Golden Temple and she wanted to
talk to me. Said we generally never go to Golden Temple so late, don't know why situation
happened and that day many relatives met their family inside Temple. Also she had to purchase
something from market and instead of going after visiting Golden Temple, she shopped before.
See, Universe was making alignment between us, so we meet each other at the same time, and we
met again.

Thank You universe or making my manifestation true. Thought came to mind "KAHAANI ABHI

Jasjit Singh
23rd February 2016

PS: Few things are personal like my girlfriend name and what happened after we revived, so I did
not mention in the book. However, I would tell you that everything in our relationship is very good
2. ***SP STORYTIME!!***
My previous sp, who reminded me of the count of monte Christo with his dignified and mysterious
countenance , and swarthy good looks, who honored the ancient ways, classic literature , rainstorms
and the violin ....

Who I was soooooo in love with I would just think of him and just start WEEPING a waterfall
( happy tears)
because I thought he was such a dashing bewitching tantalizing person ...

Well, he didn’t know I liked him .., that I fancied him so profoundly ( I have a Clint Eastwood
poker face) ...I showed him NO SIGNS.

He would routinely call me and tell me about all these girls he was dating....

He would petition me for advice, send their pictures, send me screen shots of their text messages to
analyze ?

HE told me I was his twin SISTER who had died at birth.

It was WILD !

But I knew we shared a kinship that transcended the ages.

I decided to SCRIPT that he would come to me, fluidly, and with ease. I scripted that we would
enjoy a passionate joyous interlude ( that was my end )

Also every night, as I snuggled in my bed , I would hug my body pillow passionately and kiss it
with eyes wide shut and embrace it and IMAGINE it was him...IT FELT TOTALLY NATURAL,
not contrived, not challening or calculated...

*****One thing I didn’t do, was lift a finger****


I didn’t know Neville yet

I didn’t know about sleeping in the wish fulfilled ...but I knew about FAITH , confidence and being
a tough bad a$$ chica, SCRIPTING and MANIFESTATION in general.

I KNEW my script would come true. In some shape or form and I inhabited a quiet
ASSUREDNESS that it would eventuate.

Don’t ask me how I knew. I think I just had unwavering faith in myself (which now I realize is

EVEN THOUGH He would call me and tell me about other girls, MY FAITH PREVAILED!!!
I didn't feel jealous or desperate...I had too much FAITH. Can you believe it ?!? I’d sit there for
hours and talk to him about his love interests!!

Sometimes we’d fall asleep on the phone while he was yakking about some chick !!
But I would humor him.

He dated FOUR girls in almost 2 years !!! They were all cute and adorable.

BUT I didn’t let it deter me.

I KNEW my script would come alive ?

So I played along.

I gave him honest heartfelt advice about ALL four women and actually HELPED him!!!

I NEVER tried to sabotage him or meddle in the middle (now I’m Glad I didn’t )

I just let things flow

( now in hindsight , I realize all these other women were JUST the bridge of incidents )

Because none of it mattered , I KNEW my script would MATERIALIZE. And it did ?


ALMOST TWO YEARS later. He arrived at my doorstep, without me even lifting a finger.
In the most romantic way possible he approached me with flowers and a teddy bear , and sugary
words ? .... when I LEAST expected it !!

I had just lived in the end, without even realizing it! My eyes were fixated on my vision.

Nothing else mattered

AND NOW THAT I KNOW NEVILLE. I truly understand how this rhythm of life works.

I AM God !!! I can accomplish anything !!! I can possess anything.

I don’t have to work or strain or Fight my creations.

NO SIR!!!! NO Ma’am!!

I just need to IMAGINE. Chill in the wish fulfilled and have FAITH in God’s almighty handiwork.

I mean it’s laughable how EASY it truly is.

For all of you concerned about SP, I would encourage you all to chillaxxxxxx. Quit the analysis and
the pining.

Cry if you need to let it out Clean the slate.

And THEN....

Just switch out your inner movie. Your inner screenplay And allow the magic to unfold IN GODS
Everything you want has ALWAYS been yours. You really don’t need to try so hard

Just fall In love with God , which is YOU. And fall in love with your imagination. Everyone will
see God’s love in you, and be drawn to it ...

Why don’t you try it?

You have EVERYTHING to gain. Your SP is waiting on your next command. You author their
script. They are your creation. You can place the words upon their tongue and the movement in their

Simmer in that knowledge

( I’ve manifested 3 sp’s back next time I will tell you about another )

P.s- the pillow incident came true in 3D!!!

Addendum - it took almost 2 years for this process to unfold ... but who cares ! Time is a joke when
you going to live FOREVER.

Your imagination is the ONLY TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you Free.
3. Manifested Boyfriend And Then Manifested
Him Back!
I wanted to share my story, in return for all of your stories that helped me keep my faith.

I am in my late thirties and had never been in a relationship. I had great friends, a wonderful family
and a successful career but never found love. I had been wanting that “special person” since I was a
teenager. I watched all my friends get married and have kids, wondering what was wrong with me.

My friend who is a great believer in The Secret told me to make a list of all the traits I wanted in a
boyfriend. Having nothing to lose, I made a very detailed list of what I wanted, from looks, to
values, financial status, interests, down to what his own family members were like. I was extremely
specific. I soon forgot the list, not really believing that it would do me any good. A few weeks later
I met a man who I instantly fell for. As I began to get to know him, I realized that he had every
single quality on that list.

We had a wonderful relationship. It was everything I had every dreamed of for years. After about
six months however, I began to doubt myself. We got along great. We never had any arguments and
we were always supportive and positive toward each other. However, I could not shake the feeling
that this was too good to be true and that he would break up with me. Which was, of course, exactly
what happened. There was no messy breakup; one day I just never heard back from him.

I was devastated. He was the most perfect person for me. I felt like I dreamt him into existence just
for me. I loved him with all my heart and had complete respect for him. Because of this, I just let
him go. I didn’t chase him with phone calls and texts, knowing that would just make me look
desperate and lose my own self-respect.

I was still incredibly sad, however, I really wanted him back in my life. At this point, I remembered
The Secret, which brought him into my life originally. Admittedly, it was a lot harder this time
because I was so attached to him. I set a date that I wanted to hear from him by, 4 weeks away. I
visualized, wrote in my journal and did affirmations. I tried so hard to stay positive, even on the
rough days.

Then the date came: no message from my boyfriend. I was so angry. I really wanted to believe that
The Secret works. I gave up completely. Two days later however, I turned my phone off during a
long flight. When I turned it back on, I had gotten a text message from him!! He apologized and
said everything that I had been visualizing. I was over the moon. I still am so grateful.

I realized in retrospect that although I was doing all the “right things”, I was still incredibly attached
to him. As soon as I let go, all of my wishes came true, similar to how I found this perfect person in
the first place. So please, I know how hard it is but just believe with all your heart and then let that
wish go so the magic can happen.

4. How I Attracted a Specific Person
Okay, to be honest, I wasn’t going to write this post because it seems a bit personal for me. BUT, so
many people are asking me about this so I might as well just write a post.

I found the most attractive man in my business statistics class my first semester of college. Not only
was he physically beautiful, he was also incredibly smart - planning to double major in two finance
majors. at first glance, he seemed like a entirely straight dude - he was in a frat, and a football
player in highschool - so I didn’t have much confidence in getting anywhere near him, relationship

This is a two semester class, we had been “eyeing” each other and exchanging looks the entire last
semester, but nothing flourished. I never asked him out because I was positive he wasn’t gay, so I
didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of a seemingly straight, popular frat bro.

(btw, I start doing my scenes one week after winter break, so this is after i got my apartment and car
– so I had entire confidence in neville’s teachings.)

Literally a little less than one week after falling asleep in the state (I started on the saturday
following our return from winter break and we talked the following friday.) he came up to me and
said “I haven’t had the balls to ask you this, but here I am. do you want to go on a date with me
tomorrow night?”

That’s it. I did not worry about any resistance, nor if he was gay or not - all I did was fall asleep
repeating that same scene. I didn’t even have to ask him out! neville never talked about resistance,
did he? no!

All you need to do is ** do the technique.** it’s that simple, but it’s not easy! obviously it will be
easy when you gain mental strength when looping the scene, but nonetheless, it’s not as easy as it is

There’s a rare tv lecture that neville had (we only have the audio, no visual, unfortunately) but he
talks about the sleep aspect. I’m not quoting directly since I don’t have it with me but it’s similar to
“I do believe in sleeping in the scene, since it seems to hasten the outward externalization.” I’ll find
the video and post it later.

good luck everyone! you can do it! but remember, there’s no cheap way if you want to manifest like
neville did! just do it the way he did - fall asleep while you keep repeating your scene, adding as
much sensory vividness you can. that’s all you have to do!
5. Just by Faith Specific Person Manifested
I’d like to share how I manifested a boyfriend.

I saw this guy on an early social media platform called Friendster. He was a band member of a guy I
was seeing at the time.

He was CUUUTE and we liked all the same things. I was instantly drawn to him. I thought because
we have the same interests it would be easy to start conversations. So, one night his away message
on aol instant messenger said that he was sick at one of his shows and had to leave. It was bad, he
had the flu and had to go home. He was upset about it.

Messaging him was probably the best decision I made that night, maybe even that year :). Questions
are pretty easy to ask when a person is ill and of course there was concern (it sounded horrible).

Anyway, he answered and we chatted back and forth. I felt very grateful but, at the time reluctant
because he had a long time girlfriend.

I knew we would be good for each other and that conversation confirmed it. The spark was there
and the so were compliments. We liked each other. It was just there. The girlfriend situation would
be what it was - i thought. I didn’t give up, i just knew. Which can be chalked up to faith.

Over the years he was taken, we were single and had a great time getting to know each other, then
he was taken, then we were both taken and FINALLY 2 years later we were both single. There were
some back and forth times, me back at college and his new life (he had accomplished a lot at the
time). At one point he had said that we werent exclusive and went on a date with another girl.

I cried but, understood that we were just going with the flow. No discussion about our status was
made. We were free to do whatever really. The feels def came out though ?.

The next day I felt better and soon after we were official: on one of the most gorgeous, lucky days
i’ve ever had. It took persistence, faith and trust. The relationship was manifested.

At the time I had no idea I manifested it. Infact, it wasn’t until Joseph Alai that I realized it was a
manifestation. It’s amazing that we can do it purposefully.

Really, anything is possible and feel so grateful ✨

Bye from NY.

6. SUCCESS!! Yes, I Attracted a Specific
Hello Friends,

I come with an exciting post today! Many of you are familiar with my story and I feel so grateful to
have found this forum. I've found so much support here when I've been down or confused and on
the flip side of that, so many who share in my joy when I have good news to report!

So - today, I have some more good news: YES, I ATTRACTED A SPECIFIC PERSON.

In my last post, I wrote about manifesting a phone call from my ex (Boy #1) whom I ultimately
want to attract back and still love dearly, but not in a desperate way. I know I am absolutely fine and
amazing and happy without him :) - but it took me quite some time to get to this place. In that same
post, I wrote with quite a lot of excitement about Boy #2, who I had sort of met a few times before
and who had caught my eye (because he is very handsome ^^) Well, I have quite a lot of success to
report with Boy #2:
- I attracted meeting him properly :)
- I manifested a message from him on my birthday
- I manifested some really fun conversations via email - and in my mind I imagined how they would
go and they worked out EXACTLY, if not better than I had mentally 'scripted'
- I manifested meeting him out at drinks with some mutual friends
- And just the other night I manifested a kiss (well, quite a few kisses actually ;) )!

I just wanted to reiterate that the whole time, I was really excited at the prospects but was really
open to the Universe just working things out for me. It's amazing. In my mind, I thought I would
have to get a mutual friend to set us up, but as it happened, we met completely independently and it
has been a really natural progression... I have been really positive the whole time and really, very
detached. Just a few weeks ago, I wrote here very upset because I could feel a desperate attachment
forming between my intention to get back together with my ex and that not working out, I guess
because we have no history, there are no inner blocks, no negative thoughts, no worries about things
not working out or anything like that (I had been fee. Just excitement at the possibilities :) I feel like
this is a lesson I really needed to learn, it prepares me for attracting all my desires and gives me
faith that it is definitely possible!

It seems crazy to think that this has all happened in the space of a month! Really, the Universe
knows the quickest, most simplest route to your desire. The Universe can see things that you can't
yet see. You just have to keep 110% FAITH that the Universe knows best and just hand it over and
continue with life on your happy path.

So, now I know that this is how you do it. IT IS POSSIBLE. I am living proof! THIS IS
AMAZING. Rewind a month or so ago and I had never even met him properly. I knew who he was
and found him very attractive

Things that I have done recently:

- Just generally kept very upbeat, happy, hopeful and expectant that good things are coming my
- I have been listening to a lot of Bashar to deepen my understanding of LOA.
- I have mentally scripted conversations in my mind - and to my great surprise, they have worked
out perfectly!
- I wrote a list of all the characteristics I would want in my ideal partner (as it happens, many of
them are qualities I loved about my ex) but there are also things on there - I was completely
indulgent in writing this list. I recommend doing it. It is amazing, but make sure you are really open
when writing it.
- Whenever I remember, I express gratitude for what I have in my life.
- I spoil myself, I show myself love first (which I didn't used to do) and I feel that I am Number One
in my life and that I deserve nothing but the best.
- I have been sharing my successes and excitement with all of my friends.
- I have been imagining the possibilities with him, entertaining that he could maybe be the One
(even though deep down I feel it is probably my ex, but I don't feel attached to only that. It is still
such early days with Boy #2 so I am not jumping to any conclusions, I am remaining open!)
- I have decided that I am ready to move forward and create my own reality
- I feel FINALLY that I have let go of the past and instead have been focussing on making the
present amazing and creating an amazing future for myself and really believing in it.

For the first time in a very long time, I feel so relaxed and at peace. The Universe has my back. I
know that it knows my desires and even though the Universe might not take me through the front
door, so to speak, the journey through the garden and around the side is such a beautiful one which
is teaching me so many amazing and wonderful things!

I don't know what is going to happen with Boy #2, but I am so confident that I have the Power in
me to direct it any way I please - and for now, it is so FUN and SO exciting! I don't know what the
future holds, but I know it is only good things if that is what I want and believe in!

Light and love to you all :-*

7. Writing Own Destiny
Today I met with my very good friend in a cafe after 5 months. I felt like the person I saw today
was not a person whom I saw 5 months ago. This girl came and announced ' I am getting engaged
next week.' I was amazed and still am. She is a believer and she knows that the only person who can
create her life circumstances is herself. She allowed me to share her beautiful story in this group to
the last detail with you,so here it is:

6 months ago, this girl met a man to whom she felt immediate attraction. They kept seeing each
other, but after a while he told her he does not feel a strong connection to her and he stopped
contacting her. She felt desperate,sad and ugly. (that was the last time I saw her last year). She
believed that maybe it is supposed to be like that so she kept living a life in self-pity. but not for
long.. after a week or 2,she awakened from a dream,where she saw her and him getting engaged.
The dream was so vivid that she decided to make it become true. She is a believer, and she
reads a lot of books regarding LOA. This was the first time she decided to use LOA in practice.
She did the following: she kept visualizing them together, and she FELT the strong connection
during the whole day 24/7. Her friends kept telling her it is NOT possible, and they even sent her
pictures of him being with another girl. So many doubts came to her mind, but she kept believing.
She did not see another woman, it was not important. It must have been hard, but her stubborn faith
continued. She even visited a fortune teller, where this woman told her, this man is NOT her
destiny, and she should NOT focus on him,because he has another girl. After leaving the fortune
teller, she closed her eyes, began breathing deeply and was again back in the feeling. Other people
who call themselves conscious creators(her close friends) told her, it is NOT possible to attract
someone specific. She still persisted.All the time. During the day time she did all her activities, it
means she was not dwelling on the idea,but was living a happy life, which she described as a
continuous BLISS. She felt that state naturally and was living in the 'now'. After 6 weeks of
visualizing,praying,I AMing,affirming,living happily her life, loving every second of 'now', she
'accidentaly' met her guy in the city. He approached her and told her, in the time they weren't in
touch, he kept receiving signs which reminded him of her, therefore he could not forget about her.
He was even dreaming with her even though he said he did not want to. When he approached her
she was calm, and she knew what she wanted has to come to pass. He said his feelings towards her
changed and he would like to het another chance. So there she is. 20 years old, engaged with
someone she decided to be with me. ( this all happened during the last 3 months)

Happy End!
8. Proper Application of (1) PRAYERIZE,
I have personally practiced this three-point prayer method and find great power in it. It has been
suggested to others who have likewise reported that it released creative power into their
experience. For example, a woman discovered that her husband was drifting from her. Theirs
had been a happy marriage, but the wife had become preoccupied in social affairs and the husband
had gotten busy in his work. Before they knew it, the close, old-time companionship was lost. One
day she discovered his interest in another woman. She lost her head and became hysterical.
She consulted her minister, who adroitly turned the conversation to herself. She admitted being a
careless homemaker and that she had also become self-centered, sharp-tongued, and nagging. She
then confessed that she had never felt herself the equal of her husband. She had a profound sense
of inferiority regarding him, feeling unable to maintain equality with him socially and intellectually.
So she retreated into an antagonistic attitude that manifested itself in petulance and criticism.
The minister saw that the woman had more talent, ability, and charm than she was revealing. He
suggested that she create an image or picture of herself as capable and attractive. He whimsically
told her that "God runs a beauty parlor" and that faith techniques could put beauty on a
person's face and charm and ease in her manner. He gave her instruction in how to pray and how
spiritually to "picturize."

He also advised her to hold a mental image of the restoration of the old-time companionship, to
visualize the goodness in her husband, and to picture a restored harmony between the two of them.
She was to hold this picture with faith. In this manner he prepared her for a most interesting
personal victory.

About this time her husband informed her that he wanted a divorce. She had conquered herself to
the extent of being able to receive this request with calmness. She simply replied that she was
willing if he wanted it, but suggested a deferral of the decision for ninety days on the ground
that divorce is so final. "If at the end of ninety days you still feel that you want a divorce, I will co-
operate with you." She said this calmly. He gave her a quizzical look, for he had expected an
outburst. Night after night he went out, and night after night she sat at home, but she pictured him as
seated in his old chair. He was not in the chair, but she painted an image of him there comfortably
reading as in the old days. She visualized him pottering around the house, painting and fixing things
as he had formerly done. She even pictured him drying the dishes as he did when they were first
married. She visualized the two of them playing golf together and taking hikes as they once did.

She maintained this picture with steady faith, and one night there he actually sat in his old chair. She
looked twice to be sure that it was the reality rather than the picturization, but perhaps a
picturization is a reality, for at any rate the actual man was there. Occasionally he would
be gone but more and more nights he sat in his chair. Then he began to read to her as in the old
days. Then one sunny Saturday afternoon he asked, "What do you say to a game of golf?" The days
went by pleasantly until she realized that the ninetieth day had arrived, so that evening she said
quietly, "Bill, this is the ninetieth day." "What do you mean," he asked, puzzled, "the ninetieth day?"
"Why, don't you remember? We agreed to wait ninety days to settle that divorce matter and this is
the day." He looked at her for a moment, then hidden behind his paper turned a page, saying, "Don't
be silly. I couldn't possibly get along without you. Where did you ever get the idea I was going to
leave you?" The formula proved a powerful mechanism. She prayerized, she picturized, and the
sought-for result was actualized.

Prayer power solved her problem and his as well. I have known many people who have successfully
applied this technique not only to personal affairs but to business matters as well. When sincerely
and intelligently brought into situations, the results have been so excellent that this must be
regarded as an extraordinarily efficient method of prayer. People who take this method seriously
and actually use it get astonishing results.
9. A Success Story about Atracting a
Specific Person
Hi all! Well I haven't posted here since it first switched over from the Secret forum...but...I had to
share this story with you all, especially those wanting to attract a specific person into their lives! I
can tell you, it does work and yes you can! This is going to be a long post, I hope you're ready. But I
think it'll be worth the read for those of you looking for hope.

Back early last year I had started seeing a guy I was REALLY into. In fact, I felt like he WAS the
perfect guy for me. I had met him online and we chatted and emailed for a year before we finally
met in person. So things were great when we first started seeing each other, but, having had many
bad dating experiences before him, I was very untrusting and insecure and eventually I pushed him
away because of it. In fact, I ended up writing him quite an insulting email filled with a lot of
assumptions and accusations.

He was shocked at the email I wrote, and told me I was wrong about him. He was very polite in his
response to me, but decided it was best to end all communication from that point forward.

Realizing how stupid I was in the things I said (all of them unfounded!) I tried desperately to get
him back! I tried everything from emails of apology, to occasional short messages to him just
hoping for a response. I only ever received one response back, and that was a simple email telling
me he felt he was making the right decision to end communication. After that....nothing! I sent him
a small gift along with another apology, he sent it back. Can you say desperate?! Yes, I was doing
everything wrong!

So...I spent months thinking about this guy, wishing I hadn't screwed things up so badly, wanting a
second chance, looking for answers to help me get him back. In fact, while I had heard of the Secret
before, I never took it seriously until this moment when I found there was something I REALLY
wanted! I searched for answers, and I found them in LOA. I started reading the Secret forums and
found soooo much help and comfort in them.

I started meditating, I tried RS, I wrote the lists, I began writing in the gratitude journal, I wrote
letters to God, asking for a second chance, believing I would get one, and expressing my thanks for
all that I had and would have, knowing what I asked for would come to me. I would tell myself "I'm
going to marry this man". I would visualize us together, happy, affectionate, having fun, even
getting married. I did it all...for months!

When I first started doing these things...I had a very strong feeling my story with this guy was not
over. And for some strange reason I kept thinking I would hear from him around his birthday...and
decided that was the time I would try to get in touch with him again and just see what happens.

Well after months of trying all of these methods...nothing happened. I didn't see him, I didn't hear
from him. The only signs I had were that I'd see his name everywhere!

Eventually I told myself I was crazy to continue...and decided I had to let go and move on with my
life. Now this letting go wasn't related to anything to do with trying to get him back. I just decided
for my own sanity I had to. And obviously all the effort I had put into focusing on getting back
together with him was doing nothing for me but causing me more paind, because I couldn't let go
and I couldn't stop thinking about him as long as I was doing these things every day.
So eventually I just let go, moved on, and started seeing other people. I started dating again. Met a
few guys I liked but knew none of them were "the one"...even though when I met them I had hopes
that they would be. And after the end of every one of these short relationships I would think back to
this guy...and think to myself "he was the one".

His birthday was a few months ago...and at the time I was seeing another guy...having many ups
and downs and trying so hard to make a relationship work that deep down I knew was going
nowhere. Then one day, I signed into my MSN....and there he was! I was shocked! Normally I'd
jump at the opportunity to talk to him! Especially after all that time. But for some reason I held
back. I felt unsure and I was still in the process of another relationship, still in it's early stages, and
trying to make it work. So I hesitated, and didn't go on to talk to him. I watched...and a few days
later he was on again. I thought he had long ago removed me from his msn! Again...I didn't talk to
him. Part of me was still shocked he was there, part of me wondered why he was there, and part of
me felt if I just jumped at the opportunity to talk to him again, I'd be acting desperate like I was
before...and I didn't want to start that feeling all over again.

Well...I kept thinking about him...still having not talked to him. And I noticed he had stopped
showing up online. Then I thought to myself "Oh no! This is exactly what you asked for and the
Universe delivered...and now you've blown it!" I kept thinking about him...and then I relaxed and
thought I'd send him an ecard for his birthday...after all, what have I got to lose? I also was not
thinking about getting back together with him at the time...because I was still seeing someone else.
So I was still detached from the outcome.

I sent him the card, and sure enough he came online that night. And from there we started talking
again! He didn't know I was seeing anyone and I didn't tell him, but we were just talking like old
times, like old friends. Well, a couple months later, after trying very hard at the relationship I was
in, I finally broke up with the guy I was seeing. I had no expectations of dating anyone afterwards.
In fact, I had decided I just needed a break and was going to focus on me for awhile and forget
about dating,

Funny how things come to you when you're least expecting them. 3 weeks after my break up, this
guy...this wonderful man who I spent months pining over, invites me over out of nowhere! We have
just started seeing each other again and it's even better than the first time! I am excited, but keeping
my head this time, allowing myself to be patient, and allowing myself to feel secure and just
BELIEVE. I truly believe the most important key to all of this is the last step....letting go and
detaching from the outcome and just letting God/the Universe do their work.

I smile to myself every day...and marvel at the power of the Universe to deliver exactly what we
desire. And still I tell myself..."I'm going to marry this man". :)
10. SUCCESS in my Law of Attraction
Experiment with a Specific Person !!
Last week the thought of putting my attention to another guy (instead of my love who I want back)
came to mind, and so I conducted a small "experiment". My intention was: I want to have a nice
conversation with X, as I have never spoken to him before despite we were in the same training
together where we see each other every single day for a week.

I set this intention in the morning, and let it go.

RIGHT THAT AFTERNOON, the teacher announced the teaching practicum sequence...I was right
after him. Then we had to get into pairs to practice teaching our poses to each other and guess who
was my partner? X! All because I was the one teaching right after him. So my desire came true.

The next day, we were jeopardy to review the material for our written component of the exam. X
and I weren't on the same team, but he did compliment me for getting my team on the scoreboard.

2 days after the intention was set, we had our written exam. The papers were then shuffled and we
randomly got someone else's exam to mark. While I was writing my exam, I was wondering if
either I'd get his or he'd get mine. Well turned out that I got his :)

Final day of training: the practicum. We smiled at each other as a way of good luck, and after it was
done we sat beside each other in the room and chatted. Talked about surfing, hobbies, etc. The final
exercise was partner work, and right away we looked at each other went ahead at it together.

11. Feeling Detached Attracts Girls To Me
This happened to me quite a lot in school. I'll walk around campus and see hot girls and say in my
mind "Wow! She's fucking gorgeous." or "Woah! She's cute." I would just appreciate their beauty or
style for a second and completely forget about them. Either that, or I would remember her face and
say in my mind "yeah, she's cute." And then - sometimes a few minutes later, sometimes days,
weeks, or months later, even years later - the same girl shows up in a different part of campus on my
way to somehwere. What made this manifestation so successful? I wasn't attached to it and I was
relaxed about it (partially because I believed these girls would never date me anyway so there was
no pressure to make them like like me.)

I have a female friend I used to want to date so badly (she had a boyfriend). But still, we flirted a lot
and we were attracted to each other. One time, I imagined talking to her for a brief second. And then
I heard someone calling my name and there she was walking out of class on my way to the train and
we started talking. What made this manifestation so successful? I wasn't attached to to the outcome
emotionally since she had a boyfriend anyway. But I enjoyed the feeling of attraction to her so I
guess I got more of that.

The same girl asked for my number after breaking up with her ex. But she never texts back even
when she asks me to text her and I know my social skills on texting aren't bad because other girls
text back. Maybe I have some emotional attachments I need to let go? After looking deeper into my
attraction to this chick, I realized I didn't really want to date her. So as a fun LOA experiment, I
decided to manifest a text message from her. I imagined the blinking orange dot on my old
Blackberry Torch and how funny it would be to get a text from her and start talking again like the
old days. At first, I was too attached to the thought - I had my doubts, then I got attached to the
visualization, then I decided to just forget it. I just decided to focus on myself over Thanksgiving
break - eating turkey, eating pie, finishing homework, watching Big with Tom hanks (great movie
by the way), playing Devil May Cry, helping my Dad and my brother rake the leaves, and then
focus on my writing - the one thing I'm most passionate about. While I was writing, she texted me.
It's like my positive vibes from writing attracted a positive vibe from seeing this come true. But the
conversation didn't go so well. She was looking for attention and ain't nobody got time for that.

In high school, I had a crush on this girl. We were becoming friends and I had no problem flirting
with her. I was too immature to start dating because I enjoyed the flirting too much. And what
manifested? I got to sit next to her during the AP exams and she somehow got switched into my
team in the second half of the year - which gave us more opportunities to flirt. BUT - I started
developing real feelings for her. And then I questioned my worth as dating material. I had no
confidence to ask her out. After those anxious feelings came in - she disappeared from my life and I
manifested it by our different schedules.

So what works for me is letting go of the need to control the outcome, just enjoy the flow of it all,
enjoy making your life awesome, and learn to stay positive about what you want and detach from it.

*PS- What I mean by being detached (for me personally) is NOT to feel nothing for someone or an
outcome but just to let go of the need to control the situation and to let go of negative thoughts. Just
relax and don't worry about it.

I always wanted to get straight A's and I only did so this semester. In previous semesters, I was
stressing myself out way too much and killing myself with anxious and worrying thoughts. As a
result, I made myself sick a lot and couldn't manifest all A's. My grades were still good but not as
good as I would like them to be even though I worked very hard for them. This semester was very
busy but I got A's by RELAXING more in spite of the pressure. My parents thought I crazy for
doing this but I actually took 2-3 hours just chilling out with video games and music in between
study sessions. I believe that relaxing gave myself a ton of positive energy to do a good job. In the
older days, I would have stayed up and crammed myself to death and just over-think everything
with anxiety and wind up with just B's which was frustrating for me. This time, thanks to
visualization, faith, gratitude, and relaxing - my vision came true. This big difference here was that
instead of worrying when I got a C on a test or a project wasn't doing so well, I simply relaxed,
refocused my thoughts, visualized with positive emotions, and continued to work in a new, better
way to get the A's.

It's the same in my personal life (or lack of it lol) - I simply detach from needing to control and
needing to worry about everything. When I get anxious about how I should talk to a girl or what
elaborate and witty lines I should say to get into her heart - I lose her because anxiety just shuts me
down before I have the chance to talk to her. It's not my feelings for the girl that drive her away - I
like these feelings and we shouldn't escape them - it's really my feelings for myself that need help. I
had so many limiting beliefs about myself and this manifested the adverse relationships with the
girls. I was comfortable being friends, but when I get more than friendly feelings - I start to attack
myself with limiting beliefs. For example, she wouldn't want to date me because I'm not handsome
enough, not smart enough, not tall enough, not this enough, yadda yadda yadda. As a result, the
friendship turns sour because I don't interact with them anymore since my confidence disappears.
As a result, the girls start to mirror my odd behavior because they probably think I don't like them
and it makes them sad. So like me - they become guarded and that's how like attracts like (even if
they probably do like me - it will appear as if they don't because they want to protect their emotions
from my cold attitude). Often, my best interactions with girls came when I had confidence, got out
of my mind, and just started listening and talking about anything I wanted to talk about. For me,
turning off anxious thoughts is the key. I'm not proposing to detach from feelings of love or
attraction that you have. It is better to hold on to those positive vibes as long as they help you on
your journey. But sometimes I often start to worry and get anxious when I think about something
too much. For example, when I manifested my friend texting me, I still kept the emotion of fun and
genuine friendship in mind, visualized it for about 20 seconds, and had faith that it would work. By
detaching - I did not give up the feeling of fun and friendship. I actually kept that feeling inside of
me like a magnet to attract what I want and did more activities that intensified those emotions (for
example, working with my Dad and brother intensified the feeling of friendship, writing intensified
the feeling of fun). Instead, I chose not to THINK over and over again about getting that text. Why?
because thinking about it over and over would make me question myself and start to doubt myself
which is going to mess with my juju. Plus, thinking about it over and over would detract me from
the present moment and fully experiencing the love, fun, and gratitude of now which attracts my
desires for later.
12. I Attracted a Specific Person !!!
This is the second time I've done it. The first one was years ago before applying LOA consciously.

I liked that guy for a few months now, he is an artist, I had never met him before, he lives in a
different city. It was like I fell in love with his art. I "liked" his facebook page where he has
thousands of fans. That was all I did. I saw many messages that he was receiving every day, many
"likes" for his photos etc. I did nothing. One day I 'liked' one photo, I was one of the one hundred
people maybe at that time. Next thing I see, was a message in my inbox, from him :o giving thanks
for liking his photo. I wrote back something very simple and he tried to continue the chat we had.
We were talking like this for about a month and he asks me to go for a coffee and talk about all
those things in person (he is an artist, so it was just art basically what wer were talking about). I go
to the city where he lives because of my job every month or so, so we arranged it. We went for
coffee, it was feeling a little weird to be honest and that was it. Not real success as a date or
whatever it was... But then I realized that I liked him. I decided to apply LOA, I did a search about
him, I saw an interview on the internet where he was at his house.
I visualized being in his house, sitting on the sofa I saw etc. I wasn't attached, and I didn't feel
anxious for not happening. Just a few days later he sent a message, saying that he would like to
meet me again but more privately this time, so he invited me to his place.
Long story short, one evening I was found sitting at his place on the same sofa I had visualized... I
am not going to describe what happened next ;) and what kind of relationship we have now, but it
feels really good and I know that applying LOA I can get it where I want!


13. How I Attracted a Specific Person and
Need to do it Again
Hello, I am a new member and I've been searching for a good forum based on LOA and I think this
one is perfect. So I am here to share some manifestations with you that happened to me in the past,
some are small and one is a bigger one.

In, I think, fall of 2016 I learned more about Law of Attraction, but I didn't learn enough, I am 18
this year btw. so I was 17 then. I wanted a boyfriend, but I wasn't obsessing myself over having one,
I just thought it would be cute if I had one. So, I fell in love with this guy in October and I got an
idea to take selfies out of boredom when I decided to take a selfie pretending that I am taking a
selfie with someone else, you know like someone is next to me and no one really was, but what I
didn't know is that I was manifesting a relationship and less than 2 months later I was dating that
specific guy I fell in love with. I also sent a message to his cousin who is my best friend: "I will date
him, you'll see." and he answered: "Okay, I am scared now, you really are certain!" (in a funny way
of course) so it happened. Relationship wasn't perfect one and we dated for 2 months but it doesn't
matter, the point is I was living my life while asking the universe/technicality knowing I will be
with him.

So, now I want the same thing, but what I have realized from other manifestations that have nothing
to do with love, like wanting to have something/buy it etc. is that all those things I knew I would
have, for example, for my young cousin's first communion (Catholic thing) this year I wanted to
wear a long beautiful white dress and I thought of it and just let it go knowing I'll have it, same
thing with black jumpsuit and many other material things.

Basically, now I want this person (or should I say have this person), I did the same thing with selfies
and I did it spontaneously, I mean I wasn't planning it, I just said to myself why not. Last night I
wrote in my journal a specific date of meeting this person (he lives abroad so that's harder, but I
found one way we could meet in person) and asked the Universe to show me sign in next five
minutes if that will happen. So, the sign was not good, I saw a picture that had "break up" in the
caption and I freaked out, but what I have realized is that the reason the Universe "showed" me the
bad sign was because while asking for it I felt anxious and not good whilst if I felt happy and
positive it would be a good sign. So, basically I lost my belief for a little while, but gained it back
after realizing this and also saw a video based on this topic. What I want to say is that if you want to
have a specific person I believe you should be sure about it no matter what and occasionally "joke"
he/she is my boyfriend/girlfriend and most importantly pretend as if you are already dating him/her.
But also important step is to let go, but I don't think you need to let go in a sense that you forget
about the person (I didn't do it previously, I was still in love with him and would check his
Facebook frequently), but that you let go of the "wish" and doubts that you might have and receive
the thought that you are already with him/her and be 100% sure that it is possible to date him/her
and the most important thing is not to be afraid and act as if you don't deserve the person, you
deserve everyone you think you deserve!

Hope this helped and if you have your opinions please share them, but please don't discourage
others, you can literally get everything that you want if you believe, act as if, let go of doubts and be
happy and positive :)
14. Letting Go has a Power
Hey-o all!

I'm a newbie to this forum but have been practicing the LoA for quite some time now. I mostly
like to read posts by others as they always put a smile on my face! But today I wanted to contribute
to give all who are having conflicting thoughts about attracting a specific person hope - because I
have done this many MANY times!

A few examples -

When I was just 18 (I'm 26 now), I went out to dinner with a friend of mine. Our waiter was very
attractive and I was usually extremely shy around guys, but since he had so many tables to attend to,
I just sort of blanked on him and had an awesome time laughing and chatting with my friend. I can't
remember when I laughed harder! By the end of the night, as we paid our check, I asked him kindly
for a balloon they had strung up and he gave it to me. I smiled appreciatively and walked out the
door - not pushing any flirtation, just letting it flow. As I left, I looked back and told my friend that
he was my new boyfriend. She laughed of course and we went on our little way. About a month
later I had this sudden URGE to go eat at the restaurant and had a few friends join me. My waiter
was working and immediately recognized me as the "cute balloon girl". Later that night when he
was super busy, his fellow waitress told me that he'd just broken up with his girlfriend and he
wanted me to have his number! Coincidence that the timing was perfect? Nope! We ended up dating
for a very long time

Another was when I was invited to a concert. The lead singer of this band was a college
classmate of my friend and she needed someone to go with. This guy and I were introduced and
then he immediately went onstage to perform. As he played, I felt attracted to him (go figure!) and
told myself that he was mine. I played with that thought as he sang a beautiful song with his
acoustic guitar and imagined him singing it to me (tee hee). After the show, he was bombarded with
attention so my friend and I left. I didn't feel any anxiety about it or felt in any way competitive. I
just let it be. The very next day, he asked my friend in class for my number and we went on our first
date two days later!

Now I've had a lot of those experiences and I could list them all, but this one takes the cake...
There is absolutely no denying it! One day, when visiting a friend at a local bookstore, I noticed a
guy working at the cafe. He was a-dor-able. I instantly felt an attraction. So over the next month, I
went to this bookstore and basically stalked him!! I literally hid behind bookshelves so he wouldn't
see me and giggled like a creepy child. Honestly. I didn't even know his name and we'd never
interacted. So anyway, because I was obsessed with this guy, I thought instead, I wonder what it
would feel like to be with him. After a while, I was accepted to a college and my time was taken up.
I had so much to do that I forgot about him. This was when Myspace was big and one of my friends
loved sending messages to the hottest guys she could find. Haha. One night when we were hanging
out, she found a guy and made me look. She said this one was for me and that I had to message him.
Now I'm not that kind of girl - super shy and never wrote a guy anything! So I said no. But she kept
saying, "just say hi!! It won't hurt you!!" UGGHH! FINE! So I sent this guy a message and laughed
about how weird it felt. He wrote back fairly quickly. Over the next few days, we chatted and it
turned out we had a lot in common. I was starting to really like this guy! So I decided finally to
check his page out and read all about him... He likes this, he likes that, he plays this sport, he loves
that music, he works in the cafe at so-and-so bookstore... Wait... Hold on... It can't be - HE'S THE
SAME GUY!! Of all the guys in all the world my friend could've made me talk to and it was him!
And I'd never told anyone of my obsession! We ended up meeting officially in person 3 days later
and happily dated for 5 years!!! yes, I did tell him I used to stalk him from behind bookshelves

We can have ANYTHING we want. ANYTHING!! The Universe moves mountains! And I just
want to make it clear for you all!!

So be happy! Relax! Chill out! S'cool man

PS- Every time I have put all my energy into wanting something and focus on it all the time, I never
get it. I guess maybe I just tried too hard! But when I think of it once and let it go, it almost always
comes to me - that's the hard part.
15. A Man Gets His Dream Girl With The
Law of Attraction
One summer morning 12 years ago, I woke up from the dream that would change my life. It was
May 1995, and I woke up to the familiar sound of Voice Of America. I couldn’t get up right away,
because the dream I had was so intense. There was something about that dream which was simply
amazing. In the dream I was visited by this wonderful girl, everything about her was just right. I fell
in love right there and then. I didn’t get her name, but I saw her Asian features and I noticed that she
had long black hair and was a lot shorter than me.

That dream or whatever it was made me realize what I really wanted in life. I wanted someone like
that, how amazing would that be? I told my friends at school that I have seen the future and that I
would fall in love with an Asian girl with long black hair. They all laughed at my dream, but for me
it was no joke. That was it, my future, all I had to do was believe.

The years went by and I finished school, started working as a graphic designer, moved to a different
town, got new friends, but there was no sign of the Asian girl. I slowly started to lose a little hope,
but I could not forget her. I knew I was stuck somewhere, and my life had come to a standstill. I
needed something new. I moved out of my home country Norway to lovely Ireland for a job
opportunity. It was September 2004 and it was now almost 10 years since my amazing dream. In
early 2005, there was some buzz on the internet about something called The Secret so I had to
check it out. I was constantly trying to improve myself and this was something that really intrigued
me so I got it, watched it and was amazed.

I set up a list of things I wanted and on top of that list was my Asian girl. Then in May 2005 she
came to me again in a new dream. Her name was Ayu and she was simply beautiful. I knew that this
was not a coincidence. The universe was telling me something. This is the girl I was going to attract
to myself because I wanted her so bad. So I started writing a short story called “Dream Girl”. I
wrote about this character (me) that was visited by the girl of his dreams. I even used the name Ayu
as in my dream. I kept wishing and wanting and knowing she would be mine one day.

A lot of things happened after that, and I quit my job in February 2007 and I went to China and
almost got married to the wrong girl. Turns out that was a very good thing and it was meant to

In April 2007 everything started coming together. I was back in Norway and I got offered great jobs
just like I wanted. Then I went online on a site called Friendster and I was just looking at people’s
profiles, but I was really looking for her. I briefly passed someone called Keiya. The profile was
locked so I couldn’t do anything.

I moved on and just a few days later I got a friend request from her. My profile was open to
everyone so she had seen it and wanted to talk to me. We talked and right from the start I felt it,
what I felt in that dream, the exact same feeling that I have never felt at any other place or time. I
didn’t tell her right away because that would be crazy. We both felt it, it was amazing. Turns out she
had the same dream as I did and on May 7th 2007, my 30th birthday, I asked her to be mine. There
was no doubt in my mind that this was the girl of my dreams. I got what I wanted; everything I have
dreamed of was now in reach thanks to the laws of attraction and positive thinking.

Thank you Universe!

And her name? Kemala AYU Lestari

About Jorn T. from Manchester, UK:

Male, Norwegian, 30 years old. I am a creator of my own life.

16. My Fred called me: One year later
It’s been one year now since my Fred called me. I know that many of you are familiar with my
“My Fred called me” thread. I wish I could have continued that thread because many things have
happened with my sweet Fred since the thread was closed.

However, it’s alright because this now allows me to share my success story in a new, updated

I wanted to give this update about my Fred because I know many people have followed my story
and have watched my ups and downs, being able to relate with their own Fred’s (or Wilma’s).

When I met my Fred in November of 2014, I didn’t know anything about law of attraction, or of
Abraham Hicks. All I knew was that I had met this man and everything inside me went ‘shazam’.
He was amazing in the most incredible ways.

I had one absolutely fabulous date with him, and from there he gradually pulled back. While we
still talked, he would not go on another date with me. Then three months after our date, he withdrew
completely. No more calls. No more texts. He was just gone. Not even a goodbye. He fell right off
the planet.

I was very distraught. I wanted this man in my life so bad. I began to do internet research on
various topics; how to get your man, how to make your man love you, how to get over him even.

I would read article after article from so-called dating experts who gave well meaning, yet
counterproductive advice. Even if I followed their input, I only seemed to run myself in circles.

As I sit here and write this, I am in deep reflection from where I was a year ago to where I am
now. I have no doubt in my mind that he was meant to come into my life. To wake me up. To shake
me up. To get me on my path. And he has no idea the remarkable role he has played in my life.

He’s not the first Fred to come into my life. There’s been other Fred’s. The story is always the
same. I like them. We mess around a bit. They leave. I get upset but next Fred arrives shortly after.

And my sweet Fred had followed that same predictable avenue. There was just one thing different
though. Something that had never happened with any of the other Fred’s.

I began to look at myself. I began to seriously ponder if the kind of men I was attracting had
something to do with me.
I always thought men (no offense to the good men out there), were just shitty. I mean, it’s all I
ever knew. And if I wanted one, I had to just put up with the shittyness.

Well, my never ending obsessive internet research on men and why men are jerks and how to
cure them of being a jerk, did eventually lead me to law of attraction, Abraham Hicks, and this

I spent some time reading various Fred threads on here. I was inspired. I thought this was my
golden ticket. The key to getting my man. Winner, winner.

I wanted that instant fix. I wanted my Fred to bust through my wall like the Kool-Aid man and
whisk me away to forever and ever land.

Instead I was met with a bunch of nauseating crap like, “do the work”, “ can’t get there from
there”, “just feel better”….a whole bunch of shit I did not want to hear. Seriously, just let him love
me and all will be fine. The thought of having to do “work” sounded awful to me and I met it with a
lot of resistance.

Oh, but what a wonderful thing the “work” turned out to be.

I truly had no idea how much inner work needed to be done within myself. I was a hot mess. I
was tore up on the inside from years of mental and emotional abuse. I was married to a very
narcissistic man who faulted me in everything I did. In turn, I’d beat myself up for being so stupid.

I had nearly 20 years of damage to repair. I thought if my Fred, or anyone for that matter, would
just love me, for me, then I’d be better. I didn’t know how to love myself. I didn’t even like myself.

No wonder nobody stayed…

I disliked myself a whole lot on the inside. On the outside, I’d put on a show. I’d smile. I’d flirt. I
would act all cutesy. But my inner vibration was much different. I had no idea that I even had an
inner vibration that was keeping my wanted desire of a loving mate away from me.

I came to realize by reading various threads on this forum from relationships to self love that I
had to forgive myself for my past. I harbored a lot of resentment towards myself for all the ways I
had believed I was not good enough, and had failed in my life.

When my Fred left, it felt as if I had failed once more. Why did they keep leaving? What was
wrong with me?

I had a lot unresolved personal issues that I had never cleaned up. I ignored my problems by
trying to pretend I was okay. I did not believe my feelings mattered, and I would self punish myself
whenever I felt bad.

I still did not know how law of attraction worked, but I was drawn to the concept of it, and I
wanted to know more. Was this something that I could use to heal my invisible wounds?

I started to follow the forum more and I began to listen to Abe videos online. I thought my sweet
Fred was gone for good. No other Fred had ever come back. So I did my own little process for
personal closure. I wrote him a goodbye letter. (Which, of course, was never seen by him.) I deleted
his number and erased his texts to me. All I had was his memory.

In the time I spent reading different threads on the forum, I began to see things in a new way.
With any previous Fred who had left, I’d cry to my friends about them. I’d look at all the things I
didn’t like about them. I did not appreciate the qualities I had liked about them. Instead I was
heavily focused on how they didn’t love me like I loved them, how they didn’t spend the right
amount of time with me, how annoying they were when they chewed their food, or didn’t call me.

So I said to myself, this Fred I’m going to appreciate. I’m going to think about his qualities that I
like. I wrote down on paper what I liked about him.

I liked the many things we had in common. I liked that we shared the same views in our faith, in
our political preferences, and in our daily life experiences where we both liked many of the same
activities. And how I thought he was super cute.

I liked the way we connected on what felt like, to me, a higher level. I would try to change
myself for past Fred’s so they would like me. With this Fred I was going to do things differently. I
accepted that he was gone and I was just going to use him as my focal point to practice
unconditional love. I was going to love this rascal without having to need him to love me back.

I had been very dependent on how others behaved in order for me to feel good. I wanted to
change that.
As bad as I felt when Fred left, I am so happy he did. I believe the Universe brought him to me as
a means to get me to think about my own life, and then removed him temporarily so I could learn to
focus on my own happiness.

I had believed that happiness came from having a relationship. The idea that I could actually
create my own happiness was very strange to me.

I know that probably sounds silly but I grew up in a home where my mother was extremely
dependent on my father for her happiness. It was something imprinted into me from childhood. “I
need you to make me happy.”

For four months I had no Fred. There was no contact from him. I did the best I could to go on in
my life. I went out on dates with other guys. I would hang out with my girlfriends. I took up archery
and I had a lot of fun shooting my bow.

Eventually I thought very little about my Fred. Sure, he would pop up in my thoughts now and
then, but I got past the obsessive constant thinking of him. And when the Universe did give me a
reminder of him, I’d smile, and I would say to myself: I was really fond of that Fred. It’d be nice to
meet a guy like him.

I made a conscious effort to appreciate him and his essence rather than be upset that he wasn’t

The night my Fred called me he was pretty far from my mind. I had just sent my son off to go to
school in California. We had traveled to the airport in Des Moines so my son could fly out to begin
his life experience after high school. I was even seeing another guy that I was really starting to like.
(He’s the one I called Wilson in the original thread.)

I remember the night sweet Fred called me as if it happened yesterday. I was sitting in this very
chair that I’m sitting in now. I was tired from a long day and ready to relax. My phone was in my
hand. I was playing a game on it. A call came in. I did not know the number so I did not answer.
The caller left me a voice message. When I listened to the message, and I heard his voice, I about
fell right out of my chair.

Oh my god. He’s calling me. What do I do? Do I call him back? I was suddenly shook to my
core. I was in shock.

After about 20 minutes, I called him back. We talked for a while. He told me of some personal
issues that had taken him away. He said he thought about me often, and he had wanted to call. He
apologized for not being around.

I really didn’t know what to do or how to act. I had not expected him to call me. And so I came to
the forum for advice. I wrote the “Fred called me” thread hoping for guidance. (Which was well
received and much appreciated.)

I felt a lot like the lady in the original Fred video. She thought that when her Fred drove past her
house that “this was it.” “It worked.” And so she went up to the house and buzzed the buzzer. But
she did not get the reaction she was expecting.

Similarly, I did not get what I was expecting. I thought that since he had called me, all things I
wanted would just happen. He was going to confess his undying love for me. I was going to be like
a fairy tale princess in my very own dream come true story. There would be white horses and little
blue birds that folded my laundry.

Yeah…not so much. My Prince Fred would not come see me. He continued to call me though. He
called a lot. He’d call me 4 or 5 nights a week. He’d call me 2 or 3 times in a day. And we would
have the best conversations. We would talk for hours. Everything just flowed.

Except that he always had an excuse not to see me. This really frustrated me. I wanted to see him.
I hadn’t seen him in several months.

I began to apply more Abraham techniques to my life. I looked for ways to soothe myself when I
would feel bad. I started to truly see how I was ignoring my own well being. I had to make peace
with my now.

But making peace with my now felt like giving up. It felt like I was saying oh, I’ll just accept that
I’m alone and nobody wants me.

I really struggled against that. I did not want to accept being alone and single. I wanted a
husband, damn it.

But as I found more and more ways to soothe myself, and I reached higher and higher for that
better feeling thought, and I began to ease up on myself, I discovered that making peace with my
now was not about me “giving up” my desires, but rather it simply meant that it was okay for me to
be where I was in my life.

One thing that Abraham often says is that we want the things we want because we think we will
feel better in having them. And certainly I did believe that having a lover would make my life better.

I had lovers before though. They didn’t make my life any better. They frustrated me. They
annoyed me. They behaved in ways I did not like.

So contrary to my previous belief, a man in my life was not going to make my life better. I had to
let be what was, and begin the process of my own inner work.
I let go of my old story. That old story had to die out so my new one could be set in motion. I
would write in my journal almost nightly. I’d tell my story just the way I wanted it to be, as if it had
already happened.

Four months after my sweet Fred called me, he finally agreed to have lunch with me. We met at a
little sandwich shop on the one year anniversary of the day we met. He most likely did not know the
date, but I certainly did.

It was a short but sweet lunch. When it was time for me to go, he hugged me and kissed me. As
much as I hoped that lunch would have launched our time together into high gear, it did not.
He still called me. We still talked very often together on the phone. But I wanted more. I wanted
arms to hold me. I wanted a partner to enjoy my life with.
I found myself struggling once more.

This time I fought with walking the idea of away from him all together. I knew what I wanted and
I wasn’t getting it from him. Surely the Universe had a man for me who was a perfect match to my

Yet, walking away didn’t feel good. I did like him. I did like talking to him. I did like many of his
qualities, and he had many that I wanted in a mate.

I had remembered Abraham saying that nothing is important than that I feel good. I had to find
my way to feeling good regardless of whether or not my Fred was with me.

I began to do things I had denied myself for years. I started to be nice to myself. This sounds
simple enough, but my past had been one where I was shamed if I put myself first. I learned how to
feel worthy and lovable by knowing that my future was my own and I was the creator of it.

I studied more of Abraham’s teachings. I listened to their videos on just about anything and
everything. I bought the books. I kept a BOPA. I made focus wheels. I became pretty determined to
feel better. No matter what.

Even if I had to be single for the rest of my life. I had two choices: I could be alone and
miserable, or I could be alone and happy. I wanted to be happy.

And so I found relief in discovering that I did not have to walk away from my Fred just because
he wasn’t behaving the way I wanted him to. I could attract that which I wanted from him, or from
someone better, by getting into a feeling place of already having my relationship.

It helped me to think about how Abraham would often say when speaking of relationships, “I like
you pretty good. Let’s see how this goes.” Yeah. I like him. I want to see how this goes.

And so I gave myself a break. The way I had thought things had to be, relationship-wise, didn’t
necessarily have to be that certain way after all. I was always in a rush before. Not only did I want
to know instantly if I had met “the one”, I wanted our lives to be integrated together right away.

I had listened to an Abe video on relationships being like a one week vacation. Instead of trying
to map out your entire future together, just enjoy the moment you are in, and if you liked it enough,
sign up for another week.

So I tuned myself to think more like that. We were talking quite often and that was going very
well. I liked that a lot. Why not sign up for another week of talking? And maybe just maybe the
Universe will poke at him enough to get him to want to see me.

It took 5 more months, but one day my sweet Fred called me and asked me for a date. He came to
my house to pick me up. We went on a nature walk. We had a lovely dinner. We drove around town
looking at some local sites. Then back to my house where we made the most passionate love to one
another. He held me for hours. I was flying so high in my vortex and I’m sure he was in his.

That fabulous night was 3 months ago. And it is pretty much where the original thread was
locked. So, what’s happened since then? Where is Fred? Where am I?
I am doing very well. I have made peace with my now. There is nothing I need this red hot
minute. I have exactly what I need at this moment. I no longer over stress, over worry, or over think
a situation. And if a circumstance would arise to cause me grief, I am now able to focus on the
outcome I would like instead of being anxious about what is going on. I know that things are always
working out for me.

My sweet Fred is also doing well, and I am thrilled to say that we are spending more time
We’ve been on more dates, getting together at least once a week. For a year and a half he had
excuses as to why he did not have time to see me. And now, for the past 3 months he’s been making
time to see me once a week.

We’ve gone to the lake a few times for an afternoon of fishing. He’s cooked dinner for me, and
we have made dinner with one another together. He’s sweet to me. He is affectionate when we are
together. He’s making time to be with me when before he would make excuses as to why he
couldn’t see me. It’s like a full turn around.

We are dating one day at a time. I no longer feel rushed to have to put on a label on us. He likes
me and I like him, and I think that is pretty darn good. I’m signing up for another week.

One year since he called me and we are still talking. It is still unfolding. I am so excited to find
out what the Universe has next for us.

For now, I thoroughly enjoy our “one week relationship”. And best of all, he’s asking me out.
He’s coming to me. He’s initiating plans, rather than me begging or pleading for his time. I’m
simply sitting back, doing my thang and he is coming to me!

I believe more than ever now in how something that once looked impossible can truly be a

There’s so much more fun stuff within my vortex for my Fred and I. The Universe continually
surprises and delights me with the unraveling of my dream relationship.

My happiness is no longer dependent on what Fred does. I can, and I do, create my own
happiness. I even discovered joy in the process. I found fun in doing the work. As I look back at
where I was a year ago and then see where I am now, I feel really good. I feel accomplished. I feel
proud of myself.

I found a peace in knowing I never had to let anything that I wanted “go”. I let it “be”. I let it be
what it was at that moment. Whether it be Fred, or it be my job, or it be my weight loss goals, I just
let it be.

I continue to use a few of my favorite Abraham mantras on a daily basis. I start my day on a
positive mindset that things are always working out for me. I like to look for the wonderful things
that happen in my life. I have an expectation that something wonderful will happen in my day.

Life is good. I smile and I laugh daily. I see the joy all around me. The Universe is amazing. I
didn’t think things would ever improve with my Fred. I was too focused on the what-is-ness of it all
to see the good in it.

It really is just like Abraham says. We can attract that specific person. We can have anything that
we want.
I thank you all for being with me on my journey. I am so happy to be able to share this joy I am
feeling with you. I hope I can come back again soon and share even more.


PS: It's been going very well. Almost a 100% turn around from him.
17. From Suicide To Sunshine
This story is about a young girl from Mumbai. How this happy-go-lucky girl find herself in hell
while believing in the heaven of a loving relationship. The story tells her quest to heal her broken
relationship and on the process how she found the Universal wisdom through the Secret and Law of
Attraction. With every attempt to attract her love back into her life, she actually failed, but what she
find is far precious than anything else. This inspirational story tells how she wakes up from the
darkest corner of life to find sunshine. This story is her awesome journey of self-discovery and true
happiness of life.
This story is about relationship, break-up, self-love, understanding the Universe and finding own

Her Story:
I was walking alone on an endless pathway of life without any hope to live. My face was no longer
as charming as it used to be. Hair was messy, weight I was losing, not only my body was dying but
my soul was crying.

Living in a hell of depression made the existence of my family and friends to null. Breakup with a
guy after three and half years of relationship has changed my life forever. It shattered me
completely; I was on the verge of committing suicide. I did not think about my family, I did not
bother about my career. I was once a lively soul and now dying in life’s black hole.
My relationship with him was special. He proposed me and committed to stay with me for life time.
Everything was good in the first year but was very different later. I have seen so many dreams with
him that my life was nothing without him. As the year goes on our marriage was the dream seems a
lot closer. I asked him to speak to his parents for our marriage. His failing attempts to speak to them
made me crazy.

One day he asked his father about me but they refused to accept me. I heard of all the illogically
logical reasons of family, status, society and all. I still waited for his parent’s approval. He did not
introduce me to his parents, family members or friends ever but I didn’t question him.
I had to convince my parents not to see any one for me (arranged marriage) as I already had my
love with me. This made me very frustrated and depressed. Also I found that his attitude towards
me was a little different.

After a few days my sister introduced me to the secret movie. I found it so amazing that I
immediately started applying the principles of Law of Attraction. I applied every principle correctly
but even after seven months of practicing it, I didn’t get any result. I sat down, cried and one day I
decided to give up.

Two days later when I asked my boyfriend again if there is any progress at his place regarding our
marriage, he denied and disconnected the phone. I then decided to breakup with him as it was very
difficult for me to take that pain any further. It was almost three and a half years of wait. I broke up

But, I missed him a lot, cried like mad, somewhere deep down I still wanted him to come back.
Then life has its own choice. Though I have given up on law of attraction, but the truth no one can
give up and then slowly I started getting positive. It was very difficult for me to overcome my
relationship but Law of Attraction attracted awesome people just whom I needed.
One of them is our Awesome AJ, who has become my guide on life’s journey and one more friend
who is now my best buddy. These two people guided and supported me on those challenging days
of life. They stood like pillars for me and helped me overcome my past.

They made me understand how to see brighter side of life. With time I started moving on. I started
believing more in the Universe and I started Understanding more. At times I miss my boyfriend and
I ask the Universe what went wrong. I was doing everything right, giving unconditional love and
gratitude to him and his family, but still why he hasn’t come to me.

That’s when I was asking, the Universe decided to answer every question of mine.
One evening a lady called me and introduced me as my boyfriend’s wife. After taking to her I got to
know that he ditched me by saying that he was convincing his parents. He was already a married
guy 6 months before and he was fooling his wife and me. For a moment, it was like a nightmare for

But sooner I realised law of attraction was working. I got my answer from the Universe, why it kept
me away from a guy who was not matching my frequency.

I found that Law of attraction and the Universe always work in our favour for everything that we
deeply desire, if that thing is not matching your frequency then it will automatically be sidelined
from your life. What I wanted a committed loving relationship from a person who loves me back
equally, but this guy was not matching. Though I went through a patch of pain but it taught me
Universe always work for my happiness.

Later I did 28 Magical Practice under AJ’s guidance and it made my soul completely free. Today, I
m a free and an independent gal. I am living my magical life. I am achieving my dreams. I started
glowing so much that people started noticing my beauty. They love my sense of humour and love
my company. My colleagues love my work. It like I am spreading joy being the sunshine and the
whole Universe is falling in love with me.

I shared my story here because I have seen lots of people trying to get their love back; they try to
manifest their soul mate and even some going through tough time but in doing all effort they have
forgotten their true self.

What I suggest you is:

• First and foremost fall in love with yourself and be grateful to the Universe. Then Universe
will take care of what you really need.
• Prioritize your desires and make a list of what you really want not just relationship or soul-
mate but take a wholesome view of your life, what you want in career, family, health and
happiness also.
• Love yourself immensely. Enjoy every day.
• The one who is matching your frequency will come to you. If your ex is the one who deeply
and honestly in love with you he/she will come. Else the right person at right time will find
his/her way.

You need to trust your life; you need to trust the Universe.

I believe this story has up lift your spirit and made you believe more on the planning of the
Universe. Almost a year before when I met this girl, she was at distress, her soul was dying and
today she is beaming with joy and happiness. She has taken her life from Suicide to sunshine.
If you are going through the same situation, follow this story , love yourself and trust the
Universe, you will find your sunshine.
May the Universe fulfill all your dreams and bless you with abundance.
18. I manifested a ''dream'' girl. Success
story :)
A while back I wrote down what I want my partner to be like. I listed the qualities that i though
were important to me. I wanted to get a girl that lived close to me and is smart, beautiful, loyal, who
also smoked weed..... I visualized how I would feel when I was this person. I visualized for a little
then stopped and forgot about.
I meet a girl at my bus stop who just started going to our school. I though she was cute, and she had
a nice booty.(not trying to be a womanizer) She was sitting upfront just listening to her music and
not talking to anyone. I decided to invite her to sit with me and she agreed. We started to talk
everyday all the time and even hangout after school at my house. She even got in trouble for staying
at my house for too long and trying to lie about it to her parents.
After a few weeks of me knowing her she started to smoke weed. She also is pretty, very kind
hearted, smart, she has good grades and has like all advanced classes. I had a dream girl. After a
while she told me that she didn't like me like that and just wanted to be friends (she made it very
clear many times). I have been learning about LOA and I did not take no for an answer, and
continued to text her and be nice and polite to her just like I would if she was my girl. She still sat
with me on the bus and hung out with me after school. I was just grateful that I was able to spend
time with her. I started to visualize.... It ended up working out perfectly and exactly like I wanted it
to. She ended up falling in love with me and is now my gf xD....... ALL I CAN DO IS LAUGH.
Everything worked like I wanted it to. I literally got the perfect girl that lives right next to me. Why
don't you do that? You deserve to be happy and joyful just like I am.... GO get the shit you want!
The point of me writing this is to encourage you to never give up and get the things you desire even
if it seems impossible. Be positive even when the things >>> SEEM <<<< bad. Stay positive, be
clear with what you want and visualize. It will be way worth it when you actually get the thing you
desired. Just imagine how it would feel if you had it now and feel good. LOVE YOU ALL AND I
19. Childhood Crush
I was thinking of my childhood memories now as i am laying here on my bed and all of sudden I
thought of this sweet manifestation of mine. When I was a kid, I of course didn't know anything
about the power of imagination to bring thoughts that we think into reality just by imagining them
in our mind. But one thing is for sure, I spend most of my time imagining things (mostly boys lol)
since I was 7 years old! There was a lot of problems going on with my family, so to escape reality
and remove my attention from all the sadness.......I very often go to my own other world where
everything is beautiful and I let my imagination runs wild and crazy!! I actually grew up to fast! I
was thinking more like an adult even when I was a kid.

So, back to my childhood crush. Somewhere around the year 1995, I was 12 years old, me and my
family where staying in this beautiful neighborhood back in my hometown since I was born. I
remember around that year, a couple newly moved in to our neighborhood and their house was
opposite our house.They had this two gorgeous sons. They are actually a Malayalam family.The
elder boy was 17 years old and he is tall and had this really really good looking features but he was
very quiet.The second boy is 16 years old and also good looking but he is more the talkactive type.
But the one I was so badly and deeply in crush was with the elder boy! I couldn't see anyway to talk
to him because you know Indian parents are quite strict :( But I really wished even if I couldn't talk
to him, I could at least sit next to him or just be near him, you know lol.

I remember doing things to gain his attention. When i see him just chilling in his porch, I will
quickly call my sister to go out of our house and play badminton. You know, just trying to show off
a bit and get his attention LOL. At night, before going to bed...and when the lights are all turned off
and door closed, I will open the window and check him out. From my window, I could see him
around that particular time...he will be watching TV and he always sit on the same spot! And
because he always sit in that particular spot, I can get a even better view of him and of course so
that I could see him even better....I used my own handmade paper binocular ha ha ha so it can focus
right on him! I had a really fun time just watching and admiring him while he was watching TV.
And then I go to bed just imagining him in my mind...nothing else but him....I often imagine sitting
just next to him in his living room....and just admiring his handsome face.

So, I was doing that for some time....after peeping him with my binocular thingy from my window
while he watch tv, and with that happy feeling I go to bed imagning I am sitting next to him in his
living room. After that what happened was, one day...my father's second wife received a call from
her family side saying that one of her family members passed away. So, she and my father had to
leave that night very urgently and had to drive a few hours up to the north. They then went to this
couples house and asked if they could let me and my sister stay two nights in their house and take
care of us and the couple agreed. I was 12 and my sister was 9 at that time.
Ohhhh god that feeling of happiness I felt when I was packing my stuff to go to the boy's
house....only God knows!! Ha ha ha ...So, I went to his house and his mother was very friendly
towards me and my sister and she told us to go watch tv in the living room while she prepare dinner
for us. Then end up....I was watching TV in his living room while I was sitting right next to him!!
Just like I imagine many many many nights before going to sleep! We didn't talk because Indian
family's are strict, you know :(

But I get to check him out in a closer view! Lol and it was my first time because usually it was
always distance away. Although we didn't talk but he was nice enough to serve us food. So, that two
days I had a full satisfaction just staring at him in his own house!! Of course when nobody was
looking!! Lol
So there you go to think about it now. I used my imagination to attract what I wanted without even
knowing about the power of imagination ! In fact a lot more other things I have attracted when I
was a kid and a teenager through imagination but I didn't known about the law of attraction until in
the year of 2009. I still never fail to use imagination every single day! Now at the age of 32, I have
really huge goals in my life now and I can't see anyway of achieving it rather than using the power
of my imagination to bring it into reality. That is why I am so confident to have big goals in life
because I realize although I don't know the 'how' I will achieve it but ....but my deeper mind knows
how to bring what I desire to me......so, I stay true to my goals! As Neville says 'if it be long, then
wait...for it is sure and it will not be late '....Every day I live my life like I am already what I desire
to be. I don't wish or say someday or one day I will have it because I am already living it now. In
my mind I am already living it now.

Loga Arsh
20. He is Out of My League... Guess What He
is Mine!!!
Two years ago, I used to work at this restaurant as a waitress. There was this guy used to work at the
restaurant right next to mine. He was incredibly handsome, everything about him was just perfect
tall, nice body, beautiful face etc. All the girls at my restaurant used to fancy him, he was like a
prince who would only date with those beautiful princesses but not with frogs like us.

Whenever I glance at him , he used to be surrounded by attractive women around, always talking
and laughing with them. I fancied him a lot, every time when he walked pass me I always felt
butterflies in my stomach. But never did he notice I was existed on this earth. Never ever would he
ask out a simple girl like me. So one day I found this book called "The Secret" at my local book
store. After reading the book, I started manifesting my thoughts and dreams. I was thankful to
the universe for giving me a joy of loving someone and also told the universe that I was thankful for
the love that guy has for me. I started visualizing our times together, I even visualized that he was
introducing me to his friends as his girlfriend.

A couple of weeks later, I was in a elevator at work, to my surprise at the next level the manager
guy walked into the elevator. It was really strange that only two of us were in the elevator going
down from the floor 4 to all the way down to the basement. There was an awful silence and both of
us remained quiet during our little trip to the basement. When the doors opened, I wanted to get out
of the elevator as soon as possible as my heart was beating so hard that I couldn't stand it. I rushed
out of the elevator and ran along the basement corridor leaving him behind avoiding the walk with
him all the way.

What I did was so stupid that it took his attention, which he told me later. The next day at work, he
visited our restaurant to have a chat with our manager. But his intention was to check out the weird
girl who couldn't walk next to him for 2 minutes that she had to run away from him. I saw him
glancing at me while talking to our manager but it was hard to believe that he would be interested in

After a few days of avoiding an eye contact with him every time when we walk pass, he finally
made his way towards me and asked my name. That is when it all started, we started dating and
spending times together exactly like how I imagined. On that particular day he asked me to come
with him to watch the football game at the pub in the center. It had been 4 months since we started
seeing each other by then. On that night, I met all his friends and thanks to the law of attraction he
really did introduce me to his friends as his girlfriend.

My boyfriend of two years loves me to death, and I love him too. Thank you universe!!!

21. Finally Let go of "Fred"
When I started practicing LOA almost 4 months ago now I wanted a very specific relationship
with a very specific person. By time I discovered Abraham, I was already to a point where I'd
realized that although I may have still "wanted" that, I could theoretically take a step back and more
rationally view this person as missing certain qualities that were important to me in a relationship. It
became my new desire to manifest a relationship with a new person who had all of the qualities that
I liked about this other person, but also incorporated all of the qualities I felt this person was

Also when I first started LOA, I was in a dark and depressed place. I spent almost 2 months in
depression. I'd like to thank Abraham for all of the exercises they provide to help us raise our
vibration. I've now spent equally about 2 months being on a high flying disc really consistently after
reading and putting into practice all of the teachings.

And about a month ago I was able to manifest or attract into my life, someone else that is
consistently on a high flying disc. This person is so uplifting and energetic and full of enthusiasm
for life. Every day they say what a great day it's going to be, and how they are looking forward to
things, expecting great things. I don't think they've ever heard of Abraham, but they are just
someone living life full of gratitude, kindness, happiness, and with a passion for life.

And this person has many of the qualities I wanted to manifest that I admired in others as well as
the specific things I felt the others all lacked.

We've spent a lot of time together and it's been almost like a whirlwind romance. (Actually he
says we're like a hurricane building and getting stronger) We're not together "officially" yet, but I
feel all of this excitement and anticipation and expectation that we probably will be "official"
sometime soon.

Initially though, when I met this person, and even though I thought "wow I like this person" I still
thought of my Freds for quite awhile actually (Not that this was much of an issue since it'd been 5+
months since I'd seen either of them). 2 or 3 weeks ago I had actually heard from one of them, and
they said they wanted to see me. At the time I wasn't sure what I wanted yet, because I'd just met the
new person, so I told them to just let me know when. (And then I haven't been very available to
either of these Freds who primarily communicate online with me as I've been spending every single
free moment with the new person in my life.) (So things were left open, and I went on about my life
not thinking too much about it).

But something just snapped or clicked in me this past week or so... It wasn't anything specific
that any of the Freds or the new guy did or anything really... Other than my realizing my own
feelings and desires and figuring out what I wanted.

The next time if they were to ask that, I now know that I'd politely decline and tell them I'm
seeing someone now. (even though I'm under no obligation to, because we aren't really officially
"dating" yet). I also took down all of my dating profiles about 3 days ago - no one asked me to do
this. I just "felt" like it was what I wanted to do. New guy does not even know I did this yet. And
I'm not even too sure why I did it, other than I just felt this sudden strong desire to do it.

I realized my feelings for the new person were a lot stronger and building more momentum than
even I cared to admit at first. I think twice now I've "accidentally" told him I loved him. Like
hanging up the phone, and it just sorta accidentally comes out because my subconscious already
knows all of these feelings. I saved a lot of the chats and emails and things, and when I read them I
feel happy and loved. We've always been very "feels-y" with each other, so it's easy to slip into
feeling "love". Cute pet names, telling each other we miss each other, thinking about each other,
telling each other what we like about each other, how happy we are together. He told me he's falling
for me. But it's all so fast that our conscious minds keep trying to pull back from that "L word".
Though we've discussed the issue, and both feel it's probably inevitable that we'll end up together.

Everything is just happiness and excitement and confidence and expectancy and gratitude, and
well yes, love.

And it's not just that having any relationship at all would make me happy / let go of my "Freds".
I've been on far more "bad" (or kinda just like "MEH, neutral") dates the past year than I have been
on dates with people where I was feeling excitement and passion etc. Probably a dozen dates that
didn't go anywhere. -- Looking back though I can see I was at a much much lower point
vibrationally when those dates took place. So it makes sense that I was attracting people also in
lower vibration. One of my Fred's definitely was so very much like old me, low self esteem,
insecure, etc. He's probably the only person I've ever met whose self esteem was worse than my

It's like that old saying, you have to make yourself happy / happiness comes from within / other
people can't make you happy. I've done all the "work" the past 4 months and became more
confident, secure, trusting, happy, comfortable, forgiving, etc of myself. And I've met someone now
that's also at that higher frequency vibration.

I don't know if I will enter into a relationship with the new guy (I feel pretty confident we will
though!) - But even if not, I feel like it's "OK" now. I feel like if it works out - awesome great. But
if not, I'll just be alone and content with myself for awhile, which is something I haven't really taken
much time for in the past year. There's a lot of hobby related things that I want to catch up on that
I've neglected either while emphasizing dating, or struggling with depression earlier this year, and
now that the depression is lifted, I have renewed interest in all of these hobbies, and "me time"
sounds more satisfying than before. I think that's why I took down the profiles. (They were still up
even when I was "seeing" (quotes cuz it never was official with) my Freds) (and the need to have a
"fallback" was probably my own low frequency vibration of insecurity and "neediness"). Now it's
like "Whatever happens happens" and I will still be OK / happy / fulfilled. I don't feel the "need"
anymore for anyone to make me happy - although the new person does make me happy - I feel
confident that I can use the teachings and find my own happiness independently again even if this is
a short lived thing. But also I feel equally confident and trusting of the universe, that everything is
going to work itself out.

22. I manifested a ''Dream'' Girl. Success
story :)
A while back I wrote down what I want my partner to be like. I listed the qualities that i though
were important to me. I wanted to get a girl that lived close to me and is smart, beautiful, loyal, who
also smoked weed. I visualized how I would feel when I was this person. I visualized for a little
then stopped and forgot about.

I meet a girl at my bus stop who just started going to our school. I though she was cute, and she had
a nice booty.(not trying to be a womanizer) She was sitting upfront just listening to her music and
not talking to anyone. I decided to invite her to sit with me and she agreed. We started to talk
everyday all the time and even hangout after school at my house. She even got in trouble for staying
at my house for too long and trying to lie about it to her parents.

After a few weeks of me knowing her she started to smoke weed. She also is pretty, very kind
hearted, smart, she has good grades and has like all advanced classes. I had a dream girl. After a
while she told me that she didn't like me like that and just wanted to be friends (she made it very
clear many times). I have been learning about LOA and I did not take no for an answer, and
continued to text her and be nice and polite to her just like I would if she was my girl. She still sat
with me on the bus and hung out with me after school. I was just grateful that I was able to spend
time with her. I started to visualize.... It ended up working out perfectly and exactly like I wanted it
to. She ended up falling in love with me and is now my gf xD....... ALL I CAN DO IS LAUGH.
Everything worked like I wanted it to. I literally got the perfect girl that lives right next to me. Why
don't you do that? You deserve to be happy and joyful just like I am.... GO get the shit you want!

The point of me writing this is to encourage you to never give up and get the things you desire even
if it seems impossible. Be positive even when the things >>> SEEM <<<< bad. Stay positive, be
clear with what you want and visualize. It will be way worth it when you actually get the thing you
desired. Just imagine how it would feel if you had it now and feel good.


23. My Self Love Made Him Come Back
Hi girls. 6 months ago i was looking on this site for help and guidance. My boyfriend of 3 years left
me after an argument I initiated. I was so shocked and heartbroken I begged and pleaded. Nothing
was working. I couldn't eat but man I could sleep! I am someone who finds it very hard to sleep at
night but I was a sleep by 9 everynight. I wished I would never wake up, I was only ever happy in
my sleep. I looked forward to bedtime and would count down every hour. I tried nc from him and
lasted two days!! I "HAD" to speak to him. I thought I would try and be like the girl he fell in love
with and I'd try nd make him jealous by telling him how I'm going out clubbing (I was really at
home crying lol) It was then I realised none of this is working. It's been a month and he is getting
more and more distant every week. I had enough I was all out of tears, all out of ideas. I told him I
agreed with the break up. We are not right for eachother and that I needed time to myself. He agreed
but seemed quite pissed at the idea of it.

The first week was the hardest. I had withdrawal symptoms. Like he was my drug. Lol. I'd want to
write to him just to write 'hey I miss you' but I didn't. I would have looked so needy. He wrote to me
3 weeks in asking if I'm ok. But I ignored. And carried on no contact. I had a lot of problems that
wrecked our relationship and I needed to work on them on my own before I could even think of
getting bk together. I was crazy jealous bk then. I would hack his Facebook. His email. I was queen
psycho. I had no confidence in myself or our relationship. I bought the secret book and the power
audio. I realised I broke the relationship not him. It must of been hard not to be trusted and accused
all the time. I'd be so moody about little things and I'd rarely want sex. Why would he want to say.
I'm glad I figured that out because I now knew the problems I could fix. He knew nothing
aboutwhat I was doing as I deleted Facebook. I was very mysterious. I got my hair cut, I went
tanning ( I'm so brown at the moment ) I bought this hair curler thing and I do my hair like Kim
kardashians. I bought all new clothes. I started wearing heels all the time Whitened my teeth. I got
my nails and toes done every 2 weeks. I started pampering myself basically. And I ooze so much
confidence. Something I never had before.

After every month I felt so strong. I used to be this girl who thought I could never live without him.
I would have rather died then be without him but I was happy. I missed him yes but i was no longer
in pain. I had been nc for 4 months at this point. I was drifting off to sleep and I got a text message.
I looked and it was him. "hey I know you don't want to speak to me ever again but I miss you". I
smiled but that's just words of corse he misses me but that doesn't mean he wants to be with me so I
ignored deleted Nd went bk to sleep. The next morning another message "please". What didn't he
get ? I dnt want to be his friend. Ignored deleted. A couple of days later he sent me a looooong 3
page message about how he made a mistake. He has been miserable. Feels worthless and didn't no
what he had till it was gone. He asked if he could see me to discuss this more. It was getting harder
to ignore. I left it a week and agreed to meet up. I was pretty blunt. I wrote ok meet me this
Saturday for lunch I can't do any other time as I'm busy. He was very excited.

It came to that Saturday. I will admit. I was nervous and excited. I got up early and done my hair
and make up perfectly. I wore this white sundress I had bought 2 weeks ago with strappy wedges. I
felt Spanish lol my mum told me i looked like a model. But that's just mums aye. I don't no whether
to believe her sometimes lol. I made sure I was late so I wasn't sitting there by myself. I went in and
there he was. Was so weird. I hadn't seen him in 5 months. It was like looking at a stranger. I faked
a huge newly White smile and said hello and asked him how he was. I didn't want to seem nervous
at all. The last time he had saw me I was crying and was desperate. Now his presence didn't faze
me. He looked sooooo shocked. He could stop smiling and looking at me. He wanted to know so
much about what I had been doing. I told him I had been really busy actually. We was laughing and
being very friendly. I wasn't flirting with him whatsoever though. He wanted to know if I was
seeing anyone and I told him "it's none of his bees wax" with a big smile on my face. He laughed. It
had been 45 minutes and I told him I had to go. I made plans to go shopping with myolder sister. He
looked so upset that I was leaving so soon. I didn't want him to end it so I cut it short. I wanted to be
in control. I kissed him on the cheek goodbye and he hugged me so tight and sAid he missed the
smell of my perfume. I left and went shopping

when I got home he had text me saying "thanks for meeting me. You are so beautiful". I didn't reply.
It's not as if he asked me a question :). 2 nights later he knocked at my door with flowers. He asked
if he could come in. I wanted to say no but it's a lot harder to ignore someone to their face!! So I
said sure but I'm going to sleep soon. He broke down crying. Telling me he made a mistake. That
I'm over him and can get anyone I want and why would I want him back after all he put me through.
I told him it's ok I forgave him weeks after the break up. I'm not angry at him. He asked if I would
be with him again. I told him I need space right now (roles Are flipped) he just started crying again.
I hugged him. I felt bad. He said I'm not giving up and left. We started going out every weekend.
Just fun things like the movies and out for dinner. One night he wanted to kiss me so I let him. It
was amazing. It was filled with so much love. I told him after we can take things slow and see
where they go. I just want to have fun. He was vey happy he kissed me and hugged me so tight
saying thank you thank you. I'm going to make this up to you.

Well it turns out he doesn't understand what slow means because last night he proposed to me lol.

Heidi Smith
24. Manifested my ex back and so much more
A super huge thank you to Rhonda and The Secret team, and to all of you who write & read these
stories. I can wholeheartedly say that without you, I would not have made it through the last year! I
am sprinkling magic gratitude dust all over each and every one of you.

My world came crashing down last October when the love of my life said he needed to be alone out
of the blue. Suddenly, he didn’t want to get married or have kids at all. We’d been off and on for
five years, but this last relationship we’d had was the most beautiful experience of my life and I was
gutted to my core. Never mind that I’d been negative for months, secretly afraid that he’d never
truly commit to me (ask and you shall receive).

I did everything you’re not supposed to do – cried, begged, threw things, lost it. Nothing moved

A dark, dark time followed. There was a deep, dark hole in my chest that never seemed to abate. I
thought about dying ALL the time. I’d had bad breakups before, but this one nearly killed me. I lost
25 pounds and had no energy for anything.

I stumbled upon the Secret Stories. I’d read and watched The Secret several years before but
naturally had forgotten how to create a beautiful reality. These stories completely uplifted me and
gave me hope.

I’d love to tell you he morphed back overnight. But he sure didn’t. Three months passed by without
any talking at all, really.

I read on the Powerful Intentions forum that sometimes the best way to attract your ex back is to
clearly state your intention, let it go, and then…date someone else. Naturally, I was so in love with
my ex that this felt counterintuitive to me. But when nothing else worked, my best friend convinced
me to join a dating site and so I did.

All of the guys on the site made me uncomfortable except for this one, sweet guy. I decided to give
him a chance and we went on a wonderful date. Unfortunately, I was still in a bad place and spent
most of the date missing my ex and wanting to cry. I wrote the new guy off, though I knew he was

To my surprise, my ex contacted me the next day. I’m here to tell you that what they say is true –
the SECOND you begin the process of moving on and letting go, your ex will ACUTELY feel it.

I had a coffee date with my ex and was convinced I was going to get the big speech and hear
everything I wanted to. Except…that didn’t happen. My ex told me at coffee that he wanted me
sexually, but couldn’t offer me the relationship I wanted. This crushed me, but I can see now that
this was a product of all of my sadness and negative beliefs about myself. I was also still totally
desperate, which is a major love-killer. I really understood that the only way I could restore our love
was to restore myself.

So that’s what I did. I started saying yes to friends’ invitations, I meditated every day, I started going
to regular yoga. I did my best to forget all about him.

I made a vision board that had love and hearts all over it, photos of traveling and people doing yoga.
I even had public speaking on there, since I’ve lived through some pretty harrowing stuff and felt at
a core level that I needed to be speaking about it.

This vision board worked SO quickly, I can’t even explain it. By total chance, I was selected by my
company to speak in front of 300 people about my journey less than a month after making the
vision board. Random sums of money began to pop up in my life. And as for the travel bit, I’ll get
to that in just a minute.

In the meantime, the guy I’d had one date with sweetly contacted me every once in a while. He
works in the music industry, and had extra tickets to my favorite band. I agreed to go to the concert
with him, and…

…BAM! Total fireworks. I’d attracted the very opposite of my ex. This guy was super driven, sure
of what he wanted, totally into me, passionate, and the physical – let’s just say I was able to let go
with him in a way I’d never had before, and it was completely electric.

Not twelve hours after I’d been with this man did my ex text me and say “Is everything okay with
you? I’ve been having weird feelings and can’t get you off my mind.”

Dating someone else DOES work, as long as you’re doing it from a place of sincerity and not as an
empty measure to attract back your ex.

Since then, my ex has been completely insistent. He suddenly was saying everything I’d ever
wanted to hear – that he wants to get married, that I’m the only one for him, that he dreams of our
children. He even bought us a trip to Mexico for the summer (travel, there you go)! He now texts
me everyday about how much he loves me.

Recently, his grandmother suddenly passed away, and it really woke him up. He asked if I would
see him, and when I did, he pulled me so tightly to him and held me in his arms and said, “I don’t
want us to be apart. Ever. I don’t want to die alone without you. I don’t want to LIVE without you.
I’m such an idiot. Please forgive me. I’ll do ANYTHING.”

This is why they say be careful what you wish for – often, when you let go of your ex and move on
in a positive way, you’ll attract even bigger things. It’s also true what many others have said here –
by the time you attract your ex back, you may be so happy in your new situation that you won’t
even want him/her anymore.

My ex coming back to me was an IMPOSSIBLE situation. Out of no way, a way was made. If I can
manifest this, you can truly manifest anything. This man wanted absolutely ZERO to do with me.
Everyone told me to forget about him.

If you want your ex back, the VERY best thing you can do is to LET IT GO. If I had let my ex go in
the beginning, I wouldn’t have spent five months in total freaking misery.

If you want to keep someone in your life, you MUST make yourself totally happy. Never look to
them to do it. Move your body in a way that gets your endorphins going, spend quiet time by
yourself raising your vibration, read empowering books, get plenty of sleep, make vision boards, go
somewhere you get inspired (it could be church, or the beach, or by watching a movie that really
moves you), spend time with friends and family who believe in the best you and raise your

Free yourself from your mental chains and be willing to let everything you’ve built burn to the
ground. You’ll be really surprised at what can rise out of nothing.

Surprised Believer
Los Angeles, CA

30 year-old girl who totally gets it now

25. Manifested My Dream Man After
Countless Heartbreaks
I had come across The Secret in my teenage years but it was not until last year that I began to
seriously implement its practices into my life. Until then, I had had plenty of hookups at university
but when I decided to find someone to be with, I was always left heartbroken after numerous
encounters and dates.

Over a year ago, I began practicing The Secret fully and integrating its practices into everyday life.
I had also read The Magic at this point. Soon enough, I met a tall, handsome blond man who I got
increasingly close to. Yet the whole dynamic and pace of the relationship left me upset and angry
despite me trying to convince myself it was right. However, the Universe knew exactly what was
best for me. The blond man left the country last summer and in turn, left me heartbroken. After
weeks of crying and anger, I decided to do something about it.

I wrote down on an old notebook exactly what I wanted the partner of my dreams to be like. Tall, a
rugby player, a medical student, someone who truly loves me for who I am. I was convinced that
this was going to happen. I stopped focusing and communicating with my ex and being appreciative
of all the things around me. Instead of feeling sadness or jealousy at the sight of a happy couple
holding hands, I conditioned myself to feel joy and happiness. I began to speak in a way that made
me believe in love and that I already had all the love I would ever need from my friends and family.
I loved myself. I ate properly, I exercised and I socialized and was grateful for every moment.

As the new term of university began, I was introduced to a guy that I would be working alongside
with for the rest of the year. Gradually we became closer and eventually fell in love. One day, as we
lay in bed, I was reminded of the wish I had send out to the Universe. I explained to him that it had
come true and he was living proof of it. A tall, handsome, a rugby player and medical student was
now my boyfriend! I couldn’t quite believe it! The funny thing is that we had frequented the same
bars and had the same social circle for a whole year. He had never noticed me before. Yet nothing
had come of it until then! Once I finally began to appreciate the things around me and exude love
and kindness to everyone, the Universe responded.

I learnt to not rush and panic if things aren’t going at the pace I wanted them to. I learned that I was
emitting negative energy because I didn’t have what I wanted yet. By feeling abundant and
appreciative of all the things I do have, only then did my dream manifest. I believe the Universe
always has a plan, and if you are emitting the right frequency, that plan will work out better than
you think.

Rhonda, I want to give you and your team my most sincere thanks for all that you have done. I feel
very grateful that I am now in love with the man of my dreams and that love is reciprocated.

Many blessings to you.

22, Student.
26. I Got My Ex Boyfriend Back!
Wow I want to start off by saying that the mind really is a powerful tool, use it properly and
amazing things can happen in your life.

So I had been with my boyfriend for a really long time, we really loved each other. Our relationship
was amazing, he made me feel amazing. I really thought that I couldn’t be happy without him but
that’s where I was wrong, I later realized this.

So imagine how shocked I was when he suddenly broke up with me because he wasn’t feeling the
relationship. I was devastated and broken because I really loved him and I hadn’t realized how
much I loved him until he broke off things with me.

I went through a period where I cried myself to sleep every night. I thought I couldn’t deal with this
on my own, I felt really lonely. My friends were supportive but they didn’t really understand what I
was going through. I always tried to get his attention by telling my friends to talk to him for me. I
would wait day and night just to get any contact from him. I missed him so much to the point where
I would call him but my caller ID would be hidden just so I could hear his voice again.

To make it worse he started becoming romantically interested in my friend. Of course, immediately

she asked me if I was okay with it. I told her I was but to be honest I really wasn’t. This is when I
started hating myself because I felt like I lacked.

That’s when I realized that if I want something I have to get it for myself. Enough was enough! I
couldn’t continue dwelling in my misery, I had to do something, anything! I knew about the law of
attraction but it was very hard for me to apply because I kept having negative thoughts.

One of the things that I learnt is that if you want to attract back someone you love, it’s not about
them, it’s about you. If you want to attract love you need to vibrate love, start by loving yourself!
So every morning when I rose and every evening when I went to sleep I would stand in front of the
mirror and tell myself how much I love myself. It sounds silly but it’s not . It really makes you
appreciate yourself. I also listed all the positive things about myself. I would also affirm that me and
my boyfriend were back together.

I decided that I needed to do what’s best for me so I began doing things that made me happy. I also
realized that I didn’t need anyone to make me happy. I am the captain of my life so I needed to take

Another important thing that I learnt about attracting the one you love back is that you have to be
willing to let go. It sounds crazy that you have to let go of the thing you want the most but if you
keep missing him or wanting him you will send vibrations to the universe that you are lacking and
the universe will only give you what you attract which is lack. That is why you need to let them go.
That is how the law of attraction works. You need to have faith and believe that once you have
asked for something you will receive it, just be expectant and let go. Believe that the universe has
your best interests at heart and give it all to the universe, this makes manifestation process faster.

So this one night I decided to let it all go and just let the universe do it’s thing. I let it all go and
stopped thinking about how I would get my boyfriend back. Instead I thought about how I already
have my boyfriend back and I was expectant. Another thing about letting go is to stop thinking of
how it will come, just think about the end result when it has come.
The very next day I went out with my friends for drinks. We went to a popular place that people
usually go. That’s where I saw him my ex and surprisingly I was calm. I even saw him flirting with
other girls. Before I had started using the law of attraction this would have really upset me but since
I had learnt about the ways of the law this had no effect to my emotions. I just continued to have
positive thoughts and I decided that I would let him have his fun while I had my fun. Later that
evening my ex’s friends joined my friends and I. I was surprisingly having a good time with him
and I had no ill thoughts about how he had hurt me.

When I got home I reflected on how much fun that I had actually had and that this was the happiest
I had been since the breakup. I realized that wow, I really don’t need him to have a good time.
That’s when I had completely let go of him.

That same night I got a call from him and he told me about how much he missed me and wanted to
get back together. I was in shock and I burst into happiness! I didn’t know what to do with myself,
that’s how happy I was. I had finally heard the words I had been wanting to hear in a long time. I
had finally gotten what I wanted. I could never be more grateful.

And now my relationship with him is even better than it was before, we are still madly in love.

Him breaking up with me taught me to love myself and now I understand that I don’t need someone
else to be happy. Wow, even right now I’m still in a state of ecstasy and I’m overjoyed that I
managed to get my lover back. If I can do this so can you, everyone has got the power .

You just have to believe.

Zimbabwe, Harare
I'm a girl of few words. I make it a point to be real and true with everything and everyone I
27. Success! How I got myself and my ex
back :)
Hello Everyone. Success story! I am back together with my ex. Here’s my story:

I know everyone has different ways of dealing and coping, but perhaps if I explain everything I
went through, it may help even one other person.

So basically, I am so very happy that we had the breakup. I think if YOU are in a breakup and
upset/sad/miserable because of it, YOU should be so very happy that you have this opportunity to
heal yourself. I realized that, basically, we get crushed in the aftermath because during the
relationship we always loved the other person MORE than we loved ourselves. Think about it, even
if the relationship was bad you probably just tried to make it better, tried to get them to care more
express more BE MORE than they wanted to be or were willing to be. Did you ever stop and think,
“what do I want? Does this person make me happy?” I never did. After the breakup I was a mess. I
came online and found this forum and read every single thing I could to “get my ex back”. You all
know.. How many times have you searched for the same thing online? As I devoured everything I
could get my hands on, I realized that I was lacking in self-love. I was so busy chasing others, I
never asked myself what I wanted or does this person make me happy?

No contact was not easy as a pie but it wasn’t so difficult for me because I always loved him
unselfishly. I mean to say, I really truly wanted him to be happy. Even if he didn’t want to be with
me. So I kept sending him loving vibes etc. (I guess he really got all my RS! He said he dreamt of
me every single night! Wow!)

As I read up on everything, as I watched every single Abraham Hicks on youtube, every single
Bashar video, I moved further away from him spiritually and closer to myself. And it felt so
good!!!! Finally, I was ready. I found myself! I said to myself, I don’t care if he comes back or not, I
am so happy either way. And then voila he came back  Now, I am going slow, I am going to be the
one deciding this time. Everytime I get upset or sad or want more than he is willing to give, I am
going to do EFT or Ho’oponopono or use switchwords. I am never going to give up my power
again to anyone! And you shouldn’t either. The only person you are going to have with you forever
and ever is yourself, so you need to get happy being by yourself as soon as possible. Just let go of
resentments, of wanting to hold on tightly to everything. Just let things be.

In the last month, I read all the links below a million times. You should too, just in case one little
sentence even helps you. Sometimes that is all it takes. I read every link in this forum on
relationships. I watched every single video on youtube. I couldn’t really get into RS that much. I
have problems meditating still. I started pilates but am doing it from dvd. I lit candles every night
and just sent him love. I really connected with ho’oponopono and switchwords. I read up on
everything that showed me self-love.

Please know that you can do it. It is a process. I tried to force it. I got upset with myself when I
couldn’t just snap out of it. I thought about him all the time! But, I guess everything I read and
listened to, made little dents inside of me, good dents, even though I didn’t realize it at the time.
Dents that became full blown confidence and love for myself. So one day you wake up, and you are
shining bright like a diamond. And you are so pleasantly surprised to see that you got through
everything. And you have love for yourself, and your ex is back OR NOT but even if they are not
you meet someone even better and you love them too, but YOU NEVER STOP LOVING

I hope this helps you, all of you, and please let me know I you have any questions at all !

Meetings with Remarkable People by Osho
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
28. Attracting Her Love Back Using Law of
Attraction – A Must Read Success Story
Are You Using The Law of Attraction To Attract Your Love Back?

“When you start loving yourself, you receive all the love you desired.”

Today I am sharing a story of ‘Attracting Love Back applying Law of Attraction’. This is a
powerful story and it will help you if you are going through such a problems. We have kept the
story anonymous as requested. However, she felt that her story may inspire others in similar
situation, so she wanted to share.

Here is the story in her words.

Attracting Her Love Back using Law of Attraction

Dear friends,

I hope all of you are enjoying your magical life. I m sharing how all my dreams come true and most
importantly attracting my husband back into my life.

Since 2012, I was the unhappiest person on earth. Complaining and blaming were my habits. I was
unhappy because my husband and I were living separately due to some problems. I was crying all
day and nights. Living alone in a metro city and mentally, emotionally and economically I was
broken. I was under depression.

During those days one friend of mine introduced me to The Secret but it was hard for me in this
condition to read or apply. But without patience, I started watching The Secret Movie on a daily
basis. Then I started reading The Power book and even I started Magic practice from The Magic

I started writing gratitude, affirmations and trying visualization on a daily basis without failing. My
confidence increased and I got little peace within. But I wanted my husband back and peaceful life
with him and I didn’t have an idea how to do that.

During this time, I read some post of Ajay Mishra on a Facebook Group and I contacted him. On his
advice, I joined his 28 Magical Practice Program. I completed the course twice back to back. I did
the Magic Practice from the book before but doing with him was so much simpler, effective and
powerful. Like God sent an angel, he was guiding me. I took his Personal Mentoring Program and
he guided me a lot on how to correct my thoughts, how to focus and how to manifest my desire.
Then miracle started happening in my life. By that time, it was already 2.5 years I was living
separately from my husband. As I started applying Law of Attraction properly under Ajay’s
guidance my confidence started growing. And I knew my dream would come true.

After few weeks of my 2nd Magic Practice session with Ajay, one day suddenly I got a call from
my husband. After two and half year he called me and I was extremely happy.

Everything transformed totally within two months of getting that call. He proposed me again and
we both are together since then. My relationship with my husband is growing every day with more
love and affection. We are living in our dream house and working in our dream jobs. We keep
traveling to beautiful places. Our life is a blessing of God.
Now my relationship with my mother-in-law is most peaceful and divine.

Even after that, I have completed 28 Magic Practice two more times with Ajay Mishra. You may be
thinking ‘do we have to practice the Magic Practice so many times?’ My question to you is ‘do you
want to change your life or not?’ If your answer is YES then my answer is also a YES. If you have
negativity like I had then why don’t you give your time, money and effort to make yourself better?
Many of my friends asked me ‘why are you doing the magic practice again and again?’ ‘Why do
you take guidance of Ajay?’ And I told them that rather than crying for rest of my life if this
program and Ajay’s mentoring is changing my life than what is better than that. I know that I can do
the magic practice for rest of my life because now it’s a habit for me.

Before knowing The Secret, Law of Attraction and contacting Ajay, my habits were crying,
complaining, cursing and finding faults. And now my new habits are always being grateful, happy,
positive, doing affirmations, knowing that the Universe is watching over me.

I must tell you if you are struggling, crying and expect your life to change without doing anything,
it will never going to change because I did that for two years. If you are suffering then watch The
Secret Movie regularly, believe in the law of attraction and if you can join Ajay’s 28 Magical
Practice Course then join for sure because it will change your life.

Now I’m enjoying every moment of life being the Happiest person in the world. Ever since I found
The Secret and Ajay, my life has changed and I will share more of my manifestations later.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Ajay Mishra. Thank you, Thank you Thank you Rhonda Mam
and The Universe and all friends.


I believe this story must have inspired you to the core. Always remember no amount of problem can
stop you in life unless you give up on your dreams.

Always remember the Law of Attraction “Like Attracts Likes.”

So if you focus more and more on the pain and negativities, the more you will attract. The best
thing you need to do while going through problems, pain, and negativities are to start looking for
solutions and find the ways to transform yourself.

I truly believe everyone can manifest their dreams and live their life happily.

Manifest all your dreams.

Love & Gratitude,

Awesome AJ

Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker

29. Our Story Was Not Over Yet
I would like to start by thanking Rhonda Byrne for the amazing book of The Secret. I watched The
Secret Movie few years ago and I have become addicted to the movie and the book ever since.
When the book The Magic came out I started reading that too, and realized the power of gratitude.
At times that I need an energy boost and I don't have the book with me, I come to the website and
read the inspiring stories of people from all over the world who have transformed their lives and
relationships with The Secret. Every time I checked the website, I told myself that one day I will be
sharing my story on the here and that day has finally come. About three months ago I met this
amazing guy at a party and we clicked instantly. He was a close friend of my friend's boyfriend and
we started seeing each other regularly and everything was going well. But suddenly he disappeared,
he stopped calling me and answering my messages. I tried to reach him several times, but no luck. I
had so many thoughts going through my head and was wondering what had happened and at times
even blamed myself. Weeks went by and I could not stop thinking about him. Somewhere in my
heart I felt our story was not over. About two weeks ago, after not hearing from the him for two
months, I decided to stop my negative thoughts and to be grateful for the short, yet amazing time we
had together. I started coming here and reading all the success stories and with every story I gained
more positive energy. I also decided to send him love and peace whenever I would think of him.
The result I got was for me to feel better, but I knew there was even more to come my way. To get
to the exciting part, I was at my friend's house on a weekend and we decided to go out and dance.
Before we left, her boyfriend had a call from my guy, saying that he wanted to join us. I was
surprised but excited. All I wanted was to have my answer and my closure. We all went to the club
and I finally saw him after almost three months. He started apologizing for how he has behaved. He
told me that he got scared and didn't know what to do. He said he was too embarrassed to contact
me and that's why he never answered my calls. He also told me that he never stopped caring about
me and that he has missed me the whole time. He asked me for a second chance and promised me
he will get it right this time. I could not believe that my positive attitude and my gratitude has
brought him back. The Secret worked it's magic and I have the most amazing guy who says he
would do anything to make me happy.

Khatoon from Dubai

30. Gratitude Changed Everything
Before the law of attraction, The Magic, and The Power were introduced to me by a good friend, I
was very ungrateful but didn't know it. All of a sudden all of my closest relationships seemed to fall
apart all at the same time. I had hit an all time low and didn't know that my lack of gratitude got me
to where I was. My most important relationship with my significant other fell to pieces. He started
dating someone new because I did not appreciate how wonderful he was. I was crushed. The
moment I lost him was the moment I knew I needed to change and The Magic helped more than I
ever could have imagined. I was at an all time low for 2 months. As soon as I started practicing
gratitude my life changed. While my love was still not back in my life, I imagined that he was. I
wrote down how I felt when we were together and all the things I loved and appreciated about him.
All I wanted was him back in my life and all I could do was imagine him walking through my front
door telling me he missed me, loved me, and wanted to start over again. I had my times of fear and
doubts, but deep in my heart I knew we were meant to be. TWO weeks after starting The Magic and
listening to The Power, my dreams came true. He walked through my front door with flowers in
hand saying the exact things I had hoped for. My life changed drastically when I learned how to be
grateful and now my life is filled with abundance. Ask. Believe. Receive.

By Regina from Sanibel FL

31. He is back for the Third Time
Well, I have so many things to say that I don't think I will ever finish, but I will try to make it
"short." First of all I want to thank Rhonda and her team for such a great book that has helped so
many people, and everybody who posts their stories here because it sure helped me so much!! I
knew I would be writing my story here too, and here I am. My boyfriend and I had been together for
almost 2 years and a half, and he one day decided wasn't feeling the same way about me, he was not
putting effort in the relationship and he thought this was not fair for me, and decided to break up
with me, in June 2012. I was devastated, however, this had been the second time he did this to me.
He broke up with me for the first time (after almost 2 years of relationship) because I was a little too
jealous, and he "did not feel the same way anymore." He never said he didn't love me, he instead
said he was going to love me for the rest of his life but things were not working out and he wasn't
very happy. That first time, after 1 month of no contact I decided to text him and we went to dinner
the next day and got back together, and after 9 months, he did it again (for the second time, which
was this year, 2012, and my story). Like I said, I was super sad, and I cried and begged a little this
time, but of course nothing worked. I then said, this is it, no more, he doesn't appreciate how great I
am and if he wants me back then he will come by himself, not because I am chasing him. All my
friends knew how sad I was, and one of my best friends told me I had to read this great book that
was going to help me so much not only with this situation but with everything in my life. Of course
the book was The Secret. For some odd reason my sister had it already, so I borrowed it. From the
very first time I read it I started thinking that maybe it is true that I attracted this breakup again. I
was always thinking he was going to do it again, he was going to hurt my feelings again, that he one
day might find someone whom he liked more, etc. and I said, well, if I attracted this, I can attract
him to my life again. My friend had told me about the book to find happiness, to ask for someone
who really cared and loved me and who was not doubting like my ex was. But, I loved and missed
him so much that I just wanted to attract HIM again. Just like The Secret says, I started with simple
things. I said one day I wanted to see a deer because I haven't seen one lately. Sure enough, I saw
one next day. Then I said well maybe seeing a deer is not that hard, I want to see a baby deer now,
and, 2 days later, I saw TWO baby deers. I was so amazed, and I was always thankful for bringing
those things to my life. I said I wanted to see a rainbow, and the next day someone posted a picture
of a rainbow on Facebook. I did not specify how, I just said I wanted to see one and there it was. So,
I went to something harder... I wanted to eat my mom's lasagna that I didn't eat for around 3 or 4
months. Two days later she was going on a trip and she texted me "I left you lasagna in the oven."
There is when I said, wow, this is really working and I was shocked. So I started writing a journal, I
thanked God and the universe for everything I was happy about in my life, and I wrote how I
wanted my relationship to be with my ex. I also said the first day he was going to contact me was
August 29th, 2012. I created a vision board with pictures of us smiling, and some other things I
want to attract. I also put some things in a bag that were at his house and I had to bring with me
when we broke up, so that when he came back to me I could just grab the bag and take it to his
house again. I got a chain with a cross and the word 'faith', which helped me when I was doubting
sometimes. I would say to myself he will be back, everything will be ok and we will be happy. I put
all of our pictures in my room again, and I slept every night with a teddy bear he had given me.
After he broke up with me, he contacted me twice, just to see how I was but he never brought up the
topic. After the first time he contacted me was when I applied The Secret. Well, August 29th came
and nothing happened, BUT, I never gave up. I always said maybe the universe thinks another day
will be better and I am ok with that. I had written on my journal that we would go on our first date
on September 1st, and get back before September 12th, and that the first place he was going to take
me out was Olive Garden. Well, September 1st was gone, and I still had nothing but again, I never
stopped believing. On September 4th, HE TEXTED ME! We talked about our lives and then he
brought up our relationship. He told me he was sorry, he did not know why he decided to push me
away and that he wanted to take me out to dinner to talk about things. When I asked him where he
wanted to go, he said Olive Garden, and I was thinking again WOW, this is working. We went to
dinner and talked, we decided to take it "slow" ... he will show me how much he is really willing to
do for me and if he really wants to be with me for sure. Then yesterday was our second date and it
was amazing. He couldn't stop looking at me and said many times he was so happy to have another
chance, a THIRD chance. He is being extremely sweet with me and I am so happy. He asked me
last night if he could call me "his girl" again, and I said yes. So, sure enough, we are back together
before September 12th, which was the date I set up. I am extremely happy to be working with The
Secret in my life. I feel positive and I want to share this great knowledge with many people. DO
NOT STOP BELIEVING, always know that it is on its way, no matter how hard it seems. Do not
give up. I wish you all the best, and always believe that your dreams will come true!

By Sabrina from Miami, FL

About Sabrina from Miami, FL:

I am a 23 year old girl, who from now on, will always be working with The Secret
32. Road to Success
Mine is more of a "road to success" story at the moment. my long distance girlfriend broke up with
me in june because i hid my drinking from her. She didnt know i was an alcoholic, and it was wrong
of me to hide it from her. She was super pissed. I dont blame her. I put myself in detox and havent
drank since june 25.

I tried the whole 30 days no contact thing, got scared i would lose her about 21 days in, and made
the mistake of writing her. I wasnt ready to do that and it backfired in my face. She was ready to
write again but then found out i was writing her dad and friend for advice during the no contact time
about her and got super pissed over it.

So upset that she swore up and down that she didnt want to know me anymore and swore she would
never write me again. She asked me to never write her again, so i honored that and decided not to
write anymore.

So i started employing the law of attraction, meditating, and decided to move from georgia back
into my old house in florida so i could save money to move to germany.

after about three weeks of meditating, listening to agnes vivarelli, and veronica isles, just yesterday
i realized i needed to be happy for myself with or without her. Durig this time her brother decided
he wanted to visit me in florida. (Id call it a bridge to the ultimate manifestation) Last night i
thanked god for having her in my life. I was totally convinced she would never write me again.

And what did i wake up to this morning? A text from her wishing me luck with my new life in
florida, hoping that i am getting my life back on the line. My jaw dropped and i have spent all day
thanking God for this. I will keep living for myself. I know her and i will get back together. But it
wont happen if i dont make myself happy without her.

Hope this helps.

33. Attracted my ex back, and now were
back together. :)
Hi everyone!

I've been a lurker here for a while and never posted anything. But I thought I'd start, and the first
thing I want to share with you guys is my success story, just because when I was trying to attract
back my ex those were my favourite things to read and gave me the most hope. I hope my story
manages to do that for others and that I can help at least a few people to not lose hope.
My boyfriend and I met back in May 2011, and started going out a few months after that. Our
relationship had lots of ups and downs, mostly because we both really really loved each other but
weren't mature enough to handle a serious relationship yet (I'm 19).

Back in August, he had to move to another country to go to uni. For the first few weeks, everything
was going great. We missed each other a lot, but other than that everything was fine. But after a
while, I started letting things get to me. I got insecure, and obviously the universe responded back to
that and gave me more reasons to be insecure. My boyfriend started distancing himself. He started
saying mean things. I started to nag and complain argue over nothing. He in turn said and did things
that knew would hurt me. Eventually, one day we had an argument over something incredibly
stupid, I told him not to talk to me for a while, and he responded with not talking to me at all
anymore. :D

This went on for a week. After a week I messaged him, but got no response. Eventually I got a
message letting me know we were done. I got desperate and kept messaging him. I was a mess. I
couldn't concentrate on my studies, i couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, and he just kept ignoring me.
Then exactly two weeks after the break up, I remembered hearing about LoA, and google searched
getting back a relationship and stumbled upon these forums. I can't say how grateful I am that I
decided to look LoA up. That night, I read every single "getting your ex back" guide. I read every
success story I could find.

I realized I had attracted everything that happened to me by my own insecurity and negativity. I saw
that I had lost myself, thay I was putting too much pressure on my boyfriend for my own happiness.
And then I started to change my ways.

The first thing I did was to not contact my boyfriend anymore. I even stopped checking when he
was last online on whats app. I started paying more attention to myself and doing things that I
loved. Everytime I found myself thinking about him, I would just say to myself : "I am the pedestal
of my own life", and would distract myself with something else. It was really hard at first, but I had
realized my mistakes, forgiven myself and him both, and so slowly it got much easier for me to let
go. I realized it doesnt matter if he's with me or not. If I love him, I'll just want the best thing for
him. But the most important thing i had to realize was that I can be happy, with or without him. I
realized that I didn't need him.

So after I was done with the emotional struggle, I did the basic steps. I made my intention, I trusted
that the universe will bring him to me and I let go. I knew I'd have him again, so I didn't feel a need
for him anymore. I did RS on him, I sent him love, I meditated using Binaural Beats, I listened to
The Secret and The Power audiobooks over and over again, and whenever I felt myself getting
doubtful, I would come here and read the guides and a few success stories, and that would help me
get myself back up again. I wrote in my journal everything I wanted him to do, and acted as though
we were back together. I started wearing the watch and jewelry and other things he had bought me.
And slowly, my ex came back. It started with my friend messaging him, and him saying that he
doesn't think that him and I will ever get back together again. I didn't let it get to me though. Then a
few days later, he started messaging both me and my friend, saying really mean stuff (she was the
reason we met so he was blaming her too :P ). He was actually really mean in his messages, but I
didn't let get those to me either. After all, I knew he was mine. Then a few days passed and he
messaged me saying that he's really hurt and misses me. At this point I was still detached from the
outcome, and I treated him like I would any other friend. He started complaining about how hurt he
was, but still made it clear he didn't want to get back together. He slowly started talking to me more
and more, telling me about his day, but as soon as I would tell him about mine he'd pull back. So I
stopped initiating contact unless it was inspired. I let him come back at his own pace. Twice, I
actually pulled back, telling him I needed more time to get over things before I can talk to him, but
every time he came back after a few hours saying he couldn't take it. Then one day, I just felt really
good about sending him a message, and so I did, and immediately he called me. This was the first
time that we talked on the phone in a month. We were on the phone for an hour, talking about
everything that had been going on in each of our lives. We laughed a lot, and at some point I cried,
and didn't think he noticed, but later he told me he did. But anyway, in that phone call at some point
he told me "I'll always be there for you as a friend", and in response I told him I don't care if I ever
see him or not, I just want him to be happy and get out of the depressed phase he was in. And I
really meant it. At that point I didn't care if we ever got back together, or even if I ever got to see
him again. I just wanted him to be happy. And I think that is the moment that I finally let go. Let go
with love, I suppose. And that night, he messaged me. He said he loved talking to me, and he was
afraid of getting hurt again. He apologized for everything he'd done, said he knew now that I
wouldn't hurt him on purpose and then started acting like we had never broken up. :) We got back
together exactly a month after we broke up.

We've been back together for about 3 weeks now, and everything is so perfect. I still use LoA to
maintain a perfect relationship, and it works great. I don't think either of us has been happier with
our relationship before, and actually, I'm happy we broke up, because I learned so much from it.

I really hope my experience helps some of you guys who are trying to attract back your ex. And I
just want to thank every single person who wrote a guide, or who posted a success story or even the
people who commented on people's posts with positive feedback and encouragement. You have no
idea how much you all helped me. I owe a lot to this forum, and hope that by writing my success
story I can make up for at least a little bit of what I got out of these forums. :) <3
34. My success story about attracting love
back - I made a choice
That is so BIG BIG BIG BLESS for me that I fond out this forum, and those amazing people, and
all this love, and all this LOA stuff. It completely change my life, self esteem, and point of views.
Now I can tell You that I am happy and it REALLY WORKS.
So dont loose Your hope because IT WORKS and I AM LIVING PROOF!

And as U wish - here are some details about my success story:

Firstly I found of LOA and start reading all stuff about it, watch SECRET movie, and read a book,
and also Abraham and Hicks book...
Then I start my meditations, also I was sharing my good energy on this forum and with my friends
and family.

I was meditating every day about how grateful I am that I found out LOA, and I was starting living
different , better way...
And it was so great experience... and still is!

So first point is gratitude.

Then I was trying to imagine me & him again as a couple. I was meditating, sending him balls of
energy and so on...

I was grateful for every signal from him, every text message and call... I was full of grateful.
And of course there was worse days when I was full of doubts and unhappy. When that bad feelings
came to me I was texting about it on this forum, or to my friends. An You and my family and
friends helped me alot in that bad days. That I was believer and I AM A BELIEVER all the time.
Other thing was my diary of gratitude. I was writing that "I am grateful for..." and all my dreams in
present tense as they already appear in my life.

And meditate that they already appear.

And here it was - after ONE YEAR of this all things... I did final step - I TRURLY LET GO. How?
As I was writing in my another topic that I called "SUCCESS STORY but not so happy as it should

How I let go ? I fallen in love in other guy. It wasnt REAL LONG LASTING relationship. It was
like "I like him and he likes me" and it gives me positive kick, because I get to know that Im true
worth something and Im on pedestal of my life, no longer sad and so on.
I dont wanna force You now to fallen in love - because I was trying to go on dates and meetings
during this year and it was ugly. But that once after year it was true enchantment.

And what was then ? My ex bf told me some news that he loves me all this time, and he wanted me
back from so long time, but he wasnt sure if I wanted it.... and he told me "I know that U have new
bf but please I must tell it to You - I will be waiting, I love U so much, I want You to be my wife if
U agree, soon... and It is true and real" I was crying and being very sad cause I thought he doesnt
meant so and is like this only because he behaves like some kind of animal defending territory And
didnt believing him.

But then again I started my meditations. And told my ex bf about LOA and also him starting to
attracting me back.

And here it comes. It all works. One day I just woke up with decision that I wanna back to my ex

And thats my story.

35. Manifested ex back against all odds
Before you start reading please note that most of this is just details about my story to familiarize
you with how unlikely this situation is. The actual techniques and things I did are more towards the
bottom so feel free to skip to that if you like!

The story begins in 2014, me and my ex boyfriend (lets call him Cody) began dating that summer
and we became official that December. Things were always pretty bumpy for the two of us. He had
a girlfriend when we met and he ended up breaking up with her to be with me. We dated for months
without a label, but we were both pretty set on each other. He was the first person I had ever met
who I got to know who I really felt a connection with. Before him I was more focused on famous
guys or guys I didn't really know or talk to. Its important to note that I was always very doubtful
about his feelings for me and from the moment we were official I told people I could see our break
up already coming even though he seemed he was really into me. This probably is the reason we
ended up breaking up so fast. On the New Years Eve he was acting weird and distant. I knew he
didn't want to be together anymore so I ended things. I expected him to tell me he didn't want to
break up and I had the wrong idea but he didn't and that's when the break up really set in. I became
the most depressed I had ever been in my entire life.

I don't think I realized how important Cody was until I lost him. I couldn't imagine living the rest of
my life without him in it. I knew about the law of attraction so I began implementing some
techniques on him. It was now 2015. I tried visualizations, and all these random things I didn't
really believe in, and nothing much happened. Throughout the next few months after our break up
we were in contact at least once a week. It wasn't full on contact thought it was obvious that I was
the only one really putting any effort into the conversations. I would argue with him sometimes and
other times we would have boring conversations with him giving one word responses while I
thought for hours about what to say next.

At one point I got desperate and proposed we hook up and be each others first times. He liked the
idea and we decided we would be friends with benefits if things were fun enough. We took a few
weeks to actually hang out because I think we were both nervous about it and were stalling. We
took all that time to talk out all the details it was silly. We hung out three times and each time we
just made out we never had sex. I don't think either of us were really ready for it. It was supposed to
be a hook up yet we spent the majority of the time flirting and talking and being silly. The last time
we hung out was different. We started out just watching a movie and before long we were playing
around and he was tickling me rolling around on the bed as I pretended to try to get away and he
wouldn't let me go and basically tickled me to death. This led to us making out but this time it was
different than the other two times he was passionate about it. At one point he rolled me on my back
and pinned my arms behind my head and just leaned over me looking at me for the longest time
with this look in his eyes and the only way I can describe it is that it felt like he was in love with me
in that moment (I know how lame and cheesy that sounds haha) At one point we just stopped and
his demeanor completely changed.

After that he barely talked to me so I started seeing this other guy who really liked me and I gave
him a chance. I mentioned to Cody that i was seeing someone else with hopes he would get jealous
and the worst thing I could have ever imagined happened. He said he was seeing someone too. I
was horrified. It was the one thing I was dreading since our break up. The thought of him with
another girl has always made me so sick I can't even stand it. I got so upset i started freaking out on
him. I completely lost my cool. I told him I just wanted to die because I wanted him and everything
turned out so wrong. He got really mad that I would be upset when I was seeing someone too and
was so offended that he blocked me and said he would NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN.

I immediately forced myself to forget him by jumping into a relationship with the other guy. I knew
if I let myself think about Cody at all it would kill me and I would fall into another deep depression.
This lead to me suppressing my feelings.

Flash Forward to a week ago:

I spent the time since he blocked me missing him like crazy (me and the other guy broke up shortly
after we started dating) I tried many techniques throughout the last year but it wasn't until this
January that things really started to work for me. I began using remote seduction techniques, and for
those of you who are unfamiliar with this I recommend you look it up because it feels really good
and raises your vibration a lot. I spent January and February trying out different Remote Seduction
Techniques, I did magic touch, I visualized I tried using energy balls. All throughout this I felt better
and I started to believe more than ever. But still nothing happened so I gave up around the
beginning out March. Then out of no where I hear that a crazy ex friend of mine who is always
makes up crazy lies has been texting Cody as me since last fall. She was saying crazy things and
constantly bombarding him with texts which lead to him hating and resenting me because he
thought it was me.

I talked to him about it and he was cold, he told me he resented me and hated me even though he
knew it was the other girl (my ex friend) because he had this image of me inside his head that was
crazy and psycho. I let it go for a few days but then texted him again saying that I didn't believe he
hated me and that he was only hurting himself by feeling that way. I worded it in a very positive
way that i guess really made a difference to him because he responded with a longggg message
telling me he wanted me to know that at first he really believed he hated me but after a while of
adjusting to to the realization that it was not in fact me who had been texting him he realized he
didn't hate me at all. I never responded but I was very happy with the response he gave me.

The next day I decided to try to text him saying hi (which was a HUGE step considering we had not
had a normal conversation since June of last year) I didn't think he would even consider responding
because he blocked me last time we talked remember? After a few hours from when I sent the text I
became very doubtful and decided I had to change my vibration. I knew that my doubt was creating
a reality where Cody would in fact not respond. So I watched a video with subliminal messages
about attracting your love. I kid you not when I was done with the video I looked at my phone and
low and behold he had texted me back. We have been texting for a few days now.

This is crazy because I honestly never thought we would ever talk this way again. He actually
seems interested in the conversation. I know this is just a text conversation but for me this is a huge
step considering there was no contact for over half a year! I am hoping to manifest a relationship
with him again and I really believe I can now!
36. Manifested "Specific Instagram Person"
Well, I was crushing on this guy for three years and I would talk about it how cool would it be to
meet him, how handsome he was and had all these wonderful thoughts. We matched and bam!
Now, amazing stuff happen and we met. We hung out and talked. It was completely unexpected and
My mental diet with this person I kept it light and would fan girl a little bit hahaha.
Just saying when I saw the image of this person I was like "Wow, it is so lovely to hangout with
him." Happened in a matter of seconds.
This stuff works.

Keishla Rios
37. Attracting a specific person- SUCCESS
Hi all! Well I haven't posted here since it first switched over from the Secret forum...but...I
had to share this story with you all, especially those wanting to attract a specific person into
their lives! I can tell you, it does work and yes you can! This is going to be a long post, I hope
you're ready. But I think it'll be worth the read for those of you looking for hope.

Back early last year I had started seeing a guy I was REALLY into. In fact, I felt like he WAS the
perfect guy for me. I had met him online and we chatted and emailed for a year before we finally
met in person. So things were great when we first started seeing each other, but, having had many
bad dating experiences before him, I was very untrusting and insecure and eventually I pushed him
away because of it. In fact, I ended up writing him quite an insulting email filled with a lot of
assumptions and accusations.

He was shocked at the email I wrote, and told me I was wrong about him. He was very polite in his
response to me, but decided it was best to end all communication from that point forward.

Realizing how stupid I was in the things I said (all of them unfounded!) I tried desperately to get
him back! I tried everything from emails of apology, to occasional short messages to him just
hoping for a response. I only ever received one response back, and that was a simple email telling
me he felt he was making the right decision to end communication. After that....nothing! I sent him
a small gift along with another apology, he sent it back. Can you say desperate?! Yes, I was doing
everything wrong!

So...I spent months thinking about this guy, wishing I hadn't screwed things up so badly, wanting a
second chance, looking for answers to help me get him back. In fact, while I had heard of the Secret
before, I never took it seriously until this moment when I found there was something I REALLY
wanted! I searched for answers, and I found them in LOA. I started reading the Secret forums and
found soooo much help and comfort in them.

I started meditating, I tried RS, I wrote the lists, I began writing in the gratitude journal, I wrote
letters to God, asking for a second chance, believing I would get one, and expressing my thanks for
all that I had and would have, knowing what I asked for would come to me. I would tell myself "I'm
going to marry this man". I would visualize us together, happy, affectionate, having fun, even
getting married. I did it all...for months!

When I first started doing these things...I had a very strong feeling my story with this guy was not
over. And for some strange reason I kept thinking I would hear from him around his birthday...and
decided that was the time I would try to get in touch with him again and just see what happens.

Well after months of trying all of these methods...nothing happened. I didn't see him, I didn't hear
from him. The only signs I had were that I'd see his name everywhere!

Eventually I told myself I was crazy to continue...and decided I had to let go and move on with my
life. Now this letting go wasn't related to anything to do with trying to get him back. I just decided
for my own sanity I had to. And obviously all the effort I had put into focusing on getting back
together with him was doing nothing for me but causing me more paind, because I couldn't let go
and I couldn't stop thinking about him as long as I was doing these things every day.
So eventually I just let go, moved on, and started seeing other people. I started dating again. Met a
few guys I liked but knew none of them were "the one"...even though when I met them I had hopes
that they would be. And after the end of every one of these short relationships I would think back to
this guy...and think to myself "he was the one".

His birthday was a few months ago...and at the time I was seeing another guy...having many ups
and downs and trying so hard to make a relationship work that deep down I knew was going
nowhere. Then one day, I signed into my MSN....and there he was! I was shocked! Normally I'd
jump at the opportunity to talk to him! Especially after all that time. But for some reason I held
back. I felt unsure and I was still in the process of another relationship, still in it's early stages, and
trying to make it work. So I hesitated, and didn't go on to talk to him. I watched...and a few days
later he was on again. I thought he had long ago removed me from his msn! Again...I didn't talk to
him. Part of me was still shocked he was there, part of me wondered why he was there, and part of
me felt if I just jumped at the opportunity to talk to him again, I'd be acting desperate like I was
before...and I didn't want to start that feeling all over again.

Well...I kept thinking about him...still having not talked to him. And I noticed he had stopped
showing up online. Then I thought to myself "Oh no! This is exactly what you asked for and the
Universe delivered...and now you've blown it!" I kept thinking about him...and then I relaxed and
thought I'd send him an ecard for his birthday...after all, what have I got to lose? I also was not
thinking about getting back together with him at the time...because I was still seeing someone else.
So I was still detached from the outcome.

I sent him the card, and sure enough he came online that night. And from there we started talking
again! He didn't know I was seeing anyone and I didn't tell him, but we were just talking like old
times, like old friends. Well, a couple months later, after trying very hard at the relationship I was
in, I finally broke up with the guy I was seeing. I had no expectations of dating anyone afterwards.
In fact, I had decided I just needed a break and was going to focus on me for awhile and forget
about dating,

Funny how things come to you when you're least expecting them. 3 weeks after my break up, this
guy...this wonderful man who I spent months pining over, invites me over out of nowhere! We have
just started seeing each other again and it's even better than the first time! I am excited, but keeping
my head this time, allowing myself to be patient, and allowing myself to feel secure and just
BELIEVE. I truly believe the most important key to all of this is the last step....letting go and
detaching from the outcome and just letting God/the Universe do their work.

I smile to myself every day...and marvel at the power of the Universe to deliver exactly what we
desire. And still I tell myself..."I'm going to marry this man". :)
38. Rebound guy gets his girl back...
Hi everyone, I have an amazing story for you....Its going to be long, but I think your going to want
to hear this...Because the mountains that stood in my way was moved by the power of love.


First, know that there are infinite parallel realities going on simultaneously in the here and now.
And there are versions of you in all of them...that are living very similar and different lives with
every choice you make. And the spiritual being you are shifting through them billions of times per
second. But, your only shifting back and forth through the versions of you that your frequency is
aligning with....so that means your realities are limited to your vibration or state of being....changing
your state of being changes what you experience regardless of what's happening on the outside.
Don't validate the outside circumstances as truth, validate the inside state of being as truth...and you
choose your state of being. Understand that principle in its entirety and you will unchain yourself
of what's possible with Law of Attraction. Law of Attraction is unlimited....

The Story:

I've pounded Law of Attraction and other metaphysical knowledge in my head over the
years....looking for every little piece of information that could give me a different perspective on the
subject or that "AHA" moment of what I have been missing and the above information is what I
have truly, finally come to understand even though I have heard Bashar speak on it many times....it
never really clicked with me until after me and my girl broke up....

I was ready to meet and date my wife, so I used Law of Attraction....I actually had someone specific
picked out, and then I turn the Universe loose to pick someone else well as comparisons....the only
thing I gave the universe as preference was what I wanted her to look like. I used visualization for a
week, an hour or two a day...half the time for the specific girl and half the time for the universe
pick....3 days each.

And then I stopped visualizing only because I got tired and gave up...let it go. But, by that time the
visualization process had written itself into my subconscious mind....I had memories of something
that hadn't even occurred yet....I liked the universe pick much better....I was lead into another state
and she found me....she looked exactly as I pictured her to look and we hit it off. So I knew this
woman was to be my wife...she had the personality, naturally beautiful everything fits...we are yin
and yang....so I had no problem expending whatever resources I had for her....

Mountain 1: [We were 3 hours apart].....

So I drove back and forth 6-8 times a month round trip to spend time with her and her son as I look
for a job in her city. We moved fast, but had the greatest relationship....I ignored all the red flags,
blinded because I had her on the pedestal. So, $4000...10,000miles and 5 months later we were
broken up....How, how could this have happened....remember those red flags. She had just got out
of a 2 year relationship a month before we met...And I realize I was essentially a rebound.

Mountain 2: [Rebound relationships don't last]

Mountain 3: [2 years compared to 5 months, she loved him more]

The other guy came back asking for a second chance, she give it to him...because she had much
more love for him than me...and I was no longer attractive to her, I had turned into a weak man

Mountain 4: [she now saw me as a weak man]

We were two different guys, wasn't long before she realized she made a big mistake.....however, she
said "but its too late", "when you get married I want to be there", "I'm so sorry for hurting you",
"you will find some body better"...."I just hate that I didn't love you enough to keep you".....I heard
it all

I started using Law of Attraction, I quickly picked myself up by having fun, fasting and not thinking
about her.....I imagined us getting back together while dry fasting no food no water for 3-
4days....this super powers the Law of Attraction. Her words begin to change and pretty soon she
asked me to stop by....I was feeling great and having fun....the day came we met, she was emotional
and saying she wished she could be strong like me....

Mountain 5: [I knew that she was contemplating moving in with this guy]

We became intimate...that backfired on me. And that little while of trying to do things myself blew
up in my face....She felt bad and I become weak again....now she's telling me she can't keep playing
with my feelings, she'll delete my number and name so she can't text or call me...and she tells
me...to be strong, now she sees me weak again....that hurted for a couple hours....I picked myself up
again....went back to my state. Everything is pointing towards her moving in now....Again, I
employ the Law of Attraction...this time I learn to use Love with the Law...all I can muster in
imagination, script writing, and picture making.....

During all of this I absolutely did not text or call her....I put my faith in the universe. And she
initiated any calls or texts. Because I knew in another reality we were already together, and that's
the state of being I was shooting for..

Five days later she calls, wanting to know information....I just be my natural self. Sounds like she's
opening the door up again....the Law is working.

The very next day she calls me, to tell me she has good news....she has broken up with him. And
basically saying that she need space for herself and wanting to make sure I would give her a second
chance and don't go look for anyone else. I assured her of that. She is now more or less chasing
me. I have told her there will not be a 3rd or 4th chance...because I wouldn't respect myself if I
did...And she assured me there is no need for it.....

I just got off the phone with her a couple hours ago....we are now happy and taking things slow as
friends with the knowing that were definitely doing a relationship by letting it progress into that and
giving her the space she needs for her heart to heal first and not rushing things as we did before.....

And in 2 months time I will be living in the same city with a great career, so I would not have to
travel back and forth. And the other guy just wasn't her type, she deleted his name and
number......I'm not worried, but I continue Law of Attraction for the engagement :)

This has both made us better people....

This was all done by living 3 hours away from her....with no texts and no phone calls initiated. And
someone else in the picture that she previously said she loved more than me....

Trust the Universe and let go....it knows the way. And Pray Law of Attraction everyday....
"man shall not live by bread alone."
The Christ
39. Manifesting A Relationship With A
Specific Person
I was in school when I first met him. I always wanted us to be in relationship. I tried to change
myself so much so that he would like me but that did not work. He had come out of a long
relationship and I met him at the reunion in 11th. I was still trying to get together with him.

Then I read the Secret in my 2nd year of college and I followed the tips for manifesting a specific
person. I started the practise of gratitude and letting go, and I considered us in a relationship
already. I had now become a positive person. I stopped stressing about it and just manifesting for 10
minutes every day focused on any of the ‘right kind’ of relationship.

Then almost immediately he connected with me and then in some time he proposed to me! And now
we are happy to be in this amazing relationship! The best part is that it is turning out even better
than what I had expected! The Secret has changed me completely. Btw, his name is Abhi.

Thank you to The Secret, thank you to Rhonda, thank you to the Universe. Thank you, thank you,
thank you!

Vaishnavi Duggal
I am 20 and a student. I am a happy, positive and grateful person.
40. Specific Person!
Thank you so much Rhonda Byrne for sharing The Secret with the world. I am deeply grateful for

I’ve read a lot of people asking if you can attract a specific person and today I am here to tell you
that you can.

Of course you need to have unwavering faith and just trust in God or the Universe with all you are.

We think that by just visualizing the person we want everything will happen suddenly. And hey,
sometimes it does, but let me tell you what you need to do to finally attract that one person that you
want so badly:

You need to let go!!!

Yes I know, you may think I’m talking crazy stuff but it’s so necessary if you want to succeed.

If we only think about wanting that person at this exact time and at this exact day, it’s like forcing
things, you know? You need to know that the other person has will and desires too, and this is not
about controlling anyone.

Stop worrying if you should do certain things to make that person look at you or fall for you, stop
the fear of not having them now. Do not focus on you not having them, just keep telling yourself
they will be in your life soon.

Do your own thing, be happy!!!

This is very important, you need to be happy so everything can work out perfectly.
Just be yourself, trust in God and the Universe!!! Let go and just concentrate on being happy and
enjoying life and I promise you that that person you want will be with you very soon.
Don’t let people make you doubt either, don’t listen to anyone elses opinions, only you and the
Universe/God know what you want and feel.

Remember that if you fell for that person it was for a reason, and if you feel deep in your heart that
you are meant to be together, keep on trusting. Let go, be happy and what you want will happen in
the most unexpected moment.

The Universe/God love you so much!

Taly Bravo
At only 16 I am having the life of my dreams full of love and happiness.
41. You Attract Specific People In Your Life
Hi everyone,

First of all I would like to say a big thank you to the whole team of The Secret who passed on this
knowledge and taught us how to use it in our lives. My story is about how I received a message
from my boyfriend and how I improved our relationship.

So 6 months back from today, my boyfriend had left me and told me he did not feel the same way
about me. Although we did have a lot of fights, I never thought it would end. I pleaded, I cried, I
kept calling and nothing worked. He blocked me from Whatsapp and blocked my calls. I was all
broken and to be honest, I cried for a whole week. I lost weight and my life became miserable.

Then I thought that enough is enough. I have to pick myself up and get myself together. I suddenly
realized that when I fell in love with him I tended to forget about myself and I give all my love to
that one person.

I started reading The Secret, The Power, The Secret to Teens Power, The Magic, The Daily
Teachings and, you won’t believe it but I even read The Power Of Henry’s Imagination! I know that
book is for kids but it was good and I did not want to miss out on anything! I maintained a gratitude
journal. I said my affirmations. I made my vision board with our happy pictures and I kept thanking
the Universe for him and his love. I am going to be honest here, it did take me a long time to let go
and to just believe. I use to do all The Magic practices and then after an hour, go into negativity. But
I pulled myself together and kept reminding myself about how I did attract other things

I kept telling the Universe that my boyfriend will message me on a particular date but it did not
happen. That happened about 4 or 5 times until one day I just claimed to the Universe that he will
message me on the 16th of September. I then forgot about it and got busy with my life.

On 16th of September I actually did get a message from him. I was so shocked, not from getting his
message but from the fact that the law of attraction actually worked .

We started talking and he is so concerned about me and is now so interested in my life. Everything
seems like a miracle and just to let you know, we are in a long distance relationship with each other.
We are taking it slow and we do know that we still love each other.

All the people out there who are looking for hope, I just want to tell you that I was like you all. I
came to this site every day to read successful stories about people getting their ex back. I want to
say that you can get your ex back but they need to be in the same feeling frequency as you are. You
can not control anyone but you can definitely heal your relationship with them.

Sending love!
42. He Came Back!
Today I want to share with you how I attracted the love of my life back to me and how our
relationship miraculously changed. We have fallen apart a while ago. He was acting very distant and
he was the one who wanted to take a break from the relationship. At first I was heartbroken and I
thought that my life was completely over.

I knew about The Secret and I figured out that I was the one who attracted the breakup in the first
place, due to my fears and negative beliefs. So I decided to ask the Universe to bring him back. I
knew deep in my heart that he was my true love. I always had a very strong gut feeling that this was
not over. I decided to follow my intuition and to put my trust in the Universe, knowing that it would
deliver whatever my heart desires. I first had to get rid of all my doubts. I knew that I had to trust in
the Universe, no matter what my current circumstances looked like.

First, I hoped. Then, I believed. Lastly, I knew that he was coming back. The moment that I started
to know without a doubt that he was mine and when I finally decided to let go and trust that my
desire was on its way, it came very fast. But it only came when I dropped all my resistance and truly
let go of trying to control the outcome so much.

I lived most of my days in full happiness. I had to stop relying on him for my well-being. I took my
power back. I regained my strength and joy. I made peace with the idea that even if he was not
coming back, I would be OK, no matter what. And that is the key, especially if you are trying to get
a specific person back. You need to be happy without that person. You need to radiate that happiness
into the Universe. And when you do that, that person will show up again. That is exactly what I did,
and trust me, it works!!!!

I also lived in the end result, I lived in the wish fulfilled, as if my love already came back to me. It
wasn’t always easy but I did not give up. Living in the end caused me to practice gratitude. I was
giving thanks to the Universe every day that we were back together. Being thankful and knowing
that my desire is on its way is what made it happen.

He eventually reached out to me, when I least expected it. Now we are back together and our
relationship is better than ever. He is the love of my life, and I give thanks every single day that it

The Secret really works!!! Have faith in The Universe. You just have to believe that nothing is
impossible, no matter what happens. When you get yourself in that place of believing, nothing can
stop your desire from coming. It is law.
You could have, be or do anything you want!
43. Manifested My Marriage
First of all I want to thank Rhonda Ma’am for bringing “The Secret” into our lives . Before
knowing The Secret I always felt like if I believed in something with all my heart, it would happen.
So here comes the story of mine.

I met my specific person, now my fiance, through a Social Network. His name is Amar. Though we
never met each other in real during our dating days, he was from my relatives family so I was sure I
was not dating a wrong person. On the very first day of our talking we talked about marriage. I felt
it like it was normal for us to talk like that. I really felt him as my soulmate and soon we fell in love
without seeing each other.

During those days I used to think about what if his parents don’t agree or what if someone created a
problem between us. Those negative thoughts of mine manifested and his parents said no for our
marriage. We ended up fighting and had a breakup. After a month I realized it was me who have
created all this. So I decided to manifest what I actually wanted. I started feeling the same love for
him and started thanking him for the amazing relationship we had. Soon he contacted me but he was
still not sure about our marriage. I got upset again but this time I didn’t let the negative thoughts
ruin my manifestation. I politely told him to contact me once his parents agreed for our marriage. I
started feeling good again and let all things go .

Very soon he contacted me and told me his parents have agreed for our marriage and he wanted my
father to visit his home in Delhi to fix the marriage. My father visited their home. My future in-laws
showed lots of respect towards him and our alliance got fixed. Now we both are just waiting for our
wedding day.

Whoever is reading this, trust me your wish has been manifested.

Sonam Mishra
Here it goes!

There was this guy that I know, that I really liked, to the extent that I looked up whether it was
possible to attract a specific person. There were many answers, some saying yes, some saying no
and some saying it depends. I was adamant that I wanted him, and so I asked the Universe. Every
time I saw him, I would say “Thank you, he’s mine!” I would visualize us together and I would feel
so happy. I turned down every negative thought and trust me, there were many.

Now this guy is my boyfriend and we have been together for two years. I am so happy.

Thank you!
45. Give Me This Or Something Better
The law of attraction and I have a long history with countless miracles in my life. However, I
never used it for relationships since I never truly believed that I deserved someone truly great,
or that I needed someone. Subconsciously, I always chose men who did not treat me the way I
Long story short, one day I visualized one thing: That I am with this particular guy who I was
attracted to but somehow in my heart, I knew I deserved much better. I also visualized that I am
smiling, because I received lovely good morning messages, but with no specific person. I believed
that everyone deserves this, except me.

Obviously, both came true.

I got to spend some time with the mentioned guy, and it was totally awful! So I easily just let go of
him, and the belief I had for months that I would feel good with him. It was just a checklist thing
after all!

Meanwhile I started talking with this guy out of the blue who I knew for a long time. I had never
thought of him that way and for a time, I even thought that we wouldn’t be a good match. Then I
realized that it was only fear, to be with someone who is an utterly amazing person and cares about
me a lot.

These days I receive my morning messages that I used to smile about when I visualized and I am
truly grateful and happy with him.

Joe Vitale always says that you should add ‘give me this or something even better’ after every wish
you make. I think I never agreed more with him in my life. It’s a good thing to rewrite the bad
beliefs in your mind, but it’s not necessary. You can just listen to Joe, and let your future rewrite
your past.

I wish you all the best and just leave some things to the amazing universe.
46. My dream girl
Last year, so happened that I’ve no idea about the Law of Attraction. I’ve been in terrible
relationships. My mom gave me a book related to Law of Attraction, but it is not The Secret. I
began reading & started believing for a moment. In fact, I even wrote a list about my dream girl. I
was impatient at that time, so I gave up and never touched the book again.

Exactly 1 year after I broke up with my ex, this year, 2010, I met this girl. She was a very decent
girl recommended by a friend of mine. I had a strong feeling. We have been dating for a few weeks
and then she left to Europe for her studies. But we are still keeping in touch. I was kinda down at
that time because the time we had was the best time in my life.

Something came into my mind indicating me to read The Secret. I began with The Secret video disc
and then I read the book. I was really impressed and regretted not reading the book earlier.

After 2 weeks, I had a fantastic conversation with my girlfriend. The list that I’d written over a year
ago just came through my mind, and it also reminded me of LOA. I began referring to those words
I’d written. After going through the words I’d written I wanted to cry. Finally I’d met my dream
girl. I have to admit that what I asked for was actually around me.

I am focusing and applying The Secret. I’m also a strong believer indeed. My next wish is to win a
50,000 lotto and then I can treat my dream girl for a wonderful dinner.

To all the readers, if I can do that, you can do it too. Be patient and always have faith in The Secret.

Ask, Answer, and Receive + feel good.

Thank you Universe. I’m so grateful that I’ve meet my dream girl and also to know The Great
Secret. Thank YOU.

Adriane Ong

7 days of romance - How I manifested my "Dream Girl" within two days

47. My Love is Back
I read some success stories and want to share mine because I think people can learn from it same as
I learned from it. And maybe I want to write down my most intensive experiences with the LOA
somewhere for myself and for everybody who wants to hear it. Sorry it got so long

Recently I've been to Southeast Asia for a 2 month trip. I had some little LOA experiences, like
wanting to tell the live band in a pub to play Beatles and before I even could walk to the stage they
played "You've got to hide your love away" or meeting the greatest people I could imagine. So a lot
of small manifestations took place. I was in Vietnam and I have to admit - there were a lot of
beautiful women, of course very exotic to a European like me. Usually, in my home country I would
be thinking about how nice it would be to have a great relationship, if not even the perfect one - and
that is still a wish I have. But I am enjoying my single life and I am very choosy regarding potential
relationship partners. And on my trip, I knew it was not a good idea to wish to find my ideal match
in Vietnam since I am not interested in long distance relationships at all.

Anyway, a strong wish emerged to have at least a romantic encounter with a sweet girl, a local if
possible. So I concentrated on this thought for about 30 seconds and then let it go. 2 days passed
and I spent most time lying in bed sick. The trip all together had been very demanding and I was
always focussed on my next steps. I booked a bus ticket to Mui Ne, a beach in the south of Vietnam
which should be the next station on my way to the north of the country. On my day before the trip I
explored the streets of Saigon. In the evening I felt really tired and was on my way to the hotel. I
wanted to pack my stuff and just sleep to be prepared for my trip. But somehow I just heard me
saying to myself: "Come on, you never saw the nightlife of this amazing city!" I was not even in the
mood to go out but I convinced myself to have ONE beer in a nice bar and then head back home.
I walked down the street, a girl approached me and showed me a menu. (She worked for the bar on
the opposite side of the street) But I was not interested. As she mentioned live music she got my
I got in and I really love live music and this band was good. I got my beer and enjoyed the moment,
everybody in the bar seemed to be happy and so was I. I saw a bartender and my mind went
"WOW!". She was stunning! To be honest, I was thinking how nice it would be to have sex with her
on my last night here (I am not sorry for being a man but I rejected the thought out of hand in total
disbelief AND even more indifference wether that could ever happen. So I enjoyed the music and
my beer and all of a sudden this beautiful bartender sat right next to me. It seemed I picked the right
place on the bar because she was sitting there to write down the bills. I grabbed the menu and asked
if she could explain me what "Blabla" on the menu was. She told me, its a beer! So we started
talking about beers. I sat in the bar for about two hours and she would always come back to me and
we would talk about beers and more and more about personal things. She showed me her photos on
her phone and we shared some laughs together. She had a beautiful smile and I complimented her
on that. I usually dont do it to women of her kind who hear that ALL the time and it is nothing
special to them. But in this night I was so relaxed and indifferent about everything, just looking
forward to my trip that I didnt care what she might be thinking.

In this relaxed state something popped up in my mind and I had no problem to speak it: "If I
wouldnt leave tomorrow I would ask you to go out on a date with me. I really enjoy talking to you."
Then I made a joke by saying: "So if you want you can come to Mui Ne with me tomorrow" She
smiled and said she cant. Tomorrow is her day off and she goes to another beach at 6am with a
friend of her. I smiled back and did honestly not care about it. After some more conversation I stood
up, gave her my facebook and number and said it again, smiling, with no intention: "Think about it.
If you want to come with me give me a call" and I went home.
She didnt call but I dreamed of her! Thats the end of the story. It's still a manifestation, right? I
mean the feeling in the dream was so real!

At least thats what I tried to tell me when I woke up in the morning feeling lousy, only thinking
about her, trying to concentrate my thoughts on the upcoming journey. I shifted my focus and felt
okay again and thanked God that he showed me that I was very close to fullfilling my dream which
gave me faith. I looked at my clock. It was 6am! I woke up at 6am? I never wake up so early. My
bus was in the afternoon anyway. I remembered she telling me thats the time she goes on HER trip.
What a strange coincidence. So I thought I write her an SMS (yes, she had given me her number
too) and I wrote: "Have a nice trip!" nothing more. I got up and started packing my stuff. She wrote
back: "I added you on Facebook, come online" So we chatted on Facebook, she telling me that her
friend still didnt show up. "Forget your friend, come with me to Mui Ne haha" I said.

No answer.

then she sent a message to my phone.


I couldnt believe it but I said to myself: Stay cool and see where this leads to. I told her to come to
my hotel at 8am. When I left my hotel I couldnt believe my eyes. She was there!! Beautiful as I
remembered her. We went for breakfast and couldnt stopp looking at each other and smile and
laugh. We both felt a strong connection going on between us. we went to the travel agency to find
an earlier bus since she only had one day but there was only the one at 3pm. So I told her: She can
decide wether to spend a day with me in Saigon and go to Mui ne in the afternoon or go back to her
friend and have more time on the beach with her. She thought about it ...

she chose the first option! And I swear the following hours with this woman were magical! We went
to the park, to the movies and explored the city. I felt like a little boy again who fell in love with his
classmate and could sit beside her in the cinema. Same in the bus! I hate going on the bus but I
didnt want to end this bus trip. We held hands for the first time in the cinema. We had our first kiss
in the bus at sunset. It was perfectly arranged by the universe. We did the whole getting-to-know-
and-getting-close-story within hours - and it felt so right!

We spent 7 days together. I skipped the planned trip and stood with her in Saigon. I will not go into
detail but it was an unforgettable and wonderful time. We fell in love and cried when we had to part.
But it was exactly my wish and it showed me: The universe ALWAYS finds a way to make your
wish come true. Just be OPEN to all the possibilities. If I would have said: I have to do my trip on
my own as planned I would not have had the idea to ask her to come with me and to ask her even 3
times! All signs were against a romantic week with that wonderful woman but in the end it worked

So what I learned from it: Wish for something you really want. Just long enough to make you feel
good. Let it go and concentrate on what makes you happy! Detach yourself from the need to see
your wish manifest. The interesting thing about it was: the LESS I believed it would really happen
with HER the more relaxed I was and the more indifferent I was about the outcome, acutally, not
even thinking there would be ANY outcome at all! I was focussed on my trip and on myself most of
the time and that was enough - that was a long held dream I was making come true. So I was
content in some way ...

What I also learned: The universe is fast! But only if you dont care about time! No pressure! Never!
No resistance! I think that really is the secret! Or at least a core part of it.
Anyway, who ever had the time and discipline to read this story, thank you.

She and I are still in contact and now I know she really fell in love with me big time and misses me
and cries for me everyday. I feel sorry for her but for me its much easier because I am so glad about
the amazing 7 days we had and I didnt ask for more ... still, I love her and I am so thankful to have
met this wonderful person and my believe in the power of the universe woke up again ...


P.S. The name of the bar where I met her was UNIVERSAL BAR.
48. Manifesting Love (My Girlfriend is a
Model! My Success Story with Law of
You can Manifest Your True Love Even for Specific Person
Life doesn’t have to be random. You don’t have to settle with what is available.
You can manifest the ONE TRUE LOVE with matching details you wish for.
Often times, my dream girl would look exactly the way I fantasized her, a year or two before she
even came into my life for real. Her personality would match my fantasy too.
Of course the more attractive and in demand this guy or gal is, the more advanced skills you
will need for the Law of Attraction to deliver results.
You may want a specific person or to get ex back. This might or might not work, but someone who
is similar, better, and more attractive will certainly come your way if you apply the Law of
In fact, I have dated look-alike celebrities, who were prettier, younger, and sexier than the
originals, thanks to the Law of Attraction.
If some girls rejected me, i knew that I could always manifest someone who looked similar, but was
a better version than the one who got away.
We are All Experiencing the Law of Attraction in One Way or Another
Before I’d ever heard of the Law of Attraction, I’d unintentionally applied it to manifest the
person of my dream. One by one, they came and left. I can tell you why.
I was able to manifest that person, sometimes with the kind of look and personality I fantasized, but
my fear and insecurity would eventually drive them away.
My insecurity would actualize and attract competitors who took her away.
This is self-fulfilling prophecy at work! (It is a form of Law of Attraction too)
You see. The Law of Attraction simply follows whatever you set your mind on. If you focus on
a mental movie intensively, over time, you will unconsciously formulate steps and pull strings to
orchestrate that movie into reality.
The problem is no one told us that. We believe our day dreams, fears, and fantasies aren’t real and
will never be real. This causes us to neglect discipline of our minds.
We allow our minds to drift from here and there. Usually our mental movies are mundane or
useless. Our outter world is just a reflection of our inner world.
Sometimes we have intensive desires, but we quickly discard it as mere fantasy. Or, like me, we let
our fears and insecurity to sabotage our success.
There’s more to that, of course. I will share some tips I have learned over the years in future posts.
Now let me share my love life as a result of a few years of practice in the Law of attraction.
Finally I’ve Achieved the Impossible! I Got a Model Girlfriend!
When I first met her I somehow knew that she was mine. I instinctively knew what to say to her.
As a working model she was used to high level men, so for me to initiate a conversation with her on
the street my chance should be slim to none. Right?
You have to know how impossible it all seemed.
As an asian guy with a thick accent, I knew the odds were not in my favor. I got many rejections
from girls in Canada, and the numbers I got usually led to no where.
But there were times when I knew everything would somehow fall into place beautifully. It was just
one of those times.
I met her at a time when I was broke. I lived in a very small room
in China town. There should have been a lot of explanation on my part to persuade her to consider
me right?
Again, miraculously I didn’t have to explain anything to her. We clicked. There were a lot of
competitions gunning for her too. I could see many messages from guys on her facebook.
After many failures (not because the Law of Attraction didn’t work, but because it worked too
well), I finally achieved one of my lifelong dreams- to date a model.
This is one of her professional pictures. By the way, we have a 15 years age difference. She was 18
when I was 33. The Law of Attraction really turned my life around in a big way.
49. Manifested the Impossible
Hi Guys,

Me and my boyfriend were in relationship for about 5yrs..our families decided to talk to each other
for our marriage...when my family knew that my boyfriend was from other caste and religion they
gave clear rejection that i should not marry him and ceased my phone and forced me to leave my
job and started looking for alliance from various places and made me sit at home...we both were so
broken and didn't knew what to do....my life changed totally when i came across law of attraction
principles...i feel so grateful and thankful that how LOA has changed my life...I used
tovisualize twice a day after waking up and night before sleep that how we both are getting married
to each other with our parents acceptance and apart from that...i used affirmations used to watch
success stories practice guided meditation etc...and the main thing was i let it go and was patiently
waiting....i still can't believe how things changed and after few months my family finally agreed for
our marriage in spite of issues like caste religion etc...now am getting married to my love...Thanks
to the universe god all the life coaches who taught us LOA....my only advice to all who is
undergoing same situation believe in the divine power within yourself and trust the
process....Thanks for reading my story...good vibes.

50. Sounds like Miracles!
I saw him in office he is very smart. I never thought that I would actually attract him. I had a crush
on him and wanted to be his friend he is tall, fair and and a handsome gentleman. I wanted him to
be my friend so I started visualizing us laughing together and talking on phone and within a week
he pinged me I don't know where he got my name from but yes it is amazing. He said he was
interested in me for a long time but never said anything. We are currently very good friends and we
share our secrets. We stay in contact on whatsapp. It is incredible to be his friend and most of all he
is great.

Thank you so much for this lovely friend,

51. Attracting Someone!
I would like to say I attracted some guy into my life. I saw him on Instagram and he was so cute. I
said to myself, this guy will be my friend and he will talk to me so I visualized us talking on the
phone sending each other messages it really felt good. It felt as if it was happening already.
After just 3 days he searched for me on Facebook and sent me a message into my inbox giving me
his phone number and asking to add him on my contacts so we could talk on whatsapp. I did that
and we started talking the things are happening right now are exactly the way I was imagining that
we talk hours on the phone. It just feels like we have known each other from way back.

52. Manifesting my ex boyfriend back!
I just want to thank Shontel for the advice she has given me on manifesting my relationship back
with my ex. Her methods work. I stay positive and think positive and I get positive results. My ex
and I have been broken up for two years but still deal with each other. I was so afraid of losing him
permanently that all of my fears were becoming my reality. I came across this website and asked
Shontel a couple of questions. I put her advice to use and have gotten a couple of positive results.
There were some days that had not spoken to my love, and as I wrote in my journal my desires and
positive affirmations, and asked the universe for my love to call so I can hear his voice and tell him
I love him. About three days later, he came to my house. I was very surprised to see him. I was able
to tell him I love him in person and received the same words in return. Never give up on your
desires and wishes. If you feel that you and your ex are meant to be, go for it. My ex and I have
history together, a total of six years. I tried to let go and move on but I just found my way back to
him. So I guess this is the universe telling me that we are meant to be and to not give up. I had to do
some changes within myself as well. I had to expel all negative thoughts to get rid of the negative
energy and vibes. The more love you send out to the person you love and to the universe, the more
love you receive in with positive energy as well. And these things combined will create a loving
vibration that will attract your love back into your life. Thank you again Shontel for the advice you
have given me.
United States
53. Got My Love Back!
Hello every one. I am very happy to share this with everyone. I believe in LOA and I have seen
miracles happening in my life. Just 10 days ago, I decided to use LOA to get my love back to me. I
read a few books on manifesting love and a lot of helpful blogs. It worked for me,I focused on
getting him back. I sent love to him several times a day and visualized our happy relationship. Just
after doing this for 10 days, I got a call from my guy and he wanted to meet me. It's magical and I
love using LOA for everything I want. I would like to say this to every1 who want their love back
that don't give up,believe in yourself and LOA and be as happy as you can be. Happiness is the only
way to make your dreams come true. This valentine week has got my love back. Hope you all get
your love back too.
54. I got my ex back with the use of LOA!
Hi Shontel
Me and my ex are back together thanks to your amazing tips!

We are starting a fresh. I am staying positive now! What helped me the most was knowing that if I
sent him light and love every day he would feel the vibrations. Having to let go was the hardest
part, however knowing that if I did that there could be a chance of us getting back together made me
do it.

I stayed positive and happy throughout the 4 weeks of our break up, stayed away from him and
everyday I thanked the universe for everything I have and also for the love that we shared. All of
this wasn't easy but I knew I had to do it.

It has changed my life for the better, we are now really happy, still madly in love with each other
and our relationship has changed for the better.

Now it is time for me to stay happy, to love my relationship and look forward to the future.
Thank you so much Shontel, for all the help and support you have given me.

I will keep you updated on our relationship.

Thanks again.

With light and love,

Manchester, UK
55. I Manifested Him to Respond!
My boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago after being in a relationship for 1.5 years. I will
leave the long and boring details out. It's been a very painful break for me, as it was unexpected and
didn't make sense to me and I still love him. He was going through a traumatic time and felt he
needed to be alone and, he felt that we needed to end our relationship. We talked a few times and
then he seemed confused about what to do. Wanted to leave the door open, yet never checked in
once with me. I was the one who was trying to convince him that we can make things work. I
stopped contacting him and not a word from him.

Anyway, I have been writing in my journal as if we are still together. I have been picturing e-
mails/texts coming in from him using the words I would like to hear. I had the TV on two nights
ago, and happened to look up right when a young woman was looking at her computer screen to see
a message coming in from her ex boyfriend which said "Hi. Can you talk?" As her eyes popped
open wide, another message came on screen "I miss you." Then she sat there for a minute and
smiled and then wrote back "I miss you too." I felt that it was a sign, since I asked for one. It was
what I was picturing for myself. The next day, I wrote in my journal and thanked him for contacting
me and then pictured a message coming in from him all day long. I was in the shower thinking of
him thinking of me. When I got out, I checked my computer for something else, and there it was....
a message from him. He said he wanted to say hello and hoped that I am doing well and to take care
and to keep in touch. I, still hurt and bewildered, decided to respond positively and wrote pretty
much the same back to him, and ending it with take care. I hope to hear from him again. If there is
to be anything with us again, it will have to be a fresh new beginning and he will need to be the one
initiating it, as I have already tried to save us from where we are now. We never really argued much,
but we had other issues that we needed to work through. I just think the timing was off for both of
I do believe you can manifest your desires. Just believe! Wow, it was pretty amazing to see that
message pop up and I do not believe it was a coincidence.

I will continue picturing us as if we are still a couple. I will follow up if anything else happens.
Here’s another story:

A few years ago my friend told me that she had this on again, off again boyfriend who, basically,
had other ladies besides her.

She really loved him, but thought it was impossible to get him to settle down with her.

I told her that the Being she really is, is the Source of all life and that this Being had the ability to
achieve this goal for her.

Most people who have not yet experienced astral projection are unaware that, in truth they are all
Imagination, and that we do not live in a Universe at all.

We live in a MULTI-verse.

A multi-verse where every conceivable reality already exists and is playing out at the same time as
the life you are currently familiar with.

I taught her a special technique that allowed her to awaken her inner sense of hearing.

With this sense awakened, she discovered that everyone on the outside was really herself pushed

Including the ladies she thought were her rivals.

With the divine power of her imagination restored, she was able to go to the end and
experience that she was now happily married to the man she loved.
To experience this state is to feelingly impress your subconscious that you already have it and only
this genuine mood, persisted in, can activate and produce this state in your life.

Unknown to her, I created this outcome for her as well. All I did is listen attentively using my inner
ear and felt the joy of her telling me of how perfect her wedding was.

One year later, everything manifested.

Here is how this happened…

1. She got pregnant. (I had imagined for her a baby boy). I drove her to the hospital myself (At 3 am
in the morning), gave her affirmations of gratitude to help her live in the end of having successfully
given birth.

She did. It was a very smooth labor and birth of a handsome son, who was born at exactly 7 am,
something she felt was curious because everything important in her life had happened on either the
7th day of the month or within the 7th month of the year. Even her bachelor’s graduation happened
on the 7th and don’t get me started on her own birthday!

2. When the boy’s father came to hold him for the first time, he was awash with emotion. He was
beaming with love. He held his first born son for a few minutes, gave him back to the mother and
then got down on one knee, produced a ring and said…
“Honey, will you marry me?”
Today, they are happily married with 2 children and they live in a house he built for her. Everything
is possible to s/he who believes! What helped her is she learned how take her attention away from
the other girls who wanted to “steal” her man!

Be strong! Your manifestation is on it’s way!


If you are manifesting love with a specific person, here is something you must know.
Since God is love, and YOU are love…. When you place another person in a state of love relative to
you, you create an energy flow that must lead to that person being drawn to you.
In scripture we are told: “No man comes unto me unless The Father within me draws him”.

“The Father” that draws your current experiences to you is nothing but your own state of
consciousness, which is pretty much a “mood”.

Now, when you create the mood “I love you” in another, you also activate within yourself a state
that that person would deem worthy of his/her love.

In other words,..

You do not just change the other person, you change yourself.
You will become the personification of what the other person would love and you would do this

That person will continue to love you in as much as you continue to express qualities that s/he fell
in love with to begin with.
In other words, we do not fall in love with people, we fall in love with states of consciousness these
people express.
This literally means, any person, with the right amount of mental “fine tuning” can become
whatever you envisioned your soul mate to be.
Yeah…I know, I know. It is easier to love certain people because of their upbringing, their paradigm
of life. They relate to you because, on some level, your being together would further your evolution
back to Oneness.

I noticed that, while I did not grow up with a Father, everyone else loved me sooo much, that I grew
up with more than enough love to share with the World. It is programmed in me…but, I admit, it is
merely a state.

The person who loves you is in a state. Your energy affects theirs and vice versa. Each of you
animates the other, creating in that seeming other that which you love.

In other words, we are causing our loved ones to behave in a certain way, be it good, bad or

Ever heard that expression: “S/He brought out the best version of me”. That is literally true. You
will notice that you behave differently now as compared to a previous relationship you were in.

You have the power to manifest a specific partner. That person will love you because you will
change and behave as that person would want you to and vice versa.
As long as you fully understand this, you will be set free from what others (who do not have a full
understanding of how The Law works) have to say!

On Earth, you manifest what you believe to be true. For someone who has experienced all kinds of
situations which others might deem “impossible”, I can categorically state that all man-made rules
can be bent.

People will write entire books and build entire religions to convince you that something can not be
done and yet you do it anyway.

Remember, our experience on Earth is an attempt to limit that which, by definition, is limitless. It is
in its very nature to transcend every limit it has placed upon itself until it is back to its purest form.

You are going to discover that every truly enlightened being operates at a completely different level.
This is because, having discovered within yourself, who “Source” truly is, you will know what the
true laws are and what the imagined ones are.

At a certain point in your evolution, you are going to notice that all your earlier spiritual teachers no
longer fully resonate. This is because experience has shown you something beyond their teachings.

I used to think people can not/ should not manifest love too. I was very convinced in the concept of
“free will”, something that helps Man feel like s/he is in control.

In reality, things are far more complex than that.

What people call “free will” is really “free choice”. You have the power to select a mental state out
of which to view the world…but once selected, you are under compulsion to fulfil the contents of
that state whether you want to or not.

In other words… yes you can manifest anything you want…together with any other stories/dramas
related to it. Most of which, you rarely see coming.

If the state activated is love, both you and the person loved will act in accordance to what each
projects the other should be,do or have in order for the relationship to be sustainable.

Your energy animates his and vice versa.

This, of course, happens at a very high level of consciousness within us.

There is no rule in the Universe that decides for you who or what to love. That would completely go
against what we all know intuitively:

Source is love.

If, at the very least, you are an extension of this love energy, then who or what you direct it to
doesn’t matter because everything in the Universe is Source/ Love in form.
57. Neville Goddard's Manifestation Story
“Last August, while on a ‘blind date’ I met the man I wanted to marry. This happens sometimes, and
it happened to me. He was everything I had ever thought of as desirable in a husband.

Two days after this enchanted evening,it was necessary for me to change my place of residence
because of my work, and that same week the mutual friend who had introduced me to this man,
moved away from the city. I realised that the man I had met probably did not know of my new
address, and frankly, I was not sure he knew my name.

“After your last lecture, I spoke to you of this situation. Although I had plenty of other ‘dates’ I
could not forget this one man. Your lecture was based on revising our day; and after speaking to
you, I determined to revise my day, every day.

Before going to sleep that night, I felt I was in a different bed, in my

own home, as a married woman — and not as a single working girl, sharing an apartment with three
other girls. I twisted an imaginary wedding band on my imaginary left hand, saying over and over
to myself, ‘This is wonderful! I really am Mrs. J.E.!’ and I fell asleep in what was—a moment
before—a waking dream.
“I repeated this imaginary scene for one month, night after night. The first week in October he
‘found’ me. On our second date, I knew my dreams were rightly placed. Your teaching tells us to
live in the end of our desire until that desire becomes ‘fact’ so although I did not know how he felt
toward me, I continued, night after night, living in the feeling of my dream realised.

“The results? In November he proposed. In January we announced our

engagement; and the following May we were married. The loveliest part of it all, however, is that I
am happier than I ever dreamed possible; and I know in my heart, he is too.” . . . Mrs. am happier
than I ever dreamed possible; and I know in my heart, he is too.” . . . Mrs. J.E.

—-NEVILLE in “The Law and the Promise”

58. A’s Story Manifesting the EXACT Text
About A’s Story
Now, what I love about A’s story, is the fact that she has been able to share the exact words that she
used for her 55×5.
Brilliant words, and so general too. “I am so happy that I have found the one.”
An affirmation like this is wonderful when it comes to relationships, as it sort of keeps it all open.
You are sending out the meaning to the universe, that you want the one that brings you certain
Feelings of joy, contentment and love. Maybe security. Definitely happiness. I could go on.
Think of “the one” for you.. whether you in reality, in your everyday life, right here and now you
think you are with that person or not.
What feelings do you get? Joyful and happy feelings I bet, so when ‘A’ was doing the affirming
during her 55×5 she had wonderful feelings going on. Oh and I forgot to mention excitement.

Mental Visualisation
‘A’ was there. In her mind, travelling around, holding hands, and being together. Enjoying each
others company. These thoughts will have been emitting some wonderful loving feelings and
attracting back to her so much more of the same.

Her words in the story were that she was in a “super high vibration”. That’s high! That’s right up in
the Vortex or Desire Cloud, or whatever you wish to call it.
Using her visualisations, she was feeling the feeling as if she was already there.
You go, girl! That’s the way… And her manifestations started over the few days. The first one
before day two. In fact within an hour of her starting.

She asked for even more with her visualisations

So, on day two, still using the same sentence “I am so happy that I have found the one,” she started
visualising him travelling back to see her. He was away travelling for work.
And oh yes! Here he came.. On the 4th day, he flew back to see her.

The Exact Text

She then manifested a text. Not just any text but the exact text using visualisation again. She asked
for the text that said “What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?”…
and guess what text she received? Of course! She was ‘up there’ and nothing was stopping her.
Excellent stuff…

So on day 7, she asked for another text; “flying back to Jakarta. I miss you”, and she very
cryptically ends her post by saying she woke to a text and the biggest smile on her face. I know
what I think it said!!
Nice ‘work’ A… Very happy manifesting going on there.
A big thank you to yourself and everyone that contributes to these style posts and helps to inspire
59. Manifesting the Perfect Mate (a Believe It
or Not True Story)
Joseph Drumheller’s work as a hypnotherapist opened his eyes to the power of
the subconscious, but a particular session taught him about manifesting a mate.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’ve worked in and around the amazing world of subconscious
healing and spirituality for over two decades. I’ve helped people heal all sorts of difficulties in
relationships. I’ve also helped helped people create new ones through a miraculous process
called manifesting.

Manifesting is a spiritual skill that utilizes the imagination by directing the subconscious mind to
create what you desire in the future. If someone can conjure up a mental picture (vision) of what
they want, and combine it with a deep feeling of “knowing” (confidence), the subconscious mind
will do everything in its power to create it in their physical life.

The process can be applied to jobs and careers, all types of health, possessions, and even…

However, there are a few catches. First, it’s most effective when done in a meditative state. Second,
every resistance and unresolved emotion standing between you and your future soul mate is likely
to come up. So be prepared to do some healing. And last, you can’t override the free will of anyone
else. I’ve seen many people pull it off successfully, but none better than my former roommate

When I met Franklin, we were both bouncing back from broken relationshipsand shared an interest
in healing and spirituality. When he found out I was a new hypnotherapist, he couldn’t wait to give
it a try. He wanted to manifest a soul mate, so we dove right in.

His first session began an amazing story that developed over the course of eight months. Suddenly,
he was in the Austrian countryside. Then, he began to describe everything in minute detail. There
was a brick house, an arched doorway, a sunken living room, a trellis garden, a water well, and a
gigantic willow tree in the back. Because he was an artist, Franklin was able to draw everything in
detail after each session.

With each progressive session, the story added more and more detail. There was a beautiful, slender,
redheaded woman living in the house, who had all the bounce of a female Tigger. He recognized her
immediately as his soulmate. He had absolutely no doubt that they had spent countless lifetimes
together. There was also her endeared uncle, Franklin referred to as Papa, who had a buddha belly,
big brown eyes and a gray walrus mustache.

Franklin eventually decided his visions were real and planned a trip to Austria to find his true love.
He took his drawings along as life maps, and dragged me along to chauffeur. Quite honestly, I
wouldn’t have passed the adventure up for the world.

According to Franklin, his new love awaited in the lakes district, south of Salzburg. Unfortunately,
as we drove up into the Alps on that October morning, we couldn’t see a thing. It was a fog thicker
than pea soup. Franklin became disappointed to the point of depression and figured we had come a
long way for nothing. However, as we pressed on and crested a hill, a break in the clouds revealed
the town of destiny. “There!” he screamed. “Stop!”

I pulled off the road and Franklin pulled out one of his drawings. It was a dead ringer. I couldn’t
believe it. As we slowly pulled into town, we took a turn here and another one there to where
Franklin thought the house should be. But there was no house. However, it looked like a fire had
roared through the area sometime long ago.

We got out and rummaged around. Sure enough there was brick rubble from an old building. Upon
closer observation we could suss out a floor plan with, much to my surprise, that included a sunken
living room. Franklin suspected from that moment on, his eight months of visions were scenes from
a previous life. After that realization set in, he became very dejected. All he wanted to do was go
back home.

When we returned, Franklin gave up on his visions and returned to the “real” world. He also started
dating again. However, he recognized each woman he dated brought up the same issues from old
relationships. He called them “sucky, enmeshed, sensations of co-dependence that triggered
enormous feelings of unworthiness.” So he quit dating altogether and spent the rest of our short
time together working on healing those issues.

Three years later.

I was passing back through Franklin’s town and thought I’d stop in unannounced and say hi. We
really hadn’t communicated since I moved away. I walked up, rang the bell and waited with a
beaming grin on my face; waiting to see the surprise on his face. When the door swung open, my
jaw dropped to he porch floor. It was a very attractive, slender, redheaded woman. In her arms was
an 18-month-old boy with big brown eyes and a little buddha belly. She warmly welcomed me in
and as I entered the house, there was Franklin with an ear-to-ear grim that said “Look what I

We spent that evening conversing long into the darkness. Franklin said he had spent plenty of time
clearing the emotional debris from past relationships, especially from his family of origin. He also
said when his soulmate finally manifested, he recognized her immediately. That helped him
discover a universal truth of relationships.

To find the perfect mate, you must be the perfect mate.

Like attracts like; we are all mirrors. When someone engages in their own healing, they will attract
someone else who has healed, thereby improving the quality of the next relationship.

It was imperative for Franklin to do his own healing before creating his heart’s desire. And as the
two of them grew to know each other more intimately, Franklin realized she had been doing her
healing work also.

That was twelve years ago. Last Christmas I received a card from Franklin and his beloved family
of three. They’re still deeply connected from a fated manifestation of long ago, living within the
beauty of an interdependent and highly dynamic relationship.
60. My SP journey and success!!!
English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes and this will
be a long post...
I wanted to write about my story to reassure everyone who's trying to manifest a SP that it is
absolutely possible.

The backstory is very long but I try to keep it as short as possible. My SP is an ex and never in my
life I wanted to attract an ex back but I just couldn't get him out of my mind, trying to forget him or
dating others just didn't work.

We had been in a relationship from around 2004 to 2013, it was me who broke it and we remained
friends. The time where the separation happened was a very confusing one for me and the
separation never felt right to me but I didn't want to hurt him any further or be egoistical, so I kept
with my decision.

In 2016 we met more frequently again and my feelings for him became stronger and stronger. He
wanted me back as well but I felt I had done an unforgivable mistake when I called it a day and that
I had lost him, that things could never be as they had been again and oh boy, did that manifest but I
didn't know about Neville back then.

The more guilty and lost I felt, the more he would distance himself from me until he got into a
relationship with someone else. He told me she wasn't the love of his life but he felt I didn't want
him or otherwise I wouldn't have called it a day back then. Exactly what I had feared - that I had
done an unforgivable mistake and he would never give me a chance again. I was shattered and an
enormous neediness in me was created that led to much more drama. I did all the wrong things you
could imagine.

From late 2016 our contact that had been steady and almost daily even in the worst of times for
years faded almost completely. By the middle of 2017 I found Neville but I was confused and also
read a lot about LOA. Now and then I manifested little things, like messages or even a meeting with
him but it soon went downhill again and I was faced with depression, self doubt and loneliness

From February 2018 on nothing was happening anymore on the outside. When I wrote to him, no
matter how caring, he would just ignore my messages. And yet I couldn't get over him. In summer I
started to study Neville much more seriously and also ditched all the other LOA stuff because I felt
it was contradictory.

For almost three months I would imagine him and me reconciling almost daily. I say almost daily
because there were days were I would definitely fall back to the "old man" as Neville calls it and I
felt like a fool doing these things. But the more I studied Neville, the more I could see truth in this,
it worked everywhere and always, so I tried to remember what he said about persistence and
After a while I added the nightly method to my routine. It wasn't easy in the beginning because I
remembered all that had been said and done between my SP and me too well, it still hurt and we
were in no contact for months now. But I persisted as good as I could. I also ditched the idea of
reaching out to him although it was tempting. For the life of me I couldn't imagine him reaching out
to me all by himself because when we had contact in the last two years, it was always initiated by
me and he would only reply shortly and cold-ish if he wouldn't just ignore me.

However, over the months of doing what Neville says we should do, things started to change in me.
The first thing was that my depression faded. Yes, I still had very bad days in between but they
became less and less. Overall I started to feel good and weirdly (to me it was because mentally and
emotionally I came from a very dark place) optimistic again. I started to care more for myself, for
my appearance and well being. I would start to enjoy my old hobbies again, I would reconnect to
friends (many of my other relationships had gone downhill over this miserable period as well,
almost my entire life was a nightmare to be frank) and I started to feel pleasure in myself and life
again. That alone was a big success for me.

Ironically I had a huge meltdown when I registered here and posted for the first time to this sub. In
the weeks before I had also felt as if I had become indifferent to my SP and had stopped doing
SATS a few days before because something in me would just block them as unnecessary and as
nothing on the outside happened... Well, you can imagine - I did fall back to the "old man" once
again. Also, I started worrying, as I remembered some of the LOA stuff I had read, that it may just
not be possible or right to attract a specific person. I never wanted to "force" someone to love me
after all etc. But the replies I got here and what I read in the comment sections showed me how
stupid and unnecessary my doubting was.

And only 2 days later (November 2018) he reached out!!! All by himself and I thought I was
dreaming because it wasn't only one message, he would, after ignoring me for weeks and months,
shower me with messages just like in the old days. I didn't post about it here because I wanted to
watch how this would go and there was something not so nice happening in between - he started
sexting me and I felt used and started doubting the process again. But I now knew better - I realized
that I had been so needy and doubtful before that he was again myself pushed out.

And I revised it... I would go to bed and imagine my true end goal - him and me together as a truly
happy and deeply connected couple. From then on, things started to change dramatically. He
apologized, he phoned me (we hadn't phoned since last December), he told my cousin that he was
absolutely unhappy in his relationship for a very long time, that she was just a rebound for him
because he had always wanted me and that he was thinking of calling it quits with her since the
beginning of their relationship.

He's texting me daily now, all by himself, we phone and share a mutually respectful and meaningful
contact. When I don't have time, he asks me if something is wrong and that he's thinking of me all
the time. He, who would ignore messages and calls from me for months, reaches out and even gets
impatient if I don't reply to him within hours sometimes. We want to meet soon and would have
done so already, but he's quite ill at the moment. We've also talked about our relationship and we
take it slowly now as his girlfriend is about to move out and as he's ill, he needs some time to
recover from all of this.
Sometimes these days I'm sitting here and am just amazed as to how easy all of this has become,
remembering my desperate times and the thoughts and feelings of having him lost forever. I love
him, as a human being alone and I'm so grateful.

The most important thing is that I have the total belief now that everything Neville teaches is
nothing but the truth and whatever happens, whatever I desire, I know I can create or re-create it.
I'm also grateful beyond words for this sub where I learned so much and I want to thank you all
who helped me and inspired me deeply.

Also, I truly hope this post will be inspiring to all who are struggling. My story wasn't easy at all,
I've wasted literally years feeling utterly down and depressed and it took me years to truly
comprehend that I had done all of this to myself, that I created everything with my thoughts,
negative beliefs and assumptions. Stick with Neville and Neville only, he's the key knowledge that
can and will help you to get rid of all your problems. It can be hard sometimes, but I started reading
his books or listening to his lectures every few days now, so that I won't ever fall back to the old
61. Manifesting A Specific Person & Changing
Their Behavior
April 4, 2019

This is my success story on how I manifested a specific person, and how I was able to completely,
and I mean COMPLETELY, change his behaviors in less than 6 months. I also want to preface this
by stating that l could've manifested this change, much quicker, had been more consistent with my
sel-love and Nevilles teachings, and did it for the rignt reasons. However, I was quite hot and cold
with everything, hence why attracted a hot and cold relationship. Once I decided I would really
dedicate myself to this, it only took 3 weeks.

In October of 2018 we met while working together at JFK airport. Our workplace is important
because it plays a huge role in our relationship. I had been saying self love affirmations before
meeting him as a way to boost my self confidence, having been Working around so many people. I
had absolutely no intention of finding a boytriend anytime soon. But the affirmations were
obviously working, hence why I attracted my SP Fast forward about 2 weeks into our
"relationship".I stopped working on my self love and things started going downhill really
FAST. I Suddenly became very clingy and also paranoid that he was with other girls or looking at
other girls at the workplace. Started accusing him of things constantiy, and we were always arguing.
Would always listen to his proolems and give nim advice. I would buy him small gifts and stay back
after work to see him when I got off early. Yet when he got off of work early, he never stayed back
to see me. He didnt reciprocate these things. I also started realizing how he refused to take me on a

Whenever I mentioned it, he would either casually change the conversation or tell me he "wanted to
get to know me first, (just at work or through texting, but never on a date)

eventualy contronted him about it and he asked tor us to take a break so he could figure things out.
This was a month into Our "relationship by the way. It was at this point that I came to my sister for
help and that is when she introduced me to Neville Goddard and Agnes Vivarelli, who is a follower
of Neville, and emphasizes the importance of self love when in a relationship.

I Hadn't fully understood Nevilles teachings, so l stuck to only listening to self love meditations,
mostiy with the goal to get my specific person back. About a few days after our break, he texted me
and we "got back together. I stopped working on myself again and things started getting worse a
week later. I had a friend who was a supervisor, who actually got me the job, and who worked for
the same company as my SP and :

1. Him and my SP apparently knew one another, but didn t like each other due to some strange love
triangle between the two of them, and my SP's ex girfriend talling tor my triend about a year prior
to me entering the picture.

My supervisor friend basically explained to me how my SP cheated on his ex girlfriend even though
my SP told me it was the other way around. I confronted him that same evening and I asked him to
be honest with me, in which he said I don't want a relationship with you". He also confessed to still
having feelings for his ex girlfriend, and implied that he turned to me for comfort
to distract himseif from her, essentially as a rebound.

I Was extremely heartbroken, but he said he still wanted a chance in the tuture to be senous With
me, so we decided to go on another break. If things didn t seem bad enough, we still had to see each
other at work. On top of that, other coworkers that had never even seen in my time working there,
had been popping up left and right, telling me about my persons reputation at the airport. They told
me stories about him wooing all the new girls, only for him to drop their pants and leave them.
Everywhere I looked, everywhere I turned, everyone was teling me to stay away from my SP, My
SP himself told me that he was "no good for me"

At this time I was just starting to get into Nevilles teachings, and so I worked my hardest at ignoring
my outside senses. Started working on my self love again, but, this time l was doing it with the
intention to love myself. I told myself that I deserve this. That I at least owe it to myself to love all
of me for ME, not for anyone else. Surely enough, atter a week we started talking again, however
we weren't back together. We continued to talk as friends and I continued to work on myself.

Things started popping up AGAIN that was contradicting my desire. The same supervisor friend
from work, told me that my SP had a different girlfriend before we met and I wasn't sure if he was
still with her. I confronted him about it and he said it was over between them. At this time my SP
also got fired trom his job and now there was no way ot me being able to see him. During the
last week of November, while talking to him on the phone, he mentioned he was going on a
vacation to Fiji for two weeks, in early December, with another girl.

I made the intention that he wasn't going to Fiji because I said so. I also want to note that during this
time, I started to familiarize myselg with Neville's revision technique, as well as with the concept of
everyone is you pushed out. After our phone call, I cut him off completely for 3 weeks. I assured
myself that he wasn't going on a trip with another girl, and only focused on working on myself, and
living in the end of having an amazing relationship with him.

During this period avoided social media, but my supervisor friend decided to show me my SP's
Instagram. He showed me a recent picture posted by my SP, with the "new' girlfriend that he said he
was no longer with, months betore we met. I was furious, but despite that, I ignored it and continued
to persist. I revised seeing the picture without the girl in it, and that it was just him.

About three weeks after Our heated phone call, I felt inspired to text him. Thats when things
between us started to completely shift. I afirmed that "I AM deeply missed" and he told me how
much he missed me. He finally asked me to be his girifriend, and wanted a commitment, and he
finally asked me to go on a date. He admitted to not going to Fiji after all. asked him about the
photo from instagram and he apologised and took It down.

My revision worked! Fast forward to January, and he started to become more affectionate and
romantic towards me. We were calling each other cute pet names, and sending each other romantic
text messages (yes, with those cute emoji's LoL). It is now early April, and he is absolutely head
over heels, madly in love with me. I know for a fact that I'm the only girl in his life. People,
like my supervisor friend, and others who used to reflect the part of me that doubled my SP's
faithfulness, have completely left my life and I'm more than okay with that.

I get texts after texts, saying things like I miss you baby,"I need my girlfriend, love you baby" etc.
In fact, this morning at exactly 6:43 am,I recelived a text message saying I miss you' He's
mentioned wanting a future with me and says how cute it Would be for us to have a baby together.
He's says things like I want you and only you. I affirmed that he always wants to make. Sure I'm
okay and literaly two minutes later, get a text saying "its okay babe are you okay I affirmed that he
is so understanding, and I get a text a half hour later saying "It's okay babe I understand." I affirmed
"I AM craved, then I get a text saying I'm always craving you"
When we first met he was quite the club goer and he drank an awful lot. He would even call me at
midnight drunk while driving. Having just come out of the club. I obviously hated that with a
passion, so I decided to affirm that he no longer goes to clubs and he rarely, if ever, drinks. Since
affirming that, he hasn't gone to a single club, since New Years, and to my knowedge he hasn't
been drinking. He has only been focused on work and bettering our relationsnip.

Although everyone has their own techniques that work for them, affirmations have worked
WONDERS for me. I also want to mention that I rarely, if even, visualized. I mostly Just used I AM
attirmations followed by whatever l wanted to hear. Working on my self love and changing my core
beliefs was my way of changing my concept of myself. Neville stresses the importance of changing
the concept of oneself because everyone is YoU pushed out. So you MUST change yourself and not
the other person. otherwise, it'll be a temporary FIX to a deep seeded issue that must be fixed by
looking Within.

I had all the odds stacked against me time and time again, but I kept pushing no matter how
exhausted I was. I didn't want to give up on my relationship, even though it was tempting at times to
just drop him and move on with someone else.

I want to make sure that everyone knows how important, ignoring your outside senses are. I repeat
YoU MUST IGNORE. I know how hard it is and how exhausted you are. I know that at times you
just want to give up, especially when you see people in such amazing relationships that you
desperately want to have with your SP. But Neville says to PERSIST, PERSIST, PERSIST.

I have completely changed my SP and my relationship, and we're just getting started. I am
optimistic tor our future together and I hope every single one of you get to the place that I am in
now, by realizing the power you have within you.

I did not go searching for success stories online. I did not spend hours (or even minutes), watching
YouTube videos on "How To Manitest Your EX Back. I didn't went on social media. I didn't went to
anyone. I didn't stalk him on social media. I didn't look for new techniques or wondered if l was
doing something wrong. I just let go of resistance and lived my life. I lived completely in the
end. When you are actualy living in the end, you wouldn't feel the need to do those things anymore.
Because you know your person is already yourS. When you do these things, when you click on
those videos, etc., you are actualy accepting and acknowledging that you have an ex or that there is
a third party. If doubts came up, or if I felt like I was "checking tor texts, simply re-afirmed my
affirmations or watched a funny video. My affirmations mostly focused on changing my concept of
myself, and loving who I really am.

I also want to note, Do NOT micromanage. Forget about attracting a text or a phone call. Go
STRAIGHT TO THE END ONLY. A text message doesn't guarantee a healthy, long lasting, faithful
relationship. But if you imagine yourself in a loving relationship with your specitic person- the
texts, phone calls and dates will naturally follow. So many people have had success and you CAN
NOT, and WILL NOT be the exception. Please remember that. I wish you all the best with your
relationships and I hope you all find the love and happiness you deserve.
I don't want to make this too long but I really want to reiterate what everybody else says: FOCUS

My boyfriend and I broke up on May 1. Our relationship had taken a turn for the worst. I struggle
with abandonment issues which causes me to be insecure in relationships from fear of people
leaving me.I was controlling and jealous. On top of that I had a really hard time controlling my
emotions and was prone to having outbursts of extreme anger.
When we broke up I DID NOT call, text, email, etc AT ALL! I immediately began to focus on
myself. I knew I had become somebody that i did not like so my main focus was to go against all
the things that I would normally do. Normally, i would call a billion times, or send a text
apologizing without even thinking deeply enough about the issues. The first week I grieved. I would
go to work, come home, cry , drink, repeat. The second week I went on a trip with my best friend.
During this trip my then ex text me. I did not respond! Why?


-During the relationship I put my happiness and self worth in the hands of my boyfriend.
Remember, I was going against all the things I would normally do. So instead of answering the text
I continued to enjoy my trip. I ate, drank and saw the sites with my best friend. I truly began to live
in the moment!

-The immediate days following a break up both parties, dumper and dumpee, are still emotionally
raw. Anything said can and will be used against you lol. I felt that there was no way for me to have
a conversation at this point without it ending in an argument that would result in him moving
further away emotionally. I decided that at the minimum I would wait three weeks before talking to

- Like I said I suffer from abandonmnent issues and I didn't realize how bad it was until the break
up. I took this time to research abandonment issues and how it manifests itself in relationships and
how to heal and cope. If I would have stayed in contact with my ex, this self reflection would not
have been possible and their would have been no growth on my part.

I eventually got to a point where I was GRATEFUL for the break up. I was so used to blaming
others for my emotional mess ups and now I had the opportunity to take responsibility for myself
and I did and it felt so good! I was at a point where there was no desperation tied to my feelings
about him. YES I WANTED HIM, but i didnt NEED him anymore! I knew then that I was I was
mentally and emotionally ready to tell the universe what i wanted. Notice I said TELL not ask. I
said "I am so grateful ____ and i are together in a loving, healthy, fun relationship" Anytime I got
down about what happened I would repeat this to myself.

When my then ex and I finally came face to face I could tell there were some negative emotions on
his end because he blatantly ignored me. We work together and in the past when we would argue
that's how he would act, ESPECIALLY if i was the cause of the argument. I was reminded that he
was hurting too. At that point it had been exactly three weeks since we spoke so i text him saying
that" I hope there arent any hard feelings, I just didnt know how to respond without starting an
argument and that's the last thing I want to do." To which he responded positively. I did not mention
getting back together, I did not try to force a full conversation.
During this time ANOTHER test of my faith came. We are both military and decided months ago to
go to our next duty station together. The problem was that I had received verification that I was
going where we had agreed on, he HAD NOT! He even stated out loud that there was a possibility
that he would be going back to his hometown.I began to get very anxious, so as soon as I got home,
I lit my sage, grabbed my amethyst and rose quartz , calmed myself and told the universe that I
wanted him to get verification that he was going to the same place as me.

FINAL STEP! LETTING GO! This is no doubt the hardest part. I gave myself a pep talk and
repeatedly told myself that I would be fine regardless of if we ended up together or not. I would tell
myself out loud LET HIM GO! I would repeat it until it no longer brought tears to my eyes.
Because I knew at this point things were totally out of my control. I could control and change
myself and how i interacted with him to get him back but what I could not do was override the
military on what they do concerning him. I took this as another test from the universe. I had already
successfully controlled and dealt with my emotions, now I needed to release the need to control not
only my boyfriend but the situation in general. I had written him an apology letter and decided it
was the perfect time to give it to him. In the letter I thanked him for all the lessons he taught me
about myself and how grateful i was to him for that. I didn't say anything about us getting back
together. I wanted him to know how much value he had added to my life and that this break up
actually FORCED me to look at myself.

He text me thanking me for the letter the next day. I simply sent a smiley face back. Later that night
he text me to hang out. I invited him over, we watched movies, talked (not about the relationship),
etc. The next day he came back over to borrow toilet tissue lol, then to ask me if i would help him
pack lol. I gave him the tissue but declined to help him pack because I had errands to run. In our
previous relationship he came first, I would stop doing whatever i was doing if he called or even
hinted that he wanted to see me. That was the old insecure me that was always afraid that I was on
the verge of losing him.

Last night he asked me on a date. Of course i said yes and we had a wonderful time! I also asked
him if he received confirmation on where he was going and guess what? We're going to the same
place :) He leaves next week, I 'll be there in Aug. at this point my main focus is rebuilding our
actual friendship and emotional connection and of course still working on myself.

I'm not sure if other people look for signs that the universe is working but I do and I decided to talk
about those too. One of the first signs I got was when another military friend/ex flame of mine text
me to tell me that he was going to the same place. This friend didn't confirmation until several days
after me so I took it as the universe telling me it's gonna take bit but it's coming.

While watching a cooking show one of the contestants mentioned loa. They were in the dessert
round and by the looks of it he didn't seem like he was going to win. The other contestant's dish
looked like restaurant quality. But his looked plain. He said he's not worried about the outcome
because he believes in the law of attraction. I continued to watch and of course the contestant with
the less aesthetically pleasing dish won! What I got from this was that everything isnt as it seems
and that i should be grateful regardless. Even put the phrase as an hourly reminder in my phone.

A couple days later, I was watching a youtube video. It wasn't necessarily about loa , more on the
power of prayer but it was basically the same concept. At the very end you know what the guy says?
"Everything isn't as it seems, God is always working" I was half way sleep when he said and was
doubting that I even heard correctly because the video ended immediately after he said that. Took
this as a sign from the universe that my desire was coming.
I did not do a lot of things that people suggest like visualization for example. I did what felt good to
me. So i lit my candle and burned sage and slept with rose quartz and amethyst under my pillow. I
love singing so I sang ALL the time, I love 90s r&b so my evenings would consist of chores, music
and drinking wine lol. I started back running 4 miles a day. I watched all the movies that I was
waiting to see with him. I went out dancing with friends. I planned and took trips. I did whatever I
had to do to make myself feel good because I wanted to know that I could make myself happy. I
wanted to be sure that I honestly felt and knew with all my heart that no matter what I would be ok
and that I didn't need to have a romantic attachment to feel fulfilled. I hope i was clear in my
communication ?
63. Getting Back My Ex When All Hope
Was Lost
When I first met my ex, I knew that I had met my soulmate. Things went well for a while but then
suddenly, everything turned upside down. He ended up pulling away and the harder I tried to keep
the relationship going, the more he pulled away and lost interest. One day he told me to ‘Just let it
go, it’s over’.

I was heartbroken.

I felt lost, confused, angry and really sad. I also had no clue how I was going to move forward in
my life without him. I had pictured us together and now that picture didn’t exist. I felt like hiding
under my covers every day because I missed him so much. I felt like this for a long time. About 4
years went by and I still thought of him every day. I knew I had to stop because I was tired of
making myself crazy looking at his social media profiles and feeling loopy each time I saw a
different girl making a comment or seeing him going out to various places.

I read various Secret Stories and blogs and books on how to get an ex back and I finally came to the
conclusion that I just had to ‘let go’. I needed to for my own sanity and happiness. So I did the

1. I decided to hand over control to the Universe. I spoke to the Universe and said that I trusted it to
know what my heart desired and that it would take care of me. I said that I had 100% faith and
would no longer doubt or worry about my ex. Once I gave full control to the Universe, I instantly
felt better.

2. I then forgave my ex for everything. Each time I thought of him, I would say “I love you too,
______”. I sent him loving thoughts each time I said this.

3. I started to imagine our life together. Us laughing, him looking at me lovingly, telling me he
loved me and both of us sharing an amazing love and relationship. Each time I thought of that, I
would smile and feel happy.

4. I felt relaxed, confident and certain. Certain that he would return and it felt amazing. I even
stopped thinking about him all the time. I just ‘let it go’ and I felt at peace for the first time in a long

Then one day, when I honestly hadn’t even thought of him, I received a random message from
him!!??! I’m not kidding. I first thought ‘What the…?’ but then felt OK about it because it was like
I expected it, if that makes sense. He was asking how I was and that he had been thinking of me and
wondered how I was. By this stage, it had been almost 4 years since we last spoke. We messaged
back and forth and then agreed to meet up.

When we saw each other, it was like no time had passed. I felt good and confident and he saw the
difference. He said that I looked beautiful and that I looked a bit different, in a good way, he
couldn’t put his finger on it. I honestly think I was more calm, confident and much less insecure.

We have started dating again and he has said that he wants to make up for the past and regrets how
he treated me. He has been amazing and so many things that I had imagined, have happened. Things
he says and things we do, etc., it feels like I’m stuck in a movie I have already seen, so weird. I’m
really happy and it’s like a new and improved version of our relationship.

To anyone wanting to get an ex back, I strongly advising following my steps. Keeping the faith and
letting go IS the key. I tried everything else and nothing worked or even made things worse. What
have you got to lose? More than that, think of what you have to gain!!
64. I Got My Ex Back!
I decided to write a story because I read these stories for hope and support when I felt I didn’t

I believe it is possible to get your ex back with the law of attraction if they truly are the right person
for you. My ex broke up with me over a month ago saying he wasn’t sure he felt the same way, that
he needed space, etc.

Of course I was devastated, I thought he was ‘the one’! I went through the tears and anger and heart
break but after a week decided that I would get him back.

I watched The Secret movie for inspiration, I started following The Magic book again. I had
followed it before with varying success but this time I knew I had to believe as much as I could, I
couldn’t let any doubt in!

Every day I gave gratitude for everything I could and I always ended it with ‘Thank you for my
wonderful boyfriend who truly loves me’. I wrote down my gratitude every day and gave thanks
every day when I got up and before I went to bed.

Life became wonderful, even if I didn’t have him back yet, things just seemed to be going my way.
Little things, but all the same I gave thanks for every one of them.

I asked for a sign, two magpies on my walk to the train station and I saw them every time I asked
for them.

Just over four weeks after the break up he wanted to meet and he invited me over. He told me that
he really did want to make things work, he missed me and he wasn’t as happy without me!! I
couldn’t believe it!

The rest is history. I still give thanks for our relationship just like I did when we were apart as I
believe that’s why we broke up, I wasn’t grateful. I now fully believe. If I can do it so can you! At
first I had doubts but I made myself believe in what I wanted and now after just 4 weeks I have the
love of my life back and we’ve never been happier together!
65. Got My Ex Back Just As I Visualized It!
At the beginning, I would like to thank a friend of mine who heard about The Secret but she never
read the book. Thank you to The Secret crew who changed my life for the better.

Last July my partner broke up with me after a 6 year relationship. I was crushed and devastated and
I knew that it was over for good. He was the love of my life. I begged and pleaded but nothing
worked and even worse, I got so sick.

One day a friend of mine talked to me about The Secret book and told me that whatever you think
about, you bring about. I realized that my thoughts were the reason for the breakup in the first place.
I went to the book store and got The Secret and I read it over a week. At that time my partner was
already dating other women but he told me we can be friends. I couldn’t bear the idea that he was
talking to other women in front of me.

Eventually, I decided to let go. And that’s when the change happened. I bought The Power and The
Magic and started a Gratitude Journal. In 2 weeks, I visualized him walking through the door and
telling me he will never be able to live with any one else and he can not live without me. Guess

One Friday night I was sitting reading The Power and I heard the door open and he was standing
there. I was shocked and stunned about The Power of The Secret. You will not believe it, he said the
exact same words I had visualized before and then he hugged me the exact same way that I

Two weeks later, he moved in with me and we are so happy together. We are even better now than
how we were before the breakup. To all of you out there, your stories encouraged me and inspired
me. I hope mine will help you get what you want in your life. All you have to do is ask, believe that
you already got it and let it go. That’s the key to receive.

I apologize for the long story but I really wanted to share it with the world. And remember, what
you think about, you bring about! Gratitude is the way to go and the believe that God or the
Universe will grant you all that you ask for. Good luck!

PS, I’m working on my dream job now and I’ll be posting my story once I start the job.

Cherry blossom
I am a female doctor.
66. MY SUCCESS STORY!!! How I got my ex
Hey guys so I'm finally coming here with a success story. I hoped one day I would write one
and now finally it has happened! We are officially back together. He says that he never wants
to lose me again and he is with me 100%.

Basically, we broke up for the 3rd time back in November so we were apart for 9 months. During
the first few months I was miserable and I wanted him back so bad. From the second we broke up I
KNEW we would get back together. I tried to stay calm when we broke up and I didn't get angry or
yell, even when he did. I kept my cool and it paid off! This was before I knew anything about LOA.

In January I discovered The Secret and then this forum and I started to put in work right away. I did
a gratitude journal, I wrote affirmations, I did RS. And it all KIND OF worked. I would get close
and then he would pull away again. Or I'd think I was close but then I'd find out he was dating
someone. I tried not to let the bad signs get me down and focused on the good ones. He and I
became best friends again even though he was seeing other women. I thought that maybe I should
just confess how I felt about him because he didn't know. He thought we were just friends and I
wanted more. I wanted to confess to speed up the process. This of course was my lack of faith!
When you find yourself wanting to speed up the process, you end up doing the wrong thing. You
must TRUST and have FAITH in the universe that your dreams will come true. Have patience.

I felt like 9 months was a long time to be honest. I thought I would get this right away. I thought
"Well I'm the best he's ever going to get so of course he'll come back." And when months went by
and he started seeing more and more girls I started to feel like it was never going to happen.
Affirmations felt like a chore. I was visualizing to try and MAKE something happen. I would be
happy one day and miserable the next. And thats when the bad things started happening. My laptop
broke AGAIN a week after I fixed it. I burned myself, I got a weird bump on my shoulder lol I was
a mess. And then one day I asked him if he wanted to grab some wings at his favourite restaurant
and he said no because the girl he was seeing didn't want him seeing me anymore. At first I was
devastated. I knew there was hope as long as we were friends and I could see him and touch him.
But if i couldn't do that....now what? I had failed. So I wallowed for a bit and I thought about maybe
confessing my love to him so he would change his mind or so I could finally hear a rejection from
him and move on with my life. Because there was another guy I was seeing who was nice enough
but he wasnt HIM. Maybe I could move on with this new guy.

But I kindly respected his new relationship and told him I understood why he couldn't see me and
gave him my blessing basically. So a few weeks went by and I started dating this new guy. He was
nice and he bought me things and showered me with compliments but I wasn't in love. But he did
take my mind off of my ex so I continued to see him. I started doing things I enjoyed. I wrote
stories and read trashy romance novels. I made Youtube videos, played video games and hung out
with my friends. Then ONE DAY, out of the blue, when I wasn't thinking about him, he CALLED
me. I picked up the phone and said "Hello?" all confused, convinced it was a butt dial cause he's
done it before. But it was a real call and he asked me out to the drive in. I was floored. I said yes

When he took me out, everything was perfect. He got me a rose and everything just like in my
visualizations. He told me it didn't work out with the last girl. She was too controlling (DUH lol)
and not being able to see me made him realize just how much he wanted to see me. So if your ex is
with someone new or in a similar situation like mine, don't worry. It's all happening for a reason.

This past week has been AMAZING with him and if you had told me two weeks ago that we would
be back together this fast I would have laughed in your face. It took me really letting go and moving
on to get him back. It's such a bitch huh? lol You want something so bad and the MINUTE you
decide to maybe try something different...IT APPEARS. And it was because I stopped being sad.
FOR real. Sure I was happy when I visualized and it felt real and amazing, but I was doing it to get
him back. I wasn't doing it so I could be happy. Do it for YOU. Not for them. That's what I learned.
Now I'm ready to start a new amazing life with him! And if he left again, I'd be okay. I was always
okay. I never needed him back, I just needed ME back.
67. Gratitude
Hello everyone!!

That's right, he is BACK. Only days ago I was posting desolate and troubled messages here, as I
was getting too emotional and weak about the trip he took to my country... without meeting me...
and yesterday there he was, sending me a longing, sentimental, touching message that he wants to
meet me. In a short time, we were confessing our LOVE again

We had feelings for each other for 5 years, though only recently we were "official". It was amazing
for a long distance relationship. Our story was simply stunning, but I won't go into details. I can
actually call it supernatural. Since we were not complete people by ourselves, life threw us in the
lessons we had to learn, so separation came (winter 2011). It was an awful time, I begged him, I
pleaded, I argued in my favor, I even did things on purpose to hurt him, I could not live, only cry
cry cry..... until the day he never wanted to contact me again. For about half a year we had no
contact. He broke all his promises, threw away our love story, accused me of things... I was so down
and broken that the only way to go was up, somehow, if I was still alive.

What I did:

In spring I discovered this forum, as I was desperately looking for healing from outside of me... and
things slowly improved by realizing I have to work from within. I began changing my perspective
and practice what I was taught here. Soon I experienced the wonderful vortex, which gave me much
hope - it was the time of intense meditation, visualization, affirmation use. I was no longer a wreck.
For the summer, I decided it was time to do something about my life and take a seasonal job abroad,
to enjoy freedom and a changed environment. I had many issues with it, which have severely
deteriorated my mood. Then I applied something which became the great solution out of the
I outlined all good things in my life, focused on them and gave sincere thanks for them.

Because of work, I had no time to be in the forum, to use subliminal messaging or other things I did
before. However, the intense activity (work + exploring the new city) were a great boost for my
own self. I was starting to be adaptable, to see problems from a different perspective, to look with
honesty within myself.... It was a very tough time of my life - but a very enlightening one. I was set,
from that time on, to be happy with the things happening in my life and to start being grateful on a
constant basis.

I know that we don't all share the same spiritual beliefs, but I will tell you what mine have been
and the role they played:
As an Orthodox Christian, I finally started to discover this faith... I began to meet God halfway
(don't expect everything from Him, and also don't be fooled that you can do it all by yourselves,
with no help). Jesus said to look for the kingdom of heaven and all else will fall into place. It's what
I began doing - taking care of my soul, being more loving towards other people, letting go of my
own will for the sake of God's will... because He must know better and He is full of Love. This
happened also because I was tired. Wanting to get my will done was exhausting me, pulling me in
all sides. The flood of thoughts was confusing me to the extreme, so I had to put an end to it
somehow. So I let go of of my will.... and when my desires persisted, I was openly telling to God:
"This is what I want. If You want it, I know You will make it true for me." I got amazing results and
a series of incredible signs that were telling me I'm on the way to manifest my dreams... In fact, I
was manifesting some of them, though they seemed impossible. Life was getting a rich taste for me!
However... one thing remained unchanged: I could not truly forgive him, nor get rid of the immense
pain he caused me. I was much vulnerable to that. Honestly, I was not completely detached and got
to have awful feelings for him, again.... It was almost like getting back to point zero, only that this
time I was enjoying the other aspects of my life. I have "let go and let God", however... asking Him
to put forgiveness into my heart...
So, along with GRATITUDE, I think this is what helped me: DEEP FAITH. The faith that he will
improve and return and that a love like ours can't be wasted into nothingness. The faith that what's
good prevails. I have always known deep inside that he would return one day!

As I was back home, after all the trials, successes, signs, I realized that in spite of some terrible
drawbacks I was living an improved life... I was actually having many happy moments, some
detachment, positivity, I was using my skills to make my existence better etc. It was a great
improvement!!! although I was still hurting A LOT because of him, I was alive and living pretty
good!! I had accepted that the break up was for the betterment of both and that without it we would
have kept the same flaws. We truly had the chance to have a better thing for the future....

Last but not least, I PRAYED a lot. As much as I could stay focused. I tried to be honest in my
prayers and simply stating my limits. I engaged to do my best, asking for God to complete the rest,
that was not in my power. I think that knowing our place in the Universe is of utmost importance -
thus we will not attempt to control what is simply beyond our power.

What he did:

I don't know if he felt a change in my energy, but towards the end of August he began to appear
online to me again. It was a great step forward! However, none was initiating a conversation.
Eventually he took the trip he planned with his best friend and one of my friends. In my country. A
trip that was promised to me. I cannot tell how much it hurt... but still, I had high hopes for it. I
knew he was going to be overwhelmed by the memories and feel my absence.... I knew something
would happen to change his thoughts.... And it did... They arrived in my hometown. He sent me a
message to meet up!!! This was one of the outcomes I had pictured...! Well, I was all nervous and
some anger came back haunting me... I was quite proud and fearful because of the pain... so I didn't
act with love in the beginning of our encounter, though we looked with a long, fascinated gaze to
each other. However, something changed it all and became victorious... it was the LOVING
ATTITUDE. For a couple of hours we radically oscillated between rejection, anger and
disappointment to some kind, loving feelings. In the end we both felt it was useless to keep
anything negative. I felt how the good feelings replaced the bad ones. Our eyes were telling the true
story. He sat on his knees and shed tears in front of me, as he opened up to some delicate topics....
In no time we began sharing again, laughing and smiling a looooot.... and we kept doing that for
many, many hours late into the night and the next day!! Normally we would've been exhausted for
such lack of sleep, but I swear I feel incredibly fresh and awake for these conditions!!! It's truly a
miracle.... the miracle of Love. We held hands, he was poking me and blowing kisses in the air for
me.... so playful and cute. We wanted so much to send this time together and it felt incredibly
natural and loving!! things fell into place for us in the best way possible, even if we had to deal with
a lot of other people.

I loved talking to him. He said to me I make him happy and that's all that matters.... that he
loved to see me smiling... and that he simply had no idea what to say to me during the past
months.... but he let me understand the love never died! This, however, is pretty weird to me,
because I've fallen in love with another man recently (and maybe that raised my vibration a lot and
facilitated the attraction) and I want to see what it is about..... I don't feel like throwing it away. So,
ummm... I have 2 love interests in my life now. But I'm not hurried, I trust that I will be shown the
way. All i know is that from now on I want to enjoy this new connection with this man I've known
5 yrs ago..... We truly are at a different level now, like all successful stories say.

Now, please allow me.... I give my heartfelt GRATITUDE to all of you here in the forum - too
many to name! - who have advised me, posted inspiring stories and influenced me in a way or
another! I am really happy to have met you!!! Not just because you helped me, but also
because you proved to me that there is so much goodness into the world!!! I love you all! for
those who are still trying to get things right - don't despair! my situation, like many others, seemed
hopeless and was extremely painful!! If you trust it was love - trust it will be fine too!
68. Back to Back Success !!!!
Hey Guys I am back.

I joined this forum to get my ex back which turned to improving myself then again went back on
the ex, got into a relationship got out quickly .. And then decided Im not gonna visit the forum and
just do things. I love travelling and after my break up I wished to travel more , meet more women
and it all happened

Jan 7th 2015 I found my self booking tickets to Dubai . On my flight I decided to never write a sad
song ever . I deleted the apps I used to write and post materials .

Now I know this might sound dreamy but I managed to chat up the air hostess and got a cute smile
and short stare, but being me I felt I didnt look good enough , I end up staying at an amazing hotel
for a couple of days before my sister found out I was in the city . And they had a house near the
beach . soon i learn there is this one girl that's my age in her office and I just joked to my brother in
law saying do your duties and hook me up with her . And later on that evening i was in the backseat
of the car with her .

She was beautiful and from Russia sadly my russian is crappy .... ok well maybe not crappy it's
more off I barely know 15-20 words and couple of sentences . But again me being me too shy to
talk she first looked at me and I forcing my self to see out . ANd then after dinner with me basically
being in my phone we dropped her off at her home and came back.

I hoped for another chance to meet her , two days later Guess who wanted to come for shopping
with us . This time I made a point to stick with her and like see if I could inject my self into a
conversation .
And being the know it all at times I find a way , fast forward two more outings she asked if there
were any good beaches and my brother in law said she should ask me since I practically go there
everyday . I spent the day with her sometimes on the sand , at the end of the rocks at the shack
nearby . We held hands and was kinda big deal for me.

I would wake up at 6 am and go for a jog or workout at the roof . Felt amazing during this time I
gotta spend two days at the interior part of the desert it was this adventure deal where you are given
couple of things and they either teach you to survive and you can do it yourself and enjoy it . But
then she told me that if we wanted to take it to the next level I should stay back forever , I still
having my exams and Master's degree left to complete told her I'll try but cant promise .. We ended
it but none the less I spend a month in Dubai shopping , eating epic food , fishing , dune bashing ,
hit the shooting range . It was AWESOME !!!

then I come back home and just 10 days later I get an all expenses paid trip to Goa for 5 days and 4
nights , small trip but it was all paid the airfare the hotel and even breakfast I just had to pay for
lunch N dinner !! so I land in Goa and next thing I know Im living at Taj Hotel which is like the
Marriott #Swanky If thaat wasnt epic I apparently also have a chauffeur at my disposal free of
cost . And I spend a day hitting all beaches and rest of the time visiting spots of historical places and
battlefields ( spooky at 8 pm ) . So I meet this girl Indian but she is super fair and bit healthy but
none the less she actually turns out to be staying in the same hotel and before I leave she takes down
couple of my info and I swear I have no idea that she liked me . After I fly back home my facebook
messenger pings thrice it's her And we begin to speak she askes me out but I politely turn her down
. But It's epic that I got asked out again and I had even posted a thread wondering if I had lost my
mojo or if I had become to ugly ...
I just enjoyed my trip I can now cross alot of things off my Bucket List and you know what Im
gonna now focus on manifesting a job at Dubai , not cause of the Russian chick . Cause I know that
if there is one place I know Im gonna be happy it's there.

I didn't do visualization ... did daydream a bit but that was it and then just dug into eating food ,
shopping and enjoying myself and letting loose . I did so many crazy things that I would never let
my self do back at home . I understood me I understood that traveling is thing that helps be destress
and let loose and reach at heighten state of enlightenment and happiness .
69. How I Used The Law Of Attraction
To Get Ex Back
Do you have a problem in your relationship and don’t know how to attract your lover, partner or
ex back? You feel so lonely without this person, that you can’t do anything to feel good.

Well, I was in your shoes:

There was a time in my life, where I could not understand why my relationships failed,
nevertheless, I couldn’t even imagine or had a thought in my mind on how to attract a specific
person or get back with my ex-lover.
To get an ex back actually is not that difficult to understand. But not so easy to do for some
There were places where I visited or the stories I heard from my friends or other relatives and
some of them are about the problems and hardships in the relationship.
Which simply end up with a divorce or with a painful relationship in general.
However, I used to have the same problem, that eventually led me to abreakup.
Some years ago I had a girlfriend, which I found on facebook. We were similar and had the same
passion for self – development, and spirituality.
Everything was good and we moved in together, but time went on and we had fights and
everything else that most of the couples has or have had, until we realized that we are not made
for each other.
We Broke up.
There were many reasons for the break up, but she didn’t knew what she wanted in a
6 months passed after our relationship and I was heartbroken.
I was in so much pain and as a ”young guy” I tried to contact her several times, but it didn’t
Until I realized that I should use the law of attraction to get her back.
Time went on, but I couldn’t see any evidence of my ”Positive Thinking”
Until I realized that she is gone forever and I should let her go completely. But I also knew that it
would be the next step into my manifestation process.
I started to say to myself in my mind, that: I am letting her go completely, and I don’t care if she
comes and not, but I let her go.
I couldn’t help, but, every evening imagine the things about her.
However, I noticed that something changed.
The thing that changed was that I knew that I don’t care anymore if I will be with her or won’t.
Only I knew that my imagining was enough to fulfill me from the inside.
That’s when the magic started to happen.
My family from Florida came to visit us and there were a lot of fun activity ahead of me. I
realized that I should be having fun, no matter what the circumstances were.
So that’s what I did, I was having fun all the time until I returned home one evening and found
her message on my phone.
She asked: what I was doing? can we meet?.
I was very happy and I knew that the Law of Attraction worked. I started to realize that I control
everything in my life and could have anything else I want later.
The Main thing that I noticed is the difference between NEED and DESIRE.
When you needing something, you can’t have it. What it means that when we feel this feeling we
are sending a negative vibration to a quantum field of not having.
That’s exactly what I was doing before!
However when I finally let her go. I had only a desire for her and only felt abundance, which was a
good message to the universe and quantum field, that I already have what I want.
But clearly, my physical reality didn’t show that, only my state of being did. That’s when the
universe took action to make this manifestation work.
Keep in mind that everything is energy and frequency.
I knew those things about manifestation at that time, however, there is a different thing
between knowing the knowledge and applying it. Because the power is in the action, not in passive
So basically the manifestation of your lover back boils down to this:
Letting Go
I know how you want to be with that person. But believe me, until you let him/her go. Nothing will
So the secret is letting him/her go completely and focus on yourself and your goals, because it will
create a space in the quantum field, for your lover to return.
It’s Already Here
No matter what you see through your eyes right now, it does not matter, because you see yourself
with him/her again no matter what.
Visualize every day this person and see how you are together without the need of having this
person. Look and see how and what you would do together if that reality was already real.
And after you have done visualizing. Get back to this ”real” world with ashock, that you are in a
new reality and act like your wish is already manifested, without the need of figuring out how it will

That’s it!

Don’t chase this person, don’t look for his/her images on facebook if that feels bad for you, don’t
look for evidence in your outer world, only live in that new reality that you have created.
Let me tell you that it’s easy to manifest what you want.
If you can’t do that, that means the problem is with you, nowhere else.
I don’t want to judge. But the secret to all success in life and with the law of attraction is one word.
In the past, I used to think that everything suppose to flow like a river. Well, it does with the law of
attraction. But you still have to step hard with your foot on the ground and tell the universe that you
are ready to receive.
So I hope I helped you to get your ex back and you will have a wonderful breakthrough with your
current manifestation action plan.

Take Action and Believe!

70. Attracted Specific Person Success Story
Kind of an odd semi-success story. I am working on manifesting my SP back, we had a beautiful
love story, it ended abruptly without any real or logical explanation other than he felt like he had a
lot of shame and he needed to work on that without bringing me down with him. Anyhow, I realize
that I am having a hard time becoming detached from this manifestation and have clearly placed my
SP on the pedestal.
I decided to give online dating a go, very reluctantly. Last night after signing up on a few sites, I
was thinking back on my very first experience online dating way back in 2008. I randomly thought
of this man I had a very, very brief fling with from that experience and then I fell asleep. Now there
was no feeling associated with this thought of this man, it was simply remembering the details of
the situation and I wondered how he was doing just out of general curiosity, I always find the
trajectories of people's lives fascinating.
So this morning I wake up and have notifications that I have people who have liked me on
Facebook dating. I open it up and who is one of the men who has liked me? THAT man! It has been
a little over 11 years! I have literally had zero thoughts of this person since he said I wasn't his type
after our second date back in 2008 and then one thought of him and he appears.
I have had a few men from my past appear since I started manifesting my SP back. Somehow I need
to figure out how to transfer that success to being successful with manifesting my love.


- Well for this it was unintentional. He simply came into my mind and I wondered how he was
doing and then didn't think of it further.
For my SP I script, do a little mirror work, hypnotherapy to get rid of limiting beliefs (this has got
me feeling like a goddess and I highly recommend), and lots and lots of meditation in addition to
nightly SATs

– It means she was resistance free.

71. This Ex of Mine Came Back
A few years ago, a previous ex of mine cheated on me and told me he got another girl pregnant.
This was during my"dark"time, so I very clearly see how it manifested it due to my beliefs about
men and myself in general. At that time, although I knew of all of this knowledge, I wasn't
consciously trying to use it. However, when he told me of this pregnancy,I felt the urge to reject it
completely. I even told him"I don't believe you': I chose to not believe it, no matter what he said.
This person had blocked me on everything, moved on with someone else, etc. After this relationship
ended, I made the pact to truly work on myself, and to find out who I really am. I delved deeper into
Neville's teachings and conscious creation. At first I tried to manifest him back, but I soon realized
didn't actually love him, and never did. So I gave up, and wrote a list of what I wanted in my dream

Of course he still popped up in my head, but I was really focused on myself. I then met my
Aamazing boyfriend, and things went great. Now, I know that a new face, does not mean a new
relationship (likeA few years ago, a previous ex of mine cheated on me and told me he got another
girl pregnant. Thiswas during my"dark"time, so I very clearly see howmanifested it due to my
beliefs about men and myself in general. At that time, although I knew ofall of this knowledge, I
wasn't consciously trying touse it. However, when he told me of this pregnancy,I felt the urge to
reject it completely. I even told him"I don't believe you': I chose to not believe it, no matter what he

This person had blocked me on everything, moved on with someone else, etc. After this relationship
ended, I made the pact to truly work on myself, and to find out who I really am. I delved deeper into
Neville's teachings and conscious creation. At first I tried to manifest him back, but I soon realized
didn't actually love him, and never did. So I gave up, and wrote a list of what I wanted in my dream

Of course he still popped up in my head, but I was really focused on myself. I then met my amazing
boyfriend, and things went great (separate SP story for this coming later). Now, I know that a new
face, does not mean a new relationship (like me lovely Nicole always says). But, I wanted a
different person in my own eyes.

A few months passed (before I started dating mybf), and this ex of mine came back. He came back
begging and crying for me, and he even said that he can't go on in his life without me. But there's
one thing he said to me that really stuck out to me-"I never got another girl pregnant. I lied about
that' To be honest, I wasn't even surprised, because I had convinced myself of this truth already. I
accepted it already, and there was no wavering (maybe some,but nothing too much). By that time, I
didn't want him back. He contacted me a few times, but lovingly assumed the best for him and his
future relationships, and moved on.
72. Journey is about you
Take a deep breath because this is a long one.

My SP is officially mine. He asked me to be in a committed relationship with him. This is HUGE.

We were in a committed relationship for years, until my fears and doubts pushed him away. I have
manifested him back many, many, MANY times. In a short amount of time too. However, I would
be flying high after getting him back only to forget who I really was and fall back asleep. He would
take me on dates, act exactly how I had affirmed to myself he would. We would text cute, sweet
things back and forth all day, until an hour would pass and he wouldn't reply. I would start to fall
back into the old state. I would revert back to the old man that Neville constantly talks about.
Anxiety, doubt and fear would take over me as to why he is taking so long to reply. Then I would
begin to question and doubt. This cycle continued back and forth for YEARS. I would begin to
question him, which only pushed him further away. I would fight my own 3D creation and end up
back at square one.
However, I was determined and persisted.

I finally reached a point where I became tired of being this way. Yes, I was tired and sick of having
one foot in and one foot out. Serving two masters at once, the carnal world and my imaginal world.
And more importantly, I was tired of creating my SP to act this way, when I knew deep down how
beautiful and amazing he could be, since I had created him to be that way unconsciously before. So
I finally decided to stop. To stop checking his social media (checking the carnal world), stop
reacting and live solely in my imagination.
I decided that my imaginal act of him and I being married WAS real. It was an actual event that
took place. I felt all the emotions of it when I visualized it and knew that everything that happened
after this was a bridge of events leading up to that moment. If we didn't talk for days, instead of my
mind doubting and questioning, I would simply flip the script and say, "That's okay. It's all working
toward the end anyway".

Let me tell you what happened. I began to no longer react. At all. Things that would give me instant
anxiety (knots in my stomach, heart beating) had absolutely no effect on me. Why would they?
They weren't real. They were shadows of the old me that I simply decided to revise right then and
there. My mind never brought them up again. I took revision, life's wonderful giant eraser and
erased them, completely. But the biggest takeaway from this was that I began to change MYSELF.
ME. MY CONCEPT OF I. Yes, I would have mental diets about my SP which he would conform to
each and EVERY time, but what good would that do if I had not changed ME? This is why this
cycle of manifesting him back and forth continued for years. I finally had an AHA moment. I heard
ANYONE TO VALIDATE YOU" I stopped mid track of whatever I was doing and cried like never
before. I was crying and laughing, looking like a crazy person because I knew this was my I AM,
the wonderful GOD inside me speaking to me. It then became that this journey was awakening to
who I really was, not about getting back my SP. The split between him and I had brought me to
Neville to realize that I AM GOD, to get rid of all the fears and doubts I had carried with me all my
life and that was even more beautiful and amazing than reuniting with my SP. He was just a bonus
in this world that I created.

Then everything changed. I visualized myself being confident, wanted and adored, not by him, but
in general, to change my concept of myself. Then, I began to become that person within the next
few days, effortlessly. I began going to the gym consistently every single day which was not
something that I had ever done in my entire life. I had craved consistency from him, only to realize
I had not been consistent with myself throughout my life. I had this intense desire to workout like
never before. I would wake up and my body craved the gym. I became the woman I always wanted
to be. Confident, secure and wanted, without seeking any outside validation. Then it all unfolded
from there, easily and effortlessly. I did not have to lift a finger. I did not have to convince him. I
was so enamored with this new woman I was becoming that I didn't even have a desire to reach out
to him. I had this KNOWING. I was finally at peace, living my life, without this pang of fear in my
chest or this longing whenever I was out with friends. I was truly at peace, enjoying life. Then he
came on his own and told me everything I wanted to hear.

Let me REMIND you. This journey is about you, never about them. Had I realized this before, I
could have saved myself years. However, I have forgiven myself for not knowing better at the time,
but if you have read Neville and listened to his lectures, ask yourself, are you serving two masters?
Decide which one you want to serve and INVEST your time and energy in the one that will bring
you your desire. You know all the techniques, but are you keeping the faith? Be persistent and
consistent with yourself. Know that IT IS done. Do not waver. Have faith and it will come to you in
the most beautiful way.
73. My success story with my specific person
Earlier this year I went traveling for a month, around this time I was still hung up on a guy who was
treating me badly. I ended up manifesting this guy back. However, I had already met a wonderful
man whilst I was traveling. It only took him 4 days to admit he was crazy about me lol.
As time went on I had to leave to go home and he continued his journey. Although we live in
different countries, something just clicked with us and we really liked each other. He’s a really
lovely man and being with him was very different from being with anyone else.

He told me straight from the beginning that he’s always had difficulty expressing his feelings to
women, due to trust issues and other things.

Anyway as he continues to travel the more anxious I could feel myself get not being with him and I
would create this fear inside of me thinking I was going to loose him. Seriously, I know this sounds
stupid but I’d freak out if I didn’t hear from him in a couple of days, I’d build up pointless scenarios
in my head of him meeting other women etc etc. One day we had this argument which was
completely my fault, I was feeling insecure and projected it onto him. Words were said.. he said I
was making him feel like we were in a shitty relationship and that he didn’t feel the same about me!
Honestly he even said not to waste my time trying to have any form of relationship with him
because it wasn’t going to happen period!!

So what did I do?

Honestly? Part of me thought right this is it, I’ve fucked, I wanted to give up.
But despite the differences and the distance between us there was something inside me that had a
burning desire for him and I don’t know why.

I thought if I’m creating all this with my negative thoughts then I change it.
I went and re read all of the books I had and knew about the mind.

Joseph Murphy, Neville, Reverend ike etc.

I came here and read the threads that interested me on topics about faith, Neville. I had took some
great advice and tips from some members of this forum. I know some people aren’t fans of Neville
and others but I’m just stating what worked for me.
Every night and I mean every night, even if I was tired and didn’t want to, I made myself do two

Prior to sleep I would put on my favourite meditation music, then I would visualise my guy in front
of me and hearing him tell me exactly what I wanted to hear. After that I would fall asleep
envisioning myself being with him and falling asleep.
I did this for about 6 weeks.

During all this time we’ve been in no contact. In fact the last message I sent him was that I still
wanted to keep in contact with him because I still wanted to see him, which he ignored ha.
Anyway throughout that time I kept my focus on my thoughts and challenged them if any negative
ones came up.

A couple of days ago I was feeling really weird, almost like some sort of sadness came over me. I
was really missing my guy and what pissed me off earlier was I asked the universe for a sign I said
it’s got to be some great big sign, nothing small! But a day or two passed and I thought fuck it, I
don’t need no sign I believe this will happen.

In the early hours of the morning a couple of days ago I had some missed calls off my guy!!
Seriously I was like what? Looked at it and went back to sleep. When I woke up I had about 6
messages off him.

Telling me pretty much what I had visualised. He apologised profusely about not being in contact
and for his deadly silence, how he is still crazy about me and that he misses me and how he thinks
about me all the time and how much he’s willing to drop everything and be with me!! All these
words I was so desperate to hear. I consider this, the big sign from the universe Thankyou.

I’d just like to add, I never stopped believing. I just had to remind myself that I was ok without this
man and that I only desired him, I didn’t need him to complete me.
I went through the stage of believing that I had to love myself. So I started doing all these self love
things/techniques and I always thought something was off, it didn’t resonate with me.
I always took very good care of myself but, The fact is that I unknowingly had a limiting
subconscious belief and until you actually get to the root of the problem you’re going to fail. I was
sick of repeating the same old patterns in my relationships and nothing changed until I worked on
myself and changed my inner beliefs that I had, then the magic happens.
Sorry for the super long post but I thought I would share this as I know some people who like to
compare the struggle that they have with a specific person or whatever.

Listen, this guy told me I was wasting my time! That he didn’t feel the same way about me and now
he tells me all the things I’ve been wanting him to tell me.
Trust me, change your thought process and you win.
74. Letting Go Is Key
I am so thankful for The Secret and for the stories on this site. A special romantic relationship ended
when the woman that ghosted my boyfriend came back into his life. He was still in love with her
and needed closure. He spoke to her one day and saw her the next. He came to me frantic to tell me
that he had kissed her, and wanted me to know because he felt really bad.

We talked through it and moved on. I began to notice that his mind was on her a lot, so we agreed to
take a step back from each other so he could process his emotions. Even though we weren’t
together, we were in a state of “limbo” where we saw and still had feelings for each other, but things
were not the same. He finally decided that we couldn’t see each other anymore because she was
back in his life. I was devastated but continued our friendship because I wanted him in my life, even
if he was not my boyfriend.

Eventually I started to realize that my feelings for him would not allow us to be friends. I was
always on this emotional rollercoaster, constantly thinking about him, wanting to get back together.
My emotions would range from elation when I talked to or saw him, to intense depression when I

I was desperate to get him back. I read The Secret years prior, and recently started seeing posts
about it on Instagram. I read it again and believed that I could manifest him back into my life. I
started visualizing us together, thinking positively, and giving thanks for everything. I started
affirming myself and recognized that true happiness lies in me. I would check in with him
periodically, but found that his feelings hadn’t changed. He told me in more ways than one that we
would never get back together because she is so much in his head.

An incident took place between the two of us that upset me, and I decided that it was time for me to
let him go. I read tons of stories on this site that talked about letting go as being the key to
manifesting what you want. I still love and miss him, and feel like I’m doing all the right things,
except I continued to obsess over us getting back together.

Within two days of deciding to let go, I was sitting in a restaurant catching up on some work. I had
a fleeting, random thought about him walking in. I visualized what would happen when I saw him.
This all took place within 5 seconds. Then I smiled and let it go. I’ve never run into him in the
community where we live, so the thought went away as quickly as it came. I continued to work, and
right before I was leaving, he walked in!

All I could do was laugh. I had asked the Universe for signs that he was meant for me in the past
and have always gotten them. This was just more validation.

The LOA is real! Don’t ever get discouraged thinking it doesn’t work. It is a universal law and takes
lots of practice, but you must have faith. It’s really important to pay attention to your thoughts. I
believe the LOA initially gave me what I wanted. I was so afraid of losing him and the Universe
gave me just that, loss. Now I’m working on only thinking about the positive in all aspects of my
life and staying focused on my life. For me the hardest part was letting go. I just didn’t know how.
Conceive, believe, let go and receive.

I’m thankful for having the opportunity to share my experiences with others. I know my words will
help individuals who are experiencing similar circumstances.
Submitted by: Ann

75. My Canadian Country Gentleman

I was single for a long time, maybe 8 years. I had lovers, plenty of them. None seemed to stick or fit
right though. I told the Universe I wanted to fall in love, because love is such a sublime state. I said
if I’m not ready, then please make me ready. I was pretty clear about what I wanted too. I loved the
sport of skydiving ever since I tried it for the first time ten years ago. Engineering really fascinates
me too, I like when people can build useful things. So I asked for an Engineer. I did The Magic
Process and read The Secret and watched the movie along with other related processes. So I’ve
pretty much convinced myself that this is a benevolent Universe that is supportive of and responsive
to my desires.

We have been together for five years now and it’s been bliss. We have so much fun, love, laugh,
adventure and passion together. Aside from my relationship with my beloved mumma, this is my
favourite relationship ever in my life. We have travelled a lot together as well as going kayaked,
riding horses together and hiking. We have also skydived, skied, bungee jumped and surfed
together. We support each other’s dreams and last year we moved from Sydney to Fiji where he is a
full time professional skydiver. We live in love in paradise!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lavana Dancer
76. Happily Ever After
I met him in 2014 and fell in love. I wanted to get married to this wonderful man. He was
everything I ever asked for from God. Every single quality that I had ever asked for in man. I fell in
love with him. I was not aware of the LOA at that time and I was so afraid to lose him, even when
he was with me. Then the day came when I did lose him. He got engaged to someone else. I was
shattered and wanted to die.
One day I was scrolling on the net and I came to the term “law of attraction “. I thought this was
some kind of magic. I decided to go with it. I first read the book “The Secret”. The book changed
my life. I felt some kind of magic around me and everything started changing.

Then he came back into my life. I was so desperate to get married to him but he did not show any
interest once again. I started complaining about the LOA until I met someone on Instagram and he
helped me a lot. I started feeling and writing my gratitude. I declared myself as his wife and magic
happened. His engagement did not work out and he called it quits. He proposed me and now I am
happily married with the him. I know it took a little time as I was trusting this power. I took the help
of an LOA coach and she changed my perception once again. With zero effort he came back to me.
All I was doing was just saying “thank you” to this power

I am the happiest person on earth now. He loves me in a way I never thought he could ever do. I am
so thankful to Rhonda Byre for introducing this power to us. I am so thankful to be his wife. I am
now Mrs. Sidhu.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

77. Letting Go And Forgiving Worked
Great For Me
Last year this time, I decided to let go of my anger towards my ex husband. A year later, I am
married to a loving husband. I was always wishing to have a new lifetime partner. I kept a space in
my wardrobe for “him”. I kept a space for “him” in my bed. Now he has filled those spaces. I
described him in my journal, the qualities that I required. I got almost all of them, except that he is
yet to be a millionaire. But he is handsome, tall and loves my kids as if they were his. We cook
together and we are always together. The bonus on my list is that he is very sexy and generous.
Thank you, Lord. Thank you Universe. Thank you Rhonda.

Live Life Great

78. Believe And It Really Works
Hello, I am Pooja. I learned about the law of attraction Through The Secret movie. I believe from
the first day. I manifested many little things by using the LOA..
A month ago me and my boyfriend started fighting. He stopped talking to me and blocked me
everywhere. I decided to heal my relationship with the LOA. I started using gratitude, visualisation
and affirmations. I wrote script about us and how magical our relationship is.

Within a week he started calling me and now he is the one who always takes the initiative for our
meetings. He loves me and cares for me more than before. He just asked me to marry him and
introduced me to his family!

Thank you to The Secret!

Pooja F.
79. Results Of Visualisation Within 5
So the story is really short my fellow readers. I am in love with a girl. Ever since I saw her I felt like
she was the one, my soulmate. Ok, so there was a time when we used to talk every day but for few
days she stopped talking to me. I did not know why she wasn’t talking to me but I felt really sad
after seeing that she was online but not talking to me. So I decided to use the power of visualisation.
You won’t believe what happened then. I saw a video on YouTube on a channel called Veronica
Isles and I saw some useful tips on to how to attract a text message. So I started the visualisation
process. I sat relaxed in a quiet place and then I started visualising that her name was appearing on
the top of my Instagram DM. I visualised her name and her photos and I really felt like that this was
happening to me me right now. I then thanked the Universe for her message and for such a good and
powerful visualisation.

You won’t believe it! We had not been in touch with each other for like a week. The Magic
happened and she sent me the exact message that I had been visualising. She usually doesn’t take
the initiative but that day she took the initiative and I was out of control after I saw her message! I
was jumping and shouting in excitement.

Ask , believe and receive!

A proud Indian
80. The Magic Does Work!
I had a 4 year relationship starting when I was 14 with a guy I thought I was going to spend the rest
of my life with. Unfortunately he cheated a lot and I began not to trust anyone. My life starting to
turn upside down with me constantly going out, getting drunk to hide all my problems I had going
on in my head. How was I ever going to trust anyone again?
My uncle introduced me to The Secret at a family party when I was 20. I started to get excited that
you could actually change your life and make it positive. I bought The Magic and started to figure
out exactly what I wanted out of life. I started with my dream guy!

I printed out an outlined figure of a guy and started to write all the things I wanted. Blue eyes, dark
hair, a great smile, etc. I looked at it every day and knew that I would find him.

Fast forward to 2 months later and I went on a date. One year later we are still together and as
happy as ever. He is the love of my life! We are so grateful to have found each other.

I have also now started my own jewellery company and I know it will get bigger and bigger by the

Manifest your dreams and believe! Thank you Rhonda and the team.

81. Attracted My Pregnancy
Over a year ago, I started to see someone. I was attracted to him instantly when I first met him a
few years back but nothing progressed at that time so I moved on.
Then I was back in touch with him after he broke up with his girlfriend of a few years, I was in love
with him instantly and felt the connection between us. It was something like no other and I knew he
was the one.

Recently a lot of people around me have had children, which meant it was on my mind a lot. I had
always envisioned myself and him with a baby. I loved him a lot even though our relationship had
been a bit dysfunctional. Then I found out I was pregnant in and we had our beautiful, baby girl!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I recently realised that I had attracted my pregnancy by frequently thinking about me and him with
a child. I had then let it go and did not even think I was attracting it! I love him so much and this
baby has brought us together.

Thank you Universe! Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much!

82. I Attracted My Perfect Husband
I came across The Secret in 2006 but only started really applying the teachings consistently in 2012.
I managed to manifest some wonderful things including 3 of my all expenses paid trips, dream trips,
2 of which I wrote about here. I was in a relationship and wanted so badly to get married to my
boyfriend. I applied all of The Secret teachings and prayed about it so much. I read stories here
about people who had attracted their dream proposals from their boyfriends. After 5 years in the
relationship I realised that maybe it wasn’t happening for me because it wasn’t what I really wanted
or needed. Maybe he wasn’t the right man for me. Although I loved him, I had some concerns about
our future together. I prayed one day that if he wasn’t the right man for me then I wanted the
relationship to end so that I could find my soulmate who could give me all the things I had been
wanting to manifest.
The next day my boyfriend broke up with me. I was upset but at the same time I knew it was meant
to be and I was positive that I could now manifest my soulmate.

After a few months of getting to know myself again, having fun and enjoying my single life, I was
ready to start manifesting my future husband. I made sure to include room for him so I never got too
used to the ‘single life’. I wrote a list of all the attributes I wanted him to have as well as all the
things I wanted us to do in our relationship. I didn’t include physical things like his hair, skin or eye
colour, but rather personality traits I wanted him to have. I didn’t have a picture of what he would
look like but I kept an open mind and focussed more on how he would make me feel. I decided to
join a dating site but after searching through the men I felt discouraged as none of them appealed to
me. A few days later I decided to check my messages and found a message from a man I hadn’t
seen on the site before. Somehow he had found my profile and wrote me a message. Something
about his message stood out to me and I decided to reply. After chatting for a while I gave him my
number and a few days later he called me to ask me out. The thing that first attracted me to him was
his old-fashioned manners, something I had put on my list but hadn’t come across in any of the men
I had met before.

Long story short, we were engaged in less than a year and are now happily married. My life with
him has been more than I could ever have dreamed of. He treats me better than I ever imagined
anyone ever could. He possesses every attribute that was on my list and we have done everything I
wanted to do in our relationship and more. We have travelled the world together and every day with
him is an adventure. With him I have travelled everywhere on my bucket list and to more places
that I never dreamed of. I am living in my dream home, in my dream area, with my dream man and
thanks to his encouragement I am finally studying towards a qualification I have wanted to achieve
for over a decade and am doing really well.

For anyone who ever doubts the power of The Secret, just remember two things. Firstly, you need to
be patient and have faith. Secondly, always remember that the Universe knows what is best for you,
even if you can’t see it at this moment. For every door that closes there is something better around
the corner. Trust, ask, believe and receive. Thank you.

83. Manifested My Ex Back!
Thank you so much Universe for helping me get my ex back.

I lost my boyfriend a few months back due to lots of negativities in our relationship. He thought it
would be better if we would just be apart because things were not going well. I was so hurt after the
breakup and I started reading things on how to move on with life and heal myself. That is how I
stumbled upon the law of attraction and it changed my life forever.

I came to realise that there is a way that I could get my love back and also have a beautiful
relationship with him. I started visualising our beautiful relationship, how he would come back to
me and tell me that he loves me. I also wrote down the date by which he would come back into my
life. Every day when I would wake up, I would thank God for my beautiful relationship.

After 2 months of this practise he finally called me. We talked for 2 hours about what was going on
in our lives. It was a very casual talk. Then he told me that he wants to meet me the next day. I
agreed. When we met he told me that he was sorry and stupid to leave me. He confessed his
feelings for me and now we are in a very beautiful relationship.

Thank you Universe, thank you so much for this beautiful relationship. I can never thank you
enough. Thank you to all of you that are making efforts to share this beautiful magic with everyone.

84. Get Married A Month After Practicing
The Magic!
I met the love of my life accidentally while working in Europe. He is my colleague. He has
everything that I wanted, he is extremely funny, having great sense of humor, really good at sports,
super confident and assertive. He has a great sense of responsibility for family and friends. He is a
great dreamer. I loved him very much even though there were loads of other voices telling me that
he was not suitable for me. My family and many of my friends told me to let him go and there will
be the next one and next one. I trusted the Universe and I let him go, and I knew that the Universe
would deliver the most suitable person to me.
I was devastated for 3 months and I tried a lot things to get him back because I was worried and
fearful. Then one day I realized that if I was worried then I did not really believe that he loved me,
but he did. If I look at the pictures, and all those time we spent together, he indeed loved me so
much. I was so lucky to experience this kind of deep connection. Words can’t really express my
feeling when I realized that he loved me so much, that he was always there for me.

I changed my attitude. I’m appreciating everything happening in my life and believe that it’s the
best arrangement at this moment for me. I would hang out with friends, get to know new people,
grab new habits, meditate every day, leave half of my bed empty and would make breakfast for 2. I
would be thinking about his parents and what to get them for Christmas.

I was doing all those things and the key was that it was so effortless. I was doing all those things as
if we had been together for a long, long time. I felt satisfied and settled. I felt really amazing.

And then a miracle happened out of blue! He realized one day that I was the perfect match for him.
He approached me and told me he could not imagine a life without me in the future. That he missed
me so much that he could not believe he was back. He was so worried about marriage and
commitment but now there he was and he asked, “Will you please marry me? “

It was the best proposal and the only proposal I had heard of. I teared up. I had really mixed
feelings, I would be lying if I tell you that I wasn’t a little worried. But my faith was strong, I knew
that he was the one and that he would definitely come back to me. I was so surprised he came with
the ring and flowers as I have always wanted. Yes I said to myself. I gave him a week to wait before
I told him yes.

I’m so appreciating everything that I have in my life, my magical power, my ability to dream big,
The Secret, just everything. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lingling Yu
85. I Knew He Was My Soulmate!
I met my boyfriend nearly 5 years ago and felt an instant connection. We both did. It was so obvious
and I had never felt more sure of my feelings before. But, the timing was wrong. I didn’t realise at
the time that he couldn’t be with me because there was so much more he needed to discover about
himself and the world. I wanted to do it with him, but I had to let him go and do it on his own. We
had only known each other for about 5 months when he left my life. We had never even officially
been together, we’d just talked about how we would be together ‘one day’. Everyone told me I was
crazy for believing it, but I did! I totally believed one day we would be together.
I remember the day we said goodbye. I had a horrible feeling I wouldn’t see him for a very long
time and I was right. Although there was some communication in the following months where we’d
express our feelings, it was never the commitment I had dreamed about. I can’t tell you how
frustrating and sad that time was. And so confusing too!

He went travelling and lived in other countries. I moved to Australia for 2 years. Our lives were
totally separate and we stopped speaking for 2 and a half years. I don’t think a single day went by
where I didn’t think of him. All along I had a knowing feeling that we’d meet again. We both met
other people and had other relationships, but I knew nothing compared to our connection.

About 2 and a half years later, I asked the Universe for a sign if I should message him or not. The
first thing that came to my head was ‘green monkey’! So random, but I went with it. I went to a
random fairground in Australia. I played a basketball game and guess what I won!? A green monkey
toy!! I couldn’t believe it!!! So I messaged him out of the blue. Nothing had changed, we both still
felt exactly the same. He was so happy to hear from me. It felt magic to be reconnected even if we
were on different parts of the planet. We talked about meeting but I knew the timing was still
wrong. This happened a few times. Talking, nearly meeting, then not.

Then finally, one day, something was different. I had honestly let go and accepted that maybe I was
wrong. Maybe we would not be together although I didn’t really want to believe that. But really, I
just let it go.

Then he wrote to me with a huge apology and we discovered that for the first time in years, we
would be in the same place at the same time, home! The UK.

When we met, it was magic and mind blowing. Nearly 4 years had passed and it was like we were
long lost lovers, so happy to be reunited. He introduced me to his whole family and I spent
Christmas with them. I played them songs I’d written over the years and felt so happy to finally be
there. It was so easy. I felt so loved by him and his whole family.

The funny thing was that I had visualised being there at Christmas every single year and finally I
was there! And it felt exactly as I had imagined it would. On Boxing Day he asked me to be his
girlfriend and said he couldn’t be without me anymore.

Since then our love has just been getting stronger. We have had so much fun and so many
adventures already and I am so grateful that he is in my life. I am visualising the next stage of our
relationship and I will write again when it has manifested.

You must not listen to people who don’t know how you feel. Only you know. You can trust your
intuition and trust the Universe. I am forever grateful that the Universe has kept our love so safe and
I know it always will.
By the way, I visualised being able to write this story on here too, and here I am, it’s done!

86. Manifested My Perfect Husband And
Dream Wedding
I was introduced to The Secret by my best friend 12 years back. I could never manifest anything
that I wanted. Whenever I prayed or wished for something it would always go the other way. My
wishes were mostly for good relationships. I never wished for my grades or job or finances but I
always got them even before I could think about them. My scholarship in school, my job, my visa,
everything came to me without ‘asking’ and they were all nothing less than miracles.
I always used to wish or pray for a marriage and a companion. I would get with the wrong people,
underestimating myself. I had been in a couple of ‘wrong’ relationships. During that period I used to
try and apply The Secret principles and I would fail. I used to try to be happy but would end up
crying somehow. After my second relationship failed I decided to let it go.

I first started working on myself emotionally. I used to be very thin and extremely attractive when I
first got into my first relationship. With time I had gained 20 lbs of weight and lost the charm I had.
I decided to not freak out about my looks and just enjoy my life. I started following my hobbies,
listening to music and stopped thinking. I made a list of qualities I wanted in my husband and I
made sure they were very detailed. I also made sure they were all in the present tense. After that, I
just let it go. I never thought about my relationship status. I just kept going to work meeting my
friends, spending time with myself, following my hobbies. I didn’t have time to think about
anything else. Even at nights as soon as I closed my eyes I would fall asleep. Before this, I used to
cry myself to sleep.

Six months later I casually wound up on a dating site speaking to several people, among which one
of them was my future husband. I responded to his message a week after he messaged me and we
spoke the very next day. We spoke for 4 hours nonstop and felt an instant connection. A week after
talking to each other he said he felt I was the one. During this time I had gained 10 pounds more
and he loved my personality more than my looks. He never made me feel insecure about anything
and he respected and loved me for being me. We dated for a few months and he proposed to me for
marriage with a ring. I never visualized these moments like I used to do before.

Within a year we got married and I had a big, fat, Indian wedding, exactly the way I wanted. We
both came from different castes, backgrounds, and communities in India and it was not easy to
convince our families for the wedding. But the situations changed again and that was also nothing
less than a miracle. Everything happened so quickly and it was just like a dream. I have never been
happier in my life. Also, my husband matched by 98% the list I had created before meeting him.

I did not learn how to use the law of attraction on purpose that easily. I failed for 10 years. I then sat
and thought about where I was going wrong. I realized I miraculously got things I never ‘asked’ for
and I never got what I ‘asked’ for. So I changed the way I pray and ‘ask’ now. I never wish for
anything in my prayers. I just thank God for everything he has given me already.

Most importantly, I learned to let go. This is the most difficult part. We always think we have
learned to let go but no, we don’t. When things were not going right, I wanted to just let it go. I
always used to come back here to read stories on how to let go. I would read stories and try to
understand them but the only way you can achieve it is when you feel it. When you let go
completely you will be at peace. Even when the world is falling apart you will be at peace. There
were very tough times when we were trying to convince our families, all I did was I just let go and
didn’t think about it and I was feeling at peace.
To everyone out there waiting for a miracle. Just stay calm, let go and be thankful for what you
have now. All the good things are coming your way.

87. Finally I Have A Boyfriend!
I spent too many years thinking about why I did not have a boyfriend. In high school, I had been in
relationships but they were never the way that I wanted. I hoped to have a great relationship in
university but nothing happened for for two years. Every night I prayed to please, give me a
boyfriend. All of my friends were in relationships so I even started to be jealous of them. When I
saw a happy couple I was always starting to think about what does she have that I don’t have to be
in a relationship? I was so upset all the time just because of this. I lowered my standards and I
started to flirt with men that I did not even fancy just to be in a relationship.
Three months ago one of my friends told me about The Secret. I watched the movie and then read
the books. So thanks to The Secret, I realized all the mistakes I had made for years. I wanted to
have a boyfriend but I always focused on the lack of one and I felt jealousy and hate for other
couples instead of spreading love and good energy.

Right after the movie, I went to my room and wrote “Thanks for my great boyfriend who loves me
very much” on a piece of paper. I really believed it and I really felt joyful when I would see couples.
Instead of saying “Why I don’t I have one too?”, I would say “Thank you Universe for my

Just one week later, there was a school party where I met this guy and we started to talk. Now we
are dating for about 3 months and I am really, really happy with him. Sometimes I still look at that
paper I wrote to smile and be grateful for all the good things in my life.

Thank you!

Happy girlfriend
88. Love And Games
In 2005, my life was very rocky. My marriage was ending which was a good thing but it was tough
being a single mom to a teenage daughter. I had lost my job of 8 years, which was probably a good
thing, too, and I wound up being unemployed for months.
In 2006, I watched The Secret, read the book and started thinking about things differently. I hadn’t
been dating but I thought I might want to date again someday and I wrote a letter thanking the
Universe for my amazing man and describing my life with him. I also made a list of the attributes I
wanted from a future relationship. I wanted him to be kind, funny, honest and I also was very
specific about a few things. I wanted him to love sports, especially baseball, and I wanted him to
enjoy playing board games. However, I still did not feel it the time was right to date.

In mid 2007, I started to feel like I was ready to meet someone new and I start dating. I met my love
in August 2007 and we had our first date in September. I was delighted to find out his favorite sport
is baseball, he played all through childhood and through much of his adult life. He had started a
umpire training program for the Little League in his city and was still umpiring and
managing/coaching. The crazy thing was the board games. His brother owns over 900 board games
and we have dinner and game night once a week! I adore his brother and sister-in-law, my stepsons,
step-nieces and my daughter loves the extended family as well.

We have been together for nearly 12 years now and he is definitely the love of my life. I am so

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

89. A Second Chance At Love
Four months ago my boyfriend broke up with me out of the blue. Or at least I thought
it was out of the blue, but looking back I know I attracted the break up. We have a
child together so the break up was even harder for me. I’ll try to keep the story short. I
applied The Secret a few times in my life so I decided to do so again. Why would it
not work this time when it has before? So I started writing down what I wanted, a new,
loving, healthy relationship with the father of my child. Being a family again. I started
visualizing this as well as being positive and saying positive things.

Of course it was hard at some times but when I would think negative and catch myself
doing it, I would immediately turn around and say something positive. I stayed away
from negative people. When my parents use to say something negative about him I
pretended not to hear it. I prayed, I felt good and I let go!

A few days ago I asked him if we could talk about something and he said yes. When
we met 3 days later, before I could say anything about the subject that I wanted to talk
with him about, he turned around and told me how he had been a fool. How he can not
stop thinking about me and he feels lonely and miserable without us, and he would
like a second chance. How he would understand if I did not want him anymore but he
was willing to put his pride and ego aside and to just at least try. He said everything I
wanted to hear. He hugged me and kissed me and the butterflies were there. We
decided to leave the past behind and have a new beginning.

I knew I would attract his love back in free will and I am so excited as this further
evolves into an amazing story with lots of love and happiness. Thank you to God.
Thank you to the Universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

90. I Got My Love Back!
I wanted to start off by saying thank you for putting The Secret out there into the world for all of us.
I am happy and grateful to have found it when I did.

My story started about 4 days ago when my fiancé told me he no longer wants to be with me. We
cried, talked and decided that it would be best if we spent the weekend away to give us time to think
and process. I was sad, angry, frustrated and tired. I started looking for uplifting movies and tried to
focus on the positive side of the break up, but I knew deep down that this wasn’t the end.

I knew that the timing may not be right now, but we will be together again in the future. I came
across a list that had The Secret listed as an uplifting movie. I watched it on Netflix and let’s just
say it opened up my mind. I knew about the LOA before the movie and I have used it from time to
time but never consistently. After watching the movie, I realized that this break up happened
because of what I had been feeling, my energy and my subconscious. I was focusing on everything
that he was doing that upset me and I was also focusing what we were not doing together. So then I
decided to focus on the good things and how one day we will be together again, happier and
stronger. Maybe a break was what we needed to become that.

A few days later he came back and said that he could not see his life without me and that he loves
me but he just needed to sort himself out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It made me so happy and grateful for him. We talked a lot and figured that we still needed to focus
on us as individuals and us as a couple. I am happy and grateful for having him back in my life. We
have been talking every day, expressing our feelings and figuring out what we need to do to be in a
better place.

So once again I wanted to say thank you to Rhonda and her team of The Secret. I have ordered The
Secret book and I am ready to get started on creating a life full of love and abundance. I am putting
my list of desires out there to the Universe, with a feeling of gratitude. My current desires that I
have written down and want are:

– My parents and brother love and appreciate Josh, my fiancé.

– Josh and I have built a wonderful life together and we are stronger than we have ever been.
– I got in the Master’s of Counselling Psychology program at Yorkville University with a full

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Be grateful, embrace the you that you want to become, journal, paint or sing, do what make you

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

91. Second Chance At Love
I am so proud and happy to share a success story with all of you.

Last March, I had a bad breakup with my first love whom I thought was my soulmate. It turns out
that he was cheating on me with another girl. I was so devastated and I was so down in my sorrows.
I continued to question my worth and what went wrong with our relationship. I was a graduating
medical student back then and I lost my motivation in my clinical duties. By July I finally started to
pick myself up. I changed the way I looked, the way I dressed and I tried to improve my self. That
was when when I learned about The Secret.

For months I tried to manifest him back. I tried all kinds of techniques, meditation, 55×5, the two
cup method, scripting, etc., but no luck. By the end of November, I finally let go of him when I
found out he had moved to Canada. I also had an angel card reading, and the reader said that there
was new love over the horizon. I disregarded that fact because I really want my ex so bad. I know I
am stupid for wanting a cheating ex back but I still believed that he could change. That’s when I
started scripting about new love. I wrote about the qualities I wanted in a guy, even the ones that my
ex had but even more and better. I also prayed to God that if me and my ex were not meant to be,
that he would give me someone even better.

I stopped all manifesting about my ex and started focusing on myself. Every day I would say self
love affirmations, listen to subliminals and write in my gratitude journal. I also focused on my
approaching board examinations and I started reading my reviewers.

Then last month I met someone on a dating app. The same app where me and my ex had met.
Coincidentally he ticked off all the qualities on my list of the guy I wanted, even the ones that my
ex did not have. He likes me and I like him. I do not even want my ex back anymore! Now it is time
to manifest a commited, loving relationship with him! I am so happy right now.

Thank you Universe! Thank you, thank you, thank you! ( Kristine, MD PHILIPPINES)
92. Scripting With The Heart
In my quest to learn about different manifestation techniques I came across ‘scripting’. From what I
understand, this technique means writing your desired scenario in as much detail and feeling as you
like and preferably in the past tense, as if it had already happened. I personally find scripting in the
past tense to be more effective than scripting in the present.
I wrote down my script relating to a love relationship in my life, on Sunday evening. I usually set
my intentions for the week and such as it was on this day. I decided to script to take my attention
away from certain unwanted feelings of fear, abandonment, confusion and resentment that I was
experiencing in this relationship. Harboring these feelings did not make me feel like myself, so I
was set on changing that for myself.

As I was finishing my script, which only took me under five minutes, I received a call from my
specific person, which already indicated a shift of energy between us! I was not specific on details
in my script as to what would happen, but I emphasised on how I would feel. Because I had spent
most of my weekend feeling disconnected and unlike myself, a statement I made in my script said
“It is amazing how things have changed and completely turned around, compared to how I felt over
the weekend”. The very next day I met with my specific person, we had the most beautiful, loving,
and fun time together. It was everything I had scripted for and more. I had written that we are more
in love than ever before, and it actually felt like a whole new love, even though we have been
together for over a year now. I definitely recommend this manifestation technique, because it is
powerful beyond description, plus it is a fantastic way to shift your focus from your current reality
to a desired one.

93. Love Of My Life
Thank you, thank you, thank you Universe. Thank you for always having my back and giving me
all those signs and synchronicities during my journey.
It has finally happened and I am happy beyond words. I got my love back!! I genuinely am so
happy right now that it makes me want to cry and jump and scream, all at the same time! Thank
you, thank you, thank you!

I had started talking to him online and within a few days we realised that we liked each other a lot
and thought we should give a long distance relationship a shot. He stays in Ohio, and I’m from
India. Our relationship was perfect. I had finally found someone who loved me exactly in the way I
always wanted to be loved. He treated me like a princess and I couldn’t wait to move closer to him
for my higher studies. However, because it was all so great, I always felt like it was too good to be
true and that he’d leave me one day.

And , no surprise, after 2 months of our relationship, he said he wanted a break. I was shattered. I
didn’t want the break because I felt like I would lose him forever. We would fight and argue every
day and so many misunderstandings piled up that made everything even more difficult. I would do
so much to bring him closer to me but I would find him going farther away. It was horrible. He even
blocked me on every social media site and there was no way I could reach him. During this phase, I
was constantly stuck between whether to move on or to pray and believe that he would be back.
Every song I heard or movie I watched was about lovers making their way back to one another and
I just didn’t want to give up on us. There was something in me that told me that he still loved me a
lot and that he would be back.

I remained positive and focused only on the end result. I meditated and visualised us being happily
married to one another. I felt like my life just magnificently transformed and I was just a happy
person. I did things that made me happy and refused to let negative energy or negative people kill
my vibe.

Then one day I realised that he had unblocked me. So I sent him a follow request on Instagram and
he accepted it and he also followed me back. I really wanted to text him and tell him that I loved
him so much but before I could do so, he texted me!!! He said he was sorry for shutting me out like
that and that he was so scared that I had moved on. He said that all this while when he had blocked
me, he thought a lot about us and me. He just knew that no matter what went wrong between us, I
am his first true love and that he wants to give us a second chance. He said he missed me terribly
and he asked me if I still loved him and if so, did I want to be with him. I told him about everything
I had on my mind and we decided that we would get back with each other.

Ever since then, our relationship has been beautiful and stronger than ever before. I will soon be
meeting him and it’s going to be so, so wonderful. I am so thankful to the Universe and The Secret.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

94. Manifested My Ex Back!
Thank you so much Universe for helping me get my ex back.
I lost my boyfriend a few months back due to lots of negativities in our relationship. He thought it
would be better if we would just be apart because things were not going well. I was so hurt after the
breakup and I started reading things on how to move on with life and heal myself. That is how I
stumbled upon the law of attraction and it changed my life forever.

I came to realise that there is a way that I could get my love back and also have a beautiful
relationship with him. I started visualising our beautiful relationship, how he would come back to
me and tell me that he loves me. I also wrote down the date by which he would come back into my
life. Every day when I would wake up, I would thank God for my beautiful relationship.

After 2 months of this practise he finally called me. We talked for 2 hours about what was going on
in our lives. It was a very casual talk. Then he told me that he wants to meet me the next day. I
agreed. When we met he told me that he was sorry and stupid to leave me. He confessed his
feelings for me and now we are in a very beautiful relationship.

Thank you Universe, thank you so much for this beautiful relationship. I can never thank you
enough. Thank you to all of you that are making efforts to share this beautiful magic with everyone.

Submitted by: Jahnavi

95. Manifested My Perfect Husband And
Dream Wedding
I was introduced to The Secret by my best friend 12 years back. I could never manifest anything
that I wanted. Whenever I prayed or wished for something it would always go the other way. My
wishes were mostly for good relationships. I never wished for my grades or job or finances but I
always got them even before I could think about them. My scholarship in school, my job, my visa,
everything came to me without ‘asking’ and they were all nothing less than miracles.
I always used to wish or pray for a marriage and a companion. I would get with the wrong people,
underestimating myself. I had been in a couple of ‘wrong’ relationships. During that period I used to
try and apply The Secret principles and I would fail. I used to try to be happy but would end up
crying somehow. After my second relationship failed I decided to let it go.

I first started working on myself emotionally. I used to be very thin and extremely attractive when I
first got into my first relationship. With time I had gained 20 lbs of weight and lost the charm I had.
I decided to not freak out about my looks and just enjoy my life. I started following my hobbies,
listening to music and stopped thinking. I made a list of qualities I wanted in my husband and I
made sure they were very detailed. I also made sure they were all in the present tense. After that, I
just let it go. I never thought about my relationship status. I just kept going to work meeting my
friends, spending time with myself, following my hobbies. I didn’t have time to think about
anything else. Even at nights as soon as I closed my eyes I would fall asleep. Before this, I used to
cry myself to sleep.

Six months later I casually wound up on a dating site speaking to several people, among which one
of them was my future husband. I responded to his message a week after he messaged me and we
spoke the very next day. We spoke for 4 hours nonstop and felt an instant connection. A week after
talking to each other he said he felt I was the one. During this time I had gained 10 pounds more
and he loved my personality more than my looks. He never made me feel insecure about anything
and he respected and loved me for being me. We dated for a few months and he proposed to me for
marriage with a ring. I never visualized these moments like I used to do before.

Within a year we got married and I had a big, fat, Indian wedding, exactly the way I wanted. We
both came from different castes, backgrounds, and communities in India and it was not easy to
convince our families for the wedding. But the situations changed again and that was also nothing
less than a miracle. Everything happened so quickly and it was just like a dream. I have never been
happier in my life. Also, my husband matched by 98% the list I had created before meeting him.

I did not learn how to use the law of attraction on purpose that easily. I failed for 10 years. I then sat
and thought about where I was going wrong. I realized I miraculously got things I never ‘asked’ for
and I never got what I ‘asked’ for. So I changed the way I pray and ‘ask’ now. I never wish for
anything in my prayers. I just thank God for everything he has given me already.

Most importantly, I learned to let go. This is the most difficult part. We always think we have
learned to let go but no, we don’t. When things were not going right, I wanted to just let it go. I
always used to come back here to read stories on how to let go. I would read stories and try to
understand them but the only way you can achieve it is when you feel it. When you let go
completely you will be at peace. Even when the world is falling apart you will be at peace. There
were very tough times when we were trying to convince our families, all I did was I just let go and
didn’t think about it and I was feeling at peace.
To everyone out there waiting for a miracle. Just stay calm, let go and be thankful for what you
have now. All the good things are coming your way.

96. My Boyfriend Came Back To Me
So, my boyfriend told me at the start of this month that he was speaking to another girl whilst he
was with me. I felt so so hurt. I didn’t know what to do but scream at him, hate myself and be sad
and angry all the time. I would constantly say negative things. “He won’t get back with me” or “He
doesn’t want me anymore” or “He doesn’t love me”, etc. He said he wanted to go on a break
because he didn’t know if he felt the same anymore.

I had read The Secret a few months ago and decided I wanted to read it again because of my current
situation. I started to write in my gratitude journal what I was grateful for. For example, I wrote
about my friends, my dog and other things that put me on a positive frequency. I wrote every day
this week saying that I was grateful that I still had him. Obviously we were on a break but I asked
and believed I was still with him. So this horrible feeling of mine started to change. I was listening
to my favourite music and was with with my friends who make me so happy. I I totally forgot about
this bad situation.

Today I just got a message from him saying he misses me and wants to make it work. I have

Thank you so much. Never give up even if it seems so hard. Push right through and feel good Love
yourself and feel happy.

Secret 123
97. Got My Love Back!
Hello everyone!

I am so grateful to everyone one here and I am excited to share my story. Thank you to the Universe
for giving me a chance to share my story with all of you.

I read The Secret in back 2010 but never really applied consciously. I was working and met my love
at my workplace. At that time we decided that there will be no commitment and we will just see
how things go. But after almost a year together we were inseparable. As we both belonged to
different communities, we both have to ask permission from our respective families to take our
relationship to the next level, with a wedding. But things were not good at my boyfriend’s place
then as his mother was critically ill. And at the same time he had to move to his parents city for the
same reason. This all made me anxious and demanding and we were more of fighting than talking.

After some time he returned but he was a bit distant and that made me more anxious and I was
having thoughts that he would call it off. And I attracted the same. One day in between our fight he
just called it off and told me that he is not going to ask his family about marriage as he is not happy
with me. And then he stopped talking to me.

That was when I found The Secret again and this time I did not just read it but applied it in my life.
I began to see small changes and my work place became more amicable. I was feeling good and
happy. The thing I was doing was just imagining before sleeping that he was with me and we were
very happy together.

Then one good day he messaged me and we started talking. We started meeting again like before
and he asked his family and they just accepted our relationship. He was not sure that his family
would accept it but they accepted it and they were very happy. I asked my family and they also
accepted it. So now we are happily engaged and we soon to get married, probably at the end of this
year. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So friends just ask and believe and the Universe will be so kind to fulfill your wish.

Wishing all the readers happiness unlimited.

K A Singh
98. It Works!!
I would like to tell you my success story about The Secret. At first, I’m sorry for my English.
My mom gave me The Secret book about 7 years ago. At that time I started listen the book and was
very interested in it and my life changed. Then 4 years ago, I met my first boyfriend. This
developed well at first, but at some point we did not really do any good. It was toxic. He was
a really nice guy, with a lot of love, but he had so many problems with himself. He really treated me
badly and as a woman in love, I felt almost powerless. I wanted to stay with him because I was
convinced it would get better. But it did not, it got worse day by day. At some point I started being
thankful for everything. I was thankful for the experience and for the really nice guy that he was.
But so there were so many problems and he did not know how to help himself or the relationship.
Sometimes I really felt sorry for him.

I left my parents and neglected my friends for everything that was really unpleasant. I did not give
up even though I was crying so many times and I did not know what to do anymore. Finally I
realized that the only possibility was actually to go. But if you believe in something and you want
something, you do not just give up. Maybe I was not strong enough either. I was afraid of the
reaction of my parents too. I kept imagining what it would be like to go home and hug my mum and
I wrote this down in my notes, ‘I will be happy at the right place, at the right time’.

And then I finally left our apartment and drove to my parents. At first I cried but then I was calm
and composed. My mom was crying, she took me in her arms and said everything would be
okay. And she was right. I was finally ready to be happy again.
Even if the weeks after that there were fights and it was a hard time, it made me stronger.

Then only a few weeks later, I met a young man who made me feel what happiness means. It was a
wonderful time and he is still a special person in my life now. But we went separate ways a few
months later and that was OK. It was time to start my own life. I had to learn to be alone again. It
was hard but it was a wonderful experience because then when the time comes, I could be strong.
When I understand myself better then I finally understood what it means to love yourself.

After almost 2 years single, I finally wanted someone in my life again. I imagined what my dream
boyfriend looked like. I wrote down the exact qualities I would like him to have. I wanted a man
that would treat me well and who was also confident in himself. Someone who loves children but
still wants to experience his life first. Someone who wanted to travel and to experience the world, to
go skiing with and to have an active sports life.

I was a bit lost in my work and absolutely did not expect it. I had registered with an online dating
portal a while back but with no real thoughts and forgot about it. He contacted me and a few days
later we started writing each other and now we have met and been seeing each other for several
weeks. He is really so loving and much better than I could have dreamed of. He is really cute too
but more importantly he has his heart in the right place.

I’m so thankful!

99. Attracted Him
Here is a manifesting SP success story of a member of another group. What makes it even more
interesting, is the fact that the SP this member wanted was already in another relationship at that
time and this where the golden rule is involved (for a lot of people)- so read to see how she handled
this in her case and still managed to fulfill her desire in the end. I thought this story would be very
inspiring and illustrative for the members of our group, so l asked for her permission to post it here,
and after she agreed on that, I put it here now. Enjoy :) .

I wanted to write my success story on how l manifested my SP to come into my life 3 years ago. At
the time, I was not familiar with Neville's teaching but knew about LOA. As I look back now, I had
applied Neville's teachings without really knowing.

Back in June 2016, I wrote a list of things I wanted in my perfect guy. I wrote from physical traits to
personality traits. I got really clear. A month later, went to a party and there he was. I saw him from
far and I was mesmerized. I shrugged it off and was just enjoying the party.

Then, we made eye contact and I felt such a connection that I had to catch my breath. After the
party,I told my friends about him and how I had seen this beautiful guy. Before I went to sleep that
night, I told myself "wouldn't it be amazing if I got a guy like him?" And went to sleep with a smile
thinking about him. I was so excited.

I was curious to see who this guy was because I had never seen him at other parties before. Iasked a
mutual friend who he was and he told me that my SP was in a relationship at that time. I was like
aww and let it go. I was like oh well and just moved on with my life. A month later, I see my SP
again from far and I just couldn't stop smiling. I was just so attracted him. Then, 2 weeks later, I
woke up to a friend request notification on my lock screen. He has a very popular name so before I
got excited, I checked to see if it was really him. And YES! It was him.

He added me and we started messaging. He asked me on a date quickly and told me how that at that
party, he was curious about me too. He had asked his friend if he knew me. Apparently, the mutual
friend I had asked about my SP told my SP that I asked about him. My SP also told me that he had
broken up with his ex. So, from that one night that I had planted the seed and said to myself,
"wouldn't it be nice if I got a guy like him" in such an excited manner and letting it go, I had
manifested him in my life. I looked back at my list had created, and he ticked off every box! Down
to him having dimples.

Whenever I have doubts and fears, I always think back to this story bc it still blows my mind how I
had attracted him in my life. And how the events unfolded.
100. Attracted My Happy Married Life
I am so happy to share my story with you. The law of attraction always works perfectly for me.
This time my marriage life was disturbed as my husband’s behavior was changed and he became so
arrogant and didn’t value me or my space. I was frustrated because of his behavior and then I left
him. However, I still loved him so I made a wish to the Universe to please do something so that my
husband realizes how important I am for him. That he should realize that this is the twenty first
century and men and women should have equal freedom, respect and space to live their life. I asked
the Universe that my husband should realize that though I am his wife, I have my own view and
space and I have a right to live life in my own way. He he should respect me, my views and my
freedom. I asked the Universe for it to happen before the 15th. I visualized daily that my husband
said he was sorry to me and apologized and we both are living happily together in our home.

These all wishes of mine all came true and the Universe completed my wishes on the same date that
I wanted. Really, thank you so much Universe. You are always giving me what I want.

101. Love Always Wins
I just want to thank Rhonda and the team for such an amazing discovery of something that changed
my life forever. Here it goes.

I was dating a guy for a month and we were really, really happy. We matched each other perfectly
and we never fought. Then one day, a little misunderstanding resulted in him ending our
relationship. I was so hurt and I didn’t understand, but I did feel negativity before he ended it so it
all made sense.

I read The Secret 2 weeks after our break up but I did not really apply it nor believe it because of
the pain I still felt. He started dating someone else and that really just took me right back to the
bottom. I could not believe it. Fast forward 5 months later, I decided to try it again because I still
loved him. I worked on The Magic practices and really started to feel better. I wrote things down, I
visualized and I really started to believe that he was mine. I went out with a friend and had an
amazing and magical day, filled with specific signs I had asked to receive when my love was
thinking of me.

I am on The Magic practice 19 today and I am happy to say that I finally heard from him!!! I cannot
believe it, I’m in tears. He said all the things I had visualized, exactly as I had imagined! I’m the
happiest girl right now, the Universe and gratitude can really do wonders in one’s life.

In everything, always believe and never give up. Faith will always reward you! Thank you, thank
you, thank you!!!!!!





Website: www.facebook.com/jasjit27
Call/Whatsapp: +91-965-436-7744, +91- 971-671-5525
Skype: jasjit.s.ahuja
E-mail: [email protected]

(I can also meet you personally for free advice if you live in Delhi City)

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