Saradva 2016

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Application of D-STATCOM to Control Power Flow

in Distribution Line
Piyushkumar M. Saradva Mahesh H. Pandya
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Lukhdhirji Engineering College Lukhdhirji Engineering College,
Morbi, India Morbi, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Ketan T. Kadivar Abhayrajsinh J. Rana

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Lukhdhirji Engineering College Lukhdhirji Engineering College,
Morbi, India Morbi, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—This paper presents an application of important, reactive power compensation is required to be

Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) to provided in the distribution line. The conventional
control power flow in the distribution line. In order to compensating devices suffer from many drawbacks and fail to
reduce the reactive power burden and to mitigate other provide compensation under varying load conditions [1].
undesirable effects being caused by the inductive type Since the distribution line has comparatively higher R/X ratio,
loads, reactive power flow should be controlled in the in order to provide mitigation of voltage drop being caused by
distribution line. Also, to mitigate the effect of voltage the resistance of the distribution line real power compensation
drop being caused due to higher R/X ratio of the should also be provided [2]. So, there is a need to control both
distribution line, real power flow is also required to be reactive as well as real power flow in distribution line
controlled. In India, in the distribution line either no device is No conventional compensating device can provide real
employed to mitigate the effects mentioned above or the power compensation in distribution line and they have many
conventional devices are used which have many limitations. D- limitations. The devices based on power electronic technology
STATCOM, which is a power electronics based advanced device are very useful to provide compensation in distribution line
can be very useful to control power flow in the distribution line. [3,4]. Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) is one
In this paper, a Voltage source Converter (VSC) type D- of the most advanced, versatile and suitable devices to be used
STATCOM based on instantaneous symmetrical component in the distribution line to provide power flow control. This
theory is connected with the distribution line to control the power
flow. Hysteresis current control is used to generate the gate pulse
shunt connected device can provide reactive power
for the switching devices of D-STATCOM. The results show that compensation and with energy storage facility, it can also
the D-STATCOM based on instantaneous symmetrical provide real power support to the distribution line [2-4].
component theory provides effective full/partial reactive power In this paper, D-STATCOM is used to provide power flow
compensation and also provides real power support to the control in the distribution line. The instantaneous symmetrical
distribution line with battery energy storage. component theory [5,6] has been used to generate reference
currents and hysteresis current control scheme [7,8] has been
Index Terms— Distribution Line, Reactive Power, Real Power, used to generate the gate pulses for switching devices of VSC
D-STATCOM, Instantaneous Symmetrical Component Theory of D-STATCOM. The D-STATCOM with this control
strategy can provide desired power flow control under varying
I. INTRODUCTION load conditions.
The Electrical Power Distribution Network needs to
supply real and reactive power to the connected loads through
the distribution line using the distribution transformer. When Power Flow in the distribution lines may generally be
the real and reactive power is supplied to the load by the defined as the real & reactive power being supplied by the
distribution network, the various parameters of the distribution distribution transformer to the loads, by the flow of current at
line must remain within permissible limits. A large number of a particular voltage level in the distribution line.
inductive type loads connected to the distribution line causes a A. Base System
large reactive power burden on whole distribution network
[1]. The reactive power flow affects many parameters of the Here, in this paper, a radial three phase distribution system
distribution line, which results in many technical issues in the as shown Fig.1 is considered as the base system. The system
distribution line. Since these issues are technically very parameters of this base system are listed in Table I.

978-1-4673-9925-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 479

magnitude & phase angle of the D–STATCOM voltage
respectively [3, 4].

Fig. 1. Base System


Source Voltage & Frequency 433V (Line to Line), 50Hz
Total Resistance 0.1234Ω
Total Reactance 0.045mH
Load Connected Different Combinations of
Resistive& Inductive (R-L) Loads

B. Effect of Loads on various parameters of Distribution Line

To show the effects of loads on the distribution line, the R
& L - type loads of different values are connected to the base
Fig. 2. Basic Construction of D-STATCOM
system considered in Fig. 1. The results of effects of loads on
the various parameters the distribution line having been
obtained after simulation of the base system are shown in
Table III. After observing these results, it can be said that
both R&L type loads make an effect on values of the voltage
received at load end and flow of current through the
distribution line, also, the inductive loads make the power
factor poor. The Inductive loads connected to the distribution
line increase reactive power burden on the distribution line
and on the distribution transformer, which result in Fig. 3. Connection of D-STATCOM to 3-phase Distribution Line
undesirable effects like reduction in the real power supplying
capacity of the distribution transformer, reduction in the real If voltage magnitude of D-STATCOM is kept higher than
current carrying capacity of the distribution line, poor power that of the distribution line, the D-STATCOM can provide
factor, more power losses, voltage drop etc. [1]. reactive power to the distribution line & if phase angle of the
All these effects are technically undesirable and also voltage of D-STATCOM is kept leading the voltage of
cause economic loss, so, the power flow is required to be distribution line, it can supply the real power to the
controlled by means of power and real power compensation is distribution line. Based on the requirement of type & degree
required to be provided in the distribution line. of compensation of reactive/real power, the D-STATCOM has
to supply required component of compensating current to the
C. Limitations of Conventional Compensating Devices distribution line.
The conventional compensating devices like synchronous Different controllers and control strategies are used for D-
condenser or capacitor may be used to provide reactive power STATCOM to provide the control of power flow in
compensation in distribution line but the synchronous distribution line under dynamic load varying condition [7].
condenser has rotating parts which result in very slow response Here in this paper, Instantaneous symmetrical component
while the capacitor in additional to its slower response suffers theory based control strategy has been used to control the
from limitations of providing only fixed compensation [1]. functioning of D-STATCOM. The other controllers having
Also, neither of the conventional compensating devices can been used here are Hysteresis Current controller (for Gate
provide any real power support to the distribution line. All Pulse Generation) & PI Controller (for maintaining the voltage
these limitations make the conventional compensating devices of Capacitor of VSC i.e. D.C. Link Voltage constant).
incompatible to provide power flow control in the distribution
III. D-STATCOM Instantaneous symmetrical component theory is basically
D-STATCOM is a compensating device based on power the symmetrical component theory (being applied to
electronic technology to be used in the distribution line. It is instantaneous voltages and currents [5]. The unbalanced
basically a controlled current injecting device connected in voltages & currents can be converted into 3-set of balanced
shunt with the distribution line [1,3,4]. The Fig. 1 shows a voltages & currents i.e. Positive sequence, negative sequence
basic construction of D-STATCOM, while Fig. 3 represents & zero sequence components by using this instantaneous
the connection of a D-STATCOM to the 3-phase distribution symmetrical component theory. Equation (1) & (2) [1]
line [4]. D-STATCOM can exchange reactive & real power represents the positive sequence component of Voltage &
with the distribution line. The reactive power & real power in Current respectively where Vsa, Vsb & Vsc are source voltages
distribution lime can be controlled by controlling the and isa, isb & isc are currents of phase a, b & c respectively.

1 V sb + (V sc − V sa ) β
Vsa1 =
Vsa + aVsb + a 2Vsc ) (1) i cbr = ilb −
V sa 2 + V sb 2 + V sc 2
( P l + P loss ) (12)

1 Vsc + (Vsa − Vsb ) β

isa1 =
isa + aisb + a 2 isc ) (2) icbr = ilb −
Vsa 2 + Vsb 2 + Vsc 2
( Pl + Ploss ) (13)

Here, his control strategy is used for D-STATCOM to These reference currents Icar, Icbr & Iccr are then compared
generate the reference currents. The basic two objectives of with actual currents Ica, Icb & Icc respectively and by Using
this proposed control strategy are: Hysteresis current control scheme, the gate pulses are
• To make supply currents balanced such that: generated for all the three legs of Inverter unit of D-
isa + isb + isc = 0 STATCOM.
• the source should supply only positive sequence V. SIMULATION RESULTS
component of power
The performance of D-STATCOM designed with
Assuming that source current lags source voltage by an
instantaneous symmetrical component theory based control
angle φ, then Positive sequence component of voltage would
strategy to control power flow in distribution line has been
also lag the positive sequence component of current &
checked using MATLAB-SIMULINK software. The Main
Equation (4) [5] would be obtained
simulation circuit is shown in Fig. 4, while the sub-circuits for
control scheme and D-STATCOM used in the simulation are
(Vsb − Vsc − 3βVsa ) isa + (Vsc − Vsa − 3βVsb ) isb + shown in Fig. 5 & Fig. 6.The values of various parameters of
(4) D-STATCOM considered are shown are listed in Table III.
(Vsa − Vsb − 3βVsc ) isc = 0
1 tan Φ (5) D.C. Link Capacitor 1000µF
β = * Reference D.C. Link Voltage 800V
2 3 Coupling Inductance 2.2Mh
Battery Energy Storage System 800V, 20Ah
Now, if D-STATCOM is used to provide compensation & (for Real Power Compensation only)
source should supply only average component of load power
Pl, then the Equation (6) [1] is obtained.
A. D-STATCOM operated for full reactive power
V sa i sa + V sb i sb + V sci sc = P l (6)
In this mode, for full reactive power compensation, the
value of power factor is to be kept unity and so, value of β is
The power losses occurring in switches of VSI i.e. Ploss
set accordingly. In this case, almost all the reactive power
would have to be supplied by the source itself, so equation (5)
demand of load is supplied by the D-STATCOM and source
would get changed and equation (7) [5] is obtained.
only needs to supply the real power. The results for this mode
of operation of D-STACOM are shown in Table IV.
Vsaisa + Vsbisb + Vscisc = Pl + Ploss (7)
B. D-STATCOM operated for partial reactive power
The equations to calculate reference values of source compensation
currents are obtained as shown in Equations (8), (9) & (10) Practically it might not be economical to utilize the D-
using Equations (4), (5) & (6) [5]. STATCOM mode to provide full reactive power
compensation because this would require a D-STATCOM
Vsa + (Vsb − Vsc ) β having a very large rating and hence having a very high cost.
isa = ( Pl + Ploss ) (8) So, it would be more beneficial l to utilize D-STATCOM in
Vsa 2 + Vsb 2 + Vsc 2 partial reactive power compensation mode. The simulation
Vsb + (Vsc − Vsa ) β results, when D-STATCOM is used for partial compensation
isb = ( Pl + Ploss ) (9) as per desired value of power factor are shown in Table IV.
Vsa 2 + Vsb 2 + Vsc 2
Vsc + (Vsa − Vsb ) β C. D-STATCOM operated for real power compensation
isc = ( Pl + Ploss ) (10) By using an energy storage device & modifying the
Vsa 2 + Vsb 2 + Vsc 2 equations & circuit of this proposed control strategy, the D-
STATCOM might also be used to provide real power support
The equations of reference compensating currents to be to distribution line. In order to provide real power support, the
provided by D-STATCOM would be as shown in equations capacitor is replaced by a battery energy storage system. Some
(11), (12) & (13) [5,6]. other modifications are also made in equations of the control
Vsa + (Vsb − Vsc ) β strategy. The simulation results obtained for this mode of
icar = ila − ( Pl + Ploss ) (11) operation of D-STATCOM are illustrated in Table-IV.
Vsa 2 + Vsb 2 + Vsc 2

Power Supplied By
Source Power Demand Power Received By Load Load Source
Sr. Source Current
Voltage Voltage Power
No P Q P Q P Q (A)
(V) (V) Factor
(kW) (kVAR) (kW) (kVAR) (kW) (kVAR)
1 433 20 20 19.93 19.48 19.42 19.42 426.7 37.17 0.511
2 433 30 20 29.58 19.27 28.76 19.17 427 47.07 0.702
3 433 40 30 39.35 28.53 37.8 28.35 420.9 64.81 0.655

Fig. 4. Main Simulation Circuit

Fig. 5. Sub-circuit of D-STATCOM

Power Supplied Power Supplied Power Received
Power Demand
By Source By D-STATCOM By Load
Source Load Source
Case Voltage Voltage Power
(V) P Q P Q P Q P Q (V) Factor
(kW) (kVAR) (kW) (kVAR) (kW) (kVAR) (kW) (kVAR)

19.93 19.48 0 0 19.42 19.42 426.7 37.17 0.511
After Full 433 20 20
Reactive Power 20.07 3.35 3.38 20.03 19.51 19.5 427.4 26.93 0.973
29.58 19.27 0 0 28.76 19.17 424 47.07 0.702
After Full
Reactive Power 29.79 3.48 3.33 19.58 28.88 19.24 424.6 39.91 0.987
After Partial 433 30 20
Reactive Power 29.87 9.17 3.08 11.52 28.82 19.21 424.3 41.45 0.914
After Partial
Reactive Power 29.64 11.88 2.59 8.82 28.82 19.2 424.3 42.51 0.862
39.35 28.53 0 0 37.8 28.35 420.9 64.81 0.655
After Full
Reactive Power 39.31 3.51 3.15 28.33 38 28.48 422 53.05 0.992
After Partial
Reactive Power 39.12 15.94 3.4 13.48 37.93 28.42 421.5 56.31 0.858
After Partial
Reactive Power 433 40 30 39.24 19.53 34 9.98 37.89 28.4 421.3 58.03 0.801
After Full
Reactive + Partial
30.77 3.65 9.19 29.45 38.45 28.82 424.3 40.94 0.986
Real Power
After Partial
Reactive + Partial
29.54 11.77 10.30 18.19 38.44 28.81 424.3 42.2 0.863
Real Power

Fig. 6. Results of Power Flow for Source, Load and D-STATCOM

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