10.1515 - Cdbme 2016 0022 1
10.1515 - Cdbme 2016 0022 1
10.1515 - Cdbme 2016 0022 1
Open Access
Andreas Bahr*, Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H. Krautschneider
DOI 10.1515/cdbme-2016-0022
1 Introduction
Abstract: Diseases like schizophrenia and genetic epilepsy
are supposed to be caused by disorders in the early de- Disorders in the early development of the brain could lead
velopment of the brain. For the further investigation of to diseases like certain forms of schizophrenia and genetic
these relationships a custom designed application spe- epilepsy [1, 2]. This hypothesis of neural development from
cic integrated circuit (ASIC) was developed that is op- Ben-Ari et al. and Lewis et al. [1, 2] is investigated with
timized for the recording from neonatal mice [Bahr A, the help of genetic mouse disease models. Recent nd-
Abu-Saleh L, Schroeder D, Krautschneider W. 16 Channel ings of Marguet et al. [3] showed that by treatment at a
Neural Recording Integrated Circuit with SPI Interface and critical stage of the brain development the rescue from a
Error Correction Coding. Proc. 9th BIOSTEC 2016. Biode- genetic epilepsy could be possible. To further investigate
vices: Rome, Italy, 2016; 1: 263; Bahr A, Abu-Saleh L, these relationships, the signals from neonatal mice have
Schroeder D, Krautschneider W. Development of a neural to be analysed. A custom designed application specic
recording mixed signal integrated circuit for biomedical integrated circuit (ASIC) was developed that is optimized
signal acquisition. Biomed Eng Biomed Tech Abstracts for recordings in neonatal mice [4–6].
2015; 60(S1): 298–299; Bahr A, Abu-Saleh L, Schroeder D, For the recording of the neural signals from the head
Krautschneider WH. 16 Channel Neural Recording Mixed of the mouse a Neuronexus multichannel electrode [7] is
Signal ASIC. CDNLive EMEA 2015 Conference Proceedings, placed in the cortex of the mouse. The correct placement of
2015.]. To enable the live display of the neural signals the electrodes is essential to enable the neural recording.
a multichannel neural data acquisition system with live Saving the data to a memory and analysing it after the
display functionality is presented. It implements a high recording is not feasible during experiments with living
speed data transmission from the ASIC to a computer with animals. The adjustment of the electrode would take much
a live display functionality. The system has been success- too long and the animal would be stressed longer than
fully implemented and was used in a neural recording of a necessary.
head-xed mouse. To enable the live display of the neural signals, a
neural recording data acquisition system is presented. It
Keywords: high speed digital interfacing; live display
implements a high speed data transmission from the ASIC
of neural data; neural data acquisition system; neural
to a computer with a live display functionality of the neural
recording system.
data. High-speed data acquisition systems based on FPGA
have been presented in [8, 9]. To adopt to the specic needs
of the custom designed ASIC, a custom designed digital
interfacing had to be developed.
*Corresponding author: Andreas Bahr, Institute of Nano- and 2 Material and methods
Medical Electronics, Hamburg University of Technology, D-21073
Hamburg, Eiûendorfer Str. 38, Germany, E-mail: [email protected]
Lait Abu Saleh, Dietmar Schroeder and Wolfgang H.
The neural recording system is designed in such a way that
Krautschneider: Institute of Nano- and Medical Electronics, it adopts to the custom designed integrated circuit and that
Hamburg University of Technology, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany it ts into the environment of the neuroscience. Existing
© 2016 Andreas Bahr et al., licensee De Gruyter.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.
88 A. Bahr et al.: High speed digital interfacing for a neural data acquisition system
interfaces like Neuroscope [10] are integrated to enable an used [10]. Neuroscope is a widely used interface in the
easy handling of the interfaces for the experimenters. The neuroscientic community. A diagram of the data ow on
selection of the eld programmable gate array (FPGA) is the computer is shown in Figure 2.
based on the system requirements and inuenced by the
wide spread existence of the opal Kelly Interface board [11],
that is used by the open source community open ephys [12] 2.2.2 Data acquisition board
or the company Intan [13].
The data acquisition board consists of an FPGA Interface
board (XEM 6010) from the company Opal Kelly [11], a
2.1 Specication and system requirements power supply unit for the integrated circuit and connectors
for interfacing. A block diagram of the data acquisition
The acquisition system interfaces to a custom designed board is shown in Figure 3. The Interface Board consist of
integrated circuit [4, 14]. The circuit with the size of only a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA, an SDRAM for buering, a Phase
1.5 × 1.5 mm2 comprises of 16 analog inputs that are sam- Locked Loop (PLL) for clock generation and a USB Micro
pled with 20 kS/s/channel at an ADC resolution of 10 bit. Interface block. The board communicates through a High-
The recording using a single integrated circuit results in a speed USB 2.0 Interface with the computer (data rate up to
data rate of 3.52 Mb/s [4]. 38 Mb/s). The FPGA works at 100 MHz and has sucient
The ASIC implements a four wire serial peripheral speed to handle the required data rate. The board includes
interface (SPI) with an additional signal from the ana- an extra memory of 128 Mb SDRAM.
logue to digital conversion (ADC). This additional end of The Opal Kelly board integrates a communication
conversion (EoC) signal is used as an interrupt to signal library that is provided from the manufacturer. The library
that a new sampled value is available. To handle this takes care of the communication between the FPGA on the
interrupt, a custom SPI master interface is implemented board and a program on the computer by providing end-
on the FPGA that requests the data from the ASIC each time points. By integration of the library into the C++ code and
the interrupt is triggered. the verilog code, data can be transmitted between the com-
puter and the FPGA by handing over the data to endpoints.
USB 2.0 Data
SPI Data USB USB micro acquisition
Integrated Computer
circuit acquisition board
(live display) Opal kelly interface board
Figure 1: Block diagram of the neural data acqusisition system [14]. Figure 3: Block diagram of the data acquisition board.
A. Bahr et al.: High speed digital interfacing for a neural data acquisition system 89
Number of words in
FIFO > Threshold?
Request data
and write to Binary file
10 References
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4 Conclusion
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Acknowledgment: We would like to thank R. Hinsch,
[11] Opal Kelly Incorporated. Opal Kelly XEM6010 User’s
D. Isbrandt and his Team from the DZNE-German Center Manual. Portland: Opal Kelly Incorporated, 2010. url:
for Neurodegenerative Diseases Cologne for the support http://assets00.opalkelly.com/library/ XEM6010-UM.pdf
of this work and the execution of the measurements. We (visited on April 28, 2016).
would like to thank A. Sirota from the Bernstein Center for [12] Voigts J, Siegle J. Acquisition Board. Open Ephys In-
corporated, 2014, url: https://open-
Computation Neuroscience Munich for the data analysis of
this experiment. (visited on April 28, 2016).
[13] Intan Technologies. USB/FPGA Interface: Rhythm. Intan
Author’s Statement Technologies, 2014, url: http://www.intantech.com/les/Intan
Research funding: This work was supported by the RHD2000 USB FPGA interface.pdf (visited on April 28,
German Research Foundation, Priority Program SPP1665.
[14] Bahr A, Abu-Saleh L, Schroeder D, Krautschneider W.
Conict of interest: Authors state no conict of interest. Integrierter Schaltkreis zur Aufnahme von Biosignalen In:
Material and Methods: Informed consent: Informed con- "Proceedings of the Workshop Biosignal Processing". Berlin,
sent has been obtained from all individuals included in Germany, April 7–8, 2016.