4ar8 - STD - Pa1 - Alomia, Gabriel PDF

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Steel and Timber Design

Project Assessment 1


Total Dead Load = 4 kPa
Live Load = 2.4 kPa

Total Floor Load = 6.4 kPa W=?

Material Specifications
Apitong 80% Stress Grade
σb = 16.5 MPa = 16,500 kPa
𝗍 = 1.73 MPa = 1,730 kPa
E = 7.310 x 103 MPa = 7.31 x 106 kPa
5 mts

Spacing = 350 mm o.c.
Clear Span = 5000 mm = 5mts
Cross Section Rqmt. = b = 0.5 d
FL = 6.4 kpa

0.35 m 0.35 m 0.35 m 0.35 m 0.35 m 0.35 m 0.35 m

b = 0.5d
D. Due to Deflection
A. Equivalent Uniform Load Solving for Allowable Deflection Substituting to formula, get d
𝚠 = floor load x spacing
𝚠 = 6.4 kpa x 0.35 m δallow = L I = bd3
𝚠 = 2.24 kN/m 240 12
1.200 x 10-4 = (0.5 d) d3
B. Due to Bending Stress = 5 12
Solving for MMax Solving for d 240 d4 = 1.200 x 10-4 (12)
σb = 6M 0.5
MMax = 𝚠L2 bd2 δallow = 0.0208 m
8 dδ = 0.232 mts
= 2.24 (5) 2 16500 = 6(7) Substituting to formula, get I
8 (0.5d) (d2)
MMax = 7 kN/m δ= 5wL4
d = 384 E I

dbending stress= 0.172 mts 0.0208 = 5 (2.24) (5)4

(384) (7.31 x 10 ) I

C. Due to Shear Stress I = 5 (2.24) (5)4

Solving for V Solving for d (384) (7.31 x 106 ) (0.0208)
𝗍 = 3V
V = P = 𝚠L2 2bd I = 1.200 x 10 -4 m4
2 2
1730 = 3 (5.6)
V = 2.24 (5) 2 (0.5d) d FINAL
2 dbending stress = 0.172 mts
d2 = dshear stress = 0.0985 mts
V = 5.60 kN d = 250 mm
dδ allowable deflection = 0.232 mts ≈ 250 mm *Roundoff to
dshear stress= 0.0985 mts 25mm

b = 0.5 (d)
b = 125 mm
= 0.5 (250)
b = 125 mm

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