Oral Presentation Rubrics

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Content Presentation Presentation Presentation had Presentation Presentation

had an had a good moments where valuable contains little contains no
exceptional amount of material was present but valuable valuable
amount of material and as a whole content was material. material.
valuable benefited the lacking.
material and class.
beneficial to
the class.

Mastery of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates Demonstrates

the Topic the total the of some content of the little mastery no mastery of
mastery of knowledge of topic. of any any contents
the contents the important contents of of the topic.
of the topic. contents of the topic.
the topic.

Delivery and Presenters Presenters Presenters were not Presenters Presenters

Presentation were all very were consistent with the level were were
of the Topic confident in occasionally of unconfident unconfident
delivery and confident confidence/preparedness and and
did an with their they showed the class demonstrate demonstrates
excellent job presentation. but had some strong d little no evidence if
of engaging Preparation is moments. Preparation is evidence of planning prior
the class. evident. lacking. planning prior to
Preparation is to presentation.
evident. presentation.

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