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XI STD - Systematic analysis of a simple salt

General Procedure
Experiment Observation Inference
! Blue / Green! May be copper salt
1. colour of the salt!
Brown May be an iron salt!
colourless! Absence of copper and iron salts
Action of heat: A colourless, odourless gas turning lime water Presence of carbonate is
2. A small amount of a salt milky evolves confirmed!
is strongly heated in a A colourless gas with the pungent small turning
test tube red litmus paper into blue evolves. It gives a dense Presence of an ammonium !
white fumes when a glass rod dipped in Conc. HCl
is brought close to its mouth!
A reddish brown gas evolves Presence of a nitrate
Salt is yellow when hot and
May be a zinc
white when cold
Absence of carbonate,
No characteristic change
Ammonium, Nitrate, and Zinc
Flame test:
3. Take a small amount of salt in a watch Bluish green flame presence of a copper
glass. Add a drop of Conc. HCl to it
Apple green Presence of a barium
and form a paste. Take the paste at the
charred end of the splinter and Brick red Presence of a calcium
introduce it near the Bunsen flame
No characteristic flame Absence of Copper,
Barium and calcium

Action of dil. NaOH solution:

4. Salt + dil. NaOH + Heat! A colourless gas with the pungent smell
giving dense white fumes with a glass Presence of ammonium
rod dipped in dil. HCl evolves

No pungent smelling gas Absence of ammonium

Action of dil. HCl:

5. Salt + dil. HCl! A colourless, odourless gas turning lime Presence of carbonate is
water milky evolves confirmed!!
A colourless gas with a rotten egg smell Presence of sulphide is
turning a paper dipped in lead acetate
shining black evolves!
Absence of Carbonate &
No characteristic change!

copper turning test : A reddish brown gas evolves Presence of nitrate.

6. Salt + Copper turnings + Conc. H2SO4
+ Heat No reddish brown gas ! Absence of Nitrate!

A greenish yellow gas turning starch iodide

Action of MnO2 and Conc. H2SO4 : Presence of chloride!!
7. paper blue evolves!
Salt + MnO2 + Conc. H2SO4 + Heat
A reddish brown gas turning moist
Presence of bromide
fluorescein paper red evolves
! No characteristic change.!
Absence of Chloride,

Chromyl chloride test:
8. A red orange vapours Presence of Chloride is
salt + potassium dichromate + evolved. Pass the vapours to lead acetate confirmed.
Conc. H2SO4.+ Heat solution yellow ppt is formed
No red orange vapours Absence of Chloride!
Preparation of sodium carbonate extract:
1g salt + 3g solid sodium carbonate + 20g of distilled water to it. After boiling the solution for few mins,
filter and collect the filtrate. The filtrate is called sodium carbonate extract.
1. Test for Silver nitrate :
A curdy white precipi- Presence of chloride
sodium carbonate extract + dil. HNO3 (until
tate(ppt) insoluble in
the effervescence ceases) + AgNO3. about 1mL of dil.
ammonia is formed
A pale yellow ppt
sparingly soluble in Presence of bromide is
ammonia is formed confirmed

A black ppt is formed Presence of sulphide

No characteristic Absence of Chloride,
precipitate Bromide and Sulphide!
2. Test with barium chloride: ! !
sodium carbonate extract + dil. HCl (until A white ppt is formed insoluble Presence of sulphate is
the effervescence ceases) + barium chloride in dil HCl! confirmed!!
solution ! No characteristic change.! Absence of Sulphate!
3. Brown ring test:
A brown ring is formed Presence of nitrate is
sodium carbonate extract + dil. H2SO4 (until
the effervescence ceases) + freshly prepared
ferrous sulphate solution. Then keeping the
test tube in a slanting position add Conc. No brown ring is formed ! Absence of Nitrate !
H2SO4 along the sides of the test tube.

4. Ammonium molybdate test:

A canary yellow ppt is formed. Presence of phosphate is
sodium carbonate extract + dil HNO3 confirmed
(until the effervescence ceases) +
ammonium molybdate + Conc. HNO3 No canary yellow precipitate ! Absence of phosphate!

Analysis of cations
Preparation of original solution
Salt! + Distilled Water!!!!!!!!!!!Original solution
!!!!!!!![ may be sulphide (or)!carbonate salt ] !
Salt + Dil.HNO3!!!!!!!!!!!!Original solution
Group Separation
1. Original Solution + NaOH + Nessler’s Chocolate brown precipitate is Presence of Ammonium is
reagent formed. confirmed
No Chocolate brown precipitate Absence of Ammonia
2. White precipitate is formed. Presence of I group Lead
Original Solution + dil. HCl
No White precipitate Absence of I group Lead
3. Black precipitate is formed. Presence of II group Copper
Original Solution + dil. HCl + H2S gas
No Black precipitate Absence of II group Copper

Presence of III group
4. White precipitate is formed.
Original Solution + NH4Cl + NH4OH Aluminium or Ferric iron.
No White precipitate absence of III group Al, Fe
5. Original Solution + NH4Cl + NH4OH Dirty white precipitate is formed. Presence of IV group Zinc
+ H2S gas No dirty white precipitate Absence of IV group Zinc
6. Original Solution + NH4Cl + NH4OH Presence of V group
White precipitate is formed.
Barium or Calcium
+ (NH4)2CO3
No White precipitate Absence of V group Ba or Ca
7. Original solution + NH4Cl + NH4OH Presence of VI group
White precipitate is formed.
+ disodium hydrogen phosphate Magnesium
Absence of VI group
No White precipitate

Confirmatory Test For Basic Radicals

Ammonium (Zero Group )
Original Solution + NaOH + Nessler’s reagent Chocolate brown precipitate is Presence of Ammonium is
formed. confirmed
Lead (Group I)
Presence of Lead is
Original solution + KI solution Yellow precipitate is formed.
Copper (Group II)
Original solution + potassium ferrocyanide Red brown precipitate is formed. Presence of Copper is
Aluminium (Group III)
Original solution + sodium peroxide + dil HCl Gelatinous white precipitate is Presence of Aluminium is
formed. confirmed
Ferric Iron (Group III)
Original solution + sodium peroxide + dil HCl + Presence of Ferric iron is
Blue precipitate is formed.
potassium ferrocyanide confirmed

Zinc (Group IV)

Presence of Zinc is
Original solution + potassium ferro cyanide White precipitate is formed.
Barium (Group V)
Presence of Barium is
Original solution + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate is formed.
Calcium (Group V)
Presence of Calcium is
Original solution+NH4OH + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate is formed.
Magnesium (Group VI)
Blue precipitate is formed. Presence of Magnesium is
Original solution + NaOH + Magneson reagent

1. The given simple salt contains Acid radical :
Basic radical :
2. The given simple salt :


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