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Irjet V7i6221 PDF
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1183
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
having the probability to be CH. applied to a clustered WSN where each node belongs to
the closest cluster according to their distance to the
T’(n)=T(n)+(1-T(n)) x f , where 1. T’(n) is novel cluster center. Energy consumption is reduced using
threshold value 2. T(n) is basic formula in LEACH to this strategy for both methods of CH selection. This
calculate threshold value. 3. F is constant. This formula strategy increases the rate of saved energy. The new
is used to calculate threshold value in every round. The transmission strategy saves more energy than previous
result shows that using optimum value of f EDCH2 techniques (it can reach up to 90%).
shows the improvement to reduce energy utilization
and hence increase network lifetime. Compared with The main focus is on the two Parameters that are a.
LEACH, EDCH1 shows up to 5.6% development in Average communication distance and b. Lingering
saving energy and up to 7.25% in extend network life. energy. Average communication distance is the
Compared with LEACH, EDCH2 shows up to 13.01% distance from central to I th node. For selection of CH
development in saving energy and up to 30.01% in following formula is used:
extend network life.
ACD=sum of distance of ith node(Di)/n,
A two stage energy proficient balanced clustering where n is number of nodes
method. Here they consider parameters such as
residual energy, intra-cluster cost, inter cluster cost, In the above formula, Di is the distance to I th node and
communication distance. Protocol composed of two n is number of nodes. Another method is Lingering
stages: 1. Cluster formation : Cluster formation and CH energy which is also called as residual energy. On the
selection is done by k-means algorithm 2. Load basis of lingering energy, Cluster head is selected.
Balancing : phase inter and intra cluster cost and
communication distance is considered. Used Omnet++ Lingering Energy: Residual Energy
simulator for simulation. Offered good load balancing =Etx(k,d)=kEelec+k*epsilon*d^2
within the network. Network life time increases. Future
work: Network life time decreases as nodes increases. Here in this paper, there are two modes are applied in
the algorithm. If first mode is applied i.e. ACD, then ACD
A strategy for the data transmission to efficiently
is calculated according to formula. If ACD of node is less
extend the network life time using the same energy.
than other then it is considered as CH. Cluster is
a) Cluster selection methods: formed on the basis of distance from that CH.
Threshold Distance = under root of epsilon Fs / epsilon
Method 1: We select the node that has the mp
minimum of means of distances to all other
nodes belongs to the cluster as cluster head. The FND (First Node Die) and LND (Last Node Die)
ratio is better than LEACH and SEECH. CUDP (Complete
Method 2: We select the node that has the useful Data percentage) is higher LEACH and SEECH.
minimum of maximum distance from all nodes Time simulation is good.
as cluster head.
Heterogeneous network is considered. The parameters
b) Transmission Strategy : used are residual energy, transmission range, number
of transmission. In this method, first transmission
The transmission strategy is proceeds by the CH energy, Consumption rate, Delay is calculated.
election process and the classification of nodes into
active nodes and sleeping nodes. The transmission Delay= (E(i)-E(r)/E(i)+x)*RTD
strategy uses either cooperative or non-cooperative
scheme. The first step consists of calculating the From the above formula, delay of node is calculated.
necessary transmit power to transmit data via non- E(r) is the residual energy.
cooperative scheme. They apply the relay selection
algorithm based on Dijkstra’s algorithm to select the On the basis of delay, Node which has low delay is
set of relays that cooperate to retransmit data from the consider as CH. After that nodes which are closest to
source node to the CH node with the minimum CH, Cluster is formed of that nodes.
transmit power. Here they proposed new energy
saving algorithm using on Dijkstra’s algorithm. It is
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1184
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1185
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Methodology used:
1. Calculating the number of neighbors Using P: probability of selecting advanced nodes
2. CH election and P-nrm : probability of selecting normal node as CH.
3. Cluster formation Here alpha is constant and m is related to round
4. Determining TDMA schedules number. In E-BEENISH algorithm they have added
more parameter i.e. distance.
In DEEC algorithm :
Updated form of SEP(stable election process) where Advancement of DEEC protocol where traffic factor
CH nodes are selected upon residual energy Er and is considered. When there is lot of traffic over a CH
distance parameter. They have formulated new node then there will be more energy drainage rate than
selection criterion on four layered energy model expected hence leading to dead link eventually failure
consisting normal cluster heads, advanced cluster of network hence in this protocol as DEEC they are
head, super cluster head and ultra-super cluster heads. using probabilistic approach to find threshold energy
In SEP they are: and comparing Eth with probabilistic values from path
of every NCH. Here considering nodes to be of
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1186
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
heterogeneous energy levels and E0 be the lower An improved ant colony optimization algorithm,
bound and E0(1+alphathi) be the upper bound of i’th
node then total energy of network can be calculated by Step 1: Divide the TSP problem into several
summing the every nodes value which is Etot . Eavg sub-problems, and each sub-problem
value is determined for every round. Probability of corresponds to one subpopulation.
NCH to become CH is determined by following
formulae: Step 2: Initialize the parameters of the
ICMPACO algorithm. These parameters include
the number of ants (k), pheromone amount
(Q), the maximum number of iterations (T), the
parameter (α and β), volatility coefficient (ρ),
etc. with WSN parameters include energy of
path , energy drainage rate.
Routing protocol in which sensing node floods the Step 3: Randomly select the initial position for
neighboring node with route request message (RREQ). each ant. i.e. that of sensed node.
Similarly neighboring node also floods it neighbors
with RREQ this process is followed till there is Step 4: Each sub-population independently
destination is achieved or already RREQ is sent. This execute the search process. The transition
message is passed to one by one nodes. If node is probability of the next state is calculated
having sufficient energy then it adds its own id to data according.
packet and send to next node. Once the RREQ reaches
the destination, Destination selects the best path from Step 5: Locally update the pheromone
given solutions and reply back with RREP message. IF concentration of the passed path of ants in each
there is any conflict between two path the average subpopulation.
energy of path is considered to select the path. If any
Step 6: Locally update the pheromone
intermediate node is dead then RERR message is sent
concentration of the adjacent path according to
to source so that the node is avoided. This performs
the pheromone diffusion mechanism for each
good but transmission delay is more and can consume
more energy in case of redundancy and dense network.
Step 7: Globally update the pheromone
concentration for each passed path.
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© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1188