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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-6, June 2015

Simulation & Performance Evaluation of Optimal

LEACH Subject to other Protocols in Wireless
Sensor Network
Miss. Priyanka k kharalkar, Dr. Sudhir Akojwar
recommended. Obvious drawbacks of this type of solutions
Abstract Advance wireless sensor network (WSN) include hindering the network since the base station becomes
technology is Low- power electronics and Low-power radio a bottleneck, the bandwidth allocated is not efficiently used
frequency design has enabled the development of small, and all sensor nodes consume a lot of scarce and valuable
relatively inexpensive & low-power sensor technology. The
power to communicate with the base station. Hence, the
important challenges in design of network are three key
resource1) Energy 2) Communication bandwidth 3)coverage
optimum solution becomes a distributed data collection
area . LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchical) algorithm, where data mining techniques such as clustering
is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. It is more efficient than are applied to the sensor nodes. When there are large
proactive n reactive protocol. LEACH protocol have some number of sensors in the sensing field, sensors will be
disadvantage. To overcome disadvantage we improved LEACH clustered to reduce the data redundancy. The cluster head will
protocol by using optimal path forwarding algorithm and take care of this work. Clustering of sensor nodes is
multihop technique i.e O-LEACH protocol. O-LEACH is more considered as one of the very successful techniques of mining
efficient than LEACH protocol and it uses static deployment useful information from a distributed environment. It is a
technique. The paper is concluded by mentioning valuable
particularly useful technique especially for applications that
observations made from analysis of results about AODV and
LEACH and Optimal LEACH protocols.
require scalability to hundreds and thousands of nodes.
Clustering also supports aggregation of data in order to
summarize the overall transmitted data. However, the current
Index Terms WSN, LEACH, AODV, O-LEACH, PDF, literatures either focus on node or data cluster in alone.
Troughput Clustering of sensor nodes deals with two main operations: 1)
identifying cluster heads, and 2) assigning nodes to respective
cluster heads. These two operations should be done at a very
I. INTRODUCTION energy-efficient level. On the other hand, data clustering deals
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a large with collecting the similar data for aggregation purposes. The
number of sensor nodes that co-operatively monitor a specific process of choosing the cluster head should take into
region of interest. Typically, a sensor node is a small consideration node design factors such as energy level of the
hardware device consisting of a processing unit, a sensing sensor node and load balancing as well as their similarity in
unit, a communication unit and a power unit that is used for terms of the sensed data. A successful clustering algorithm is
sensing, data processing and communication purposes. These the one that produces an optimal amount of clusters, with each
nodes collectively gather sensed information and forward it to having a single cluster head responsible for inter and
the special node called base station which acts as interface intra-cluster communication.
between the sensor nodes and users. The uniqueness of a This paper focuses on the problem of minimizing the energy
sensor consumption of sensor nodes during sending data and
node lies in its small size and light weight. However, there aggregating sensed data of the sensor nodes of the cluster.
are a lot of constraints such as limits on resources in terms of Minimization of energy can be achieved by using improved or
energy, memory, computational speed, band width and so on Optimal LEACH communication protocol. Where the
[1][2]. Because of these constraints the interactions between previous work uses LAECH protocol to form the clusters and
sensors are limited to short distances and low data rates. to aggregate the sensed data of the sensor nodes of the cluster,
These sensors are used in wide range of applications and real but it is having a drawback in consuming energy of the sensor.
time applications such as nuclear power plants, habitat This Optimal LEACH protocol used optimal path for sending
monitoring, military applications, security purpose etc [3]. data towards sink node. The rest of the paper is organized as
Sensors gather useful information in a timely manner and send follows: Section 2 reviews related work. Section 3 gives
it to a centralized node named sink. The sink node is also working of the LEACH protocol. Section 4 gives simulation
known as base station and is responsible for further of leach protocol n result comparing with AODV protocol.
processing such as node query. Due to the large number of section 5 gives conclusion.
sensor nodes and the voluminous data that should be reported,
data communication should be done in energy efficient LEACH Protocol
manner. Centralized solutions for data collection are not Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is the
first hierarchical cluster-based routing protocol for wireless
Miss Priyanka k kharalkar, Mtech (Computer science), Gondwana sensor network which partitions the nodes into clusters, in
university (Maharashtra) each cluster a dedicated node with extra privileges called
Dr Sudhir Akojwar, HOD (Electronics dept) Gondwana university Cluster Head (CH) is responsible for creating and
manipulating a TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)

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Simulation & Performance Evaluation of Optimal LEACH Subject to other Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network

schedule and sending aggregated data from nodes to the BS

where these data is needed using CDMA (Code Division
Multiple Access). Remaining nodes are cluster members. This
protocol is divided into two rounds; each round consists of
two phases:
A. Set-up Phase
Each node decides independent of other nodes if it will
become a CH or not. This decision takes into account when
the node served as a CH for the last time (the node that hasn't
been a CH for long time is more likely to elect itself than
nodes that have been a CH recently).
In the following advertisement phase, the CHs inform their
neighbourhood with an advertisement packet that they [1] O- LEACH provide clarity about position of sensor
become CHs. Non-CH nodes pick the advertisement packet nodes and the number of cluster heads in the network because
with the strongest received signal strength. it uses static deployment technique. In static deployment
In the next cluster setup phase, the member nodes inform the technique position of node already known .we deploy node in
CH that they become a member to that cluster with "join such a way that cover a maximum area .
packet" contains their IDs using CSMA. After the [2] Each Cluster-Head not directly communicates with BS.
cluster-setup sub phase, the CH knows the number of member Even all non cluster head not directly communicate with
nodes and their IDs. Based on all messages received within cluster head. It uses shortest path for communication that
the cluster, the CH creates a TDMA schedule, pick a CSMA consume less energy.
code randomly, and broadcast the TDMA table to cluster [3] The CH uses most of its energy for transmitting and
members. After that steady state phase begins collecting data. Hence we select a CH randomly according to
their energy. so it become less chance of CH die early.
B. Steady phase [4] CH changes randomly according their residual energy
.Each non cluster head get equal chance to become CH.Is uses
Data transmission begins, Nodes send their data during their
load balancing that increase the life of network.
allocated TDMA slot to the CH. This transmission uses a
minimal amount of energy (chosen based on the received
strength of the CH advertisement). SIMULATION PARAMETER PERFORMANCE
The radio of each non-CH node can be turned off until the METRICS.
nodes allocated TDMA slot, thus minimizing energy
dissipation in these nodes.. 1 Channel Type Wireless Channel
When all data has been received, the CH aggregates these Radio-Propagation Propagation
data and sends it to the BS. LEACH is able to perform local Model TwoRayGround
aggregation of data in each cluster to reduce the amount of 3 Network Interface Type WirelessPhy
data that transmitted to the base station. 4 MAC Type Mac/802_11
Although LEACH protocol acts in a good manner, it suffers
from many drawbacks such like; 5 Interface Queue Type
CH selection is randomly, that does not take into account 6 Link Layer Type LL
energy consumption. Antenna/Omni
7 Antenna Model
It can't cover a large area. Antenna
CHs are not uniformly distributed; where CHs can be 8 Max Packet In Ifq 50
located at the edges of the cluster. 9 Number Of Mobilenodes 20
Define Routing Protocol
11 300
According to survey of leach protocol. we found that there Topography
are some disadvantages of leach protocol. To avoid that Y Dimension Of
12 300
disadvantage we proposed a new protocol that is optimal Topography
leach clustering hierarchical protocol .In this protocol we 13 UDP Set Packetsizee 1000
used optimal path forwarding algorithm. with the help of this 14 Packet interval 0.07
protocol source node select shortest path to send data towards
15 Idle power 1
the cluster head. Distance is directly proportional to energy
consumed .hence we used shortest path to send data towards 16 Rx power 1
the cluster head. It uses static deployment technique that 17 Tx power 2
increase coverage area of network. 18 Sleep power 0.001
19 Transition power 0.2
20 Transition time 0.005

96 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-6, June 2015
In order to compare different protocols, it is important to 80%
have good models for all aspects of communication. In this 70%
simulation we have used network model and radio model for 60% OLEAC
computation of energy dissipation as discussed earlier. 50% H
Following Figures shows energy ,delay jitter, throughput 40%
,packet delivery ratio, related to the number of nodes for LEACH
routing protocols AODV ,LEACH and OLEACH 30%
Protocol. To eliminate the experimental error caused by 20%
Randomness, the experi- ment was repeated for 10 times and 10%
the average was taken as the final result. As seen from the 0%
graphs, the LEACH is more energy efficient than AODV and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
O-LEACH is more efficient than LEACH.As O_LEACH
used optimal path for data forwarding so its required less
amount of energy as compared to other two protocol that is Fig(C) Pdf For Aodv , Leach And Oleach
clearly observed from graph(a).
Packet delivery fraction is calculated by extracting data
Time vs Energy graph from AODV.tcl file, LEACH.tcl file, O-LEACH.tcl file and
three curves one for AODV, one for LEACH, one for
O-LEACH are plotted by taking time event on X-axis and
450 %age of PDF on Y-axis as shown in figure for 1 , 2 , 3 ,4 ,
400 time event respectively from figure GRAPH(C). it is quite
clear that PDF for O-LEACH is better
350 Average delay is calculating by extracting data from
300 AODV.tcl , LEACH.tcl, O-LEACH.tcl file and three curves
one for AODV, one for LEACH, one for LEACH are plotted
250 by takingof time on X-axis and average delay on Y-axis as
200 shown in GRAPH(B) for event 1, 2, 3.5, 4.5 nodes
respectively. From figure, it is quite clear that the average
150 end-to-end delay has increased in case of AODV, due to
100 overhead increased. But it is less in LEACH but as time goes
on it also increases.But in case of O-LEACH end to end delay
50 decreases as time goes on
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 4.5 6 6.5 7 Throughput vs time

Fig(a) energy consumption for 90%
4 50%
3.5 OLEA
3 CH
2.5 10% LEAC





0.5 Fig(D) Throughput For Aodv ,Leach, O-Leach
Throughput is calculating by extracting data from
0 AODV.tcl , LEACH.tcl, O-LEACH.tcl file and three curves
0 1 2 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 one for AODV, one for LEACH, one for O-LEACH are
plotted by taking of time on X-axis and average throughput
on Y-axis as shown in GRAPH(d) for event 1, 2, 3.5, 4.5
Fig (B) End To End Delay For Aodv ,Leach,O-Leach
nodes respectively. It is quite clear that the throughput of
Packet Delivery Fraction Vs Time
O-LEACH is better as compared to AODV and LEACH

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Simulation & Performance Evaluation of Optimal LEACH Subject to other Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network

In this paper we have evaluated three protocol AODV,
LEACH, O-LEACH. These protocols have been tested on
NS2 simulator by using four fraction energy, end to end
delay, packet delivery ratio , throughput. According to
analysis we found that O-leach energy efficient than
LEACH protocol O-LEACH consume least energy. In our
protocol cluster formation has been decided by us. we
already known the position of node so less amount of
energy required for cluster formation.
In the foreseeable future, the factors in hierarchical
routing protocol which affect the cluster building,
communication of CHs and data fusion of clusters will be
one of the research directions which can be more helpful to
enhance a network lifetime of the WSN.


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