RTOS Scheduling Theories - 1992

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An Introduction to Real-Time Operating Systems:

Scheduling Theory
Clifford W. Mercer

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
[email protected]

Please do not distribute.

November 13, 1992

[Reviewers: This paper is intended to be a combination tutorial/survey paper covering several common
approaches to scheduling in real-time systems. It is intended for an audience of non-experts who
understand the basics of computer programming and operating systems (at the undergraduate level).
Fourth-year undergraduate students, first-year graduate students, and new hires in real-time software
companies might find it useful as a first introduction to real-time systems, and it should provide a window
into the major areas of the real-time systems scheduling literature.
In the paper, the idea is to first define timing constraints and the like, and then describe several different
approaches that have been used in building actual real-time systems (as opposed to concentrating
on purely theoretical results). Each scheduling approach is introduced from the ground up, using
straightforward language and small examples to illustrate the concepts. An evaluation of the practical
considerations follows. References to further readings are given either in the introductory comments in
each section or in the final paragraphs.
Taken as a whole the paper should give the reader a taste of several of the common approaches for
scheduling real-time systems, and it should provide directions for further study. ]

Copyright c 1992 by Clifford W. Mercer
This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.

The functionality that real-time applications require of their operating system is much different
from the functionality required by non-time-constrained time-sharing applications. Most of the differ-
ences are in the methods used for job scheduling and the systems support necessary to implement the
scheduling policies. In this paper, we consider the various types of application-level real-time require-
ments, and we explore several different approaches to scheduling that have been used or proposed to
schedule real-time activities: the cyclic executive, deterministic scheduling, capacity-based schedul-
ing, and others. Our emphasis will be on practical methods, and we will find that these approaches
have different implications for design and development, system operation, and maintenance.

1. Introduction

Real-time computer systems differ from non-real-time computer systems in that they must react to events
originating in the physical world within a certain duration of time. A typical real-time system monitors
and controls some external process, and the system must notice and respond to changes in the external
process in a timely manner, usually on the order of tens or hundreds of milliseconds but sometimes on
the order of seconds or on the order of milliseconds. If the external process is simple, then a single
microcomputer which responds quickly to a few types of external events might suffice. However, many
real-time systems are more complex and require more processors, more software structure, and a more
sophisticated means of coordination among multiple activities; this motivates the need for methods of
scheduling various activities in all but the simplest real-time systems. The scheduling is complicated by
the fact that some real-time systems are such that a breakdown of the system scheduler (due to overload or
poor design) can cause a catastrophic failure in the physical system, resulting in loss of life and property.
To begin our study of real-time systems and strategies for scheduling, we will first concentrate on
defining the problem. We use the term “real-time system” or “real-time application” in the broadest sense
to refer to the entire system including the physical environment, the software, and the computer hardware.
The system is divided into several layers. At the top, we have tasks which are generic computational
entities that have timing constraints and synchronization and communication relationships. These tasks
are derived by some design process from the abstract timing requirements of the whole physical system.
We may think of tasks as abstract computational activities or as implementation-dependent programs
supported by real-time operating system. The time constraints for a task include the arrival time, the
computation time, and the deadline; and several other properties serve to describe the task and the
scheduling environment (these will be covered in detail in Section 2). The operating system manages
hardware resources, schedules those resources, and supports the software architecture on which the
tasks are implemented. The hardware layer is beneath the operating system. In this paper, we are
mostly concerned with the nature of abstract timing requirements, the different ways for mapping those

requirements into tasks with timing requirements, the methods for scheduling analysis based on the task
specifications, and the mechanisms for scheduling the tasks in the operating system.
Two important properties of a task are the arrival characteristics and the nature of the deadline. The
task arrivals may be periodic with a constant interval between successive invocations of the task, or
the arrivals may be characterized by a statistical distribution where the inter-arrival time is a random
variable. Tasks should complete execution before their deadlines, although there are many different
ways of thinking about deadlines. In some cases, a task absolutely must complete its computation by
the specified deadline; these are known as hard deadlines. If a task misses such a deadline, the value of
completing the task after the deadline is nil. Missing a hard deadline might even result in the catastrophic
failure of the system, depending on the task and the nature of its timing requirements. On the other hand,
a task deadline may just specify a preference for completion time rather than an absolute requirement. In
this case, the preference for completion time is called a soft deadline, and there is still some value to the
system in completing the task after the deadline has passed.
This notion of hard and soft real-time system requirements plays an important role in the design of
the system software. If the system has hard real-time requirements, the designer must go to great lengths
to guarantee that no deadlines will be missed (at least under expected operating conditions). If the system
timing requirements are soft, the designer can choose a more relaxed approach to system software. We
will explore these issues further in Section 2.
The treatment of timing issues in Section 2 is tutorial in nature, and after we cover this background
material, we can examine the approaches that have been used or proposed for managing the execution
of these computations. We will discuss the cyclic executive, deterministic scheduling, capacity-based
scheduling, and others. Some of the sections are tutorial in nature while other have the flavor of a
survey; the sections after the first two are self-contained, depending only on the general discussion and
definitions presented in the first two sections. Each section begins with some general background on the
topic of the section and a discussion of historical development or motivation along with a few references
to additional reading material. Subsequent discussion develops the ideas in more detail, either with a
tutorial presentation or an overview of relevant work.
Section 3 describes the cyclic executive, a software structure that executes a pre-computed schedule
or list of tasks repeatedly. This approach has historically been the most popular for hard real-time systems
where fast, predictable execution is essential. These advantages do not come without a cost however:
timing and synchronization properties are embedded in the code, a suitable schedule is often difficult to
construct, and changes to the system may perturb the schedule and require a new schedule. This approach

also requires that the time-constrained computations be deterministic and predictable themselves.
The basic ideas of deterministic scheduling theory are described in Section 4. Results from deter-
ministic scheduling theory can be helpful in producing schedules for the cyclic executive, and the theory
provides some insight into scheduling using software structures other than the cyclic executive. The
limitation is that these theoretical results apply only to deterministic task sets and no allowance is left
for variation. In this section, we explore the problem formulation for deterministic scheduling problems,
and we summarize some of the general principles that emerge from the theory.
The capacity-based scheduling approach, covered in Section 5, was developed from some results
in deterministic scheduling theory; this approach attempts to provide the predictable guarantees of
deterministic scheduling while allowing the system designer more latitude in the organization of his
software and system control structures. While some of the capacity-based work is directly applicable to
practical systems, other more complex aspects of practical systems, such as interprocess communication
and network communication are difficult to model and analyze.
Dynamic priority scheduling algorithms, described in Section 6, are attractive, especially since they
are optimal for many simple scheduling problems. Unfortunately, they are typically not predictable under
overload conditions, and this can be a drawback for real-time systems.
We consider value-function scheduling in Section 7 since this area has a long history in deterministic
scheduling theory and since it has many attractive qualities. In practice, value-function scheduling is not
widely used although some of the simpler, more efficient value-function scheduling techniques have been
tried. A more common approach in practice is to pick a very limited value-function model where only
piecewise linear functions with few segments are allowed rather than using general functions to describe
task value. Value-function scheduling results have also proved useful in the recent work on scheduling
imprecise computations described below.
In Section 8, we consider scheduling methods using imprecise results that have been developed
recently. These methods allow for some tasks which have an optional computation as well as a mandatory
computation; the tasks are usually organized such that the optional computation is a refinement on the
results generated in the mandatory computation. In this framework, the mandatory computations must be
completed by the task deadline and then the problem is to schedule the optional parts to optimize some
scheduling criterion.

Ready (r) Scheduled Completed (C) Deadline (d)


Figure 1: Schematic of a Time Constrained Computation

2. Computations and Time Constraints

Computational activities in a real-time system generally have timing constraints which specify when
the computations begin, how long they last, and the deadlines for the computations. A precedence
relation may be defined on the computations, indicating restrictions on the ordering of computations.
The computations may also share resources (other than the processor), and these constraints on the
computations must be specified and honored by the system.

2.1. Definitions and Notation

Figure 1 illustrates a computation schematically. Each computation has a ready time, r, at which the
computation becomes available for scheduling. At some point after the ready time, the computation
will (hopefully) be scheduled and start processing for a total duration of p. The computation will then
complete at time C. A deadline, d, is typically associated with the computation as well, and the idea is
to complete the computation before the deadline. Our convention with regard to this notation is that a
priori task attributes (such as arrival time and deadline) get lower-case letters while attributes that are
derived from a particular schedule (such completion time) get upper-case letters.
In actual systems there are many variations on this theme. The ready time of a computation may
arise from a clock event, an external interrupt, or a software event generated by some other computation.
The ready event may be an instance of a periodic computation where the same computation is activated
periodically. The ready event may be aperiodic but predictable, or it may be unpredictable. The
computation time may be fixed in duration or it may be variable or unpredictable. The computation itself
may be preemptible, or it may form a non-preemptible critical region. The deadline is usually some fixed
duration after the ready time, but the nature of the deadline may vary. Hard real-time computations take
the deadline to be a hard deadline where the computation must be complete by the deadline time or a fatal
error results. Alternatively, the deadline may just be a recommendation or preference for completion of



r 1,1 r 1,2 r 1,3 r 1,4

Figure 2: Periodic Task

time h2


r 2,1 r 2,2 r 2,3 time

Figure 3: Aperiodic, Predictable Task

the computation, a soft deadline.

Since a computation may be periodic, we must sometimes distinguish between the overall activity
and the periodically occurring computations. We call the overall activity a task, and we refer to the
instantiations or individually scheduled computations of the task as jobs; thus a task is a stream of jobs.
The jobs of a particular task are considered to be identical for the purposes of scheduling although slight
variations can be indicated by a variable or stochastic computation time. We will use the word task to
mean both the stream of instantiations and the individual instantiation when such usage is clear from the
Now we can define a periodic activity as a task where the ready times for the task instantiations are
separated by a fixed duration, the period. Figure 2 shows a periodic task with periodically occurring
instantiations. Task 1 is shown with four instantiations, each with an associated ready time, r 1 i. The

ready times are separated by t1 units where t 1 is the period of task  1 . In this example, the computation
time is constant across task instantiations, and the deadline is unspecified.
Aperiodic tasks are more difficult to specify. Some aperiodic tasks are predictable to a certain extent.
For example it may be possible to predict the arrival of instantiations of an aperiodic task within some


r 3,1 r 3,2 r 3,3 time

Figure 4: Aperiodic, Unpredictable Task



r 4,i r 5,j C 5,j C 4,i time

Figure 5: Preemptible Task

scheduling horizon or h 1 time units. Figure 3 shows an aperiodic task  2 with a scheduling horizon of
duration h 2 from the current time. Within this window of h 2 time units, the ready times of instantiations
of 2 are known, but beyond the horizon, nothing is known of the behavior of  2 . Here again, we have
assumed that the computation time is constant across instantiations in the single task, and the deadlines
are left unspecified.
Another class of aperiodic tasks is almost completely unpredictable. It is common, however, to
associate a minimum interarrival time for the instantiations of these unpredictable aperiodic tasks. The
arrival process may be further described by a statistical arrival process. Figure 4 illustrates an aperiodic
task where the arrivals are unpredictable. We may think of this as an aperiodic task with a zero-length
horizon and with a statistical characterization of the arrival process. Aperiodic tasks which have hard
deadlines are called sporadic (we will discuss the nature of hard and soft deadlines in the following
The nature of the computation time is another dimension along which tasks may vary. The computa-
tion time may be fixed or may merely be bounded in duration. The computation could also be described
by a statistical distribution. Another characteristic of the computation is its preemptibility. It may be
completely preemptible (that is preemptible at any point) or it may be non-preemptible. Or it may be
preemptible but with one or more non-preemptible critical regions during which scheduling events are



r 6,i r 7,j C 6,i C 7,j time

Figure 6: Non-preemptible Task



Figure 7: Hard (Catastrophic) Deadline Value Function

not allowed. Figure 5 shows an example of a preemptible task,  4 , and its interaction with another task,
5 . For this example, we assume that 4 is preemptible and has a lower priority than  5. 4 becomes ready
at time r4 i and begins to execute immediately. At time r 5 j , 5 becomes ready, and since 5 has priority
; ;

over 4 , 5 preempts the ongoing execution of  4 . After 5 completes, the execution of  4 resumes.
Figure 6 illustrates a similar case where the computation of  6 is non-preemptible and where  7 has
priority over  6 . 6 becomes ready at time r6 i and begins to execute.  7 becomes ready at time r7 j , but
; ;

even though  7 has priority over  6 , 6 cannot be preempted, and 7 must wait until the execution of  6
completes. After 6 is finished,  7 can begin execution.

2.2. The Nature of Deadlines

Finally, we consider the nature of the deadlines of real-time computations. As indicated above, the
deadlines may be classified as hard or soft deadlines. We can describe various types of deadlines by




Figure 8: Hard Deadline Value Function

means of a value function. A value function is a function of time which indicates the value that completion
of the task would contribute to the overall value of the system. For example, Figure 7 shows the value
function of a task  which has a hard deadline; the value drops off to ;1 at t = d. The task becomes
ready at time r, and its deadline is d. If the task is completed at time t where r  t  d, then the system
receives some value, say measured as V. On the other hand, if the task completes after d, the value is
;1, and consequently, the value of the system is ;1, a catastrophic failure.
The result of missing a deadline may not be catastrophic, though. Figure 8 shows a case where
completion of a task of  would have some value until the deadline d when the value of completion of the
task goes to zero. This indicates that the system will receive no benefit from completing the computation
after d, and so the task should be aborted, freeing any resources it holds. In contrast to the previous case,
the system can continue to operate, achieving a positive value even if this particular task is aborted and
makes no contribution to that value.
Other variations on the idea of hard deadline might include a value function that ramps up to the
deadline as illustrated in Figure 9. And depending on where the ramp starts, this type of value function
can specify tasks which must be executed within very narrow intervals of time.
The concept of a soft deadline is illustrated in Figure 10 where the value function goes to zero after
the deadline. In this case, there is some value to the system in completing the task after the deadline
although this value may go to zero after some period of time. Therefore, the task should not be aborted
right away as in the case of the hard deadline. The distinguishing feature would be the duration of the
drop to zero value.



Figure 9: Ramped Hard Deadline Value Function



Figure 10: Soft Deadline Value Function




Figure 11: Non-real-time Value Function

A non-real-time task might be described by the value function shown in Figure 11. In this case,
completion of the task always has a positive value associated with it. This indicates no explicit timing
constraint, although in practice, few of us are willing to wait indefinitely for a computation to complete.

2.3. Example Task Set

In order to make the discussion of the scheduling algorithms more concrete, we will define an example task
set with some timing requirements. Consider a home computer which is used as a communication station
and workstation. The computer controls various devices in the home, supports a telephone interface
to the external phone lines, provides an internal intercom service, provides multimedia communication
services, and fills the role of the traditional home computer. We take as our example the task set described
in Table 1 whose specification includes time constraints.
The intention of this task set is to illustrate the various conflicts that may occur among tasks with
different timing requirements. We consider tasks with hard deadlines, tasks with soft timing requirements,
and still other tasks with no timing requirements. In this example, the hard real-time tasks check the
smoke detectors and the motion detectors for any unusual disturbances. These tasks must be performed
at regular intervals, otherwise the system falls into a state where it doesn’t know if there is a fire or not, a
bad state to be in. This information must be checked every 15 s in a very predictable fashion. There are
a few tasks which have timing constraints but which are not critical to the preservation of life; these are
the digital intercom, digital phone, and digital audio tasks. One person is talking on the external phone
line, and two people within the house are using the intercom. The voice packets must be transmitted

Task t p Description
1 15 s 2 ms smoke detector
2 15 s 2 ms motion detector
3 40 ms 5 ms digital audio intercom
4 40 ms 5 ms digital telephone
5 20 ms 12 ms CD quality audio
6 15 s 2 ms toilet overflow detector
7 1 d 60 s download newspaper
8 1 h 20 s compile homework assignment
9 1 s 1 ms keystroke

Table 1: Example Task Set

at intervals of 40 ms, but missing a few packets is not catastrophic, merely annoying. Another person
is listening to the CD quality audio which has a period of 20 ms. Lost packets are considerably more
annoying here, but again, the tasks are not life-critical. Another soft real-time tasks is the toilet overflow
detector. This task should be invoked every 15 s, but again the result is not (really) critical. Other
activities are background activities such as downloading the news from a satellite link or compiling a
programming assignment. These are not periodic tasks, but we have some idea of how often they will be
invoked. We also know roughly how long the computation will take. And the processing of a keystroke
is an interactive activity; the keystroke is unpredictable, but a reasonable response time is required.
These tasks must be scheduled carefully to avoid unintended behavior. For example, FCFS scheduling
of these tasks would be disastrous; downloading the news would effectively shut down other activities in
the system. The smoke detectors and motion detectors would be completely disabled for the duration of
the download (1 minute or so). Also, the phone and intercom conversations would be disrupted. Figure
12 illustrates the scheduling sequence. Even if round robin scheduling (where tasks are preempted after
a time quantum) were used, there would be potential problems. Since the smoke detector needs only a
very small amount of computation during a large period, chances are that its requirement will be satisfied.
But it is unlikely that the audio tasks will get the computation time they need in the exact period where
it is needed (see Figure 13).
We require a scheduling policy which can ensure that the timing requirement of each task is met. In
the next sections, we consider different approaches for solving the problem of scheduling these activities.


10 20 30 40 time (ms)

Figure 12: FIFO Scheduling of Example Task Set

3. Cyclic Executive

A cyclic executive is a supervisory control program, or executive, which dispatches the application
programs of a real-time system based on a cyclic schedule constructed during the system design phase,
and this schedule is executed repeatedly throughout the lifetime of the system. The schedule consists of
a sequence of actions to be taken (or subroutine calls to be made) along with a fixed specification of the
timing for the actions. The cyclic executive typically has several such schedules, and long-term external
conditions dictate which alternative is chosen for execution (this idea of alternative modes is discussed
further in the following paragraphs).
Since virtually all of the scheduling decisions are made at system design time, the executive is very
efficient and very predictable. In general, no scheduling decisions need be made at runtime, although
gross changes in external conditions may cause the executive to switch to an alternative schedule. These
changes are infrequent and present more of an initialization and termination problem than an on-going
scheduling problem. The major difficulty with the cyclic executive approach is that the system is very
inflexible and difficult to maintain. Adding new tasks or even changing the computation time of the
existing tasks can invalidate the pre-computed schedule, and these schedules can be very difficult to
The cyclic executive model has been used in many real-time systems, but there is no universal


10 20 30 40 time (ms)

Figure 13: Round Robin Scheduling of Example Task Set

approach. Each system is built using ad hoc techniques tuned for the specific application domain. Hood
and Grover give a detailed description of the model and variations on the central theme, and they discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of the approach [15]. Their treatment of the model is very general,
although a primary focus of the report is to evaluate Ada for use in implementing cyclic executives.
Baker and Shaw take a more formal approach to defining the cyclic executive model, and they present
a detailed analysis of the issues and problems with the approach [2]. Their article also considers many
detailed issues in the use of the model in Ada systems, but their discussion of the model itself is very
general. Locke describes the cyclic executive approach along with the fixed priority executive approach,
and he discusses the implications and relative advantages and disadvantages between the two approaches
[30]. Many systems use variations on the basic cyclic executive approach [5, 10, 37]. It is interesting to
note that much of the discussion of practical real-time scheduling techniques such as the cyclic executive
has been motivated by the mandated use of Ada in real-time systems and the conflict between the Ada
computational model and the requirements of real-time systems.

3.1. Cyclic Scheduling

The cyclic executive provides a practical means for executing a cyclic schedule, but the model does not
specify how the schedule is derived. The cyclic schedule is a timed sequence of computations (variously

called scheduling blocks, actions, subroutine calls) which is to be repeated indefinitely, in a cyclic manner.
This cyclic schedule is also known as the major schedule and the duration of the major schedule is called
the major cycle. The major schedule is divided into minor schedules of equal duration, and the duration
of these minor schedules is called the minor cycle. The minor schedules are also known as frames. The
timing of the computations in the cyclic schedule is derived from the timing of the frames; the frames are
initiated, in order, by a periodic clock interrupt or some similar mechanism. The individual frames are
designed to execute for at most the duration of the minor cycle, but if the execution of a frame exceeds the
minor cycle, a frame overrun is said to occur. Frame overruns may be handled in a number of different
ways, but the point here is that the timing of each frame is verified only at the end of the minor cycle..
The executive has no knowledge or control of the timing of computations within a frame.
The structure of the cyclic executive as described above provides a means of executing cyclic sched-
ules, but the problem of finding the schedule in the first place must be addressed. The cyclic executive is
designed for environments where periodic processes, event-based processing, and background process-
ing are predominant. Periodic processes are particularly well-suited to the cyclic executive and often
determine the major and minor cycles of the executive. Event-based processing can be handled with
the cyclic schedule in several different ways. One way is to give higher priority to the processes that
are reacting to events. In this case the frames containing periodic processes must be able to tolerate
the delay experienced while waiting for the event processing to finish. Another more popular idea is
to allocate slots in the frames where aperiodic, event-based processes can be serviced. In this way, the
interference to the cyclic scheduling structure can be reduced, but the response time for events may
be longer. Another possibility is to service aperiodic events in the background, during time when the
processor would otherwise be idle. This is also the way that regular background processing is managed.
Even though the major and minor cycles are derived from the timing constraints of the periodic
processes, there is no standard procedure for computing the major and minor cycles or the assignment of
computations to frames or the ordering of computations within frames. Deterministic scheduling theory
(see Section 4) may be used to help find schedules that meet the timing constraints of all the tasks,
but optimal deterministic scheduling algorithms require a priori knowledge of the timing parameters of
all tasks, and optimal non-preemptive scheduling of computations with timing constraints is NP-hard.
Preemptive scheduling is much easier, but a schedule with arbitrary preemptions may be very difficult
to implement since each preemption requires that the computation of the preempted jobs be split at
precisely the right place; and preemption also adds overhead. Furthermore, resource constraints and
precedence constraints among the jobs might preclude preemption in particular circumstances. Some of

the principles of deterministic scheduling theory may be applied to help find feasible schedules by hand,
and Baker and Shaw give some constraints on the duration of the minor cycle which help to direct the
search for values for the major cycle and minor cycle [2].
All of these complications tend to make schedule construction difficult. The lack of algorithms for
finding feasible schedules means that designers must rely on their wits and intuition to produce a suitable
In complex systems, groups of tasks are specialized and are designed to run only under certain
conditions. On a flight platform, for example, different groups of tasks will be required for different
phases of flight like taking off, cruising at high altitude, and landing. These phases have different
functional requirements, and different major schedules are required for each different phase. Such
changes are called mode changes, and they involve the termination of the previously executing major
schedule and the preparation and initiation of the next major schedule.

3.2. Example Schedule

To illustrate the concept of the cyclic executive, we will construct a schedule for our example task set.
Since each task is required to execute at least one time during the major cycle, we will take the duration
of the major cycle to be 15 s. Note that the other periods (20 ms and 40 ms) divide the major cycle evenly.
We take the minor cycle to be 20 ms since that is the period of the highest frequency task. So each minor
cycle will contain one execution of  5 . The other two audio tasks,  3 and 4 , must each appear in every
other minor cycle, and each of the detector tasks must appear once in every 25 minor cycles (i.e. once
every major cycle). The aperiodic tasks in our task set are placed in the remaining empty slots of the
We construct our timeline by first placing the computation for  5 in each minor schedule (Figure 14).
Now we must place 3 and 4 on the timeline. They will not both fit into the same minor schedule
with 5 , so we must place them in alternate minor schedules (see Figure 15).
And we have 17 ms of each 20 ms minor schedule consumed so far. We still have the low frequency
tasks to place. Each must go in a separate minor cycle, say at the beginning of the major cycle, and then
they are quiet until the next major cycle. So we have the timeline shown in Figure 16.
We now have all of the periodic tasks positioned on the timeline. It is evident that we have five
unique minor schedules. The first minor schedule C 1 = 5 3 1 , the second is C 2 = 5 4 2 , and the third
is C 3 = 5 3 6 . Then we have the other two forms alternating for the rest of the major cycle. These last
two forms are C 4 = 5 4 and C 5 = 5 3 .

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time (ms)

Figure 14: Timeline for Example Task Set (First Pass)

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time (ms)

Figure 15: Timeline for Example Task Set (Second Pass)

We can now express the major schedule as a sequence of minor schedules. The major schedule is
C = C 1 C 2C 3 (C4 C 5)11
where (C 4 C 5 )11 indicates that the subsequence C 4 C 5 is repeated 11 times for a total of 25 minor
schedules in the major schedule. The system then repeats the schedule C forever (assuming we have one
telephone conversation, one intercom conversation, and one CD quality audio stream going forever!).
Notice that in the final timeline (Figure 17), we have varying amounts of time left over at the end
of the minor cycles. Some of this idle time has been used by the aperiodic background activities. The
only restriction is that these background activities must be preemptible. That is, they must be ready to
relinquish the processor immediately when the time comes to begin the next minor schedule.
This all seems well and good, but what happens if we want to add another time-constrained task to
the system? Suppose we want to introduce  10 with t 10 = 40 ms and p 10 = 4 ms. We must try to include
this task in our timeline (shown in Figure 17).
But we cannot immediately put this task into either of the first two minor schedules since there is

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time (ms)

Figure 16: Timeline for Example Task Set (Third Pass)

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time (ms)

Figure 17: Timeline for Example Task Set (Final Schedule)

only 1 ms free in each. We cannot even spread the  10 computation over both of the minor cycles since
there is only 2 ms of idle time and we require 4 ms. The only possibility is to remove one of the low
frequency tasks and service that task later. Doing that will free up a 3 ms slot, and if we are to perform
the 4 ms computation, the execution must be split into a 3 ms part and a 1 ms part (or even 2 ms and
2 ms). Of course we are not guaranteed that the computation may be split in this way. There may be
resources which are held over the course of the computation and which may need to be released and later
re-acquired if the computation is to be split into two parts. Assuming that we can split the computation
of 10 into two parts, 3 ms and 1 ms, we must then place these computations into the schedule. We shift
the low frequency computations as necessary to get the schedule in Figure 18.
It is clear that incorporating this additional task required a substantial redesign of the schedule.
There is no general solution to the problem of creating these timelines and their generation is regarded
as a kind of art. In this case, we also saw another issue which complicates the design: preemptibility
of the computation. In general, the tasks are programmed without regard to concurrent programming

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time (ms)

Figure 18: Timeline for Example Task Set (Modified Schedule)

issues since these periodic tasks are generally not preempted, i.e. the programmer assumes that he has
exclusive control of the resources he needs for the duration of each computation. Thus, the scheduler
cannot preempt the tasks at arbitrary points, and the program must be rewritten with explicit protection
for critical regions if preemption is to be allowed. At any rate, requiring preemption in a particular task
may complicate the programming of the task and definitely adds complexity to the overall system design.

3.3. Advantages and Disadvantages

The primary advantages of the cyclic executive approach are that it is simple to understand and simple to
implement, it is efficient, and it is predictable. It is efficient because scheduling decisions are made off-
line during the design process rather than during runtime. Thus context switching between computations
is very fast. Context switches may be embedded in compiler-generated code or they may be specified
by a table associated with the current major schedule and frame. Resource constraints and precedence
constraints can also be embedded in the pre-computed schedule, so no overhead is incurred at runtime for
synchronization. The timing of the schedule is easily verified at runtime by checking for frame overruns,
but as long as the execution times of the frames were measured accurately during the design phase, the
behavior of the system is predictable.
There are three areas where problems arise with the cyclic executive approach: design, runtime, and
maintenance. Maintenance is regarded as the worst problem [15]. In the design process, scheduling and
task-splitting were already identified as problem areas. The handling of frame overruns is another area
where there are many choices that must be evaluated including policies such as immediate termination
of the frame, suspension of the frame for later background processing, or continuation of the frame at the
expense of the following frame. Mode changes also present a difficult design problem. Given that a mode

change is provided in the design, after the need for a mode change is recognized during the execution of
the system, the problem is to determine the appropriate time to make the change: immediately, after the
current computation, after completion of the current frame, or after completion of the major schedule.
Sporadic processes also present a problem. Guaranteeing fast response to sporadic processes requires a
pessimistic reservation of processor resources while the alternative is slow or widely varying response
At runtime, the system is somewhat inflexible. It cannot generally adapt to a dynamically changing
environment, at least for fine-grain changes. Long-term changes in environment can be accommodated
using mode changes, allowing the system to adapt to the new conditions. Runtime efficiency may suffer
if excessive resources are reserved for infrequent sporadics or if computations could not be assigned to
frames so as to fully utilize the minor cycle. Such internal fragmentation in the minor cycle may result
in significant unusable idle time.
System maintenance is complicated by the fact that the code may reflect job splitting and sequencing
details of the schedule. Organization of the code around timing characteristics instead of around functional
lines makes it that much more difficult to modify. This lack of “separation of concerns” can make program
modifications very difficult, although sophisticated compilers and scheduling tools have been suggested
as a means to address this problem [10]. Furthermore, the schedule that is produced during the design
process is usually not documented in the code. And even though there is usually a separate document
describing the details of the final schedule, details about the methods and criteria used to construct that
schedule are typically omitted from the design documents.

4. Deterministic Scheduling

Deterministic scheduling, a branch of the larger field of combinatorial optimization, provides methods
for constructing schedules in which the assignment of tasks to processors is known exactly for each point
in time. The exact timing characteristics of the tasks must be known a priori. This includes arrival
times, ready times, computation times, and deadlines. With this information, a scheduling algorithm can
produce a precise schedule which optimizes one of several different measures. Work in deterministic
scheduling theory has been in progress since the 1950’s, and the topic has been of concern in operations
research, industrial management, and more recently in computer science. Many of the original results
were intended for use in a factory job shop or flow shop. In this situation, the time it takes to service the
tasks is often very large compared with the time it takes to do the analysis and produce the schedule. In

contrast, computer schedules must usually be produced in the same time frame as the execution of the
actual tasks. Therefore, deterministic scheduling results may be of limited practical value in computer
scheduling, especially in online computer scheduling. We will, however, explore the application of this
area of scheduling theory to computer scheduling and especially to real-time computer scheduling. We
will also consider some basic principles which have emerged from study in this area.
Several introductory articles and books are available which deal with the approach and results
available in deterministic scheduling theory. The book by Conway et al. [8] is the first collection and
summary of the results of scheduling theory, both deterministic and stochastic. This book is set in the
language of industrial management although application to computer scheduling is straightforward. The
book by Baker [1] also provides an introductory treatment of deterministic scheduling. And the survey by
Gonzalez [12] provides an introductory description of computer applications of deterministic scheduling
theory. Gonzalez does a nice job of introducing the topic and of briefly presenting many of the fundamental
results. He does not, however, provide a clear classification of deterministic scheduling problems and
results, although he includes a table of references and an indication of their applicability. The survey
by Graham et al. [13] of deterministic scheduling results provides both an effective classification of
deterministic scheduling problems and a broad survey of results. The introductory article by Blazewicz
[3] also uses the classification system presented by Graham et al. [13]. Blazewicz takes a more tutorial
approach to presenting scheduling results. And he also introduces areas for further research. Other
comprehensive surveys in this area include the collection edited by Coffman and Bruno [7] and the
survey of recent results by Lawler et al. [21] which is a revised version of the survey by Graham et al.
The periodic scheduling results of Liu and Layland [28] and Serlin [39] which are summarized in [12]
are classified as deterministic scheduling results and have significant practical value. The rate monotonic
scheduling algorithm described by Liu and Layland [28] (and in different terminology by Serlin [39]) is
of practical use in some types of process control systems. In this environment, the task requirements are
periodic and hence deterministic. But rather than produce an explicit schedule, a priority assignment is
all that is required to achieve the desired behavior (all deadlines are met). The major drawback of this
approach is due to the number of restrictive assumptions placed on the task set, but this algorithm has
served as a fruitful starting point for additional work which is aimed at relaxing the assumptions (see
Section 5).

4.1. Concepts and Basic Notation

We now consider the basic concepts and notation. Graham et al. [13] and Blazewicz [3] describe the
scheduling environment in their survey articles on deterministic scheduling. In deterministic scheduling,
we assume that there are n tasks J j ; j = 1; . . . ; n and m processors M i ; i = 1; . . . ; m. In the scheduling
literature, the terms “task” and “job” are often used interchangeably, although in some cases, tasks are
decomposed into separate parts called jobs. We will use the word task except where we must distinguish
between jobs and tasks as collections of jobs. There may be many jobs in a single task, and each job
may be composed of several operations. Each processor may work on a single task at a time, and each
task may be processed by a single processor at a time. The schedule is a list of tasks along with the times
when the tasks are placed on processors or taken off of processors, and a feasible schedule satisfies the
timing requirements as well as the fundamental assumptions described above.
The processors are in one of two configurations: parallel or dedicated (specialized). In the case
of parallel processors, we distinguish between identical processors, uniform processors, and unrelated
processors. Identical processors have speeds which are constant and which do not depend on the task
in service. Uniform processors have constant speeds but the speeds of individual processors may be
different; the processor speed does not depend on the task. With unrelated processors, the speed depends
on the task. In the case of dedicated processors, we distinguish between flow shops, open shops, and
job shops. This nomenclature is taken from the industrial management literature. In the flow shop, each
task is processed by all processors in the same order. In the open shop, each task is processed by all
processors, but the order of processing in arbitrary. In the job shop, each task is processed by an arbitrary
subset of the processors, and the order is arbitrary. But the specification of the subset and the order is
fixed a priori.
Tasks may be characterized by their various properties as well. In the following explanation of
notation, we use lower case letters for a priori task properties and upper case letters for task properties
which arise from a particular schedule; this notation is based on that of Conway et al. [8] and Graham et
al. [13]. Each task Jj has the following properties:

 the task has a vector of processing times with each element of the vector corresponding to the
processing on a particular processor, [p j1; pj2; . . . ; pjm ],

 the task has an arrival time or ready time, r j,

 the task has a due date or deadline, d j,
 the task has a weight or priority, w j ,
 the task may be preemptive or non-preemptive, depending on whether preemption is allowed in the
schedules (preemption is also referred to as “task splitting”), and

 the task may be dependent or independent. Dependence between tasks is specified by means of a
precedence tree or a more general precedence graph.

And now we can define what we mean by schedule a bit more precisely. A schedule is an assignment
of processors to tasks. At each moment, at most one task is assigned to each processor, and at most one
processor is assigned to each task. Each task is processed after its arrival time, and all tasks are completed.
In addition, the precedence constraints are honored in the schedule. If the tasks are non-preemptive,
then no preemptions occur in the schedule; if the tasks are preemptive, the schedule may contain a finite
number of preemptions. We note that certain characteristics of the tasks, such as whether the tasks are
preemptive or non-preemptive, describe the mode of service and are not properties of the individual tasks.
We regard this as a weakness of current deterministic scheduling results. A more general approach of
allowing preemptive and non-preemptive attributes for each task or for each operation in each task would
give us a better theoretical foundation for analyzing the performance of actual systems. And we note
that the property of dependence is a property of the entire task set rather than a property of the individual
tasks, although the exact details of the dependences are specified on a per-task basis.
Now that we have classified the processor set and tasks along several dimensions, we can consider
the performance characteristics and performance measures of individual tasks and of schedules. Each
task in a schedule has

 a completion time which we denote as C j ,

 a flow time, denoted Fj = Cj ; rj,
 a lateness, denoted Lj = Cj ; dj,
 a tardiness, denoted Tj = max(Lj; 0), and
 a unit penalty U j = if Cj  dj then 0, else 1.
Schedules are evaluated using

 schedule length or makespan,

Cmax = max(Cj );

 mean flow time,
1 XF ;n
n j=1

 mean weighted flow time,

= P
j=1 wj Fj
Fw n ;
j=1 wj

 maximum lateness,
Lmax = max(Lj );

 mean tardiness,
1 XT ;n
n j=1

 mean weighted tardiness,

= P
j=1 wj Tj
Tw n ;
j=1 wj

 number of tardy tasks,

XU :

These properties of schedules not only provide measures for evaluating schedules, but also provide
criteria for optimization in algorithms that produce schedules.
We find that, although for some simple or restricted problems an optimal solution exists, most
problems, especially the more practical problems, are very difficult. Many of the optimization problems
have been shown to be NP-hard; Lenstra et al. [25] give a brief introduction to some of the important
ideas in complexity. To try to find approximate solutions to practical problems, various techniques are
used which typically relax some of the assumptions that make the problem difficult. For example, it is
easier to produce a schedule if preemption is allowed than if preemption is not allowed. So one technique
for approximation is to allow preemption in a problem specified as non-preemptive. In this way, the
basic shape of the preemptive schedule can be used to construct a schedule with no preemption. Another
technique is to schedule unit length tasks. Another possibility is to use a precedence chain or precedence
tree instead of a more general precedence graph. Approximation algorithms are also available which
help to organize the search for a solution to a problem, avoiding the complete enumeration. And another
possible technique is to just use an enumerative algorithm if the problem is sufficiently small.

4.2. Example Problem

We consider the following scheduling problem: a set of tasks are given with 8j; r j = 0 and with arbitrary
processing times. Conway et al. show that when scheduling against a regular measure of performance
(one that can be expressed as a function of task completion times) on a single processor, it is not necessary
to consider schedules with preemption or with inserted idle time [8]. So the scheduling problem is reduced
to constructing an ordering of the tasks.
Consider the graphical representation shown in Figure 19 of a schedule on a single processor. Each
block corresponds to the computation time for a task and the lengths of the blocks correspond to the
computation time. All of the blocks have unit height, so the area of each block is equal to the computation
time for the associated task. And the tasks are listed in order of execution with  [1] indicating the first
task to run,  [2] the second, and so on.


Figure 19: Arbitrary Sequencing

The total area of this graph including the area enclosed by the blocks and the area under the blocks
is the sum of the flow-times. Minimizing the sum of the flow times also minimizes the mean flow time.
And since the area of the blocks is the same in any schedule, we must minimize the area under the blocks
to minimize mean flow time.
If we represent each block by a vector on its diagonal (as shown in Figure 20), a schedule is a
sequence of such vectors laid out head to tail. We can minimize the area under the vectors by lining the
vectors up to form a convex curve. This is done by putting the vector with the most negative slope first,
the next most negative slope second, etc. That is, we order the jobs to satisfy

;1=p[1]  ;1=p[2]      1=p[n];

or equivalently,
p[1]  p[2]      p[n]:
Thus, we sequence the tasks in order of non-decreasing processing time; this is known as shortest-
processing-time sequencing. Figure 20 shows the shortest-processing-time sequencing of the previous
task set.


Figure 20: Shortest-processing-time Sequencing

In summary, we have illustrated the result that when scheduling jobs on a single processor, the mean
flow-time is minimized by scheduling jobs in order of non-decreasing processing-time [8].

4.3. Problem Specification Notation

With this basic introduction, we now turn to a more precise discussion of the notation used to describe
deterministic scheduling problems. Graham et al. described this notation [13], and Lawler et al. [21]
used it subsequently as did Blazewicz [3]. The notation resembles the notation used for queueing system
classification [18] and the notation used previously in the deterministic scheduling literature [8]. There
are three fields in the problem specification separated by vertical lines or bars:

j j :
here is a string describing the processor environment (uniprocessor, multiprocessor, job shop, etc.),
gives other details about the scheduling environment (preemption, precedence constraints, resource
constraints, etc.), and specifies the criterion for optimization. Each of these three fields has subfields
which may or may not include a symbol. The symbol  is used to indicate the case where no symbol
appears in a subfield; this is usually a “default” case.

The following table gives the subfields for each of the three string and specifies the values that each
subfield can take. This notation summarizes the points that were raised in the previous discussion, and
examples of the notation are presented following this table.

= 1 2
1 2 f; P; Q; R; F; J; Og
For 1 2 f; P; Q; Rg, each task Jj has a single operation to be executed on
processor Mi , and the processing time is p ij .

1 = : single processor, p 1j = pj , the index for the processor

is dropped since there is only one

1 = P: identical parallel processors, p ij = pj (i = 1; . . . ; m),

the index is dropped since the processing time does
not depend on the actual processor used

1 = Q: uniform parallel processors, p ij = qi pj (i = 1; . . . ; m),

where qi is the speed factor of processor M i which
indicates its (constant) relative processing speed

1 = R: unrelated parallel processors

1 = F: flow shop, each J j is composed of a chain of opera-

tions fO 1j;...;mjg where Oij is to be processed on M i
for the computation time p ij , the order in which op-
erations are serviced is fixed by the ordering of the

1 = J: job shop, each J j is composed of a chain of operations

fO1j;...;mjj g where Oij is to be processed on processor
ij for the computation time p ij and i;1;j 6 = ij (i =
2; . . . ; mj ), the order in which operations are serviced
is fixed by the ordering of the chain, but the order
may be different for different tasks

1 = O: open shop, each J j is composed of a set of operations

fO1j;...;mjg where Oij is to be processed on M i for the
computation time p ij , the order in which operations
are serviced is arbitrary

2 2 fg [ N where N is the set of natural numbers (positive integers)

2 2 N : m is constant and equal to 2

2 = : m is variable

Note that when 1 = , 2 = 1.
= 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 fpmtn; g
1 = pmtn: preemption is allowed in the servicing of the tasks
1 = : preemption is not allowed

2 2 fres; res1; g
2 = res: the system includes s resources, R h ; (h = 1; . . . ; s) in
addition to the processor; Each task J j needs rhj units
of resource Rh for the duration of its service

2 = res1: the system includes a single additional resource (s =


2 = : no additional resources are required by the tasks

3 2 fprec; tree; g
3 = prec: a (general) precedence relation exists between the

3 = tree: a precedence tree describes the precedence relation

between tasks

3 = : there is no precedence relation for the tasks; the tasks

are independent

4 2 frj ; g
4 = rj : arrival times are specified for each task

4 = : rj = 0, (j = 1, . . . , n); all tasks are released at the

same time

5 2 fmj  m; g
5 = mj  m: m is a constant upper bound on m j , the number of
processors needed for the operations of a task (only
in the job shop, 1 = J

5 = : there is no bound on m j

6 2 fpij = 1; p  pij  p; g
6 = pij = 1: unit processing time

6 = p  pij  p: processing time is bounded by constants p and p

6 = : no bounds on processing time

2 fCmax ; Lmax ;
PC ;Pw C ;PT ;Pw T ;PU ;Pw U g
j j j j j j j j j

4.4. Problem Examples

We now consider some examples of scheduling problems specified using the notation described above.
Graham et al. discuss these examples and others, giving a brief outline of efficient algorithms where
possible [13]. The references given for the following problems were cited by Graham et al. as sources
for the original solutions or complexity proofs.

1jjLmax On a single processor we wish to minimize the maximum late-

ness with no preemptions, no precedence constraints (independent
tasks), and release dates at t = 0. Jackson’s rule solves this prob-
lem: schedule the tasks using the earliest deadline first selection
policy [16].

1jprecjLmax On a single processor we wish to minimize the maximum lateness,

Lmax , subject to general precedence constraints on the tasks. We
note that the implicit details of this specification include: there is
no preemption, tasks are all released at time t = 0, and there are
no additional resources. There is a polynomial time algorithm for
this problem [20].

Pw Cj j On a single processor, minimize the sum of weighted completion
times with no preemptions, no precedence constraints, and equal
arrival times. The solution is to use Smith’s rule [41] to schedule
tasks in order of non-increasing ratios w j =pj.

PU j On a single processor, minimize the number of tasks that miss
their deadlines (no preemptions, no precedence constraints, and
equal release times). Moore provided the solution to this problem
[33]: schedule tasks in earliest-deadline-first order, removing the
scheduled task with the largest processing time when the most
recently added task fails to meet its deadline.

P2jjCmax On 2 identical parallel processors, minimize maximum comple-

tion time (with no preemptions, equal release times, and no prece-
dence constraints). This problem is NP-hard [4, 26].

PjpmtnjCmax On identical parallel processors, minimize maximum completion
time with preemptions allowed (with equal release times and no
precedence constraints). McNaughton gave a simple O (n) algo-
rithm [31].

J3jpij = 1jCmax In a 3-machine job shop, we wish to minimize maximum comple-

tion time where tasks have unit processing time. Preemptions are
not allowed and tasks are all released at time t = 0. This (simply
specified) problem is NP-hard [25].

4.5. Scheduling in Practice

The results from deterministic scheduling theory are of limited value in practical operating system
scheduling. First of all, the computation times of tasks are usually not known in advance. Secondly, the
time to produce a schedule is usually large compared with the time it takes to service the tasks. For factory
scheduling, this is not a problem, but it is a serious problem for short-term computer scheduling. Lastly,
tasks arrive dynamically, requiring a new, updated schedule to be computed (for optimal performance).
Most deterministic scheduling algorithms are not incremental in nature and do not easily accommodate
new tasks.
These problems are addressed to some degree by queueing theory [8] which allows a probabilistic
specification of computation times and arrival times. Queueing systems usually use a selection discipline
which is easier to implement than a deterministic schedule. Selection disciplines include FCFS, shortest-
processing-time (SPT), and fixed priority, and selection is efficient, usually based on a single comparison.
And since the arrival times can be probabilistic, dynamic arrivals are easily accommodated by the system.
This does not mean that the selection discipline will produce an optimal schedule. On the contrary, it has
been shown [8] that queueing systems produce only suboptimal sequences compared with deterministic
scheduling algorithms with perfect knowledge.
Despite the fact that deterministic scheduling algorithms are of limited use for online scheduling,
many principles of scheduling have emerged which guide the system designer in developing an online
scheduling algorithm. These principles are general although proofs of some of the claims require
somewhat restrictive assumptions; they are treated in more detail by Conway et al. [8] and Gonzalez

 Short-processing-time (SPT) sequencing is typically useful for minimizing mean flow time.
 Earliest-deadline-first scheduling tends to minimize maximum lateness.
 Schedules produced using the technique of processor-sharing are equivalent to preemptive sched-
ules, and there is an algorithm to convert a general schedule to a preemptive schedule.

 Levels or precedence partitions are useful for constructing schedules involving tasks with prece-
dence constraints (especially for precedence trees). The levels or partitions are ordered and each
level contains tasks which are independent, forming a partial ordering of tasks.

 Multiprocessor anomalies may complicate scheduling under relaxed assumptions (such as variable
computation time).

 Longest-processing-time(LPT) schedules tend to maximize mean flow time but minimize maximum
finishing time on multiprocessors. (On uniprocessors, the finishing time is the same for every

 Preemptive schedules are easier to produce than non-preemptive schedules (i.e. the complexity of
the non-preemptive scheduling problem is greater than that of the preemptive scheduling problem).

5. Capacity-Based Scheduling

Several capacity-based algorithms have been developed which attempt to provide more flexibility while
retaining the predictability of the cyclic executive method. In their pure form, capacity-based algorithms
only require information about the amount of computation needed by a task set and the amount of
computation available in the processing elements. This is in contrast to other deterministic scheduling
algorithms which depend on exact timing information of tasks to make scheduling decisions. Liu and
Layland’s rate monotonic algorithm [28] (mentioned in Section 4) is an example of a capacity-based
algorithm. Extensions to this algorithm, to be described later in this section, also retain some of the
capacity-based flavor.

5.1. Rate Monotonic Analysis

Liu and Layland showed that, for a restricted class of real-time activities, it is possible to determine
whether a task set is schedulable just by computing its utilization. The analysis depends on the following

1. each task in the task set must be periodic,

Task set size (n) Schedulable bound
1 1
2 .828
3 .780
4 .757
5 .743
6 .735
1 ln 2

Table 2: Rate Monotonic Schedulable Bound

2. the deadline of a task is taken to be the end of the period for that task,

3. the computation time required of each periodic task must be constant,

4. the tasks do not communicate or synchronize with each other, and

5. the tasks can be preempted at any point in the computation; i.e. there are no critical regions in any
of the computations.

To schedule a task set meeting these requirements, we use a fixed priority, preemptive scheduler.
We order the tasks according to their frequency and then we assign integer priorities to the tasks based
on this ordering with the highest priority assigned to the highest frequency task. This is called the rate
monotonic priority assignment. We can predict whether a task set scheduled in this manner will meet
all of its deadlines by computing the utilization of the task set and then comparing that utilization to a
schedulable bound. A task set with utilization less than or equal to the schedulable bound is guaranteed
to be schedulable. For task sets where the utilization is greater than the schedulable bound, there is no
guarantee that the task set is schedulable. It may happen to be schedulable or it may not, and further
analysis is required to make this determination. For the rate monotonic priority assignment, a task set
1 ; 2; . . . ; n is schedulable if
 n(21 n ; 1)


where Ci is the computation time for a task of  i and Ti is the period for  i . Table 2 gives a few values
for the schedulable bound for various task set sizes.
This bound is somewhat pessimistic, i.e. many task sets which have utilizations above the schedulable
bound are actually schedulable. An exact criterion for determining whether a task set is schedulable was

Task Priority T C Description
1 0 20 ms 12 ms CD quality audio
2 1 40 ms 5 ms digital audio intercom
3 1 40 ms 5 ms digital telephone
4 2 15 s 2 ms smoke detector
5 2 15 s 2 ms motion detector
6 2 15 s 2 ms toilet overflow detector

Table 3: Example Task Set with Rate Monotonic Priority Assignment

given by Lehoczky et al. [23]. If we have a task set  1 ; 2 ; . . . ; n that meets all of the above requirements
and that is in priority order (i < j ) the priority of  i is higher than the priority of  j ), then i will meet
all of its deadlines if and only if
& '

0 t Ti

And if all the tasks in the task set meet this requirement, then the whole task set is schedulable. This
criterion is piecewise linear and decreasing, so testing the condition at values of t which are multiples of
the Tj is enough.

5.2. Example Analysis

To illustrate the use of the rate monotonic analysis, we consider our example task set. The first 6 tasks
are periodic and we can assume, for now, that these tasks do not communicate or synchronize; we can
assume that they use different devices. We assume that these computations can be preempted at any point
and that the computation time required during each period is fixed for each task. We take the deadline of
each task to be the ready time of the subsequent task in the same task. In sum, the first 6 tasks satisfy all
of the conditions for the rate monotonic analysis.
First of all, we list the 6 tasks in priority order and rename them according to the new order. Using this
order we can specify the rate monotonic priority assignment. The rate monotonic ordering and priority
assignment is given in Table 3. Notice that priorities of different tasks with equal periods are also equal.
This is not necessarily required; the rate monotonic results specify that ties may be broken arbitrarily.
However, in practice, FIFO or round robin service within a priority class is preferred, especially in the
lower priority classes where starvation may become an issue.
In order to determine whether this task set is schedulable or not, we first calculate the utilization and
compare that with the rate monotonic schedulable bound for a task set of this size. We have

Pi l m
Cj tsmall
i tsmall j=1 tsmall Tj

1 20.0 0.600
2 20.0 0.850
3 40.0 0.850
4 40.0 0.900
5 40.0 0.950
6 80.0 0.925

Table 4: Example Task Set Exact Criterion Results

Ci 12 5 5 2 2 2
= + + + + + = :8504
Ti 20 40 40 15000 15000 15000

The schedulable bound for a task set of size 6 is (from Table 2) :735. Since the utilization is greater
than the schedulable bound, we cannot conclude that the task set is schedulable. It may or may not be
To find out whether this task set is schedulable, we are forced to use the exact criterion. The result
of using the exact criterion algorithm for each task is shown in Table 4. The algorithm requires that we
check for a particular condition at each period boundary of each task. For each task in the table, we have
the smallest t (of the values that we check) at which the sum goes less than 1:0. So we are assured that
& ' & '
X i

0 t Ti
j=1 j=1

And we conclude that these 6 tasks are indeed schedulable under the rate monotonic priority assign-
But what about the rest of the tasks in our example task set? We still have three tasks that have
not played any part in the analysis so far. In the cyclic executive scheduler, we used the idle time
between periodic tasks to service the aperiodic tasks, and we can do the same thing with rate monotonic
scheduling. There are other options for scheduling the aperiodics; these will be discussed in detail later.

5.3. Practical Extensions

The notion of schedulable bound is very powerful for measuring the performance of capacity-based
scheduling algorithms in a real-time system. The central idea of these capacity-based algorithms is to

determine the schedulability of a task set using a few parameters such as execution time, synchronization
blocking time, communication blocking time, period and minimum interarrival time without getting into
too many of the details about the actual software structure of each task.
The major drawbacks of the rate monotonic algorithm are that it assumes that tasks are independent
(i. e. there is no communication or synchronization among tasks), periodic, completely preemptible and
the tasks are all running on a single processor. There have been several attempts to find algorithms which
fit into the framework of a rate monotonic scheduling policy to accommodate task sets which violate
these assumptions.
Often, the activities in a real-time system must synchronize and communicate with each other.
Unfortunately, the rate monotonic scheduling analysis techniques cannot predict the performance of a
system with such tasks. This problem can be separated into two separate subproblems. One problem
is the case where tasks are synchronizing on a single processor, and this includes tasks which are
communicating on a single processor (using shared memory). The second problem is the case where
tasks are communicating across some communication medium between two processors. Rajkumar
developed synchronization algorithms and accompanying analysis techniques based on the rate monotonic
scheduling paradigm in his PhD thesis [34, 35]. This work addresses the problem of uniprocessor
synchronization and includes policies for managing semaphore queues and synchronization requests.
The problem of end-to-end analysis with more than one processor connected by a communication
medium is a topic of current research.
A special case of the synchronization problem described above is the mutual exclusion problem.
Sometimes it is necessary to enforce mutual exclusion requirements, and usually this means that a task in
a critical region cannot be preempted (at least not by other tasks sharing the same critical region). This
issue is also addressed by the work of Rajkumar [34, 35].
The rate monotonic algorithm is limited to periodic tasks. The simplest way to support aperiodic tasks
in this environment is to execute them in background mode or to periodically poll a queue of aperiodics
to check for ready aperiodic tasks. The performance of aperiodics under a background server is poor
since the aperiodics must wait until all of the periodic activity has completed before there is any idle time
for background activity. In the case of the polling server, the performance is better, but there is still a
problem if the aperiodic arrive just after the polling server checked the queue of aperiodics. When this
happens, the aperiodic task is forced to wait until the next polling cycle before it has a chance to execute.
In an effort to improve the average response times of aperiodic activities while still retaining the
predictability of the rate monotonic analysis, aperiodic server algorithms [24, 42, 43] have been developed

and analyzed. These servers are periodic activities which provide service for aperiodic activities but are
scheduled in the framework of the rate monotonic algorithm. The deferrable server [24, 43] has a period
and a certain amount of execution time which it may allocate to aperiodic activities. This execution time
can be thought of as a number of “tickets” that can be handed off to aperiodic activities which can then
redeem the tickets for processor time. The deferrable server starts its periodic with a full allocation of
tickets and when all the tickets have been given out, the server cannot allocate any more computation time
to any more tasks. At the beginning of the next server period, the tickets are replenished, and the server
can pass tickets to aperiodics. One difference between this type of periodic server and other periodic tasks
in the rate monotonic framework is that typical periodic tasks are always ready to run during a period
until the computation for that period is finished. On the other hand, this deferrable server only expends
tickets or “runs” when an aperiodic request occurs. So it may wait until the end of its period before it
demands its computation time. The priority exchange server works in much the same way except that
computation time is traded among different priority levels. Both servers require that some capacity be
reserved against the periodic tasks in the task set, but the amount of additional capacity required by the
deferrable server is larger compared with that of the more complex priority exchange server.
The sporadic server [42] was developed to combine the best features of the deferrable server and
priority exchange server. The sporadic server is the same as the deferrable server except that the ticket
replenishment policy is different. Sprunt presented much of the background and motivation for the
aperiodic server algorithms along with examples examples that illustrate their execution [42].

6. Dynamic Priority Scheduling

In dynamic priority scheduling, task priorities may change from request to request, or they may change
dynamically over time within a single request. In static priority scheduling (also known as fixed priority
scheduling), task priorities do not change once they have been assigned. We also draw a distinction
between static priority scheduling and general deterministic scheduling, even though the rate monotonic
algorithm is a deterministic scheduling algorithm which employs a static priority assignment. In general,
deterministic scheduling algorithms produce sequences or schedules of tasks based on a complete, a
priori definition of the task set. Priority scheduling, on the other hand, can be considered as a selection
discipline for a queueing model. Priorities are used primarily in scheduling environments where tasks
may arrive unpredictably, and in this case, deterministic scheduling results are not useful. The approach
is to define a selection discipline which is responsible for making on-line scheduling decisions based on


Figure 21: Almost Earliest-deadline Scheduling

the instantaneous state of the system.

6.1. Earliest-Deadline-First

One of the most popular dynamic priority scheduling algorithms is the earliest-deadline-first or earliest-
deadline algorithm (also called due-date scheduling) which schedules the task with the closest deadline
first. The algorithm has been discussed in many different scheduling contexts. Conway et al. [8] give
a simple example of earliest-deadline-first in the context of a deterministic sequencing problem. They
assume that tasks are all ready at time t = 0 and that the computations are non-preemptive. In this case,
earliest-deadline-first minimizes the maximum lateness in the task set. This means that if it is possible to
schedule the task set without missing any deadlines, earliest-deadline-first can find such a schedule.
In the context of a queueing system, the earliest-deadline-first algorithm is optimal in the following
sense: if any algorithm can schedule a particular task set without missing any deadlines, the earliest-
deadline-first algorithm can as well [9]. Dertouzos proved this using the following general technique.
Consider the task set shown in Figure 21. All of the tasks meet their deadlines even though there is one
pair of tasks which is not in earliest-deadline order ( [3] and [4]). The point where task  [3] is chosen to
run is where the non-earliest-deadline selection is made. If task  [4] were to execute at that point instead
of [3], the computation block for  [4] would move to the left and the block for  [3] would move to the
right. Moving  [4] to the left does not cause it to miss its deadline since it will complete sooner than it did
before. Moving  [3] to the right increases its completion time, but since it will complete before  [4]’s
deadline and  [4]’s deadline is before  [3] ’s deadline, [3] will complete before its deadline as well. Thus,
these two blocks are, in some sense, swapped, and this swapping operation does not cause any deadlines
to be missed.


Figure 22: Earliest-deadline Scheduling

The resulting sequence is shown in Figure 22 which has the tasks renumbered according to their new

6.2. Least-Slack-Time

The slack-time of a task is the amount of time that the task can be delayed before it will miss its deadline.
So the slack-time for task  i at time t is d i ; pi ; t. Conway et al. [8] consider the deterministic sequencing
of tasks in order of nondecreasing slack-time (with all tasks ready at time 0 and with no preemption). They
proved that least-slack-time scheduling maximizes minimum task lateness and minimum task tardiness.
This is somewhat surprising; the idea of choosing the next task to execute based on information about
which task seems to be in the most danger of missing its deadline is intuitively appealing. Minimum
lateness, however, is not something that one would particularly want to maximize.
In spite of the limited usefulness of the above result for least-slack-time scheduling, the algorithm
is optimum in the same sense as the earliest-deadline-first algorithm. Mok showed that least-slack-time
scheduling is optimal in that if any algorithm can schedule a given task set with no missed deadlines, then
the least-slack-time scheduling algorithm can as well [32]. The “time slice swapping” technique Mok
used to prove this is the same as that used by Dertouzos in showing the optimality of earliest-deadline-first
scheduling [9].

6.3. Practical Considerations

Dynamic priority schemes are not usually used in systems which require absolute predictability. The
problem is that under overload, a scheduling algorithm should be able to select the most important tasks
and execute them while discarding the less important tasks. However, most dynamic priority algorithms

do not encode high-level importance information in the priority; the priorities typically reflect low-
level, dynamically changing timing characteristics. In fact, dynamic priority scheduling was originally
developed with an emphasis on assuring that even low-priority tasks eventually get their turn to execute
[8]. Incorporating such a notion of fairness seems like a good idea for scheduling environments where
all members of the population are equally important, but fairness has no place in scheduling to meet the
deadlines of the most important tasks.
Dynamic priority schemes typically have slightly greater scheduling overhead than fixed priority
schemes. This is because the range of dynamic priorities is usually greater than the range of static
priorities, and dynamic priorities must also be recalculated at each decision point whereas static priorities
never change and never have to be recalculated.

7. Value-Function Scheduling

Value-function scheduling policies use value functions associated with the tasks to make scheduling
decisions. Each task has a value function which gives the value to the system (measured using some
unit of utility) of completing a job of that task as a function of the time that the task has been active or
ready. For example, value functions were used in Section 2 to illustrate various types of deadlines. The
scheduler decides which job should execute by calculating the expected value of each ready task and
applying some decision policy based on the calculated value.
The value-function approach seems attractive because of its expressive power, but computationally,
scheduling using even the simplest types of value functions is intractable. McNaughton [31] analyzed
simple models where tasks have deadlines and linear loss functions. In McNaughton’s model, the loss of a
task completed before its deadline is defined to be 0 while the loss after the deadline increases linearly with
time. The rate of loss is a parameter of the task. With loss functions of this form, McNaughton proved
under certain restricted conditions (to be explored in the following sections), a particular scheduling
policy results in a schedule with minimal loss. Schild and Feldman extended the theory using similar
models with quadratic loss functions [38]. Greenberger used a cost analysis for time-sharing systems
[14]. These results from operations research tend to be off-line rather than on-line scheduling algorithms,
although in some cases, the off-line analysis results in a simple scheduling rule that can be applied at
More recently, Jensen et al. explored the use of value functions in modern real-time computer
operating systems [17]. They proposed and evaluated several different heuristic policies for making



Figure 23: Linear Value Function

scheduling decisions based on the value of ready jobs. These scheduling policies were based on different
heuristics and were evaluated by simulation. Tokuda et al. describe an implementation of several
heuristics and give a performance evaluation of the their value-function approach [44] .

7.1. Value Functions

A loss function is a special case of a value function where the value of the associated task is constant
until a particular point in time or deadline, and then the loss function determines the value of completing
the function at a time after the deadline. In the simplest case, the loss function is linear although it could
be quadratic or even a more complex function. For example, a task  i with deadline p i and linear loss
function l i (t) with penalty p i would have l i (t) defined as:
< 0 if t < di
li (t) =
: pi (t ; di ) otherwise

The negative of the loss function would be the value function which in this case would be defined as:
< 0 if t < di
vi (t) =
: ;pi (t ; di) otherwise

An example of a linear value function is shown in Figure 23.

Let ai be the computation time required for task  i and let ri = pi =ai . McNaughton showed that if m
tasks are available to be scheduled and d 1 =    = dm = 0 and if the tasks are scheduled without splits in
order of decreasing ri , then the total cost of the schedule is minimized. That is to say that if all the tasks




Figure 24: Quadratic Value Function

have a deadline of 0, indicating that they are all subject to their loss functions, and if the ordering is done
according to his ratio rule, the loss of the schedule will be minimized.
He further proves that if a schedule is such that all tasks are scheduled in order of decreasing r i ,
without splitting, with no idle time before the schedule is completed, and with no tasks completing
before its deadline, then the schedule is minimal. This result has several major restrictions that limit
its usefulness including the fact that no tasks are allowed to complete before their deadlines and loss
functions must be linear. Generalizing along these lines leads to much harder problems as we shall see.
Loss functions can also be defined to be quadratic; in this case we have two penalty parameters for
each task, pi and qi . The loss function can then be defined as:
< 0 if t < di
li (t) =
: pi (t ; di )2 + qi (t ; di ) otherwise

and the value function would be:

< 0 if t < di
vi (t) =
: ;[pi(t ; di)2 + qi(t ; di)] otherwise

Figure 24 illustrates the form of this type of value function. This case was analyzed by Schild and
Fredman [38] who proposed an exponential algorithm for computing minimal schedules.
Another formulation of the same problem was given by Lawler [19] who defined deferral cost
functions with no deadlines, implying the 8i; d i = 0 restriction that McNaughton explicitly imposed.
Lawler described dynamic programming and linear programming methods for solving the more general

problem with nonlinear deferral cost functions and with multiple processors. The use of these types
of algorithms is feasible when the time frame of the schedule is very large (much larger than the time
required for the involved computation of the schedule) whereas these results are of little practical value
in schedule a computer system where the computation time of the tasks are very small compared with
the time required to compute a dynamic programming result.
In related work, Lawler and Moore [22] describe dynamic programming solutions to a variety
of similar problems such as minimization of the weighted number of tardy jobs, maximization of
weighted earliness, minimization of tardiness with respect to common relative and absolute deadlines,
and minimization of weighted tardiness with respect to a common deadline. They also discuss some
results for multiple processor scheduling.
More recently, real-time operating system designers have attempted to formulate scheduling heuristics
based on value functions. Jensen, Locke, and Tokuda [17] proposed a canonical value function definition
of the form:
vi (t) = Ki;1 + Ki;2 t ; Ki;3 t2 + Ki;4 e;Ki 5 t

Each task i has two sets of constants defining two value functions, one that is in effect before the critical
time or deadline, and one that is in effect after the deadline. A few examples of the types of value
functions that this formulation is designed to represent appear in Figure 25.
They simulated several scheduling algorithms with tasks defined using a value function of this form.
In addition to some “classical” algorithms such as shortest-processing-time, earliest-deadline, least-slack,
FIFO, random, and random-priority, they evaluated two heuristics. The first of their heuristics is exactly
the scheduling policy of McNaughton, i.e. scheduling tasks in order of decreasing p i =ai . Their second
heuristic involves using earliest-deadline with one modification; in the case of overload, the tasks with
the least p i =ai ratio are discarded until the overload is relieved. In their simulations, tasks with different
value functions were never mixed, so it is difficult to determine whether a general task set with arbitrary
value functions could be effectively scheduled.
In related work, Tokuda et al. [44] modified the model and implemented it on the Mach operating
system [36]. In this more practical work, they allowed only piecewise-linear value functions with three
linear sections instead of two-section functions with the more general functions. Figure 26 shows some
examples of the kind of piecewise-linear value functions that were considered. They evaluated many
of the same scheduling algorithms that were used in the previous work: deadline-driven, least-slack,
McNaughton’s rule, and best-effort. They found that even the more efficient heuristics required a
significant amount of scheduling overhead in actually executing a task set; the cost of making a single

value V V

0 0

time time


0 0

time time

Figure 25: General Value Functions



0 0

time time



0 0

time time

Figure 26: Piecewise-linear Value Functions

scheduling decision was sometimes more than the cost of actually executing several small tasks. This is
in comparison to simple scheduling policies such as earliest-deadline for which the scheduling overhead
is negligible.

7.2. Implementation Issues

It is clear from the above discussion of various value-function models, that only the very simplest models
can be used efficiently; the more interesting models require exponential time for optimal solutions. Where
sub-optimal heuristics have been employed, results depend on the parameters of the specific task sets
that were used in simulation and the specific form of the value functions. And even in these cases, the
scheduling overhead is so great that the value-function approach is unlikely to be useful in practice.
Another problem with the use of value functions in practice is determining the shape of the value
function for each task in the system. With so much expressive power, finding an optimal or even a good
value function is a formidable task.

8. Scheduling Tasks with Imprecise Results

The imprecise computation technique for scheduling real-time computations makes use of the fact that
many computations are incremental in nature. These computations are such that a certain amount of
processor time will produce a reasonably accurate result, and any additional processor time that can
be allotted to the computation will refine the minimal result, increasing its accuracy. This approach to
real-time scheduling is described in an introductory paper by Liu et al. [29] on which this section is
based. Shih et al. [40] and Chung et al. [6] discuss other more detailed aspects of this work, and Lin et
al. [27] describe a language implementation which provides constructs for real-time programming using
imprecise results.

8.1. Basic Scheduling Environment

In order to use the imprecise computation technique, the system must be structured such that each task
is divided into a mandatory subtask and an optional subtask. The scheduler guarantees that all of the
mandatory subtasks will be completed by their deadlines, and the optional subtasks are scheduled in
the remaining processor time to optimize some scheduling criterion. The optional subtasks may be
aborted and discarded as appropriate; and some measure of error may be associated with any unfinished

Liu et al. [29] classify different types of computations according to how they may be divided into
subtasks as required by the imprecise computation method. The following describes their classification
and uses some of their examples to illustrate the concepts. A monotone computation has the property
that the quality of its result does not decrease as the computation proceeds, and the intermediate results
of such a computation can be saved as they are produced. Examples of monotone computations include:
numerical computations, statistical estimation and prediction, heuristic search, sorting, and database
query processing [29]. If the mandatory computation is completed, the optional computation may be
aborted and the intermediate result used at any time. This method of producing and saving intermediate
results of monotone computations is called the milestone method.
Unfortunately, not all problems can be programmed as monotone computations. In the sieve method,
certain parts of the total computation can be considered optional. For example, in a radar signal processing
system, some tasks may require an estimate of the noise level in the received signal. The computation of
the estimate may be considered optional since the previous estimates can be used in a pinch.
The multiple version method may be used when neither of the other two methods apply. In this case,
a primary version of the task computes the precise result and an alternate version computes an imprecise
(but adequate) result in a shorter period of time. The scheduler chooses between these two version based
on the runtime situation. Liu et al. discuss these techniques in much greater detail, and they describe the
limitations of each.

8.2. Formulation of Scheduling Problems

The mandatory subtasks are scheduling using traditional deterministic scheduling theory. The optional
subtasks can be scheduled in many different ways. Liu et al. [29] describe various scheduling criteria
that might be optimized such as minimization of total error, minimization of average error, minimization
of the number of discarded optional tasks, minimization of the number of tardy tasks, and minimization
of average response time.

9. Conclusion

In this paper, we have explored the nature of real-time computer systems in terms of the scheduling
issues that arise in such systems. We introduced a computational model of tasks with timing constraint
specifications for each computation, and we described some of the more practical methods that have been
used to program real systems. The flavor of the methods presented in this paper is decidedly practical.

The cyclic executive has been used in many real-time systems, and deterministic scheduling theory has
been used in building cyclic executives and has been applied in many other areas where time-constrained
production or computation must be scheduled. The capacity-based approach to scheduling has recently
been developed to alleviate some of the problems of the more inflexible design methodology based on
deterministic scheduling. Dynamic priority scheduling algorithms provide the most flexibility, but they
lack the predictability of deterministic scheduling and fixed priority scheduling. We have considered
value-function scheduling because of the attractiveness of being able to define the importance of tasks
using general, time-varying functions rather than fixed priorities, but the computational inefficiency of
value-function scheduling severely inhibits useful application of this technique in practical systems. The
imprecise computation approach combines some of the results of deterministic scheduling theory with
simple value-function scheduling to schedule a certain class of computations more flexibly.


Thanks to: Mary Shaw, Nancy Mead, Carol Hoover, ...

10. Glossary

Many entries in this glossary contain cross-references to other entries. The cross-referenced entries
may be duplicates of the original entry in which case the second entry is identified just to point out the
alternative terminology; or the second entry may contain a definition of a different but related term.

abort to interrupt the execution of a task without the intention of restarting the task later.

action in the context of scheduling actions, action refers to a sequence of instructions or section of code
which constitutes the computation for a task or for an instantiation of a task; the action may or may
not be atomic.

aperiodic refers to events or arrivals which have no periodic pattern; the pattern may be deterministic
or stochastic.

aperiodic task a task, instantiations of which may arrive in an aperiodic fashion.

aperiodic server a periodic task which is used to service aperiodic events or task instantiations; the
purpose of the server is usually to reserve processor resources in the periodic framework for
aperiodic tasks (see also deferrable server, sporadic server).

arrival characteristics details about the way that new tasks or computational entities become available
for service in the system; this could include a period, a statistical distribution for time between
adjacent arrivals, etc.

arrival process a way of describing the way that new tasks or computational entities become available
for service in the system; arrivals could be periodic or statistically distributed

arrival time the time when a task becomes known to the system; may also be available for execution
immediately upon its arrival.

background processing computations in a system which are not time critical and which may be afforded
the lowest scheduling priority.

block in the context of scheduling blocks, block refers to a sequence of instructions or section of code
which constitutes the computation for a task or for an instantiation of a task; the block may or may
not be atomic.

capacity-based scheduling an approach to scheduling time-constrained tasks based on the resource

utilization requirements of the tasks and the capacity of the resources.

catastrophic failure an error in a computer system (hardware or software) which leads to the destruction
to the system itself or to the destruction of object or people in the physical world or both.

clock event an interesting change of the state of the clock (such as a timer expiration) which is propagated
through some software mechanism to certain computational entities which have indicated interest
in the state change.

completion time the absolute (as opposed to relative) time that a task completes the execution of its
computation; depends on the schedule.

computation time the time that a task requires to execute on a particular processor; usually expressed
as a worst case time or upper bound on the execution time.

criterion for optimization a property of a schedule that is to be minimized or maximized by a particular

scheduling algorithm (see also optimization criterion).

critical region a sequence of instructions or block (or region) of code which is not to be interrupted by
another task; more specifically, the task executing in the block is not to be interrupted by any task
in an implicitly or explicitly specified set of tasks.

cyclic executive a supervisory program that controls the execution of application programs and schedules
them using a pre-computed schedule that is repeated indefinitely.

cyclic executive model a programming model which is designed to reflect the requirements of cyclic
executives, provide terminology for describing such systems, and provide some guidelines for the
construction of such systems.

cyclic schedule a schedule which is intended to be repeated indefinitely.

deadline the time before which a task should have completed.

dedicated processors a collection of processors which execute independently but which may be spe-
cialized for a particular purpose; used in flow shop, job shop, and open shop scheduling analyses
(see also specialized processors).

deferrable server a periodic task which is used to service aperiodic events or task instantiations accord-
ing to a particular policy which attempts to minimize aperiodic response time; the purpose of the
server is usually to reserve processor resources in the periodic framework for aperiodic tasks (see
also aperiodic server, sporadic server).

deferral cost function a value function which describes the cost of postponing the processing of a
particular task. This is similar to the loss function.

dependence refers to synchronization or communication requirements among tasks in a task set.

designer the person who determines the hardware and software components of a real-time computer
system as well as the interactions between the computer system and the physical world.

deterministic scheduling the off-line sequencing or scheduling of tasks according to some optimization
criterion for which all relevant information is known before the schedule is produced; parameters
may include arrival time, computation time, deadline, weight, etc.

due-date scheduling a scheduling discipline which prefers tasks with earlier deadlines (due-dates) over
tasks with later deadlines.

dynamic (priority) scheduling the on-line scheduling of tasks according to a task priority value which
may change dynamically during the course of execution of the task or of the system (see also static
priority scheduling).

earliest deadline first a scheduling discipline which prefers tasks with earlier deadlines over tasks with
later deadlines.

enumeration refers to algorithms which consider each possible solution in a solution space individually;
usually for optimization of some property of the solutions (see also enumeration).

enumerative algorithm refers to algorithms which consider each possible solution in a solution space
individually; usually for optimization of some property of the solutions (see also enumeration).

executive a system program which provides the lowest layer of system support for application programs;
a program which controls the execution of other programs (see also supervisory control program).

external interrupt a hardware or possibly software representation of an external event (see also external

external event an interesting change in the state of the physical world occurring at a particular point in
time that results in some information generated by the physical world being received by a computer

FCFS scheduling first-come-first-served scheduling where tasks are serviced in order of their arrival.

feasible schedule a schedule in which all timing constraints are satisfied.

FIFO queueing first-in-first-out queueing where items are dequeued in order of the arrival in the queue.

fixed priority scheduling the on-line scheduling of tasks according to a task priority value which cannot
change during the course of execution of the task or of the system; static priorities may be assigned
at design time based on some appropriate scheduling analysis (see also static priority scheduling).

flight platform a real-time system (including physical world components as well as computer compo-
nents) which controls the flight of some vehicle, usually containing the system itself (e.g. airplanes,

flow shop a scheduling environment where each task is processed by all of the processors in the envi-
ronment and the tasks require the processors in the same order (see also job shop, open shop).

flow time the relative (as opposed to absolute) time that a task completes the execution of its computation;
depends on the schedule; flow time is relative to arrival time or ready time.

frame in the cyclic executive model, the frame is the list of tasks that must be scheduled or the list of
functions that must be called during a minor cycle; also known as the minor schedule (see also
cyclic executive model, minor schedule).

frame overrun in the cyclic executive model, a frame overrun is a timing error which causes the
computation of a frame or minor schedule to miss its deadline; the computation is not completed
by the end of the minor cycle (see also frame, minor schedule, minor cycle).

hard deadline a deadline after which the value of completing a task becomes 0 or becomes ;1; the
task can be ignored (if the value becomes 0) or the system has experienced a catastrophic failure
(if the value becomes ;1); as opposed to a soft deadline.

hard real-time refers to real-time requirements, computations, systems, etc that involve hard deadlines
(see also hard deadline).

horizon in defining timing constraints of tasks, arrivals of certain tasks may be predictable for the near
future but unpredictable beyond that; the horizon is the time in the near future during which the
arrivals are predictable.

identical processors a collection of processors which execute independently and which are identical;
i.e. they have the same processing capabilities and the same processing speed (see also parallel
processors, uniform processors, unrelated processors).

imprecise computation technique an approach to scheduling using imprecise computations which have
a mandatory part and an optional part that refines the result produced in the mandatory part;
computations with this form can be scheduled to optimize the total value of the optional parts.

imprecise result refers to an incremental computation with a mandatory part and an optional part that
refines the result produced in the mandatory part; computations with this form can be scheduled to
optimize the total value of the optional parts.

instantiation a single computational entity of a stream of computational entities that arise from the same
arrival process.

interarrival time the duration between successive arrivals of some event.

interprocess communication the transfer of data of some kind from one computational entity to another
including simple synchronization as a special case; may imply remote communication as well,
depending on the context.

job a computational entity which is a single instantiation of a stream of computational entities which are
generated by a particular arrival process.

job shop a scheduling environment where each task is processed by an arbitrary subset of the processors
in the environment; the order of processing is arbitrary (see also flow shop, open shop).

job splitting the preemption of a task or job in a schedule, possibly causing other jobs to execute during
the time between executions of the job being split.

lateness the difference between the completion time and the deadline of a task (positive or negative);
the amount of time that a task overran its deadline.

least slack-time a scheduling policy which prefers tasks with smaller slack-times.

level with respect to precedence constraints, levels are collections of tasks which are independent (no
precedence constraints within a level) with the property that all tasks in the levels “before” a level
may all be executed before tasks in the given level, and all tasks in levels “after” the level may be
executed after tasks in the given level.

load the fraction of the total capacity of a resource that is being utilized, e.g. the processor utilization
of a task set is the ratio of the time the processor is active during a particular duration and the total
duration (see also utilization).

longest processing time a scheduling discipline which prefers tasks with long processing time over tasks
with shorter processing time; abbr. LPT.

loss function a value function which assumes non-positive values and thus describes the loss of value
over time.

major cycle in the cyclic executive model, the major cycle is the duration of the major schedule that is
to be repeated indefinitely (see also cyclic executive model, major schedule).

major schedule in the cyclic executive model, a major schedule is the entire list of tasks that must be
scheduled; the major schedule is repeated indefinitely and is composed of smaller minor schedules
or frames (see also cyclic executive model).

makespan the time between the beginning of the execution of the first task and the completion of the
last task in a schedule (see also schedule length).

mandatory computation the part of a computation that is required for an imprecise result to attain its
minimum precision; used in the context of scheduling with imprecise results.

maximum lateness for a particular task set and a particular schedule, the maximum lateness is the
maximum amount by which any task missed its deadline.

mean flow time the average flow time of all the tasks in a schedule.

mean tardiness the average tardiness of all the tasks in a schedule.

mean weighted flow time the average flow time, weighted by task-dependent weighting factors, of all
the tasks in a schedule.

mean weighted tardiness the average tardiness, weighted by a task-dependent weighting factor, of all
the tasks in a schedule.

memory management a software component of a system which manages the allocation of physical
and/or virtual memory.

milestone method a method for saving intermediate results in a monotone computation; used in impre-
cise computation technique.

minor cycle in the cyclic executive model, the minor cycle is the duration of the minor schedules or
frames that are constituents of the major schedule; the major cycle is a multiple of the minor cycle
(see also cyclic executive model, major schedule, minor schedule).

minor schedule in the cyclic executive model, the minor schedule is the list of tasks that must be
scheduled or the list of functions that must be called during a minor cycle (see also cyclic executive
model, frame).

mode refers to a set of assumptions or a set of requirements in a cyclic executive which defines one of
several alternative cyclic schedules to be used for execution; changes in the environment to reflect
different assumptions or different requirements require a mode change which implies the use of a
different cyclic schedule.

mode change refers to a change in the set of assumptions or the set of requirements in a cyclic executive
which define one of several alternative cyclic schedules to be used for execution; changes in the
environment to reflect different assumptions or different requirements require a mode change which
implies the use of a different cyclic schedule.

monotone computation a computation where the quality of the result does not decrease as the compu-
tation proceeds; used in imprecise computation technique.

multiple version method a method of structuring computations so that more than one algorithm is
available to produce a particular results, and different algorithms have different running times and
different accuracies; used in imprecise computation technique.

multiprocessor a processor environment with multiple processors.

network communication the transfer of data of some kind from one computational entity to another
entity residing in a different processor on a network.

non-preemptible refers to a computation which is not susceptible to preemption or being preempted.

non-preemptive refers to scheduling algorithms, service disciplines, etc. which do not allow preemption
among tasks.

NP the class of decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time by a non-deterministic Turing
machine (see [11] or [25].

NP-complete a problem P is NP-complete if P is NP-hard and P 2 N P .

NP-hard a problem P is NP-hard if 8P 0 2 N P , P0 reduces to P.

off-line refers to a computation which is done before the system that may need the result of the compu-
tation begins execution; a design-time or compile-time computation.

on-line refers to a computation which is done at the time that the system requires the result of the
computation; a run-time computation.

open shop a scheduling environment where each task is processed by all of the processors in the
environment; the order is arbitrary (see also flow shop, job shop).

optimization criterion a property of a schedule that is to be minimized or maximized by a particular

scheduling algorithm.

optional computation the part of a computation that is optional in an imprecise result; refines the result
obtained in the mandatory computation; used in the context of scheduling with imprecise results.

parallel processors a collection of processors which execute independently; usually taken to be identical
unless otherwise specified (see also identical processors, uniform processors, unrelated processors).

periodic refers to events or arrivals which occur periodically, separated by a fixed duration of time.

periodic task a task, instantiations of which may arrive in periodic fashion.

physical system the physical environment in which a real-time computer system operates (in the solution
of a physical-world problem).

piecewise linear refers to a continuous function which is composed of straight lines rather than sections
of arbitrary-degree polynomials or exponential functions.

pre-computed schedule a schedule for which all scheduling events have been determined off-line and
which has some representation suitable for executing the scheduling events during run-time.

precedence constraint a restriction on the order in which tasks may be executed; usually of the form
task 1 must complete before task  2 begins execution.

precedence graph a general precedence relation with no restrictions on which tasks can have precedence

precedence partition with respect to precedence constraints, precedence partitions are collections of
tasks which are independent (no precedence constraints within a level) with the property that all
tasks in the levels “before” a level may all be executed before tasks in the given level, and all tasks
in levels “after” the level may be executed after tasks in the given level.

precedence relation a specification of all of the precedence constraints that exist between all the tasks
in a task set.

precedence tree a precedence relation where there are no cycles of dependence in a task set.

preemptible refers to a computation which is susceptible to preemption or being preempted.

preemption the interruption of an executing task in favor of a more another (usually more important)
task; the second task begins executing after the state of the first is saved.

preemptive refers to scheduling algorithms, service disciplines, etc. which allow preemption among

preempt to interrupt an executing task in favor of another (usually more important) task.

priority a task attribute which defines the relative preference that tasks should receive in making
scheduling decisions (see also weight).

priority assignment an assignment of priorities to tasks (see also rate monotonic priority assignment).

processor refers to a generic processing element or to a hardware device such as a microprocessor.

quantum the maximum duration that a task may execute before being preempted in favor of a waiting
task or at least considered for preemption.

queueing system a collection of customers and service agents along with some specification of how
each of these entities act intended to draw some conclusions or predictions of waiting time.

rate monotonic analysis the determination of whether a periodic task set can be scheduled without
missing deadlines by using the rate monotonic priority assignment and a fixed priority, preemptive

rate monotonic scheduling preemptive scheduling of periodic tasks using the rate monotonic priority
assignment by which higher frequency tasks are given higher priority.

rate monotonic priority assignment an assignment of priorities to periodic tasks whereby higher fre-
quency tasks are given higher priority.

ready time the time when a task becomes available for execution on some processor.

real-time application a program or collection of programs (usually supported by an underlying operating

system or executive) that is used to solve a particular real-world problem.

real-time computer system a computer system (hardware and software) which is designed to support
or to contain real-time applications.

real-time operating system the part of a real-time system which lies above the hardware and which
supports a real-time programming model for the use of real-time applications (programs).

real-time system the entire collection of components that are designed to solve some physical world
problem; the system includes the physical environment in which the problem is to be solved, the
application software, the operating system software, and the underlying hardware.

round robin scheduling scheduling with a FIFO queue and with a quantum; executing jobs may execute
for at most a quantum before being preempted and placed at the end of the queue.

schedulable refers to a task set for which a schedule can be found, specifically a schedule where no
deadlines are missed can be found.

schedulable bound in rate monotonic analysis, the schedulable bound is a particular utilization bound
where periodic task sets with total utilization less than the bound are guaranteed not to miss any
deadlines; task sets with utilization that is greater than the bound are not guaranteed not to miss

schedule a list of scheduling events along with the time that each event should occur and the relevant
information about the action to take when the event occurs.

schedule length the time between the beginning of the execution of the first task and the completion of
the last task in a schedule (see also makespan).

scheduler the logic or software within a system which controls the allocation of resources (usually
processors) to tasks.

scheduling analysis the evaluation of a particular scheduling problem or scheduling technique or al-
gorithm; typical results of the evaluation might be that all deadlines can be met under certain
conditions, or that all deadlines cannot be met, or that some other optimization criterion can or
cannot be optimized.

scheduling criterion a property of a schedule that is to be minimized or maximized by a particular

scheduling algorithm.

scheduling events any changes in the allocation of tasks to processors; e.g. the event that a task
arrives and/or becomes ready to run, the event that a task completes execution and relinquishes the
processor, etc.

scheduling horizon in defining timing constraints of tasks, arrivals of certain tasks may be predictable
for the near future but unpredictable beyond that; the scheduling horizon is the time in the near
future during which the arrivals are predictable.

selection discipline a rule in a queueing system for choosing the next task for service.

semaphore a mechanism for synchronizing tasks.

shortest processing time a scheduling discipline which prefers tasks with short processing time over
tasks with longer processing time; abbr. SPT.

sieve method a method of structuring computations that allows some computations to be skipped in
certain cases; used in imprecise computation technique.

slack-time the amount of time a task can be delayed before it will miss its deadline.

soft deadline a deadline after which some value remains in completing the associated task; as opposed
to a hard deadline.

soft real-time refers to real-time requirements, computations, systems, etc that involve soft deadlines.

software event an interesting change in the state of a computational entity occurring at a particular point
in time that results in some information generated by the computational entity being transferred to
another computational entity.

specialized processors a collection of processors which execute independently but which may be spe-
cialized for a particular purpose; used in flow shop, job shop, and open shop scheduling analyses
(see also dedicated processors).

sporadic aperiodic; refers to an aperiodic task with hard deadlines (as opposed to an aperiodic task with
soft deadlines).

sporadic server a periodic task which is used to service aperiodic events or task instantiations according
to a particular policy which attempts to guarantee aperiodic response time; the purpose of the server
is usually to reserve processor resources in the periodic framework for aperiodic tasks (see also
aperiodic server, deferrable server).

starvation the situation in computer scheduling where a low priority task never reaches the head of the
queue where it can execute; higher priority tasks are present indefinitely in the system.

static (priority) scheduling the on-line scheduling of tasks according to a task priority value which
cannot change during the course of execution of the task or of the system; static priorities may be
assigned at design time based on some appropriate scheduling analysis.

statistical distribution a mathematical function which gives the probability of occurrence of events that
are described by the distribution.

supervisory control program a system program which provides the lowest layer of system support for
application programs; a program supervises or controls the other programs.

synchronization a restriction on two or more computational entities in a system where the progress
of the each entity is related in some way to the progress of the other(s); the entities may also be
electrical or electronic rather than computational (synchronization bits on a network medium).

tardiness the difference between the completion time and the deadline of a task if that difference is
positive (missed deadline) and zero otherwise.

task a computational entity in a scheduling model or in a programming model implementation; used

to describe a generic computational entity or a stream of instantiations of a particular class of
computational entity.

task set a collection of tasks that are intended to execute on the processor or set of processors and
complete for resources.

task splitting the preemption of a task in a schedule, possibly causing other tasks to execute during the
time between executions of the task being split.

time-slice swapping a proof technique where slices of computations are interchanged according to some
rule which preferably improves (or at least doesn’t adversely affect) some measure of performance.

timing constraints the specification of the timing attributes of a task including the arrival time, com-
putation time, and deadline as well as other constraints such as precedence constraints, maximum
blocking time, etc.

uniform processors a collection of processors which execute independently and which have constant
speeds (the speed of a processor does not depend on the task it is executing) although the speeds of
different processors may be different (see also parallel processors, identical processors, unrelated

uniprocessor a processor environment with a single processor.

unit penalty a cost or penalty of 1 for a task missing a deadline in a particular schedule.

unrelated processors a collection of processors which execute independently and which have variable
speeds, depending on the task being executed (see also parallel processors, identical processors,
uniform processors).

utilization the fraction of the total capacity of a resource that is being utilized, e.g. the processor
utilization of a task set is the ratio of the time the processor is active during a particular duration
and the total duration (see also load).

value used in connection with the usefulness to the system or application of completing a particular
task (at a particular point in time); a positive value indicates that the system would benefit from
completing the task (as long as such completion doesn’t preclude the completion of other tasks with
higher values), a value of zero indicates that no benefit will be derived from completing the task,
and a negative value indicates that it would be bad to complete the task.

value function a mathematical function that gives the value of completing an associated task as a function
of the time since the task arrived in the system; used for value-function scheduling.

value-function scheduling the use of value functions for scheduling.

weight a task attribute which defines the relative preference that tasks should receive in making schedul-
ing decisions (see also priority).


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1. Introduction 2

2. Computations and Time Constraints 5

2.1. Definitions and Notation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5
2.2. The Nature of Deadlines : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8
2.3. Example Task Set : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11

3. Cyclic Executive 13
3.1. Cyclic Scheduling : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 14
3.2. Example Schedule : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16
3.3. Advantages and Disadvantages : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 19

4. Deterministic Scheduling 20
4.1. Concepts and Basic Notation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22
4.2. Example Problem : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25
4.3. Problem Specification Notation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26
4.4. Problem Examples : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 29
4.5. Scheduling in Practice : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30

5. Capacity-Based Scheduling 31
5.1. Rate Monotonic Analysis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 31
5.2. Example Analysis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33
5.3. Practical Extensions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 34

6. Dynamic Priority Scheduling 36

6.1. Earliest-Deadline-First : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 37
6.2. Least-Slack-Time : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 38
6.3. Practical Considerations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 38

7. Value-Function Scheduling 39
7.1. Value Functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 40
7.2. Implementation Issues : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44

8. Scheduling Tasks with Imprecise Results 44

8.1. Basic Scheduling Environment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44
8.2. Formulation of Scheduling Problems : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45

9. Conclusion 45

10. Glossary 47

List of Figures

1 Schematic of a Time Constrained Computation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5

2 Periodic Task : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6
3 Aperiodic, Predictable Task : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6
4 Aperiodic, Unpredictable Task : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7
5 Preemptible Task : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7
6 Non-preemptible Task : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8
7 Hard (Catastrophic) Deadline Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8
8 Hard Deadline Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9
9 Ramped Hard Deadline Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10
10 Soft Deadline Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10
11 Non-real-time Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11
12 FIFO Scheduling of Example Task Set : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13
13 Round Robin Scheduling of Example Task Set : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 14
14 Timeline for Example Task Set (First Pass) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17
15 Timeline for Example Task Set (Second Pass) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17
16 Timeline for Example Task Set (Third Pass) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18
17 Timeline for Example Task Set (Final Schedule) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18
18 Timeline for Example Task Set (Modified Schedule) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 19
19 Arbitrary Sequencing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25
20 Shortest-processing-time Sequencing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26
21 Almost Earliest-deadline Scheduling : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 37
22 Earliest-deadline Scheduling : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 38
23 Linear Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 40
24 Quadratic Value Function : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 41
25 General Value Functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43
26 Piecewise-linear Value Functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43

List of Tables

1 Example Task Set : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12

2 Rate Monotonic Schedulable Bound : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 32
3 Example Task Set with Rate Monotonic Priority Assignment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33
4 Example Task Set Exact Criterion Results : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 34


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