Shares Networking
Shares Networking
Shares Networking
1. What is a share? How to get the full list of shares on a server? Show three different methods.
1. Share: A file shared via a network
2. PS get-smbshare
3. Fsmgmt.msc
4. PS net share
2. How to access a shared folder located on another computer? Show in your lab.
3. How to give a user access to a share? What is ACL? Show in your lab.
1. Right-click on the share -> Properties -> Sharing tab -> click Share -> Add the user -> set
permissions -> Done
2. ACL: Extended access control lists
4. What is effective access? Show in your lab.
1. Effective Access: The access that a user has when they attempt to access an object. Can be
explicit or inherited.
2. DFS
3. Remote access
1. What is an IP address? How to check IP of a local computer via GUI and via cmd?
1. IP Address: A unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network.
2. GUI: Settings -> Network & Internet -> View network properties
3. CMD ipconfig
2. What is localhost?
1. Localhost: The local computer a program is running on
3. What is DNS? Open in your lab. Create a reverse-DNS zone.
1. Domain Name System (DNS): Translates IP addresses to domain names which browsers use
to load internet pages.
4. How to get the IP of a remote computer if you have its name?
1. CMD Ping <hostname>
2. CMD Nslookup <hostname>
5. How to get the computer name by IP?
1. CMD Nslookup <ip address>
6. Hosts file
1. Host file: Used by operating systems to map a connection between an IP address and
domain names before going to domain name servers.
2. %WinDir%\System32\Drivers\Etc
5. Windows Firewall
1. Scope
1. Only allows traffic from trusted IP addresses
2. Inbound and Outbound rules
1. Inbound: Filter traffic passing from the network to the local computer based on the filtering
conditions specified in the rule.
2. Outbound: Filter traffic passing from the local computer to the network based on the
filtering conditions specified in the rule
6. UDL file. Create one, test and think about use cases.
1. Universal Data Link (UDL): A simple text file that consists of a database connection string with
particular attributes or properties