Islamic Grade-1-Booklet-Part-1
Islamic Grade-1-Booklet-Part-1
Islamic Grade-1-Booklet-Part-1
GRADE 1(Part 1)
Activity 1: Basic
Color the picture and Write a few creations of Allah from the given picture that Allah created for
1. ____________________________ 2. ________________________________
3.______________________________ 4. _______________________________
5. _____________________________
Activity 2: Intermediate
Circle the Picture that means Allah guides His creatures to their good:
Activity 3: Intermediate
Write the names of some animals that are mentioned in the Holy Quran?
1. _____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Self- Evaluation:
WALT: Explain the overall meaning of surah Al Fatiha.
Activity 1: Basic
Fill in the Blanks by choosing the appropriate word from the word bank:
Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Activity 3: Intermediate
Activity 5: Advance
Answer the following questions?
1. What is the first surah of Al Quran?
Ans: ____________________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activity:
Search for two other names of Surah Al Fatiha?
Compare the reward of the Truthful and the end of the Liars.
Activity 1: Basic
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Activity 2: Basic
3. I love Paradise
Activity 3: Intermediate
Activity 4: Intermediate
Search the following word in the table:
Activity 5: Advanced
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activity:
Search the nick name of Prophet Muhammed PBUH in Al Makkah?
A Noble Hadith
Ibn Omar May Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him said,
“Islam is based on five Pillars: The Testimony that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammed is His
Messenger, Prayer, Giving Zakat, Fasting in the month of Ramadan, and the Pilgrimage to House of Allah”.
Activity 1: Basic
Color the Triangle on the bottom of each picture to which indicates the Pillars of Islam:
Activity 2: Basic
Activity 3: Intermediate
Zakah Testifying that there Allah is the only God and Prophet
Muhammed PBUH is the Messenger of Allah.
Activity 4: Intermediate
Color the correct sentences with GREEN and wrong sentences with RED:
Activity 5: Advance
Give your opinion?
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activity:
Search for the name of the door of the Pradise through which only those who fast will enter?
WALT: Explain the story of Birth of prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.
Activity 1: Basic
Activity 2: Basic
1. Do as Directed:
a. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s grandfather? (color it yellow)
b. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s mother? (color it red)
c. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s father? (color it blue)
d. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s nurse? (color it green)
Haleema Sadia
Abdul Muttalib
Activity 3: Intermediate
Circle the correct Answer?
1.He was happy with his birth and gave him the name of “Muhammed”:
a. His mother Aminah b. His Father Abdullah c.His grand father Abdul Muttalib
2. He passed away before Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him was born:
Activity 4: Intermediate
Activity 5: Advance
Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Why did all nannies refused to take and nurse Prophet Muhammed PBUH?
Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________
Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activity:
Search for the name of Prophet Muhammed’s peace be upon him tribe?
Activity 1: Basic
Activity 2: Basic
Activity 3: Intermediate
Put the check mark in front of the correct behavior?
Activity 4: Advance
Mention some acts that we can do to have mercy on your parents?
Enrichment Activity:
Search for a surah in the Holy Quran that begins with the word Ar-Rehman the All-Beneficent
WALT: Explain the vocabulary of the Surah.
Activity 1: Basic
As Samad: ___________________
Al Ahad: ____________________
Kufuwan: ___________________
Activity 2: Intermediate
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
WALT: Explain the six pillars of Islamic Belief.
Activity 1: Basic
1. Worshipping Allah and pleasing Him comes first before anything else. _______________
3. Allah is the One and Only who created all of us. ______________
Activity 2: Intermediate
Activity 4: Advance
Answer the following Questions?
1. What is the First pillar of Faith?
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________
5. Give your opinion that why Allah glory be to Him created us?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
Enrichment Activity:
Mention some of the Acts with which man is distinguished from other creatures?
cher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________
WALT: Explain the importance of cleanliness in Islam.
Activity 1: Basic
Activity 3: Advance
WALT: Demonstrate the steps of Wudu.
Activity 1: Basic
Activity 3: Intermediate
How can we save water while doing Wudu. Suggest some tips.