Islamic Book For Kids

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1. Allah
2. Muhammad- the messenger of Allah
3. Islam
4. Prophets and their books
5. The Angels
6. Day of Judgment
7. Pillars of Islam
8. The Sahabah
9. The Ka’bah shareef
10. Madina
1. Allah
Lailhah illah is what we read-
it is our kalima - the Muslim creed.
Islam is the religion that we follow
and it is Islam that we love and know.

We are called Muslims both you and me

and Muslims are pious as you can see.
We worship only Allah - the most high
and to be kind to everyone we always try.

Allah made all humans including me

and made the fish that swim in the sea.
Allah created the birds and insects that fly
and everything else that is in the sky.

Allah created all the animals that walk on land

and the many creatures that live in the sand.

Allah created the sky above our head

with its different colours of blue, white and red.
Allah created the sun that shines so bright
and the moon and stars that we see at night.

Allah created everything on the Earth below -

the mountains so high and the rivers that flow.
Allah created the plants, the flowers and trees
making them grow in the sunlight and breeze.

Allah created the fish that live in the sea

and all the creatures that swim so free.
Different coloured fish, both big and small.
Some flat like a pancake, some round as a ball.
The rainfall from the skies Allah does send
causing all the droughts to come to an end.
With this rain Allah makes the rivers flow
and on the ground makes the harvest grow.

Through this rainfall we are kept alive

and the barren Earth is caused to revive.

Our Lord has given us so many blessings

So be thankful to Allah for all these things.
It is only to Allah that we turn and pray
that in our hearts, Islam will forever stay.
2. Muhammad- the messenger of Allah
Muhammad is the true messenger we believe
and revelation and prophethood he did receive.
He was the last prophet and also the best,
sent to everyone in the East and the West.

Allah gave him beauty and a pure heart

and from the rest of mankind this set him apart.
We love him so much; to meet him we yearn.
One day we will meet - from his words we learn.

We remember him always and send him peace

and this love in our hearts will never cease.
We study Islam like Muslims should
and try our best to be kind and good.
3. Islam
Islam is the truth sent from Allah above.
Islam is our religion and Islam we love.
To be Muslims we are thankful and proud.
So to Allah we pray, both quiet and aloud.

All the Islamic teachings are good and true

- made for everyone including me and you.
Allah gave us the truth as a life guide
and our path in life it helps us decide.

The world was in darkness and away from deen

and truth and justice could not be seen.
Truth came in the form of a guiding light
teaching what is good and what is right.

On the truth we are firm and steady

and to serve our Islam we are ready.
The flag of Islam we hold up high
and to live by Islam we always try.

There were other religions before Islam

Guiding the people and saving from haram.
The religion of Musa was also good
and also the teachings of Isa and Hud.

Many other religions did Allah send

Like that of Ibrahim – Allah’s friend.
And also Dawood’s and many more
Truth and justice they did restore.

All these religions are actually the same

because from Allah they originally came.
So all these religions are knows as Islam
Their teachings bringing peace and calm.
4. Prophets and their books
Allah sent the prophets to teach humans
That Allah is one without partners or sons
and from all evils we should keep away.
and only to Allah we should pray.

Of all the prophets Adam was the first

and he had an enemy – Shaytan the cursed.
After Adam many more prophets came
and the message they brought was the same.

Nuh, Ilyas, Ibrahim, Is’haq and Idris

All came with the message of peace.
Musa, Dawood, Isa, Yaqub and Yusuf
Were also sent with the very same stuff.

All prophets came with a mission defined

To help humans become pious and kind.
Against bad and evil, they were a shield
And to some prophets, books were revealed

For example to Isa, Allah sent the Injeel

and the torah to Musa Allah did reveal.
The Zabur was given to prophet Dawud
and all these books, Allah had approved.

After all these prophets the last one came

and to deliver the message was his only aim.
He was their leader and greatest of all
from amongst the prophets he stood tall.

The word of Allah, which is the Qur’an,

was revealed to him - this good honest man.
Allah selected him and cleaned his heart
and from the rest of man he was set apart.
Just like Muhammad was the last and best;
The Quran is also ranked above the rest.
Every word is of Allah - never to be changed.
Free from error - Allah himself had arranged.

After Muhammad no more prophets will appear

and the Qur’an is the last and that is clear.
Guidance from Allah to all of mankind
and to the reality of life it does remind.
5. The Angels
The skies are covered with thick cloud
and the thunder far away rumbles aloud.
As flashes of lightning brightens the sky
the puddles of pouring rain begin to lie.

With weather like this we stay inside

but behind the clouds the sun does hide.
So when the wind blows the clouds away
the weather becomes nice for the day.

As the sun spreads its rays of light

leaving a few clouds, fluffy and white.
A beautiful blue sky remains– what a sight
then the sun finally sets - it turns to night.

The only light is the stars and moon

but even they will disappear very soon.
So for a while the dark does remain.
The night then passes to make it day again

Allah created the nights and created the days

and created the sun with its warm rays
and Allah made the moon and every star
and everything we see –near and far.

It is Allah that commands the change.

He moves the clouds and sends the rain.
He sends the sun –warm and bright.
Then removes the sun to make it night.

Allah created the angels that do all this.

So everything is completed without a miss.
When Allah tells them they always obey
and they never stop working - night or day.
The greatest angels include Israfeel
and the angel of revelation – Jibrael
and in charge of rain and food - Mikael
and the taker of life – Izraeel.
6. Day of Judgement
With the rising sun comes a new day
the night begins when the sun goes away
This day-night cycle is always maintained
and will only end at the time ordained.

This system will end by Allah command

then the Judgment begins just as planned.
The Angel Israfeel with blow the trumpet
and such a horrid sound it will emit

No more humans or animals will be alive

even the Earth and mountains wont survive.
The sun, moon and sky will disintegrate
then all the humans Allah will re-create.

Standing before Allah we will give account:

how we spent our wealth to the smallest amount;
About all our actions and how we behaved
and by their good deeds many will be saved.

Those who believed in Allah and his prophet

and whoever in his life to Allah did submit;
Allah will grant them a place in paradise
and the bad people will pay the price.

They will be thrown into the fire of Hell

and forever in the fire they will dwell.
Unless Allah forgives them and takes them out
As Allah is the most merciful without a doubt.
7. Pillars of Islam
Islam has also given us the daily prayer
and with the poor our wealth we share
Allah gave us the fasting in Ramadan
and ordained it for every woman and man

To Allah’s house we make the Hajj trip

Whether by walking, car, plane or ship.
A complete Muslim does all of the above
as these are actions that Allah does love.

O’ my Lord please accept this Dua:.

Make us from the performers of Salaah
and accept our wealth and our fast
and may their blessing forever last.

With the trip to Hajj let us be blessed

and from doing good may we never rest.
8. The Sahabah
Some people studied from the prophet direct.
They were the Sahabah and them we respect.
They helped the prophet through thick and thin
and did good deeds - keeping away from sin.

After the Prophets they have the highest ranks

and for their service to Islam, we give them thanks.
From all the people, the Sahabah were best
and four of them, were above the rest.

The best is Abu bakr, known as the siddique

and next came Umar, who was just and meek
And then Hazrat Uthman who is number three
And the prophet’s nephew, who is Hazarat Ali.

The Prophet loved these Sahabah a lot

and their great sacrifice he never forgot.
So these four names we love dearly
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali.

A pious man called Umar lived near by

and my friend Abu Bark is a decent guy
To give us sons, if it’s Allah’s plan
We will call them Ali and Uthman.

Oh Allah make us like Abu Bark - the Siddique

and the qualities of Uthman and Ali we seek.
Oh Allah like Umar make us Just
and only in you we place our trust.

Oh Allah make us like the Sahabah above

and for these companions grant us love.
9. The Ka’bah shareef
I went to visit Umar, a friend of mine
and from his smile I could see a shine.
As he told of a trip that he had made
and its happy memories that never fade.

Where around the Ka’bah he did walk

and to many good Muslims he did talk.
He drank from Zam zam, cool and sweet
and many time this umrah he would repeat.

The city of Makkah was loved by the sahabah

and in the city of Makkah we see the Ka’bah.
The first house of Worship on this Earth
and the city of our beloved’s birth.

As a child the prophet would often visit

and near the Kabbah he would sit.
Around the Ka’bah, seven times he would go
and drink from Zamzam that did freely flow.

The bad actions of his people he did hate

but his love for Makkah remained so great.
All Muslims love Makkah for this reason
And millions visit Makkah is Hajj season

We will also perform Hajj -inshallah

Along with Muslims from near and far.
We will perform the tawaf if Allah wills
and like Bibi Hajar run between the two hills

We will drink from zamzam - pure and sweet

And the rest of Hajj we will complete.
Many good friends we will make and meet
and this blessed journey often we will repeat.
10. Madina
From Makkah to Madina the Hijra was done
And from the hardships, the Muslims did run.
The Makkan soldiers followed closely behind
But Abu Bark and Muhammad they could not find.

On arrival the prophet built a house to stay

and also a Masjid for the Muslims to pray.
This new mosque was named Masjid al Nabwi
- a beautiful mosque that we can still see.

Praying Salah in there holds a great reward.

and on Madina, Allah’s mercy has poured.
Many thousands still pray behind the Imam
and at the prophet’s grave, they give salaam.

May Allah allow us to visit Madina one day

and in this Masjid may we go and pray.
The prophet is buried at the same site
so when we pay it a visit we must recite:

Peace and blessing be upon you o prophet of Allah

Peace and blessings be upon you o beloved of Allah

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