SMILE LP PPG 12 Q2 Lesson 15

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Name: _ Grade Level: Q: 2 Lesson 15

I. Most Essential Learning Competency

Explain the importance of active citizenship

II. Overview

According to publication “Children as Active Citizens” by the Inter-Agency Working

Group on Children’s Participation, “Citizenship” can be defined as the set of rights and
responsibilities that define the members of a community. Citizenship has two
complementary aspects; citizenship rights and citizenship practice or “active citizenship.
While the first category includes individual freedoms, political, civil, social and economic
right, the second one includes practices which enable people to exercise their rights as
What does the Philippine constitution talks about citizenship?
The Philippine Nationality Law is based upon the principles of jus sanguinis
(Latin for right of blood) and therefore descent from a parent who is a citizen or national
of the Republic of the Philippines is the primary method of acquiring Philippine
citizenship. This is contrasted with the legal principle of jus soli where being born on the
soil of the country, even to foreign parents, grants one citizenship. For those in the
Philippines to non-Filipino parents, the Administrative Naturalization Law of 2000 (R.A.
9139) provides a path for administrative naturalization for those who qualify.
There are different laws in every country about the responsibilities and
obligations of their people as citizen of the country. The Article V of 1973 Constitution of
the Republic of the Philippines talks about the duties and obligations of the Filipino
citizen. These are the following:
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the citizen to be loyal to the Republic and to
honor the Philippine flag, to defend the State and contribute to its development and
welfare, to uphold the Constitution and obey the laws, and to cooperate with the duly
constituted authorities in the attainment and preservation of a just and orderly society.
Section 2. The rights of the individual impose upon him the correlative duty to
exercise them responsibly and with due regard for the rights of others.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of every citizen to engage in gainful work to assure
himself and his family a life worthy of human dignity.

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Section 4. It shall be the obligation of every citizen qualified to vote to register
and cast his vote.
What do you think are the obligations and importance of being an active citizen
of the community as well as of the country?
(a) Active citizenship means citizens taking opportunities to become actively
involved in defining and tackling the problems of their communities and improving their
quality of life.
(b) Active citizenship should be seen as the result of interrelated behavioral
attitudes and values such as the recognition of the importance of universal human
rights, respect for the rule of law and intercultural harmony.

III. Activities
Activity 1 – My Definition
Directions: Analyze the pictures below. Determine what concept is being illustrated.
Write your answer on a separate answer sheet. Based on the pictures, give your own
definition of the concept.

______ ___________


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Activity 2 – Concept Map
Directions: Complete the concept map. Cite four scenarios existing or observed in your
community that exemplifies active participation of the youth in the society. Write your
answers in the corresponding boxes.

Guide Questions:
1. Which scenarios were mostly likely to follow? Why?
2. Which scenarios were most don’t likely to follow? Why?
3. Why do you think youth like you should be an active citizen in
a community?

Activity 3 – Essay
Directions: Write an essay about the importance of active citizenship in Philippine
society. Use a separate answer sheet and follow the rubric as your guide.

IV. Rubric for Scoring

Essay Writing
Criteria Points Points
Answer is successfully supported by sound reasoning; 10
explanation shows knowledge of the topic; essay is well
constructed; all instructions are followed
Answer is supported by sound reasoning; explanation shows 8
knowledge of the topic; the ideas in the essay may not be well
organized; some instructions may not be followed.
Answer is supported by sound reasoning though with some 6
misconceptions; explanation shows partial knowledge of the
topic; essay is not coherent; some instructions are not followed

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Answer shows relevance to the topic but cannot really explain the 4
Answer is either incorrect or irrelevant 2
No answer 0

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