enteliWEB 4.5 Operator Guide
enteliWEB 4.5 Operator Guide
enteliWEB 4.5 Operator Guide
Operator Guide
Edition 1.0
Copyright © Delta Controls Inc. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment to past versions of this document on the part of Delta Controls Inc. Delta Controls
Inc. may make improvements and/or changes to this document /the associated software/or
associated hardware at any time.
BACspec, BACstat, the Delta logo, ORCAview, ORCAweb, Earthright, enteliWEB, enteliBUS,
enteliMESH, enteliTOUCH, enteliZONE, enteliSTAT, enteliVIZ and Virtual Stat are registered
trademarks of Delta Controls Inc.
Commissioned ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Description (hidden by default) ........................................................................................................................... 28
Device (hidden by default) ................................................................................................................................... 28
Device Name (hidden by default) ........................................................................................................................ 29
Name................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Object .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
I/O Object Instance Number on DSC/DAC Controllers ........................................................................................ 29
I/O Object Instance Number on enteliBUS Controllers ....................................................................................... 30
Object Icon ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Site (hidden by default) ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Status .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Value ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Tasks – Object List .................................................................................................................................. 32
Filtering and Searching....................................................................................................................................... 32
Using the Simple Search Filter ........................................................................................................................... 34
Rules for Advanced Filter ................................................................................................................................... 34
Total Number of Objects Found by Search .......................................................................................................... 34
Arranging and Sorting the Object List ................................................................................................................. 35
Commanding Objects .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Feedback on Result of Command ....................................................................................................................... 38
Performing Actions on the Device .......................................................................................................... 38
Send a Time Synchronization Message ............................................................................................................... 38
Reload Objects .................................................................................................................................................... 38
Reconfirm Device Status ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Reset a Device ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Saving Object List to File Tasks .............................................................................................................. 40
Saving Object List to PDF File ............................................................................................................................. 40
Saving Object List to CSV File.............................................................................................................................. 40
Chapter 4 - Object Pages ........................................................................................... 41
About Object Pages ................................................................................................................................. 41
Object Reference................................................................................................................................................. 41
Related Information Views .................................................................................................................................. 42
Object Description Field ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Common Object Page Tasks ................................................................................................................... 45
Saving an Object Page ......................................................................................................................................... 45
The material in this document is taken from the enteliWEB help pages.
This Operator Guide is meant for a facility operator who is responsible for the day-to-day
operation of the site or sites that are managed by enteliWEB.
For the purpose of this document, it is assumed that the operator is a member of an enteliWEB
user group with the following permissions:
• User Interface permissions for Dashboards, Navigation, Graphics, Alarms and Reports
• No Manage permissions.
• No Show Configuration Properties on Object Pages permission
• Allow permission for all devices on the site
• Read permission for all objects, except Create permission for Multitrend and Trend Log
objects, and Write permission for schedule objects,
Chapter 2 – Site and Device Navigation covers site navigation and the site's device list. This
chapter describes tasks associated with the device list and devices.
Chapter 3 - Object List covers the object list page, which allows you to manage a device's
database. This chapter describes tasks associated with the object list and with commanding
Chapter 4 - Objects provides information that is common to most BACnet object pages and
covers common tasks associated with objects.
Chapter 5 – Dashboards describes the enteliWEB dashboards and covers the tasks associated
with the personal dashboard.
Chapter 6 – Calendars and Schedules covers the Schedule object, both rev 3 and rev 4
versions, and the Calendar object. This chapter includes descriptions of the capabilities of the
object and provides all the tasks you need to maintain schedules.
Chapter 7 - Trend Logs covers the Trend Log object and the Multitrend object. This chapter
includes descriptions of the capabilities of the objects and provides all the tasks you need to
create, maintain, visualize and print trend logs via the object pages.
Chapter 8 – Alarms and Events Overview introduces the Delta Controls Event Management
System. Topics include alarm and event management, the alarm list page, the notification
history window and how user group permissions affect alarm management
Chapter 9 – Active Alarm List Details and Tasks covers the alarm list page in detail by
describing its components and its filtering capabilities. This chapter describes the wide range
of tasks that are available to manage alarms and events.
Chapter 11 - Control Loops covers the Loop object and describes how to monitor the
performance of the loop.
Chapter 12 – Optimum Start covers the Optimum Start object and describes how to monitor the
optimum start object's operational history.
Chapter 13 – Reports covers the tasks associated with printing the enteliWEB basic building
automation reports: active alarms, BAS and print trend log, Multitrend charts and screen-
Chapter 15 – Building Automation System Reports covers some of the reports of building
automation include a description of each report and the tasks associated with creating and
managing the reports.
Chapter 16 – Building Automation System Reports covers the reports for access control
activity include a description of each report and the tasks associated with creating and
managing the reports.
Welcome to enteliWEB - the complete control system software for BACnet-based facility
automation systems.
Visualizing both energy management and facility management on a single dashboard makes it
easy to close the loop between monitoring and control.
This operator guide is intended to be an intuitive and comprehensive document about using
enteliWEB as an operator. However, given the flexibility of enteliWEB and the many different
ways in which our partners use it, we recognize you may have additional questions that are not
Contact Delta Technical Services for assistance with any technical questions about Delta
Controls products, at [email protected] . Your email address must be
registered in Delta's Case Management System or your question will not be received. Contact
[email protected] to verify that your email address is registered.
This document is current for enteliWEB version 4.5
For complete information about this version of enteliWEB, see the release notes document
that is available on the enteliWEB product page of George.
Follow the links below to learn about the available search functions.
1. In the Search field at the top of the Graphics tree view, enter one or more characters
and press Enter.
The tree view lists only the graphics and graphic folders where the characters you
entered occur anywhere in their name. When no graphic or graphic folder name
matches the search text, the tree view is empty.
2. To restore the complete tree view, delete all the characters from the Search field and
press Enter.
Click your username on the enteliWEB banner to open the Settings page.
Username displays the name that enteliWEB uses to identify you. Contact the administrator if
you want to change your username.
When you open the Settings page, these fields are blank.
Email Address
Email Address displays the email address that enteliWEB uses to send information such as
alarm notifications to you.
To add or change your email address, enter the email address you want to use and click Save.
Specify the recipient by a 10-digit phone number and the SMS gateway. The phone number
must contain no punctuation. For example, for a phone number such as 987-555-0188 in the
United States, enter the email address as 9875550188@SMS-gateway.
Start Page
Start Page indicates the enteliWEB page that is displayed when you log in. Select your start
page from the list. If you do not see the page you want on the list, then that is because the
access permissions of the group you are a member of prevent it from being listed.
Open in Fullscreen
Select Open in Fullscreen when you want the start page to occupy the entire screen.
Language allows you to select the language you want enteliWEB to use when you log in.
When Group Third Party Devices in Network View is not selected then third party devices and
Delta devices are listed together in the Navigation tree.
Site navigation consists of two components: a hierarchical network tree view in the left pane
navigation section and the right pane list of devices, in a tabular format.
Device Icons
Site navigation uses icons in the tree view and in the device list to identify various types of
devices that are on the site's BACnet network. For example, the following are some of the
icons that you may see displayed:
Device Description
device from a manufacturer other than Delta Controls, also referred to as a third
party device
device is not configured correctly for its network number, that is, its network
number conflicts with that of other devices on the network
device is online but it is not operating properly. One or more objects are in fault.
device is not available or could not be found, device is offline, enteliWEB cannot
communicate with the device.
enteliWEB server
ORCAview OWS or Historian server
Tree View
The tree view pane lists all the sites known to enteliWEB. When you expand a site, tree view
shows the devices on the site network, ordered by device address. Hierarchical relationships
among devices, shown as parent-child relationships in the tree, are organized according to
Delta's DNA (Derived Network Addressing) scheme. DNA is a method developed by Delta
Controls for organizing and configuring devices on a network segment.
Servers and workstations are separated into the folder labelled Workstation. Servers that are
offline when the tree is constructed are hidden. When a server that was online when the tree is
constructed but then goes offline is indicated by X.
Devices from manufacturers other than Delta Controls, also referred to as third party devices,
are separated into the folder labelled Third Party. When there are no third party devices on the
network, the Third Party folder is not shown.
A search filter allows you to narrow down the number of devices in the tree view to show only
the devices you are interested in.
Device List
The device list displays devices on the network in a tabular view. The organization of the device
list can be tailored to meet your needs by rearranging the column positions and hiding
columns you do not want to see.
A search filter allows you to narrow down the number of devices in the list to show only the
devices you are interested in.
At the bottom of the page, the number of devices in the list is displayed.
When you select one or more of the devices in the device list, the object list page opens.
Displays the name of the device. The device name is obtained from the Object_Name property
of the device's DEV object.
Displays the device number. The device number is obtained from the Object_Identifier property
of the device's DEV object.
Model Name
Displays the model of the device hardware. The model name is obtained from the Model_Name
property of the device's DEV object.
enteliWEB does not support Delta Controls devices with software version 3.30 and earlier.
Firmware Version
Displays the firmware version that resides in the device. The firmware version is obtained
from the Firmware_Revision property of the device's DEV object.
Displays the vendor identifier number that is obtained from the Vendor_Identifier property of
the device's DEV object. The vendor identifier is a unique vendor identification code, assigned
by ASHRAE to the manufacturer of the BACnet device.
Displays the device status in text. This column displays OK when the device is operating
properly and none of its objects is in fault. The device status is obtained from the
System_Status property of the device's DEV object.
The Action menu provides task commands, such as sending a network time-synchronization
message and finding new devices, for managing the site, as follows:
Find Device
When you use the action to find a device, enteliWEB prompts you for the device number of the
device you want to find and then it looks for it. If the device responds, then enteliWEB updates
its list of known devices. The device number is in the range from 0 to 4194304.
The Find Device action is disabled when you are not a member of a
group that has permission to use it.
The server broadcasts BACnet WhoIs requests looking for the new devices. Any devices that
exist in the requested WhoIs ranges respond with BACnet IAm messages and enteliWEB
updates its list of known devices.
The Find New Devices action is disabled when you are not a
member of a group that has permission to use it.
Set Time
When you use the action to set devices time, enteliWEB sends the time synchronization
message to all devices on the network.
• Local time, that is the current date and time as determined from the clock in the
enteliWEB server, using the BACnet TimeSynchronization service.
• Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time, using the BACnet UTCTimeSynchronization
The Set Time action is disabled when you are not a member of a
group that has permission to use it.
The Remove Offline Devices action deletes offline devices, for the site you are viewing, from
the BACnet Server's database that, in turn, causes the devices to be removed from the left
pane tree view of the site and the device list.
When a device returns online, the BACnet Server's discovery process will restore the device to
the device list.
Arranging Columns
To change the column arrangement by moving a column to a different position, click the
column heading you want to move and drag it horizontally to the new position.
Tip: In the Objects List view, make the Device column or the Device Name column visible so
that you can distinguish among objects with the same name on different devices.
Finding a Device
1. Click Action. The action list opens.
2. Select Find Device from the list. The Find Device dialog opens.
3. Enter the device number of the device you want to find.
4. Click Find.
See Feedback on Result of Action to understand how the result of the action is
5. If the device is found then the left pane tree view of the site and the device list updates
to display new device.
1. The BACnet Server confirms the device. It reads definition settings from the device
such as the model name, the vendor, the version information, the BACnet services
supported, the object types supported and so on.
The BACnet Server uses the device information to identify the device uniquely and to
determine what the device is capable of doing. The device information is stored in the
device table.
2. The BACnet Server loads the descriptors from the device. Once the BACnet Server has
identified a device, it then needs to know what BACnet objects are in that device. The
BACnet Server queries the list of object identifiers in the device and then reads the
object name and optionally the HAL flag for every object.
For the BACnet Server, a descriptor is essentially just an object name. For Version 3
systems and ORCAview, a descriptor was the collection of data that was associated with
an object: the object name plus other object info that may have been cached.
The object information is stored in the descriptor table.
3. The BACnet Server loads the alarm list from the device by querying the list of active
alarms in the device.
The alarm information is stored in the active alarm list tables.
Together, the device table (devices), the descriptor table (objects), and the active alarm list
tables (alarms) act as local data caches. By using these caches, the BACnet Server provides
much better performance than if it had to request the information directly from devices each
time it was needed.
Because devices are not added or removed from the network frequently, and because objects
are not created or deleted often, these tables allow enteliWEB to display the network tree
view, device list and object list as soon as a user logs in.
OK Result
When the BACnet Server has sent the request over the network successfully, then the
confirmation banner is displayed at the top of the page.
Error Result
When the BACnet Server was not able to send the request over the network, then the error
banner is displayed at the top of the page.
Object List
The Object List page provides a tabular list of the objects in 1 or multiple device databases.
Important information about each object is displayed in columns.
The Object List page allows you to perform commands on one or multiple objects.
The information displayed in the object list can organized to allow you to tailor how you view
that information, as follows:
enteliWEB lists the objects in the device that meet the search filter. The total number of
objects listed on the Object List page is displayed in the lower left corner of the page. When
there are more than several hundred objects to list, enteliWEB lists the objects in pages and
provides the button to allow you to add the next page of objects to the list.
The number of selected objects is displayed in the lower left corner of the page.
enteliWEB maintains an information model of a site that it constantly keeps up to date as it
discovers changes on the network.
The model includes information about the devices on the network and about their object
databases. Collectively, the information is referred to as descriptors.
enteliWEB uses the site model information to construct the left pane tree view of the network
in the Navigation pane and to maintain the list of objects and their status on the Objects List
When enteliWEB connects to a site for the first time it immediately begins to discover the site
and to load descriptor information from the network. For a network with a large number of
devices, the discovery process can take several minutes.
A user who is a member of a group with the proper permission can use an action to cause
enteliWEB to reload or reinitialize the all the descriptors for the entire site or just the
descriptors for one device.
The Card User tab is applicable only for controllers such as the ASM and eBCON that can act as
an access control manager.
To display the Card User tab in Object List view, select Access in the DEV object's Applications
The Card User tab is displayed when CU objects exist on the controller, whether or not the DEV
object's Applications setting is selected.
You can add and remove, hide and show columns to suit your needs.
The Select column allows you to select the object or objects you want to command.
Alarm Status
icon is displayed when the object is in alarm
No icon is displayed when the object is not in alarm
Auto/Manual Status
icon is displayed when the object is in Manual mode
No icon is displayed when the object is in Auto mode
icon is displayed when the object is not commissioned
No icon is displayed when the object is commissioned
The Name column displays the name of the object. The object name is obtained from the Name
property of the object.
The Object column displays the object reference in the form: object abbreviation, object
instance number. The interpretation of the information in the object instance number depends
on the type of controller on which the point resides.
where: yy = I/O point terminal on the DSC/DAC in the range 01 to nn. Range depends on
number of points on the controller.
For example, AI3 represents analog input point 3 on the DSC/DAC controller.
For example, AI203 represents analog input point 3 on a device that is connected via LINKnet
with LINKnet address of 02.
pp = port number = 00
dd = enteliBUS backplane number in the range 01 to 09. Backplane number 01 has the
automation engine mounted on it. This is not the eBX address.
m = eBM module position on the backplane in the range 1 to 8.
yy = I/O point terminal on the eBM in the range 01 to nn. Range depends on number of
points on the eBM.
For example, AI1403 represents analog input point 3 on eBM 4 on the first backplane of an
enteliBUS controller.
pp = port number = 02
dd = LINKnet device number in the range 01 to 12
m = always 0
yy = I/O point terminal on the LINKnet device in the range 01 to nn. Range depends on
number of points on the device.
Object Icon
The Object Icon column displays the object icon. The object icon is unique for each object type.
The Status column displays an icon that represents the fault or overridden status of the object,
as follows.
• When the fault flag in the Status_Flags property is true then for Fault is displayed.
• When the overridden flag in the Flags property is true, such as when a physical output's
HOA/HAO switch is in Hand or Off position, then for Overridden is displayed
The Value column displays the object value and unit of measure
enteliWEB remembers your most recent search in your browser's cache memory and displays
matching searches as your enter a new search term.
The advanced filter allows you to specify the object types, object instances, object properties
and comparison operators to narrow down the list of objects.
Operations are case-insensitive AI, ai, Ai and aI all mean the same thing.
AHU1, ahu1, Ahu1 all mean the same thing.
A term is treated as an object name or Example: AHU results in a list of all objects with the
partial object name unless it is one of text AHU in their name. Object name filtering is
the following: case-insensitive.
• an object type abbreviation To list objects with the text input in their names, use
• a logical operator: and, not, or "input".
• IP or INPUT To list objects with the text output in their names,
• OP or OUTPUT use "output".
Logical operator and Both terms must be present to list the object.
Example: AV and *Setpoint* results in all AV objects
with Setpoint in the name being listed.
Logical operator not Term must not be present to list the object.
Example: AV and not Setpoint results in all AV
objects, except those with Setpoint in the name,
being listed.
- indicates a range of object instances Example: AV10-AV50 results in all AV objects in the
range of instances 10 through 50 being listed.
Parentheses enforce order of Example: (AV or TL) and VAV results in all objects of
operations type AV or TL objects that all have VAV in their name
being listed.
Filter by one object type abbreviation Examples: AV results in AV objects being listed. AVG
objects are not listed.
AO results in AO objects being listed. AOC objects
are not listed.
ZXX results in no objects being listed.
Filter by object instance for a specific Example: BV1 results in only the object BV1 being
object listed. BV11, BV10, BV111 are not listed.
IP or INPUT lists input object types Examples: IP results in all input objects being listed.
Input object types are AI, BI, MI and PI ip1000-ip4999 results in all input objects with
objects instance in the range 1000 through 4999 being
To list objects with the text input in their names, use
OP or OUTPUT lists output object types Examples: OUTPUT results in all output objects
Output object types are AO, BO, MO and being listed.
LO objects output1000-output4999 results in all output objects
with instance in the range 1000 through 4999 being
To list objects with the text output in their names,
use "output".
Click to display your recent searches and to select a previous search to execute.
The list of recent searches is deleted when you clear browser cache.
When your search finds no matches, it may be because of an incorrect search term. In this
case, the Search box is outlined in red and, when you click in the Search box, suggestions are
Search doesn't find objects that are filtered out by the BACnet device filter.
When there are more than 400 objects to list, enteliWEB indicates this by 2 numbers separated
by a slash such as 400/895, meaning (objects listed in the page)/(total objects that match the
filter) and by the button to allow you to add the next 500 objects to the list.
To sort, hover your mouse over any column heading to display the dropdown menu indicator.
Arranging Columns
To change the column arrangement, click a column heading and drag it horizontally to a new
As you select or clear a checkbox in the list, the Object List view is updated immediately to
show or hide the column.
The Card User tab is displayed when CU objects exist on the controller, whether or not you
select the DEV object's Applications setting.
Commanding Objects
Rule About Enabling and Disabling the Auto/Manual/Manual Value Commands
When one or more of the selected object types does not support these commands then the
commands are disabled.
1. Select the objects for the property or sub-property you want to command, with the
corresponding checkbox.
2. Click Command and select Other from the list.
Other displays a list of the property and sub-property columns that you added to the
Object List page.
3. Select a property or sub-property name and the value dialog opens. Enter the value and
click Submit.
See Feedback on Result of Command to understand how the result of the command is
Resetting an Object
1. Select the objects that you want to reset, with the corresponding checkbox.
2. Click Command and select Reset Object from the list.
See Feedback on Result of Command to understand how the result of the command is
The operation of the reset function varies depending on the object type.
OK Result
When all objects completed the command successfully, then the confirmation banner
is displayed at the top of the page. The confirmation banner lists all the objects that
were affected by the command, marked as OK.
Click More... , on the right side of the banner, to see the complete list of affected objects.
Error Result
When one or more objects could not complete the command, then the error banner
is displayed at the top of the page. The error banner lists all the objects that were affected by
the command. When a change to an object was accepted, it is marked as OK. When a change to
an object was rejected, it is marked with an error message.
Click More... , on the right side of the banner, to see the complete list of affected objects and
their corresponding error messages.
Device actions affect the entire device. Selecting specific objects has no effect.
Reload Objects
Click Device Actions and select Reload Objects from the list.
See Feedback on Result of Command to understand how the result of the action is displayed.
The Reload Objects action causes the BACnet Server to perform only the third step of the
device discovery mechanism. This step gets a list of objects from the device and then
sequentially reads each of the objects' names.
enteliWEB then updates the object list page with this new object list and gets the related
information for each object.
See Feedback on Result of Command to understand how the result of the action is displayed.
The Reconfirm Status action causes the BACnet Server to execute its entire device discovery
mechanism, for the selected device or devices. The device discovery mechanism is sometimes
referred to as reloading descriptors. This mechanism consists of four main steps and can take
many seconds to complete for each device.
When the discovery is completed, enteliWEB updates the object list page with this new object
list and gets the related information for each object.
Reset a Device
Click Device Actions and select Reset from the list.
See Feedback on Result of Command to understand how the result of the action is displayed.
Reset performs a software reset by sending the BACnet ReinitializeDevice service to the
selected device or devices. Each device interprets the COLDSTART and WARMSTART
arguments as it sees fit.
The Reset action may be password-protected by the Reset Command Password in the device's
DEV object.
1. Use Adding a Property Column and Removing a Property Column to set up the object
page with the columns you want to save in the PDF.
2. Use the search field to create a list of the objects that you want to capture in the PDF
file. See Filtering and Searching for procedure.
3. Click . The PDF file is saved to your browser's download destination.
Each object page includes features and tasks that are the same on almost every object page,
certainly on every object page for a specific type of object.
Most object tasks can be performed only be a user with the proper permissions and are,
therefore, outside the scope of this document.
Object Reference
An object reference is an identifier for an object. An object reference, when the site name is
included in the reference, is unique over all the sites that are managed by an enteliWEB
sitename is the name of the site. sitename is case-sensitive. It must match exactly the name
given to the site and shown in the left navigation pane, Navigation section. For example, when
the name of the site is MainSite, enter MainSite, not mainsite or Mainsite.
device address is the numeric address that is assigned to the device or controller on which the
object you are referring to resides.
object identifier is the object type abbreviation and object instance number for the object you
are referring to. For example, PG3, where PG is the abbreviation for a GCL Program object
with an instance number of 3.
Example: //MainSite/5600.PG3
For information about the format of the object reference instance number for an I/O object that
resides on an enteliBUS controller, see I/O Object Instance Number on enteliBUS Controller.
For information about the format of the object reference instance number for an I/O object that
resides on a DSC or DAC controller, see I/O Object Instance Number on DSC/DAC Controllers.
Site Independence
The device address.object identifier component of the object reference can be the same on
different sites that are managed by an enteliWEB server but it must be unique in a particular
The related information that is displayed varies, depending on the type of object and the
BACnet permissions of the user group that you are a member of.
Associated System
The Associated System pane lists the system or systems that the object is a member of.
When the object is not a member of any system, the Associated System pane is not displayed.
The Configuration pane lists the objects that provide configuration information to the object
you are viewing, or it lists the objects that reference the object you are viewing for
configuration information. For example, an AIC object provides configuration information to an
AI object which that object applies to its conversion algorithm for its present value, or a BDC
object provides state numbers and state text state configuration information to BI, BO and BV
An AIC object, for example, lists all the AI objects that reference that AIC object.
Controlled By
The Controlled By pane lists the objects that provide control values to the object you are
viewing, when it is in Auto mode. For example, a CO object provides a value in % to an AO
object which that object converts to its present value, or a SCH object provides schedule state
to an OS object.
The Controlling pane lists the objects that receive the output of the object you are viewing. For
example, a CO object may control an AO object or a SCH object may provide its schedule state
to multiple objects such as OS objects.
The Dashboard pane lists the watchlist widgets that watch the object you are viewing and it
allows you to add the object to other watchlist widgets.
When there are no watchlists on any dashboards, the Dashboard pane is not displayed.
When the object is on all watchlists, then the Watchlist list and the Add button are not
The Graph pane displays a real-time chart that corresponds to a TL object that is monitoring
and recording samples of the object.
The History pane displays the 10 most recent events that occurred for the object such as the
results of each Save operation and alarm transitions.
Save operations
The result of a save operation displays date and time, property changed or attempted to be
changed and the username of person who made the change. indicates that the save
operation was successful. indicates that the save operation failed.
When a property has multiple components, such as a group, union or array, the results are
formatted to make it clear what each component was set to.
Alarm transitions
For alarm transitions, the date and time is the device date and time when the transition
When both the from state and the to state are known, then the History pane displays both
states as from-state => to-state.
When only the to state is known, then the History pane displays only that state.
Other transitions
For DEV objects, the History pane displays when the device goes online and offline.
The Member pane is displayed for the access group (AG) object. The Member pane lists the
card users (CU objects) that are members of the access group you are viewing.
The Member pane limits the number of card users that it displays to 50 card users.
Member Of
The Member Of pane is displayed for the card user (CU) object. The Member Of pane lists the
access groups (AG objects) that the card user is a member of.
Monitored By
The Monitored By pane lists the objects such as TL and MT objects that the object you are
viewing is an input to.
Objects for which you are denied access because of your user group's BACnet permissions are
not listed.
The Monitoring pane lists the objects that are inputs to the object you are viewing.
For example, the AV object that is providing a setpoint to a CO object or the AI object that is
providing indoor temperature to an OS object.
Objects for which you are denied access because of your user group's BACnet permissions are
not listed.
The URL link to the file must be according to one of the following formats.
• Filename with spaces: entire URL must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example
"file://eZNS Application Guide.pdf"
• Filename without spaces: quotation marks not required but may be used for
enteliWEB expects the file to be located in the public folder, that is, C:\Program Files
(x86)\Delta Controls\enteliWEB\website\public. The document can be in a subfolder of public,
in which case the folder name must be in the URL, as, for example,
"file://catalog_sheets/eZNS Application Guide.pdf", where catalog_sheets is the name of the
subfolder within the public folder.
The result of the Save operation is indicated by a banner at the top of the object page.
OK Result
When all configuration properties are valid, then the confirmation banner is
displayed at the top of the page. The confirmation banner lists all the properties that were
affected by the save operation, marked as OK.
Click , on the right side of the banner, to see the complete list of affected properties.
Error Result
When one or more of the configuration properties was invalid, then the error banner
is displayed at the top of the page. The error banner lists all the properties that
were affected by the save operation. When a change to a property was accepted by the object, it
is marked as OK. When a change to a property was rejected by the object, it is marked with an
error message.
Click , on the right side of the banner, to see the complete list of affected properties
and their corresponding error messages.
When you have made changes to the object page, the Are you Sure You Want to Leave This
Page dialog opens. Click Leave this page.
See Watchlist Widget Tasks for information about adding a watchlist to a dashboard.
Chapter 5 – Dashboards
This chapter describes the enteliWEB dashboards and covers the tasks associated with the
personal dashboard.
About Dashboards
Dashboards are task-driven visualizations that provide users with the information they need
automatically, without them having to search for it. Dashboards make the process of
navigating from high level operational views to specific elements of the system into a simple
and intuitive task.
A dashboard type determines its intended purpose and whether or not a user can change its
settings. enteliWEB defines the following three types of dashboards.
Enterprise dashboards are created by the enteliWEB administrator and display the widgets
assigned to them by the administrator. Enterprise dashboards cannot be modified by other
Personal Dashboard
A personal dashboard displays widgets that are selected from the widgets provided by the
enteliWEB administrator.
A personal dashboard is managed by the user who creates it. A personal dashboard cannot be
viewed or modified by other users.
To add an object to a watchlist, you must be a member of a group that has view objects
1. Navigate to the object page for the object you want to add to the watchlist.
2. On the right side of the object page, in the Dashboard pane, select your watchlist widget
from the Add to Watchlist list and click Add.
3. Return to your personal dashboard to confirm that the object is included in the
watchlist widget.
Calendar Object
The Calendar (CAL) object defines calendar date entries which might be thought of as special
event days such as holidays or as simply a list of dates. When the controller's current date
matches a date that is defined as a special event day or calendar entry in the CAL object, the
CAL object's present value changes to On for the entire day. When controller's current date
doesn't match a date that is defined as a special event day or calendar entry in the CAL object,
the CAL object's present value remains Off.
Typically, objects such as Schedule objects and GCL programs monitor the CAL object's
present value and operate differently on special event days.
Calendar view
The CAL object page Calendar view displays a traditional monthly calendar. In the Calendar
view, a special day or calendar entry is indicated by a single date or a date range, a descriptive
phrase, and an associated square-shaped color dot. See the legend for the association
between color and type of calendar entry.
You can specify multiple calendar entries and overlapping calendar entries. Calendar entries
in the past are deleted automatically, when the CAL object is configured to do so.
When you add a calendar entry, you choose from the following four types of calendar entries to
Single Date
A Single Date entry specifies the date for one day.
Date Range
A Date Range entry specifies the dates for one or more consecutive days.
indicates the dates that the Date Range entry occurs on.
Recurring Date
A Recurring Date entry specifies a repeating pattern for one day in a month. The selected day
can be configured to repeat in many ways.
To allow expired calendar entries to be deleted automatically, enter the number of weeks, in
the range 1 to 254, that you want to retain an expired calendar entry before it is deleted.
To disable the auto delete feature, enter zero as the number of weeks.
When weekly schedules and event schedules overlap, a priority mechanism determines which
weekly schedule or event schedule is in control.
The current state of the SCH object, the value of its Present Value property, is calculated from
the weekly schedules and event schedules defined in the schedule. When no weekly schedule
or event schedule is in effect, the present value is set to the SCH object's default value.
Schedule Types
The schedule type setting determines the nature of the schedule state values and therefore
which type of objects can be controlled by the schedule. Three schedule types are possible as
described below:
When the present value changes, the SCH object writes the present value to subscriber objects
that require schedule control information.
Navigation Buttons
The navigation buttons displayed on the SCH object's Title Bar provide the following functions:
Week displays the schedule week view and the weekly schedules and event schedules
for that week.
Month displays the schedule month view and allows you to navigate the timeline from
month to month.
Details displays a list view of the weekly schedules and event schedules that are in the
Time Ranges
The schedule represented by a SCH object consists of one or more time ranges and
corresponding schedule values that you define. Time Ranges are defined by weekly schedules,
event schedules and the SCH object's default value.
Default value
The default value is applied to all time ranges that are not covered by a weekly schedule or an
event schedule and for the time ranges before Start Date and after End Date.. The SCH object's
default value is configured when the object is created.
For a multi-state schedule, enter an integer number in the range from 1 to 65534.
For an analog schedule, enter a number in the range from -65534 to +65534.
Weekly schedule
A weekly schedule is typically used to define the facility's normal weekly equipment operation
or its occupancy hours. A weekly schedule time range repeats every week, at the same times
and days. Although you can define multiple weekly schedules, a given time range can be
defined by only one weekly schedule. Unlike event schedules described below, a weekly
schedule doesn't have a priority setting and doesn't overlap with other weekly schedules.
Event schedule
An event schedule defines a temporary or recurring event that take priority over the default
value and the weekly schedule time ranges. An event schedule is typically for a one-time event
such as a holiday or an event that occurs regularly but doesn't work as a weekly schedule.
An event schedule can repeat, for example as a specific month and day every year such as the
first Monday of January, the New Year's Day holiday, or as a recurring time range such as the
third week of every month. Alternatively, an event schedule can link to a local calendar which
defines its time ranges.
You can add up to 100 event schedules to a schedule. Event schedules that will never occur
again can be deleted automatically.
A Single Date event schedule defines an event schedule that occurs on one day only.
A Date Range event schedule defines an event schedule that occurs at the same time on one or
more consecutive days.
A Recurring Week and Day event schedule defines an event schedule that recurs at the same
time on specified days, weeks and months.
A Recurring Date entry specifies a repeating pattern for one day in a month. The selected day
can be configured to repeat in many ways.
A Calendar Reference event schedule defines an event schedule that occurs at the same time
on the days determined by the referenced Calendar object. A Calendar Reference event
schedule provides a convenient method of overriding the normal weekly schedule of a
Schedule object.
Start Date
Start Date specifies when the SCH object schedule is in effect. Leave this field blank to display
No Start Date and allow the schedule to be effective immediately. For the time ranges before
Start Date, the SCH object value is the Default Value.
End Date
End Date specifies when the SCH object schedule is no longer in effect. Leave this field blank
to display No End Date and allow the schedule to be effective forever. For the time ranges after
End Date, the SCH object value is the Default Value.
Week view
In the Week view, color shading indicates the time range associated with weekly schedules and
event schedules. When a time range is colored white, no weekly schedule or event schedule is
defined for that time range and therefore the default schedule value is in effect for that time
range. See the legend for the association between color and event type.
Click this button to display the previous week in the schedule timeline.
Click this button to display the next week in the schedule timeline.
Click this button to display the calendar dialog where you can choose the week and month
that you want to view the schedule for.
Display Events checkbox in Week view, allows you to select whether or not the event
schedules are displayed. When Display Events is not selected, then weekly schedules only are
or Click this button to display the legend for the colors associated with each type of
weekly schedule and event.
Month view
In the Month view, the month calendar lists the time ranges and associated color dot on the
days when they occur to indicate weekly schedules and events and their schedule types. When
a time range is not listed, the default schedule value is in effect for that time range. See the
legend for the association between color and event type.
Click this button to display the previous month in the schedule timeline.
Click this button to display the next month in the schedule timeline.
Click this button to display the calendar dialog where you can choose the month that you
want to view the schedule for.
or Click this button to display the legend for the colors associated with each type of
weekly schedule and event.
Details view
In the Details view, all weekly schedules and all event schedules for the schedule object are
listed in tabular format. The schedules are organized in the tables by date and time.
4. Set the event schedule's start time by hour and minute in the left Time field.
5. Set the event schedule's end time by hour and minute in the right Time field.
6. Select the month that you want the event schedule to recur on, from the Month list.
Select Every when you want the event schedule to recur on all months. Select Odd
Months when you want the event schedule to recur on January, March, May, July,
September and November. Select Even Months when you want the event schedule to
recur on February, April, June, August, October and December.
7. Select the date that you want the event schedule to recur on, from the Date list. Select
Every when you want the event schedule to recur on every day of the month. Select Last
when you want the event schedule to recur on the last day of the month regardless of
the date.
8. Select the year that you want the event schedule to recur on, from the Year list. Select
Every when you want the event schedule to recur on every year.
9. Select the weekday with the specified date that you want the event schedule to recur
on, from the Day list. Select Every when you want the event schedule to recur on any
weekday with the specified date.
If Every Year and a specific Day is selected, then the event schedule applies only to the
years when the specified date also occurs on the specified weekday.
10. In the Value field, enter the event schedule's value. For a binary schedule, the choices
are On and Off. For a multistate schedule, enter an integer number in the range from 1
to 65534. For an analog schedule, enter a number in the range from -65534 to +65534.
11. In the Priority list, select the priority for this event schedule, in the range 1 to 16. 1 is
the highest priority.
12. Click Save to add the recurring date event schedule to the schedule.
Deleting a Schedule
1. Click Details to display information about all the schedules in a table.
2. Select the schedule you want to delete. The Delete button becomes active.
3. Click Delete. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the schedule.
4. Click Yes to delete the schedule.
The BACnet Revision 3 Schedule (SCH) object describes a weekly schedule with seven days
that recurs during a range of dates.
Each day of the week contains up to eight time ranges when the schedule is in the On state.
Portions of the day that are not covered by a time range are in the Off state.
When the schedule transitions to On or to Off, the SCH object writes the present value to
controlled objects that subscribe to the schedule.
You can associate one or two calendar (CAL) objects with the SCH object. The CAL objects act
as overrides to the SCH object. When a calendar day is On, then a separate set of up to eight
time ranges are in effect, regardless of the schedule for that week day
Control Information
Last On
Last On displays the date and time that the schedule most recently transitioned to the On state.
Last Off
Last Off displays the date and time that the schedule most recently transitioned to the Off
Next On
Next On displays the date and time that the schedule's next transition to the On state will occur
Next Off
Next Off displays the date and time that the schedule's next transition to the Off state will
occur today.
Schedule Information
Day of Week
Day of Week specifies the day of the week that you want to add, edit or delete an On time range
On specifies the time of day when you want a time range to transition to the On state.
Off specifies the time of day when you want the time range to transition to the Off state for the
time range that starts with the specified On time.
Event Schedules
Event Schedules specify the associated CAL objects.
Start Date
Start Date specifies when the SCH object schedule is in effect. Leave this field blank to display
No Start Date and allow the schedule to be effective immediately.
End Date
End Date specifies when the SCH object schedule is no longer in effect. Leave this field blank
to display No End Date and allow the schedule to be effective forever.
The TL object collects the samples either periodically on a fixed time interval or it collects a
sample when a significant change in the monitored object's value has occurred.
To extend the TL object's limited sample storage capacity, you can add a Historian device or
one or more CopperCubes to the network. The data samples are transferred from the TL
object memory to the Historian archive or the CopperCube archive where the capacity is
The TL object page allows you to visualize the samples on a line chart and view the samples in
tabular format.
The TL object page allows you to download samples, in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format,
to a file.
When samples are stored in a Historian archive or a CopperCube archive, then the TL object
allows you to view that archived data, in increments of up to 6000 samples.
The TL object detects when its samples are being stored in a Historian archive or a
CopperCube archive and automatically retrieves the samples to plot from the archive rather
than from the TL object internal buffer memory.
You can change the chart time span by zooming in and zooming out.
1. The Chart Span axis displays the time range of the samples that are plotted on the
2. The Time Span axis displays the entire time range of the samples that are listed in the
sample data table.
3. The Time Span axis displays the time range of the samples that are plotted on the
chart, highlighted in blue.
4. Time range adjuster that sets the earliest time for the Chart Span axis.
5. Time range adjuster that sets the latest time for the Chart Span axis.
• When the difference between two adjacent samples is greater than 1.5 times the COV
increment, then the points are joined by a step change line.
• When the difference between two adjacent samples is less than or equal to 1.5 times
the COV increment, then the points are joined by a sloped line.
When more than one sample has the same time stamp then increments of one one-hundredth
of a second are added to the time stamps to differentiate them.
Archiving to Historian
Historian is a licensed ORCAview add-on that collects and archives trend log data permanently
in a standard SQL database. Data samples that are collected by thousands of TL objects are
collected by Historian over the BACnet network and archived in its SQL database. Historian
provides an opportunity to record, view, analyze and manage data in ways that are not possible
using the TL object and the MultiTrend (MT) object.
• Max Samples which specifies the number of samples buffered by the controller TL.
Historian must collect the controller TL's new samples before the buffer memory is full
and the samples are overwritten.
• Log Type which specifies when a sample is collected from the monitored object: by
polling or by change of value (COV).
Clearly, a controller TL with a low Max Samples setting coupled with a frequent Sample
Interval setting or a monitored object with a low COV Minimum Increment setting is a high
usage TL and a candidate for experiencing data loss.
While a controller TL with Log Type set to Polling means a predictable and constant sampling
rate, a controller TL with Log Type set to COV means a dynamic sampling rate. Depending on
the COV Minimum Increment, rapid changes in the monitored value generate more frequent
samples that when the value is constant.
For example, a room temperature is relatively constant during occupied times but may change
rapidly when the space is scheduled to unoccupied and the temperature conditioning is turned
Therefore, the rapid change in temperature causes a controller TL with Log Type set to COV to
experience a sudden influx of samples in a short period. Historian's scheduler may not be able
to respond quickly enough to avoid data loss.
Archiving to a CopperCube
A CopperCube is a licensed device from CopperTree Analytics that collects and archives trend
log data permanently in a standard SQL database. Data samples from thousands of TL objects
are collected by CopperCube over the BACnet network and archived in its SQL database.
A CopperCube provides a comprehensive user interface that allows you to configure trend log
archiving and to manage data in ways that are not possible using the TL object and the
MultiTrend (MT) object.
The same data archiving and design goals described for Historian apply for the CopperCube.
Before you can view trend log data that is being archived on a CopperCube, an administrator
must create a connection between enteliWEB and the CopperCube.
Multiple CopperCubes
It is possible for multiple CopperCubes to be connected to the same BACnet network and for
those CopperCubes to be archiving samples from the same TL object, to provide a degree of
When you open the TL object page for a TL object that is being archived on multiple
CopperCubes, enteliWEB selects the CopperCube that has archived the most samples for that
TL object. The samples from the selected CopperCube archive are displayed on the TL object
The TL object page does not select the CopperCube based on any other criteria such as older
samples versus newer samples and it does not merge archived samples from multiple
To monitor a property other than present value, specify that property name. For example,
9100.AI1.Commissioned causes the TL object to collects samples of the object's commissioned
When the collected samples are being archived by Historian, the Monitored Object field is
Log Type
Log Type specifies how the TL object collects samples.
When Polling is selected, the TL object's Sample Interval setting determines the time interval
between the collected samples.
When you select Change of Value, a sample is collected whenever the change in the
monitored object's value is greater or equal to its COV minimum increment setting. When you
select Change of Value, you may want to adjust the monitored object's COV minimum
increment setting.
Max Samples
When the TL object is not archiving to Historian or to a CopperCube, Max Samples specifies the
maximum number of samples you want to hold in the TL object's buffer memory.
As a rough guide, each sample requires approximately 10 bytes of memory. For example,
when Max Samples is set to 100 then 1000 bytes of buffer memory is used to store 100 data
When the maximum number of samples are stored in the TL object memory then the trend log
is considered to be full. When the trend log is full, the next sample overwrites the earliest
sample unless you set Stop Sampling at to When Trend Log is Full.
When the TL object is archiving to Historian, Max Samples is disabled. It displays Unlimited.
Start Sampling at
Start Sampling at specifies when the TL object will begin to collect samples.
When the Start Sampling at checkbox is cleared, the text "No Start Date" is displayed. The TL
object begins to collect samples immediately or when the controller is reset or when the
controller time changes.
When Log Type is set to Polling, the Start Sampling at time affects when the TL object polls for
the sample. The TL object calculates the poll time using the Start Time at setting and the
Sample Interval setting. The table below provides several examples of the behavior for
determining when the poll occurs.
Sample Interval
Sample Interval specifies the time interval you want to elapse between samples when Log
Type is set to Polling.
When you select Interval, enter the time interval in the adjacent field in hours, minutes and
seconds. Sample interval range is from 00:00:01 second to 23:59:59 hours.
Stop Sampling at
Stop Sampling at specifies when the TL object will stop collecting samples.
When the Stop Sampling at checkbox is cleared, the text "No End Date" is displayed.
To stop collecting samples on a specific date and time, select the Stop Sampling at checkbox
and configure the date and time when you want the TL object to stop collecting samples.
To stop collecting samples when the TL object has collected the number of samples specified
by Max Samples, select When Trend Log is Full.
Alternatively, enter the complete object reference and specify the property name. For
example, //MainSite/9100.AI1.MaxValue
3. Select the Log Type.
Select Polling when you want the TL object to collect samples at regular time intervals.
When you select Polling, the Sample Interval setting appears below Start Sampling At
to allow you to set the polling interval.
Select Change of Value when you want the TL object to collect a sample whenever the
change in the monitored object's value is greater or equal to its COV minimum
increment setting.
4. Enter the maximum number of samples you want the trend log to hold.
5. Select when you want the TL object to start sampling. Clear the checkbox to start
immediately. Select the checkbox to set a date and time to start sampling.
6. Select Sample Interval. The Sample Interval setting is displayed when you select
Polling for the Log Type setting.
When you select Interval, enter the sampling or polling interval in the form hh:mm:ss
or choose it from the list.
7. Select when you want the TL object to stop sampling. To set a specific date and time
select the left-most checkbox and enter the date and time. To stop sampling when the
TL object reaches the maximum number of samples, select When Trend Log is Full. To
have sampling continue forever and never stop, clear both checkboxes.
8. Click Save to send the configuration to the object.
See Saving an Object Page to understand how the result of the save operation is
1. Set the Showing Samples field to the number of samples that you want to retrieve
from the TL object.
2. Click Go. A progress bar appears adjacent to the Go button.
When the update is completed, the progress bar is removed.
1. Method A: Click to zoom out to display all the samples that you obtained from the
TL object. When this button is not displayed, the chart is displaying all the samples as
specified by the Showing Samples setting.
2. Method B: Position the time range adjusters to the earliest and latest times you want to
view on the chart. The chart plot adjusts to display only the samples that were collected
between those times.
Click the menu indicator to display the selection menu. Select Columns from the
menu then select or clear a checkbox to add or remove a column.
5. Clear the Include Non-Data Samples checkbox to remove all the non-data samples
from the sample data table. The non-data samples are not deleted from the TL object
1. Click Delete Sample Data to delete all samples from the TL object memory.
2. Click Save to confirm that you want to complete this operation or click Delete Sample
Data again to cancel the operation.
Multitrend Object
The Multitrend (MT) object allows you to visualize the samples that have been collected and
stored by multiple Trend Log (TL) objects, in line chart format.
The MT object plots the samples of up to 8 TL objects. The MT object can obtain samples from
the following sources:
The MT object updates its plots with the most recent samples periodically, from the TL objects.
The MT object page includes several features that allow you to arrange the chart to display the
samples for the time range window you want and to move or pan your view both forward and
backward along the time range window.
Chart Options
Two settings, View Samples and Time Span, together, allow you to set the time range window
for the samples that the MT object loads from the TL objects and that you can view on the
chart. The pan and zoom functions are constrained to operate in this time range window.
View Samples / Most Recent allows you view new samples as they are collected by the TL
objects. Then, Time Span allows you to set the time interval in the past that you want to view
samples for.
View Samples / Go To sets the time of the sample that is displayed at the mid-point of the axis.
Then, Time Span allows you to set the width of the time range window.
Adjusters on the chart allow you to move the time range window in increments of the Time
Span setting.
The chart span axis displays the time line of the samples that visible and are plotted in the
The time span axis displays the time line for all of the samples that the MT object loaded from
the TL objects. The View Samples and the time span settings determine what samples are
When you zoom and pan, the chart span axis time line changes and the time span axis doesn't.
However, the chart span time line is highlighted in blue on the time span axis. The two time
adjusters mark the earliest and latest times of the chart span time line, on the time span axis.
The example below identifies the chart span axis, the time span axis and the time range
1. The chart span axis with zoom in applied
2. The time span axis when Time Span is set to 24 Hours.
3. The time span axis displays the chart span axis time range highlighted in blue.
4. Time range adjuster that sets the earliest time for the chart span axis.
5. Time range adjuster that sets the latest time for the chart span axis.
The legend, which is located above the chart, displays the names of the objects that are
monitored by the TL objects and the colors of their plots.
When a TL object resides on a remote controller rather than on the controller with the MT
object, then the remote controller's address is shown as a prefix to the object name.
• When the difference between two adjacent samples is greater than 1.5 times the COV
increment, then the points are joined by a step change line.
• When the difference between two adjacent samples is less than or equal to 1.5 times
the COV increment, then the points are joined by a sloped line.
When more than one sample has the same time stamp then increments of one one-hundredth
of a second are added to the time stamps to differentiate them.
Configuration Fields
View Samples
Most Recent specifies that you want the chart to be dynamic and to always displays new
samples as they are collected by the TL objects.
The MT object loads and displays data samples relative to the enteliWEB client browser time,
not relative to the device's local time. When the device is in a different time zone than the
client browser, Most Recent doesn't work.
Go To allows you to select the time and date that you want to display at the center of the
chart's timeline.
Time Span
Time Span specifies the time interval that you want to view data samples for. That is, it sets the
maximum extent of the chart's timeline.
When you select Go To and set a date and time, then half of the data samples that the MT object
loads are later than the date and time, and half of the data samples are earlier than the date
and time.
TL Reference
TL Reference specifies the local or remote TL object that you want to view data samples from.
Axis specifies, for analog values, which y-axis, left or right, has the corresponding units of
Axis specifies, for digital values, that the digital area of the chart is to be used for the plot.
Color specifies the color of the line on the chart for the TL object samples.
The name of the CSV file is of the form MT_<MT object name>.csv. Characters that are not
allowed in a filename are removed from the MT object name.
1. Adjust Time Span for the time interval of the data samples that you want to download.
Wait for the samples to be retrieved from their sources.
2. Click that is located near the upper right corner of the chart to begin the download
process. Please wait. There is no visible change immediately to the user interface.
3. Eventually your browser prompts you to save the csv file.
1. Open Excel
2. Select Data > From Text. The Import Text File dialog opens.
3. In the Import Text File dialog, set the file type to *.csv
4. Navigate to and select the CSV file you want to import into Excel.
5. Click Import. The Text Import Wizard Step 1 dialog opens.
6. In the area titled Original data type, select Delimited.
7. From the list labeled File origin, select 65001 : Unicode (UTF-8).
8. Click Next. The Text Import Wizard Step 2 dialog opens.
9. In the area titled Delimiters, select Comma.
10. Click Next. The Text Import Wizard Step 3 dialog opens.
11. Click Finish. The Import Data dialog opens to ask the question Where do you want to
put the data?
12. Make any necessary changes to this dialog and click OK.
13. The data is imported and is displayed in the Excel spreadsheet.
In the Delta Controls Event Management System, the standard BACnet event management
objects are referred to by slightly different names and abbreviations than in the standard, as
ASHRAE Standard Object Name Delta Object Name Delta Object Abbreviation
For example, a room temperature is monitored and an alarm is reported when the room
temperature becomes too high or too low. An AI object obtains the room temperature from the
room temperature sensor. An EV object monitors the AI object's value. The EV object is
configured with the parameters for what the reasonable temperature limits are for this room.
Alternatively, instead of using an EV object, the AI object's intrinsic alarming capability could
be used to monitor the room temperature. That is, the AI object would be configured with the
parameters for what the reasonable temperature limits are for this room.
At 72°F (22.2°C), the room temperature is acceptable. However, if the room temperature rises
to 85°F (29.4°C), the room is clearly too hot and this condition must be reported.
The EV object recognizes the alarm condition and reports it by notifying the associated EVC
The EVC object prioritizes the event as to its importance and then sends a notification message
over the BACnet network so other controllers and the operator work station can act on it.
At this point the AI, EV and EVC objects have done their jobs by reporting the alarm to the rest
of the system. Now, depending on the destinations that are configured in the EVC object's
recipient list, the following actions may occur:
Delta recommends the following algorithms for alarm detection. Other algorithms that are
specified in the ASHRAE standard, such as change of bitstring and change of value, are not
typically useful in a building automation system.
Out of Range
The out of range algorithm asks the question: "Is the analog input in its normal range between
fixed limits?". A setpoint is not involved.
When the input is not in the normal range, then a high limit or low limit alarm is generated.
See Event Class object out of range settings in the enteliWEB help for information about
configuring the out of range algorithm.
When the input is not in the normal range with respect to the setpoint, then a high limit or low
limit alarm is generated. See Event Class object floating limit settings in the enteliWEB help
for information about configuring the floating limit algorithm.
Change of State
The change of state algorithm ask the question: "Is the binary input on or off?".
When the input is not in the expected state, then an alarm is generated. See Event Class object
change of state settings in the enteliWEB help for information about configuring the change of
state algorithm.
When the status input is not in the same state as the control signal, then an alarm is
generated. See Event Class object command failure settings in the enteliWEB help for
information about configuring the command failure algorithm.
Maintenance EVC1
Network EVC2
Security EVC3
Critical EVC4
Notification EVC5
Fire EVC6
Archival EVC9
Additional EVC objects can be created to allow better alarm filtering. It is important, however,
that each controller on the network contains the same EVC objects.
A multi-building WAN building automation system often benefits from having a unique event
class or classes for each building.
The EVC object also allows you to set an individual BACnet priority for each of the three event
transitions: To Alarm, To Fault and Return to Normal. The BACnet priority provides enteliWEB
with an alternative to the Delta event class categories, for prioritizing alarms.
The order that the alarm groups are listed on the Alarm Settings page determines their
relative priorities. Alarm groups is an administrative function.
Acknowledging Alarms
The acknowledge settings in the EVC object determine if someone has to acknowledge the
alarm when it occurs. The EVC object allows you to set an individual acknowledge requirement
for each of the three event transitions: To Alarm, To Fault and Return to Normal. Typically,
Return to Normal does not require an acknowledgment.
The acknowledge settings in the EVC object are particular to each controller. For consistent
system behavior, the acknowledge settings for a given event class must be kept the same in all
To record alarm events, Historian uses an Event Log object named EVL1 which records all
non-access control events via Event Class objects (EVCs) 1 through 6. These six EVC objects
correspond to the alarm classes: Maintenance, Network, Security, Critical, Notification and
Additional EVL objects can be created on the Historian computer and linked to an EVC object.
All events recorded by these EVL objects are stored directly in the Historian database.
To view the contents of Historian's alarm database, use the EVL1 object's dialog.
The Alarm List page lists active alarms that have been reported by objects in devices on a
BACnet network. Alarms are reported when the object that detects a problem generates an
alarm notification that is sent over the BACnet network.
The alarm list reflects only the alarm notifications that reach enteliWEB. Therefore, the
definitive source for active alarms remains in the objects.
The Alarm List page allows you to perform the following tasks:
1. The building automation system component that is reporting the problem is in either an
alarm state or the fault state currently
2. The building automation system component no longer has the problem and is in the
normal state currently but it was previously in either an alarm state or the fault state
that was not acknowledged
An alarm notification is generated by an Event (EV) object or an Event Enrollment object that is
associated with the monitored object or by the monitored object itself when it supports
intrinsic reporting.
What is an Alert?
When a problem is detected with an enteliWEB subsystem in the enteliWEB server, an alert
notification is generated. An alert, therefore, is an alarm that reports an internal problem
rather than an alarm that reports a problem from the building automation system via the
BACnet network.
In addition, an application module that has been implemented with the enteliWEB API can
generate alerts.
The Alarm List page allows you to manage alerts in the same way that you manage alarms.
What is Filter?
Perhaps the most powerful feature of the Alarm List page is its filters. A filter allows you to
narrow down the number of alarms that are listed by specifying the criteria that an active
alarm must match to be on the Alarm List page.
Filters are additive, that is, you can apply more than one filter to the alarm list. The criteria of
each filter is ANDed to create a composite filter. The result is that only active alarms that
match the composite filter are listed on the Alarm List page.
You can create any number of filters to allow you focus quickly on the alarms you are
interested in, such as critical alarms, alarms assigned to you, alarms from certain devices, and
so on.
A filter also governs some aspects of the treatment of the alarms such as visual notifications
and email notifications.
If the component that has the problem is in either an alarm state or the fault state currently
then you must correct the problem to allow the component to return to the normal state.
1. Source for alarms
2. Command list
3. Search
4. Filter and Manage Filters buttons, save as PDF or CSV buttons
5. Quickbar
6. List of active alarms
7. Alarm flags, Assign to and Notes
8. Trend log plot
9. History
10. Related Items
11. Page Selection and Refresh
The Alarms section of the left navigation pane lists the following types of sources, in tree view
• Sites
• Alerts
• Views
The advanced filter allows you configure the following types of sources:
• Multiple sites
• Multiple systems/views
• Range of device addresses
• Types of objects
Command list
The Command list allow you to select from the following commands.
Acknowledge: Acknowledges the alarms that you have selected from the alarm list. You are
prompted to add an acknowledge message.
Acknowledge All: Acknowledges all alarms on the alarm list that require an acknowledgement.
You are prompted to add an acknowledge message.
Update Alarm List: Discards the current alarm list that is held in the BACnet Server and
reloads the active alarms from all devices and objects on the network.
The search allows you to narrow down the number of active alarms that are displayed in the
alarm list.
Search matches the text fragment you enter with any occurrence of that fragment in any field
in an alarm notification, for the active alarms that are listed. For example, enter temp in the
search field to view only the active alarms in the list in which temp or words that include the
letters temp appear in the alarm notification or in associated information such as alarm flags,
assign to and notes.
The Filter dialog allows you to search based on information in certain fields of an active alarm.
You can save the filters that you use regularly.
The Filter dialog is where you can create filters and apply them against the active alarm list to
test them. The Filter dialog is hidden when it is not being used.
The Advanced Filter dialog allows you to create a BACnet network-oriented filter to filter
across multiple sites, by device range, system and object type. The Advanced Filter dialog is
included as an option in the Filter dialog.
When multiple filters are activated, then the alarm list displays only the active alarms that
meet the filter settings of all of the activated filters. That is, search, filter and quickbar are
logically ANDed.
Manage Filters
The Manage Filters dialog allows you to view and change the filter setting and attributes of
saved filters, depending on the your permissions. Administrative users are granted more
capabilities than non-administrative users.
The Manage Filters dialog allows administrative users to assign filters to users and groups
and to subscribe users and groups to receive alarm notification emails.
See Managing Filters for information about filter management capabilities for administrative
and non-administrative users.
The button allows you to save the active alarms in the list to a file in CSV (Comma-
Separated Value) format.
The quickbar pane holds the filters that you use frequently to allow you to activate and
deactivate them with a click. An activated filter is displayed with red background highlighting.
The quickbar is consistent across the alarm lists for multiple sites and views. That is, when
you select different items in the Alarms section of the left navigation pane, the quickbar
remains in place with the all the filters displayed.
The quickbar is hidden when it holds no filters. You add a filter to the quickbar using the
Manage Filters dialog.
Alarm List
The alarm list displays detailed information about the active alarms that match your text
search and filter settings.
When you are not using the Advanced filter, the alarm list displays active alarms for the one
source that you selected in the Alarms section of the left navigation pane. Alternatively, if you
are using the advanced filter then the alarm list displays active alarms for the sources that you
have selected in the advanced filter.
When the text search and filter settings are empty then the alarm list displays all of the active
alarms that enteliWEB knows about, for the source that you selected in the Alarms section of
the left navigation pane.
See Alarm List Reference for the organization of the information that is presented in an active
The Alarm Flags and Assign To assignments and the Notes information you enter for an alarm
are saved by enteliWEB. Then when the same alarm occurs again and is listed on the alarms
list, the Alarm Flags, Assign To and Notes from the previous occurrence of that alarm are
You can add and save the following information about the alarm, information which you can
then filter on:
Alarm Flags: An alarm flag is an attribute that you can assign to one or more alarms. Typically
an alarm flag is used to mark a critical alarm or to assist you to implement a workflow for
managing certain types of alarms. Alarm flags have no inherent meaning to enteliWEB.
enteliWEB has four built-in alarm flags: Nuisance, Important, Needs Repair, Under Repair
Assign to: allows you to associate an enteliWEB user with one or more alarms. By assigning
alarms to users you can implement a workflow for delegating alarms. Each user should create
an "assigned to me" filter.
Notes allows you to add comments about one or more alarms. Anyone who views the alarm
will see the notes.
The History pane displays a list of the recent activity for a selected alarm.
Related Items
The Related Items pane lists all the links to associated objects, dashboards and graphics that
pertain to the monitored object for a selected alarm.
Refresh means to update the Alarm List page with the active alarms that match your text
search and filter settings, from the list of active alarms that enteliWEB knows about.
Otherwise, unless enteliWEB is set to refresh the Alarm List page automatically, the alarm list
is not updated when new active alarms are annunciated.
When enteliWEB is set to refresh the Alarm List page automatically, it does so approximately
every 20 seconds.
When you select an alarm from the alarm list, the automatic refresh function is deactivated.
Managing Filters
You manage filters to keep them current with your changing alarm management needs.
Not all users can set the subscriber list. See following sections about the limitations.
A non-administrative user is limited to managing the filters that he or she created. An non-
administrative user can't manage a filter on the Quickbar that has been subscribed for the
user by an administrative user. Filters that have been created by other users are not displayed
in the Manage Filters dialog for a non-administrative user, with one exception. When a non-
administrative user is subscribed to email for a filter created by another user, that filter is
listed in the Manage Filter dialog. However, the non-administrative user can't change the
A non-administrative user can perform all of the following the tasks for a filter that he or she
• Create a filter
• Delete a filter
• Change filter settings for filter
• Display a checkbox on the Quickbar that can be used to apply a filter
• Disable alarm annunciations for alarm notifications that match filter
• Subscribe to be emailed an alarm notification about alarms that match filter
• View but not change or delete settings for a filter that an administrative user has
subscribed for the non-administrative user
See Permissions and Alarm Management for other aspects of user permissions and alarms.
Alarm Notifications
An alarm notification alerts the user that an notification has been received by enteliWEB, that
is, a transition has occurred in the state of a monitored object.
enteliWEB provides the following methods for annunciating the alarm notification to the user:
The notification history window presents, in tabular format, one row that contains the
following information, for each notification:
When the notification history window is pinned, it remains visible and persists when the user
moves from page to page in enteliWEB. When it is not pinned, the notification history window
closes when it loses user focus.
The user can clear the notification history window at any time by dismissing the notifications.
Notification Popup
An popup is a temporary display in the lower right corner of the page that provides summary
information to alert the user about one or more new alarm notifications. The user can choose
to ignore the popup or to click on it to deal with the alarm immediately.
The notification popup is enabled or disabled in the user settings, by the administrator.
The notification popup can be disabled for certain alarms when an alarm list filter has Exclude
from Alarm Notification selected.
Notification Sound
An alarm notification can be annunciated by sound at the user's workstation. You choose the
sounds by adding the sound files to the enteliWEB server and assigning them to alarm groups.
A different sound can be played for each alarm group.
The notification sound is enabled or disabled in the user settings, by the administrator.
The notification sound can be disabled for certain alarms when an alarm list filter has Exclude
from Alarm Notification selected.
Two new notifications are listed in the notification history window. The number
corresponds to the number of notifications that have occurred since the last time that the user
opened the notification history window.
The notification status indicator is not displayed when the user has dismissed all notifications
from the notification history window.
The notification status indicator is enabled or disabled in the user settings, by the
The notification status indicator can be disabled for certain alarms when an alarm list filter
has Exclude from Alarm Notification selected.
Emailing Notifications
By subscribing to email in an filter, a user can receive an email message for every alarm
notification that matches the filter. The email is sent to the address that is specified in the user
settings. See Managing Filters for information about subscribing to alarm notification by email.
Email notification is not enabled and disabled by the Alarm Notification setting in the user
settings. See Permissions and Alarm Management for information about user permissions and
email notifications.
Three types of permissions must be taken into account: Administrative permissions, User
Interface permissions and BACnet permissions.
Administrative Permissions
For a user to be able to manage all filters for all users, he or she must be a member of a group
with the Manage Alarms permission. See Managing Filters for information about managing
In the Administrative Permissions section of the group permissions page, configure as follows:
Manage Alarms
In the User Interface Permissions section of the group permissions page for the group you
want to have access to alarms, configure as follows to allow access to the Alarms section of
the left pane navigation tree. Without this permission, the Alarms section is not included of the
left pane navigation tree.
BACnet Permissions
To view the a particular source for alarms, the user must be a member of a group with
permission to access that source. For example, to view alarms from a certain site, permission
to view that site is required.
• User is not a member of a group that has permission for the site.
• User is a member of a group that has permission for the site but user is not a member
of a group that has permission for the device.
• User is a member of a group that has permission for the site and for the device but user
is not a member of a group that has at least Read permission for the monitored object.
An alert notifies the user about a status change that enteliWEB has detected that originates
from a specialized internal system or that originates from an application module that has been
added to enteliWEB.
System Alert
A system alert monitors one of several specialized internal systems that are critical to
enteliWEB operation. A system alert notification is generated when an alert detects a problem
in the system or connection it is monitoring.
System alerts are created by enteliWEB. You can't change a system alert rule and you can't
add alerts to a system alert rule.
System alerts are associated with the Critical event class. When alarm list filters are set to
filter only on Critical, then both the alarms and the alerts that are associated with Critical are
listed or included in an email. To include only alerts, the filter needs to excludes all sites.
CopperCube Alert
A CopperCube alert monitors one connection between enteliWEB and a CopperCube.
enteliWEB uses the built-in alert rule named CopperCube Offline Detection. enteliWEB creates
a separate alert for each connection between enteliWEB and a CopperCube. A CopperCube
alert generates an alert notification when the connection fails and when the connection is
Service Alert
A service alert monitors an enteliWEB service such as the connection service and the report
generation engine service. enteliWEB uses the built-in alert rule named Service Monitor.
enteliWEB creates a separate alert for each service. A service alert generates an alert
notification when the service develops a fault or an alarm condition.
The following paragraphs describe the information items that are shown in the preceding
Organization of Information in an Active Alarm Listing illustration.
Monitored Object
monitored object is the name of the object that is in alarm or fault. Also a link to the object
page. When you hover the mouse cursor over the monitored object name then its complete
object and property reference is displayed.
Click monitored object to open the object page for the monitored object.
If no event enrollment object is displayed then the alarm was generated intrinsically by the
monitored object.
Assigned To
assigned to is an optional item that indicates the enteliWEB user who is associated with the
Status Icon
status icon provides a visual indication of the status of the monitored object, as reported by the
corresponding alarm notification. The possible status icons are as follows:
Alarm Notification
Alarm notification is the text message that is included in the corresponding alarm notification.
The most recent alarm notification is listed first
Ack Flag
ack flag is displayed when the corresponding alarm notification needs to be acknowledged.
When no ack flag is displayed then that alarm notification does not require notification.
When you hover your mouse cursor over date and time, a popup displays full date and time
Filter Dialog
Alarm Group
Alarm Group specifies one or more alarm group names. When an alarm that is of an event
class or of a BACnet priority that matches one of the alarm groups, then that alarm is listed in
the Alarm List page. Alarms that do not match are not listed.
Alternatively, when exclude is selected then the alarms that don't match any of the specified
alarm groups are listed in the Alarm List page.
Notification Class
Notification Class specifies one or more class or category names from a list of all classes or
categories that enteliWEB is aware of, for all the modules that enteliWEB is aware of.
When an alarm is of a class or category that matches one of those that you specified, then that
alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms that do not match are not listed.
Alarm State
Alarm State specifies one or more alarm states that are specified in all EVC objects that
enteliWEB has found on the network. When an alarm that is of an alarm state that matches one
of the alarm states, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms that do not match
are not listed.
Alternatively, when exclude is selected then the alarms that don't match any of the specified
alarm states are listed in the Alarm List page.
Assigned To
Assigned To specifies one or more enteliWEB users to which an alarm has been assigned.
When an assigned alarm matches one of the users, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List
page. Alarms that do not match are not listed.
When Assigned To is blank, then the alarm's assigned to status is not considered.
Alternatively, when exclude is selected then the alarms that aren't assigned to any of the users
that are specified in the Assigned To field are listed in the Alarm List page.
Alarm Flags
Alarm Flags specifies one or more of the alarm flags that can be added to an alarm: Nuisance,
Needs Repair, Important, Under Repair. When an alarm matches one of the flags that you
specify in the Alarm Flags field, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms that do
not match are not listed.
Alternatively, when exclude is selected then the alarms that are not flagged or are flagged
with a flag that is not specified in the Alarm Flags field are listed in the Alarm List page.
Ack Flags
Ack Flags specifies the acknowledged status of the alarms you want to be displayed on the
Alarm List page. When an alarm matches the flag that you selected in the Ack Flags field, then
that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms that do not match are not listed.
Select Acknowledged to list only the alarms in which the most recent alarm notification does
not require an acknowledgement. That is, it doesn't display .
Select Acknowledgement Required to list only the alarms in which the most recent alarm
notification requires an acknowledgement. That is, it displays .
When neither Ack Flag is selected, then the alarm's acknowledged status is not considered.
Alarm Text
Alarm Text specifies a text phrase or fragment in the alarm text portion of the notification for
the alarms you want to be displayed on the Alarm List page. When alarm text matches the text
that you specify in the Alarm Text field, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms
that do not match are not listed.
Priority specifies a range of numbers representing priority of a notification. A notification with
priority in the range that you specify is listed in the Alarm List page. Notifications with priority
that is outside the range are not listed.
When the notification originates from a BACnet device, priority is the BACnet priority.
Set the field labelled Start to lowest number in the range.
When the Start field is blank, then the filter assumes it is set to 0.
Set the field labelled End to the highest number in the range.
When the End field is blank, then the filter assumes it is set to 255
An alarm with an alarm notification that was time-stamped in the time range that you specify is
listed in the Alarm List page. Alarm notification that are time-stamped outside the time range
are not listed.
Matches active alarms with an alarm notification that was time-stamped at or after 12:00 am
of the current day. The current day is that of the enteliWEB server's date and time.
The date and time that are considered by the Date/Time filter is the date and time
when the controller generated and time-stamped the alarm notification. The time
stamp is local date and time information from the controller. It is not the
enteliWEB server's date and time when the alarm notification was received.
Alert specifies one or more sources for alerts that are present on the enteliWEB server. When
an application module that has been implemented with the enteliWEB API uses the alarm
management system, then its name is specified as a source for alerts.
When an alert that is from a source that matches one of the specified sources, then that alert
is listed in the Alarm List page. Alerts that do not match are not listed.
Object specifies some text that you want to match with object information related to an alert,
such as the object name, the object type or the object reference. The matching is case-
For information about how to specify the object, see Object as used in the advanced filter for
Advanced Filter
Site specifies one or more site names. When an alarm is from any of the specified sites, then
that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms that do not match are not listed.
When one or more sites are specified in the Site field, then the source that you selected in the
Alarms section of the left navigation pane is superseded or overridden by these sites, in the
When the Site field is blank then the site that you have selected in the Alarms section of the
left navigation pane is used.
Device Range
Device Range specifies a range of device addresses. When an alarm is from any of the devices
with an address in the range of device addresses, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List
page. Alarms that do not match are not listed.
The device address you enter in the field labeled Start must be less than or equal to the device
address you enter in the field labeled End.
When the Device Range fields are blank then an alarm that is from any of the devices from the
source or sources is listed in the Alarm List page.
System specifies one or more system names. When an alarm is from any of the objects that
are associated with a system, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page. Alarms that do
not match are not listed.
When one or more systems are specified in the System field, then the source that you selected
in the Alarms section of the left navigation pane is superseded or overridden by these systems,
in the filter.
Object specifies some text that you want to match with object information such as the object
name, the object type or the object reference. The matching is case-insensitive.
When an alarm is from a matching object, then that alarm is listed in the Alarm List page.
Alarms that do not match are not listed.
Some examples:
• AI or ai selects the alarms that have ai in their name or in their object type abbreviation
• AV2 selects the alarms from all AV objects with instances that starts with AV2, such as
AV2, AV21, AV232 on so on.
• temperature selects the alarms from objects that have temperature in their name
• 5600:AV3 selects the alarms from AV objects on device 5600 with instances that starts
with AV3
You can enter multiple items that are comma-separated in the Object field. When multiple
items are entered, an alarm that matches one or more item is listed.
Add to Quickbar
Select Add to Quickbar when you want the filter to be accessible from the quickbar.
To remove the filter from the quickbar, clear this attribute from the filter.
Subscribe to Email
The Subscribe to Email setting is available to a user who is not a member of a group with
Manage Alarms permission.
Select Subscribe to Email when you want alarm notifications that match the filter to be
emailed to you. The email messages are sent to the address you specify in your user
information settings.
When you select this attribute, then the alarm notifications that match the filter are emailed to
you regardless of which if any filter is currently in effect on the Alarm Lists page.
When you select this attribute, then you don't see these annunciations regardless of which if
any filter is currently in effect on the Alarm Lists page.
Alarm Details
The alarm details information you enter for an alarm are saved by enteliWEB. Then when the
same alarm occurs again and is listed on the alarms list, the alarm details from the previous
occurrence of that alarm are displayed.
Alarm Flags
An alarm flag is an attribute that you can assign to one or more selected alarms. Typically an
alarm flag is used to mark a critical alarm or to assist you to implement a workflow for
managing certain types of alarms.
Alarm flags have no inherent meaning to enteliWEB. They do, however, provide additional
options that you can use in a filter.
• Nuisance
• Important
• Needs Repair
• Under Repair
Assign To
Assign To specifies an enteliWEB user that you can assign one or more selected alarms to. By
assigning an alarm to a user, you can implement a workflow for managing certain types of
Notes allows you to add comments about one or more selected alarms.
To sort by date and time of most recent alarm notification, click the column with Date heading.
Select Auto Refresh at the bottom of the page to cause the alarm list to be refreshed
When you select an alarm from the alarm list, the auto refresh function is deactivated.
You can also acknowledge alarms from the notification history window.
OK Result
• is displayed at the top of the page.
• A notification stating "Acknowledgment confirmed by device ..." is received from the
device and listed in the notification history. When the alarm you selected to
acknowledge displayed multiple prior to being acknowledged, then there will be a
separate notification for each .
• Refresh and review the alarm list:
When the acknowledgment means that the alarm is no longer active, then the
alarm is removed from the alarm list.
When the alarm remains active after the acknowledgment, then the alarm
remains on the alarm list but the is removed.
• The confirmation is recorded in the History pane.
Error Result
When acknowledgement failed, then the error banner is displayed at the top of the
When the save is successful, then the confirmation banner is displayed at the top of
the page. Also, Observe the History pane.
When the save is not successful, then the error banner is displayed at the top of the
Tasks – Search
When multiple filters are activated, then the alarm list displays only the active alarms that
meet the filter settings of all of the activated filters. That is, search, filter and quickbar are
logically ANDed.
Clearing a Search
1. Delete the characters in the Search field.
2. Press Enter. The alarm list is updated to list all active alarms, or, when a filter is active,
to list the active alarms that match the filter.
Tasks – Filters
When multiple filters are activated, then the alarm list displays only the active alarms that
meet the filter settings of all of the activated filters. That is, search, filter and quickbar are
logically ANDed.
Saving a Filter
1. Create a filter. See Creating and Applying a Filter or Creating and Applying an
Advanced Filter for procedure.
2. Click Save. The Save Filter dialog opens.
3. Enter a name for the filter, in the Name field.
4. Click Save to save the filter. When you open the Manage Filters dialog, this filter is
listed under your username.
To cancel or reset the filter, see Resetting or Canceling a Filter for procedure.
To select the filter attributes you want to be in effect for this filter, click Manage Filters
and select the attributes. See Filter Attributes for information about the filter attributes.
Tasks – Quickbar
Adding a Filter to the Quickbar
1. Click Manage Filters. The Manage Filters dialog opens.
2. Select the filter you want to add to the quickbar, from the list of filters that are listed
under your username.
3. Select Add to Quickbar to display this filter on the quickbar.
4. Click Apply. is displayed for the filter in the Quickbar column of the Manage Filters
5. Close the Manage Filters dialog. The filter is on the quickbar.
The alarm list is updated to display only the alarms that match the active filters.
Tasks – Notifications
Disabling Annunciation of Alarm Notifications
1. Click Manage Filters. The Manage Filters dialog opens.
2. Select the filter you want to disable alarm notifications for, from the list of filters that
are listed under your username.
3. Select Exclude from Alarm Notification to disable the following annunciations for the
alarm notifications that match the filter.
• Popup notification
• Sound notification
• Alarm notification indicator
To hide the notification history window, click the alarm notification indicator. To hide the
notification history window, it must not be pinned.
Dismiss All does not alter the alarm list. It doesn't delete active alarms. It doesn't
acknowledge active alarms. Dismiss All is a convenience to the user who wants to remove the
notifications from the notification history window.
For example, by using an Analog Totalizer object you can determine how many liters of fluid
have passed a flow-measuring station in one week
Monitoring Parameters
The AT object page presents the following information to allow you to monitor the operation of
the totalizer.
Present Value
The Value Bar displays the object's present value and the object's mode: Auto or Manual.
In Auto mode, the present value represents the accumulated quantity of the measured variable
since the AT object was reset.
Start Time
Start Time displays the date and time when the AT object's accumulated value was reset to
zero. Start Time indicates when the AT object started to accumulate its current value.
Monitoring lists the object and its present value that is being accumulated or totalized. This
monitored object must be one of the following object types: Analog Input, Analog Output,
Analog Variable or Pulse Input object.
Monitoring Parameters
The BT object page presents the following information to allow you to monitor the operation of
the totalizer.
Present Value
The Value Bar displays the object's present value and the object's mode: Auto or Manual.
In Auto mode, the present value represents the accumulated time in hours that a binary object
has been in its active state since the BT object was reset.
< active state name> is the active state of the object that is configured as Monitored Object.
Since displays the date and time when the BT object was reset and the accumulated time was
reset to zero.
Monitoring lists the object and its present value that is being accumulated or totalized. This
monitored object must be one of the following object types: Binary Input, Binary Output, or
Binary Value object.
Monitoring Parameters
The CO object page presents the following information to allow you to monitor the operation of
the control loop.
Present Value
The Value Bar displays the object's present value and the object's mode: Auto or Manual.
In Auto mode, the CO object's present value is the control loop output that is calculated
according to the Input Value, Setpoint Value and the configuration of the CO object.
Input Source
Input Source displays the name of the object that provides the input value being monitored by
the CO object. Typically an AI object or an AV object.
Input Value
Input Value displays the value being received from the Input Source by the CO object.
Setpoint Source
Setpoint Object displays the name of an AI or AV object that provides the setpoint being
monitored by the CO object when you are using a setpoint that varies such as from a schedule
or from a wall stat setpoint adjust.
When the text "Fixed" is displayed, the setpoint source is not an AI or AV object. Instead, the
source is a fixed value that is configured in the CO object.
Setpoint Value
Setpoint Value displays the value being received from the Setpoint Source by the CO object or
the fixed value set by the CO object.
As an alternative to starting the equipment at a fixed time prior to occupancy, you can use the
Optimum Start (OS) object. The OS object calculates the optimum time prior to occupancy to
start the equipment such that the space reaches the comfort levels required when the
occupants arrive. By starting the equipment at the optimum time instead of a fixed time, the
startup time is minimized and therefore energy consumption is reduced.
The OS object calculates the optimum start time every day. The calculation takes into account
the following information:
Monitoring Parameters
The OS object page presents the following information to allow you to monitor the operation of
optimum start.
Present Value
The Value Bar displays the object's present value and the object's mode: Auto or Manual. In
Auto mode, the present state is On when the OS object is actively involved in heating or cooling
the building and Off when it is not active.
Status displays the phase of operation of the OS object, as follows:
Heating Start
The OS object is causing the space to be warmed in preparation for scheduled occupancy.
Cooling Start
The OS object is causing the space to be cooled in preparation for scheduled occupancy.
The OS object has caused the space to reach its target temperature before the scheduled
occupancy time.
The OS object is not participating in temperature control of the space. In the history table, a
status of Off indicates that the target temperature was met exactly at the scheduled occupancy
time or that the OS object under-achieved the target temperature at the scheduled occupancy
The OS object is in fault.
Start Type
Start Type displays Heating when the OS object is configured to warm the space during the
object's active state.
Start Type displays Cooling when the OS object is configured to cool the space during the
object's active state.
Target Temperature
Target Temperature displays the space temperature that the OS object is expected to achieve
prior to scheduled occupancy.
Indoor Temperature
Indoor Temperature displays the space temperature when the OS status is Heating Start,
Cooling Start or Achieved. When the OS object is inactive, Indoor Temperature is not displayed.
Schedule Next On at
Schedule Next On at displays the time when the next scheduled occupancy period starts.
The History section of the OS object page displays the results of the 3 most recent active
periods for the OS object. The information is presented in a tabular format and a chart format.
Date and time when the OS object transitioned to the On state at the calculated optimal start
Indoor temperature when the OS object transitioned to the On state.
Outdoor temperature when the OS object transitioned to the On state. An outdoor temperature
of zero indicates that outdoor influence was not included in the optimum start time calculation.
Date and time when the OS object transitioned to the Off state, at the scheduled occupancy
OS object status at the scheduled occupancy time when the OS object transitioned to the Off
state. See the Control Information, Status section, above for details about OS object status.
Target indoor temperature to be achieved by the OS object at the scheduled occupancy time.
Indoor temperature when the OS object transitioned to the Off state at the scheduled
occupancy time.
Heating or cooling rate, in degrees per hour, that was achieved during the OS object's On state.
History Chart
The history chart displays in line graph format, the data in the history table. The history chart
allows you to understand at a glance, the recent performance of the OS object.
The chart below plots the data from the example history table above.
1. Temperature - the y axis is the indoor temperature
2. On - Date and time when the OS object transitioned to the On state at the calculated
optimal start time.
3. Deadband - the blue shaded area indicates the deadband that surrounds the target
4. Off - Date and time when the OS object transitioned to the Off state, at the scheduled
occupancy time.
5. Target Temperature - Target indoor temperature to be achieved by the OS object at the
scheduled occupancy time.
BAS Report
Save Object List to PDF File then Print
1. View the object list page for 1 or more devices.
2. Use Adding a Property Column and Removing a Property Column to set up the object
page with the columns you want to save in the PDF.
3. Use the search field to create a list of the objects that you want to capture in the PDF
file. See Filtering and Searching for procedure.
4. Click . The PDF file is saved to your browser's download destination. Now you can
print the document.
The PDF file contains only the columns that are displayed on the
object list page.
Report Features
The Energy Management Reports feature has the following capabilities:
Report Content
Report Consumption Demand Baseline Target Temperature Occupied Cost
Name Unoccupied
Consumption by
Consumption by
Cost Ranking
Report Content
Report Consumption Demand Baseline Target Temperature Occupied Cost
Name Unoccupied
Daily Average
Degree Days
Load Duration
Single Meter
A report includes data from the meters that you specify in the Area/Meter List.
When you want the data from more than one meter to be included in the report as a single
entity, then the meters must be in the same group in the Area/Meter List.
The report configuration dialog allows you to create a meter group and to add areas, buildings,
regions and meters to it.
Each report has a limitation as to the maximum number of i that are included in the report.
The answer is that each report follows its own rules as to which meters it selects from the
Area/Meter List.
For a report to contain the information you want, you must configure the Area/Meter List
according to those rules.
The rules for each type of report are described in the Meters Included section for each report.
When baseline and target data are available then they are also included in the report.
The results are presented as a bar chart and in tabular format, in increments of 1 month.
Meters Included
The Consumption report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from the meter
or meters from the first item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no meters, it
ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter only is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption and demand data from up to 9 meters can be included in the report. When there
are more than 9 meters in an area, building, region or meter group then the 10th and
subsequent meters are ignored.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Consumption report is limited to the maximum number of meters indicated in Limitations.
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Consumption, when you save your report. Report Name specifies the
subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Year - Baseline
Year in the Baseline area specifies the year that is consider to be the baseline data in the
• Total consumption
• Consumption during occupied hours
• Consumption during unoccupied hours
• Maximum, minimum and average demand
The occupied and unoccupied time periods are configured during the configuration for the
The consumption results are presented as a vertical bar chart and in tabular format. The
demand data are presented in tabular format.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption and demand data from up to 9 meters, areas, buildings, regions or meter groups
can be included in the report. The 10th and subsequent items in the Area/Meter List are
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Consumption by Meter report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Consumption by Meter, when you save your report. Report Name
specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the consumption and demand is
reported. When Custom is selected, the From and To fields are displayed.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
From - Occupancy
From specifies the time of day when the occupied period begins for occupied days.
To - Occupancy
To specifies the time of day when the occupied period ends for occupied days.
Days - Occupancy
Days specifies the day or days of the week that are considered to be occupied days for the
report. Choose All, Weekdays or Weekends from the list or select Other to allow you to specify
the exact week day or days you want to be the occupied days.
For each time period and for each meter the report includes the following data:
• Total consumption
• Consumption during occupied hours
• Consumption during unoccupied hours
• Maximum, minimum and average demand
The occupied and unoccupied time periods are configured during the configuration for the
Meters Included
The Consumption by Time report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from the
meter or meters from each item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no
meters, it ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption and demand data from up to 9 meters, areas, buildings, regions or meter groups
can be included in the report. The 10th and subsequent items in the Area/Meter List are
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Consumption by Time report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Consumption by Time, when you save your report. Report Name
specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the consumption and demand
data are reported. When Custom is selected, the From and To fields are displayed.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Group by
Group by specifies time intervals within the Date Range over which the consumption is
summed to provide a data point in the report.
From - Occupancy
From specifies the time of day when the occupied period begins for occupied days.
To - Occupancy
To specifies the time of day when the occupied period ends for occupied days.
Days - Occupancy
Days specifies the day or days of the week that are considered to be occupied days for the
report. Choose All, Weekdays or Weekends from the list or select Other to allow you to specify
the exact week day or days you want to be the occupied days.
For areas, buildings, regions and meter groups, the results compare the total consumptions.
The consumption of the individual meters in each area, building, region and meter group are
not shown in the results.
The results can be reported in year, month, week or day intervals of comparison.
Meters Included
The Consumption Comparison report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from
the meter or meters from each item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no
meters, it ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption data from up to 9 meters, areas, buildings, regions or meter groups can be
included in the report. The 10th and subsequent items in the Area/Meter List are ignored.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Consumption Comparison report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Consumption Comparison, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the comparison is reported. When
Custom is selected, the From and To fields are displayed.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Group by
Group by specifies time intervals within the Date Range over which the consumption is
summed to provide a data point in the report.
For proper results, you must enter target data for the meters you want to include in the report.
The consumption results are presented as a stacked area chart and in tabular format. The
target data are presented as a dashed line on the chart and in tabular format.
The Consumption Target report extrapolates the target data to match the time period you
select for the report.
Meters Included
The Consumption Target report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from the
meter or meters from each item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no
meters, it ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Consumption Target report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Consumption Target, when you save your report. Report Name
specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the consumption data are
reported. Select Custom when you want to specify a date range that is not covered by the other
options in the list.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Group by
Group by specifies time intervals within the Date Range over which the consumption is
summed to provide a data point in the report. Group by also affects how the target data is
extrapolated to allow for an accurate comparison for the time interval selected.
The comparison can be by year, month, week or day. The day or days of the week that are
included in the report can be selected. The results are presented as a pie chart and in tabular
Meters Included
The Contribution Comparison report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from
the meter or meters from each item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no
meters, it ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption data from up to 9 meters, areas, buildings, regions or meter groups can be
included in the report. The 10th and subsequent items in the Area/Meter List are ignored.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Contribution Comparison report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Contribution Comparison, when you save your report. Report Name
specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the comparison is reported. When
Custom is selected, the From and To fields are displayed.
To - Date Configuration
From specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Days specifies which day or days of the week are included in the report. Choose All, Weekdays
or Weekends from the list or select Other to allow you to specify the exact week day or days
you want in the report.
For proper results you must configure the rate schedule and rate engine for the meters you
want to include in the report.
The cost results for the sum of consumption and demand costs are presented as a vertical bar
chart. The cost results for consumption and demand are presented separately in tabular
Meters Included
The Cost Ranking report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from the meter
or meters from each item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no meters, it
ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption and demand data from up to 9 meters can be included in the report. When there
are more than 9 meters in an area, building, region or meter group then the 10th and
subsequent items are ignored.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Cost Ranking report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in Limitations.
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Cost Ranking, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the costs are reported. Select
Custom when you want to specify a date range that is not covered by the other options in the
To - Date Configuration
From specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
The consumption results are presented as a stacked area chart and in tabular format.
Meters Included
The Cumulative Consumption report examines the Area/Meter List and includes the data from
the meter or meters from each item in the list. When it encounters an item that contains no
meters, it ignored that item and moves on to the next item in the list.
When the item is a meter, then that meter is included in the report.
When the item is an area, building or region, then the child meters of that parent are included
in the report.
When the item is a meter group, then the meters in that group are included in the report.
Consumption data from up to 9 meters can be included in the report. When there are more
than 9 meters in an area, building, region or meter group then the 10th and subsequent items
are ignored.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for. The Cumulative Consumption report is limited to the maximum
number of items indicated in Limitations.
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Cumulative Consumption, when you save your report. Report Name
specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for.
When you change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Group by
Group by specifies time interval in the Date Range over which the consumption is summed to
provide a data point in the report.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the consumption data are
reported. Select Custom when you want to specify a date range that is not covered by the other
options in the list.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
The Rollup parameter allows you to set the time interval in minutes over which the demand is
averaged and presented as a data point on the report.
The Baseline parameters allows you to add baseline data to the report.
Meters Included
This report uses demand datapoints only.
When there is no groups in the Area/Meter List then the first 9 meters in the list are included
in the report.
When there is 1 or more groups in the Area/Meter List then all the meters up to 9 in the first
group in the list are included, then meters from the second group and so on up to a total of 9
meters are included in the report.
Demand data from up to 9 meters can be included in the report. When there are more than 9
meters in an area, building, region or meter group then the 10th and subsequent items are
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for. The Daily Average report is limited to the maximum number of items
indicated in Limitations.
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Daily Average, when you save your report. Report Name specifies the
subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Rollup Minutes
Rollup Minutes specifies the time interval in minutes over which the demand is averaged for
each data point on the report.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the average demand is reported.
When Custom is selected, the From and To fields are displayed.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Days specifies which day or days of the week are included in the report. Choose All, Weekdays
or Weekends from the list or select Other to allow you to specify the exact week day or days
you want in the report.
Period - Baseline
Period displays the date range for the baseline data. When you specify Date Range then Period
adjusts automatically to match.
Offset By - Baseline
Offset By specifies the time period by which the baseline date range precedes the date range
for the current data. For example, when Date Range is set to Previous Month and you want to
show baseline data for the same month of the previous year, then set Offset By to 12 months.
When Offset By is set to Other, the Starting Date field is displayed.
Degree days are a form of weather data, calculated from readings of outside air temperature.
Heating degree days and cooling degree days are used extensively in calculations relating to
building energy consumption.
Heating degree days are a measure of how much and for how long the outside air temperature
was below the base temperature. The base temperature of a building is the temperature below
which the building needs to be heated.
Cooling degree days are a measure of how much and for how long the outside air temperature
was above the base temperature. The base temperature of a building is the temperature above
which the building needs to be cooled.
Meters Included
This report requires a single outdoor air temperature datapoint. No energy meters are
required or included in the report.
Only 1 area and the data from the outdoor air temperature datapoint associated with that area
is used. When multiple areas each with an outdoor air temperature datapoint are configured in
Selected Area/Meter list, the report is based on the one of the outdoor air temperature
Report Parameters
Selected Area/Meter List
The Selected Area/Meter List specifies the area, building, or region to which the outdoor
temperature datapoint is associated.
The Degree Days report is limited to the maximum number of outdoor temperature datapoints
indicated in Limitations.
Meter Group
It is not necessary to create a meter group for this report because the report uses only one
OAT datapoint.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Degree Days, when you save your report. Report Name specifies the
subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as the name of a site that is configured into
Base Temperature
Base Temperature specifies the outdoor temperature below which the building needs to be
heated and above which the building needs to be cooled. The unit for Base Temperature is
specified by Outdoor Temp on the Base Units Configuration page.
Meter Type
No energy meters are required or included in the report. The Meter Type setting has no effect
on the degree-day report.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the degree days are reported.
Select Custom when you want to specify a date range that is not covered by the other options in
the list.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Group by
Group by specifies time intervals within the Date Range over which the degree days are
summed to provide a data point in the report.
The Load Duration report displays the amount of time in hours that demand was at various
levels, over the specified date range .
The results are presented as a line chart and in tabular format. The specified load mark is
indicated by a horizontal dashed line.
Meters Included
This report uses demand datapoints only.
When there is no groups in the Area/Meter List then the first 9 meters in the list are included
in the report.
When there is 1 or more groups in the Area/Meter List then all the meters up to 9 in the first
group in the list are included, then meters from the second group and so on up to a total of 9
meters are included in the report.
Demand data from up to 9 meters can be included in the report. When there are more than 9
meters in an area, building, region or meter group then the 10th and subsequent items are
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Load Duration report is limited to the maximum number of items indicated in Limitations.
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Load Duration, when you save your report. Report Name specifies
the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Load Step
Load Step specifies the incremental amount of energy or resource demand for which the time
is summed to provide a data point in the report. For example, to report the amount of time for
every 5 kW increment in demand, set Load Step to 5. The unit of measure for Load Step is the
same as for the type of energy or resource that you specified for Meter Type.
Load Mark
Load Mark specifies the position of a horizontal dashed line on the report. Typically this line is
interpreted as a demand load level or threshold you don't want to exceed. The unit of measure
for Load Mark is the same as for the type of energy or resource that you specified for Meter
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the demand is reported. When
Custom is selected, the From and To fields are displayed.
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
Days specifies which day or days of the week are included in the report. Choose All, Weekdays
or Weekends from the list or select Other to allow you to specify the exact week day or days
you want in the report.
Period - Baseline
Period displays the date range for the baseline data. When you specify Date Range then Period
adjusts automatically to match.
For the meter, area, building, region or meter group, the report includes the following data:
• Total consumption
• Consumption during occupied hours
• Consumption during unoccupied hours
• Demand during occupied hours
• Demand during unoccupied hours
• Baseline during occupied hours
• Baseline during unoccupied hours
The consumption results are presented as a stacked vertical-bar chart and in tabular format.
The demand results are presented as a line chart and in tabular format.
Meters Included
When there is no groups in the Area/Meter List then only the first meter in the list is included
in the report.
When there is 1 or more groups in the Area/Meter List then meters in the first group in the list
are included in the report.
Data from up to 9 meters can be included in the report. When there are more than 9 meters in
the area, building, region or meter group then the 10th and subsequent meters are ignored.
Report Parameters
Area/Meter List
The Area/Meter List specifies the areas, buildings, regions and meters that you want the
report to include data for.
The Single Meter Occupancy report is limited to the maximum number of meters indicated in
Meter Group
Meter Group allows you to specify an empty group for the of Area/Meter List. You can then add
arbitrary areas, buildings, regions and meters to that group. The report is generated by
grouping the data of the items in a group.
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Reports section of enteliWEB's
left pane tree view under Single Meter Occupancy, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report are sent by
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Meter Type
Meter Type specifies the type of energy or resource that the report includes data for. When you
change Meter Type, you are forced to specify the Area/Meter List again.
Site specifies the site name that you want to appear on the report for site. Site can be any
arbitrary name. It does not have to be the same as a site that is configured into enteliWEB.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the data over which the data are reported. Select
Custom when you want to specify a date range that is not covered by the other options in the
To - Date Configuration
To specifies the date when the custom date range ends.
From - Occupancy
From specifies the time of day when the occupied period begins for occupied days.
To - Occupancy
To specifies the time of day when the occupied period ends for occupied days.
Days - Occupancy
Days specifies the day or days of the week that are considered to be occupied days for the
report. Choose All, Weekdays or Weekends from the list or select Other to allow you to specify
the exact week day or days you want to be the occupied days. Choosing no occupied days does
not work.
Period - Baseline
Period displays the date range for the baseline data. When you specify Date Range then Period
adjusts automatically to match.
Offset By - Baseline
Offset By specifies the time period by which the baseline date range precedes the date range
for the current data. For example, when Date Range is set to Previous Month and you want to
show baseline data for the same month of the previous year, then set Offset By to 12 months.
When Offset By is set to Other, the Starting Date field is displayed.
Scheduling a Report
To schedule a report, you must be a member of a group with Manage Meters and Rate Engines
Deleting a Report
1. In the Reports section of the left pane navigation tree, click the report you want to
delete. The report opens in the right pane.
2. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog opens.
3. Click Yes to delete the report. The link to the report is removed from the Reports
section of the left pane navigation tree.
When a scheduled report is generated, it is not saved if the you indicated to not save it when
you set up the schedule.
To view the results of previous report, click Report History and select the report by date
and time that you want to view from the list.
When you select a report from the Report History and instead of the report, you see the
following text:
This report was generated but the files are no longer on the server.
It indicates that the report you selected was a scheduled report that was set up to not be
To delete the results of a previous report, click Report History, point to the report you want
to delete from the list and click Delete.
Exporting a Report
1. In the Reports section of the left pane navigation tree, click the report you want to
export and run it, or select the report from the report history list. The report opens in
the right pane.
2. Click the button that corresponds to the format you want the exported report to be
saved to, from the following formats:
Emailing a Report
1. Configure an email server for enteliWEB.
2. In the Reports section of the left pane navigation tree, click the report you want to send
by email and run it, or select the report from the report history list. The report opens in
the right pane.
3. Click Email. The Email dialog opens.
4. Enter the email address of the recipient you want to send the report to.
5. Click OK. enteliWEB attempts to send the report by email.
When the email is sent successfully, a dialog is displayed with the message: Email sent
When the email is not sent successfully, a dialog is displayed with the message: Failed
to send email.
Copying a Report
1. In the Reports section of the left pane navigation tree, click the report you want to copy.
The report opens in the right pane.
2. Click Copy. The Copy dialog opens.
3. Enter a unique name for the copy of the report.
4. Click OK. A link to the copy of the report is added in the Reports section of the left pane
navigation tree. The copy of the report is displayed in the right pane.
Report Features
The Building Automation System Reports feature has the following capabilities:
Calibration Report
The Calibration report allows you to list AI objects that are calibrated, for a given site.
An AI object is calibrated when the value of its Calibration property is not zero.
The report does not include AI objects that are not calibrated.
The report includes Delta devices only because Calibration is a Delta proprietary object
The report's object filter limits the object types that you can include in this report.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Calibration, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Device Range
Device Range specifies the devices, by device address range, that you want to include in the
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
The report includes Delta devices only because commissioning is a Delta proprietary object
The report's object filter limits the object types that you can include in this report.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Commissioning Sheets, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Device Range
Device Range specifies the devices, by device address range, that you want to include in the
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
The report's object filter limits the object types that you can include in this report.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Decommissioned and Fault, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Device Range
Device Range specifies the devices, by device address range, that you want to include in the
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
The report includes the PI object for Delta devices only as it is a Delta proprietary object type.
The report's object filter limits the object types that you can include in this report.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Input Points List, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Device Range
Device Range specifies the devices, by device address range, that you want to include in the
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
The Objects in Manual report includes information about the objects that you specify with the
Object Filter.
The Objects in Manual report includes information from the enteliWEB Log related to the
objects that you specify with the object filter.
The logic applied by the report to find applicable information in the Log is as follows:
• Search the Log for records about objects that are in manual, for objects specified
with the object filter. Search is restricted to the time interval specified by Date
• Include information from the most recent record in the Log that shows the object
being set to manual
The information from the Log records that is included in the report is the user name of the
user who set the object to manual and the date and time when the object was set to manual.
Information from the Archive portion of the Log is not included in the report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Device Range
Device Range specifies the devices, by device address range, that you want to include in the
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
Log Filter
Date Range specifies the time interval for the records in the Log that are searched for objects
being set to manual, for objects specified by the Object Filter. Information from records that
occurred in the time interval is included in the report. Information about objects in manual in
records that occurred outside of the time interval is not included in the report.
When Include Objects Not Modified By enteliWEB is selected, then all objects in manual, for
the objects specified by the object filter, whether or not there is a record in the Log for the
object being set to manual, are included in the report.
When Include Objects Not Modified By enteliWEB is not selected, then objects in manual, for
the objects specified by the object filter, for which there is no record in the Log, within the
specified date range, are not included in the report.
Object Query
The Object Query report allows you to create completely custom queries for object
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Object Query, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Device Range
Device Range specifies the devices, by device address range, that you want to include in the
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
The report's object filter limits the object types that you can include in this report.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Output Points List, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Object Filter
Object Filter specifies one or more filter rules that define the objects and object properties
that you want to include in the report.
This report is limited to TL objects only.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Building Automation section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Trend Log, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Trend Setup
Trend Setup specifies the TL objects for the source of samples that are plotted in the chart and
allows you to specify which Y axis is associated with each TL object.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time period for the TL objects samples that are plotted.
Sample Roll Up
Sample Roll Up is an optional setting that allows you to specify how the TL objects samples
data for the plot are rolled up or aggregated over a specified time interval. You can perform
one of 3 types of aggregation calculations to arrive at the roll up value that is plotted.
Chart Options
Chart Options specifies the appearance of the plots.
Object Filter
The following object filter information applies to the object filter used by BAS reports and the
advanced object filter used by the Object List.
An object filter specifies the object types, object instances, object properties and comparison
operators that determines what information is included in the report or in the object list.
An object filter consists of one or more filters. When there is more than one filter specified,
enteliWEB performs a logical OR of the filters when it generates the report or the object list
Object Type
Object Type specifies the object types that you want to include in the report or the object list
For a report, the list of object types available to choose from includes only those types that are
applicable to the purpose of the report.
For the object list, the list of object types available to choose from includes all object types.
Instance Range
Instance Range specifies one or more object instance numbers or a range of instance numbers
that you want to include in the report or the object list page, for the object types you specify.
Property includes one or more property rules.
A rule specifies the object properties and property values that must be present to include the
object types and instances in the report or the object list page.
= equal
The rules engine supports rules with the following types of arguments.
Numeric value
Example: objects with COV_Increment greater than or equal to 15
String value
Example: objects with temperature in their object name
Example: Use the EV object's time of transition. For example, searching for event transitions
that occurred during a certain time frame.
NULL value
Example: output objects that don't have a control source
Technically, it should be all 16 priority array elements = NULL when there is no control source.
Priority 5, 8 and 10 are the common priority levels that are used for the control source.
Don't care
Example: objects that have the COV_Increment property regardless of its value. That is, add a
COV_Increment column to the object list page
Group element
Example: For object type = EV, objects that are configured for the Out of Range algorithm and
with the high limit parameter greater than or equal to 5.
Union value
Example: For object type = SCH, binary schedules that are in the Off state
Array index
Example: objects with state1 as the first entry in the State_Text array. Not supported:
Unspecified array index, for example, State_Text[] = Off
1. In the Building Automation section of the left pane navigation tree, under Reports, click
the type of report you want to create. The blank report template opens in the right
2. Enter a Report Name.
3. Optionally, modify the Report Title.
4. Select the Site.
5. Enter a Device Range.
6. Optionally, modify or add to the Object Filter.
7. Optionally, change the Report Orientation.
8. Optionally, modify or add to the Report Format.
9. For the Objects in Manual report only, configure the Log Filter.
10. Click Run to generate the report. When the report is displayed, review it and make any
changes you need to achieve your intended result.
11. Click Save to save the report and to add a link to the report in the Reports/ Building
Automation section of the left pane navigation tree.
Report Features
The Access Control Activity Reports feature has the following capabilities:
Filters for card users, doors and event type allow you to narrow the report based on your
specific interest.
The report is limited to 8001 events.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Access Control section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Card Access Activity, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time interval for events that you want to include in the report.
Card Users
Card Users specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the card users that you are
interested in viewing events for.
Doors specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control doors that you
are interested in viewing events for.
Event Types
Event Types specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control events
that you are interested in viewing.
Card Number
Card Number specifies the one card number that you are interested in viewing events for.
Site Code
Site Code specifies the one site code that you are interested in viewing events for.
Filters for card users, doors and event type allow you to narrow the report based on your
specific interest.
The report is limited to 8001 events.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Access Control section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Card Access Activity by Card User, when you save your
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Card Users
Card Users specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the card users that you are
interested in viewing events for.
Doors specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control doors that you
are interested in viewing events for.
Event Types
Event Types specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control events
that you are interested in viewing.
Card Number
Card Number specifies the one card number that you are interested in viewing events for.
Site Code
Site Code specifies the one site code that you are interested in viewing events for.
Filters for card users, doors and event type allow you to narrow the report based on your
specific interest.
The report is limited to 8001 events.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Access Control section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Card Access Activity by Door, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time interval for events that you want to include in the report.
Card Users
Card Users specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the card users that you are
interested in viewing events for.
Doors specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control doors that you
are interested in viewing events for.
Event Types
Event Types specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control events
that you are interested in viewing.
Card Number
Card Number specifies the one card number that you are interested in viewing events for.
Site Code
Site Code specifies the one site code that you are interested in viewing events for.
Filters for card users, doors and event type allow you to narrow the report based on your
specific interest.
The report is limited to 8001 events.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Access Control section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Door Activity, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Card Users
Card Users specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the card users that you are
interested in viewing events for.
Doors specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control doors that you
are interested in viewing events for.
Event Types
Event Types specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control events
that you are interested in viewing.
Card Number
Card Number specifies the one card number that you are interested in viewing events for.
Site Code
Site Code specifies the one site code that you are interested in viewing events for.
Filters for card users, doors and event type allow you to narrow the report based on your
specific interest.
The report is limited to 8001 events.
Report Parameters
Report Name
Report Name specifies the name of the link that appears in the Access Control section of
enteliWEB's left pane tree view under Transactions by Event Type, when you save your report.
Report Name specifies the subject text of the email message when the report is sent by email.
Report Title
Report Title specifies the text that appears as the title of the report.
Site specifies the name of the enteliWEB site that the report includes information about.
Date Range
Date Range specifies the time interval for events that you want to include in the report.
Card Users
Card Users specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the card users that you are
interested in viewing events for.
Doors specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control doors that you
are interested in viewing events for.
Event Types
Event Types specifies a filter to allow you to narrow the report to the access control events
that you are interested in viewing.
Card Number
Card Number specifies the one card number that you are interested in viewing events for.
Site Code
Site Code specifies the one site code that you are interested in viewing events for.