01.2 WorkStation - EcoStruxure Building Operation
01.2 WorkStation - EcoStruxure Building Operation
01.2 WorkStation - EcoStruxure Building Operation
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EcoStruxure Building Operation
EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation is a fully
featured environment for operating and administering
all aspects of the software. WorkStation is the window
through which users can monitor their energy usage
and continuously improve their building’s efficiency.
Operator features
WorkStation is the interface where users and engineers
access their EcoStruxure BMS servers. You can view
and manage graphics, alarms, schedules, trend logs,
and reports. Engineers can configure and maintain all
aspects of an EcoStruxure BMS.
WorkStation can even assign alarms to a user or a
Secure user accounts group of users by a dispatch center or manager. Using
a filter, users can view only the alarms assigned to
An EcoStruxure BMS requires each user to have an them and decide whether or not to accept the
account. Access can be through an account assignment.
maintained by the EcoStruxure Building Operation
database or through a Windows Active Directory
Robust alarm tracking
account. IT policies for password formatting, aging,
and uniqueness are supported and enforced. Acknowledgement and response alarms can be
acknowledged with varying degrees of detail,
Language and regional settings depending on the importance of the alarm. Users can
be required to enter notes or select from a standard list
The software adapts the displayed language, to explain how the issue was resolved. WorkStation can
measurement system, and date/time format to the present the user with instructions or a specific view of
operating system settings. Language and their system that shows details of the affected
measurement system can easily be switched from equipment. The alarm log records the user’s actions.
within WorkStation. Translations of WorkStation are
delivered as part of the installation or as separate
language packs that are easy to install and deploy.
Customized view
The EcoStruxure Building Operation software has the
flexibility to be fully customized to the viewing
preference of individual users. The main interface,
called the workspace, is a panel-based interface where
users can select, position, and re-size a wide variety of
components, such as alarms, graphics, and editors. A
default Workspace is assigned to each user account,
but users can easily modify, save, and create multiple
versions to choose from. The Workspace can also be
modified as needed to address real-time issues.
EcoStruxure Building Operation
TLS support
Trend Chart view Communication between clients and the EcoStruxure
BMS servers can be encrypted using Transport Layer
Trend charts are easy to create. The color and weight Security (TLS 1.2). The servers are delivered with a
of all lines can be specified. Display of digital data is default self-signed certificate. Commercial Certification
automatically shown as high and low horizontal bars, Authority (CA) server certificates are supported to lower
eliminating the need for additional scaling. Log data the risk of malicious information technology attacks.
can be presented as average, minimum, maximum, or Use of encrypted communication can be enforced for
delta in addition to the actual log value itself. Users can both WorkStation and WebStation access.
zoom in to see details without losing clarity. A trend
chart can have two different scales on the same chart Stunning graphics capability
to see how different data relate to each other. In an EcoStruxure BMS, the graphics can be
customized to provide the user interface required to
effectively run each facility. Graphics are stored locally
in the EcoStruxure BMS servers and are available to
authorized users from wherever they log on.
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Engineering features
Push-button engineering features help a project stay on
time and on budget. The EcoStruxure Building
Operation software not only reduces project
engineering but it also expands the possibilities for
monitoring and control by delivering on-site
customization tools.
Type management
With the type management features in the EcoStruxure
BMS servers and WorkStation, you can quickly and
easily reuse graphics, programs, and MP Series
controller applications. WorkStation allows making
Sample graphic these types of objects into Custom Types, which
enables very effective patterns for inspecting,
Super dynamic live updates updating, and deploying new versions of the object
A standard live update simply shows the displayed types throughout the system.
values as conditions change in the field. With the
EcoStruxure Building Operation software's super Backup and restore
dynamic live updates, all aspects of graphical elements An iBMS system can have thousands of created and
can change when values change. configured objects. Quick recovery from an
unexpected event, such as an unintended delete or
hardware failure, is vital. The EcoStruxure Building
Operation software has a built in Backup and Restore
functionality that can backup, store, and restore from
multiple copies of an EcoStruxure BMS server’s
database. This functionality resides on an EcoStruxure
BMS server and can be accessed and configured
through WorkStation.
EcoStruxure Building Operation
EcoStruxure Building Operation
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Library management
With Function Block, code can be imported or exported
to an external library, so that no code ever needs to be
written twice. Because Function Block is an evolution of
the TAC Menta programming language used by the
TAC Vista system, libraries of Menta code can be
imported into the Function Block Editor. During the
import process, the Menta code is automatically
Function Block Editor converted to the updated Function Block format.
Graphics Editor
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Thermal Graphics: Floor plans can be set up with zones Layout and creation tools
that change color based on the measured temperature, There are a number of basic drawing tools available
pressure, humidity, usage level or other data provided within the Graphics Editor. Equipment diagrams, floor
by the EcoStruxure Building Operation database. plans, maps, navigational maps, and other types of
graphics can be created to display dynamic data.
Values are updated using the most efficient data
retrieval method available. When supported by the The unique Layers functionality in Graphics Editor
EcoStruxure BMS server or the field device, the facilitates easier editing of graphics with different
following methods may be utilized: categories of information. Layers can be controlled
through scripting so that the right information is
• Change of value (COV) subscriptions displayed to the right users at the right time.
• Read multiple properties at once
To share components and function snippets, they may Graphics can have visual effects, such as gradients,
be drag 'n dropped to email, Skype, or Windows and semitransparent colors. Dynamic rotation, scaling,
Explorer for easy distribution. and movement can also be added based on point
values to emphasize important events.
Great graphics - little effort
Graphics Editor was designed to help users without Importing
strong artistic or technical skills to create great Graphics Editor lets you take advantage of photos and
graphics. If the user is more advanced, the possibilities graphics created by other vendor's applications.
are endless. Bitmaps in various formats can be embedded and
common vector-based formats can be converted to
Reusable components and function snippets native EcoStruxure Building Operation graphics using
Graphical elements can be grouped into reusable Graphics Editor.
components with properties that are easy to edit.
Furthermore, function snippets that cause the MP Series controller management
component to animate or display a certain color based WorkStation has built-in management features for MP
on a value can also be saved and reused. Users can Series controllers, which allow authorized engineers to
copy a gauge component and change its color, font, view, document, and update the controllers'
and border size without affecting the original applications and firmware in an efficient and controlled
functionality. manner.
Hardware requirements
Processor ................................................................................................Minimum: Intel Core i5 @ 2.0 GHz or equivalent
..............................................................................................................Recommended: Intel Core i5 @ 3.0 GHz or better
Memory .....................................................................................................................................................Minimum: 4 GB
..........................................................................................................................................Recommended: 8 GB or higher
Hard disk space ......................................................................................................................................Minimum: 20 GB
Display .....................................................................................................................Minimum: 1,024x768 pixel resolution
Drive ............DVD drive is required if your copy of the EcoStruxure Building Operation software was delivered on disc.
Other devices ......................................................................Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device is required.
Software requirements
Operating systems ...............................................................................................................Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
...........................................................................................................................................Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
............................................................................................................................................Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
.......................................................................................................................Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
EcoStruxure Building Operation
EcoStruxure Building Operation