Determination of The Structures and Abundances of Alkanes and Olefins in Fischer-Tropsch Products Using 13C and H N.M.R. Methods
Determination of The Structures and Abundances of Alkanes and Olefins in Fischer-Tropsch Products Using 13C and H N.M.R. Methods
Determination of The Structures and Abundances of Alkanes and Olefins in Fischer-Tropsch Products Using 13C and H N.M.R. Methods
13C and ‘H n.m.r. methods are shown to provide detailed and quantitative information regarding the
structures and abundances of major and minor hydrocarbon components in products from Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis. A test jet fuel product (boiling range 19&230”(Z) has been studied together with a test diesel
fuel product (23&32O”C). The jet fuel consists primarily of n-alkanes (87 wt%), while branched alkanes
with, on average, 12 carbon atoms per molecule and one CH, branch per molecule, represent another
9wt% of the sample. All possible monomethyl branched alkane isomers are shown to occur with
approximately equal probability. Olefins represent nearly 4 wt% of the sample. 13C n.m.r. distinguishes
l-ene (0.6 wt%), cis-2-ene (0.8 wt%), trans-2-ene (1.4 wt%), 2-methyl-2-ene (0.4 wt%) and trans-3-ene
(0.5 wt%) structures. ‘H n.m.r. distinguishes structures in the form - CH = CH, (0.7 wt%), - CH = CH -
(2.5 wt%), >C=CH, (0.1 wt%) and >C=CH- (0.5 wt%). Grossly similar results have been found for
the diesel fuel, in which the average number of carbon atoms per molecule is approximately 15.
x 1200
co 3.5 30 25 20 15 10 wm
fraction, namely 0.3 (2M): 0.7 (3M): 1.0 (4M): 2.8
(5M +6M + 7M). This is most obvious in the 39 ppm
region of Figures2a and 2b. As might be expected, urea
adduction has selectively removed branched alkane
isomers with long straight chain segments (i.e. 2M and
3M) along with the n-alkanes. Thus for the whole diesel
fuel, unlike the enriched fraction, there is a near equal
abundance of all possible monomethyl branched isomers.
So far, we have only been concerned with relative
abundances of branched alkanes. For these samples there
is little doubt that within a reasonable margin (e.g. a
10% margin would be fully adequate), branched alkane
isomers have the same molecular weight as other species
present and all species have grossly similar stoichi-
ometries. In this circumstance, the per cent 13C n.m.r.
2M A------
110 15 0 19 0 230
co 35 30 25 20 15 10 __ ELUTION T/ME immsl -
” L1, CH+CH3
Figure 2 r3C n.m.r. spectra of: a, the Fischer-Tropsch diesel fuel; and
b, the branched alkane fraction of the diesel fuel. Assignments are given
in terms of six possible isomeric structures (2M to 7M) wiith specific
carbon groups designated 1 to 15
intensities shows that the relative abundances of Figure 4 GASPE selected multiplet spectra for the branched alkane
monomethyl branched alkane isomers in the whole fuel, fraction of Fischer-Tropsch diesel fuel: a, CH +CH, groups; b, CH,
namely 1.O(2M): 1.O(3M): 1.O(4M): 2.8 (5M + 6M + 7M), groups; and c, CH, (n = 1-3) groups. Quaternary C groups are of
differs from that observed for the minor saturates negligible abundance
Table 1 Carbon group abundances and average structure parameters 2-methyl and 3-methyl isomers in this fraction.
for the minor saturates fractions of the Fischer-Tropsch diesel and
Resonance assignments follow directly from those
kerosene fuels
discussed for the diesel fuel. In the whole jet fuel,
Parameter” Diesel fuel Jet fuelb resonance intensities imply isomer abundances in the
ratio 1.0 (2M): 1.0 (3M): 1.0 (4M): 1.0 (5M): 0.5 (6M).
f (CH,) 0.202 0.216 (0.227) For an average Cl2 structure, this is consistent with
f KHz) 0.722 0.713 (0.686)
monomethyl branching at all possible sites along a Cl 1
fW) 0.076 0.071 (0.087)
1.1 1.w backbone with near equal probability. A procedure
N, 0.06 0.16“ analogous to that used for the diesel fuel, yields the
absolute wt% abundances of branched alkane isomers
of 13C n.m.r. intensity attributable to CH,
“flCH.) = fraction which are listed in Table2. The whole jet fuel contains
(n=(r3) groups; N,=average number of branches per molecule
(= N,[2f(C)+flCH)], where Nc is assumed to be 11.9 for jet fuel
9 wt% branched alkanes.
branched alkanes and 15.0 for diesel branched alkanes); N, = average
number of rings per molecule (0.5 Nc[2flC)+flCH)-f(CH,)] + 1). See OleJins
Ref. 5 for full details
13C n.m.r. Low intensity resonances attributable to
*Values in brackets adjusted for n-alkane content of branched alkane
fraction, namely 18.1 wt% olelinic groups are observed in the ‘H and 13C n.m.r.
e Parameters calculated using adjusted figures for flCH.) spectra of the Fischer-Tropsch jet and diesel fuels. Since
d N, value is sensitive to variations in ACH) and ACH,). As with the the olelins are more abundant in the jet fuel, we will focus
diesel fuel, cyclic molecules are not considered to be present to any on this fuel first. Olehnic carbon resonance intensity
significant extent in the jet fuel
accounts for 0.6% of the total i3C n.m.r. intensity.
Consideration of relative intensity and chemical shift
data15 enables assignment of resonances in the olefmic
Table 2 Absolute wt% abundances ofdiesel and jet fuel components” carbon region to five principal structures (Figure 5),
which differ in terms of the position of the olefin bond
Wt% in whole Wt% in whole
relative to the carbon chain terminus, and in terms of
diesel fuel jet fuel
branching at olelinic carbon sites. The structures and
Branched alkanes resonance positions are as follows: I-ene (139.1 and
2-methyl 2.1 2.0 114.2 ppm); trans-2-ene (13 1.8 and 124.6 ppm); cis-2-ene
3-methyl 2.1 2.0 (131.0 and 123.6ppm); 2-methyl-2-ene (131.0 and
4-methyl 2.1 2.0
S-methyl 2.1 2.0
125.2ppm); and trans-3-ene (131.9 and 129.5ppm).
> 6-methyl 3.8 1.0 Taking the relative abundance of the major isomeric form
as unity, the relative abundances of isomers is, 0.42
Oletins (“C n.m.r. classification)
I-ene nc 0.6
(1-ene): 0.58 (cis-2-ene): 1.O(trans-2-ene): 0.26 (2-methyl-
cis-2-ene nc 0.8 2-ene): 0.32 (trans-3-ene).
trans-2-ene nc 1.4
2-methyl-2-ene nc 0.36
trans-3-ene nc 0.45
a Based on C 15 for diesel fuel and Cl 2 for jet fuel; nc = not calculated,
total oletins 2 1.5 wt% in diesel fuel
12 wt% of branched alkanes. i
Measured Calculated
‘H chemical ‘H n.m.r. from from
shift range intensity 13C n.m.r. ‘H n.m.r.
(ppm) Assignment W) (%) (X)