Pyrolisis de Sustancias Aromaticas

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GAS-PHASE PYROLYSIS O F SOME HYDROCARBONS IN FLOW SYSTEMS* BY H. B. Palmer, K. C. Hou**, R. K. Sharma***, and J. Lahaye**** Department of Fuel Science The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania INTRODUCTION A series of studies on a variety of hydrocarbons has been undertaken to examine the kinetics of their thermal decomposition in flow systems. In the present work, previous studies of acetylene (l), diacetylene (2), and benzene (3) have been extended to methane, biphenyl, and, in a preliminary fashion, to naphthalene. Methane is considered to be of special interest because of the wealth of literature extant on its pyrolysis, and the conflicts in that literature; at the same time, the aromatic hydrocarbons a r e interesting because of the paucity of literature on them. The experimental methods in all of this work have been similar. The apparatus has been described elsewhere. (2,3) It consists essentially of a hot porcelain tube (5 mm i. d.) with a well-defined temperature plateau, through which hydrocarbon passes at low concentration in helium carrier gas. Analyses a r e performed by means of gas chromatography. In the studies of biphenyl and naphthalene, the entire inlet, outlet, and analytical systems have been kept at elevated temperature to avoid condensation of starting material. We have made all calculations of residence times and rate constants on the basis of the temperature profiles as measured with a bare thermocouple under helium flow rates similar to those of the pyrolysis experiments. A detailed analysis of the possible e r r o r s due to e r r o r s in gas temperature, to lack of thermal equilibrium, o r to lack of plug flow has not been carried out (for an excellent treatment of these effects, see Mulcahy and Pethard). (4) However, some calculations have been performed which indicate that such effects should not be important sources of error in this work. Therefore, we believe the rate behavior to be representative of the chemical kinetics of these substances. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION One of the hopes in this work has been to find similarities in behavior among some of the hydrocarbons. Therefore we group them, in the following discussion, according to their observed kinetic behavior. Benzene, Biphenyl, and Naphthalene . In previous work on benzene (3) it was found that the kinetics over times of the order of 20x10-3 sec. could be described by mixed first- and second-order processes. The latter was thought to be a four-center reaction to form biphenyl and hydrogen. The first-order process was almost certainly a chain. Its rate was several orders of magnitude larger than any reasonable estimate of the rate of a bond-breaking reaction and its activation energy was low: of the order of 5 0 kcal. In order to account for the low activation energy it was postulated that one of the chain-carrying steps involved decomposition of phenyl radicals on the wall. It has since occurred to us that it might be possible also to have an important contribution from phenyl radical decomposition on carbonaceous nuclei, or incipient carbon particles, in the gas stream. These nuclei a r e formed very early, so the associated induction period would not be observed by our methods. Unfortunately, too little is known about the nucleation and growth of carbon particles to allow a quantitative kinetic treatment. *Work supported in part by the J. M. Huber Corp., in part by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT(30-1)-1710. **Present Address: Department of Chemistry, Cornel1 University, Ithaca, New York. ***Present Address: Department of Chemistry, Birla Inst. of Tech. and Science, Pilani, Ind. ****Supported by a grant from NATO and the C. N. R. S. (France).




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Our knowledge of the kinetics of biphenyl and naphthalene is even less extensive than the rather rudimentary data on benzene. In Figure 1 a r e presented the previously-determined first-order rate constants for benzene, (3) together with rate constants for biphenyl and naphthalene calculated on the assumption of first-order kinetics. The experimental tests for reaction order in the case of blphenyl have given ambiguous results. The order for naphthalene has not been tested. It is very probable that there is mixed-order behavior, as in benzene, in the case of both biphenyl and naphthalene. Kinney (5), in reviewing the pyrolysis of aromatic hydrocarbons, points out that reactions of the type

(Ar)-(Ar) + H2




occur in all three. Such reactions should be second-order. However, in the absence of more detailed information, we prefer simply to make a firstorder assumption for purposes of comparing rate behavior at comparable concentrations (ca. 1% by volume). Some support for this lies in the observation that benzene i s produced from biphenyl in yields up to 20%. It cannot readily be formed in reactions of the type represented by equation 1. Figure 1 shows that between about 1100" and 1300"K, all three compounds decompose at roughly the same rate. Although lines have been drawn through the data, the temperature coefficients for biphenyl and naphthalene a r e not felt to be of sufficient accuracy to justify extrapolation. One can say that the similarity in rate constants is not surprising, and that they may well maintain similarity over a wide range of conditions. It is interesting to note that, if nucleation pehnomena do affect the rates, they too must be similar in all three. Methane The decomposition of methane should be completely understood by now. Having published the results of studies of the rate of deposition of carbon films from methane (6)that seemed to settle the question of the correct rate constant, we turned to the flow system for confirmation. To our dismay, we obtained the results shown in Figure 2 , which agree very well indeed with the dozens of previous studies in flow and static systems. These have been reviewed by Kramer and Happel (7) and only three of them a r e shown in the figure. The line through the results from flow- and static-systems is expressed by loglo k = 13.0 - 18. 6x103/T (2)

corresponding to an activation energy of 85 kcal. This is to be compared with the result of Palmer and Hirt (6), based on their carbon deposition rates and shock tube studies: loglo k = 14.6 - 22. 5x103/T, (3) corresponding to an activation energy of 103 kcal. Kondratiev's (8) recent result is nearly the same as equation 3. It seems likely that these seemingly irreconcilable results actually express the behavior in two different kinetic situations. In the flow and static systems, residence times are relatively long and there is opportunity for nucleation to occur in the gas phase. These nuclei, which may be thought of a s very large free radicals or a s a highly dispersed solid with an extremely active surface, can promote direct decomposition of the methane. Tesner (9) has studied the direct decomposition of methane on carbon black (under the electron microscope). The process exhibits an activation energy equal to 78 kcal. In shock tube studies, times a r e too short for nucleation, if it occurs at all, to have an appreciable effect. Our flow system studies overlap the temperature regime of Skinner's shock tube work. (10) The decomposition data at the two lowest temperatures (Figure 3) give indications of an induction period. However, even though our rate constants a r e based upon the decomposition at the shortest times (0.1-0.3 sec. ), they a r e some 10 times greater than the shock tube results. That is, the induction period for the formation of nuclei seems (on the present hypothesis) to be essentially over before 0.1 sec. It is not at all difficult to imagine a rate that commences at the shock tube value and accelerates to the observed value in a time of the order of 0 . 1 sec. (or less, at the higher temperatures). The deceleration at long times and large extent of decomposition (Figure 3) is probably due to back reactions. Since these may move not only carbon nuclei and hydrogen but also ethane, ethylene, and acetylene, no quantitative treatment is attempted, The carbon film deposited on the wall during the pyrolysis of methane is of the vitreous carbon type, very different from carbon black. This is consistent with the low rate constants obtained from measurements of the rate of carbon deposition on the wall. (6) The film carbon seems to be inactive in promoting the direct decomposition of methane, and grows by decomposition of free radicals. Free radicals should also decompose on nuclei, but this should not


u u 0 0

4 M

perturb the rate of wall deposition appreciably. The reason is that, at a typical ( 9 , l l ) particle concentration of 3x1010/cm3 and a diameter of lOOA, the total surface a r e a of the particles is less than 1% of the area of the reactor wall. Thus the rate of wall deposition should essentially equal the rate of creation of free radicals if they decompose on the wall with reasonable efficiency. A mathematical analysis of this process is presented elsewhere. (12) We therefore still believe that equation 3 quite accurately represents the rate of the first step in the pyrolysis of methane. The question a s to the identity of this step is still not settled, though it seems very likely that it is C-H bond rupture. The large pre-exponential factor in the rate constant is hardly compatible with splitting-out of H2, whereas Skinner (10) has noted that it is quite reasonable if an H atom breaks off. Acetylene and Diacetylene We have no new experimental data to report on these compounds. There has, however, been some important new work on acetylene published by Gay, Kistiakowsky, Michael, and Niki (13) that deserves comment in the light of a previous study from our laboratory. (1) Gay et a1 (to be referred to a s GKMN) used a time-of-flight mass spectrometer in a shock-tube study of the pyrolysis above 1600"K, and established the following: (a) Isotopic exchange between C2H2 and C2D2 is much faster than the total pyrolysis reaction. (b) The radical C4H3 is formed immediately and very rapidly reaches a steady state. (c) The species C4H2, C6H2, and CgH2 form in that time sequence. CqH2 appears as early as C4H3. GKMN note that all these species have been observed in sooting acetylene flames. (11) It may be significant that the species C4H4, which was not found by GKMN, has been identified in the flames. GKMN then postulate the following mechanism to account for the rapid isotopic exchange: 2C2H2


ki C4H3 + H

AHI = 46 kcal. C2H2 + H AH2 = -39 kcal.



They suggest that the pyrolysis occurs by reaction 1, followed by k C4H3, (+MI


.+ H



60 kcal.

which gives diacetylene, followed in turn by reasonable steps to give higher species. The second-order rate constants for pyrolysis thus a r e identified with kl. GKMN point out that the mechanism is not flawless. W e suggest here modifications that may render it more able to account for &the available evidence on acetylene pyrolysis. In this connection, there is some disagreement between ourselves and GKMN. They examined 76 rate constants from 10 publications, split them into two temperature regimes (620"-1000K and 1000-24500K), formed least-squares Arrhenius expressions for these regimes and also for the whole collection, and observed that all three expressions agreed reasonably well. They concluded that a single rate constant probably governs the decomposition over the entire range, in contrast to our conclusion, from the same data, that there is a transition from long-chain behavior at low temperatures to non-chain behavior at low temperatures to non-chain behavior at high temperatures. GKMN remark: T h e large spread of reported activation energies is but a sad reflection of the difficulties in identifying an activation energy and a pre-exponential rate factor from a limited set of measurements. I t Our view is that the data on acetylene have nearly become unlimited, and critical attention to each work is necessary if one is to discover what is happening. There a r e now some 96 rate constants available. We have plotted them in Figure 4, without attempting to use distinguishing symbols for individual publications. Shock tube data are, however, distinguished from flow- and static-system results. One can put a straight line through all points and obtain an activation energy of 40 kcal; or one can divide them in two, or in three. W e have done the last, looking at the regions lO4/T = 4-8, 8-12, and 12-16. These correspond approximately to the shock tube region, the flow system region, and the static vessel region.





x x


8 l O Y 7



i 4


Fig. 4. Sunnnary of all available second-order rate constants for thermal decomposition of acetylene. Circles are shock tube results.


One finds activation energies (excluding some obviously bad points from the shock tube region) of about 4 8 kcal, 35 kcal, and 4 8 kcal, respectively. These figures are compatible with transitional kinetic behavior. However, there a r e other arguments that a r e more compelling: (a) GKMN do not find C4H4 above 1600"K, and their mechanism does not provide for its formation. Nevertheless, the bulk of available evidence supports some mechanism that yields viqylacetylene, C4H4, a s the first isolable product at low temperatures, with a shift to diacetylene, C4H2, a t high temperatures. @) We a r e quite willing to accept GKMN's conclusion that the chain length in pyrolysis is of the order of unity at high temperatures; but at low temperatures the decomposition is a chain of considerable length (ca. 100). (c) The "all points" activation energy of about 4 0 kcal does not appear to be compatible with the estimate (46 kcal) o f a e n H for GKMN's reaction 1. The situation worsens when one considers that the activation energy of the reverse reaction, H + C4H3 4 2C2H2, may be appreciable. We think that a modification of the heuristic mechanism presented by Palmer and Dormish (1)can contribute to reconciliation of the various studies. In that mechanism there were five elementary reactions: 2C2H2

%HZ 2C2H2 C4H4


* C2H2 +




C4H4* C4H4


C H + C2HZ * 4 4


The asterisk denotes a triplet state. For a discussion of the genesis of this mechanism, the interested reader can consult the original paper. (1) The point that we wish to make here is that reaction V may well be in competition with the unimolecular decomposition of CqH4*. For simplicity, let us assume that



C4H3 + H


provides the dominant competition, against reaction IV, for the species C4H4*. One notes that neither C4H3 nor H will continue the chain; but the H atom provides the necessary species for isotopic exchange, and provides it a8 soon as reaction commences. CqH3 decomposes rapidly at high temperature, yielding C4H2 and H, and exhibits a low steady-state concentration. It is possible that at low temperatures, C4H3 extracts an H atom from some species and ends up a8 vinylacetylene. Failure to observe C4H4 at high temperatures requires that its unimolecular decomposition have a large temperature coefficient. The problem of C4H4 seems to us to be the least satisfactory feature of the mechanism; but the experimental data a r e also somewhat unsatisfactory. Skinner and Sokoloski (14) found C4H4 in the products at 2000"K, but GKMN did not see i t above

1600K. A steady-state treatment of the scheme (I-IV, VI) yields a second-order rate constant equal to

kl(k3/k2)I[3-k4[C2H2l/(k4[c2H2l + k5)l/[l + (k3/k2)k5/(k4[C2H2]

+ k5)]}


Assuming k3 > > k2 at all temperatures, one finds that at low temperatures, where it is expected that kq [C2H2] > >> kg I 4 2 k l (k3/kZ) (5 )

A t high temperatures, where it is expected that k5 >>> kq [CZH~], kb



These results at the temperature extremes a r e the same as were obtained before. (I) There is an interesting difference in the transitional behavior. The larger the concentration of acetylene, the higher the temperature necessary for the condition k5 >>> l q [C2H2]. Comparison of experimental studies (1,15,16,17) in the 900"K-1500"K region seems to indicate that the chain c is~0.1 H atm ~ or more, length does indeed remain moderately large in this region where ~ atm, the reaction appears to have become while with partial pressures of the order of essentially non-chain by about 1200K. However, this conclusion is obscured slightly by the probable difference in the nucleation behavior at different concentrations. As a final remark to connect the pyrolysis of diacetylene with that of acetylene, we reproduce the previously-reported (2) r a t e constants in Figure 5, and repeat the conclusion that the behavior seems to be very analogous to acetylene. There appear to b e long chains at low temperatures and a transition towards non-chain behavior starting around 1100K. A shock-tube study of C4H2 would be most welcome. CONCLUSIONS One can use tubular flow systems to gain some kinetic information of practical importance, and to gain some insight into probable mechanisms of decomposition of hydrocarbons. At sufficiently high temperatures, flow systems may yield quite accurate data on homogeneous processes if the rates of these a r e faster than nucleation rates. However, in such a temperature regime, the shock tube is apt to become a preferable tool. Alternatively, at lower temperatures one may be able to measure the r a t e of a process that is not affected by gas-phase nucleation. The rate of formation of a carbon film on the wall- seems, albeit tentatively, to provide an independent technique of this type in the case of methane, and possibly in benzene. (18) In the clarity of hindsight it is obvious that, in general, flow systems can yield fundamental data on homogeneous pyrolysis of hydrocarbons only if concentrations can be reduced to extremely low levels, to avoid nucleation problems. The alternative, and one much to be desired, is to use other devices (e. g. shock tubes) to study nucleation and particle growth in such detail that they can be introduced quantitatively into the analysis of flow system data. LITERATURE CITED Palmer, H. B., and Ilormish, F. L . , J. Phys. Chem. E, 1553 (1964). Hou, K. C . , and Palmer, H. B . , J. Phys. Chem. 69, 858 (1965). Hou, K. C . , and Palmer, H. B., J. Phys. Chem. 69, 863 (1965). Mulcahy, M. F. R . , and Pethard, M. R., Australian J. Chem. l6, 527 (1963). Kinney, C. R., The Chemistrv of Petroleum Hvdrocarbons, Vol. II., Brooks, B. T . , Kurtz, S. S., Boord, C. E., andSchmerling, L., eds., Reinhold (1955), Chap. 26. 7 ', 709 (1963). Palmer, H. B., and Hirt, T, J . , J. Phys. Chem. 6 Kramer, L.,and Happel, J . , The Chemistrv of Petroleum Hvdrocarbons, Vol. II, Brooks, B. T . , Kurtz, S. S., Boord, C. E . , and Schmerling, L . , e&. , Reinhold (1955), Chap.25. Kondratiev, V. N. , Tenth Svmuosium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute (1965), p. 319. Tesner, P. A. , Seventh Svmposiuni (International) on Combustion, Buttenvorths (1959), p. 546. Skinner, G. B . , and Ruehnvein, R. A . , J . Phys. Chem. 63, 1736 (1959). Bonne, U. , Homam, K. H. , and Wagner, H. Gg. , Tenth Svmposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute (1965), p. 503. Palmer, H. B., Carbon 1,55 (1963). Gay, I. D., Kistiakowsky, G. B., Michael, J. V . , andNiki, H . , J. Chem. Phys. 43, 1720 (1965). 1952 (1960). Skinner, G. B . , andSokoloski, E. M . , J. Phys. Chem. g, Munson, M. S. B . , andAnderson, R. C . , CarbonL, 51 (1963). Towell, G. D., and Martin, J. J., A. I. Ch. E. J. 1,693 (1961). cullis, C. F . , andFranklin, N. H., Proc. Roy. SOC. (London)=, 139 (1964). Murphy, D. B . , Palmer, H. B . , andKinney, C. R . , IndustrialCarbonandGraDhite, Society of Chemical Industry, London (1958), p. 77. Rudder, D . , and Biederman, H . , Bull'. soc,, chim. 47, 710 (1930). Shantarovich, P. S., and Pavlov, B. V., Zhur. Fiz. Khim. 30, 811 (1956). Kassel, L. S., J. Am. Chem. SOC.54, 3949 (1932).


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