Spellcraft & Swordplay Basic Game

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The document provides an excerpt from a role-playing game rulebook describing character abilities, classes, combat, and spells.

It appears to be about fantasy role-playing and includes sections on character creation and abilities, combat rules, and spell lists for wizards and priests.

Character classes mentioned include Warrior, Wizard, Priest, and Thief.

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This work is respectfully dedicated to the memories of Dave Arneson and E. Gary Gygax.

Acknowledgements: Philotomy Jurament and Old Geezer, on RPG.Net, for great comments and interpretations of the rules that inspired this game, Matthew
Finch and Stewart Marshall, for getting the whole „retro-gaming‰ phenomenon up and running in a big way, and Daniel Proctor for taking it a step further with
the first shot at the B/X version.

Copyright © 2009 by Jason Vey. All Rights Reserved.

Writing, Layout: Jason Vey

Editing and Proofing: Jason Vey, Derek Stoelting

Artwork: All artwork is in the Public Domain and was collected at KarenÊs Whimsy, the Medieval Bestiary, Medieval Macabre, and Wikipedia Commons.


Cover Design: Jason Vey, from a template by John Milner

Playtesters: Timothy Brannan, Roger Calver, Ben Monroe, James Edward Raggi IV, Stuart Roe, Matt Slepin

Spellcraft & Swordplay is a Trademark ™ of Jason Vey and Elf Lair Games.

Designation of Product Identity: The titles „Spellcraft & Swordplay,‰ „Swordsmen and Spellslingers,‰ „Combat and Conflict,‰ and „Monsters and Magic‰ are
declared product identity.

Designation of Open Content: With the exception of product identity previously declared, all text from „Abilities‰ through „Basic Equipment and Costs,‰ all text
from „The Basics‰ through „Travel,‰ and all text of Book Three, as well as any text that is open content by virtue of appearing in another open content source is
hereby designated as open content under the Open Game License version 1.0a.

Acknowledgements: Marv Breig, Matt Slepin and James Maliszewski for great reviews, Internet discussion board presence, and aiding in word of mouth. Special
Thanks also to Roger Calver, Bill Coffin, Joseph Goodman, Shane Hensley, and George Vasilakos, for opportunities, advice, and support.

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Book One: Swordsmen and Spellslingers 5
Introduction 6
What Is a Role-Playing Game? 6
Abilities 7
Ability Checks 7
Strength 7
Dexterity 7
Constitution 8
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 8
Race and Class 8
Character Races 8
Humans 8
Dwarves 9
Elves 9
Halflings 9
Character Classes 9
Reading the Class Entries 9
Class 9
Warrior 10
Wizard 10
Priest 12
Thief 13
Alignment 14
Spell Lists and Descriptions 15
Wizards 15
Priests 17
Equipment and Economy 17
Book Two: Combat and Conflict 19
Introduction 20
The Golden Rule 20
The Basics 20
Time 20
Ability Checks 20
Exceptional Strength 21
Saving Throws 21
Morale 21
Movement 21
Base Movement Rates 21
Effects Of Terrain and Environment 22
Combat 22
Surprise and Initiative 22
Attack 22
Ranged Weapons Rate of Fire 23
Unarmed Combat 23
Non-Proficient Weapons and Armor 23
Shields 23
Table 1: Armor Type and AC 23
Table 2: Melee Attack Matrix by Weapon 24
Table 3: Ranged Attack Matrix by Weapon* 24
Damage 25
Resolution 25
Spell Casting 25

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Mounted Combat 26
Special Actions 26
Special Conditions 26
Healing 27
Vision 27
Blindness, Invisibility and Darkness 27
Hirelings and Henchmen 28
Awarding Experience 28
Book Three: Monsters and Magic 29
Monster Reference Table 30
How To Read The Table 32
Monster Special Abilities 32
Monster Combat 34
Abilities for Monsters 35
Monster Experience Points 35
Monster Descriptions 35
Dragons 36
Elementals 37
Treasure 43
Magic Items 43
Specific Magic Items 43
Potions 43
Weapons 43
Armor 44
Miscellaneous Magic 44
Rings 44
Staves 45
Treasure Tables 46
Table 1: Total Treasure Determination 46
Table 2: Gemstones 46
Table 3: Extraordinary Items 46
Table 4: Magic Item Determination 46

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your best friend and your worst enemy on the road to
INTRODUCTION adventure, glory, and legend.
Welcome to the Spellcraft & Swordplay Basic Game! This
free PDF and minimally priced print version gives you the If youÊre ready to take on the role of Referee, let your
bare essentials to get up and running with S&S, including full imagination run wild. It would take a long volume unto itself
(if limited and streamlined) rules. This book gives you to even begin to touch on the techniques of being a good
everything you need to play as one of the four core classes up referee; spinning a good story and letting your players have a
through level 3. To take the game beyond that, youÊll need to big hand in the telling is no small task and for many it takes
purchase either Spellcraft & Swordplay Revised, or Spellcraft years to master. Some never do. Some take to it like a fish
& Swordplay Deluxe Edition. to water. This booklet makes no claims to be any kind of
definitive guide to mastering a game. There are resources out
„Why do this?‰ you ask. Well, a lot of the old school there for that, if you look, but herein we seek to give you the
movementÊs publishers are giving away free PDFs of their tools to find your own way and style, a tricky and sometimes
games. We feel that S&S is uniquely suited for new players, frustrating, but rewarding path. Here youÊll find rules to
being easier and more streamlined than many of the games interpret and adjudicate. Take ideas from your favorite
on the market today, and we really think that once you get a books, movies, or even paintings. Come up with a goal and
taste of this basic game, youÊll want to buy the full version, allies and adversaries for the PCs to meet and overcome,
which includes tons of extras like Elite Paths (specialized determine an ideal path for them to achieve that goal, and
character classes), background skills, rules for naval combat, a make notes about other paths they might take, for if thereÊs
ton of additional monsters, and level progression all the way one thing to remember as Referee itÊs this: your players will
to level 10 and beyond! always do the unexpected. Never force them on a preferred
path just because you havenÊt scripted another. Improvisation
So please enjoy this Basic Edition of Spellcraft & Swordplay. is a skill every Referee must learn. Encounters can be
We hope it brings you tons of enjoyment for a long time to transplanted; just because the players take the swamp road
come. instead of the mountains doesnÊt mean they canÊt still
encounter the troll guardian. ItÊs just that now perhaps he
WHAT IS A ROLE-PLAYING GAME? guards the only ford crossing a deep, smelly bog rather than
A role-playing game, or RPG, is an exercise in collective guarding the mountain pass. Be flexible and donÊt force your
storytelling, similar to improvisational theatre, except you characters onto a given path. Likewise, as players, your job is
donÊt actually get up, run around, and act out your part (at to cooperate and not deliberately try to throw the game out of
least, not in this type of RPG). Rather, you narrate what your whack or off the tracks. Sometimes you do what we refer to
character says and does. ItÊs similar to what computer role as „hopping on the plot train‰ because you understand thatÊs
playing games, except less limited; your imagination the best thing to do for the game, because this is the way
substitutes for your keyboard, which means your options are heroes in books and movies do it and even though it seems
more open than in a computer-based game. Storylines can obvious, itÊll probably lead to a rousing good time down the
also be more complex and personal in a pen-and-paper road.
game. That isnÊt to say one is superior; theyÊre just different,
though they have some of the same roots. What is here is intended to present a minimalistic rules-set
that grants fast play in a style that is both „old school‰ and
Each player in an RPG controls a single character. Your „cinematic.‰ S&S is divided into three volumes:
character could be a sword-swinging swashbuckler, a pious
faith-healer, a nimble, sly rogue, a white-bearded, wizened Book One: Swordsmen and Spellslingers is the section youÊre
mage, or just about any other fantastic archetype you can reading now. It details the process by which characters are
imagine. The statistics listed on your character sheet define created. DonÊt worry if you see terms that seem unfamiliar or
his abilities and limitations. You can have your character do in need of explanation; just note them and in Book Two,
anything you like within those limitations, but you should try most likely, theyÊll be explained. For now, just get your
and play him as a character, with a background and character on paper. That way when you hit the rules, youÊll
consistent personality, like a character in a book or movie. have all the figures you need to reference right in front of you.
There is one player, the Referee, who doesnÊt just control a Book Two: Combat and Confrontation details the rules of
single character. The Referee is the final authority on the play, covering ability checks and combat systems, as well as
rules of the game. He controls everything in the game that is advice on how to run a game.
not a player character (PC), from monsters to non-player
characters (NPCs) such as barkeeps, merchants and kings, to Book Three: Monsters and Magic includes a bestiary and
the gods and the weather. The Referee is the grand information on treasure. This one is mostly for the Referee,
storyteller of the game. He sets the stage, presents who will be running the game.
challenges and goals for your characters to overcome and
achieve, and adjudicates the rules of the game. The
Referee/player relationship isnÊt adversarial, however; while
he portrays your charactersÊ enemies, he also portrays their
allies. ItÊs his job to set the stage and help tell the story. HeÊs

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Score Modifier
3-4 -3
5-8 -2
9-10 -1
11-12 NONE
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3

In addition to the bonuses above, characters gain +1 to ability

checks at first level and every multiple of three thereafter (ie.
3, 6, 9, etc).

Additional modifiers are added based on the difficulty of a

given task. The Ability Check is the core of the O.R.C.S.
engine, which powers Spellcraft & Swordplay, so if you
master that, youÊll need to know very little else to play. For
more information on Ability Checks, see Book Two: Combat
and Confrontation.
So, without further ado, letÊs dive in, shall we? To play this
game you will need these booklets, three to five friends,
Strength measures physical prowess and raw power. It
pencils and paper, at least 2 six-sided dice, and all the
determines how much you can lift, and ability to force open
imagination you can bring.
doors, lift gates, etc.
This should be all you need to play this game, though for ABILITY TABLE 2: STRENGTH
those who like to use miniature figures, weÊll take that into Score Portals* Weight
account in book two. 3 0 -100
4 1 -100
When you see two numbers with a „d‰ between them, that 5 1 -50
means roll a number of dice and add them together. For 6 1 -50
7-8 1-2 -25
example, 2d6 means, „roll 2 six-sided dice and add the total.‰
9-11 1-2 NORM
1d6 means „roll 1 six-sided die and read the total.‰
12 1-2 NORM
13-14 1-3 +50
ABILITIES 15-16 1-3 +100
Every character is defined by his or her Abilities, six statistics 17 1-4 +150
that define the characterÊs physical, mental, and social 18 1-5 +300
capabilities and limitations. The six abilities are: Strength, 19 1-5 +300
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. 20 1-5 +500
In general, abilities are rated from 3-18. To determine 21 1-6(1) +600
abilities, roll 4d6, keeping the highest three, and repeat six 22 1-6(1) +700
times. Then arrange the abilities amongst the six scores 23 1-6(1-2) +900
however you like. 24 1-6(1-3) +1000
*Score on 1d6 needed for success. Parenthetical numbers indicate chance to
You will note that many abilities are noted as Prime open magically held portals
Requisites for certain classes. Any member of a class with a
15 or greater in all prime requisites for a class increases all Strength ability modifiers are applied to a characterÊs chance
experience awards by 10%. Note that sub-classes such as to hit and damage in melee combat. Strength is the prime
Paladin and Assassin have multiple Prime Requisites·the requisite for warriors, and only warriors can roll for
Prime Requisite of their parent class as well as their own·and exceptional Strength if their score reaches 18. It is also a
to receive the bonus award, all prime requisites must score 15 prime requisite for assassins, though assassins gain no special
or higher. benefit from a high score, other than the obvious experience
Ability Checks Dexterity
There will be times in game when the Referee has a character Dexterity measures the agility, manual Dexterity, flexibility,
make an ability check to determine the result of some action. and reflexes of a character. It is the prime requisite for
When making an ability check, roll 2d6, add the bonus or thieves and those thieves with an above-average Dexterity,
penalty on the following table, and apply any penalties or Intelligence, and Strength may opt to become Assassins.
bonuses granted by the Referee. If the result of the check is Dexterity modifiers are applied to initiative, reaction and
11 or better, the check succeeds.

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ability to hit with missile weapons. Fighters can use Dexterity Wisdom ability check modifier to any roll made to cast or
bonuses to penalize an enemyÊs ability to hit through quick counter a spell.
Constitution Charisma is a combination of a characterÊs personal
Constitution measures the endurance and fortitude of a magnetism, presence, and appearance. The higher the
character as well as his ability to resist and weather damage Charisma, the more impressive the character is. Whether this
and the elements. A high Constitution results in bonus hit manifests as an ominous intimidation or an ethereal beauty is
points as well as a bonus to saves involving disease and up to the player in question. Likewise, a character with low
physical damage. Note that characters always gain a Charisma could be absolutely beautiful, but with a smarmy or
minimum of 1 hit point per hit die, regardless of any penalties uncomfortable air about them which is just somehow off-
for low Constitution scores. putting, or could be a nice guy who is just so ugly that people
are repulsed by his appearance. Charisma is a prime
Intelligence requisite for Paladins, who require at least a 17 to qualify for
Intelligence is a measure of a characterÊs education, the class.
knowledge and logic. It is the prime requisite for Wizards and
Assassins and vital for determination of how many spells a Charisma comes into play in social situations and in the hiring
member of that class knows and can learn at each level, the and maintenance of henchmen and retainers. The Charisma
wizardÊs Intelligence checks to read and comprehend any ability check modifier (p. 7) is used when a character interacts
given spell he discovers while adventuring, and the maximum with non-player characters, either in situations requiring social
level of spell use available. In addition to the table below, graces, negotiation or parley, or when determining the loyalty
wizards may add their Intelligence ability check modifier (p. 7) (morale) of henchmen, hirelings, and retainers.
to any roll to cast or counter a spell.
Score Max Spells/Lvl Max Level 3-4 1
3 2 4 5-8 2
4 3 4 9-10 3
5 3 4 11-12 4
6 4 4 13-15 5
7-8 4 5 16-17 6
9-11 5 5 18 10
12 5 6
13-14 8 7 RACE AND CLASS
15-16 10 8
Aside from Abilities, characters in Spellcraft & Swordplay
17 10 8
18 All 9
have two defining elements: race and class. Players should
choose one from each category to create their character.
Wisdom Available races are Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Halflings.
Wisdom is the prime requisite for priests. It represents Available classes are Warriors, Thieves, Wizards, and Priests.
common sense, wits, willpower, and „street smarts.‰ Where Each race/class combination gives a unique set of abilities to
Intelligence represents knowledge gained from study and define an individual character. Note that non-human races
intellect, Wisdom is a measure of a characterÊs experiences are often (thieves excepting) limited in how high they can
and practical reasoning ability. Intelligence would be used to advance in their given class, but this is offset by the number of
decipher instructions for a ritual or project, while Wisdom special racial abilities they possess and their ability to advance
would be used to suss out the solution to a puzzle or answer a in multiple classes simultaneously.
riddle. Intelligence is scientific; Wisdom is creative.
Aside from Dwarves and Halflings being short, it is left to the
While Wisdom does not have a special table, it is heavily used Referee to decide the racial traits of each race, within the
in conjunction with the ability check modifier (p. 7) when limits set by the racial abilities of each. Are elves tall, slender
puzzling situations occur. For example, a party lost deep in a and ethereal creatures of light, or short, mischievous fairies
cavern might see a character with high Wisdom, after sitting who switch their young for those of humans? Are dwarves
for a few moments, note that the air smells fresher down the simply short humans, or are they a race made of living rock?
left passage, indicating that it might lead outside. Also, with These questions are up to the Referee to answer as best fits
the force of the gods behind them, priests may add their his campaign milieu.


Humans advantages in conflict situations. Historically, for example,

The only racial trait of humans is their ability to advance in Mongols were known for overwhelming bravery and expert
any class to any level. However, at the RefereeÊs discretion, horsemanship. Thus, a Mongol character might, at the
certain humans may have cultural abilities that provide certain RefereeÊs discretion, gain a bonus to morale and a bonus on

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attacks when fighting from horseback. Such benefits are observed, etc, the observer can make a Wisdom ability check
always at the discretion of the Referee, but should be to see the elf. In addition, elves note secret passages and
consistent (i.e. if one member of a given culture has special doors on a roll of 4 or less on a die when actively searching,
abilities, all members of that culture should have the same). and may notice the same on a roll of 2 or less just by passing
Humans speak common, their alignment tongue, and one by one. Finally, elves armed with magical weapons gain
other language of the playerÊs choice per point of Intelligence combat advantage over enemy creatures. Against goblins,
check modifier. they add a +3 bonus to their attack roll; against orcs the
bonus is +2. They gain +1 against undead, and against
Dwarves warriors and wizards of at least fourth level. These bonuses
Dwarves may only progress as warriors or thieves. In come into play only when the elf wields a magical weapon,
addition, Dwarves gain +4 to all saves against magic. They and are in addition to any benefits granted by the weapon.
are the only characters able to wield a +3 magic war hammer Elves can see in moon- or starlight, or by torch or fire, twice
at its full potential. They have a 4-in-6 chance to note as far as a normal human.
unusual stonework, stone-based traps, slanting passages, new
construction, etc., when underground. Finally, dwarves can Elves speak the languages of orcs, hobgoblins, and gnolls in
see in normal darkness·even near-complete darkness·as addition to Elven, their alignment language, and the common
well as humans can see in full daylight. tongue of man.

Dwarves speak the languages of gnomes, kobolds, and Halflings

goblins in addition to their own racial tongue, alignment Halflings can progress in either the warrior or thief class.
tongue, and the common tongue of man. They are brave little souls and make saving throws against
fear as though they are four levels higher than their actual
Elves level. Halflings can become effectively invisible exactly like
Elves may play as warriors, wizards, or thieves. Elves are elves. In addition, they are known for their deadly ability with
proficient with the short, long, and composite bow no matter slings and hurled rocks; when employing these items they
what their class, and can perform shot on the run with a bow, gain a +1 to hit and have an effective range equal to that of a
unlike other races who must perform their full movement short bow, also employing the „short bow‰ entry in the attack
either before or after firing. Elves are so adept at hiding and matrix when engaging in hurled or slung missile fire. All
stealth that they can effectively become invisible at will, but Halflings are proficient with the sling, and can shot on the run
may not attack while so hidden; attacking immediately cancels with a sling, just as elves can with a bow. Halflings speak the
the effect and opens the elf up to retort by an enemy. language of elves, the common tongue of man, and their
Becoming invisible requires half of a movement action and alignment tongue.
cannot be done while the elf is under direct observation; if an
invisible elf does something to draw attention to himself, such
as making noise, engaging in sudden movement while being

Once youÊve chosen the race for your character, you need to ADVANCEMENT TABLE
choose a class. The character class determines your A table explaining the advancement progression of the class,
characterÊs training and approach to the adventuring life. experience points required for each level, cumulative Hit Dice
There are four classes in Spellcraft & Swordplay: Warrior, per level, the number of attacks the character gains at each
Wizard, Thief, and Priest. Each class gives certain abilities level, and any special attacks or magic use accumulated.
and advantages, enabling it to fulfill an important role in an Note that under „Attacks,‰ individual bonuses are „pips‰ that
adventuring group. may be added to any one or more attacks in a progression, to
the maximum. Thus, a character listed as having „7+2‰
READING THE CLASS ENTRIES attacks gains 7 attacks in a round, and may add +2 to a single
Character classes and their abilities follow below and are listed one of these attacks, or may add +1 to any two attacks, at the
in a standard fashion: playerÊs discretion.
CLASS Similarly, hit dice represent the cumulative total hit dice and
Introductory text describing the nature of the class, pips gained by a character. Thus, a character at fifth level
prerequisites to enter, etc. with 5 hit dice advancing to 6th level, with a listing of „6+2,‰
would not roll 6 dice plus two pips to add to his total, but
Class Abilities would roll one die, adding two pips to the total, so that his
Special abilities granted to the class, and their functionality in cumulative total hit dice to date were 6+2. Likewise, an entry
game, including any restrictions upon the class. of „7+3‰ which at next level reads „7+5‰ would see the
character adding only 2 pips to his current hit point total.

All characters gain a minimum of one hit point per level.

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The Warrior is a classic man-at-arms. Every great fantasy Slaughter: When fighting creatures with 1 Hit Die or less, the
swordsman, from Robert E. HowardÊs barbarian hero to warrior gains 1 bonus attack per level he possesses. Thus, a
TolkienÊs great returned King to King Arthur and the knights fourth level warrior facing a group of four goblins·1 hit die
of Charlemagne are Warriors. The primary ability of the creatures·will gain four extra attacks against the goblins, plus
Warrior is that they are capable of using all weapons and four attacks for being a fourth level warrior (see Advancement
armor, the only class able to do so. They also gain more hit Table 1: Warrior); he will make eight strikes against the
dice than other characters and have a more advantageous goblins!
attack progression. Of all the classes, warriors alone can use
their Strength and Dexterity to their fullest potential when in Weapon Mastery: Every warrior has one type of weapon or
combat. They can employ any weapon and wear any armor. combat style in which he is specialized. Choose a weapon or
style of combat (such as two-weapon or mounted); for every
Warrior Abilities: four levels of experience, add +1 to hit and damage with that
Exceptional Strength: Warriors with an 18 Strength may roll weapon or when employing that style. Note that for styles
an additional d6-1 (yes, a zero result is possible), adding the such as two-weapon fighting, penalties still apply, though
result to their Strength score to determine exceptional Weapon Master bonuses can help to offset and overcome
Strength, thus increasing their bonus to hit and damage in them.
combat, and boost their weight allowance and chance to
break open doors. Iron Constitution: Warriors add +2 to all Constitution-based
Combat Reflexes: Warriors with a Dexterity of 15 or greater
automatically reduce their opponentsÊ chance to hit in
combat, imposing a penalty on enemy hits of -1 per point of
Dexterity above 14.


Level Hit Dice Attacks XP Needed
1 1+3 1+1 0
2 2+3 2+2 2000
3 3+3 3+2 4000

Wizards have a difficult road to walk, but if they succeed the Arcane Spells: Wizards maintain a spell book full of the
reward is power undreamed of by other mortals. Theirs is the arcane formulae by which they make their way in the world.
province of arcane magic, weaving the magic energies of the From this book a wizard is capable of holding the magical
world together to produce incredible supernatural effects. energy of a certain number of spells, determined by level, in
TolkienÊs seminal gray wizard and Merlin of Arthurian fame his mind for discharge whenever he needs them. Every
are prime examples of wizards in fiction, as are the creepy morning, the wizard must spend one hour studying his spell
sisters in Macbeth or the wicked step mother of various book or the magical energy begins to fade and he forgets. As
„Cinderella‰ and „Snow White‰ tales. a general rule, any morning that the wizard does not study, he
loses one die worth of spell levels from memory, with higher
In addition to casting arcane spells, wizards can employ any level spells vanishing before lower level ones.
sort of magic item except for weapons and armor, these
being restricted to daggers, staves and slings. Even in the Spells are organized by complexity, or spell level, which is
mundane, wizards can only employ daggers, staves and slings different than character level. To cast a spell, a wizard rolls
as weapons. They may not wear armor of any sort, as bulky 2d6, adding his Intelligence ability check modifier, and
plates and padding impede the range of movement necessary attempts to equal or better a casting threshold based upon the
for the complex rituals of spellcasting, and may never use complexity of the spell (See Wizard Table 1: Spell Casting).
shields of any sort, as spellcasting requires their hands to be
free (though wizards who wield a staff often work it into their Three results are possible:
gestures). Their purview is the mystic, not the martial.
1. If the spell casting roll achieves a result of „Immediate‰,
Wizard Abilities the spell goes off immediately, at full effect, as intended.
Read Magic: Wizards can read the arcane script used to 2. If the spell casting roll achieves a result of „Delayed,‰ the
create scrolls, wards, and runes, and which is used in the spell will go off one round after casting is complete.
writing of spellbooks. Only wizards (and higher level Thieves) 3. If the spell casting roll fails (rolls lower than the target for
can read this writing. a delayed result), the spell fizzles and is erased from
memory. The spell cannot be used again until the wizard
engages in his daily spell book studies the following

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morning. Note that even if a wizard is guaranteed referenced), plus 600 gold for the sixth-level „Enchant Item‰
success, such as a tenth level wizard casting a first level spell. The overall time investment is one week per 100 gold
spell, an unmodified „natural‰ result of 2 („snake eyes‰) pieces of the total cost. These costs are in addition to costs
on the spellcasting roll still results in the spell being associated with other casters or helpers; if a third-level wizard
forgotten, though in this case it will function normally seeks to create a magic sword, for example, he will need to
before being erased. find a wizard capable of casting „Enchant Item‰ for him, and
the service will certainly come at a premium.
Wizards begin play with 4 spells of first level in their book.
These spells can be determined randomly from the list on p. Creating a „charged‰ item has all the same requirements as a
15, or can be chosen by the player and/or Referee. permanent item, but the monetary costs are reduced by 25%,
Thereafter, at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, the player adds from the end result being an item with 25 charges; each use of a
1-3 (d6: 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3) new spells of any level that he power removes one charge, and when all charges are
can cast to his book. Other spells must be found or bought exhausted, the item becomes a mundane item, never to be re-
through adventuring. enchanted.

For more on spell casting, including counter spells, see Book


Magic Item Creation: Wizards can scribe scrolls, brew

potions, and enchant items, though doing so is costly in
money and time.

Scribing scrolls costs 100 gold pieces and 1 day per spell
level. Scrolls are single-use versions of spells that require no
casting roll; the wizard simply reads the scroll and the spell
activates, the magic consuming the scroll in the process. A
wizard may not scribe a scroll for a spell he cannot cast;
however, it is possible to attempt to read a higher level scroll.
Doing so requires the caster make a successful Intelligence
check with a penalty equal to the level of the spell on the
scroll. Thus, if a first level caster with Intelligence 18
attempts to read a fourth level spell scroll, he must roll 2d6,
adding 1 for level and 3 for his check bonus, and a penalty of
-4 for the spell level. If he succeeds, the spell works as
normal. If he fails, the scroll is destroyed and the spell does
not work.

Any spell that the wizard can cast or can have cast by a Priest
can be imbued into a potion at a cost of 100 gold pieces and
1 week per level of the spell in materials and brewing. This is
in addition to any cost another spell caster may charge for
casting a spell not accessible to the brewer.

Permanent items require an item of fine quality, costing at

least five times the value of a normal item of its type (i.e. a
magic long sword requires a finely crafted weapon costing at
least 50 gp), plus 500 gold pieces per +1 bonus (with a Intellect Fortress: Wizards add +2 to all saving throws based
minimum of +1), plus 100 gold pieces per level of the spell or on Intelligence or Charisma.
effect being imbued (RefereeÊs discretion if no specific spell is


Spell Level Wizard level (Immediate/Delayed)
1 2 3
1 11/9 10/8 9/7
2 - 11/9 10/8


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Level Hit Dice Attacks Spells Memorized by Level XP Needed
1 1-1* 1-1 1 0
2 1 1 11 2500
3 1+2 1+1 21 5000
*Minimum 1 hit point

In some ways, priests are a combination of the previous two Priest Abilities
classes. They have better martial ability and more access to Divine Spells: Similar to wizards, priests have the ability to
weapons and armor than do wizards, though not nearly as cast spells. Spell casting for priests is done exactly the same
good as warriors, and they can perform feats of magic, as wizards, using the numbers on Wizard Table 1: Spell
though not nearly on the same plane as wizards, and of a Casting (p. 11), but priests cast spells from their own list.
different sort. Priests are warrior-Priests who wander the land Rather than Intelligence, priests add their Wisdom ability
battling heathens in the name of their god. They disdain check modifier to the spell casting roll, and cast at one level
bloodshed, so they may only use bashing and non-bladed below their actual level.
weapons, often preferring hammers or maces, and may wear
leather, padded, studded, scale, or chain armor. They may Priests do not keep spell books; rather, every morning they
use shields. must spend one hour in prayer, asking their god to grant
them certain powers to aid them in the course of the day.
The number of spells granted are shown on Character
Advancement Table 3: Priests, and can be chosen from all
spells able to be cast by the priest. Just as with wizards,
however, if a priest fails his spell casting check or rolls snake
eyes, he forgets the spell for the remainder of the day, though
if 2 is the requisite target the spell may still work one last

Healing Touch: As a paladin, but priests may heal 3 points of

damage per level, per day and cannot cure diseases.

Bane of the Dead: Once per day, a Priest can cause any
undead of equal or lesser hit dice to immediately make a
morale check (see book two) when confronted, or flee. This
morale check suffers a penalty equal to one plus one third the
PriestÊs level (rounded down). Thus, a third level priest
imparts a -2 penalty to morale checks. Certain evil priests
may cause subjugation in undead who fail this morale check,
rather than causing them to flee. This is the only time non-
intelligent undead such as zombies or skeletons must perform
a morale check. Any undead creature more than four hit dice
below the PriestÊs level who fail their morale check are
instantly destroyed. At the RefereeÊs discretion, intelligent
undead may not flee; rather, they suffer -2 to attacks, saves,
and ability checks while in the PriestÊs presence.
Priests follow a specific deity or pantheon, and priest
characters should choose a specific deity or pantheon to Divine Conviction: Priests add +2 to all saves based on
worship within your campaign milieu. There are no Wisdom.
unaligned priests.
Level Hit Dice Attacks Spells Granted by Level XP Needed
1 1 1 NIL 0
2 2 1+1 1 2000
3 3 2+1 11 4000


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Also known as rogues, burglars, and „practitioners of the Stealth (Dexterity): This represents the thiefÊs ability to move
dexterous arts,‰ thieves are knives in the dark, sneaky men without sound, and to hide in shadows, remaining unseen.
and women who hide in shadows, strike unseen, and vanish This ability is important to elves and Halflings; though these
again. They are also eminently useful to any adventuring races can automatically hide, they do not automatically move
party for their abilities to climb sheer surfaces, move silently, silently, and making noise can foil their invisibility just as
remove traps, and perform certain feats of manual Dexterity readily as attacking.
and legerdemain often not appreciated by the town guard
(they pick pockets). Most thieves are of neutral (unaligned) or
evil persuasion, but there do exist those who use their talents
for the good of all. Any race may advance to any level as a

Thieves donÊt have the hit dice of warriors or priests, though

they are slightly better than wizards in that respect. They
wear light armor (leather or padded) and do not utilize shields.
They may only use one-handed weapons such as daggers,
swords, and small clubs, but may employ light crossbows,
short bows, and slings. Of magical weapons, they may only
use magical daggers and swords.

Thief Abilities
Most thief abilities use standard ability checks to determine
success. These checks gain special class-based bonuses. In
addition, certain races have racial bonuses to certain abilities.
These numbers are located on Thief Table I: Racial Bonuses
and Advancement Table 4: Thieves (p. 14). Thieves should
add their appropriate ability bonus to their base chance of
success on skills. The associated ability for each skill is listed
in the skill description, below. Thus, a first level dwarf thief Perception (Intelligence or Wisdom): Thieves have a better
with a Dexterity of 17 will have a Remove Traps bonus of +3 chance of hearing noise and noticing things that are out of
(Dex) + 2 (Dwarf) + 1 (1st level) = +6. See p. 14 for more the ordinary than do other creatures. They may attempt to
information on racial and level advancement bonuses. As with listen through doors where other creatures would have
any Ability Check, snake eyes always fails, and a roll of box problems, and are adept at finding hidden compartments and
cars always succeeds. secret doors, and at noticing potential or impending threats.
When checking for success, the Referee should grant a bonus Cant: Thieves have a special lingo, a sort of „street speak‰
of +1 for every 3 levels above the opponent the thief is, or a that identifies them to each other and allows them to speak in
penalty of -1 for every 2 levels below the opponent the thief code about thieving activities. This cant is not a full language,
is. and is restricted only to speaking about activities of a less-
than-savory nature.
Open Locks (Dexterity): Thieves are expert locksmiths, and
given time and the right tools can bypass almost any secured Expert Linguist (Intelligence): Beginning at 3rd level, thieves
enclosure. They use a Dexterity check to determine success, are capable of deciphering most documents and writings,
and failure indicates that the lock is simply beyond the thiefÊs including maps, curses, wards, etc., so long as the languages
current level of expertise. He can try again next level⁄or are mundane and not magical in nature, and gain a +5 to do
someone can just bust it off. so.
Trap Smith (Intelligence to Find, Dexterity to Remove): A Climb (Strength): Thieves can attempt to climb any sheer
thief can attempt to disarm mechanical traps and bypass surface, from a cliff face to a building. At first level, the thief
magical traps when detected (use rules for detecting secret gains +5 to climb; at third level increase this bonus by +1.
doors for detecting traps). If the thief fails his roll to remove Other factors (grease, ice, use of climbing gear, etc.) may also
or bypass a trap by more than 3, he will instead set off the affect this ability at the RefereeÊs discretion.
trap, suffering full consequences for doing so.
Vital Strike: By striking when unnoticed or from behind, the
Pick Pockets (Dexterity): This represents the thiefÊs chance to thief can target vital areas, increasing his chance for a hit and
pilfer an item unnoticed. Any time a thief fails his roll to pick dealing extra damage. If the thief is unnoticed (see „Stealth‰)
pockets by more than 4, the mark may make a Wisdom or behind a target, as when flanking (see „Combat,‰ chapter
ability check to notice the attempt. 3), he adds +3 to his „to Hit‰ roll, and if successful deals
double damage.


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Uncanny Dodge: Thieves add +2 to all Dexterity-based saving Brewing poison has a material cost of 100 gp per die of
throws. damage and die of duration (pips are 25 GP), and requires 1
week per die of damage and turn or portion thereof to brew.
Poison: At the RefereeÊs discretion, some thieves learn to Class 0 poison cuts costs by 50%. This process yields 5
brew and utilize poison, both in battle and in secret. doses of poison. Purchasing poison from an alchemist sees
However, poison-coated weapons always leave a dark, all costs at least double.
viscous fluid coating the blade, and there is a 3-in-6 chance
each round that any opponent who can see the weapon will For most poisons, the victim can save every turn until the
note the poison and attack ferociously, gaining +4 to hit and poison runs its course, until he succeeds at a save, thus
damage. ending the poisonÊs effect, or until death occurs.

Generally speaking, poisons deal extra dice of damage for a

number of turns if the victim fails a Constitution-based saving
throw; see thief table 2 for classifications of poison.


Type Open Locks Remove Traps Pick Pockets Stealth Perception
Dwarf +2 +1 -1 -1 +2
Elf NIL NIL +1 +1 +2
Halfling +1 +1 +1 +2 +1


Poison Class Damage/Turn Turns Cost Time
0 3d6* 1d6 200 GP 4 weeks
1 1d6 1 125 GP 2 weeks
2 1d6 1d6 200 GP 2 weeks
3 2d6 1d6 300 GP 3 weeks
4 3d6 2d6 500 GP 5 weeks
*Damage is temporary/subdual and results in unconsciousness
Level Hit Attacks Locks Traps Pilfer Stealth Perception XP
Dice Required
1 1 1 +2 +1 +3 +2 +2 0
2 2 1+1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +2 1500
3 2+2 2+1 +3 +3 +4 +4 +2 3000

Next, choose an alignment for your character: his selfishness gets the better of everyone, and these people are
philosophical and moral outlook. There are four alignments: driven by their own needs, being neither good nor evil,
Good, Neutral (Balance), Neutral (Unaligned), and Evil. though some lean more towards one extreme than the other.

Good characters champion freedom from tyranny, respect Neutral (Balance) characters tend to view themselves as
others, and hold a deep reverence for life. guardians of the cosmos and can be full of arrogance and
Evil characters are selfish, lustful, greedy, and immoral. hubris as a result, turning on friends and allies the moment
they sense the balance shifting.
Neutral (Unaligned) characters represent the majority of
people in the world. Unaligned people try to act for the good
of everyone, and even may believe theyÊre good people. But


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Level One Level Two
1. Charm Person 1. Continual Flame
2. Dancing Lights 2. Detect Invisible
3. Detect Magic 3. ESP
4. Hold Portal 4. Invisibility
5. Light 5. Knock
6. Magic Missile 6. Levitate
7. Detect Evil 7. Locate Object
8. Read Languages 8. Phantasmal Image
9. Sleep 9. Protection from Evil
10. Wizard Lock

Charm Person: This charm makes a medium-size or smaller battered down by strong opponents. The spell lasts for one
humanoid regard the caster as a trusted friend and ally. If the hour per level of the caster.
target is being threatened or attacked by the caster or the
casterÊs allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus to its saving Light: This spell causes an object to shed light, clearly
throw. The spell does not enable the character to control the illuminating the area around it as much as a torch, albeit with
charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but the subject clear, white light. Although the effect is immobile, it can be
does perceive the casterÊs words and actions in the most cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical
favorable way. Any act by the caster or the casterÊs apparent darkness does not function. The spell lasts for one turn per
allies that threatens the charmed creature breaks the spell. level of the caster.
Note also that the caster must speak the creatureÊs language
to communicate commands. The subject may make a Magic Missile: This spell conjures a bolt of magical energy
Charisma-based saving throw to negate the effects. This spell that automatically strikes its target, dealing 1d6-1 damage
lasts for one hour per level of the caster. (minimum 1 point). For every four levels of the caster,
another missile fires (a fourth level caster fires two missiles, an
Dancing Lights: Depending on the version selected during eighth level caster three, etc.), though all missiles fire
casting, the caster creates up to four lights that resemble simultaneously and strike the same target.
lanterns or torches (and provide the same amount of light), or
up to four glowing spheres of light (which look like will-oÊ- Detect Evil: The caster can sense the presence of
wisps), or one faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape. The supernatural evil within a 60 foot radius, as well as how
dancing lights must stay within 20 feet of each other, but relatively powerful the source of the evil is (minimal, slight,
otherwise move as the caster desires (no concentration moderate, great, obscene). The spell notes the general
required): forward or back, up or down, straight or turning direction, but not the exact location or distance of the evil.
corners, etc. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A This spell will detect undead, but not evil characters of lesser
light winks out if its distance from the caster exceeds the than eighth level (and those of eighth to tenth level will
casterÊs line of sight. A creature that interacts with a dancing generally register as „slight.‰) The spell lasts for one turn per
light gets a Wisdom-based saving throw to recognize it is an level of the caster.
Read Languages: This spell allows the caster to read any and
Detect Magic: the caster can detect the presence of magical all mundane languages, modern or ancient. It lasts for 10
auras in anything the caster observes. The Strength of the minutes per level of the caster.
magic detected will be revealed as lingering, faint, moderate,
strong or overwhelming. Magical areas, multiple types of Sleep: Creatures within range and within a 30Ê diameter circle
magic or strong local magical emanations may confuse or that are capable of sleep fall into a comatose slumber, with
conceal weaker auras, although the Referee may allow the weaker ones being felled prior to stronger ones. The spell
caster to spend additional rounds concentrating to decipher affects 2d6 HD of creatures. For creatures with equal HD,
the confusion or reveal weaker auras. The Referee may those closest to the spellÊs point of origin are affected first. No
require an Intelligence check to do so. The spell lasts for only creature with 5 or more HD is affected, and HD not sufficient
one turn. to affect a creature are wasted. The spell is centered on a
location determined by the caster. Slapping or wounding will
Hold Portal: This spell magically bars a door, gate, window, awaken affected creatures, but normal noise does not. Sleep
shutter of wood, metal or stone. The magic holds the portal does not affect unconscious creatures, constructs or undead
fast, just as if it were securely closed and normally locked. A creatures. The spell lasts for 1 turn per level of the caster,
knock spell or a successful dispel magic can negate the hold and creatures are entitled to a saving throw using their
portal, and portals held shut by this spell can still be forced or Wisdom ability modifier (if applicable) to resist.

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Continual Flame: A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, Levitate: Allows the caster to float up or down through the air
springs forth from an object that the character touches. The at a luxurious pace, moving no more than 20 feet up or down
flame looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and per round. Alternatively, the caster may levitate another
doesnÊt use oxygen. The flame can be covered and hidden, creature or object weighing no more than 100 lbs. per level,
but not smothered or quenched. The spell is permanent. although an unwilling creature is entitled to a saving throw.
Levitation does not enable horizontal movement, although a
ESP: The caster can detect surface thoughts. The amount of levitating character could clamber along the face of a cliff or
information revealed depends on how long you study a push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half base
particular area or subject. On the 1st Round, the presence or speed). This spell lasts 1 turn per caster level.
absence of thoughts (from conscious creatures with
Intelligence scores of 1 or higher). On the 2nd Round, Locate Object: Enables the caster to sense the direction of a
detects the number of thinking minds and the Intelligence well-known or clearly visualized object, including apparel,
score of each. This spell does not determine the location of jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons or even such mundane
the thinking minds if the caster canÊt see the creatures whose implements as a ladder. The spell may be used to search for
thoughts he is detecting. On the 3rd Round, detect the general items such as a stairway, a sword or a jewel, in which
surface thoughts of any mind in the area. A targetÊs saving case the spell locates the nearest such object within its range,
throw with Wisdom ability check modifier prevents reading its or the spell may be used to find a specific item, such as a
thoughts, and the spell must be cast again to have another particular piece of jewelry. A unique object (such as Gideon
chance. Creatures of animal Intelligence (Int 1 or 2) have ThorneÊs gold-plated quill) may not be located unless the
simple, instinctual thoughts that can be picked up. caster has observed that particular item firsthand. The spell is
blocked by lead, fooled by polymorphing, and cannot detect
Each round, you can turn to detect thoughts in a new area. creatures.
The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt Phantasmal Image: This spell creates a visual illusion of an
blocks it. This spell lasts for 1 round per level so long as the object, creature or force, as visualized by the caster in a 40
caster concentrates. foot cube, + 10 feet per level. It cannot create sound, smell or
tactile illusions. Creatures who view the illusion believe it, and
Detect Invisible: The caster can see invisible creatures. This can suffer damage from illusions. Hit point damage is suffered
spell does not reveal creatures simply hidden, such as thieves from damage to the mind/psyche. While concentrating, the
using their stealth abilities or Elves or Halflings using their caster can move the image within the range. The illusion
racial ability. The spell lasts for 1 round per level of the disappears if an opponent makes a saving throw with
caster. Intelligence ability score modifier.

Invisibility: The target (and all of his or her gear) vanishes Protection from Evil: This spell creates a magical barrier
from all forms of natural sight, including special visions. Items around the subject at a distance of 1 foot offering protection
dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; against evil creatures. It does not defend against evil
items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or characters of less than 8 levels/Hit Dice, but will defend
pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never against powerful characters, undead and other supernatural
becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so evils.
(thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any
part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more The barrier moves with the subject and grants a +2 bonus to
than 10 feet from it becomes visible, such as a trailing rope. AC and +1 to saving throws against evil creatures. The spell
The spell ends if the subject attacks or behaves in a hostile prevents bodily contact: the melee attacks of such creatures
manner towards any creature, but otherwise lasts until fail and the creatures recoil from the protective magic. The
cancelled by the caster or until the subject makes a saving protection ends if the warded creature makes an attack
throw with Intelligence ability check modifier. against, or tries to force the barrier against, the blocked
creature. Magic resistance can allow a summoned or conjured
Knock: This spell opens stuck or locked doors, even magically creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded
held ones. It slides bolts and lifts latches. It opens secret creature by making a save. Otherwise, no save is allowed.
doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests, and The spell lasts for one hour.
also loosens shackles or chains that have been employed to
hold closures shut. Knocked doors do not relock themselves Wizard Lock: Magically locks a door, chest, or portal. The
once opened. Knock cannot raise portcullises or similar caster can freely pass your own arcane lock without affecting
impediments, nor can it undo or untangle knots. Each spell it; otherwise, a door or object secured with this spell can be
can undo up to two means of preventing egress through a opened only by breaking in or with a successful dispel magic
portal. If used to open a magically locked closure, knock does or knock spell. Halves the chance to break open a door or
not remove the spell but simply inhibits its functioning for 10 portal affected by this spell. (A knock spell does not remove
minutes. an arcane lock; it only suppresses the effect for 10 minutes.)

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Level One Level Two
1. Cure Light Wounds 1. Bless
2. Detect Evil (15) 2. Find Traps
3. Detect Magic (15) 3. Hold Person
4. Light (15) 4. Speak with Animals
5. Protection from Evil
6. Purify Food & Water

Cure Light Wounds: This spell heals 1d6+1 points of damage food and water suitable for eating and drinking. It does not
to a character touched. Requires a melee spell attack against prevent subsequent decay or spoilage. Unholy water and
unwilling targets. similar food and drink of significance is spoiled by purify food
and drink, but the spell has no effect on creatures of any type
Purify Food & Water: This spell makes up to 1 cubic foot per nor upon magic potions.
level of spoiled, rotten, poisonous, or otherwise contaminated

Bless: The priest instills his allies with divine aid, adding +1 to level, and the target may make a saving throw with Wisdom
attack rolls and saves against fear. Lasts for 1 round per ability check modifier to resist.
Speak with Animals: The caster can comprehend and
Find Traps: The caster locates any mechanical or magical communicate with animals. He may ask questions and receive
traps within 30 feet. This spell lasts for 1 round per level. answers, although the spell doesnÊt make them any more
friendly or cooperative than normal. Further, it doesnÊt make
Hold Person: This spell holds a single medium-sized or less animals any more intelligent, so answers and comments will
humanoid target rigidly in place. It is aware and breathes be based on the animalÊs perception. The spell lasts for 1
normally but cannot take any physical action. It can, however, round per level.
execute purely mental actions. The spell lasts for 1 round per
Characters begin with 75 coin with which to buy equipment. Characters do not have to pay for basics: a suit of traveling clothes
or robes, cloak, boots, belt and pouches. Additional equipment costs can be extrapolated from what is here.
Weapons and Armor
Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost
Dagger 1 Pole Arm 7 Sling Stones, 20 5
Hand Axe 2 Halberd 7 Silver Tipped +10
Mace 5 Lance 4 Leather or Padded 15
Short Sword 5 Short Bow 15 Studded Leather 20
Long Sword 7 Long Bow 40 Chain, Scale Mail, 30
Lorica Segmentata
Two-Handed 15 Composite Bow 50 Plate Mail 50
Battle Axe 7 Light Crossbow 15 Shield 10
Morning Star 6 Heavy Crossbow 25 Barding 150
Flail 5 Sling 1
Spear 3 Arrows/Quarrels, 20 10


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Item Cost
Mule 20
Draft Horse 30
Light Horse 40
Medium War Horse 100
Heavy War Horse 200
Saddle and Tack 25
Saddle Bags 10
Cart 100
Wagon 200
Raft 40
Small Boat 100

Item Cost Item Cost
Rope, 50Ê 1 Holy Symbol, silver 25
Pole, 10Ê 1 Holy water, 1 vial 25
Small Sack 1 Wine, qt., poor 3
Large Sack 1 Wine, qt., avg. 5
Backpack 3 Wine, qt. fine 10
Water/wine skin 1 Iron Rations, wk. 5
6 Torches 1 Meal, bread and porridge 1
Lantern 10 Meal, hearty stew 3
Flask of Oil 1 Meal, good mutton and sides 5
5 stakes & mallet 5 Ale or mead, pt. 1
Mirror 2 Lodgings, basic, 1 night 2
Holy Symbol, 2 Lodgings, full accommodation (inc. 10
wood meals), 1 night


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Newpasswordhere Newpasswordhere (Order #38781794)

Well, here it is: book two. YouÊve made it through character development, interpretation, and customization. Not every
creation; now itÊs time to learn what all those numbers and situation will be covered, and it is the authorÊs feeling that
terms mean. ThatÊs what this booklet is for. ItÊs all rules, attempting to do so turns the game into a glorified board
from start to finish. Players should definitely read through game rather than the game of gritty, epic, or even fairy tale
this book, to have a handle on how the game works, so they fantasy role playing it is intended to be.
can better comprehend whatÊs going on during play, but this
book is really for the most part the purview of the Referee. Keeping that in mind, a note to the Referee: always put the
game and the enjoyment of your group first. Be consistent at
THE GOLDEN RULE all times in your adjudication of the rules. It wouldnÊt hurt to
With that in mind, thereÊs one all-important rule to keep in keep a notebook in which you track any rulings or
mind at all times: The Referee is the final word on any interpretations you make, so that you can continually rule the
interpretation of the rules in the game. It is up to the Referee same way and not alter your game entirely from one session
how (or indeed, if) these rules are applied in game, altered, or to the next. It is not entirely upon you to ensure the group
ignored entirely. Never argue the letter of the rules at the has a good time, but the bulk of the work does lay on your
table. If a rules question arises, allow the Referee to make a shoulders, who controls every aspect of the game that is not
ruling and move on. Further discussion can always take place one of the player characters. Refereeing a fantasy game is
away from the table. The rules in Spellcraft & Swordplay are both an art and a science, to paraphrase Gary Gygax, and
deliberately minimalistic, allowing a lot of room for with creativity, time, and practice youÊll join the ranks of the

Almost all actions in S&S are handled by rolling 2d6, adding rolled to check a probability (often for a mishap or miss
bonuses, and trying to equal or get better than a target chance), but these are the exception to the rule.
number. On rare occasions, a number (1 to 3) d6 may be

The first thing to clarify in our book on rules is how time is minute of in-game time. During a round of combat,
distributed in the game, since a great many actions you will characters will have the ability to make a number of attacks or
undertake, from attacking an enemy to engaging in actions. Each action will take a number of „passes,‰ each
negotiations to casting spells revolve around time. In general, segment being equal to six seconds of time; there are ten
when discussing time in a non-vital situation, time is just passes in a round.
addressed as we do every day: seconds, minutes, hours, days,
weeks, etc. However, when the breakdown of time becomes Ten rounds is equal to a Turn, which obviously then
important, there is game terminology used. represents ten minutes. Whenever you see the term „Turn,‰
count tens of minutes in game time.
In combat, time is broken up into one-minute passes called
rounds. Whenever you see the term „Round,‰ it refers to one

There will be times in game when the Referee has a character or penalize actions based on their difficulty as indicated on
make a simple ability check to determine the result of some Table: Difficulty Modifiers (p. 21).
action not otherwise covered by the rules. When making an
ability check, 2d6 are rolled, the bonus or penalty on the When in doubt as to how to handle any given situation, go
Check Modifier table (p. 7) added, and any penalties or with an ability check. If the situation requires a contest
bonuses granted by the Referee applied. If the result of the between two people, have both roll ability checks, with the
check is 11 or better, the check succeeds. higher result winning. These are called contested tests. For
example, if two people are having an arm-wrestling
In general, besides the ability check modifier, characters gain competition, the Referee can call for both to make a strength
+1 to ability checks at first level and every multiple of three check. Both characters would roll 2d6, adding their strength
thereafter (ie. 3, 6, 9, etc). ability check modifier and +1 for every three class levels
possessed. The highest result wins the contest; however, if
As a rule of thumb, if the task is so easy and mundane that a neither result equals 11, the contest is deadlocked and
character of a given class and level should be able to do it continues on.
without any trouble, donÊt roll. Only roll for critical,
important, and difficult tasks. The Referee will grant bonuses


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In this case, the Referee might rule that the class bonus is not creature must make a morale check. Making a morale check
appropriate for wizards or clerics, who donÊt train in strength, simply means making a Wisdom Ability Check. Certain
if he so desires. The Referee might also decide that the situations, attacks, and special abilities may modify the check,
contest is decided by the best of three contested rolls. In any for the positive or negative, at the RefereeÊs discretion using
case, ability check rolls are an easy and intuitive way to the Difficulty Modifiers table on the left. In addition, each
handle most situations in game. So remember: when in race gains a racial bonus to morale, as follows:
doubt, fall back on the ability check. Race Morale
Table: Difficulty Modifiers Human +2
Condition Modifier Elf +4
Basic +6 Dwarf +5
Easy +4 Halfling +6
Simple +2
Moderate No modifier
Difficult -2
Very Difficult -4
Heroic -6
Amazing -8
Unbelievable -10
Unimaginable -12
Exceptional Strength
For characters with exceptional strength, the ability check
modifier increases accordingly: for strength 19-20 the
modifier is +3; for strength 21-22 the modifier is +4; for
strength 23 the modifier is +5.

Saving Throws
Many attack forms require the player to make a saving throw
for his character. A saving throw is an ability check which
represents the characterÊs ability to avoid dangerous or deadly
situations. Saving throws will always add ability bonuses based
on the type of save. The Fire Ball spell, for example, allows a
character a saving throw with their dexterity adjustment to Morale checks for monsters use the ability check guidelines
take only half damage. An unmodified („natural‰) roll of 2 given on p. 35. The situation that inspired the morale check
always fails, and a natural roll of 12 always succeeds. Each will generally dictate the results of a failed check; i.e. if an
class gains a special class-based bonus to certain saving overwhelming force demands surrender, a failed morale check
throws, as listed under the class description in Book One. will likely result in surrender. If the party were faced, on the
Wizards, for example, gain +2 to all Intelligence based saves, other hand, by a horde of slobbering, maddened berserkers
and Warriors gain +2 to all Constitution-based saves. out to destroy everything in their path, a failed morale check
Morale might result in the release of bodily waste, and in rapid flight
Morale is the ability to keep on going in the face of adversity. from the situation.
Whenever a situation occurs that could cause a character or
monster to surrender or break and run, that character or

Base Movement Rates Halflings wearing no armor move at 45 feet per round. If
Base movement rates per round for player character races are wearing light armor movement rate is 35 feet, and if wearing
as follows. Other creaturesÊ movement rates are listed under medium armor movement is 25 feet. If a Halfling decides to
individual monster entries in Book 3. don heavy plate armor, his movement will be a mere 15 feet.
Halflings donÊt have the strength and endurance of dwarves in
Humans and Elves wearing light or no armor (no heavier than such bulky gear.
padded or leather) move at 60 feet per round. If wearing
medium armor (up to chain), they move at 45 feet, and if In a combat situation, characters may move up to half of their
wearing plate armor, humans move at 30 feet. maximum movement and still attack. If a character moves
more than half of their maximum movement, they may not
Dwarves wearing no or light armor move at 45 feet per attack. The exceptions to this are elves and Halflings with
round. If wearing medium armor their movement rate is 35 specific ranged weapons.
feet, and if wearing plate, movement is reduced to 25 feet.

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For use with miniature figures on a tabletop, divide feet by 5, Marsh and bog land or Heavy Preciptation: Movement at
rounding down. The resulting number is a figureÊs movement 50%, all fatigue conditions worsened by half, rounded down
in inches. (i.e. combat every round can cause fatigue). The same effects
apply to heavy rain, snow, sleet, or hail, or even a sand storm
Effects of Terrain and Environment in the desert.
Debris, rough ground: A great deal of debris, such as piles of
garbage, strewn rocks, etc., slows movement through the Rivers and Streams: If more than waist deep, no combat
area by 50%. possible. Wearing armor lighter than leather will cause the
wearer to sink like a stone and drown within constitution
Hills: Movement uphill is at 50% of normal rate (25% if score in minutes. If less than waist deep, movement is at
fatigued); Movement downhill is at 150% normal rate. 50% and all combat and physical actions at -2.


LetÊs face it: the vast majority of fantasy gaming revolves Referees, use common sense, here; if the party sets up an
around battles. Swords flashing, spells blazing, killing things extraordinarily clever ambush and thereÊs no way you can see
and taking their stuff. ThatÊs what this type of play is geared that their enemies would detect them, the party should
towards. At its most basic, the progression of combat in automatically gain surprise.
game is as follows:
If no surprise or equal surprise exists, the next step is to
1. Determine surprise and check initiative check initiative. Checking initiative is a matter of everyone
2. Winner attacks rolling a die or dice and adding their Dexterity Reaction
3. Damage and casualties resolved Adjustment. It really doesnÊt matter whether you roll 1d6,
4. Loser attacks 2d6, or even 3d6, just so long as all involved parties roll the
5. Damage and casualties resolved same number of dice. Whoever rolls the highest gets to act
6. Repeat first, and initiative progresses in descending order from there.

Surprise and Initiative Referees might do better to roll for opponents in groups.
If there is a chance that one party has surprised another (or That is to say, if the characters are facing a group of five orcs
that both parties are surprised) each party with the potential led by an ogre and a troll, roll one initiative test for all five
for surprise rolls a d6, applying any modifiers the Referee orcs, one for the ogre, and one for the troll. This just helps
deems appropriate. A result of 1 or keep things organized.
2 indicates surprise. If only one
party is surprised, the other party Note that any characters engaging in
gets one free action (not full round, ranged attacks always attack first,
but action) against the surprised though still in decreasing order of
party. That is to say, a fifth level their own initiative.
warrior could move in and make a
single attack, but not a full 4-attack Attack
routine. A wizard can cast a spell on Each character, in descending order
a surprise round, though the spell of initiative, makes one or more
will not go off until the first regular attacks as indicated on their level
initiative action of a member of his progression chart. To make an
(or one round later, if the spell is attack, roll 2d6, add your Strength
delayed). Thus, a wizard casting a modifier and any other modifiers you
spell on a surprise round should may have, subtract your opponent's
hope he or one of his teammates dexterity penalty, if the opponent is a
gains initiative for the regular Warrior, then consult the combat
combat; otherwise, the enemy will matrix, cross-referencing your
attack before his spell takes effect. weapon against the armor class of
your opponent. If your total equals
If both dice indicate surprise, or exceeds the number listed, youÊve
whichever party has the higher result scored a hit! Note that armor class is
will gain a surprise pass. Thus, if based on the general type of armor
one party rolls a 1 and the other a (even natural armor) possessed or
2, the party with the 2 will get to attack. worn by an opponent. Shields improve armor class by one.
See Combat Table 1: Armor Type and AC (p. 23) for a
If the rolls are a tie, then the partiesÊ surprise offsets, and in complete breakdown of armor types and the armor class they
game the situation is treated as if there were no surprise. impart.

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AC 9+ and Magical Armor Bonuses: A higher roll is still no reason the Referee should feel the need to keep the AC of
always better, but armor classes higher than 8 can be an enemy secret. In the rare instance that this is the case,
problematic, which happens when one deals with magical however, the Referee will have to reference all attacks until
enhancements. In general, a magical enhancement to armor the players work out what AC they are attacking.
functions as a penalty to the attack roll of an enemy, rather
than as an actual increase in armor class. Also, any condition Unarmed Combat
that would raise AC to 9 or higher is treated as AC 8, with Unarmed combat is generally possible only between
the balance acting as a penalty to the opponentÊs attack roll. unarmored opponents. A kick or fist does very little damage
against someone clad in any armor heavier than padded. If a
Ranged Weapons Rate of Fire character wishes to attempt to punch an armored opponent
Ranged attacks are restricted by the weaponÊs rate of fire, (assuming the face or other unarmored area is accessible), his
rather than the total attacks of the hero. Slings alone have a "to hit" roll is adjusted by the opponent's dexterity as though
rate of fire equal to the hand-to-hand attacks of the character his opponent was a warrior regardless of class. Damage from
in question. Halflings using slings are especially deadly in this unarmed attacks is temporary, healing at one point per hour,
respect, as they treat slings as long bows for range and on the unless the attacker is wearing metal gauntlets, in which case
attack matrix. Short, long, and composite bows fire twice damage is Âreal,Ê that is, treated like any other weapon
every round. Light crossbows fire once per round, and heavy damage.
crossbows fire once every other round.
Characters fighting with spiked gauntlets should be treated as
Characters who have achieved 4 melee attacks may increase wielding knives.
the rate of fire of a ranged weapon by one every other round
or, in the case of heavy crossbows, may attack every round. NON-PROFICIENT WEAPONS AND ARMOR
Characters who have achieved 8 attacks gain an extra shot Just because a weapon or suit of armor is not on a classÊs list
every round, and in the case of heavy crossbows an extra doesnÊt mean they canÊt try to use it. After all, anyone can
shot every other round. Thus, a tenth level warrior with eight pick up a sword and swing it, or (provided theyÊre strong
attacks may fire a bow or light crossbow three times per enough) draw back a bow and fire. Likewise, anyone can
round, or a heavy crossbow 3 times every two rounds. strap on a breast plate. The allowed weapons and armor lists
just denote what weapons a class is trained in using.

Anyone attempting to use a weapon not on their trained list

suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls with that weapon.
Likewise, anyone attempting to wear armor not on their list
suffers -2 to all ability checks, attacks, and physical actions.
In addition, Wizards wearing metal armor suffer -4 to any
spell casting rolls (not cumulative with the -2) while thieves
wearing armor heavier than studded leather suffer -1 (or -
10%) on all thieving skills per point of AC above 4 that the
armor provides (this applies to chain or scale armor, which
impart a -1/-10% penalty, but not to studded leather), not
cumulative with the -2 to other actions.

It is advisable for players to keep the matrix for any weapon Shields make it easier to parry enemy attacks. Thus, use of a
their character uses written on their character sheet. This shield imparts a -1 penalty to a single opponentÊs roll to hit
way, the player can simply roll 2d6 and reference his own every round.
attacks, which saves time in the long run. In general, thereÊs

Table 1: Armor Type and AC

Armor Worn AC
None 1
Padded 2
Leather 3
Studded Leather 4
Chain, Lorica Segmentata, Scale Mail 5
Chain/Lorica Segmentata 6
Plate and mail 7
Field Plate 8
Horse Barding 7
*Adding a shield to Field Plate imparts a -1 to enemy attacks.


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Table 2: Melee Attack Matrix by Weapon
Armor Class*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Battle Axe 9 9 9 9 8 8 10 11
Dagger 7 8 9 9 10 11 13 13
Flail 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 8
Fist or Foot, Human-sized or smaller 7 9 8 - - - - -
Hand Axe 8 8 9 8 11 11 12 13
Long Sword 8 9 9 10 9 8 11 12
Mace/Club 9 9 9 10 9 9 8 9
Heavy Mace/War Hammer 8 8 8 9 8 8 9 8
Morning Star 7 7 8 8 7 8 9 9
Mounted Lance 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10
Pole Arm/Halberd** 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 9
Short Sword 7 8 8 9 8 9 10 11
Spear** 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12
Staff 8 9 9 11 10 10 9 8
Two-Handed Sword 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 8
*Unarmored Horse is AC4.
**Treat as mounted lance against opponents on horseback or set against a charge.

Table 3: Ranged Attack Matrix by Weapon*

Armor Class
Weapon (Ranges)**
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8/9/0 8/9/0 9/0/1 0/1/2 1/2/- 2/3/- 3/-/- 3/-/-
Spear (Thrown)
9/0/1 9/0/1 0/1/2 0/1/2 1/2/- 1/2/- 2/3/- 2/3/-
Short Bow
6/7/8 6/7/8 6/7/8 7/8/9 8/9/0 9/0/1 1/2/- 1/2/-
Long Bow
5/6/7 5/6/7 5/6/7 6/7/8 7/8/9 8/9/0 0/1/2 1/2/-
Composite Bow
5/6/7 5/6/7 5/6/7 7/8/9 8/9/0 0/1/2 1/2/- 2/- /-
Lt Crossbow
5/6/7 6/7/8 6/7/8 7/8/9 8/9/0 0/1/- 1/2/- 2/2/-
Hvy Crossbow
4/5/6 5/6/7 5/6/7 6/7/8 7/8/9 8/9/0 9/0/1 0/1/2
*In Matrix, 0=10, 1=11, 2=12, 3=13. A „-„ indicates that there is no chance to damage at that range.
**Range increments are in tens of feet, or in inches if using miniatures on tabletop
***Sling or thrown range is equal to wielderÊs strength in feet at maximum range, half strength at medium range, and one quarter strength at close range; round
down. Slings gain a +1 to hit in all cases.


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Damage rolls „boxcars,‰ or 12 unmodified by bonuses), his weapon
All hits from normal weapons in S&S deal 1d6 damage plus deals an additional die of damage. Further, if he rolls boxcars
strength bonus and any bonuses from weapon mastery or on that damage score, he may roll a third die for damage!
magic. Larger objects like boulders from catapults, and Damage stops at this third die, however⁄it has to stop
special attacks like spells deal somewhere, after all!
more damage, but if youÊre
attacking with a regular sword, Resolution
axe, bow, or club, roll 1d6 for Once all involved parties have
each attack that hit home, and completed their cycle of attacks and
tally the damage total. If the calculated damage, roll initiative
damage exceeds the hit points again and repeat the steps until
of your opponent, he is dead combat is resolved. A group may
and removed from play (literally, retreat from combat at any time by
if youÊre using miniatures!) suffering a single „parting shot‰
Player characters (and at the from any enemies that currently
RefereeÊs option, important or engage them. Should they survive
„named‰ enemies) can suffer this parting shot, they are assumed
damage up to their constitution to have successfully fled combat.
score below zero before dying, For adding greater detail to retreat
but when hit points reach zero, moves, including fighting
the character is unconscious. withdrawals, see „Fly-by,
Hit points below zero indicates Distraction, and Fleeing (Optional).‰
the character is „bleeding out‰
and must make a successful Spell Casting
saving throw with constitution The basic procedure for casting
bonus every round or suffer one additional point of damage spells is detailed in volume one: the
from blood loss. This constitution save suffers a penalty equal wizard or priest rolls 2d6 against a number based on the
to half the points below zero the character currently is. A complexity (level) of the spell he is trying to cast (p. 10-11).
successful save means the bleeding stops and the character is Depending on the result, the spell may go off as planned, be
stabilized. A cleric or Paladin using healing magic on a dying delayed for one round, or fail entirely.
character immediately stabilizes the character and restores
them to zero hit points. Further magic healing will restore hit In all circumstances, casting a spell takes at least one full
points as normal. round to accomplish. Regardless of whether a wizard has
one attack or four according to his level progression, when
Two Handed Weapons: At the RefereeÊs option, wielding a casting spells, he may cast a maximum of one per round. Nor
two-handed weapon may allow a character to roll 2 dice for may he attack and cast a spell; if he chooses to cast, that is
damage, keeping the higher of the two. his only action for the round.

Critical Hits: If a player hits with a natural roll of 12 (that is,


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A wizard can, in addition, attempt to counter the spell of however, have the unique ability to complete their move after
another wizard. Doing so uses the entire round, and the they fire. Elves can do this when using a short, long, or
wizard can make no other action, including spell casting. To composite bow. Halflings can do this with a sling. To use
counter a spell, the wizard must first make an intelligence this ability, the elf or Halfling simply moves up to half of their
check, to which the Referee secretly applies a penalty equal full movement, makes ranged attacks, and then completes
to the level of the spell being cast. If the wizard succeeds, he their movement.
is able to identify the specific triggers used in the spell (even if
he doesnÊt himself know the spell in question) and work a Special Conditions
counter weave. Both wizards at this point·the caster and the Concealment: Concealment simply provides additional
counter·roll opposed intelligence checks. The wizard of protection in the form of a miss chance in combat.
lower level applies a penalty equal to the difference between Determine the degree to which the character is covered on a
levels (thus if a 6th level wizard and a 4th level wizard are in scale of 1-6, and if the attack is successful, roll an extra d6.
contest, the 4th level wizard suffers a -2 penalty to his check). Rolling under the concealment rating indicates that the attack
The higher result in the opposed check succeeds, determining misses. Concealment also adds to the base chance of a thief
the winner of the contest. If the spell caster wins, his spell to use his stealth ability to hide.
goes off as normal, and the counter-wizard suffers one die of
damage. If the counter-wizard wins, the caster has his spell Cover: Cover works exactly like Concealment, save that an
foiled as though he had failed his spell casting check, and attack which misses due to the cover rating, instead hits the
suffers one die of damage. cover. Firing ranged weapons into melee combat thus runs
the risk of hitting an ally. Each person beyond the target
Mounted Combat involved in a melee provides the target with 1 cover, to a
Of all classes, only Paladins are trained to fight from maximum of 4 cover.
horseback and no special conditions apply to this class.
Other classes attempting to fight from horseback must make
a dexterity check every round, or be unhorsed and possibly
stunned (see below). Instead of using their weapon mastery
to specialize in a weapon, warriors can opt instead to master
mounted combat, which eliminates the need for dexterity
checks, but accordingly will not provide a bonus to hit until
fourth level. See p. 10 for details on warriors and weapon

Men fighting from horseback add +1 to their attack roll

against men not mounted, and men not mounted suffer -1 to
attack rolls against mounted men, unless using spears,
halberds, or pole arms, in which case the non-mounted men
do not suffer the -1 penalty (though the mounted warrior still
gains +1). On the second round of combat, the mounted
warrior may also spur his steed to attack, using its statistics in
volume 3.

A mounted warrior may be unhorsed if his opponent

announces his intent before attacking, uses a lance, spear, or
pole arm and scores a hit against AC 8. An unhorsing
attempt is the only attack possible in a round, no matter how
high in level the attacker is. If the attempt is successful, the
rider must make an opposed dexterity check against the result
of the attack roll, or be borne to the ground. Such an
unhorsed attacker may be stunned. Roll a d6: 1 indicates the
attacker is fine with no ill effect. 2 indicates he is prone. 3-4
indicates he is prone and stunned for one round, 5 indicates Fear: The character afflicted by fear (fails a save) must make a
he is prone and stunned for 2 rounds, and 6 indicates he is morale check immediately or flee in terror at his full
prone and stunned for 3 rounds. movement rate for 1d6 rounds. If he succeeds he suffers -2
to all attacks and ability checks for 1d6 rounds.
Special Actions
Attacking from behind: the character attacking an enemy Prone: When attacking a prone opponent, the attacker gains
from behind gains +4 to hit. +4 to hit and rolls an extra die of damage on a successful
attack. Rising from a prone position requires an action, and
Shot on the Run: Most characters can only move half of their fighting from a prone position imparts -4 to attack. Shooting
movement and still get off their attacks. This applies to crossbows from a prone position, on the other hand, adds +3
ranged as well as melee combat. Elves and Halflings,

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to hit, so long as the crossbow has some sort of brace to
steady it.

Stunned: A stunned creature drops everything held, canÊt

take actions, attackers gain a +2 to hit the creature, and it
loses its Dexterity Reaction Adjustment.

Characters may receive magical healing by spell or by the
Priest or PaladinÊs ability to lay on hands, or may heal
naturally. A character will heal their level plus their
Constitution modifier in points of damage per every full day of
rest (which means each day that no adventuring takes place).
If a character undergoes normal activity, the healing rate is
halved. In any case, a character brought to near death (below
zero hit points) must receive magical healing or spend at least
1d6 full days in bed before natural healing begins.
On a clear day outdoors, characters can see clearly up to 250 • A blinded creature loses its dexterity modifier in combat
yards with no problems. Thus, elves can see in starlight and and attackers gain +2 to hit the creature (unless they also
moonlight for up to 250 yards. Dwarves can see in normal are blinded).
darkness (any condition that is not utter pitch) for up to 250
yards. Such abilities do not cancel out the thiefÊs ability to be • A blinded creature takes a -4 penalty dexterity-based
stealthy. checks. A creature blinded by darkness automatically fails
any check relying on vision.
Blindness, Invisibility and Darkness • Blinded creatures cannot use gaze attacks and are
While some characters and monsters can see perfectly well
immune to gaze attacks.
without any light at all, characters with normal vision can be
rendered completely blind by putting out the lights. Torches • A blinded creature can make a wisdom check each round
or lanterns can be blown out by sudden gusts of subterranean in order to locate foes. A successful check lets a blinded
wind, magical light sources can be dispelled or countered, or character hear an unseen creature „over there
magical traps might create fields of impenetrable darkness. somewhere.‰ This results in a 4-in-6 miss chance until
the blinded creature hits (d6 after a successful attack; 5-6
In many cases, some characters or monsters might be able to hits), after which the miss chance is the standard 50%.
see, while others are blinded. For purposes of the following
points, a blinded creature is one who simply canÊt see through • If a blinded creature is struck by an unseen foe, the
the surrounding darkness. These same conditions apply to blinded character pinpoints the location of the creature
dealing with an invisible assailant; treat everyone who canÊt that struck him (until the unseen creature moves, of
see the invisible creature as though they are blinded in respect course). The only exception is if the unseen creature has
to it. a reach greater than 5 feet (in which case the blinded
character knows the location of the unseen opponent,
• Blinded creatures lose the ability to deal extra damage but has not pinpointed him) or uses a ranged attack (in
due to precision (for example, a thiefÊs back attack). which case, the blinded character knows the general
direction of the foe, but not his location).
• Blinded creatures halve movement, and canÊt run or
charge. • A creature with the scent ability automatically pinpoints
unseen creatures within 5 feet of its location.
• 3-in-6 miss chance in combat; on any successful attack,
roll an additional d6 and if the result is 4-6, the hit is Light Sources
successful. Blinded creatures must first pinpoint the Light sources will overcome normal darkness. A typical
location of an opponent in order to attack; if the blinded campfire will shed light in a 30 foot radius; a torch will light
creature launches an attack without pinpointing, it up to a 20 foot radius; a lantern has a 15 foot radius.
attacks a random area within its reach. For ranged Assume that half again the distance beyond provides shadowy
attacks or spells against a foe whose location is not illumination, imposing -3 to Wisdom checks to see and -2 to
pinpointed, roll to determine which direction the blinded hit targets, and half again that is dim illumination, Imposing -6
creature is facing; its attack is directed at the closest to Wisdom checks to see and -4 to hit targets. Bullseye
target that lies in that direction. lanterns can be adjusted to emit a 15-foot beam rather than
lighting a radius.


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It is possible that at some point in time the characters will as standard for the race, adjusted by the charisma ability
seek to hire extra help, be it another mage, a priest to raise a check modifier of the employer. The maximum number of
friend from the dead, or even a few extra sword arms to help hirelings is dependent upon the charisma of the employer, as
clear a dungeon. This is quite possible, and for the most part detailed on p. 8.
should be handled through role playing (the characters must
seek out help, perhaps through posting an advert in the same Players roll for their hirelings in combat (and move them, if
tavern where they acquired their current job, then interview tactical movement rules are gained) unless a situation arises
and hire on any potential candidates). that would cause the hirelings to potentially rebel, such as a
failed morale check, for example, in which case the referee
In general, player characters cannot hire help that is of any can assume control.
level higher than three levels below the highest level character
in the party. That is to say, if the highest level character in a Further, any hirelings a character has gain experience, each
party is fifth level, the party can hire second level help. hireling gaining ¼ share of total XP (thus, every four hirelings
gain a share of XP), which reduces the experience gained by
Helpers have a general upkeep cost of 10 coin per day, per the party. The referee should advance the hirelings, as they
level of the helper. They will also likely demand a share of are effectively NPCs in the employ of the PCs.
any loot recovered. The morale of any given hireling will be

In order to advance, characters will need to earn experience. party feel some real sense of risk, grants XP equal to twenty
Generally, this is accomplished through defeating monsters times the party level plus one, and a deadly challenge, where
and overcoming challenges. Each monster has a set XP one or more characters are at risk of losing their lives, or
(experience point) award, listed in its monster entry. which consumes a great deal of the partyÊs current resources
Defeating the creature awards this many points to the party, in spells, hit points, or treasure, provides XP equal to fifty
which are divided evenly among the characters. Defeating times the party level plus one or more.
multiple creatures of a single type, of course, provides
multiple experience awards. Experience is never granted for treasure, as treasure is its own
For overcoming challenges, the Referee should gauge how
difficult the challenge was, and award experience accordingly. Bonus XP may be awarded for good role playing (50-100 XP
An easy challenge, which requires an ability check or two but per character) or enhancing the play experience for the group
nothing more, provides XP equal to five times the level of the (amusing moments or quips, for example, that donÊt distract
party plus one (i.e. a first level party would get 10 XP for such from overall game play but heighten the mood of all involved)
a challenge·2 x (party level +1)). An average or moderate (10-25 XP per character).
challenge, one that uses party resources but isnÊt particularly
dangerous, provides XP equal to ten times the level of the Creation of custom monsters, as well as experience awards
party plus one. A difficult challenge, one that makes the for custom creatures, is covered in Book 3.


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Monster # App AL SZ AC Move HD Attacks Special Treasure XP
Ant, Giant 10-100 N(U) M 7 75' 1 (4 hp) Bite(dagger) Climb 25' Nil 5+1 (9)
Ape, Great 1-16 N(U) M 2 60' 3 (12 hp) 2 Claw/Bite (3 daggers) Climb 30', Rend, Nightvision Nil 30+3 (66)

Centaur 1-24 G L 3 90Ê 4 (16 hp) 2 hooves (maces) and weapon Darkvision, Track, Woodland Stride 4 110+4 (174)

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Cockatrice 1-6 N(U) S 3 45Ê 5 (20 hp) Bite (dagger) Petrify (Bite), Fly 90Ê, Night vision 5 140+5 (240)
Dragon 1 Any L-I Var. Var. 5 to 20 Claws, Bite, Wing, Tail Slap, or Fly 100Ê, Breath Weapon, Magic, Immunities (see 4 to18x10 Var.
Trample text)

Dryad 1 G M 3 -3 60Ê 2 (8 hp) Weapon Magic, Tree Dependence, Tree Stride, Wild 1 25+2 (41)
Empathy, Spell Resistance 0
Dwarf 1-100 N(U) M 6 35Ê 1 (6 hp) Weapon (dwarves can have Darkvision, dwarf traits as per volume 1, combat 2 7+1 (13) or
multiple hit dice and gain one expertise (orcs and giants), Warrior abilities. special if
attack per 3 hit dice). multi HD (see
XP table).
Elemental 1-4 N(B) S-I Var. 90Ê 1-20 Slam Elemental Move 120Ê Nightvision, Elemental 1/7/9 Var.
Mastery, Regeneration, Elemental Blast,
Elf 2-300 G M 6 -1 90Ê 1 (5 hp) By weapon or spell (Elves can Nightvision, Elf Traits as per volume 1, Warrior 1 7+1 (12) or
have multiple hit dice--see and Wizard abilities. Special if
dwarves) Multi-HD (See
XP table).
Gargoyle 1-8 E M 8 75Ê 5 (20 hp) 2 claw, bite, gore (2 short sword, Darkvision, Freeze, fly 90Ê 5 160+5 (260)
dagger, hand axe)
Ghoul 1-24 E M 2 75Ê 2 (8 hp) 2 claw, bite (2 hand axes, dagger) Darkvision, Paralysis 1 30+2 (46)

Gnoll 2-200 E L 5 90Ê 2 (9 hp) Slam (club) or by weapon Nightvision 1 10+2 (28)
Gnome 4-400 N(B) S 3 -1 50Ê 1 (4 hp) Weapon or spell (Gnomes can Nightvision, Animal Empathy (Burrowers), 1 7+1 (11) or
have multiple hit dice--see Combat Expertise (goblins and kobolds), Special if
dwarves) Enhanced hearing, Magic, Thief Abilities Multi-HD (See
XP table).
Goblin 2-400 E S 3 45Ê 1 (3 hp) Weapon Darkvision, Thief Abilities 1 5+1 (8)
Green Slime 1-6 N(U) Any 1 2.5Ê 4 (16 hp) None Engulf (2d6 acid), Vulnerable fire, cold, acid, Nil 120+4 (184)
electricity, immune normal weapons (full)
Halfling 2-600 G S 2 -3 45Ê 1 (4 hp) By weapon (Halflings can have Nightvision, Halfing Traits as per volume 1, Thief 1 7+1 or
multiple hit dice--see dwarves) abilities. Special if
Multi-HD (See
XP table).
Hippogriff 1-4 N(U) L 3 -3 95Ê 3 (13 hp) 2 claws, bite (2 daggers, hand Fly 175Ê, Nightvision 2 30+3 (69)
Hobgoblin 4-200 E M 5 90Ê 1+5 (9 hp) By Weapon Darkvision 1 7+1 (15)

Horse, Heavy 1-20 N(U) L 4 100Ê 4 (16 hp) 2 hooves (flails) Nil Nil 40+4 (104)
Horse, Light 1-30 N(U) L 4 120Ê 2 (10 hp) 2 hooves (maces) Nil Nil 10+2 (30)
Horse, Med. 1-30 N(U) L 4 110Ê 3 (14 hp) 2 hooves (morning stars) Nil Nil 20+3 (62)
Human 4-400 N(U) M Var. 90Ê 1 (6 hp) By Weapon (Humans can have Human traits as per volume 1. Var. 5+1 or
multiple hit dice--see dwarves) Special if
Multi-HD (See
XP table).

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Hydra 1 E H-I 5-8 45Ê 3 to 9 5 to 9 Bite (long swords) Darkvision, Swim 25Ê, Regenerate 2, Breath 5-9 420+5, 630+6,
Weapon (2 on 2d6 chance; fire or frost/1d6 per 765+7, 1145+8,
head/1 per day) or 1700+9
Kobold 4-400 E S 3 45Ê 1 (4 hp) Bite (dagger) or by weapon Darkvision, Light Sensitivity 1 5+1 (9)
Lycanthrope, 3-18 E M 4 -3 100Ê 4 (18 hp) 2 Bites (short swords) Lycanthropy, Animal Empathy (Canines), Trip, 4 120+4 (90)
Werewolf Alternate Form, Night Vision, Pack Mentality
Mule 1-10 N(U) M 2 70Ê 2+1 (8 hp) Bite (Hand axe, 1d6-1) Nil Nil 10+2 (26)
Nixie 2-24 N(B) T 3 -2 30Ê 1-2 (2 hp) Dagger or Spear Swim 60Ê, Magic, Nightvision, Spell Resistance 0, 1 15+1 (17)
Breathe Water
Ogre 1-6 E H 5 90Ê 4+5 (23 hp) Slams (morning stars, 2d6) or by Darkvision, 4th level Warrior Abilities 3 40+4 (136)
Orc 2-400 E M 4 45Ê 1 (5 hp) Weapon Darkvision, Light Sensitivity 1 5+1 (10)
Pegasus 1-10 G L 4 130Ê 5 (20 hp) 2 hooves and bite (2 flails and Fly 250Ê, Nightvision 3 60+4 (140)
hand axe)
Pixie 4-24 G T 3 -3 45Ê 1-1 (3 hp) Dagger or Short Bow Fly 90Ê, Magic, Nightvision, Invisible (improved), 1 35+1 (38)
Pixie (Cont) Sleep (arrow), Forget (arrow)
Skeleton 1-10 E M 3 45Ê 1+2 (6 hp) Weapon Resist edged/ pointed weapons ½ 1 10+1 (16)
Snake, Giant 1-100 N(U) L 2 45Ê 3 (12 hp) Bite (dagger) Constrict or Poison (2 or 3) Nil 15+2 (39)
Troll 1-8 E H 6 90Ê 6 (24 hp) 2 claw and bite (2 hand axe and Rend, Darkvision, Vulnerable fire/acid, 5 360+6 (504)
dagger) or by weapon regenerate 2
Unicorn 1-8 G L 4 -6 120Ê 5+5 (25 hp) 2 Hooves (2 clubs) or horn (long Night Vision, Save as 11 HD creature, Magic, 5 220+4 (320)
sword) Animal Empathy (Wild), Immune (Poison, Charm,
and Compulsion).
Wight 2-20 E M 5 90Ê 5 (20 hp) 2 Slam (morning stars) Darkvision, Energy Drain (slam), Spawn 5 120+4 (200)
Worg 2-12 N(U) L 4 100Ê 4 (16 hp) 2 claws and bite (2 short swords, Darkvision, Enhanced Scent, Track 3 60+4 (124)
battle axe)
Wraith 1-4 E M 5 60Ê 5 (20 hp) Touch (Dagger, special) Incorporeal, Energy Drain (touch), Spawn (energy 5 280+5 (380)
drain), Darkvision, Light Sensitivity (Total), Fear
Wyvern 1-6 E L or 7 60Ê 7 (25 hp) 4 claw and bite (4 long sword, Fly 100Ê, Darkvision, Immune sleep and 6 540+7 (735)
H battle axe) or tail swipe sting (flail paralysis, poison 3 (tail sting), paralysis (tail sting)
and special)
Zombie 3-18 E M 2 40Ê 2 (8 hp) Slam (club) Immune sleep, charm, paralysis, compulsion, 1 15+1 (23)
Resist blunt weapons


Monster: The name of the monster. creatures over 10 HD, simply intuit the progression past tenth
level. An 11 HD creature saves as 10th, level, and reduce the
# Appear: The numerical range of monsters encountered. A required save by one point per two HD thereafter. Thus, a
monster with a list of 2-400, for example, can be 15-HD creature saves at 4. No matter how many hit dice a
encountered in pairs, or an entire community will generally creature has, a natural roll of 2 will always fail a save.
have up to 400 members. Parenthetical notations give hit points for an average member
of the species.
AL: The creatureÊs alignment tendency. Note that there are
always exceptions to the rule, and it is possible, however Attacks: The type and number of basic attacks a creature has.
unlikely, to encounter a creature that does not behave as per Parenthetical notations indicate what weapon type to
the tendencies of its race, such as a good orc. Alignments are reference on the combat chart in Volume 2, and non-standard
Good (G), Evil (E), Neutral Unaligned (N(U)), and Neutral damage (if any). Thus, Bite (dagger) means the creature has a
Balance (N(B)) and detailed in Volume 1. bite, which is scored as a dagger on the Weapon Type vs. AC
chart in volume 2. Attacks separated by commas indicate
SZ: The creatureÊs size rating: Tiny (T), Small (S), Medium multiple attacks. Attacks after an „or‰ indicate other options
(M), Large (L), Huge (H), Giant (G), Colossal (C), or immense in lieu of standard attacks. Thus, a creature with „2 claws
(I). For details on the effects of size, see Volume 2. and bite (2 daggers and short sword) or tail swipe (flail, 3d6)‰
indicates the creature can use either 2 claws and a bite, OR it
AC: The creatureÊs armor class. See p. 22-24. If a creature can attempt a tail swipe which scores as a flail and does 3d6
has an armor class with a penalty listed after it, this represents damage.
the penalty to an enemyÊs attack roll to hit the creature.
Thus, AC 4 -3 means the creature has an AC of 4, and the Special: Any special abilities or attacks a creature has. Unless
attacker subtracts three from all rolls to hit it. This penalty otherwise stated, special attacks are used in lieu of basic
refers to other defenses besides artificial and natural armor, attacks, not in addition to.
such as the creatureÊs reaction adjustment.
Treasure: the treasure type the creature possesses. See p. 46
Move: The number of feet per round the creature can move. for details.
In combat, creatures can move half their total movement and
still make an attack. See Volume 2. XP: The amount of experience points gained for defeating
each creature of this type. This is expressed as a base value,
HD: The number of hit dice a monster has. Roughly followed by a „per hit point‰ bonus. A creature with an XP
equivalent to its level of experience, were it a player value of 5+1 gives 5 experience points, plus one per hit point
character. Monsters always make saving throws as Warriors, the creature has. Parenthetical notations are total experience
using their Hit Dice to reference the level at which they save. for an average member of the species.
Thus, a 2 HD creature saves as a second level Warrior. For


Acid: The creature has an acid attack, dealing the stated understanding and comprehension. Creatures with „Wild‰ as
damage every round until it is washed off (immersion of the the type can communicate with all animals and plants. An
affected area in water for at least a round). Characters may Improved version indicates the ability to summon and
save for half damage; the acid will destroy normal weapons, command 2d6 of the indicated animal type for 1 turn per hit
armor and equipment in d6 rounds unless cleansed. die of the summoning creature.

Alternate Form: The creatureÊs normal form is that of a Breath Weapon (type/damage/usage): The creature can
regular human or demi-human. In its natural form, the breathe a gout of flame or cloud of frost or gas, or spit a
creature retains any heightened senses or vision capabilities of stream of poison or acid, or has another ranged attack
its alternate form but no others, except where „Improved‰ is delivered from its mouth. The parenthetical notation
indicated, in which case the human form has all abilities of the indicates the type of attack, the amount of damage it deals,
creature. These creatures have immunity to polymorph and how often the creature can use it. Thus „Breath Weapon
spells. (Fire/2d6/day)‰ indicates the creature breathes a gout of
flame that deals 2d6 damage, once per day. Unless
Animal Empathy (Type): The creature has a special otherwise noted in the creatureÊs description, breath weapons
relationship with nature which allows them to communicate always allow a save with Dexterity reaction adjustment for half
with animals of the specified type. The communication is damage. Unless otherwise specified, a breath weapon is a 25Ê
more telepathic and empathetic than it is conversational, long cone that is 15Ê wide at the far end.
though posture and sounds can communicate emotions such
as stress and fear. The information communicated must be Breathe Water: The creature can breathe in water as well as
relatively simple, taking place on the animalÊs level of humans can breathe air. Unless otherwise stated, the

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creature is truly amphibious, meaning it can breathe both air confront the caster, any effected creature suffers a -2 penalty
and water. to all rolls. It effects a 25 foot x 25 foot area.

[Class] Abilities: The creature has the abilities of the given Fly: The creature can fly. The number indicates its speed.
class, at an equivalent level to its hit dice. Thus, a 1 HD An indicator such as, „as large‰ indicates its maneuverability is
creature with Thief Abilities has the abilities of a first level as a creature of that size.
Forget: The victim of such an attack forgets everything,
Combat Expertise (type): A deep-seeded racial enmity exists including his own name. He loses all class abilities (though hit
in this species. The creature gains +1 to hit and damage points remain) and becomes an otherwise normal member of
against creatures of the specified type in melee combat (not his race, with complete amnesia. The effect is permanent;
ranged). only a Priestal Remove Curse spell can restore lost memories.
Parenthetical notations denote the delivery type for this
Constrict: The creature can attack by enveloping and/or attack.
squeezing the character. Damage is 1 die per round of
constriction; breaking free requires an opposed Strength Immune: The creature is immune to attacks of the specified
check. type. If a fraction is present, the creature is only partially
immune, suffering reduced damage as indicated (i.e. „Immune
Darkvision: The creature can see in the dark as well as a acid ½‰ means the creature suffers half damage from acid).
Incorporeal: The creature is insubstantial and ghostlike. It
Direction Sense: The creature cannot become lost through may pass through solid objects at will, and any physical attack
any means, magical or mundane, and always knows exactly suffers a 1-3 miss chance. When it attacks, it ignores armor,
which direction it is travelling. always attacking as if the target were AC 1.
Energy Drain: The stated attack drains a level of experience Light Sensitivity: whenever in bright light, the creature suffers
or hit die from the target, who loses enough experience -2 to all attack rolls, saves, and ability checks. Light Sensitivity
points to place him at the midpoint of the next lower level. (Full) means the creature is helpless and utterly repulsed by
He loses 4+Con modifier hit points and all associated abilities daylight (but not other forms of light); if caught in an area of
that were gained at his current level. If level drain takes a daylight it loses its special qualities, cannot attack and must
character below first level, he is dead and cannot be the flee to an area of shadow.
recipient of a Raise Dead spell. Those who are subject to
energy drain attacks get a Constitution-based saving throw to Lycanthropy: When bitten by this creature, unless the victim
avoid the effect. makes a save with Constitution bonus and a penalty equal to
the number of bites suffered, he will become a lycanthrope of
Engulf: The creature attacks by engulfing its victim, or a the same type that bit him on the next full moon. Eating
portion thereof, doing damage per every round the creature is wolfsbane within an hour of being bitten will stave off the
covered. In the case of enveloping oozes such as puddings, disease, but wolfsbane is a class 2 poison (p. 14).
the creature or engulfed part must be completely immersed in
water or some other solvent for removal to occur. If the Magic: The creature has spells or spell-like abilities detailed
creature dies while engulfed, it is assimilated into the mass, under its text entry.
doubling its size and adding hit points equal to the engulfed
creature. Nightvision: The creature can see in the dark as well as an elf.

Enhanced (Sense): The creature gains +2 to any ability checks Pack Mentality: The creature is instinctively driven to move in
that involve the specified sense. a pack. If it sees a member of its pack injured or endangered,
it will leap to the defense of its comrade to the exclusion of all
[Elemental] Mastery: The creature has magical abilities related else. This instinct grants a +2 to attack and damage rolls
directly to one of the four elements. This includes the ability while defending another member of its pack.
to summon and command elementals whose total hit dice
equal one half or less the hit dice of the monster (1 HD Paralysis: The creatureÊs attack will paralyze a creature for
creatures cannot summon elementals). In addition all attacks 1d6 turns (unless otherwise indicated), unless the creature
based on the element have no effect on the creature, and makes a successful Constitution-based save. Elves are
physical attacks from creatures associated with the element in immune to this effect.
question suffer a -1.
Petrify: The creature has an attack that turns the victim to
Fear: The creature puts off an aura of supernatural terror. stone unless a successful Constitution-based saving throw is
Unless a successful Wisdom-based save is made, panic and made. The attack with the petrification effect is listed.
terror race through the hearts of those affected by this ability,
causing them to flee from the creature as fast as possible. The Poison (Class): The creature can inject poison of the indicated
affected cower in abject horror if cornered, and if forced to class. For effects, see p. 14.


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Regenerate (Class): The creature regenerates hit points and combat and its footfall is devastating. Any creature caught in
limbs. The parenthetical number indicates the number of dice the path of its movement must make a successful save with
of hit points per round that the creature regenerates. Dexterity reaction adjustment or take 3d6 points of damage.

Rend: If the creature strikes with both its claws, it makes an Tree Stride: The creature may travel via trees. A creature
opposed Strength ability check against its adversary. If the with this ability may step into any tree and emerge from any
creature wins, it deals an extra 2d6 damage. other tree within 50Ê. Each tree-to-tree movement requires
one round to accomplish.
Sleep: The creature can affect a target as per the sleep spell,
but with no restrictions on hit dice. Parenthetical notations Vulnerable (type): The creature suffers double damage from
denote the delivery method (often a drug- or poison-coated attacks of the indicated type.
Whirlwind: The creature can turn itself into a whirlwind once
Spawn: Those killed by this creature (usually by its level drain every turn and remain in that form for one round per every
attack) raise as new creatures of the type that killed them two hit dice. It can move at its base speed, is 5Ê wide at the
within 2d10 hours, though all hit dice and powers are at half base, 30Ê wide at the top, and 5Ê high per hit die. All vision,
the effectiveness of the original creature. Spawned creatures including darkvision and nightvision, is obscured due to
are always utterly subservient to the creature that made them; whirling debris equal to a 40Ê diameter surrounding the cloud.
upon their masterÊs death, the spawn become full-fledged, Any creature caught in the whirlwind who is less than half the
full-powered members of their species. whirlwindÊs height must make a save with Dexterity reaction
modifier or suffer 1 die of damage per two hit dice of the
Spell Resistance: The creature is resistant to magical spells. It whirlwind, and if the Dexterity save fails must make a
may roll 2d6, adding its Spell Resistance bonus, and if it rolls Strength ability modifier save or be picked up and suspended,
higher than the WizardÊs spellcasting roll, the spell has no suffering 1 die of damage per round thereafter. Only flying
effect. The creature still gains any saving throw allowed even creatures may make regular Strength ability modifier saves to
if spell resistance fails. Thus, a creature with Spell Resistance escape (1/round). Creatures can act normally, but suffer -2 to
1 rolls 2d6 and adds 1. A creature with Spell Resistance 0 all rolls while suspended. The whirlwind can suspend one
simply rolls straight 2d6. A creature that does not have spell medium sized creature per hit die, with large creatures
resistance listed does not have spell resistance. counting as two medium-sized creatures, and small or tiny
creatures counting as one half of a medium creature.
Swim: The creatureÊs speed when moving through the water.
Elementals can create slightly different versions of this ability
Tracking: The creature has some means, natural or with the same game mechanics. For Air elementals it is
supernatural, to track prey. This is accomplished by rolling standard as above. For water elementals it can be either a
2d6 and adding the creatureÊs tracking bonus. For creatures water spout that stretches into the sky, or a vortex that sucks
with ability scores, this roll is replaced by a Wisdom or creatures down, drowning them. For fire elementals the
Intelligence ability check, depending on whether the creature damage is from raging heat, and for water elementals the
is relying on natural senses (Wisdom) or training (Intelligence). debris field deals the damage.
Bonuses from enhanced senses do add to tracking rolls.
Woodland Stride: The creature can move through wooded
Trample: The creature is large enough to lumber over other areas without leaving any trace; it is impossible to track.
creatures of at least 3 sizes smaller without being drawn into

In general, monsters attack as Warriors with levels equivalent attack, use its least effective attack form as its base attack.
to the monster's hit dice. This grants him a bonus to attacks However, if a monter's routine contains fewer attacks than he
equal to a warriorÊs pips, which can be divided amongst would normally be allowed, he does not gain extra attacks like
attacks as standard. Thus, a 4 HD monster has +3 to divide a Warrior. Thus, a monster with 8 HD who has a claw, claw
up as he chooses amongst his attacks. bite routine gains his claw, claw, bite, and may divide a +5
bonus up amongst those attacks as it chooses, but does not
A monsterÊs attack routine trumps the number of attacks a gain extra attacks as a Warrior. The only exceptions to this
Warrior would have. If a monster's attack routine contains rule are monsters with Warrior class abilities, which function
more attacks than would normally be allowed to an equivalent as Warriors in all respects, and monsters whose attack lists
level Warrior, the monster's attack routine trumps the hit dice „by weapon,‰ in which case the monster gains weapon-based
limit. Thus, if a 2HD monster has a claw, claw bite attack attacks exactly as a Warrior with the monsterÊs Hit Dice in
when normally he'd only have 2 attacks, he still gets his claw, levels.
claw, and bite. If the monster has neither a hand or bite


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When making ability checks for monsters, assume an ability skeletons have no morale under normal circumstances, but
check bonus equal to +2 per three hit dice (or fraction see "Bane of the Dead," on p. 12. Undead monsters suffer
thereof) the monster has. a penalty equal to 1+1/3 the level of a Priest attempting to
use "Bane of the Dead" upon them.
Living monsters make morale checks like any other ability
check. Non-intelligent creatures such as zombies, and


Table: Monster Experience Values Special: There are three categories of special abilities,
HD BASE PER I II III designated in the chart by the Roman numerals I, II and III. A
HP given monsterÊs total experience value increases by the
1 5 1 2 4 5 amount of special abilities it has. Special ability experience is
2 10 2 5 7 10 added to the base experience for the monster. For example,
3 20 3 10 15 20 Skagg (4HD) has four attacks per round, a category I ability.
4 40 4 20 30 40 So its base experience points are increased by 40 points (for
5 80 5 40 60 80 a total of 120) plus 4 per hit point.
6 120 6 60 90 120
7 180 7 90 135 180 Special I: This category includes three or more attacks per
8 250 8 125 200 250 round, spell use of 1st-3rd level (or equivalent spell-like
abilities), and unique abilities such as tracking, hiding, or back
Experience per Hit Point: A monsterÊs hit point total attacks.
influences the amount of experience it confers. To calculate
this, simply multiply the number of hit points by the hit dice Special II: This category includes 5 or more attacks per
of the creature, and divide by 2. For example, a 5 HD round, damage of 4d6 or more for a single attack, spell use of
creature has an average of 18 hit points. The base is 80 4th-7th level or equivalent, and extraordinary powers like
experience points plus 5 experience points per hit point. 90 invisibility or etherealness.
extra experience points would be awarded for this creature,
for a total of 170. Special III: This category includes death attacks, petrification
attacks, and spell use of 8th level and higher (or equivalent)

Ant, Giant: These mutant creatures are just like normal ants,
only they range from 4-6 feet in length. As with normal ants,
they live in a colony underground, digging vast tunnel systems
and carrying food back to their queen, who resides at the
center of the complex, has triple the hit dice, climbs at 50Ê,
and has a poisonous bite (Class 3 poison). The Queen ant will
have a trove of treasure (3).

Ape, Great: Great apes include any large simian creature such
as a gorilla, orangutan or chimpanzee. They live in large
family groups in tropical forests. For every four apes there is
one bull and one infant. Ape family groups are strictly
hierarchical, and they are led by the strongest bull ape. If
anything should happen to him, the next strongest bull
replaces him. The bull ape is generally very aggressive,
territorial, and protective.

Centaur: Centaurs have an equine body topped with a human

torso, and they have a noble, stoic appearance. They are stern
protectors of their woodland homes, and are occasionally
found in the company of other woodland fey. They rarely
interact with civilized races, preferring their own kind, but do
interact with elves, though even these can be treated with
suspicion, as elves traffic with the other races of the world.


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Cockatrice: Cockatrices are large birds, vaguely resembling a
cross between a chicken and vulture. They have lean,
muscular bodies carpeted in thin, gangly feathers. Their
feathers are foul and always falling out, leaving patches of
their serpentine skin exposed. Their necks are long and their
beak wickedly curved. They have a long serpentine tail ending
in a full array of multicolored feathers. Though they have
wings, they cannot fly in the traditional sense, but use them to
leap long distances of up to 50 feet. They prefer to eat rotten
meat more than anything else, and for this reason they are
foul-smelling creatures.

Dragons come in five types: Fire, Ice, Storm, Swamp, and
Forest. The variations are environs, coloring, and breath
weapon. Fire dragons range from a burnt orange to red in
color, sometimes of a metallic copper or golden hue. Their
breath weapon is a cone of flame. The breath weapon of an
Ice dragon is a cone of frost, and these dragons are generally
light gray to snow white in color, also exhibiting shades of
metallic silver. Storm dragons breathe lightning and are often
found in shades of blue, including a metallic or sapphire hue.
Swamp dragons unleash a cloud of poisoned gas, and tend to
be sickly yellow to brown or black in color, and Forest
dragons spew a stream of acid and appear in shades of green,
including a metallic emerald. Metallic or „gem‰ shades are
often (though not always) indicative of a dragon with a Good
alignment. Otherwise, their abilities are largely the same.
Dragons increase in size and become more powerful with
age. The table below outlines their abilities by age.

Attacks denotes the entry on the Attack Matrix in Volume 2

under which the dragon rolls for each of its claws, bite, wing,
and tail slap attack, as well as indicating if the dragon can
trample and how much total damage the trample deals.

Breath indicates the number of times per day a dragon can

use its breath weapon, and how much damage it deals. A Magic indicates the number of times per day (and for how
dragon can use its breath weapon a maximum of once every long each time) a dragon can Polymorph (alter its shape into
other round. Dragons are immune to the type of damage any creature it desires) as a spell-like ability, and indicates the
dealt by their breath weapon. level at which a dragon possesses other spell casting abilities.

Dragon Abilities by Age

Age SZ AC HD Attacks Breath Magic Treas. XP
Infant L 5 5 2 dagger, Hand axe, 1/1d6 Polymorph 1 (1 4 260+5
club, club, no hr)
Young H 7 7 2 short sword, 4/2d6 Polymorph 5 (1 8 585+7
battle axe, hr), Wizard 4
staff, flail, no


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Dryad: Dryads are radiate magic. Dryads possess a great deal of knowledge
wild, fey creatures about the area surrounding their forests, and can
that represent a communicate with any plant that grows naturally in their
pinnacle of beauty. habitat.
They live in seclusion
in the deepest parts Dwarf: Dwarves are short of stature, but stout and strong.
of ancient forests. They wear full beards, and take great pride in their length and
Shy and non-violent, fullness. These sturdy folk make their homes deep within the
dryads always attempt earth, hammering out an existence through brute force and
to flee from danger. the forge. Above all else, the dwarves delight in shaping
They can literally step stone, and they love gold, silver, gems, and any wealth found
into one tree and out beneath the earth. They are unsurpassed as miners and
of another as they engineers, and are skilled in making armor and weapons of all
escape. Dryads are kinds. Dwarves have long memories and never forget a
lonely creatures, and grudge or a kindness
they seek to be done for them. For
fawned over and this reason, they have
loved for their beauty. no love of orcs and
For this reason, they goblins who too often
often keep men of plunder dwarven
power or prestige wealth. They have very
bound to them for little affinity for elves
many years. and their markedly
Exceptionally different philosophy
handsome men and culture. Dwarves
attract the attention communicate and
of dryads, and a dryad may reveal itself to such an individual, trade with the other
in an attempt to charm and seduce him. races regularly, but
often with great
Every dryad is mystically bound to a single, enormous suspicion.
hardwood tree, typically an oak or beech, from which she can
never stray more than 300 yards. A dryadÊs tree does not

Elementals are denizens of the elemental planes of existence, Elemental Blast: Elementals can fire a blast of elemental force
formed from the planeÊs pure substance. They are seldom comprised of their element. This blast strikes and has range
encountered on the mortal realms, but are often summoned as a long bow and deals 1 die of damage per class of the
by powerful spellcasters. Air, earth, fire, and water elementals elemental.
are the most commonly encountered, but more obscure types
such as dust, mud, smoke, and others also exist. In addition, elementals of at least 5 HD can unleash a
concentrated blast of the element of which they are a part.
All elementals regenerate 2 hit points per round if fighting in This blast functions exactly like a Fire Ball spell cast by a
their natural planes or in close proximity to their respective Wizard with as many levels as the elemental has hit dice.
elements. Elementals are magical creatures and can only be
hit by magical weapons. As the elemental grows in power, Elemental Control: All elementals can cast any spell from the
more and more powerful weapons are required to hit. See Wizard or Priest spell lists that has anything to do with their
the table for an outline of elemental abilities. element, caster level being equal to a Wizard with levels equal
to the elementalÊs hit dice.
All elementals can move through the element of which they
are a part at a speed of 120Ê. An Earth elemental, then, can Elemental Experience by Hit Dice: Calculate XP for
„swim‰ through earth or rock at this speed. An air elemental elementals based upon the guidelines found on p. 35.
can fly at this speed. A water elemental can swim at this Elementals of Class 1 and 2 have Special Abilities 1 and 2.
speed. Fire elementals can move through fire and fly, making
them among the most dangerous.

Elemental Abilities by Class/HD

Class HD AC/To Hit Attack SZ Regen Treas
1 1-5 4/+1 1d6/Club M-L 2/round 1
2 6-10 6/+2 2d6/Staff L-H 3/round 7

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Elf: Elves are a thin, lithe, quick, and sure-footed folk, ranging they may choose to multi-class in two or all three paths. If
from 5 ½ - 6 ½ feet in height. They are supremely confident they choose not to advance as Thieves, player character
in their bearing, and to other races they can seem aloof, cold, gnomes do not gain Thief abilities.
and uncaring. This is mainly due to their unique perspective
as a very long-lived race. In fact, they take great interest in all
that transpires, and are often well informed of happenings in
the world around them. The elves see almost all other races
as transient; they all come and go, while the lives of elves
stretch onward.

Elves love beauty in all forms, preferring to surround

themselves with items of profound aesthetic value. They
particularly favor finely worked gems and jewels. Though they
have no great love for dwarves, elves value the beauty of
dwarven craftsmanship.

Gargoyle: Resembling the fearsome statues and carvings

placed on many stone edifices to frighten evil, these
loathsome creatures are a mockery of that intent. Gargoyles
are warped entities that enjoy terrorizing the places their
inanimate brethren were meant to protect. Gargoyles are
sadistic, taking pleasure in inflicting horrible injury and causing
havoc. Goblin: Goblins are diminutive, vicious, and degenerate
creatures. They have large bulbous heads, small eyes, and
Ghoul: Ghouls are abominations formed when a human or typically have a drab green or gray skin tone to match their
demihuman turns cannibal. Perpetually hungry, they stalk native environment. These creatures prefer mountainous,
graveyards and charnel houses for flesh to devour. They are hilly, forested, and rough terrains for their lairs, the better to
most often found in cemeteries or battlefields where 2-24 are hide from other races, but they will call anywhere home, often
encountered, particularly where dead are buried in migrating in huge numbers when the tribe outgrows the lair.
unconsecrated ground. Though savage, ghouls are not stupid; They are prodigious diggers, living in warrens carved out of
they speak their own language and know the secrets of the hillsides, mountain slopes, beneath the roots of trees, or
worlds beyond. They are not undead, though they are tainted wherever else they settle. Their warrens can grow to
by death and thus may be shaken (-2 to all attacks, saves and monstrous size, dark fulsome depths, and maddening
ability checks) if a Priest successfully uses his Bane of the complexity.
Dead ability against them. In this circumstance, they may
obey the PriestÊs commands as well, to a certain extent. If the Referee allows, goblins may be used as a player
character race. Consult their table entry for abilities. They
Gnoll: Gnolls are humanoids with the heads of canines. They may advance as Thieves (unlimited) or Warriors (fourth level),
average 7 feet in height and have gnarled, shaggy limbs that or multiclass. If they choose to advance only as Warriors,
end in sharp, clawed hands. They are completely covered in they do not gain Thief abilities.
reddish-yellow fur. Gnolls are found in many climes and most
temperate zones. They are brutish but cunning, and work
together through an instinctive pack mentality.

Gnome: Gnomes are small, earthy creatures that average

about 4 feet in height. They are often bearded, and wear their
hair long. They have ruddy complexions, and dark hair, but
often have cheerful-looking faces and dark, but twinkling,
eyes. They live in well appointed burrows, masterfully crafted,
and afforded all manner of comforts. They love flowing water
and are often found living near rivers. Gnomes are carefree,
happy creatures, and are very resilient folk as well. The woes
of the world seem to weigh upon gnomes less than any other
race. They are observant, and possess a penchant for
extracting information from various sources. For this reason,
they are well informed about the world at large.

Gnomes can be used as an optional player race, consulting

the stats on their table entry for racial abilities. If the Referee
allows, they may advance as Warriors (4th level), Wizards (5th
level), or Thieves (unlimited). As with all non-human races,

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Green Slime: Green slime is an algae-like growth that feeds
on moisture and any organic or metallic material it comes in
contact with. The foul scum can grow anywhere, including at
the bottom of water pools or wooden furniture or paneling;
so long as there is organic or metallic matter for it to feed
upon. The slime occasionally grows on the ceilings or support
beams in a mine or dungeon and any vibrations upon its
perch will shake globules of the slime free of the main colony
to drop upon any unlucky creatures below.

Halfling: Halflings are a little smaller than gnomes, on

average. They are jolly and cheerful folk, happy to lie around
and enjoy each day for its own sake. They build burrowed
settlements in soft, arable plains, scrublands and rolling hills.
Halflings appear, upon first sight, to be small, well-nourished
humans and share many of the habits of their larger cousins,
yet closer inspection reveals large hairy feet and wide, clever
eyes. Halflings are an agrarian people, preferring open
pastures and farmlands to cities or other places crowded with
tall folk. They get along well with most peoples and only
rarely leave their homes and communities. Above all, halflings
enjoy good food, relaxation and a quiet life.

Hippogriff: These strange magical beasts possess the

Hydra: Hydras are massive reptilian quadrupeds with multiple
hindquarters of a horse and the forequarters of a bird of prey.
heads. Their heads are mounted on long, sinuous necks and
Hippogriffs dwell in mountain aeries shrouded by clouds.
filled with rows of jagged teeth. Their bodies are broad,
They are shy creatures, avoiding civilization or settled lands.
supported by short, powerful legs. When moving, they tend to
Hippogriffs and griffons compete for food and territory;
drag their bulk along the ground in a crocodilian manner.
hippogriffs will attack griffons on sight and vice-versa.
Hydra heads are always of the same size, shape, and color,
Hippogriffs shy away from pegasi and consider the winged
matching the creatureÊs body tone. They are very aggressive,
horses to be dominant creatures. They are proud creatures
and despite their odd shape and bulk, deceptively quick.
are rarely tamed, though they can be raised from chicks to
These monsters are always solitary. They often dwell in
serve as mounts. Hippogriff eggs are very prized for this
swamps and marshes, where they build large nests in heaps
reason. A live, viable hippogriff egg is generally worth about
of rotting timber, swamp mulch, and other debris. They are
1500 gold pieces on the open market.
voracious eaters, and both hunt and scavenge for their meals.
Hobgoblin: Hobgoblins are stout, foul-featured humanoids
Kobold: Kobolds are small, scaly humanoids covered with a
resembling a human-sized goblin. They have thick, knobby
sparse layer of thin fur. Kobolds are physically unimposing
skin that varies from dark green to black. They have dark,
creatures. They are thin and wiry, and have scaly skin that
greasy, knotted hair that often hangs down to their waists.
sheds periodically in large white flakes. This gives them an
They travel in small, disciplined groups, often rising to
unkempt and filthy appearance. However, they are fierce and
become chieftains of goblin tribes and using jackals as
unrelenting in battle, clever in their plans. They have
tracking beasts. Hobgoblins prefer heavy armor, sheathing
independent, inquisitive minds. This makes them very
themselves in chain mail or stronger (if wearing armor, the
successful in battling their numerous and stronger foes. They
armorÊs AC replaces that in the table). They prefer to wield
are almost never included in hosts of other humanoids (unless
large weapons in battle, such as halberds, pole axes, and two-
enslaved) as they are reviled by all and considered of little
handed battleaxes.
value to any save themselves.
Horse: The mount of choice for most civilized races, they can
Lycanthrope, Werewolf: Werewolves are thoroughly tainted
be trained to serve as beasts of labor, as steeds in war, or can
by evil, and in animal form they are among the most wicked
be ridden merely for enjoyment.
of creatures, though in human form they may be soundly
Human: Humans are the most diverse of the races. In moral creatures completely unaware of their curse. Their
appearance, demeanor, culture, language, crafts and interests, animal form are massive, far larger than a typical wolf. They
humans are difficult to characterize in total as it is this dwell in dark forests and prowl only at night. Werewolves are
diversity which most defines humanity and makes them one very protective of their domains, and of each other, rallying to
of the most unique of races in all the world. any howl of distress. These creatures always hunt in packs of
3 to 18.

Mule: A notoriously stubborn draft animal cross-bred from a

horse and a donkey.


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Nixie: Nixies are fey that inhabit ponds, lakes, and streams in
remote areas. They can be male or female, and appear as
attractive humans. They dress in light, airy garments, and
often appear, lost, vulnerable, and innocent. Closer inspection
will show that they have webbed hands and feet, and this will
reveal them as nixies to those with knowledge of the fey.
Nixies have a penchant for human domination. They find it
an intriguing and enjoyable pastime for esoteric reasons
known only to them. They can venture onto land, though
they rarely choose to do so. Nixies can be encountered singly
or in groups of up to two dozen.

Orc: Orcs are the most common of brutish humanoids, with

vicious tempers and aggressive minds. Like humans, orcs
have a broad range of appearances and body types varying
from gangly long legged creatures to broad-chested warriors.
Orcs generally have dirty, dark skin that varies in color from
inky black, to olive green, to mottled red. Their faces are
broad or long, with exaggerated features, and their mouths
lined with jagged, yellowed, and broken teeth. Their breath is
foul, their eyes beady, and their ears are thick and pointed.
Some have upturned noses, resembling those of swine. They
are unkempt and dirty, taking little care of themselves or their
equipment. Orcs are consummate raiders and are always on
the path of war or larceny. Orcs are impressed by Strength
and will loyally serve almost any evil creature that displays
Ogre: Ogres are large, thickly-muscled humanoids; savage in cunning, cruelty, and power. Orcs despise the sunÊs light, as it
appearance and violent in demeanor. They have stocky is painful to their eyes. They move in the darkest of nights
frames, with long arms and squat legs. Their faces have with ease and comfort, and do most of their raiding just after
features of both humans and apes. They are voracious nightfall, or in the early hours just before dawn.
predators and plunderers, loving food as much as gold, and
they often join ranks with other like-minded creatures to
pillage. These creatures are very strong, but lack the leverage
necessary to throw large stones like their larger giant cousins.
Ogres are hardy and resilient; they can live anywhere, and
often in surprising places. They normally gather in small
family units of about 20. They are not advanced thinkers, and
fashion crude weaponry and tools from stone and wood.
They favor stone tipped axes, clubs and spears; though they
have been known to occasionally use weapons taken as the
spoils of battle.


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Orcs may take on the abilities of Warriors (level 6), Thieves knowledge that has been lost for eons. Spectres can be found
(unlimited) or Priests (level 3). At the RefereeÊs discretion, everywhere imaginable, but can haunt inhabited places such
these creatures may be used as a player character race, as city libraries or universities. They are not overtly malicious,
referencing their table entry for racial abilities. NPC orcs with and only attack when provoked or if doing so would serve
class abilities should see their XP value adjusted accordingly. some purpose. If more than 1 spectre is encountered, one
will always be the dominant spectre, and the others its spawn.
Pegasus: Found only in very remote places, these shy,
intelligent winged horses remain aloof to the rest of the world. Troll: Trolls have long arms and legs, and their hands and feet
They are often sought as mounts, but pegasi will only serve a are broad, with thick toes and fingers. They tend to be fat,
character of good alignment and pure intentions. However, and are rather lazy in appearance. They have wide, dark eyes,
once a pegasus accedes to being a mount, it will serve until small ears, and large tusks jutting from the lower jaw of their
death. In the wild, pegasi gather in small herds of up to 10 wide mouth. They wear clothes occasionally, usually ragged
members. pants and heavy wool shirts. They reach heights of 12 feet
tall on average, though some grow much larger. Trolls are not
particularly intelligent creatures, lusting more after food and
drink than anything else. They love the taste of goats and
sheep most of all. They are wicked creatures that enjoy
torturing prey before killing it. Hill trolls are aggressive
hunters, and fear very little. Trolls are usually found alone,
though occasionally they wander in hunting groups.

Unicorn: Unicorns are magical horses of uncommon beauty.

All unicorns have a long, spiraled horn rising from their
brows. They are noble in appearance, generally white, beige,
or roan, but other colors are not unknown. They are
intelligent creatures, and roam remote grasslands and forests.
They are reclusive, and rarely keep company with creatures
other than unicorns or faerie-kin. They are fierce when
Pixie: Pixies are diminutive little creatures who live in idyllic aroused to battle, but good in nature. They have been known
stretches of woodland; they make their homes in deep, old; to act in the defense of good and innocent travelers in need of
growth hardwood forests. They are social creatures, and aid, only to disappear into the wilderness afterwards. On rare
cooperate with each other to build small settlements, often occasions, a pure-hearted female human or elf can approach
high up in the trees. They typically gather in groups from 5 to a unicorn and befriend it. This friendship is one of deep trust,
30, and always carry specially made weapons, crafted by their respect, loyalty, and fondness. A unicornÊs human or elf
own hands. They are masters of magic, and have developed companion may be allowed to ride it as a mount, and it is not
some very potent powers, often imbuing their weapons with unknown for female human or elf paladins to have unicorns
them. Any who would dare subvert a pixie is bound to face as steeds. If a unicornÊs companion should ever commit an
the wrath of the whole clan. evil deed, regardless of the presence of the unicorn, the beast
will know it, and the bond will forever be broken. Indeed, a
Skeleton: Humanoid skeletons are the animated remains of unicorn so betrayed may consider its former companion to be
humanoid creatures. Their bodies are little more than bone a sworn enemy.
and sinew held together by vile sorcery. They move with a
slow gait, but have the Strength to wield weapons, wear
armor and carry shields. Skeletons are mindless, but are
aware of living things and always attack them. They are often
encountered under the command of an evil Priest or Wizard.

Snake, Giant: There are many species of snakes, venomous

and non-venomous. They are found in most warm and
temperate climates, and have adapted to most terrain. They
are shy creatures that generally avoid contact with larger
animals. They will strike if cornered or threatened. Giant
snakes are to be feared, however, as these aggressive
creatures actively hunt man-sized prey.
Wight: Wights are humanoid undead. They were once
Spectre: Spectres are spiritual echoes; fragments of a learned human, but are now cursed to haunt the world, living in
person that died in the pursuit of knowledge. Forever trapped seclusion, for some foul act of greed. They hate all life. Far
in undeath, these spirits grow wicked and twisted, seeking more than zombies or ghouls, a wight maintains its body,
only a way to escape. If approached with the right intentions, ragged and unkempt as it may be. They are pale, death-like,
in the right way, they will parley with the living. These with skin stretched thin. Their fingers are unnaturally long,
creatures are intelligent, and have often accumulated

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capped by thick nails that serve as claws. They inhabit
barrows, crypts and other places where the dead linger and
are found anywhere and in any clime. They avoid sunlight as
it can kill them. Like vampires (q.v.), they will often live near
settlements and graveyards, but the most dreadful similarity to
vampires is the connection to the negative material plane,
which makes their touch deadly.

Worg: Worgs are massive wolves; they stand nearly 7 feet at

the shoulder, with broader chests and backs. They are found
in most any climate and terrain, though they prefer the open
grassland or scrub land. They are very aggressive and
territorial. Being slightly more intelligent than the average
wolf, worgs are often used as mounts for equally aggressive
and depraved races, such as goblins and orcs. Worgs travel in
packs, normally ranging to twelve in number.

Wraith: Wraiths are powerful wights who have forged a more

powerful bond with the negative material plane. A wraith is
incorporeal, having shed all connections of the flesh. They
haunt only the darkest of shadows and never venture near
sunlight or the open. Dungeons or deep crypts are their most
common haunts. Like their weaker cousins, wraiths despise
all living things, and being filled with a great wrath towards
the living are always bent on destroying it.
Zombie: Zombies are undead humanoids, reanimated corpses
that stalk the earth with little purpose or reason. They
typically appear as shambling, rotting bodies, complete with
ragged clothes and rusted mail. They are unable to use
weapons or armor, cast spells, or even communicate. They
possess only a vague instinct to gather in groups, find living
creatures, and kill them. They are shambling and slow, but
have a powerful attack.

Wyvern: Wyverns are distant relatives of dragons. These

winged behemoths are foul smelling, with rubbery black or
rusty brown skin. They have thin bodies, long arms and legs,
very large wings and a lengthy tail that ends in spike. They
have mean tempers and are always hungry. Unlike other
dragons, they have little capacity for speech, and are more
concerned with food. They also kill for sheer sport. They can
be found in nearly any environment, and are often used as
aerial mounts by fell races who can manage to tame the


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Treasure hoards are filled with all manner of items, not least Magic items are not part of every treasure hoard because they
of which are those items greatly valued for their are difficult and costly to make.
craftsmanship, beauty, or cultural significance. These include
finely crafted weapons, clothing, ceremonial items, hand Potions: A potion is an elixir concocted with the use of magic
crafted items, and antiquities. Not all hoards have these items, and alchemy that grants a spell-like effect upon the imbiber.
but many do. Even an orc is able to discern that an ivory
handled pipe has value and is worth taking from his prey. A Scrolls: A scroll is a spell magically inscribed onto paper or
general list is provided, but the Referee should fill free to parchment so that it can be used later.
expand it as need and desire dictate.
Gems and jewelry are less common Weapons: These are weapons that
treasures. These range from simple have been magically enhanced, giving
cut stones gathered in a pouch to the them bonuses to hit, to damage and in
wondrous crowns and scepters of some cases, other magical properties.
kings and their queens. A large The most common forms of magical
sampling of these items are listed in weapons have a simple bonus to hit
the tables below, but, Referees should and damage, ranging from +1 to +3.
not feel compelled to restrict Only the rarest and most powerful
themselves to these items alone. magical weapons have bonuses higher
Referees are encouraged to use them than +3, and none have ever been
as a basis for valuing other similar recorded with a bonus higher than +5.
items. The makeup of such items is
Armor and Shields: Magic armor and
determined by regional,
shields are items that are magically
technological, and/or cultural factors.
enhanced granting them armor class
The number and type of gems that
bonuses and in some cases other
can be found is enormous, as are the
magical properties.
various levels of craftsmanship for
jewelry. Combining gems with jewelry Rings: A ring is a circular metal band
is a common method for bringing worn on the finger that grants the
these two items together as a more wearer a magical effect or capability.
coherent and interesting treasure.
Staves: A staff is a long walking stick, pole or similar item
Magic Items imbued with arcane or divine spells or abilities.
Magic items are rare and wonderful creations fabricated
through the diligence of a Wizard or other similarly skilled Wands: A wand is a short stick imbued with the power to cast
individual. They range in power from the simple dagger that a specific spell. A newly created wand has 50 charges, and
gives its wielder a +1 to hit and damage to the highly complex each use of the wand depletes one of those charges.
dragon orb that has a multitude of properties and abilities.


Potions Weapons
The potions here are outside of the normal emulation of As stated above, the most common weapons simply impart a
magic spells. All potions are single-use items; once bonus from +1 to +3 to hit and damage. Some items have
consumed, they are gone. additional properties, but all have at least a +1 bonus.

Giant Strength: This potion conveys a Strength of 19 or Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype
higher, determined by rolling a d6 and consulting the table of creature. It is normally a +1 weapon, but against its
below. It lasts 10 minutes. designated foe, its effective enchanted bonus is +3, and it
inflicts an extra 2d6 points of damage against the foe as well.
1-2 Str 19 (+6) The foe of the weapon should be determined prior to the
3-4 Str 20 (+6) adventure by the Referee, or rolled randomly using 2d6:
5-6 Str 21 (+6)
2d6 Bane vs.
Protection from Alignment: This offers protection from 2-3 Undead
evil/good/balance. Once consumed, the character gains a +2 4-5 Orc
AC bonus, and to saving throws versus the particular 6-7 Goblin
alignment the potion was brewed against. This lasts for 2 8-9 Lycanthropes
rounds per level of the creator. 10-11 Dragons
12 Elementals

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Defending: A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer Miscellaneous Magic
some or all of the swordÊs magical bonus to his armor class Bag of Holding: This appears to be a common cloth sack
(acts as a penalty to opponentsÊ attack rolls). Any bonus about 2 feet by 4 feet in size. The bag of holding opens into a
transferred to armor class is not added to the wielderÊs attack non-dimensional space: Its inside is larger than its outside
roll. dimensions and it can hold up to 500 lbs of gear. Regardless
of what is put into the bag, it weighs 25 lbs.
Dwarven Thrower: This weapon functions as a +2 war
hammer. In the hands of a dwarf, the war hammer gains an Boots of Elvenkind: These soft boots enable the wearer to
additional +1 (for a total bonus of +3). If thrown by a dwarf, move quietly in virtually any surroundings (+5 to stealth as a
the hammer gains the ability to return to its owner. It can be Thief). If the wearer is running or charging, the bootÊs
hurled up to a distance of 30Ê (10/20/30) and strikes as a dweomer is weakened and the character gets only +2 to the
heavy crossbow. When hurled, it deals an extra 1d10 points check. This ability effectively grants a Thief character two rolls
of damage against giants or an extra 1d6 points of damage for Stealth when moving silently; if his Thief ability fails, he
against any other target. Unless obstructed, it always returns may roll again for the bootsÊ ability (or vice-versa). If
to its owner. combined with a Cloak of Elvenkind, the bonuses do not
combine, but function for both hiding and moving silently, just
Flaming: Upon the command of its wielder, a flaming weapon as the normal Thief stealth ability, and grant a total of +8.
wreaths itself in a blaze of fire, dealing an extra 1d6 of
damage to opponents upon a successful hit, and an extra 2d6 Bracers of Armor: These items appear to be wrist or arm
against cold-based creatures. This flame does not harm the guards. They surround the wearer with an invisible but
swordÊs wielder and may be cancelled by another command. tangible field of eldritch force, granting them an AC of 1 to 6,
just as though he were wearing armor. Unlike other magic
Luck Blade: This blade imparts its bonus not only to hit and armors, this AC is treated as standard armor, not a magical
damage, but on all saving throws as well. Its possessor also bonus (though it is magical in nature). Both bracers must be
gains the benefit of „Good Fortune‰, usable once per day. worn for the magic to be effective.
This extraordinary ability allows its wielder to reroll any single
Cloak of Elvenkind: This cloak of neutral gray cloth is
roll the wielder wishes, using the better of the two rolls. In
indistinguishable from an ordinary cloak of the same color.
addition, a luck blade has a chance to have the power to
However, when worn with the hood drawn up around the
grant from 1-3 wishes. When the blade is found, roll 2d6. If
head, it gives the wearer a +5 to stealth as a Thief for
the result is box cars, the blade contains wishes. Wishes are
purposes of being completely undetectable by sight. This
always adjudicated at the discretion of the Referee, and may
ability combines with a ThiefÊs normal Stealth when hiding. If
be twisted to reflect other than the wisherÊs desires, if he is
combined with Boots of Elvenkind, the bonuses do not
too greedy. When the last wish is used, the sword still retains
combine, but function for both hiding and moving silently, just
all its other abilities and properties.
as the normal Thief stealth ability, and grant a total of +8.
Venom: This black +1 dagger has a serrated edge and may Cloak of Resistance: These garments offer magic protection
inject a poison into a creature on a successful hit once per in the form of a +1 to +5 bonus on all saving throws.
Armor Cloak of Protection: These garments offer magic protection
As with weapons, the most basic type of magic armor has a in the form of a +1 to +5 bonus to the
simple enhancement bonus to AC, which functions as a wearerÊs AC.
penalty to opponentsÊ strike rolls, and ranges from +1 to +5,
Gauntlets of Ogre Power: These
with +4 and 5 being rare beyond rare. For purposes of
gauntlets are made of tough leather with
encumbrance and movement, magical armor counts as 1 class
iron studs running across the back of
lower if the rating is +1 or 2, 2 classes lower if +3 or 4, and 3
the hands and fingers. They grant the
classes lower if +5, to a minimum of „No Armor.‰
wearer great Strength, increasing the
Below are some specific types of special magic armor. wearerÊs Strength score by +2, +4, or
Dwarven Plate: This armor, forged by dwarven craftsmen
from the finest metals, is fitted only for dwarves or small sized Rings
creatures and is always found with both helm and shield. The Protection: This ring offers continual magical protection to its
armor itself has an overall magical bonus of +4 and an wearer in the form of a bonus of +1 to +5 to armor class.
encumbrance value of „light armor.‰
Regeneration: This white gold ring
Elven Chain: This extremely light chainmail is woven of very allows its wearer to heal 1 point of
fine mithril links by the elves. The mail is supple and neither damage per round, and will
impedes movement nor costs any encumbrance to wear. The eventually regenerate lost limbs
mail has an overall magical bonus of +4 and an encumbrance and organs. The wearer must still
value of „no armor.‰ make a Constitution save if

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poisoned, as the poison will simply keep killing the wearer Hold monster (2 charges)
over and over again until the toxin is removed. This ability Anti-Magic Shell (2 charges)
cannot be aided by any heal spells and is continuously active. Circle of Death (2 charges)
Subdual (nonlethal) damage heals at a rate of 3 points of
damage every round. Acid, fire or other similar damage The wielder gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws. The
cannot be regenerated (RefereeÊs judgment). staff is also a +2 quarterstaff if used in combat. If 1 charge is
expended during a melee attack, the staff deals 2d6 damage
Staves that strike. A staff of power can be used for a retributive
Unless otherwise noted, all staves also function as magic strike, requiring it to be broken by its wielder. (If this breaking
weapons, with at least a +1 bonus. of the staff is purposeful and declared by the wielder, it can be
performed as a normal action that does not require the
Healing: This white ash staff, with inlaid silver runes, allows wielder to make a Strength check.) All charges currently in the
use of the following spells: staff are instantly released in a 30-foot radius. All within 0-15
Cure Light Wounds (1 charge) feet of the broken staff take points of damage equal to 8
Cure Serious wounds (2 charges) times the number of charges in the staff, those between 11
Remove blindness/ deafness (2 charges) feet and 20 feet away take points equal to 6 times the
Remove disease (3 charges) number of charges, and those 21 feet to 30 feet distant take
4 times the number of charges. Successful save versus
Power: The staff of power is a very potent magic item, with Constitution reduces halves damage. The character breaking
offensive and defensive abilities. It is usually topped with a the staff has a 3-in-6 chance of being transported to another
glistening gem, its shaft straight and smooth. It has the plane of existence by the unleashed energies of the staff, but
following powers: if he does not, the explosive release of spell energy destroys
Magic missile (1 charge) him completely. Only certain items, including the staff of the
Hold Portal (1 charge) magi and the staff of power, are capable of being used for a
Continual flame (1 charge) retributive strike. After all charges are used up from the staff,
Levitate (1 charge) it remains a +2 quarterstaff. (Once empty of charges, it
Lightning bolt (5d6) (1 charge) cannot be used for a retributive strike.)
Fireball (5d6) (1 charge)
Cone of cold (2 charges)


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Use these tables for random determination of total treasure, gems, and extraordinary items.
Table 1: Total Treasure Determination
Type Coins Gems Extraordinary Magic Items
4d6 Value 4d6 # Value (GP) 4d6 # 4d6 # Max
result* (GP)* result* Gems Adjustment result* Items result* Items bonus
1 5 1d6+2(x10) 5 1d6-2 -10 5 1d6-3 5 1 +1
2 6 3d6(x10) 7 1d6-1 -8 7 1d6-2 6 1 +1
3 7 4d6(x10) 9 1d6 -6 9 1d6-1 7 1 +1
4 8 6d6(x10) 11 1d6+1 -4 11 1d6 8 1 +1
5 9 2d6(x50) 13 1d6+2 -2 13 1d6 9 1d6-3 +2
6 10 4d6(x50) 15 1d6+3 · 15 1d6+1 10 1d6-3 +2
7 11 6d6(x50) 17 1d6+4 · 17 1d6+2 11 1d6-3 +2
8 12 8d6(x50) 19 1d6+5 · 19 1d6+3 12 1d6-3 +2
9 13 3d6(x100) 20 2d6+2 · 20 1d6+4 13 1d6-2 +3
*Score equal to or less than the indicated number means the treasure is present in the cache
**Rather than rolling multiple d6Ês, it is possible to roll 1d6 and multiply by the number of dice. Thus, 5d6(x100) would be 1d6x5(x100).

Table 2: Gemstones
2-3 Amber, amethyst, jadeite 5
4 Precious opal, banded eye, malachite 10
5 Moonstone, pearl, lapis lazuli, tiger eye 25
6 Bloodstone, white agate, violet-blue sapphire 50
7 Whitish moonstone, common opal, 100
8 Green nephrite, peridot, amethyst 250
9 Violet or green garnet, fire opal, topaz 500
10 Emerald, black opal, tourmaline 1000
11 Star ruby, jade, sapphire (other than blue) 2500
12 Diamond, blood red ruby, blue sapphire 5000
Table 3: Extraordinary Items
2d6 TYPE*
2-4 Expert weapons**
5-6 Jewelry
7-8 Worn & Ceremonial
9-10 Hand Crafted Items
11-12 Antiquities
*Roll on Gemstones table for GP value of item
**Expert Weapons grant non-magical +1 to hit or damage (not both)

Table 4: Magic Item Determination

4d6 TYPE
4-7 Potions
8-11 Scroll
12-14 Weapon
15-17 Armor
18-19 Miscellaneous Magic
19-20 Rings
21-22 Rods, Staves, Wands
23 Cursed Items
24 Artifacts

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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
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represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or Spellcraft & Swordplay, Copyright 2009, Elf Lair Games, Author
Jason Vey.


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A New Class of Old School!

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Twelve Parsecs: A Roleplaying Game of Stellar Adventure

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Descent into the Caverns of the Vampire Queen - An adventure by Timothy S. Brannan
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