Hearing The Heartbeat of The Father - Dec.09 E

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December 2009 Simona Caba Afrika Wa Yesu – Inhaminga, Mozambique

generation of solders that fights in the first lines in the

Dearest friends, battle: young people that will stand in integrity and
We just passed with the grace of God in a new year – purity showing a way for others to follow; people that
2010: full of surprises, so many unveiled mysteries and will get so close to God’s heart so they will be able to
promises fulfilled. I pray for you: that whatever is true, hear His heartbeat for the lost; they will be passionate for
honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, if there is any the cause and put aside all other selfish ambitions; they
excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, may this will obey out of love, being determinate until the end of
be your breath, your goal, your desire, your love and your the race, gaining everyday new territories for their own
holy award. Thank you so much for staying with me generation.
through hard and good times. You are a gift of God, an Together with Susana and Patty, we put up a schedule for
amazing surprise of His love in my life and I am so these 40 youth that came for the first conference. We
grateful for that. wanted to keep them busy: trying to make them
Afrika Wa understand from the early morning race, tough schedule
Yesu and specific word - how serious is the battle they are in,
Massandza how important is their commitment to their General and
Inspide of so how to transmit this message to others. Some of them
many understood and some of them are still in the process. It
obstacles, we was a reward for us to have Agostinho and few of our
didn’t give evangelists participate. They have been already in the
up and first line fighting for their own generation; The call and
finally we the unsettle they were feeling in their hearts for the lost,
have a which made them to leave everything and serve God –
beautiful was made more clear: they are the solders from the first
“zinc roof” for the church that meets in Massandza. Little line, they are called to get much closer to their
bit further from where we use to meet, more into the bush, Commander, where is revealed much more of His plan
much closer to some of the people, in a beautiful place and desires.
surrounded by mongo trees we build our new church Early in the morning when the sun raised we started with
building roof. We still don’t have too many men in the personal devotion. Each one was given a small notebook
church (majority of them live in polygamy and lots where they had to write down every day about their
drinking), but the ladies, the children, the youth and the “conversation with the General”. Many of them received
leader Almeida were there to help. Hard work for Aaron amazing revelations from God in that time. After that, at
but very well done! It looks beautiful and it will look even 6am we had a race with obstacle course. Failing to read
more beautiful when it will be full with people. We are instruction, losing the way, having difficulties to find
closer to some new areas we didn’t evangelize before, so solutions in this race made them think more of their own
that is our new plan now. With the youth of the church we real live race.
want to reach all these new places with the Gospel It really took a lot of energy for me and Su (organizing,
bringing more people into the Kingdom! preaching, counseling and running) but God gave us
supernatural strength to finish “our own race” we
Raising up Harvesters for God’s Kingdom committed to run. We cannot forget that we are fighting
That was the purpose for our first conference this year in on the first line and we have in us everything it takes to
Inhaminga. We believe that God is rising up in this time a win!
It was such an honor and great blessing to have Ellie so many different places, backgrounds, dreams and
imparting into our lives at this conference, something that desires; many of them were not asking for a lot and all of
was so needed to be transmitted from one generation to them being in so much need. I wanted to hold and take
the other one. This young people needed to know and them to a safe place, bringing every one before God’s
understand the heart and the burden of their leaders, the grace and protection. God loves them so much and He
ones that made a way for them to be there. In a way this loves through us. Mariano was speaking about a very
special group of youth is the reward for the pioneer different year 2010. I believe it will be. At the end of this
solders that started to fight long time ago. conference we made a plan to hold youth seminars at the
Everything God did in our lives during these 4 days it was end of each month in different places that will cover the
sealed in the last day through prayer and impartation. churches from that area. We need to hold on the seed we
After some amazing testimonies they shared, we made a sowed now and build on this foundation, not letting them
line for prayer. The team, two by two made a line and continue by themselves this new walk with Jesus.
everyone in the class went for prayer, lying hands and Traveling and working with the unreached, especially
words of prophecy. The presence of God was so thick in with the youth from these areas opened our eyes to so
the room that refreshed and renewed totally our energy, many difficulties and hard situations they have to go
we were so wired up again – so we could start the next through. We teach them how to live in purity and
conference which followed in just 4 days. holiness, how to take a stand for righteousness and live
their lives for Jesus. But they go home and have to face
Enlisting new solders for God’s Kingdom

From 24 - 27 of December we had at Inhaminga Bible

the same old live they use to live and their parents are
School around 100 kids for the second conference. Some
still living. The girls in this culture have no choice with
were coming from our bush churches from around:
whom and how they should marry; they are obligated
Mazamba, Nhamagaringa, Cicuziri, Massandza,
with their parents to move and live with a man that is not
Nhansoswe, Kamkomba and DaVila; some came from
Christian, has few wives already and is drunk most of the
much farther: Muanza, Xiluviu, Mocumbeze and Chimoiu.
time. Some of these precious little girls that just received
We kept some of the youth that participated at the first
the baptism of the Holy Spirit were already “sold out” by
conference, to impart and to give away what they have
their parents to be the second, third or fourth wife of
been learning. It was from among them the ones who
some drunk and insensitive men. The majority of these
brought the Word: Cassale, Rito and Santos. The theme
girls are prohibited with their new “owners” to come to
was “A Normal Christian Life”, building the fundament
church. It hurts just to think about it. And if God doesn’t
for their lives as Christians: taking them through the
intervenes with a miracle it will continue like that.
blood of Jesus, the power of the Cross, the 2 kingdoms
Coming from a country where these situations are
and the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of them had their
resolved by the police and law; I know that “my way”
first encounter with Jesus, they received salvation and
will not work here. So, I asked Lino what he will do in
after that many were filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking
these situations. When I saw the sadness in his eyes and
in new tongues. It was one of the most beautiful
hear it in his answer I knew that has to be God only. It
rewarding experiences in the last days for me: to see them
has to be a plan, which belong to God and we need to
overcoming their shame and fear, lifting up their faces
hear it clear and obey it. God loves these precious kids
and hands with courage and praising God in a heavenly
more than anyone and His plans are to give them a future
language. For sure they went home changed. May God
and a hope.
keep them, protecting the seed was sowed into their lives.
Thank you dear friends for standing in faith with us for
In the first day of the conference while we were praying I
this generation that is arising in Mozambique,
was asking God what He feels about them, what is His
Simona Caba
plan? I was looking at their faces: each one coming from

For those who would like to help support me, your tax-deductible donation can be send to:
Christ for the Nations(MAPS Program)
P.O.Box 769000, Dallas, TX 75376 – 9000 (Include a note stating: For Simona Caba in Mozambique)
For those who would like to write to me: Simona Caba, a/c Afrika Wa Yesu, P.O.Box 67, Beira, Mozambique
E-mail: [email protected], www.afrikawayesu.org

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