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Ministerul Educaţiei

Centrul Naţional de Politici și Evaluare în Educație

Examenul național de bacalaureat 2022

Proba C

de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe
parcursul învăţământului liceal

Proba de înţelegere a unui text audiat la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile şi specializările/ calificările

Varianta 2
• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 20 de minute.

SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)


You will hear a man talking about British bank holidays. For questions 1 – 4 choose the best
answer (A, B, C or D).

1. When is the second bank holiday in May?

A. on the first Monday

B. on the second Tuesday
C. on the last Monday
D. on the last Wednesday

2. Why were bank holidays introduced?

A. In order to allow workers time to catch up on their work.
B. So that bank workers got days off.
C. In order for the banks to pay their workers less.
D. Because the government required it.

3. What is the weather like in July?

A. It’s sunny.

B. It’s rainy.
C. It’s cloudy.
D. It’s hot.

4. What happens by the end of September?


A. The sun returns.

B. The sun disappears completely.
C. The bank holiday is repeated.
D. Summer is forgotten.

Proba C – Limba engleză Varianta 2

Ministerul Educaţiei
Centrul Naţional de Politici și Evaluare în Educație

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

You will listen to a teacher speaking about a teaching approach called ”the warm demander”. For
questions 5 – 10, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

5. A teacher using ”the warm demander” approach empowers students to

A. build relationships with their peers.

B. manage obstacles.
C. do their best.
D. respect themselves.

6. The speaker’s aim is

A. to show her own perspective on the topic.

B. to show both the advantages and the disadvantages of the approach.

C. to show the advantages of the approach.

D. to offer an objective perspective on the topic.

7. The defining factor for the success of ”the warm demander” approach is

A. the support provided by the school.

B. the level of the students.
C. the teacher’s behaviour.
D. the teacher’s experience.
8. What is the attitude of the speaker towards the strategy she promotes?
A. She supports it because of her personal achievements.
B. She is convinced it is not a successful teaching strategy.
C. She promotes it in order to change the educational system.
D. She is not committed to it, but she sees its benefits.

9. Why does the speaker like ”the warm demander” approach?

A. Because it disregards the norms.

B. Because it is promoted by experienced teachers.
C. Because it allows the teacher to control the students.

D. Because it relies on the teacher’s character traits.

10. What does “warm” mean in the context of “the warm demander” approach?

A. There is no clear definition.


B. It is impossible to define.
C. It means smiling all the time.
D. It depends from person to person.

Proba C – Limba engleză Varianta 2

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