Crluto neogenesis
Synrvesis: of givese fren non Cavbstydvade
22 Cursor S 35 cobtecl g\uio + ( Syntuesssof new
P uneiue ts Ceass
Precursors u
(1) Loreteue go T+ generated bg fro prewvady
Inguyce isis. The lacdete ronsfered to iver ley Cam
“CORT'S Cycle” amd fs comverted fo glutote
(2) Glyctel to Tt fim tn adipose Heowe Sy hy dnolysts
g Hiacyl glycerol. Te grrorated glyco
Cammot Usilised by adipose Hissue dueto pert Content of
Giycero) Kinase Cheyne, So $4 1g delivered gy Liver Whe
Se Covert in giucote.
(>y Glu togensic Prvino acid. The Carhen Skelehm of glutegentc
amine acid are convert to Puuvate Which Converkol
+o Tron,
UW Trterwediate of TCA Cycle
i o i tose)
Le tation Glutonsogemesis OCLUYS Metin fry Cy E
Ue < fs Hee moi -Heswe fir 9 lucogameogenesis,
i a a
TCR Cycle and Some special reacta.
oo Glyco lysis € Gluco: (S Shore the same Path
Wess teak in Opposite’ cLirvech»
| ay Tpeciad eatHon are Cotalyged by
(4) purrva Covborylase
\b). Phospheenel pyravate Cavkoxykin ax
1) Puctose 75 phosphiata
(4) Gu cose PhosPlrrota Le
Scanned win CamScannerFro. Page No. Date.
ia > Glucse x oleinnse
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oxaloactled as
Parwake = a
i puncavert Corborflace
5 7 a Gtrngentc Arvinocictel
Scanned with CamScanner| Reacts on of Criuionzogene sis core
(CD) Purrvate Carberylate to Oxaleacete in mit hodnOndia,
entry me: Puravade Corbory lace
. SoH! Ce
Oxaleacctate formed tn mibuchdndria 15 fmpernreab
Ho Oss Mitechonalviak Wembrance. S° T+ Conuerteol
do malate which je tren dren portecl fo Cytosah ,
jn cyte sol malate fe Again Converted tho oxaleacesl
(3 Decarborylahen ef uytosalte Oxaleqcetate PEP
Cofalysed by. Phospho enol pyrwvate CPE) Carboy kety
Energy repaired tr foom of Gre
(PEP thin enter ne gly col site Cycle vig revere
whattion te give Porctoce | 6-dht phosphas phate
®S Fimeteee - |, 6 bis phosphate ie Fructose 6-phosplaj
Catalyged A] Practose. [ 6- bisphosphate se
C4) fmerwse-t-phesphate ——— > Giutege- 6 phos phate
Sy memall ly colysisc cycle,
: e Dephespherylah~ oP ucoce~&-phesphate + Glucose
mee by one meaty
Scanned with CamScannerS-PEP Carbe ylctnace
(8) Fricto se ~ 1.4 vp. plans plea face
Eli rnce be Plrosphatace
Alucagqom 2 Stinwlate deere nrpnree
Insult 5 Tuli erF RL Gime eee Gees oy
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High Level ef Col goo — Stinwslale qluioreegens
D> Ppyrwele Carkorylace js an aleseric Envyra DOG
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Fabthited toy ADE
PRACT ST aarare
D_ fructose —(érbisphasphatase 4 ees
> _Tnhibitel by AMD
Scanned with CamScanner(1) Maintain esd giucete lovel when Corton
is not ome jn Her,
ie et dow Starvation, hepatic glycegen Sdoraqe
¥s tetaluy depleted .
So Geucose fs Cowtimens Suppeied ey,
Aitconcegenesis +o ka-ain | Lens, on,
rredula . Thay need Comoe spply of gue
as Serre of See
@ abs usgeel to Clear the product of the netabal
af 6+ Avscur Prom pre lleod-
~> Blood Lactate produced by arauscle BEng
PE Gry cero! produced by adipose Fissuc,
ee ae by oxidahen of edld Corben
6 Cnober fi ak
zie tte" -
Scanned with CamScanner