Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
• Statement of Purpose
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
• Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Chemical engineering has grown out of a combination of chemistry
and engineering associated with industrial processes. Today, it • Official transcript (
comprises knowledge used in processes that change the physical state
or composition of materials. Chemical engineers hold key roles in the • Three letters of recommendation
design, development, production, and purification of materials considered
• TOEFL, PTE, or IELTS-Academic scores (non-native English
essential to human life and well-being, such as food products, fuels and
speakers only)
lubricants, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, synthetic fibers, microelectronic
components, and plastics. Chemical engineers are involved in reducing
the use of energy to make products in a safe and sustainable way and The following documents are required only after a student has been
minimizing environmental impacts. Areas of study in the Chemical admitted:
Engineering Department include (but are not limited to):
• Financial Statement (International students only if no department
Catalysis (hetero and homogeneous), Reaction Kinetics, Fuel Cells & funding offer)
Energy Storage, Biofuels, Interfacial Phenomena, Biomedical, Drug • One (1) Official Transcript sent directly from the applicant’s university
Delivery, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrocatalysis. to the University of Kansas
Petroleum engineering is concerned with the drilling, recovery, production, *TOEFL Scores
and distribution of petroleum and natural gas. Petroleum engineers use
knowledge of fluid and rock properties in subsurface environments to • Institution Code – 6871
produce oil and gas safely and economically. At the University of Kansas, • Program Code – 64
the focus is on reservoir engineering and improving production from oil
and gas reservoirs. Reservoir engineers use geological detection with IELTS Scores
computerized mathematical analysis to produce raw materials. New areas
• Email an electronic copy to [email protected].
of research are focused on unconventional reservoirs and Net Carbon
Zero geoenergy using AI and data mining for intelligent and sustainable *As of October 2020, GRE scores are no longer required as part of the
petroleum engineering. Areas of study in the Petroleum Engineering application process.
Department include (but are not limited to):
Students admitted with baccalaureate degrees in chemical or petroleum
Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence Supported engineering enroll in the graduate core courses listed in our Graduate
Reservoir Engineering, Hydraulic fracturing and acidizing of Program Manual ( Students with degrees in
unconventional reservoirs, Characterization and simulation of tight other branches of engineering or in mathematics, chemistry, physics, or
oil and gas reservoirs, Oilfield nanoparticles, CO2 enhanced oil other sciences must take undergraduate courses to provide the necessary
recovery and CO2 storage, and Phase behavior of reservoir fluids. background for the graduate level courses and are admitted provisionally.
See undergraduate prerequisite courses listed in the M.S. Degree
Ph.D. Admission Requirements Requirements section. Students who have already completed a M.S.
degree will have the total number of hours reduced on a case-by-case
To qualify for study in any of the graduate programs in the Department of basis, with the approval of the Graduate Standards Committee, and based
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, a student generally must have earned on individual background and course history. No credits will transfer in at
an accredited bachelor's degree and/or master's degree in chemical the Doctoral level; however, the 60 total credit hour requirement can be
or petroleum engineering. However, a student with good preparation reduced to as low as 45 credit hours.
in another engineering discipline or a related field, such as chemistry,
physics, geology, or other engineering disciplines may qualify by taking All graduate applications must be submitted online (http://
the appropriate prerequisite undergraduate courses. These courses
are determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department's Graduate
Regular Status
Admissions Committee/Director.
For admission to regular status, the student must have an undergraduate
Application Deadlines
grade point average of at least B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale). For students whose
• Fall Priority Deadline: January 5; final deadline March 1 undergraduate GPA is below 3.0, admission on probational status will
be considered on a case-by-case basis. Graduate Record Examination
• Spring Priority Deadline: October 1
(GRE) scores are required.
All application materials must be submitted by the final deadlines, March
Foreign Student English Proficiency
1 (Fall semester admission) and October 1 (Spring semester admission).
All admitted students are considered for any funding opportunities for
2 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
To find the most up-to-date information about the University's English examination, the aspirant must satisfy residency, basic research skills,
Proficiency Requirements, visit the Graduate Studies Webpage (https:// and the responsible scholarship requirements.
The research skill requirement provides the aspirant with a research
Visit Us skill distinct from, but strongly supportive of, the dissertation research.
Work done to fulfill this requirement should involve study in an area
Graduate program staff can assist prospective students in determining complementary to the dissertation research and should enhance the
the fit between the student and the program. Staff can facilitate a campus student's ability to carry out the research.
visit. If you would like to schedule a visit, there are two main options:
Preliminary Examination of Research - B.S. to Ph.D.
The first, and most preferred, entails simply applying for admission to the
program. All prospective students are welcome to attend our Open House The Preliminary Examination of Research is administered to students
in mid-October or mid March. Eligible admitted students may be invited requesting admission to the Ph.D. program without earning the M.S.
to participate in Campus Visit Days in February or March (prior to the degree. Successful completion of the preliminary examination admits the
fall semester of your intended matriculation). These organized visitation student into the Ph.D. program with aspirant status. Students taking this
opportunities will allow you to gather a great deal of first-hand information examination must have completed the graduate core courses at KU with
which we hope will help you in making a final decision about whether to the required GPA. The examination determines the student’s aptitudes
attend KU. for: (a) Independent, original, critical thinking; (b) Planning and organizing
a research program; (c) Use of previous work and background literature
The second option is making arrangements to visit us on your own, to demonstrate understanding of the planned research within the scope
outside of organized events. With early notification, we will do our best of the larger project and ability to conduct that research; (d) Application
to work with you to provide information and schedule appointments with of fundamental theory (e.g., equations) to the proposed work and; (e)
faculty when possible. Effective communication of technical work. The preliminary examination
consists of a written report (5 pages maximum), oral presentation (15
Contact Information minutes maximum), and questions by the examining committee (25
Please contact the CPE Graduate Program Coordinator, [email protected] minutes maximum). The written and oral portions are prepared by the
([email protected]) or (785) 864-2900, if you would like to schedule a campus student only, with no review or editing by the research advisor or any
visit, or have questions about the program or the application process. other person. The written report is submitted to the committee one week
before the oral examination. Questions are directed toward determining
The University of Kansas the 5 aptitudes listed above. A rubric for the oral and written portions will
CPE Graduate Program be provided to the student beforehand.
4132 Learned Hall
1530 W. 15th Street Comprehensive Examination
Lawrence, KS 66045
The Ph.D. aspirant takes the comprehensive examination after the
completion of a majority of the course work for the Ph.D. and all
Ph.D. Degree Requirements
department, school, and general requirements prerequisite to this
One of the goals of the department is to develop quality Ph.D. researchers examination, including residency, research skills, and responsible
who are well prepared for vocational and personal success. This policy scholarship requirements. To prepare the aspirant for the comprehensive
sets forth a balanced program to develop and evaluate students in an examination, the advisory committee may require enrollment in
efficient and fair manner. Equal consideration is given to the academic C&PE 902, Preparation for the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination. The
and the research ability, as both areas are required for success in examination consists of 2 parts: a written proposal for research and an
industry or academia. oral examination based on, but not limited to, the research proposal.
The Ph.D. graduate program typically consists of the completion of 60 For the research proposal, the student is assigned a topic of current
credit hours beyond the B.S. degree or 45 credit hours beyond the M.S. interest to the chemical and/or petroleum engineering profession. This
degree. For more details about the courses and general timeline, see our assignment is made by an examining committee of at least 5 persons, at
Graduate Program Manual ( least 3 must be tenure / tenure track faculty from within the department
files/docs/CPE%20Graduate%20Program%20Mannual.pdf). including the advisor and at least 1 person from outside the department at
KU. The aspirant identifies a research problem in the assigned topic area
An advisory committee of 5 or more members is formed for each Ph.D. and prepares a written proposal for research on this problem. Normally,
aspirant: at least 3 tenure / tenure track faculty from the department the written proposal must be prepared over a specified time period of 30
and 1 member from outside the department at KU are required. The consecutive days. Except in unusual circumstances, the problem must be
student’s research advisor normally serves as the committee chair. See distinctly different from the dissertation problem.
the Graduate Catalog for doctoral committee composition requirements.
The committee works with the aspirant to develop a plan of study and The examining committee evaluates the research proposal upon
monitors the progress of the student throughout the remainder of the completion. If the committee judges it satisfactory, the oral examination
Ph.D. program. part of the comprehensive examination is held. The oral examination is
based on the research proposal but may also cover areas peripheral to
A plan of study must be approved by the student’s advisor, the examining the proposal.
advisory committee, and the departmental Graduate Studies director
by the end of the first semester. Before scheduling the comprehensive A student must pass both parts of the examination. Failure of either part
constitutes an unsatisfactory grade on the entire examination. An aspirant
who receives a grade of unsatisfactory may repeat the examination upon
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 3
the recommendation of the examining committee, but the exam may not Graduate Seminar: C&PE 800 Every semester while in
be taken more than twice. The examination may not be repeated until at residence
least 90 days have elapsed since the unsuccessful attempt. On receipt of
a grade of Honors or Satisfactory on the comprehensive examination, the Research: 30-34 hours
aspirant is admitted to candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
• PhD Aspirants: average GPA of 3.2 (5 course core) or 3.25 (4
course core) in core courses from KU MS degree. A student below
Ph.D. Dissertation and Final Oral Examination the required GPA will need to decide with Advisor to 1) retake courses
The doctoral dissertation, based on independent research conducted by until GPA is obtained; 2) obtain the MS degree while pursuing the
the candidate, constitutes the final phase of the doctoral work and must PhD program.
be completed within the prescribed time constraints. Upon acceptance • 3.25 Overall GPA required in all courses
of the dissertation by the advisory committee, the candidate defends the
• Only one C may be permitted
dissertation in a final oral examination. The examining committee consists
• Preliminary Examination: See Policy and Rubric on departmental
of at least 5 persons, including the advisory committee members and at
least 1 person from outside the department.
MS to PhD Program
If a student obtains their MS degree in Chemical or Petroleum
Engineering from the University of Kansas and plans to continue on into
the doctoral program, then the GPA from the core courses will be used
as the basis for entering the PhD program. If the student obtained their
MS degree in Chemical or Petroleum Engineering (or very closely related
fields) from another university, then the student's MS course work is
evaluated by:
Course Requirements: