Synthetic Decorative Handicrafts
Synthetic Decorative Handicrafts
Synthetic Decorative Handicrafts
Aliñabon, Phieffer.
Ambung, Johair G.
Cabunoc, Dindo Adrian
Calunsag, Elboy B.
Garcia, Evangeline M.
Jaim, Mary Joyce M.
Sacay, Reah B.
Tabalba, Maria Lu U.
Maghanoy, Louie J.
November 2022
An Advertising Plan
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
Approval Sheet
Situation Analysis
Budgetary Requirement
The title for this advertising plan is “Synthetic Decorative Handicrafts”. This
title is derived from the word hand-crafted decorations made from “plastic”. This title
universally suits to attract any social divisions, consumer culture and fashion. Its
product are used to ultimately embellish, enhance and support other product existence.
Resilience and diversity is the product strength which means it can strive and be used
This project is also campaigning in promoting the 4R’s particularly the re-use
HANDICRAFTS” prepared by Maghanoy, Louie J., Cabunoc, Dindo Adrian, Ambung Johair
G., Calunsag, Elboy B.,Sacay, Rhea B., Aliñabon, Phieffer A.,Garcia, Evangeline M., Jaim,
Mary Joyce M., and Tabalba, Marialu U., has been examined and is recommended for
A. Introduction
B. Situation Analysis
Advertising Problem & Opportunity
Goals & Objectives
C. Recommendations
Planning Decisions
D. Recommendations
E. Advertising Creative Strategy
Communication, Visual & Audio Elements
F. Advertising Media Strategy
Social Media Advertising
Word of Mouth Advertising
Personal Selling
F. Implementation/Tactics
Process and Flow of Production of the Product
Team Functions & Qualifications
Implementation Date
G. Integrated Marketing Communication
Sales Promotion
Direct Marketing
H. Budgetary Requirements
Materials, Tools & Equipment Used
Cost-Plus Pricing
To the people who had unconditionally shared their valuable assistance in making
To Ms. Laarni Joy J. Conadera, the Advertising Subject instructor for her guidance,
To the Panel Members for their constructive comments and suggestions for the
The researchers’ classmates for showing their support, sharing their time and
To their loving families and friends, for their financial and moral support,
understanding and patience especially during those trying times for the research.
And above all, to our Almighty God, without Him everything wouldn’t be made
The Researchers
A. Introduction
It is believed that artificial flowers were first developed in China over 1,500 years ago.
The Chinese made the first artificial flowers out of silk. Ladies of the Imperial Palace ordered silk
flowers to be worn in their hair. The trend spread to the well-off outside the palace, and then further
afield to Japan and Korea when new trade routes opened. The use of artificial flowers gained
popularity in those countries and would eventually travel from the east to western societies. Over time,
other cultures and societies have made their own artificial flowers. (History of Artificial Flowers, Alex
James 2021)
The purpose of this advertising plan is to evaluate the potential opportunities and give
insight into the various aspects of educating the public with the re-use of plastic bottles and
converting them into decorative ideas, with planning, its preparation and operating processes
to produce an excellent quality of synthetic decorative handicrafts.
B. Situation analysis
The birth of plastic have created a wide variety of marketing opportunities. Thus, it
also contributed to a much larger pollution to the different parts of the world. Plastic bottles
was originally used to replace common materials such as ivory, rubber and shellac.
Historically, decorative handicrafts have played an important economic and social role.
Today, the handicraft industry can be assumed to contribute to the process of development
including the abatement of unemployment, underemployment and poverty, because of its
labor-intensive nature. Hence, plastic bottles are have become a huge problem and threat to
the environment, the re-purpose steps of environmental advocates has started. This is to
effectively promote the 4Rs – Reduce, Re-use, Repair, and Recycle. Now, Synthetic
Decorative Handicrafts was created to give contribution as part of the rehabilitation the dying
environment. Synthetic Decorative Handicrafts can offer a wide variety of opportunities such
as livelihood programs and create a relevant marketable products out of plastics to help the
environment heal.
The ability of the business to innovate or produce new product out of waste plastic
bottles plays an important role in facilitating and expanding market access. This also entails
the ability of a business to diversify the production ranges as well as offering up-to-date
custom-made products. Other product attributes for craft products include design, stylistic
qualities, production (standardization and individualization), size of products, materials and
The main problem and focus of this product are the following: First, until today, a lot
of people are still throwing and forgetting the ways of proper waste segregation, and by that a
lot of plastic bottles are thrown everywhere. Through this campaign of creating waste bottles
to an opportunity, this could give an impact to society and change its typical cycle into a
valuable renewed purpose. Second, the availability of synthetic decorative handicrafts wasn’t
given enough emphasis the importance to the public. Third, handicraft artisans suffer a lot due
to being unorganized, poor exposure to new designs, absence of market intelligence and a
poor institutional framework.
As part of the marketing strategy decisions, businesses make decisions regarding the
products to be offered in the market as a proposition to satisfy the specific needs of
environment by promoting the advocacy, creating market opportunities, and to the selected
target markets. This involves making decisions on the nature of the products the organization
will offer, the breadth or diversity of the product lines, the level of technical sophistication and
the target level of product quality relative to the possible competitors. Product decisions also
involve making decisions on matters such as the branding, packaging, product development
and product improvements and service level decisions it indicate that whether a product is a
totally new innovation, an update of a familiar product or an imitation of a competitor ‘s
product, it needs careful planning and development to ensure that it meets customers ‘needs
and wants, that it has a significant competitive advantage and that it is accepted within the
Product quality is also exciting and attractive, styling and design as well as product
distinctiveness as the most important product aspects that determine whether they will buy
from craft producers or not. Consumers on the other hand, prefer quality, product style, price
and originality as the main features considered when buying crafts.
Pricing is also another challenge that is facing by craft producers. There is also a lack
of data on pricing of craft products because craft products are cost-based. However, there are
wide perceptions that in the craft industry, prices are highly negotiable. Objectively, Synthetic
Decorative Handicrafts will generate 27,000 Php in sales of new product in first quarter. This
will also be promoted in social media as the first ever brand awareness, alternative preference
and purchases in the world in 2023.
Communication Strategy
The major advocacy of this plan is to inform the public persuasively on the significant value of
saving the environment through constant reminder. This commercial will illustrate how a typical
individual being constantly reminded to properly dispose off garbage especially waste plastic bottles
anywhere an individual might be, after consuming its content while preserving its plastic bottles
readily available for recycling or re-using. This will educate and give the public an idea on how to
create a different product out of those empty plastic bottles. The commercial will show the trend from
a typical individual behavior to a responsible one which allowing and giving other people an
opportunity to create marketable ideas through the use of plastic bottles.
The appeals that will be used are rational with a lot of humor. Through social media platforms,
this will create a distinct connection to potential customers and create a huge engagement to the
Visual Elements
The visual elements that will be used in this advertisement will be the highlight of
tagline - “Embellish to make a difference.”, its uniquely-designed logo embarked with lotus-shaped
flower that justifies decorative handicrafts, trademarks and appealing motion pictures that will allure
that viewers to stimulate curiosity without skipping.
Audio Elements
The audio elements will be used in this advertisement should connect relatively to the
visual elements shown, preferably instrumental or lyrical with a mix of musical appeal.
The following are the advertising channels that will be used to promote the product and its
purpose, to wit;
Personalized sales method is also a direct effective approach to convince potential customers
to buy the product being offered
Nowadays, engaging social media platforms became an interactive media which is convenient
to producers or business entities. It is quick and effective way to connect people and bringing potential
customers together to form a transaction. Social media helps boost advertising campaigns to a wider
coverage of potential buyers whether in local or international.
E. Integrated Marketing Communication
Sales Promotion
The physical store will serve as a channel to communicate the public with
price-off deals of premiums (souvenirs and household products) to regular customers.
Customers will get to enjoy a desirable price of Php10.00 per design from all season. The
product will also be exhibited during trade shows and other special events.
Direct Marketing
The following recommendations are hereby enumerated to help create and attract
buyers to buy this kind of product:
To create brand awareness and promote environmental awareness to the target customers
for 35% by the year-end in 2023;
The customer must be able to appreciate and gradually strengthen their preferences with
the use of synthetic decorative handicraft
The manufacturer will generate 27,000 amount of sales leads by the 3rd quarter;
Lastly, producers must create a strong relationships between their customers for gain and
retain its utmost value and brand loyalty.
These are the recommendations that may help uplift the sales while promoting the
advocacy of the manufacturer of this kind of product. This may help them augment its revenue
and may give them the opportunity of giving back and helping the community through
providing better opportunity for the native locals.
Target Audiences
Its primary targets are mainly soda drinkers, typically all consumers of soda. Its
secondary targets are students, vendors, craft producers and the native locals.
G. Implementation tactics
To carry out coordination among the team, we, the proponent have decided to
incorporate our ideas to allocate a special appropriation for our desired output in creating a
very unique and aesthetic designs that creates treasure out of trash. Recycling and re-using of
plastic bottles will give more exposure to ideas. This will lead to develop and enhance skills
and ability to develop time-efficient craftsmanship techniques in making a wide variety of
The time required to complete each item is quite very challenging for first timers. As
you master the technique, the time needed will eventually become lesser. It will take around 8
hours a day to create a duly aesthetic fully-furnished output with an overall maximum of 45
The plastic bottles being re-used are bottles from Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. The
proponent reasonably use these kind of bottles due to its unique lowest part on which it rest
with five (5) identical edges. The process or its components are used to create a unique vibe
of decorative flowers, wine bottle necklaces and candle mat or holder. The use of other
supporting materials such as scissors, glues and paint are of big factor to create the finish
hand-crafted products. By re-using the plastic of this highly in demand products, could help
reduce waste.
The team will compose of the following with the corresponding functions and
Position Function
We make efforts to increase and utilize the specifications of the teams to effectively
manage the entire development and delivers to the public the advertising output and outlets.
The key dates for the implementation of the advertising medium is expected to be
produced 10 days after its creation, development and production period.
H. Budgetary Requirement
Table 18. Raw Materials, Tools, & Equipment needed for Production
In calculating the product price, we used cost-plus pricing: Given a consumable raw
materials expense amounting to 6,715 Php, given the manufacturing price per item of 7.46
with the corresponding 10.5% mark-up price of each item or 10 Php per item, given the
equation (7.46 X 1.30 = 9.69 or 10). The next month, total number of materials consumed per
day will be reduced to 332.00 pesos as non-consumable materials (paint brush, scissors and
knife) are considered spare parts and cannot routinely be replaced and has unpredictable life