Availaible at VTU HUB (Android App) : Module-3 Elliptic Curves, Key Management and Distribution
Availaible at VTU HUB (Android App) : Module-3 Elliptic Curves, Key Management and Distribution
Availaible at VTU HUB (Android App) : Module-3 Elliptic Curves, Key Management and Distribution
Elliptic Curve :
ECC Diffie-Hellman:
Can do key exchange using ECC that is analogous to D – H
Select global parameters:
o Eq(a, b) elliptic curve with parameters a, b and q, where q is a
prime number
o G (x1,y1) (base point) point on elliptic curve whose order is large
value n
User A key generation:
o Select private key nA nA<n
o Calculate public key PA=nA G
User B key generation:
ECC Encryption/Decryption:
First task in this system is to encode the plaintext message M as a point (x-y
coordinates) on elliptic curve Pm
Then this Pm will be encrypted as a ciphertext and it will be decrypted.
Each user chooses private key nA<n & computes public key PA=nA G
To encrypt Pm : Cm={k G, Pm + kPb}, k random
To decrypt Cm compute:
Pm =Cm+ kPb –nB (k G)
= Cm+k(nBG)–nB(k G)
ECC Security:
Relies on elliptic curve logarithm problem
Fastest method to take the elliptic curve logarithm is “pollard rho method”
Factoring a number into two primes using the general field sieve.
Smaller key size can be used for ECC compared to RSA
For equivalent key lengths, the computational effort required for ECC and
RSA is comparable.
Computational advantage of ECC is the usage of much smaller key size.