Virtual Orientation Report Parents
Virtual Orientation Report Parents
Virtual Orientation Report Parents
The Virtual PTA Meeting started at 2:00 pm with a mini opening program. The following were the agenda:
1. The Parent are fully informed about their role in their child Studies.
2. Parents and their children were expected to sustain the utilization of different online tools.
3. Parents were oriented about the different ways on how the children be assessed through their Performance Task
and Summative Test
4. Sets of officers were organized and expected that they will cooperate.
5. Distribution and retrieval of modules is every Thursday and health protocols wre to be observed.
Before the PTA Meeting concluded, the teacher asked parents to talk with their children and welcome them for
the school year 2021-2022.
Prepared by:
School Principal III
Kamustahan while waiting for other parents Simple opening Program before the start of
and preparing for the presentation the orientation.