Assignment For National T.B Program

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Supervisor by: -
Dr. Senan Almarhdi
Done by: -
Aisha Alwadhaf
Out lines

֎ Introduction and Analyzing the

֎ Mission and Vision
֎ SWOT Analysis
֎ Strategic & Operational planning
Introduction and Analysis the program
Ministry of Public Health and Population established
the National Tuberculosis Control Program and began
the Directly Supervised Short-Term Treatment
Strategy in September 1995 with the support from
World Health Organization and the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Introduction and Analysis the program cont.

▪ The Program is located in Sana'a, Taiz Street,

behind Al-Nukhba Hospital, Al-Jarda District

▪ Its stakeholders is Dr. Ehab Fathee Al-Saqaf

Mission and Vision

1- The Vision: - Eliminate Tuberculosis from being a public health

problem by 2035
Vision, Mission and Value cont.
2- The Mission: - Providing free and high-quality diagnostic and
therapeutic services to all patients with tuberculosis, and
prevention of tuberculosis for all segments of Yemeni society
Vision, Mission and Value cont.
3- The Value: - The values of the national tuberculosis control program
are summarized in four principles that are consistent with the national
strategy :

1. The tuberculosis patient first: the tuberculosis patient is considered

the focus of attention, care and follow-up .
2. Quality: Providing safe diagnostic and therapeutic services according to
national and international standards
3. Excellence: Continuing to provide distinguished services efficiently and
effectively and making the best use of available resources
4. Participation: coordination with the Ministry of Public Health and
Population to work with local and international partners to achieve the
strategic objectives of the program .
goals setting
General goal: -

1. Reducing the incidence of

tuberculosis from 48 per
100,000 population in 2021
to 45 per 100,000 population
by 2027

2. Reducing the TB death rate

from 9 per 100,000 population
in 2021 to 6 per 100,000
population by 2027
SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis cont.
Strengths Weaknesses
• Geographical location ( in each district) • Inadequate management training
• High quality services within the program
• Highly qualified and experienced • stop the direct observational treatment
medical staff short- term
• Free medicines • Stop the food basket system

Opportunities Threats
• healthcare centers include program. • Economic and political insecurity
• BCG Immunization • Patient not commitment of the
• Supporting organization medicines
Strategic & Operational planning
Strategic & Operational planning cont.
■ 1. Increase tuberculosis reporting
from 61 %to at least 75 %of
estimated cases by 2027 and
increase the annual treatment
success rate to at least 90 % by
■ 2. Detect at least 50 %of drug-
resistant TB cases through
programmatic management of
MDR-TB by 2027
Strategic & Operational planning cont.
3. Increase tuberculosis preventive
treatment coverage to 45 %among all target
groups according to the national policy by
2027 and achieve treatment completion rate
of at least 90 %among all target groups .
4. Improving and strengthening the
technical and administrative capabilities of
the national program to combat tuberculosis
and chest diseases in Yemen.
5. Maintain tuberculosis control and
prevention services in complex emergency
Thanks for your attention

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