ASU323 - Major Task - Spring 2023

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Specialized Program

Spring 2023 Max Marks: 10 Points Page 1

ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

Summative Assessment
Task – Part 1

Accounting Online
SP-Credit Hours Engineering Programs
Spring 2023 Max Marks: 10 Points Page 2
ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

Accounting Course (10 points)

Task Description:
This part is designed as an essential part of the major task of this course. The student should
complete an any course related to “Accounting” provided by Coursera. The student must submit a
technical certificate at the end of the course period on LMS.

There are two methods of evaluation: (please choose any of them)
• The student must submit a technical certificate at the end of the course period on LMS.
• The student can submit a detailed report as a substitute for the certificate, provided that
he attends the course.
o Deadline of submission: Week 15
o The uploaded file must be named with the student’s name and ID.

List of Courses
The student must choose to attend one of the following courses:
1. Introduction to Finance and Accounting
2. Fundamentals of Accounting
3. Financial Accounting Fundamentals
4. Introduction to Financial Accounting
5. Introduction to Financial Accounting: The Accounting Cycle
6. Financial Reporting
7. Create A Financial Statement using Microsoft Excel
8. Cost Accounting
9. Accounting: Principles of Financial Accounting
10. Accounting Data Analytics
11. Bookkeeping Basics
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Spring 2023 Max Marks: 10 Points Page 3
ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

Courses Description:

# Course Course Description

Course Title: This specialization provides an introduction to corporate finance
Introduction to Finance and and accounting, emphasizing their application to a wide variety of
Accounting real-world situations spanning personal finance, corporate
decision-making, financial intermediation, and how accounting
standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting
Course Link: process.
ializations/finance-accounting It begins with concepts and applications like time value of money,
risk-return tradeoff, retirement savings, mortgage financing, auto
leasing, asset valuation, and many others. The specialization uses
Excel to make the experience more hands-on and help learners
understand the concepts more directly. From valuing claims and
making financing decisions, to elements of a basic financial model,
the coursework provides a solid foundation to corporate finance.

The specialization then moves to financial accounting, enabling

learners to read financial statements and to understand the
language and grammar of accounting. The coursework introduces
bookkeeping fundamentals, accrual accounting, cash flow analysis,
among much else! Finally, using the foundational knowledge of
accounting, the specialization teaches learners how to understand
and analyze key information that companies provide in their
statements, including types of assets and liabilities and longer-
term investments and debts, and finally the difference between tax
reporting and financial reporting.

2 Course Title: Accounting is the “language of business.” Being able to understand

Fundamentals of Accounting this language allows individuals both inside and outside of an
organization to join the “conversation” about how the organization
Course Link:
is performing and how it can improve future performance. Financial
ializations/accounting- accounting focuses on the reports that managers generate to
fundamentals provide interested external parties a summary of the firm’s
financial position and operations. Managerial accounting focuses
on the information and the analytical tools and techniques that
help managers and employees make the right business decisions.

In this Specialization, you will learn the fundamentals of both of

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Spring 2023 Max Marks: 10 Points Page 4
ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

these purposes of accounting. More specifically, you will

understand the financial statements that managers create, and be
able to interpret and analyze these statements to assess the
financial position of the organization. You will also identify and
understand the nature, purpose, and importance of different types
of decision-useful accounting information, and use analytical tools
and techniques to use this information to make business decisions.
Via the capstone, you will apply these fundamentals via the lens of
a new business, creating a business plan, forecasts and budgets,
and anticipated information needs for decisions made by you as
owner and manager, your employees, and external parties such as
future shareholders, creditors, and other constituents.

3 Course Title: This course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the
Financial Accounting University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, will teach you
Fundamentals the tools you'll need to understand the fundamentals of financial
accounting. Concise videos, the financial records of a small business,
Course Link: and "your turn" activities guide you through the three most commonly used financial statements: the Balance Sheet, the Income
n/uva-darden-financial- Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flows. Beyond recording
accounting transactions, you'll learn how to prepare these financial statements,
and read and analyze them to draw basic conclusions about a
company's financial health.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Use journal entries to record transactions.
• Prepare and use t-accounts to summarize transactions recorded
during an accounting period.
• Describe the three most commonly used financial statements
and how they fit together.
• Prepare these financial statements based on transactions
recorded during an accounting period.
• Draw basic conclusions about a company's financial health.

4 Course Title: Master the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements
Introduction to Financial and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and learn how
Accounting accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial
reporting process. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to read
Course Link: the three most common financial statements: the income statement,
n/wharton-accounting balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Then you can apply
these skills to a real-world business challenge as part of the Wharton
Business Foundations Specialization.
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ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

5 Course Title: In this hands-on Specialization you will practice completing each step
Introduction to Financial of the accounting cycle within Microsoft Excel, from analyzing and
Accounting: The Accounting recording the first financial transactions of the year all the way
through starting the new fiscal year.
Course Link: The skills covered in this course include recording in the journal, posting in the ledgers, preparing financial statements, recording and
ializations/accounting posting closing entries, as well as preparing trial balances.

6 Course Title: The Financial Reporting Specialization focuses on the role of financial
Financial Reporting accounting principles and processes in creating and reporting an
organization’s financial statements. Learners who complete this
Course Link:
specialization will be able to (1) use financial accounting principles to
ializations/financial-reporting create and/or process an organization’s financial statements and (2)
analyze financial statements to assess an organization’s financial
7 Course Title: By the end of this project, you will be able to complete a financial
Create A Financial Statement statement with Microsoft Excel, composed of a transactions page,
using Microsoft Excel profit and loss statement, and balance sheet. You will learn how to
enter your business transactions and interpret the data presented in
Course Link: the profit and loss statement. You will also learn about the
ects/create-financial- components of a balance sheet and will have a better understanding
statement-using-microsoft- of how a financial statement can be used to help track and present
excel financial information for your company.

8 Course Title: View the Specialization trailer:

Cost Accounting
Many corporate decisions need cost accounting information. When
Course Link:
you know the costs of your products, you will make better pricing
ializations/costaccounting decisions and you can better choose which products to offer. When
you know the costs of your departments, you can better detect
inefficiencies and you can better incentivize your employees.
In this Specialization, you will learn the fundamentals of cost
accounting. Three courses cover the basics of cost accounting. We
will start with an introduction to product costing. How can you figure
out the costs of your individual products? Next, we will discuss how
to connect cost information with revenue information to calculate
profits and profitability. Finally, we focus on how to use the
information provided by cost accounting systems to optimize your
business decisions.
We have created the courses of this Specialization for
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ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

interdisciplinary young professionals seeking to develop cost

accounting skills. At the same time, the courses can help students in
management and business administration to repeat the content of
their introductory cost accounting course.
9 Course Title: Financial Accounting is often called the language of business; it is the
Accounting: Principles of language that managers use to communicate the firm's financial and
Financial Accounting economic information to external parties such as shareholders and
Course Link:
creditors. Nobody working in business can afford financial illiteracy.
n/financial-accounting Whether you run your own business, work as a manager or are just
starting your career, you want to understand financial information
and be able to interact with accountants, controllers, and financial
managers. You want to talk business!
This course will provide you with the accounting language's
essentials. Upon completion, you should be able to read and
interpret financial statements for business diagnosis and decision-
making. More importantly, you will possess the conceptual base to
keep learning more sophisticated accounting and finance on your
own. Do not forget that, as with any other language, becoming
proficient with accounting requires constant practice.

10 Course Title: This specialization develops learners’ analytics mindset and

Accounting Data Analytics knowledge of data analytics tools and techniques. Specifically, this
specialization develops learners' analytics skills by first introducing
Course Link:
an analytic mindset, data preparation, visualization, and analysis
ializations/accounting-data- using Excel. Next, this specialization develops learners' skills of using
analytics Python for data preparation, data visualization, data analysis, and
data interpretation and the ability to apply these skills to issues
relevant to accounting. This specialization also develops learners’
skills in machine learning algorithms (using Python), including
classification, regression, clustering, text analysis, time series
analysis, and model optimization, as well as their ability to apply
these machine learning skills to real-world problems.
11 Course Title: This is the first course in a series of four that will give you the skills
Bookkeeping Basics needed to start your career in bookkeeping. If you have a passion for
Course Link: helping clients solve problems, this course is for you. In this course, you will be introduced to the role of a bookkeeper and learn what
n/bookkeeping-basics bookkeeping professionals do every day. You will dive into the
accounting concepts and terms that will provide the foundation for
the next three courses. You will learn how to work your way through
the accounting cycle and be able to read and produce key financial
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Spring 2023 Max Marks: 10 Points Page 7
ASU323s: Introduction to Accounting
Summative Assessment Task

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define accounting and the concepts of accounting measurement
• Explain the role of a bookkeeper and common bookkeeping tasks
and responsibilities –
• Summarize the double entry accounting method –
• Explain the ethical and social responsibilities of bookkeepers in
ensuring the integrity of financial information.

No previous bookkeeping or accounting experience required.

Good luck

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