WJGP 5 213 PDF
WJGP 5 213 PDF
WJGP 5 213 PDF
Margarita Martinez-Medina, Librado Jesus Garcia-Gil, components frequently found in industrialized countries
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, Biology Department, may enhance AIEC colonization in the gut, which merits
University of Girona, E-17071 Girona, Spain further investigation and the implementation of pre-
Author contributions: Martinez-Medina M wrote the paper; ventative measures.
Garcia-Gil LJ revised the paper.
Correspondence to: Margarita Martinez-Medina, PhD,
© 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, Biology Department,
University of Girona, Campus de Montilivi, E-17071 Girona,
Spain. [email protected] Key words: Adherent invasive Escherichia coli ; Inflam-
Telephone: +34-972-418175 Fax: +34-972-418150 matory bowel disease; Crohn’s disease; Pathogenesis;
Received: January 28, 2014 Revised: April 8, 2014 Epidemiology
Accepted: May 29, 2014
Published online: August 15, 2014 Core tip: In this review we critically revise the findings
on Escherichia coli (E. coli ) populations associated with
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Then we focus on
adherent invasive E. coli (AIEC), especially in its mech-
Abstract anisms of pathogenicity and epidemiology. We discuss
about AIEC disease- and host-specificity and we under-
Escherichia coli (E. coli ), and particularly the adherent line the importance of discovering specific molecular
invasive E. coli (AIEC) pathotype, has been increasingly tools to detect AIEC for further epidemiologic studies.
implicated in the ethiopathogenesis of Crohn’s disease Finally we point out to a putative role of diet on AIEC
(CD). E. coli strains with similar pathogenic features to
gut colonization.
AIEC have been associated with other intestinal disor-
ders such as ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer, and
coeliac disease, but AIEC prevalence in these diseases Martinez-Medina M, Garcia-Gil LJ. Escherichia coli in chronic
remains largely unexplored. Since AIEC was described inflammatory bowel diseases: An update on adherent invasive
one decade ago, substantial progress has been made in Escherichia coli pathogenicity. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol
deciphering its mechanisms of pathogenicity. However, 2014; 5(3): 213-227 Available from: URL: http://www.wjg-
the molecular bases that characterize the phenotypic net.com/2150-5330/full/v5/i3/213.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.
properties of this pathotype are still not well resolved. org/10.4291/wjgp.v5.i3.213
A review of studies focused on E. coli populations in in-
flammatory bowel disease (IBD) is presented here and
we discuss about the putative role of this species on
each IBD subtype. Given the relevance of AIEC in CD
pathogenesis, we present the latest research findings ESCHERICHIA COLI IN INFLAMMATORY
concerning AIEC host-microbe interactions and patho- BOWEL DISEASE
genicity. We also review the existing data regarding the
prevalence and abundance of AIEC in CD and its asso- The intestinal microbiota has been implicated in the
ciation with other intestinal diseases from humans and pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative
animals, in order to discuss the AIEC disease- and host- colitis (UC), the main idiopathic inflammatory bowel
specificity. Finally, we highlight the fact that dietary diseases (IBDs)[1]. CD patients demonstrate an altered
intestinal microbial community, and the dysbioses pres- were found to be more abundant in active UC compared
ent in colonic CD and ileal CD are different[2]. In con- to inactive UC or controls[14], and quantitative PCR indi-
trast, a specific dysbiosis in UC is starting to be defined, cated that increased numbers of E. coli were present in
although differences between studies have hampered active UC patients compared to inactive UC patients[22]
attempts to reach a clear consensus to date[2-5]. A number as well as in inflamed vs non-inflamed UC tissue[23].
of culture-based and molecular-based studies support Altogether, substantial evidence supports an over-
the theory that Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a microbiologi- growth of E. coli in ileal CD patients, while there is still
cal factor implicated in CD, but some controversy exists no convincing data that exists for other IBD subtypes.
regarding its role in UC[2,6-17]. In this section, we examine Further studies aimed at comparing the abundance of
data on E. coli populations in CD and UC related to E. coli in IBD patients categorized by disease subtype
abundance, association with disease activity, transloca- and assessing any correlation with activity status of the
tion of the gut mucosa, and pathogenic features of the disease would shed light on the role of this bacterium in
strains to highlight the evidence that supports or refutes each IBD subtype and its putative application as a diag-
putative implications for this bacterium in each IBD nostic and/or prognostic tool.
E. coli localization in the intestinal mucosa
Abundance in the intestinal mucosa and correlation with E. coli has been found in the mucus layer, close to the in-
disease activity testinal epithelial cells and in ulcers of both CD and UC
Several independent studies based on quantitative Poly- patients[24,25]. Translocation of the intestinal mucosa has
merase Chain Reaction (PCR) have indicated that E. been primarily observed in CD[6] and higher amounts of
coli is augmented in CD patients in comparison with intracellular E. coli were detected in inflamed compared
controls[2,6,11,13]. However, differences are especially sig- to non-inflamed mucosa[6,26]. With FISH and immuno-
nificant for CD patients with ileal disease, and no clear histochemistry, E. coli has been detected scattered within
association with colonic or ileocolonic CD has been the lamina propria, either in the extracellular space or
demonstrated. On average, in our cohort, E. coli 16S inside macrophages, as well as in the subserosal layer,
rRNA gene copies accounted for 14% and 33% of total the perivascular areas of the submucosa, the muscle
bacteria 16S rRNA gene copies in healthy subjects and layer, and in germinal centers of lymph follicles of CD
ileal CD patients, respectively (P < 0.001)[13]. Of note, a patients[8,14,27]. A recent study using high throughput se-
higher abundance of E. coli was observed in active CD quencing indicated a greater proportion of E. coli reads
patients than in patients in remission[6,11,18]. Accordingly, in the lymph nodes of ileal CD patients than other CD
a previous study using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridiza- patients[28]. Interestingly, E. coli DNA was also more fre-
tion (FISH) demonstrated increased E. coli numbers in quently found in the granulomas of CD patients (80%)
the epithelium and within the lamina propria in active than in non-CD control patients (10%) in a study that
CD patients compared to inactive CD patients[14]. In ad- used Laser Capture Microdissection and PCR[29]. In con-
dition, we determined that higher numbers of this spe- trast, E. coli has not been frequently found to translocate
cies correlated with a reduced amount of time before the mucosa of UC patients[8,24,25], although some contro-
relapse[11]. These findings are in agreement with previous versy exists as some authors have detected E. coli in the
data reporting that the higher numbers of E. coli isolated lamina propria of UC patients[14,27].
from the neoterminal ileum of CD patients are associ- The majority of the aforementioned studies are
ated with early recurrence of the disease[7], and that high based on techniques that do not distinguish viable bac-
levels of antibodies against the E. coli outer membrane teria from dead bacteria. Further studies should study
protein C (OmpC) correlate with disease progression, the viability of translocated E. coli, particularly in lymph
longer duration, and greater need for surgery among CD nodes and granulomas, as these locations would be more
patients[19-21]. relevant to establish a link between this bacterium and
There is substantial controversy regarding the abun- CD pathogenesis. These studies should also focus on
dance of E. coli in the colonic mucosa of UC patients UC patients to clarify the existing controversial data. A
(Table 1). Several works have consistently reported no lack of E. coli translocation in UC would suggest that E.
increase with respect to healthy subjects[2,6,7,11-13], argu- coli does not play a primary role in UC pathogenesis or
ing against a putative role for E. coli in UC, while oth- that it plays a different role than in CD.
ers have reported increased E. coli abundance in UC
patients[8,10,14,16,18,22,23]. As in the majority of these studies Pathogenic features of the strains
both CD and UC patients were analyzed, these contro- E. coli strains isolated from IBD patients are clonally
versial observations can not be explained by differences diverse[6,13,17] and belong to distinct serotypes[6,13,30] and to
in methodology between studies. We postulate that they different sequence types[6,31-33]. Although a close genetic
can be attributable to differences in the disease severity relationship was detected in a study of IBD pediatric
of the patients included in the studies, as increased num- patients[34], the hypothesis that there is a particular clone
bers of E. coli have been associated with activity status associated with IBD has largely been ruled out.
in UC patients. Using FISH, epithelium-associated E. coli In turn, E. coli strains isolated from IBD patients
Increased E. coli abundance in CD with respect to controls but UC patients were not included in the study; 2Increased E. coli
abundance in UC with respect to controls but CD patients were not included in the study. CD: Crohn’s disease; UC: Ulcer-
ative colitis; E. coli: Escherichia coli.
primarily belong to the B2 and D phylogroups in con- found in other works[13,36,37,41,42]. A shift in the phylogroup
junction with extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC). distribution would then lead to an increased proportion
Some works demonstrate major colonization by B2+D of E. coli equipped with colonization factors that would
phylogroups in IBD patients in comparison with healthy facilitate establishment and persistence in IBD patients.
controls[10,31], but in other studies, a similar distribution However, it is not clear whether this shift occurs specifi-
of phylogroups exist between IBD and healthy sub- cally in IBD patients or is a general trend taking place
jects[13,29,30,33-36]. Differences between studies could be in industrialized countries[43]. Although no particular ge-
based on the types of samples analyzed, as it has been netic traits distinguish E. coli from the intestinal mucosa
reported in healthy individuals that transient E. coli (more of CD or UC, some virulence factors have been found
likely to be found in feces) are principally A and B1, to be differentially distributed between these IBDs. For
whereas resident E. coli (more likely to be found in the example, a diarrhea-associated hemolytic E. coli strain
mucosa) mainly belong to the B2 and D phylogroups[35]. called cell-detaching E. coli (CDEC), which commonly
Therefore, studies based on mucosal samples tend to harbors hemolysin, cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, pilus
indicate enrichment of B2 and D strains, even in healthy P and S-fimbria genes, was found in 24% of UC E. coli
controls. Another factor that could influence the dis- and only in 4.7% of CD E. coli[44]. The gene usp encod-
tribution of phylogroups in IBD is the disease severity ing for the uropathogenic-specific protein was also more
of patients analyzed, as an increased proportion of B2 frequently found in UC E. coli than in CD E. coli [30].
and D isolates has been found in active IBD patients[32], Recently, E. coli carrying the iroN gene, which encodes
which was significantly associated with the inflamma- for a receptor for iron-chelating siderophores, was more
tion state of IBD tissues[30]. This denotes a shift in E. coli frequently isolated from inflammatory and unchanged
populations to isolates that are better adapted to the in- mucosa of active-phase UC patients[23].
flamed tissue in IBD and/or that are involved in the in- On the other hand, approximately one decade ago,
flammation itself. Of note, no differences in phylogroup Darfeuille-Michaud et al[45] discovered a new pathotype
distribution between CD and UC have ever been report- of E. coli with distinctive phenotypic pathogenic traits
ed. that was associated with CD, but not with UC, named
E. coli isolated from IBD patients carry different sets adherent invasive E. coli (AIEC). Altogether, these ob-
of virulence genes that are characteristic of ExPEC servations suggest that specific E. coli types could be
strains, whereas intestinal pathogenic E. coli are rare or involved in each IBD. We further discuss this issue in the
absent[6,10,13,30,32,34,36-39]. These virulence factors are also section dedicated to AIEC prevalence in ulcerative coli-
frequent in E. coli from healthy subjects and are con- tis.
sidered “colonization factors” necessary for successful
establishment in the intestinal mucosa[40]. Virulence gene
profiles are inexorably linked with the phylogenetic ori- ADHERENT INVASIVE E. COLI
gins of the strains. Based on the distribution of phylo- To date, AIEC is the most likely candidate to cause spe-
genetic groups, virulence-associated genes characteristic cific damage to people who are genetically susceptible
of ExPEC were more frequently found in IBD patients to the development of CD, and therefore the follow-
than in healthy subjects in those studies where B2+D ing sections will focus on discussing the most recent
predominated in IBD[10,31], whereas no differences were research findings on this pathovar. We review (1) the
latest research regarding AIEC pathogenicity; (2) the cently proposed to act as a receptor for AIEC[54]. At the
prevalence and abundance of the pathotype in several intracellular side, vimentin leucine-rich repeats interact
intestinal disorders, discussing its putative contribution with NOD2 leading to the recruitment of these proteins
to other intestinal diseases in addition to CD; (3) the evi- at the plasma membrane. This is necessary for a proper
dence that supports a lack of host-specificity and thus a function of NOD2 in terms of antigen detection, NF-
risk for zoonosis; and (4) recent research that points to κB activation and autophagy induction. CD patients
a putative role for environmental factors in the fate of have specific NOD2 variants (L1007fs and R702W) that
AIEC development in the intestine. are unable to interact with vimentin and, in turn, they
localize in the cytosol. That leads to a defective inflam-
Definition matory response, autophagy induction and handling of
The AIEC pathotype was defined as E. coli strains that CD-associated AIEC. Altogether, NOD2 and vimentin
(1) are able to adhere to differentiated Caco-2 and/or appear to play an important role in AIEC recognition
undifferentiated I-407 intestinal epithelial cells with an and polymorphisms in these two proteins may have an
adhesion index equal or superior to 1 bacteria per cell; impact on the ability of AIEC to colonize the host.
(2) are able to invade I-407 cells with an invasion index A new host-microbe interaction that mediates adhe-
equal or superior to 0.1% of the original inoculum; (3) sion of LF82 to intestinal epithelial cells and involves a
involve host cell actin polymerization and microtubule bacterial and a human chitinase has recently been pro-
recruitment in bacterial uptake; (4) do not have known posed[55]. Chitinases are enzymes that hydrolyze chitin,
invasive determinants; and (5) are able to survive and a long-chain polymer of an N-acetylglucosamine. The
replicate within J774-A1 macrophages[45]. Since its defini- authors demonstrate that specific polymorphisms in two
tion, invasive determinants characteristic from ExPEC chitin binding domains characteristic of LF82 and other
have been detected in some AIEC, but not consistently pathogenic E. coli are required to interact with an N-gly-
in all AIEC, and thus are not a particularity of the AIEC cosylated asparagine of the human chitinase CHI3L1.
pathotype[6,13,36,46-48]. Interestingly, human chitinases are overexpressed in in-
testinal epithelial cells and moderately expressed in cells
Molecular basis of AIEC pathogenicity of the lamina propria during inflammation.
Pathogenicity mechanisms of AIEC have mainly been Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) containing the
studied in the reference AIEC strain LF82, and its fea- transmembrane protein OmpA play a role in LF82 in-
tures have been comprehensively linked to many charac- vasion of intestinal epithelial cells[48]. OmpA binds the
teristics of CD pathogenesis. endoplasmic reticulum-localized stress response chaper-
Adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells is in part me- one Gp96 that is overexpressed on the apical surface of
diated by type 1 pili, which interact with the glycopro- ileal epithelial cells in patients with CD. OMVs fuse with
tein CEACAM6 in a mannose-associated manner[49,50]. host cells, and it is thought that the release of bacterial
CEACAM6 is overexpressed in CD patients with ileal effectors that are still undefined is involved in the actin
disease, which makes them more susceptible to over- polymerization and microtubule recruitment that occurs
colonization by AIEC. Although type 1 pili is present in during invasion. Point mutations in the ompA sequence
almost all E. coli, including non-pathogenic strains, we of LF82 and other B2 strains mediate better interactions
have recently demonstrated that AIEC strains usually with Gp96 [56]. In turn, Gp96 is overexpressed in the
present FimH adhesin variants that allow them to more ileum of CD patients, which renders them more suscep-
efficiently bind intestinal epithelial cells[31]. Some non- tible to AIEC infection.
AIEC strains carry these mutations as well, but they do Once inside the host cell, LF82 bacteria can be found
not express type 1 pili. Flagella are also important for in several types of intracellular compartments: indi-
adhesion to and invasion of intestinal epithelial cells vidually or in groups within single membrane vacuoles,
and elicit the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cyto- within damaged vacuoles, or within LC3-positive au-
kine IL-8 and chemokine CCL20 in polarized intestinal tophagosomes, which indicates that autophagy restricts
epithelial cells, which in turn leads to the recruitment a subpopulation of intracellular LF82 bacteria[57]. Nev-
of macrophages and dendritic cells to the site of infec- ertheless, it was recently demonstrated that AIEC can
tion[51,52]. The further secretion of INFγ and TNFα by abrogate the autophagic process[58]. Intracellular LF82
macrophages and lymphocytes leads to CEACAM6 activates NF-κB, leading to the increased expression
expression, which enhances AIEC colonization. The of MIR30C and MIR130A in T84 cells and in mouse
binding of LF82 type 1 pili to CEACAM6 and flagella to enterocytes, and the upregulation of these microRNAs
TLR5 in intestinal epithelial cells induces the production reduces levels of ATG5 and ATG16L1, inhibiting au-
of HIF-1a and activation of the classical NF-κB path- tophagy and enhancing the inflammatory response. In
way[53]. In turn, these molecules cooperatively control the turn, defects in autophagy mechanisms related to the
transcription of IL-8 and pro-angiogenic factors con- ATG16L1 and IRGM genes have been associated with
tributing to inflammation and vascularization. CD patients, and these defects confer an advantage for
The intermediate filament vimentin, expressed on AIEC to survive inside human cells [57]. Therefore, it
the host cell surface of mesenchymal cells, has been re- is a combination of host deficiency factors and AIEC
pathogenicity that determines the fate of intracellular E. nutrient-poor medium, and these proteins were overex-
coli survival. pressed not only in LF82 during macrophage infection
In addition to adhesion and invasion capacity, LF82 but also in acidic nutrient-poor medium. Interestingly,
is also able of translocating via the M cells of the Peyer’s the overexpression of HtrA is dependent on the LF82
patches, gaining access to the lamina propria. This inter- background, as non-pathogenic E. coli do not overex-
action is mediated by type 1 pili and long polar fimbriae press that protein under similar growth conditions. The
(Lpf), which can interact independently with GP2, a sur- RNA-binding protein Hfq, which functions as a global
face protein specific to M cells. It is of note that the sites posttranscriptional regulator of gene expression, has also
of initial inflammation in CD are the Peyer’s patches been implicated in survival and replication within mac-
and colonic lymphoid follicles; thus, this mechanism of rophages and in stress tolerance but also other aspects
translocation is consistent with early clinical signs of the of LF82 pathogenicity, such as adhesion and invasion
disease[59]. capability[67]. Hfq binds small regulatory RNA molecules,
Another mechanism that can facilitate bacterial trans- facilitating their interaction with mRNA, but the target
location is the ability of LF82 to alter intestinal perme- genes are still unknown.
ability by inducing the expression of the pore-forming Continuous replication of LF82 within macrophages
protein claudin-2[60] and by displacing ZO-1 and E-cad- results in the secretion of high levels of TNFα without
herin from apical tight junctions, leading to decreased inducing host cell death[68]. This can explain inflamma-
transepithelial resistance and loss of barrier function[17,61]. tion and granuloma formation in the gut of CD patients,
Besides, pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNFα can drive which has been demonstrated in vitro[50,69,70]. A direct role
alterations in intestinal permeability[62]. As AIEC infec- for LF82 in delaying apoptosis of infected macrophages
tion induces the secretion of large amounts of TNFα and dendritic cells has recently been reported[71]. LF82
and IL-8[17]; thus, the loss of barrier function induced by infection was found to alter the function of caspase-3, a
LF82 can in part be mediated by the induction of TNFα protease that plays an essential role in apoptosis, and to
secretion. increase degradation of this molecule in the proteasome.
A novel mechanism of pathogenicity observed in Also supporting AIEC capability to replicate within
LF82 and two other AIEC strains (O83:H1 and UM146) immune cells, strain LF82 was able to replicate within
is the evasion of host immune responses via subver- monocytes isolated from CD patients for the first 20 h
sion of the IFNγ pathway in intestinal epithelial cells[63]. after infection but then CD monocytes started to clear
Phosphorylation of the Signal Transducer and Activator intracellular bacteria[72]. Interestingly, those patients with
of Transcription STAT-1 is blocked, thus preventing polymorphisms in CARD15 gene (R702W, G908R and
the transcription of IFNγ-dependent genes, which re- 1007fs) showed reduced early inflammatory response
duces host immune responses and results in an inability towards AIEC infection with decreased levels of IL-
to mount an appropriate anti-microbiocidal response. 1β, IL-6 and IL-10. In contrast, Asp299Gly mutation in
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) strain O157:H7, TLR4 had no effect on monocyte response to AIEC. Be-
in part through its Shiga toxin, is also able to block ty- sides, a recent study revealed that CD monocyte-derived
rosine phosphorylation and activation of STAT1 after dendritic cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide show
IFNγ stimulation, in contrast with enteropathogenic E. an attenuated inflammatory response with decreased lev-
coli E2348/69 or commensal E. coli HB101 which do els of IL-6 and IL-1β, as well as an impaired autophagy
not present this mechanism of pathogenicity. However, with reduced LC3 expression[73]. Moreover, these cells
AIEC do not present Shiga toxins. Presumably a small had a reduced capacity to support the expansion of al-
secreted peptide may be responsible for this pathogenic logeneic Th17 cells from CD4+ memory T cells. The
mechanism in AIEC[63]. authors propose that mucosal Th17 activation in CD
Once AIEC has gained access to the lamina propria, patients is a secondary event in response of poor bacte-
these bacteria can be engulfed by macrophages. Intram- rial clearance due to defects in innate immunity. Further
acrophage LF82 do not escape into the cytoplasm but studies showing AIEC effects on CD defective den-
induce the formation of a large vacuole (phagosome) dritic cells regarding, not only cytokine release, but also
that fuses with lysosomes[64], suggesting that AIEC bac- autophagy function and the level of IL-17A response
teria have the ability to replicate in an environment with induction in T cells, are necessary to decipher whether
acidic pH, oxidative stress, active proteolytic enzymes, the alterations observed in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated
and antimicrobial compounds. Indeed, it was demon- dendritic cells equally occur after AIEC exposure.
strated in vitro that an acidic environment is necessary AIEC LF82 bacteria are also able to invade and repli-
for replication of AIEC LF82 bacteria[64]. The protease cate within human neutrophils, but in contrast to its be-
HtrA and the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase DsbA have havior inside macrophages and intestinal epithelial cells,
been reported to be important for survival and replica- LF82 induces the autophagic death of infected neutro-
tion within macrophages[65,66]. The authors linked these phils, which later undergo an alternative cell death pro-
proteins to the ability of LF82 to resist the stress condi- cess called NETosis[74]. In neutrophils, LF82 are localized
tions of the phagolysosomes, as isogenic mutants for inside autolysosomes, as observed by the colocalization
these proteins were less efficient in growing in acidic and of phagosome and lysosome markers, but there is no
acidification, which suggests that LF82 avoids autolyso- serotype (B2 O83:H1), which indicates they are geneti-
some maturation. Infected neutrophils secrete cytokines, cally very close. Given the high variability of AIEC
in particular IL-8, contributing to mucosal inflammation. seropathotypes, studying the distribution of these genes
The ability to form biofilms is a pathogenic feature in other AIEC strains is essential to confirm whether
frequently found among AIEC strains. We found that 17 these elements are common features of the pathotype
out of 27 AIEC strains and only 9 out of 38 intestinal or are strain-specific. Comparative genomics of phyloge-
non-AIEC strains were biofilm producers[75]. Motility netically distant AIEC strains would presumably reveal
and flagellar type are of relevance in biofilm production, a significantly greater number of genetic differences.
as non-motile strains were not able to form biofilms, Although it will complicate the situation, sequencing ad-
and all strains with the H1 flagellar antigen were strong ditional AIEC strains from different phylogenetic origins
biofilm producers. Recently, Chassaing et al[76] have dem- is crucial to determine the common genetic features in-
onstrated the ability of the LF82 strain to form biofilms volved in the AIEC phenotype.
on intestinal epithelial cells using cell culture and animal
models. AIEC localization in the intestinal mucosa
AIEC have generally been isolated from tissue samples,
Genetic factors characteristic of the AIEC pathotype but there is no evidence regarding its exact localization
Despite all the research conducted on AIEC pathogenic- within the intestinal mucosa. Although AIEC are inva-
ity, we still do not know the genetic factors that are char- sive bacteria, they have not been convincingly observed
acteristic of the AIEC pathotype. The majority of genes within intestinal epithelial cells or in the lamina propria
related to its pathogenicity are not AIEC-specific, as is in resected tissue or mucosal biopsies. The studies con-
the case for fimH, ompA, dsbA or htrA, and are present in ducted by Martin et al[12] and Eliott et al[36] addressed
the majority of E. coli strains, including non-pathogenic whether E. coli are intraepithelial or mucosa-associated
strains[31,48,65,66]. Point mutations or differential gene ex- by treating biopsies with gentamicin. This approach has
pression are involved in the increased fitness and/or brought indirect evidence of E. coli invasion of intestinal
virulence of AIEC strains. Unfortunately, these genetic epithelial cells in CD but not in UC. However, the com-
factors have been studied in very few strains or exclu- plete AIEC phenotype was not studied in the intracellu-
sively in the prototype strain LF82. Conversely, virulence lar E. coli strains obtained from these studies.
genes that are not usually present in non-pathogenic E. Currently, identifying the exact localization of AIEC
coli, such as afaC, pks or lpf, have been found frequently, strains in the mucosa is nearly impossible to do, as no
but not consistently, in AIEC strains[13,59,77]. AIEC strains molecular tools that specifically target the AIEC path-
are clonally diverse, belong to different serotypes and ovar are available. Some evidence has been obtained us-
carry different sets of virulence genes that are charac- ing animal models infected with known reference strains.
teristic of ExPEC strains; these features also describe For example, by staining for the O83 antigen, it has re-
non-AIEC ExPEC-like strains inhabiting the intestinal cently been demonstrated that the LF82 and NRG857c
mucosa[13]. The AIEC pathotype comprises high geno- strains colonize the ileum, cecum and colon of several
type variability, which complicates the identification of mouse models and that they are located at the base of
specific genetic factors of the pathotype. the crypts and within goblet cells[81]. Engineered LF82
It is of note that despite the genetic similarity be- with a plasmid containing the GFP protein permitted
tween AIEC and ExPEC, the latter generally does not fluorescence-microscopic examination of the localiza-
exhibit the AIEC phenotype. We determined that only tion of LF82 in the nematode C. elegans. In this situation,
4 out of 63 ExPEC strains of different origins were there was robust gut colonization, but bacteria remained
AIEC-like[78], conferring a particular identity on the pa- in the lumen and were not attached to intestinal epithe-
thotype. Identification of additional genetic elements lial cells[67]. To visualize the extent of bacterial adhesion
or the differential expression of key genes that must be and invasion in in vivo infection, Low et al[55] stained E.
involved in AIEC pathogenicity represents an important coli lipopolysaccharides with specific antibodies and com-
milestone that can be achieved through genome- and pared basal levels of fluorescence in uninfected mice
transcriptome-based studies. (corresponding to indigenous bacteria) with levels in in-
Four AIEC genomes belonging to B2 strains have fected mice. They found higher counts of stained bacte-
been sequenced and published to date[46,47,79,80], and com- ria in the intestinal epithelial cells and lamina propria of
parative genomics have been carried out for the LF82 infected mice, suggesting AIEC intestinal epithelial cell
and NRG857c strains[47]. Although novel virulence fac- invasion and translocation.
tors not previously found in AIEC by PCR genotyping,
such as a type-6 secretion system, have been detected in A pathobiont rather than a true pathogen
genomic islands of the sequenced strains, genomic stud- Despite the virulence genes that are encoded in the ge-
ies have corroborated the notion that AIEC resembles nome of many AIEC strains and the mechanisms of
ExPEC. Unique sequences for AIEC were found in pathogenicity reported for the prototype strain LF82,
common between the LF82 and NRG857 strains. How- AIEC are generally considered pathobionts. This as-
ever, both strains belong to the same phylogroup and sumption is supported by the fact that, although at a
lower frequency than in CD, healthy subjects can carry have reported a higher prevalence of AIEC in CD pa-
AIEC in their intestinal mucosa[6,13,17,45,82]. The preva- tients than in healthy subjects[6,13,17,45,82]. Unfortunately,
lence varies between studies, ranging from the absence not all of these studies categorized CD patients by their
to 15.8% of colonic samples with AIEC and from 6.2% disease subtype or analyzed prevalence based on ana-
to 18% in ileal samples. Although AIEC bacteria may tomic location in the gut. The first study was conducted
colonize the intestinal mucosa of non-IBD patients, by Darfeuille-Michaud et al[45] in 2004 and revealed that
these bacteria usually do not translocate a healthy muco- 22% of CD patients with ileal involvement harbored
sal barrier, as bacterial invasion of the mucosa has not AIEC strains in ileal chronic lesions and at a similar
frequently been observed in control patients[14] and intra- frequency in healthy mucosa. However, AIEC bacteria
cellular E. coli was rarely cultivated from the colonic mu- were more likely to be found in the early ileal lesions
cosa of healthy subjects (from the absence to 9%)[6,26,83]. that occurred in patients after ileostomy (36.4%). AIEC
AIEC strains are more abundant, and consequently strains were only isolated from the colon of 3.7% of
more frequently found, in the ileum than in the colon CD patients with a colonic disease phenotype. The au-
of healthy subjects. We found that AIEC accounted for thors proposed an association between AIEC and ileal
3.58% and 0.95%, respectively, of the ileal and colonic CD and suggested that the pathovar could be involved
E. coli populations[13]. Accordingly, a larger number of in the initiation of the inflammatory process. Conversely,
AIEC LF82 bacteria were attached to ileal than to colon Baumgart et al[6] reported a prevalence of AIEC strains
tissue in ex vivo samples from healthy subjects infected in the ileum of 38.5% of CD patients with ileal involve-
with this AIEC strain[84]. Altogether, these data suggest ment and 37.5% with colonic CD, indicating that AIEC
that AIEC can more easily colonize the ileum with re- is associated both with ileal and colonic disease pheno-
spect to other E. coli, and at least approximately 1 out of types. Sasaki et al[17] demonstrated that 24.3% of CD pa-
6 healthy individuals can be considered “asymptomatic tients exhibited AIEC strains, but neither the localization
carriers”. of these strains in the gut nor the disease phenotypes
Genetic or environment-derived host defects at the of the positive patients were detailed. A similar preva-
intestinal barrier may determine the ability of AIEC lence was reported by Dogan et al[82] in the ileum of CD
to colonize and translocate the gut. A number of host patients with ileal disease. We detected AIEC strains at
deficiencies frequently found in CD patients have been a higher frequency in comparison with previous studies,
linked with the increased ability of AIEC LF82 to cause most likely due to the methodological approach used.
infection. For example, these defects include the over- Whereas other studies analyzed from 1 to 15 E. coli
expression of the CEACAM6 and Gp96 receptors in colonies per patient, we searched for AIEC strains in a
the apical membrane of intestinal epithelial cells, which collection of 95 - 150 E. coli colonies per patient. This
facilitates AIEC adhesion and invasion[48,49], or defects approach not only enabled us to obtain a more accurate
in autophagy related to NOD2, ATG16L1 and IRGM prevalence value but also to study the abundance of
function and expression, which impair the ability of host AIEC strains within the E. coli population. We detected
cells to resolve infections[57,85]. Additionally, it has been AIEC strains in the ileum of 54.5% of CD patients and
suggested that the altered bile salts metabolism in CD in the colon of 50% of CD patients[13]. Although data
patients could enhance the expression of long polar fim- depicted by disease subtype were not reported in the
briae in AIEC, which could permit better translocation original work, we also found a higher prevalence in CD
via M cells[86]. Moreover, decreased levels of the protease patients with ileal involvement (66.7% of ileal and 58.3%
meprin, which are characteristic of severe inflammation of colonic samples) than those with colonic disease
in IBD patients, have been proposed to determine the (50% of ileal and 25% of colonic samples). Colonic CD
fate of AIEC in terms of their ability to colonize the patients denoted also a high prevalence of AIEC, what
host, as these proteases degrade type 1 pili[87]. supports the observations of Baumgart et al[6], but the
pathotype was more frequently found in the ileum than
in the colon of CD patients, in line with the findings
PREVALENCE AND ABUNDANCE OF of Darfeuille-Michaud et al[45] The abundance of AIEC,
AIEC IN IBD defined as the percentage of AIEC within the E. coli
population, was low and variable, ranging from 1% to
CD 50%. On average, AIEC isolates represented 9.3%, 3.7%
Intraepithelial E. coli with adherent and invasive prop- and 3.1% of E. coli isolates in ileal, ileocolonic and co-
erties were isolated from the sigmoid colon mucosa in lonic CD patients, respectively. Jensen et al[84] supported
29% of CD patients[12] and in 90% of CD patients in a these data using quantitative PCR targeting indigenous
cohort composed of ileal, ileocolonic and colonic dis- LF82 bacteria. The increased expression of CEACAM6
ease phenotypes[36]. Differences between studies could in the ileum of ileal CD patients may explain the higher
be explained by the disease activity status of the cohort prevalence and abundance of AIEC in CD patients with
of patients, who were mainly in the relapse stage in the ileal involvement. However, additional host-microbial
latter study. interactions or environmental factors may be involved
In the last decade, several independent laboratories in colonization of the colonic mucosa, as no differences
plete AIEC phenotype. In addition, E. coli isolated from netic groups and carrying ExPEC-like features, e.g., pilus
a pediatric cohort with polyposis, who were included as P and hemolysin A, were found to be more abundant
a healthy control group, showed the highest invasion ef- in celiac patients when compared to healthy controls.
ficiency compared with E. coli strains isolated from IBD This dysbiosis of the E. coli population is similar to that
children[42]. However, as far as we know, there is no data found in CD patients.
regarding the prevalence of AIEC in patients with CRC. Given the association between E. coli and coeliac
Several studies have demonstrated that E. coli associ- disease in terms of abundance and the correlation with
ated with CRC are frequently colibactin-producing[72,93-95]. disease activity, as well as the genetic similarities between
Not only is the pks genomic island encoding for the isolates from the intestinal mucosa of coeliac patients
genotoxin colibactin frequent in CRC, but other cyclo- and CD patients, further studies aimed at identifying
modulins such as CNF, CDT and CIF. Buc et al[97] found the AIEC phenotype amongst coeliac E. coli isolates are
that cyclomodulin-encoding genes were over-represented of interest to better define the disease specificity of the
among E. coli from CRC patients (65.8%), particularly AIEC pathotype.
distal colon cancer (76.5%), compared with diverticulo-
sis samples (19.54%). These molecules can be genotoxic
and/or modulate cellular differentiation, apoptosis, and ADHERENT-INVASIVE E. COLI IN ANI-
proliferation. Prorok-Hamon et al[77] observed that CRC MALS WITH INTESTINAL DISEASE
E. coli frequently harbored the pks gene but also the ad-
AIEC strains isolated from CD patients genetically
hesins AfaC and LpfA, partially resembling those E. coli
resemble avian pathogenic E. coli and other animal Ex-
isolated from CD and UC. These factors confer the abil-
PEC. We studied the AIEC phenotype in a strain collec-
ity to adhere to and invade I407 cells, to upregulate vas-
tion obtained from animals with extraintestinal infection
cular endothelial growth factor expression in intestinal
and intestinal disease to determine the disease and host
epithelial cells, and presumably, to translocate via M cells
specificity of the AIEC pathotype. All these strains were
and cause genotoxicity to host cells. Recently, pathogenic
classified as ExPEC in terms of their phylogenetic origin
cyclomodulin-positive E. coli strains were found to be
and virulence genotype. ExPEC strains of extraintesti-
more prevalent in the mucosa of patients with advanced
nal origin rarely shared the AIEC phenotype, whereas
stages of the disease[96].
ExPEC-like strains of intestinal origin were frequently
Few studies have been focused on E. coli populations
AIEC-like in cats (82%), dogs (35%) and swine (32%)
in CRC patients do date, and the results obtained point
with intestinal disease[102]. The high prevalence of AIEC
to a putative role for a subset of E. coli with pathogenic
in companion and farm animals highlights a putative risk
features relevant to CRC pathogenesis. Given that AIEC
of zoonosis between humans and animals. In a previous
possessing virulence factors relevant to enterocyte adhe- study, Simpson et al[103] detected AIEC in boxer dogs. In-
sion and invasion, vascular endothelial growth factor terestingly, these dogs suffered from granulomatous coli-
expression and carcinogenesis have been detected in tis, a disease with pathological features that overlap with
CRC patients and the fact that intramucosal E. coli with CD, which supports the role of AIEC in human CD and
features similar to AIEC have been more frequently analogous diseases in animals.
found in CRC than in IBD patients, further studies de- Altogether, these results suggest that the AIEC pa-
termining the prevalence of AIEC in CRC are needed to thotype is disease-specific rather than host-specific and
corroborate or refute the hypothesis for a putative role raises the question of whether there is a possible route
for AIEC in CRC. of transmission between animals and humans. Further
studies examining the distribution of AIEC strains in
Coeliac disease different healthy and diseased animals and in the envi-
Coeliac disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder exclu- ronment would contribute to our understanding of the
sively affecting the small intestine, in which genetically epidemiology, putative reservoirs, host-specificity and
predisposed individuals feature a permanent intoler- possible routes of transmission of AIEC.
ance to dietary gluten. Several studies have provided
evidence that coeliac patients exhibit intestinal microbial
dysbiosis, similar to what occurs in IBD patients. In a ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INVOLVED
study based on PCR-TGGE of duodenal samples, E. coli IN THE SUCCESSFUL COLONIZATION OF
was found more frequently in coeliac children (92.1%)
than in healthy children (20%)[98]. Quantification of E. AIEC
coli by FISH showed also that this species was more Recent studies have implicated some emulsifiers and
abundant in active coeliac patients than in inactive pa- food stabilizers frequently used in developed countries
tients and controls[99], but this was not observed in fecal as having a role in AIEC colonization. Maltodextrin,
samples[100]. Another study found changes in Enterobacte- a polysaccharide derived from starch hydrolysis that is
riaceae diversity and increased virulence-gene carriage in used as food additive, has been shown to markedly en-
E. coli isolates from coeliac children[101]. In particular, E. hance AIEC biofilm formation and adhesion to intesti-
coli strains largely belonging to the B2 and D phyloge- nal epithelial cells and macrophages[104]. Maltodextrin fa-
E. coli from
healthy subjects
no translocation
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