Helicobacter Pylori Prevalence and Clinical Significance in Patients With Quiescent Crohn 'S Disease
Helicobacter Pylori Prevalence and Clinical Significance in Patients With Quiescent Crohn 'S Disease
Helicobacter Pylori Prevalence and Clinical Significance in Patients With Quiescent Crohn 'S Disease
Background: Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is present in about 50% of the global population, and is associated
with chronic gastritis, peptic disease and gastric malignancies. HP prevalence in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients was
shown to be low compared to the general population, and its influence on disease activity is yet to be determined.
Our aims were to determine the prevalence of HP in a selected group of CD patients with quiescent disease, and
to assess the influence of its eradication on disease activity and endoscopic and laboratory activity measures.
Methods: Consecutive CD patients with quiescent disease underwent meticulous disease evaluation with MR
enterography (MRE), video capsule endoscopy (VCE), CRP, fecal calprotectin and CDAI. All patients were tested for
the presence of HP using stool antigen detection kit. Patients infected with HP were offered eradication treatment
with sequential therapy. HP eradication was confirmed using urease breath test and stool antigen test. The influence of
HP eradication on disease activity was assessed.
Results: Out of 56 patients enrolled, six patients (10.7%) had HP infection. Of them, five patients had gastro- duodenitis
per VCE. All HP positive patients were offered eradication treatment and underwent successful eradication.
Notably, 23 (50%) of patients had proximal disease per VCE, most of them (78%) were HP negative.
CDAI, CRP, fecal calprotectin and VCE Lewis inflammatory score did not change significantly following HP
eradication, Gastric findings on VCE were not impacted by HP eradication.
Conclusions: The prevalence of HP infection in patients with quiescent CD is relatively low. Eradication of the
bacteria did not significantly change neither disease activity measures nor the presence of gastro- duodenitis per VCE,
suggesting it might be part of proximal CD. The influence of HP on CD activity merits further investigation.
Keywords: Crohn’s disease, Helicobacter pylori, Video capsule endoscopy, Prevalence, Eradication
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Lahat et al. BMC Gastroenterology (2017) 17:27 Page 2 of 6
studies showed low incidence of HP infection in patients previously described protocol [25]. A patency capsule
with CD [10–18]. (PC) test was performed in all patients with active
A recent meta-analysis demonstrated negative associ- small bowel disease detected on MRE. If the PC was
ation between HP infection and CD with OR of 0.38 not expelled from the small bowel within 30 h, the
(95% CI 0.31 to 0.47, p value <1e-10) [19]. patient was withdrawn from the study. Mucosal in-
The reason for that negative association is yet to flammation was quantified using the Lewis inflam-
be determined. One hypothesis suggests that medica- matory score (LS). Active inflammation was defined
tions used for CD treatment may eradicate HP. An- as a segmental Lewis score of ≥135 [26]. A board-
other suggestion along the same line is that CD certified gastroenterologist with over 10 years of
mucosal alterations might prevent HP colonization experience in capsule endoscopy read the capsule
[14, 15, 18–22]. An alternative argument suggests a videos. Gastric and duodenal findings were described
protective effect for HP infection from the occur- for each study.
rence of CD.
CD is categorized by selectively activation of type 1 T
helper lymphocyte (Th1) and Th17-related cytokines in- Inflammatory biomarkers and disease activity measures
volved in innate immunity (interleukin (IL) 12, IL-23, Fecal calprotectin, CRP and complete blood count
IL-27) [23]. HP was shown to produce IL-18 which (CBC) were measured routinely every 3 months.
causes accumulation of tolerogenic dendritic cells and Fecal calprotectin levels were measured using the
highly suppressive regulatory T cells (Tregs) that help Quantum blue calprotectin kit (BÜHLMANN Labo-
suppress the inflammatory process [24]. ratories AG, Basel, Switzerland). The reported value
High frequency of gastritis and duodenitis was range is 30 to 300 μg/g. Levels above 100 μg/g were
described in CD patients with no association to HP in- considered positive. CRP levels were considered ele-
fection [20–22]. However, data assessing the effect of HP vated if > 5 mg/l.
infection and eradication on proximal disease and on Patients underwent physician’s evaluation and CDAI
disease activity in patients with CD is scarce. assessment for disease activity every 3 months.
Thus, in our study we focused on patients with known
quiescent Crohn’s disease that were prospectively evalu-
ated for disease activity measures before and after HP HP assessment and treatment
eradication. All patients were tested for the presence of HP using
stool antigen detection kit as part (CerTest H. pylori
Methods one step card test, Certest Biotec S.L. Zaragoza, Spain).
Patient population Stool antigen test was chosen for HP detection since
Study population consisted of adult (>18 years) CD this method is noninvasive and most importantly is
patients with known small bowel Crohn’s disease in not influenced by antibiotics or Proton Pump Inhibi-
clinical remission, as determined by the validated tors (PPI) treatment. This kit has a sensitivity of >94%,
Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) of <150, or pa- pecificity of >99% and Positive predictive value (PPV)
tients suffering from mild disease symptoms, pre- of >99% for HP detection. Patients infected with HP
sented by CDAI of 150–220. All patients included were offered eradication treatment with sequential
were treated with stable medication doses and on therapy consisted of 5 days of esomeprazole (40 mg)
corticosteroid-free remission for 3–24 months. Pa- and amoxicillin (1000 mg) twice daily, followed by
tients maintained on constant treatment throughout 5 days of esomeprazole (40 mg), clarithromycin
study duration. (500 mg) and Tinidazole (500 mg) twice daily [27].
Patients that were unable to provide informed consent Notably, sequential therapy is the standard of care for
were excluded from the study. Patients with severe co- patients infected with HP in our institution. Prior to
morbidities or with any condition that will prevent them eradication treatment patients received detailed explan-
from swallowing VCE (difficulty in swallowing, history ation regarding HP infection implications and the import-
of aspirations or dysphagia, known or suspected intes- ance of compliance and adherence to treatment. HP
tinal obstruction or severe bowel stricturing) or under- eradication was confirmed using urease breath test and
going MRE (claustrophobia or implanted metal objects stool antigen detection kit 4 weeks following eradication
or cardiac pacemaker) were excluded as well. treatment completion.
The impact of HP eradication on disease activity and
Imaging studies degree of proximal small bowel inflammation was
All patients underwent an MRE upon enrollment. assessed using the disease activity measures specified
MR image acquisition was performed using a above, 8 weeks after eradication conformation.
Lahat et al. BMC Gastroenterology (2017) 17:27 Page 3 of 6
of compliance and adherence to the offered treatment. Eight weeks following eradication verification, patients
Eradication was verified both with urease breath test and underwent repeated disease evaluation, including VCE.
with stool antigen detection kit. Using this meticulous Data in literature support repeated endoscopy for peptic
treatment option, we managed to reach a 100% eradica- disease 4 weeks following HP eradication treatment [31].
tion rate. Therefore, we postulated that 8 weeks following eradi-
Obviously, since our treatment group consisted of 6 cation verification and 12 weeks following end of
patients only, the results are underpowered to assess eradication treatment is appropriate for reevaluation,
treatments’ efficacy. However, we believe that the assuming that all mucosal damage caused by HP would
combination of a high- efficacy eradication protocol be healed.
and highly motivated patients with high compliance Our results show no improvement in proximal disease
rates probably lead to this unusually high eradication or in disease measures following HP eradication. Hence,
rate. CDAI, CRP and fecal calprotectin levels did not differ
Eradication was verified using breath test and stool significantly after HP eradication, implicating disease ac-
antigen kit 4 weeks following treatment completion [30]. tivity was unchanged following eradication. Moreover,
Table 2 Disease activity measures in all HP positive patients Table 3 Disease activity measures in HP positive patients with
before and after eradication (n = 6) gastroduodenitis on VCE before and after eradication (n = 5)
Disease measures Before eradication After eradication p Disease measures Before eradication After eradication p
CDAI 27.5 ± 21.25 22.83 ± 28.25 NS CDAI 23.18 ± 25.6 30.91 ± 25.2 NS
CRP 1.17 ± 0.82 2.97 ± 4.7 NS CRP 1.218 ± 0.9 5.12 ± 3.398 NS
Fecal calprotectin 75 ± 79.37 112.17 ± 123.2 NS Fecal calprotectin 85 ± 85.25 74.6 ± 71.57 NS
Lewis Score 425 ± 334.29 564.83 ± 529.46 NS Lewis Score 357.33 ± 465 587.995 ± 589.8 NS
NS non-significant NS non-significant
Lahat et al. BMC Gastroenterology (2017) 17:27 Page 5 of 6
Fig. 2 Stomach inflammatory changes by VCE. a Gastric erosions (circled) prior to HP eradication. b Gastric erosions (circled) post HP eradication
the VCE Lewis inflammatory score, as a measure of small number of patients included might affect the ap-
disease activity and distribution was showed no statisti- plicability of our results.
cally significant improvement following HP eradication Another theoretical drawback of our study is a selec-
as well. These results were unchanged after separate tion bias- only patients with quiescent disease were in-
sub analysis of patients with gastro-duodenitis per cluded, thus patients with active CD might have had
VCE. different results.
These data implicates that the proximal disease as However, we feel that our data supports the
well as disease activity was unrelated to HP. To the best evidence showing high incidence of gastroduodenitis
of our knowledge, up to date, no study addressed dis- in patients with quiescent CD, unrelated to HP
ease activity measures pre versus post HP eradication infection.
in CD patients.
In our study, 50% of patients had gastro-duodenitis
per VCE. These results are in agreement with previous Conclusions
studies that showed an increased prevalence of gastro- HP infection in patients with quiescent CD is lower
duodenitis disease in CD patients with no association to than in the general population, and reaches 11%.
HP infection [20–22]. Eradication of the bacteria did not change significantly
Our study has several limitations. First, our cohort neither disease measures nor the presence of gastro- duo-
of patients was relatively small. Therefore, due to the denitis per VCE, suggesting it might be part of proximal
low prevalence of HP infection in CD patients, the CD. The influence of HP on CD activity merits further
number of HP infected patients was very low. The investigation.
Fig. 3 Duodenum inflammatory changes by VCE0. a Erosion of proximal duodenum (circled) Prior to HP eradication. b Erosions in proximal
duodenum (circled) Post HP eradication
Lahat et al. BMC Gastroenterology (2017) 17:27 Page 6 of 6
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