Child Development
Child Development
Child Development
Students will identify and explore elements of (A) identify parenting skills and responsibilities;
parenting including theories about
attachment and specific practices that (B) investigate the legal rights and responsibilities of parents;
parents use (e.g., baby wearing, co-sleeping,
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etc.). Students will research various parenting (C) analyze relationship and communication skills needed for
styles (e.g., authoritarian, authoritative, parenting; and
permissive, neglectful) and their effect on
children's behavior and personalities. (D) explore the parental responsibilities of educating children.
Students will understand the responsibilities
of parents including serving a child’s
emotional and physical needs and protect the
child from abuse from the other parent or
another household member; additionally,
parents must meet their children's basic
needs for food, clothing, housing, medical
care, and education. Students will investigate
the legal rights of parents including legal and
physical custody.
Students will research the characteristics of a (A) recognize the signs of domestic violence;
healthy child and the symptoms of various
childhood illnesses. Students will identify (B) demonstrate first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
types and characteristics of child abuse and skills;
neglect. Students will identify signs of abuse
and neglect including conditions that may be (C) evaluate community resources relevant to the care and
in place in environments where abuse may protection of children, including child care services, health
be more likely to occur. Students will explain
care services, and organizations;
the role of the mandated reporter in
reporting suspected child abuse. Students will (D) examine appropriate health care for children, including
describe the three components of the
communicable illness process. Students will
discuss the immunization schedule
(E) assess the safety of children's cribs, toys, clothing, and
recommended by the American Academy of
Pediatrics for minimizing acquisition of food; and
communicable disease. Students will research
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and obtain industry required safety (F) discuss legislation and public policies affecting children.
certifications including infant and child CPR
and pediatric first aid certifications.
Students will identify the signs and stages of (A) identify signs and stages of pregnancy;
pregnancy throughout each trimester.
Students will discuss the importance of (B) analyze the effect of environmental and hereditary factors
prenatal care and proper nutrition for mother on fetal development, including prenatal brain development;
and child. Students will examine the harmful
effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco on the (C) describe nutritional needs prior to and during pregnancy;
unborn child. Students will discuss genetics
and common genetic disorders. Students will (D) analyze appropriate medical care and good health practices
analyze the process of labor and delivery prior to and during pregnancy;
including early labor, active labor, transition,
pushing, and delivering the placenta. (E) explore technological advances in prenatal care and
development; and