Lixette: Description is a way of expressing a thought or a sense of impression. And why is that?
Because when you are writing a description, it means you are describing maybe a person, an
object, a place and even an event. With a specific and concrete details that can make a vivid and
memorable point of something to your reader. But remember that description is best used to
persuade and it is spread in your essay so that the readers will not slow down.
Lixette: In short, Description is way of giving details and creating vivid objects to the mind of
the readers so that they can easily visualize the objects that are being described.
Keren: Depending on your purpose, description may be informative and evocative. You simply
wish to give your readers a fact or you wish to give them pleasure as well.
It may use informative description when you simply want to give your readers essential facts, in
the briefest and clearest terms you can use. Be practical, not poetic, just focus on the
information that needs to be delivered.
And it may use evocative description, to appeal the readers senses and emotions to add
vividness to the facts. Evocative description is simply visualizing more the facts that were give.
The use of evocative and informative aids exposition, one can be necessity that is really needed,
and the second can be enjoyable luxury or just for pleasure.
Allen: When making essay you will need only one or two details to highlight your point.
However, when you are must describe something at greater length, it is important to arrange
the details for a greater understanding and visualization.
It can be in chronological pattern - the simplest, where in the details is arrange according to
time sequence, like when it happens or in which they observed.
It may be also in Spatial pattern - next to simplest, it is the arrangement according to the
physical shape of the thing you are describing, like when you are describing a person, from head
to foot or foot to head.
Camille: Added to this is the most noticeable feature, details are arranged with the basis of
which is the most outstanding feature.
Lastly, is Relative Importance is based on selective arrangement where this centers the detail in
which you want your reader to notice most.
Rhio: But remember when making a description, that Word choices is by far the most important
element in creating effective creation. As well-chosen words will help the readers mind in
vivifying the details so they can understand more.
You can use concrete or specific words, be brief and avoid creating more details as it can create
no pictures to the mind of the readers. Also, you can use words the appeal to the senses, use
words that is not only for from the only one of your senses, but words that can appeal to all
your senses. It it’s for scents, use words that is accurate for smells, and likewise to the other
Joana: Another, use comparison and contrast, so you can create a sensation to the readers,
using comparison and contrast will help the readers mind to distinguish the thing that is being
described. More of the choices for the words you will use is consider using personification, if you
are describing an animals, inanimate objects, or abstraction, describe them as if they are humans
that has characteristics so it can create more vivid description to the reader’s mind. Last options,
when choosing words, is use of onomatopoetic words, which these words are the sounds who
imitates the sound they are named.