A Lesson 1 Study of Culture, Society and Politics
A Lesson 1 Study of Culture, Society and Politics
A Lesson 1 Study of Culture, Society and Politics
Study of culture,
society, and politics
Learning Objectives
Recognize the common concerns or
intersections of anthropology, sociology,
and political science concerning the
phenomenon of change
Assess social, cultural, and political
issues through the lenses of the three
Learning Targets
I can compare and contrast the
three disciplines in the social
What do I know?
What do I know?
Students will choose one word from
the given below and share their
ideas about this word.
• Significance of studying
culture, society, and politics
• Rationale for studying
anthropology, political science,
and sociology
Social Sciences
- Intended to find solutions to problems of the
society in order to improve the human condition
despite some cultural, social, and political
- Presentations
A branch are
of science that studies
Presentations are
society and
Presentations are
communication tools behavior
that in it, including
communication tools that anthropology,
communication tools that
can be used as lectures, studies, criminology,
can be used as lectures, economics,
can be used as lectures,
geography, history,
speeches, reports, and
political science,
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
psychology, social studies, and sociology.
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
- Is a group of
people with a
Presentations are Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools that communication tools that communication tools that
beliefs, and
can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures,
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
ways of living
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
- is a group’s
shared belief
and value
system that is
Presentations are Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools that communication tools that communication tools that
either through
can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures,
speeches, or
reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented
speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented
speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
Culture Society
can be used as lectures,groupscan be used as lectures, can be used as lectures,
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
- Microsociology = roles of the individuals
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
in the society
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
Paradigms in the study
of Sociology
Presentations are Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools that communication tools that communication tools that
can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures,
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
• is the holistic “ science of man” - a science of the
totality of human existence
• aims to scientifically examine the behavior,
origin, social, physical, and cultural
development of humans.
Presentations are Presentations are Presentations are
• Anthropologistscommunication
communication tools that
seek to determinecommunication
tools that
and predict tools that
can behuman origin and
used as lectures, behavior
can be used as lectures, by studying
can be used as lectures,
speeches, reports, and excavation or artifacts
speeches, reports, and and
speeches, by
reports, and
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
observing various living cultures worldwide.
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
(Quipper Premium)
3. Broad Fields in Anthropology
1. Physical anthropology – sometimes called biological
anthropology. It is mainly concerned with how humans emerged
and evolved through time (human paleontology). It is also
concerned with how human beings differ biologically
( human variation)
(Quipper Premium)
Political Science
• Aristotle - considered to be the world’s first political
scientist introduced scientific observation to the
discipline, making political science more advanced
back then.
• It is defined as a systematic and empirical study of
Presentations are that examines societal, cultural, and are
How isreports, and being studied
society speeches, reports,three
in these and
more. They’re presented
before an audience.
Sociology and other
Social Sciences
- There is no aspect of human life that can be
removed from social context
- history, economics, social psychology,
Presentations are Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools that communication tools that communication tools that
can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures,
Sociology and Anthropology
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
- Sociology depends on Anthropology’smore. They’re presented
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
- Anthropology
speeches, reports, and – small, static
speeches, reports, and culture, past
speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented
- Sociology – vast and dynamic, present
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
- Without sociology
Presentations are and anthropology,
Presentations are political
Presentations are
communication tools that will have no basis
communication tools that communication tools that
can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures, can be used as lectures,
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
more. They’re presented more. They’re presented
more. They’re presented
before an audience. before an audience.
before an audience.
Sociology and Political
Presentations are
CONCERNS Presentations are Presentations are
- laws
communication made by communication
tools that the state tools that communication tools that
can be-usedsocial
as lectures,customscan
and others
be used as lectures,that cancan
used as lectures,
- reports,
speeches, social andinstitutions and
speeches, social
reports, and organizations
speeches, reports, and
before an audience.
the government
before an audience. before an audience.
Sociology and Political
- Political
Presentations are
Science – social organizations
Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools that in political
communication organizations,
tools that state, tools that
can be used government,
as lectures, anused
can be organized
as lectures, community
can be used as lectures,
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
before an audience.
before an audience.
before an audience.