Job Satisfaction of Library Professionals in Maharashtra State, India Vs ASHA Job Satisfaction Scale: An Evaluative Study Dr. Suresh Jange
Job Satisfaction of Library Professionals in Maharashtra State, India Vs ASHA Job Satisfaction Scale: An Evaluative Study Dr. Suresh Jange
Job Satisfaction of Library Professionals in Maharashtra State, India Vs ASHA Job Satisfaction Scale: An Evaluative Study Dr. Suresh Jange
The management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. A well
managed organization usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and
productivity gains. Such organizations do not look to capital investment, but to employees, as
the fundamental source of improvement. An organization is effective to the degree to which it
achieves its goals. An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of
cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of its influence. In
order to make employees satisfied and committed to their jobs in academic and research
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
libraries, there is a need for strong and effective motivation at various levels, departments and
sections of the library.
Low wages, lack of status and social security affect motivation. People are truly the
most precious resource of any organization. Therefore, increasing attention is being paid to
human resource management. Management of manpower is concerned with people at work
and well-being of an individual worker and or working groups for their efficient and effective
use for organizational goals. Therefore, it is very important for employer and employees to
realize the stress and the stressor that causes all the negative effects. The number of
university in Maharashtra has increased tremendously for the past few years. Due to the
increasing number of universities in Maharashtra, university academic staffs may face more
problems in their job as the managements are facing competitive pressure from other
universities. Almost universities are now setting new goal to compete with other universities
as well as the academic staff are involving with the ultimate goal. This may cause the staffs
of academic institutions to face plenty of stress and therefore affect their satisfaction and even
their physical or mental health.
Smith Kendal and Hulin (1964)4 have suggested that there are five job dimensions
that represent the most important characteristics of a job about which people have affection
Work Itself: - the extent to which the job provides the individual with interesting
tasks opportunities for learning and the chance to accept responsibility.
Pay: - The amount of financial remuneration that received and the degree to which
this is viewed as equitable vis-a-vis other in the organization.
Promotion opportunities’:-the chances for advancement in the hierarchy.
Supervision: - The abilities of the supervisor to provide technical assistance and
behavioral support.
Co-workers:- the degree to which fellow workers is technically proficient and
socially supportive.
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
The most important evidence which indicates that the conditions of an organization
got worsened is the low rate of job satisfaction. The job satisfaction is the condition of
establishing a healthy organizational environment in an organization. Libraries are the
indispensable cornerstones of the society. The qualification of the library personnel are the
fundamental determinants of the development and organization of the service. Rendering
effective service in library depends on the human source.
Job satisfaction of the librarians, who have important place in the society, will affect
the quality of the service they render. In this respect, the question of how the material and
moral elements affect the job satisfaction of the librarians gains importance. (Kaya, 1995)6
Ivancevich and Matteson (1980)7 identified four categories of work stressors physical
environment individual level, group level and organizational level. Purushotamma, G.M.
(2009)8 surveyed 77 LIS professionals in higher educational institutions of Dakshina
Kannada districts revealed that the professionals are satisfied with management related issues
such as supervision, recognition and performance evolution and dissatisfied with autonomy
by authority facet and also explained that supervision, reward and recognition and
performance evaluation are the areas of satisfaction for professionals. Patel and Patan (2013)9
studied the job satisfaction and workload of university libraries personnel of Gujarat and
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
suggested that library personnel are a valuable asset for libraries to give best service to library
users. Library officials and policy makers should know this fact and should construct such
policies that may increase job satisfaction among library personnel to get maximum benefit
from them and image of library may reflect to society.
The way librarians in academic and university libraries perceive stress influences their
level of satisfaction while job satisfaction and stress have been the topic of many studies, but
the present studies presents new information perspective, describing job satisfaction, Stress
and job involvement of library professionals in Maharashtra state. Hence, the study is
The study aims to study the extent of job satisfaction of library professionals in academic
libraries pertaining to five dimensions by applying ASHA Job Satisfaction Scale i.e.
1.4.2 Supervision
1.4.3 Promotion
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
The present study is descriptive in nature. It attempts to adopt dependent –
independent, associational & co-relational design to fulfill the nature of the study.
For the present study the Maharashtra State is considered as a geographical region of
the study. All the 35 districts of Maharashtra state have formed a universe of the study.
Researcher has tried to collect study units as much as possible through all over Maharashtra.
The sample is collected by using purposive sampling technique of non-probability method. A
total sample framework then becomes 440 which are further taken for statistical analysis and
The tools were used for the data collection is Job Satisfaction Scale: ASHA Job
Satisfaction Scale (JSS-HMMP) by Dr. Asha Hingar, Dr. Uma Mittal, Dr. Vinita Mathur and
Ms. Mansi Parnami is used. (Hinger, 2012)10.
An effort has been made to measure job satisfaction focusing on various facilities and
opportunities provided by an organization for the growth and development of its employees.
Subsequently a five dimensional scale comprising 50 (fifty) items was developed. The 5
(five) dimensions include (I) salary and facilities (II) supervision (III) promotion (IV) work
and (V) human relations. These dimensions are operationalized in terms of following
criterion measures.
i) Salary and Facilities: The compensation of work in terms of salary and other
allowances, fringe benefits, overtime made in accordance to one’s role and
responsibilities as well as the cost of living. Payments made elsewhere (in other
organization) are also considered. Item no. 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46
measures the job satisfaction with regards to this dimension.
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
ii) Supervision: The supervisor or senior is able to motivate, support and train the
subordinate, is tactful and knowledgeable so that the employees develop a sense of
confidence in him. Item no. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47 measure supervision
of job satisfaction.
iii) Promotion: There are ample opportunities for advancement and a reward system
exists, where merit as well as seniority is given due consideration. Promotion is
given as a right and a system reveals that those who are eligible and worthy are
certain that in due course of time they will certainly be promoted in a time bound
manner. Item no. 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43 and 48 are related to promotion
dimension of job satisfaction.
iv) Work Opportunity: The work is arranged in accordance with the ability and
interest of the individual. Employees get an opportunity to project their creative
skills and take it as a challenge. Opportunities for initiative and innovation exist.
Item no. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44 and 49 measures the work dimension of job
v) Human Relations: Fulfillment of an employee’s socio-psychological needs results
in cordial human relations, which in turn boost up an employee’s morale and job
satisfaction. An atmosphere of cooperation, concern for each other and a team
feeling prevails resulting in high morale. Item no. 5, 10, 15, 20,25,30,35,40, 45, 50
are related to human relations aspect of job satisfaction.
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The scale comprises of 50 items having two alternative answers, viz., agree and
disagree. The subject is asked to choose an alternative for each item, which best reflects his
level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with given item with score (1) is agree and (0) for
disagree. Further items (16-30) are to be scored in reverse order. The total score ranges from
0 to 50. Each job satisfaction dimension score shall range from 0 to 10. The score on each
dimension will be summed up to find out total job satisfaction score. All the scores on five
dimensions are to be summed up and then classified in three categories, i.e. High, Average
and Low job satisfaction (Hingar 2011:12).
Interpretation of scores: Higher scores indicate high level of job satisfaction and lower
the scores lower the total job satisfaction and for the subscales too.
Frequency tables based on the scores of total job-satisfaction and scores for sub-scales
of the ASHA scale have given below;
The table 1 reveals about the level of job satisfaction of the respondents for salary &
facilities. A majority proportion of the respondents, less than two-fifth, have average level of
job satisfaction about their salary and other facilities. A significant proportion of the
respondents, slightly less than average level i.e. less than two-fifth, have high level of job
satisfaction and a small proportion of the respondents, more than one-fourth have low level of
job satisfaction for an area of salary and facilities respectively (Objective 1.4.1). It is clear
from the above table that majority of the respondents have average level of job satisfaction
for their salary and other facilities
Table reveals about the level of job satisfaction of the respondents for supervision. A
majority proportion of the respondents, about to two-fifth, have average level of job
satisfaction for their supervision. A significant proportion of the respondents, less than two-
fifth, have high level of job satisfaction. A small proportion of the respondents, more than
one-fourth, have low level of job satisfaction for their supervision (Objective 1.4.2). It is clear
from the above table that majority of the respondents have average level of job satisfaction
for their supervision.
Table 3 depicts about the level of job satisfaction of the respondents for their
promotions. A majority proportion of the respondents, more than two-fifth, have average
level of job satisfaction for their promotions. A significant proportion of the respondents, less
than two-fifth, have high level of job satisfaction. A small proportion of the respondents,
more than one-fourth, have low level of job satisfaction about their promotions (Objective
1.4.3). It is clear from the above table that majority of the respondents have average level of
job satisfaction for their promotions.
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
The table 4 shows about the level of job satisfaction of the respondents for their work.
A majority proportion of the respondents, more than two-fifth, have average level of job
satisfaction for the work they are engaged in. A significant proportion of the respondents, less
than two-fifth, has high level of job satisfaction and a small proportion of the respondents,
more than one-fourth, have low level of job satisfaction for their work (Objective 1.4.4). It is
clear from the above table that majority of the respondents have average level of job
satisfaction for their work.
The table 5 explains about the level of job satisfaction of the respondents for human
relations. A majority proportion of the respondents, less than two-fifth, have average level of
job satisfaction for human relations in library. A significant proportion of the respondents,
less than two-fifth, have high and low level of job satisfaction respectively (Objective 1.4.5).
It is clear from the above table that majority of the respondents have average level of job
satisfaction for human relations.
It is clear from the above table that majority of the respondents have average level of
total job satisfaction. A majority proportion of the respondents, more than two-fifth, have
average level of total job satisfaction. A significant proportion of the respondents, more than
one-fourth, has high level of total job satisfaction and a proportion, more than one-fourth,
have low level of total job satisfaction (Objective 1.4.5).
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Table 7: Age of respondents and Total Level of Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction
A majority proportion of the respondents, more than two-fifth, have average level of
job satisfaction. Within that it is seen that as age increases the proportion of high level of job
satisfaction increases till age 40 then goes on decreasing, whereas, low level of satisfaction is
increasing with the age till age 50. Respondents with high level of job satisfaction are found
young. The chi-square test is applied to see the association between the variables, age and job
satisfaction. It is seen there is statistical association between them as the significance level is
0.000 (table 7).
Table 8 reveals about the pay scale of the respondents and total level of job
satisfaction. A majority proportion of the respondents, more than two-fifth, have average
level of job satisfaction. Within average score, it is clearly seen that those who are getting
UGC scale scored more than those who are getting non-UGC pay scale. But in case of high
job satisfaction respondents with Non-UGC pay scale are more than UGC scaled
respondents. In case of low level of job satisfaction, it is found that non-UGC respondents are
more than UGC scaled respondents. It is apparent from the above table that majority of the
respondents have average level of job satisfaction. The chi-square test is applied to see the
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
association between the variables, pay scale and job satisfaction. It is seen there is no
statistical association between them as the significance level is 0.233.
Pay scale
Job Satisfaction
The study intended to see the level of job satisfaction among the library science
personnel in respect to salary & facilities, supervision, promotion, work and human
relations. As far as job satisfaction is concerned study participants have average level
of job satisfaction.
The socio-demographic study variables i.e. respondent’s age, sex, qualification,
working place, their designation, region and years of experience are associated and
found influencing the respondent’s job satisfaction level.
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
Whereas, the variables i.e. scale (ugc or non-ugc), type of library (college or
university) and respondents mode of education (regular or distance) have no
association with their job satisfaction and therefore they are not interfering with the
job satisfaction of the participants.
Table 9: Correlations between selected variables and subscales and total ASHA
job satisfaction
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Pay scale Pearson
-.013 -.017 -.211** -.080 -.099* -.136**
The consolidated table above reveals about the correlations between selected variables
and total job satisfaction along with subscales of ASHA scale. The variable respondents
mode of education has not found correlated with the total score for the ASHA job satisfaction
scale, but it has found correlated at 0.05 level with Di i.e. Salary & faculties related job
satisfaction, it has also found correlated at 0.01 level with Dimension iii i.e. Promotion
related job satisfaction. The variable age of the respondents has not found correlated with
either total score for the ASHA job satisfaction scale and its sub scales. The variable sex of
the respondents has not found correlated at 0.05 level with total scale and at 0.01 level with
all the sub scales of job satisfaction.
The variable educational qualification of the respondents has not found correlated
with the total score but has found correlated at 0.05 level with Dimension -ii i.e. supervision
and Dimension iv i. e. Work related job satisfaction. The variable pay scale of the
respondents has not found correlated at 0.01 level with total score of the job satisfaction and
Dimension iii i.e. promotion related job satisfaction. It has also found correlated at 0.05 levels
with Dimension v i.e. human relations related job satisfaction.
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science | Vol.4 No.4, Dec. 2014
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