BSN FON Values Belief Test 2 JIMS

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Jinnah College of Nursing, Faisalabad

BSc.Nursing First Professional (Semester II)

Subject: Fundamentals of Nursing

Chapter: Value, Ethics and Advocacy

Total Marks: 25 Time Allowed: 30 minutes

Student name: ___________________ Roll No:______________ Date:____________

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. When a nurse is able to recognize that an ethical moment has occurred with a patient,
he/she is experiencing which of the following ethical abilities?

a. Ethical responsiveness

b. Ethical reasoning

c. Ethical sensibility

d. Ethical valuing

2. Which of the following actions best describes the use of the professional value of human
dignity? (Select all that apply.)

a. A nurse plans nursing care together with his/her patient.

b. A nurse provides privacy for an elderly patient.

c. A nurse plans individualized nursing care for his/her patients.

d. A nurse refuses to discuss a patient with a curious friend.

3. A nurse who is caring for a new mother realizes that the woman is not prepared to go
home with her newborn after a hospital stay of only 24 hours, but hospital policy dictates
that the mother be discharged. This nurse may be faced with which of the following moral

a. Ethical uncertainty

b. Ethical distress

c. Ethical dilemma

d. Ethical dissatisfaction

4. Which of the following principles applies to utilitarian action guiding theory?

a. The rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences the action produces.

b. An action is right or wrong independent of the consequences it produces.

c. An action is right or wrong depending on the process used to arrive at the action.

d. The rightness or wrongness of an action is not dependent on the process used to arrive at the

5. Which of the following actions best describe the use of the professional value of

(Select all that apply.)

a. A nurse stays later than his/her shift to continue caring for a patient in critical condition.

b. A nurse reads the Patient Bill of Rights to a visually impaired patient.

c. A nurse collaborates with other healthcare team members to ensure the best possible
treatment for his patient.

d. A novice nurse seeks the help of a more experienced nurse to insert a catheter in a patient.

6. Which of the following guidelines was developed by the American Hospital Association to
enumerate the rights and responsibilities of patients while receiving hospital care?

a. Code of Ethics

b. Patient Bill of Rights

c. Biomedical ethics

d. Hospital patient advocacy

7. Which of the following elements of ethical agency could be described as the cultivated
dispositions that allow one to act as one believes one ought to act?

a. Ethical sensibility

b. Ethical responsiveness

c. Ethical character

d. Ethical valuing

8. When a nurse provides the information and support that patients and their families need
to make the decision that is right for them, he/she is practicing which of the following
principles of bioethics?

a. Autonomy

b. Nonmaleficence

c. Justice

d. Fidelity

9. Nurses who value patient advocacy follow which of the following guidelines?

a. They value their loyalty to an employing institution or to a colleague over their commitment
to their patient.

b. They give priority to the good of the individual patient rather than to the good of society in

c. They choose the claims of the patient’s well-being over the claims of the patient’s autonomy.

d. They make decisions for patients who are uninformed concerning their rights and

10. Which of the following statements reflect the mode of value transmission known as
laissezfaire? (Select all that apply.)

a. A boy says a prayer before meals that he learned from his parents.

b. A boy is taken for ice cream to celebrate his good report card.

c. A teenage boy explores the religions of his friends in hopes of developing his own faith.

d. A teenage girl tries alcohol at a party with her friends.

11. Which of the following statements accurately represent the basic principles of ethics?
(Select all that apply.)

a. The term “ethics” generally refers to personal or communal standards of right or wrong.

b. The ability to be ethical begins in childhood and develops gradually.

c. An action that is legal or customary is ethically right.

d. Ethics is a systematic inquiry into the principles of right and wrong conduct, of virtue and
vice, and of good and evil, as they relate to conduct.

12. Which of the following situation is most clearly a violation of the underline principles
associated with professional nursing ethics?

a. A hospital policy permits use of internal fetal monitoring during labour. However, there is
Literature to both support and refute the value of this practice

b. When asked about the purpose of a medication, a nurse colleague responds, “Oh, I never
look them up. I just give what is prescribed.”

c. The nurse on the unit agree to sponsor a fund-raising event to support a labor strike
proposed by fellow nurses at another facility

d. A client reports that he didn't quite tell the doctor the truth when asked if he was following
his therapeutic died at home

13. A nurse manager has a staff nurse who observe certain religious holidays. The manager
tries to make sure that these observances can be met if possible. The manager is practicing
which of the following values?

a. Human dignity

b. Social Justice

c. Autonomy

d. Altruism

14. Which of the following actions best describe the use of the professional value of altruism?
(Select all that apply.)

a. A nurse demonstrates an understanding of the culture of his/her patient.

b. A nurse becomes a mentor to a student nurse working on her floor.

c. A nurse is accountable for the care provided to a mentally challenged patient.

d. A nurse respects the right of a Native American to call in a shaman for a consultation.

15. When an ethical issue arises, one of the most important nursing responsibility in
managing client care situation is which of the following?

a. Be able to defend the morality of once on actions

b. Remain neutral and detached when making ethical decisions

c. Ensure that a team is responsible for deciding ethical questions

d. Follow the client and family’s wishes exactly

Subjective Part

Answer the following questions.

Q1) Describe moral principles of ethical framework. (4)

Q2) Define Values and elaborate essential nursing values (Integrity and altruism). (3)

Q3) State some strategies to enhance ethical decision and practice. (3)

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