SELF THEORY-Vector Algebra Final

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Vector Algebra 783


Vector Algebra
a Vectora
Introduction ˆ=
a =
| a| Magnitudeof a
Vectors represent one of the most important
mathematical systems, which is used to handle certain (3) Like and unlike vectors : Vectors are said to
types of problems in Geometry, Mechanics and other be like when they have the same sense of direction and
branches of Applied Mathematics, Physics and unlike when they have opposite directions.
Engineering. (4) Collinear or parallel vectors : Vectors having
Scalar and vector quantities : Those quantities the same or parallel supports are called collinear or
which have only magnitude and which are not related parallel vectors.
to any fixed direction in space are called scalar (5) Co-initial vectors : Vectors having the same
quantities, or briefly scalars. Examples: Mass, Volume, initial point are called co-initial vectors.
Density, Work, Temperature etc. Those quantities (6) Coplanar vectors : A system of vectors is said
which have both magnitude and direction, are called to be coplanar, if their supports are parallel to the
vectors. Displacement, velocity, acceleration, same plane.
momentum, weight, force are examples of vector
quantities. Two vectors having the same initial point are
always coplanar but such three or more vectors may or
Representation of vectors may not be coplanar.
Geometrically a vector is represent by a line (7) Coterminous vectors : Vectors having the
same terminal point are called coterminous vectors.
segment. For example, a = AB . Here A is called the
initial point and B, the terminal point or tip. (8) Negative of a vector : The vector which has
the same magnitude as the vector a but opposite
Magnitude or modulus of a is expressed as B direction, is called the negative of a and is denoted by
| a|=| AB|= AB . a -a . Thus, if PQ = a , then QP = -a .
(9) Reciprocal of a vector : A vector having the
A same direction as that of a given vector a but
magnitude equal to the reciprocal of the given vector is
Types of vector known as the reciprocal of a and is denoted by a-1 .
(1) Zero or null vector : A vector whose Thus, if | a| = a,| a-1 | = .
magnitude is zero is called zero or null vector and it is
(10) Localized and free vectors : A vector which
represented by O . is drawn parallel to a given vector through a specified
(2) Unit vector : A vector whose modulus is unity, point in space is called a localized vector. For example,
is called a unit vector. The unit vector in the direction a force acting on a rigid body is a localized vector as its
of a vector a is denoted by â , read as “a cap”. Thus, effect depends on the line of action of the force. If the
|aˆ| = 1. value of a vector depends only on its length and
784 Vector Algebra
direction and is independent of its position in the space, magnitude equal to that of b and direction opposite to b .
it is called a free vector. If a = a1i + a2 j + a3k , b = b1i + b2j + b3k
(11) Position vectors : The vector OA which Then a - b = (a1 - b1)i + (a2 - b2 )j + (a3 - b3 )k .
represents the position of the point A with respect to a B
fixed point O (called origin) is called position vector of a+b
the point A. If (x, y, z) are co-ordinates of the point A, b

then OA = xi + yj + zk . O

(12) Equality of vectors : Two vectors a and b –b

are said to be equal, if (i) | a|=| b| (ii) They have the a +(–b)=a –
same or parallel support and (iii) The same sense.
Properties of vector subtraction
Properties of vectors (i) a - b ¹ b - a (ii) (a - b) - c ¹ a - (b - c)
(1) Addition of vectors (iii) Since any one side of a triangle is less than the
(i) Triangle law of addition : If in a DABC , sum and greater than the difference of the other two
sides, so for any two vectors a and b, we have
AB = a BC = b and AC = c , then AB + BC = AC i.e., a + (a) | a + b| £| a| + | b| (b) | a + b| ³| a| - | b|
b = c.
(c) | a - b| £| a| + | b| (d) | a - b| ³| a| -| b|
(3) Multiplication of a vector by a scalar : If a
is a vector and m is a scalar (i.e., a real number) then
c= ma is a vector whose magnitude is m times that of a
a+b b
and whose direction is the same as that of a , if m is
positive and opposite to that of a , if m is negative.
Properties of Multiplication of vectors by a
A B scalar : The following are properties of multiplication
(ii) Parallelogram law of addition : If in a of vectors by scalars, for vectors a, b and scalars m, n.
parallelogram OACB, OA = a, OB = b and OC = c
(i) m(-a) = (-m) a = -(ma) (ii) (-m)(-a) = ma
c= (iii) m(na) = (mn) a = n(ma) (iv) (m + n)a = ma + na
b (v) m(a + b) = ma + mb
(4) Resultant of two forces
O a A
Let P and Q be two forces and R be the resultant

Then OA + OB = OC i.e., a + b = c , where OC is a of these two forces then, R = P + Q

diagonal of the parallelogram OABC. | R |= R = P 2 + Q 2 + 2PQ cosq R
(iii) Addition in component form : If the vectors
are defined in terms of i, j and k, i.e., if where | P | = P, | Q |= Q ,
a = a1i + a2j + a3k and b = b1i + b2 j + b3 k , then their sum is
Q sinq P
defined as a + b = (a1 + b1)i + (a2 + b2 )j + (a3 + b3 )k . Also, tana =
P + Q cosq
Properties of vector addition : Vector addition
Deduction : When | P |=| Q | ,
has the following properties.
(a) Binary operation : The sum of two vectors is P sinq sinq q
i.e., P = Q, tana = = = tan ;
always a vector. P + P cosq 1 + cosq 2
(b) Commutativity : For any two vectors a and b, q
a + b = b + a. \ a=
(c) Associativity : For any three vectors a, b and Hence, the angular bisector of two unit vectors a
c , a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c . and b is along the vector sum a + b .
(d) Identity : Zero vector is the identity for Position vector
addition. For any vector a, 0 + a = a = a + 0
If a point O is fixed as the origin in space (or plane)
(e) Additive inverse : For every vector a its
negative vector -a exists such that a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0 and P is any point, then OP is called the position
i.e., (-a) is the additive inverse of the vector a. vector of P with respect to O. P

(2) Subtraction of vectors : If a and b are two r

vectors, then their subtraction a - b is defined
as a - b = a + (- b) where - b is the negative of b having
O (Origi
Vector Algebra 785
where x + y + z = 0 . If a = a1i + a2 j , b = b1i + b2 j and
If we say that P is the point r , then we mean that c = c1i + c2 j , then the points with position vector a, b, c
the position vector of P is r with respect to some origin a1 a2 1
O. will be collinear iff b1 b2 1 = 0 .
(1) AB in terms of the position vectors of c1 c2 1
points A and B : If a and b are position vectors of (4) Test of coplanarity of three vectors : Let a
points A and B respectively. Then, OA = a, OB = b and b two given non-zero non-collinear vectors. Then
any vectors r coplanar with a and b can be uniquely
\ AB = (Position vector of B) – (Position vector of expressed as r = xa + yb for some scalars x and y.
A) (5) Test of coplanarity of Four points : Four
= OB - OA = b - a points with position vectors a, b, c, d are coplanar iff
(2) Position vector of a dividing point : The there exist scalars x, y, z, u not all zero such that
position vectors of the points dividing the line AB in the xa + yb + zc + ud = 0 , where x + y + z + u = 0 .
mb + na Four points with position vectors
ratio m : n internally or externally are or
m+ n a = a1i + a2 j + a3k , b = b1i + b2 j + b3 k , c = c1i + c2 j + c3k ,
mb - na a1 a2 a3 1
m- n b1 b2 b3 1
d = d1i + d2 j + d3k will be coplanar, iff = 0.
Linear combination of vectors c1 c2 c3 1
A vector r is said to be a linear combination of d1 d2 d3 1
vectors a, b, c..... etc, if there exist scalars x, y, z etc., Linear independence and dependence of vectors
such that r = xa + yb + zc + ....
(1) Linearly independent vectors : A set of non-
Examples : Vectors r1 = 2a + b + 3c, r2 = a + 3b + 2c zero vectors a1 , a2 , is said to be linearly
are linear combinations of the vectors a, b, c . independent, if
(1) Collinear and Non-collinear vectors : Let a x1a1 + x2a2 + .....+ xnan = 0 Þ x1 = x2 = ..... = xn = 0 .
and b be two collinear vectors and let x be the unit
(2) Linearly dependent vectors : A set of vectors
vector in the direction of a . Then the unit vector in the
a1 , a2 , is said to be linearly dependent if there
direction of b is x or - x according as a and b are like
or unlike parallel vectors. Now, exist scalars x1 , x2 ,......,xn not all zero such that
ˆ a ´ (b ´ c) ¹ (a ´ b)´ c and b = ± | b| x
a =| a| x ˆ. x1a1 + x2a2 + .....+ xnan = 0
æ | a| ö æ | a| ö Three vectors a = a1i + a2 j + a3 k , b = b1i + b2 j + b3 k
\ a = çç ÷÷| b| x a = çç ± ÷÷ b a = lb , where
è| b| ø è | b| ø and c = c1i + c2 j + c3 k will be linearly dependent vectors
| a| a1 a2 a3
l=± . Thus, if a, b are collinear vectors, then
| b| iff b1 b2 b3 = 0 .
a = l b or b = l a for some scalar l . c1 c2 c3
(2) Relation between two parallel vectors
Properties of linearly independent and
(i) If a and b be two parallel vectors, then there
dependent vectors
exists a scalar k such that a = k b i.e., there exist two
(i) Two non-zero, non-collinear vectors are linearly
non-zero scalar quantities x and y so that x a + y b = 0 . independent.
If a and b be two non-zero, non-parallel vectors (ii) Any two collinear vectors are linearly dependent.
then xa + yb = 0 x = 0 and y = 0 . (iii) Any three non-coplanar vectors are linearly
ìa = 0, b = 0
ï (iv) Any three coplanar vectors are linearly
ïï or dependent.
Obviously xa + yb = 0 í x = 0, y = 0 (v) Any four vectors in 3-dimensional space are
ï or linearly dependent.
îï a|| b Scalar or Dot product
(ii) If a = a1i + a2 j + a3 k and b = b1i + b2 j + b3k then (1) Scalar or Dot product of two vectors : If a
from the property of parallel vectors, we have and b are two non-zero vectors and q be the angle
a a a between them, then their scalar product (or dot
a|| b Þ 1 = 2 = 3 .
b1 b2 b3 product) is denoted by a. b and is defined as the scalar
(3) Test of collinearity of three points : Three | a|| b| cosq , where | a| and| b| are modulii of a and b
points with position vectors a, b,c are collinear iff there respectively and 0 £ q £ p . DotBproduct of two vectors is
exist scalars x, y, z not all zero such that xa + yb + zc = 0 , a scalar quantity.

O a A
786 Vector Algebra

Work done = | F || OA| cosq = F . OA = F .d , where

d = OA

Angle between two vectors : If a, b be two

vectors inclined at an angle q , then a. b =| a|| b| cosq A
a. b æ a. b ö
cosq = q = cos-1 çç ÷÷
| a|| b| è| a|| b| ø Work done = (Force). (Displacement)
If a = a1i + a2 j + a3 k and b = b1i + b2 j + b3 k ; then If a number of forces are acting on a particle, then
the sum of the works done by the separate forces is
æ ö
ç a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 ÷ equal to the work done by the resultant force.
q = cos-1 ç ÷.
ç a1 + a2 + a3 b1 + b2 + b3 ÷
2 2 2 2 2 2
Vector or Cross product
è ø
(2) Properties of scalar product (1) Vector product of two vectors : Let a, b be
(i) Commutativity : The scalar product of two two non-zero, non-parallel vectors.
vector is commutative i.e., a . b = b . a .
(ii) Distributivity of scalar product over vector
addition The scalar product of vectors is distributive b
over vector addition i.e., (a) a.(b + c) = a. b + a. c , (Left
(b) (b + c). a = b . a + c . a , (Right distributivity) O a
Then a ´ b =| a|| b| sinq η̂ , and | a´ b| = | a|| b| sinq ,
(iii) Let a and b be two non-zero vectors
a. b = 0 Û a^b . where q is the angle between a and b, η̂ is a unit
As i, j, k are mutually perpendicular unit vectors along vector perpendicular to the plane of a and b such that
a,b, η̂ form a right-handed system.
the co-ordinate axes, therefore, i . j = j . i = 0 ; j . k = k . j = 0;
k.i = i . k = 0 .
(2) Properties of vector product
(i) Vector product is not commutative i.e., if a and
(iv) For any vector a, a . a =| a| 2 . b are any two vectors, then a ´ b ¹ b ´ a , however,
As i, j, k are unit vectors along the co-ordinate axes, a ´ b = -(b ´ a)
(ii) If a, b are two vectors and m, n are scalars,
therefore i . i =| i | 2 = 1 , j . j =| j | 2 = 1 and k. k =| k | 2 = 1
then ma ´ nb = mn(a ´ b) = m(a ´ nb) = n(ma ´ b) .
(v) If m, n are scalars and a, b be two vectors, then
(iii) Distributivity of vector product over vector
ma.nb = mn(a. b) = (mna). b = a.(mnb) addition.
(vi) For any vectors a and b , we have Let a, b, c be any three vectors. Then
(a) a. (- b) = -(a. b) = (-a). b (b) (-a).(- b) = a. b (a) a ´ (b + c) = a ´ b + a ´ c (Left distributivity)
(vii) For any two vectors a and b , we have (b) (b + c) ´ a = b ´ a + c ´ a (Right distributivity)
2 2 2
(a) | a + b| = | a| + | b| + 2a. b (iv) For any three vectors a, b, c we have a ´ (b - c) =
2 2 2
(b) | a - b | = | a | + | b | - 2a. b a´ b - a´ c .
(v) The vector product of two non-zero vectors is
(c) (a + b).(a - b) = | a | 2 - | b | 2 zero vector iff they are parallel (Collinear) i.e.,
(d) | a + b| = | a| + | b| a|| b a ´ b = 0 Û a|| b, a, b are non-zero vectors.

2 2 2 It follows from the above property that a ´ a = 0 for

(e) | a + b | = | a | + | b | Þ a^b every non-zero vector a , which in turn implies that
(f) | a + b | = | a - b | Þ a^b i´ i = j´ j = k´ k = 0 .
(3) Scalar product in terms of components: If (vi) Vector product of orthonormal triad of unit
a = a1i + a2 j + a3 k and b = b1i + b2 j + b3 k , then, a . b = a1b1 vectors i, j, k using the definition of the vector product,
we obtain i ´ j = k, j ´ k = i, k ´ i = j ,
+ a2b2 + a3b3 .
j ´ i = - k, k ´ j = -i, i ´ k = - j .
The components of b along and perpendicular to a
(3) Vector product in terms of components: If
æ a. b ö
÷ a and b - ç a. b ÷ a respectively.
æ ö
are ç a = a1i + a2j + a3k and b = b1i + b2 j + b3k .
ç| a| 2 ÷ ç| a| 2 ÷
è ø è ø
(4) Work done by a force :
Vector Algebra 787
i j k (iii) The area of a plane quadrilateral ABCD is
Then, a´ b = a1 a2 a3 1
| AC ´ BD | , where AC and BD are its diagonals.
b1 b2 b3
(4) Angle between two vectors : If q is the angle (iv) The area of a triangle with adjacent sides a
| a´ b| 1
between a and b , then sinq = . and b is | a´ b|
| a|| b| 2
(5) (i) Right handed system of vectors : Three 1
(v) The area of a triangle ABC is | AB ´ AC | or
mutually perpendicular vectors a, b, c form a right 2
handed system of vector iff a ´ b = c, b ´ c = a , c ´ a = b 1 1
| BC ´ BA| or | CB ´ CA |
Examples: The unit vectors i , j , k form a right- 2 2
handed system, i ´ j = k, j ´ k = i, k ´ i = j (vi) If a, b, c are position vectors of vertices of a
Y 1
b DABC, then its area = | (a ´ b)+ (b ´ c) + (c ´ a)|
(vii) Three points with position vectors a, b, c are
X collinear if (a ´ b)+ (b ´ c) + (c ´ a) = 0 .
k i a
(8) Moment of a force : Moment of a force F about a
Z point O is OP ´ F , where P is any point on the line of
(ii) Left handed system of vectors : The vectors action of the force F.
a, b, c mutually perpendicular to one another form a
left handed system of vector iff Scalar triple product
c ´ b = a, a ´ c = b, b ´ a = c
a (1) Scalar triple product of three vectors : If
b a, b, c are three vectors, then their scalar triple product
is defined as the dot product of two vectors a and b ×
c. It is generally denoted by a . (b × c) or [a b c].
(2) Properties of scalar triple product
(6) Vector normal to the plane of two given (i) If a, b, c are cyclically permuted, the value of
vectors : If a, b be two non-zero, nonparallel vectors scalar triple product remains the same. i.e.,
and let q be the angle between them. (a ´ b).c = (b ´ c).a = (c ´ a). b or [a b c] = [b c a] = [c a b]
a ´ b =| a|| b| sinq η̂ where η̂ is a unit vector
(ii) The change of cyclic order of vectors in scalar
perpendicular to the plane of a and b such that a,b, η triple product changes the sign of the scalar triple
form a right-handed system. product but not the magnitude i.e.,
a´ b [a b c] = -[b a c] = -[c b a] = -[a c b]
(a ´ b) =| a ´ b| η̂ ˆη =
| a ´ b| (iii) In scalar triple product the positions of dot and
a´ b cross can be interchanged provided that the cyclic
Thus, is a unit vector perpendicular to the order of the vectors remains same i.e.,
| a ´ b|
(a ´ b).c = a.(b ´ c)
a´ b
plane of a and b. Note that - is also a unit (iv) The scalar triple product of three vectors is
| a ´ b|
zero if any two of them are equal.
vector perpendicular to the plane of a and b. Vectors
of magnitude ' l ' normal to the plane of a and b are (v) For any three vectors a, b, c and scalar l ,
l (a ´ b) [l a b c] = l[a b c]
given by ± .
| a ´ b|
(vi) The scalar triple product of three vectors is
(7) Area of parallelogram and triangle zero if any two of them are parallel or collinear.

(i) The area of a parallelogram with adjacent sides (vii) If a, b, c, d are four vectors, then [(a + b) c d] =
a and b is | a´ b | . [a c d] + [b c d]

(ii) The area of a parallelogram with diagonals d1 (viii) The necessary and sufficient condition for
three non-zero non-collinear vectors a, b, c to be
and d2 is | d1 ´ d2 | . coplanar is that [a b c] = 0 .
(ix) Four points with position vectors a, b, c and d
will be coplanar, if [a b c] + [d c a] + [d a b] = [a b c] .
788 Vector Algebra
(x) Volume of parallelopiped whose coterminous b´ c c´ a a´ b
a¢ = , b¢ = , c¢ = . a¢, b¢, c¢ are said to form
edges are a, b, c is [a b c] or a(b × c). [abc] [abc] [abc]
(3) Scalar triple product in terms of a reciprocal system of vectors for the vectors a, b, c .
components If a, b, c and a¢, b¢, c¢ form a reciprocal system of
(i) If a = a1i + a2j + a3k , b = b1i + b2j + b3k vectors, then (i) a . a¢ = b . b¢ = c . c¢ = 1
and c = c1i + c2j + c3k be three vectors (ii) a . b¢ = a . c¢ = 0; b . c¢ = b . a¢ = 0; c . a¢ = c . b¢ = 0

a1 b1 c1 1
(iii) [a¢ b¢ c¢] =
then, [a b c] = a2 b2 c2 [a b c]
a3 b3 c3 (iv) a, b, c are non-coplanar iff so are a¢, b¢, c¢ .

(ii) If a = a1l + a2m + a3n, b = b1l + b2m + b3n Vector triple product
and c = c1l + c2m + c3n , then Let a, b, c be any three vectors, then the vectors
a1 a2 a3 a ´ (b ´ c) and (a ´ b) ´ c are called vector triple product
[a b c] = b1 b2 b3 [l m n] of a,b,c .
c1 c2 c3
Thus, a ´ (b ´ c) = (a . c) b - (a . b)c
(iii) For any three vectors a, b and c Properties of vector triple product
(a) [a + b b + c c + a] = 2[a b c] (i) The vector triple product a ´ (b ´ c) is a linear
combination of those two vectors which are within
(b) [a - b b - c c - a] = 0 brackets.
(c) [a ´ b b ´ c c ´ a] = [a b c]2 (ii) The vector r = a ´ (b ´ c) is perpendicular to a
and lies in the plane of b and c .
(4) Tetrahedron : A tetrahedron is a three- (iii) The formula a ´ (b ´ c) = (a.c)b - (a. b)c is true
dimensional figure formed by four triangle OABC is a
tetrahedron with DABC as the base. OA, OB, OC, AB, BC only when the vector outside the bracket is on the left
most side. If it is not, we first shift on left by using the
and CA are known as edges of the tetrahedron. properties of cross product and then apply the same
OA, BC; OB, CA and OC, AB are known as the pairs of formula.
opposite edges. A tetrahedron in which all edges are Thus, (b ´ c)´ a = -{a ´ (b ´ c)} = -{(a.c)b - (a. b)c}
equal, is called a regular tetrahedron. Any two edges of
regular tetrahedron are perpendicular to each other. = (a.b)c - (a.c)b
(iv) Vector triple product is a vector quantity.
(v) a ´ (b ´ c) ¹ (a ´ b) ´ c
b c
Scalar product of four vectors
B(b) C(c) (a´ b).(c ´ d) is a scalar product of four vectors. It is
the dot product of the vectors a´ b and c ´ d .
Volume of tetrahedron It is a scalar triple product of the vectors a, b and
(i) The volume of a tetrahedron c´ d as well as scalar triple product of the vectors
1 a ´ b, c and d.
= (areaof thebase)(correspon
a.c a. d
1 (a ´ b).(c ´ d)=
= [AB BC AD] b.c b. d
(ii) If a, b, c are position vectors of vertices A, B and Vector product of four vectors
C with respect to O, then volume of tetrahedron OABC (1) (a ´ b)´ (c ´ d) is a vector product of four vectors.
= [a b c] . It is the cross product of the vectors a ´ b and c ´ d .
(2) a ´ {b ´ (c ´ d)},{(a ´ b)´ c}´ d are also different
(iii) If a, b, c, d are position vectors of vertices A, B,
vector products of four vectors a, b, c and d.
C, D of a tetrahedron ABCD, then its volume =
1 Rotation of a vector about an axis
[b - a c - a d - a] .
(5) Reciprocal system of vectors : Let a, b, c be Let a = (a1, a2 , a3 ) . If system is rotated about
three non-coplanar vectors, and let
Vector Algebra 789
(i) x-axis through an angle a , then the new æ 2(a - a ).b ö
components of a are b = 2a - ç ÷b - a
ç | b| 2 ÷
(a1, a2 cosa + a3 sina , - a2 sina + a3 cosa ) . è ø
(ii) y-axis through an angle a , then the new
components of a are
(-a3 sina + a1 cosa , a2, a3 cosa + a1 sina ) .
(9) Shortest distance between two parallel
(iii) z-axis through an angle a , then the new
lines : Let l1 and l2 be two lines whose equations are
components of a are
(a1 cosa + a2 sina , - a1sina + a2 cosa , a3) . l1 : r = a1 + lb1 and l 2 : r = a2 + mb 2 respectively.

Application of vectors in 3-dimensional geometry Then, shortest distance

(1) Direction cosines of r = ai + bj + ck are (b1 ´ b2 ).(a2 - a1 ) [b1 b2 (a2 - a1 )]

PQ = =
a b c | b1 ´ b 2 | | b1 ´ b 2 |
, , .
| r| | r| | r|
Shortest distance between two parallel lines :
(2) Incentre formula : The position vector of the
The shortest distance between the parallel lines
aa + b b + c c
incentre of DABC is . | (a2 - a1) ´ b|
a+ b+ c r = a1 + lb and r = a2 + mb is given by d = .
| b|
(3) Orthocentre formula : The position vector of
a tanA + b tanB + c tanC If the lines r = a1 + lb1 and r = a2 + mb2 intersect,
the orthocentre of DABC is .
tanA + tanB + tanC then the shortest distance between them is zero.
(4) Vector equation of a straight line passing Therefore, [b1 b2 (a2 - a1)] = 0
through a fixed point with position vector a and
parallel to a given vector b is r = a + lb . [(a2 - a1) b1b2] = 0 (a2 - a1).(b1 ´ b2) = 0 .
(5) The vector equation of a line passing through
(10) If the lines r = a1 + l b1 and r = a2 + l b2 are
two points with position vectors a and b is
r = a + l (b - a) . coplanar, then [a1b1b2 ] = [a2 b1b2 ] and the equation of
(6) If the lines r = a1 + lb1 and r = a2 + lb2 are the plane containing them is [r b1 b2] = [a1 b1 b2 ] or
coplanar, then [a1 b1 b2] = [a2 b1 b2] and the equation of [r b1 b2] = [a2 b1 b2] .
the plane containing them is [r b1 b2] = [a1 b1 b2] or
(11) Vector equation of a plane through the point
[r b1 b2] = [a2 b1 b2] .
A(a) and perpendicular to the vector n is (r - a).n = 0 or
(7) Perpendicular distance of a point from a
line : Let L is the foot of r.n = a.n or r. n = d , where d = a. n . This is known as
P( )
perpendicular drawn from the scalar product form of a plane.

P(a ) on the line r = a + lb .
Since r denotes the position (12) Vector equation of a plane normal to unit
vector of any point on the ˆ = d.
vector n̂ and at a distance d from the origin is r.n
line r = a + lb . So, let the
 A B If n is not a unit vector, then to reduce the equation
position vector of L be 
r = a+ b L = (a + lb)
a + lb . r.n = d to normal form we divide both sides by |n| to
n d ˆ=
obtain r × = or r.n .
| n| | n| | n|

æ (a - a )b ö (13) The equation of the plane passing through a

Then PL = a - a + lb = (a - a ) - ç ÷b
point having position vector a and parallel to b and c is
ç | b| 2 ÷
è ø r = a + lb + mc or [r b c] = [a b c] , where and are
The length PL, is the magnitude of PL , and required scalars.
length of perpendicular.
(14) Vector equation of a plane passing through a
(8) Image of a point in a straight line : Let Q(b )
point a,b,c is r = (1 - s - t) a + s b t + c
is the image of P in r = a + lb , then, P
( ) or r.(b ´ c + c ´ a + a ´ b ) = [a b c] .

r 
L = (a + lb)
=(a+ b)

Q( )(imag
790 Vector Algebra
(15) The equation of any plane through the (23) The equation of sphere with centre at C(c) and
intersection of planes r.n1 = d1 and r.n2 = d2 is radius ‘a’ is | r - c | = a .
r.(n1 + ln2 ) = d1 + ld2 , where is an arbitrary constant. (24) The plane r.n = d touches the sphere | r - a| = R ,
| a.n - d|
(16) The perpendicular distance of a point having if =R.
| n|
position vector a from the plane r.n = d is given by
(25) If the position vectors of the extremities of a
| a.n - d |
p= . diameter of a sphere are a and b, then its equation is
| n|
(r - a).(r - b) = 0 or | r| 2 - r.(a - b) + a.b = 0 .
(17) An angle between the planes r1 .n1 = d1 and
n1 .n2
r2 .n2 = d2 is given by cosq = ± .
| n1 || n2 |
(18) Perpendicular distance of a point P (r) from a
line passing through a and parallel to b is given by
1/ 2
é 2
| (r - a) ´ b| ì (r - a).b ü ù
PM = = ê(r - a)2 - í ý ú . Unit vectors parallel to x-axis, y-axis and z-axis
| b| ê
ë î | b| þ úû
are denoted by i, j and k respectively.
(19) The equation of the planes bisecting the angles
between the planes r1 .n1 = d1 and r2 .n2 = d2 are Two unit vectors may not be equal unless they
| r.n1 - d1 | | r.n2 - d2 | have the same direction.
| n1 | | n2 |
A unit vector is self reciprocal.
r.n1 - d1 r.n2 - d2
or =±
| n1 | | n2 | The internal bisector of the angle between any
d d two vectors is along the vector sum of the
or r.(n1 ± n2 ) = 1 ± 2 .
| n1 | | n2 | corresponding unit vectors.
(20) Perpendicular distance of a point P (r) from a
The external bisector of the angle between two
plane passing through a point a and parallel to b and
(r - a).(b ´ c) vectors is along the vector difference of the
c is given by PM = . corresponding unit vectors.
| b ´ c|
(21) Perpendicular distance of a point P(r) from a
If a,b,c are position vectors of vertices of a
plane passing through the points a, b and c is given by
triangle, then position vector of its centroid is
(r - a).(b ´ c + c ´ a + a ´ b)
PM = . a+ b+ c
| b ´ c + c ´ a + a ´ b| .
(22) Angle between line and plane : If is the
angle between a line r = (a + lb) and the plane r.n = d , If a,b,c,d are position vectors of vertices of a
then sinq = . tetrahedron, then position vector of its centroid is
| b|| n|
a+ b+ c + d
(i) Condition of perpendicularity: If the line is .
perpendicular to the plane, then it is parallel to the
normal to the plane. Therefore b and n are parallel.
Lagrange's identity: If a, b are any two vectors,
So, b ´ n = 0 or b = n for some scalar .
(ii) Condition of parallelism : If the line is then | a ´ b| 2 =| a| 2| b| 2 -(a. b)2 or
parallel to the plane, then it is perpendicular to the | a ´ b|2 +(a . b)2 =| a|2| b|2
normal to the plane. Therefore b and n are
perpendicular. So, b.n = 0.
a. b £| a|| b| .
(iii) If the line r = a + lb lies in the plane r.n = d,
(a) b.n = 0 a. b > 0 Angle between a and b is acute.
(b) a.n = d.
Vector Algebra 791
(c) Equal in magnitude (d) None of these
a. b < 0 Angle between a and b is obtuse.
7. If a = i + 2j + 2k and b = 3i + 6j + 2k, then a vector
in the direction of a and having magnitude as |b|
The dot product of a zero and non-zero vector is a is [IIT 1983]
scalar zero. 7
(a) 7(i + j + k) (b) (i + 2j + 2k)
Centre of the sphere is the centroid of 7
(c) (i + 2j + 2 k) (d) None of these
tetrahedron. 9
8. If p = 7i - 2j + 3k and q = 3i + j + 5k, then the
The angle between any two plane faces of a magnitude of p - 2q is [MP PET 1987]
regular tetrahedron is cos-1 . (a) 29 (b) 4
(c) 62 - 2 35 (d) 66
The distance of any vertex from the opposite face 9. Let a = i be a vector which makes an angle of
120o with a unit vector b. Then the unit vector
of regular tetrahedron is k , k being the length of (a + b) is
[MP PET 1991]
any edge.
1 3 3 1
(a) - i+ j (b) - i+ j
2 2 2 2
1 3 3 1
(c) i+ j (d) i- j
2 2 2 2

Modulus of vector, Algebra of vectors

1. The perimeter of a triangle with sides 3i + 4j + 5k,

4i - 3j - 5k and 7i + j is [MP PET 1991]

(a) 450 (b) 150

(c) 50 (d) 200
2. If the position vectors of the vertices of a triangle
be 2i + 4j - k, 4i + 5j + k and 3i + 6j - 3k, then the
triangle is [UPSEAT 2004]
(a) Right angled (b) Isosceles
(c) Equilateral (d) Right angled
3. If one side of a square be represented by the
vector 3i + 4j + 5k, then the area of the square is
(a) 12 (b) 13
(c) 25 (d) 50
4. If a = 2i + 2j - k and | x a| = 1, then x =
1 1
(a) ± (b) ±
3 4
1 1
(c) ± (d) ±
5 6
5. Which of the following is not a unit vector for all
values of
(a) (cosq )i - (sinq ) j (b) (sinq ) i + (cosq ) j
(c) (sin 2q ) i - (cosq ) j (d) (cos 2q ) i - (sin 2q ) j
6. If a + b bisects the angle between a and b, then a
and b are
(a) Mutually perpendicular (b) Unlike vectors

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