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The Solow Model

Siddhartha Chattopadhyay
Department of HSS


Spring, 2022-23

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Considerable di¤erence in the income level among countries

across the world. Why?

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Solow Model with Population Growth

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Considerable Di¤erence in the growth rate among countries.


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Solow Model with Population Growth

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Solow Model with Population Growth

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Solow Model with Population Growth

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Conditional Convergence: Growth rate of the rich countries are

lower than the poor countries. Why?

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Income and Welfare: Positive relationship between income and


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Solow Model with Population Growth

Income and Welfare: Positive relationship between income and life

expectancy at birth

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Kaldor Facts (1963): Long-run

Percapita income grows over time and its growth rate does not falls
Physical capital grows over time
The rate of return to capital, share of capital and labour in national
income and capital to output ratio nearly constant
Growth rate of percapita output di¤ers substantially across countries

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Solow (1956) develops an analytical model to explain stylized facts

discussed above

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Time: Continuos
Market: Perfectly Competitive
Technology: Constant Returns to Scale (CRS) with two factors of
Production - capital (K ) and labour (N ). Output is denoted by Y .
The production function follows diminishing marginal productivity
with respect to capital and labour. We will con…ne our analysis to the
Cobb-Douglas production function given below.

Y (t ) = F (K (t ), N (t )) = K (t )α N (t )1 α
,0 < α < 1 (1)

Share of capital and labour in national income is constant and

denoted by α and (1 α) respectively.

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Economic Agents: Firms and Households

Firms: maximize pro…t by choosing capital and labour. Price of
output is normalized to unity. Labour and capital are paid a real wage
(w ) and real rental (r ) ) they are paid in terms of …nal goods.
Households: a non-optimizing household saves a constant fraction,
0 < s < 1 of its total income. Household owns the …rm

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Solow Model with Population Growth

Population: growing exponentially at an exogenously given rate


N (t )
= n
N (t )
N (t ) = N (0) e nt

Capital depreciates at the rate 0 < δ < 1

Percapita output and percapita capital are denoted by y and k and
de…ned as,
y = ,k =

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Pro…t Maximization

Production function in percapita form: obtained by dividing both

sides of equation (1) by N (t )

y (t ) = f (k (t )) = k (t )α
Pro…t Maximization: CRS technology and perfect competition )
factors are paid in terms of their marginal products ) product
exhausts ) zero pro…t
Π (t ) = F (K (t ), N (t )) w (t ) N (t ) r (t ) K (t )
π (t ) = f (k (t )) w (t ) r (t ) k (t )
= k (t ) w (t ) r (t ) k (t )
0 1
k (t ) : r (t ) = f (k (t )) = αk (t )α
π (t ) = 0 ) w (t ) = f (k (t )) k (t ) f (k (t ))
= (1 α ) k (t ) α
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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Fundamental Equation

Total income of household is spend in consumption and savings.

Percapita consumption and percapita savings are denoted by c (t )
and e
s (t )
y (t ) = c (t ) + e
s (t )
. dK (t )
I (t ) = K (t ) + δK (t ) , K (t ) =
K (t )
i (t ) = + δk (t )
N (t )

s (t ) = sy (t ) = sf (k (t ))
= sk (t )α

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Fundamental Equation

Goods market equilibrium: investment equals to savings

K (t )
+ δk (t ) = sf (k (t )) (2)
N (t )
K (t )
Note, k (t ) = N (t ) . Taking log both sides and di¤erentiating with
respect to time gives,

k (t ) K (t ) N (t ) K (t )
= = n
k (t ) K (t ) N (t ) K (t )
K (t )
k (t ) = nk (t ) (3)
N (t )

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Fundamental Equation

Substituting equation (2) to equation (3) yields the

fundamental equation of Solow model

k (t ) = sf (k (t )) (n + δ ) k (t )
= sk (t ) (n + δ )k (t ) (4)

We can solve for k (t ) = k (t ) from the fundamental equation and

consequently can solve
y (t ) = f k (t ) = k (t )
c (t ) = (1 s ) y (t ) = (1 s )f k (t ) = (1 s ) k (t )
s (t ) = sy (t ) = sf k (t ) = s k (t )
0 α
w (t ) = f k (t ) k (t ) f k (t ) = (1 α ) k (t )
0 α 1
r (t ) = f k (t ) = α k (t )
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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

The long-run is technically known as the Balanced Growth Path

(BGP) in the literature where, capital and output grow at identical
rate. Note the steady state where, percapita capital stock is neither
growing nor decresing is also a BGP where,
0 1 ! 0 1 0 1
@ k (t ) A = y (t ) =0)@
K (t ) A
Y (t ) A
N (t )
k (t ) y (t ) K (t ) Y (t ) N (t )
ss ss ss ss

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

At steady state:

k (t ) = sf (k (t )) (n + δ ) k (t ) = 0
sf (kss ) s 1 α
) kss = = (5)
n+δ n+δ
s 1 α
) yss = f (kss ) = kssα = (6)
s 1 α
) css = (1 s )f (kss ) = (1 s)
s 1 α
) esss = sf (kss ) = s
) wss = f (kss ) kss f (kss ) = (1 α) (kss )α
0 1
) rss = f (kss ) = α (kss )α
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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Phase Diagram

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

Stability: strict concavity of the production function yields unique

and stable steady state.
k (0)1 < kss ) savings is greater than investment ) percapita capital
stock grows and movings towards steady state
k (0)2 > kss ) savings is less than investment ) percapita capital
stock shrinks and movings towards steady state

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Savings rate rise

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

Higher savings rate increases long-run capital stock.

It in turn increases
long-run output, investment (savings) and consumption.
factor prices (price of capital and labour) in the long-run.

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Population growth rises

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Long-run

Higher population growth rate reduces long-run capital stock.

It in turn reduces
long-run output, investment (savings) and consumption.
factor prices (price of capital and labour) in the long-run.

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Short-run Implication

Equation (4) gives,

k (t ) f (k (t ))
γk (t ) = =s (n + δ ) (7)
k (t ) k (t )
= s (k (t ))α (n + δ ) (8)
" #
1 α
= (n + δ ) 1
k (t )
" 1 α #
y (t ) yss α
γy (t ) = = α (n + δ ) 1
y (t ) y (t )

Equation (7) shows

short-run growth rate depends on the level of capital stock and (n + δ).
short-run growth rate depends of the distance from the steady state
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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Phase Diagram

f (k (t ))
s k (t )
is measured along the vertical axis

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Convergence

Solow (1956) predicts that the poor countries should grow faster than
the rich countries if they converge to the same steady state )
conditional convergence and not an absolute convergence.

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Solow Model with Population Growth
No Absolute Convergence

Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004): average annual growth rate of 114

countries across the world from 1960 to 2000.

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Conditional Convergence

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Conditional Convergence

Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004): average annual growth rate of 18

original OECD countries across (formed in 1961) from 1960 to 2000.

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Conditional Convergence

Madisson (2010):

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Solow Model with Population Growth
Achievements and Problems

Data shows that some countries in the world are rich with
higher percapita income and some are poor with lower
percapita income.
Equation (6) shows that countries with higher savings rate and/or
lower population growth rate and/or lower rate of capital depreciation
rate have higher percapita income than others. Therefore, Solow
(1956) model gives answer to our …rst question - why some countries
are rich and some are poor in the world.
Conditional convergence with poor countries growing faster than rich
countries can be explained by Solow (1956)
Equation (6) shows no growth of percapita output in the
long-run. But data shows percapita income in the long-run is
not constant. Therefore, a modi…cation of the model is

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Solow Model with Population Growth and Technology
Labour Augmenting Technology

Production function with labour augmenting/Harrod neutral

technological progress
Y (t ) = K (t )α (A (t ) N (t ))1 α
Technology is growing exponentially at an exogenous rate
A (t )
0 < g < 1 ) A (t ) = g
Production function in terms of e¤ective labour force.
Y (t ) y (t )
yb (t ) = =
A (t ) N (t ) A (t )
= f kb (t ) = kb (t ) ,
K (t ) k (t )
kb(t ) = =
A (t ) N (t ) A (t )
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Solow Model with Population Growth and Technology
Fundamental Equation

By equating savings with investment we get

K (t )
= sf kb (t ) δkb (t ) (10)
A (t ) N (t )
K (t )
Note, kb (t ) = A (t )N (t ) . Taking log both side and di¤erentiating with
respect to time gives,

K (t )
= kb (t ) + (g + n)kb (t ) (11)
A (t ) N (t )

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Solow Model with Population Growth and Technology
Fundamental Equation

Substituting equation (11) to (10) gives,

kb (t ) = sf kb (t ) (n + δ + g ) kb (t )
= s kb (t ) (n + δ + g ) kb (t ) (12)
Steady State, kb (t ) = 0

sf kbss s
1 α
kbss = = (13)
n+δ+g n+δ+g
s 1 α
ybss = f kbss = (14)

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Solow Model with Population Growth and Technology
The Long-run

Equation (14) gives,

s 1 α
yss (t ) = A (t )
! .
y (t ) A (t )
) = =g (15)
y (t ) A (t )

Equation (15) shows that percapita income in the long-run is

not constant but grows at the rate of technological progress.

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Short-run Implication

The Transitional Dynamics: Multiply kb (t ) α

to the both side on
equation (12)

kb (t ) kb (t ) α
=s (n + δ + g )kb (t )(1 α)

De…ne, x (t ) = kb (t )1 α

x (t ) kb(t )
= (1 α)
x (t ) kb(t )

x (t ) = (1 α) kb(t )kb(t ) α

Substituting equation (17) to (16) yields,

x (t ) = (1 α) s (1 α ) (n + δ + g )x (t ) (18)

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Short-run Implication

Solution of equation (15): Integrating Factor

= e λt , λ = (1 α) (n + δ + g )

e λt x (t ) = (1 α) se λt
Z dt Z
d e λt x (t ) = (1 α) se λt dt
(1 α) s
x (t ) = + e λt m
s s λt
x (t ) = + x (0) e (19)
(n + δ + g ) (n + δ + g )

m = x (0) (n + δ +g )

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Short-run Implication

Substituting, x (t ) = kb (t )1 α
and yb(t ) = kb (t )α = x (t ) 1 α in
equation (19) gives,

s s (1 α)(n +δ+g )t
x (t ) = + x (0) e
n+δ+g n+δ+g

) + kb (0)1
1 α
kb (t ) = kbss1 α (1 e λt α
e λt

) + kb (0)1
1 α
k (t ) = kbss1 α (1 e λt α
e λt
A(t ) (20)
1 α 1 α 1 α
yb(t ) = ybssα (1 e λt
) + yb (0) α e λt

1 α 1 α 1 α
y (t ) = ybss (1
e λt
) + yb (0) α e λt
A(t ) (21)

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Solow Model with Population Growth
The Short-run Implication

Equation (21) shows percapita output and capital stocks grow

at the rate of technological progress along the BGP
After solving k (t ) and y (t ) from equations (20) and (21) we can

c (t ) = (1 s ) y (t ) , e
s (t ) = sy (t )
w (t ) = f (k (t )) k (t ) f (k (t )) = (1 α) (k (t ))α
0 1
r (t ) = f (k (t )) = α (k (t ))α

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Growth Accounting

Solow (1957): equation (9) with B (t ) = A (t )1 α


Y (t ) K (t ) N (t ) B (t )
=α + (1 α) +
Y (t ) K (t ) N (t ) B (t )

B (t )
Solow Residual: B (t )

A (t ) 1 B (t )
Rate of growth of TFP: A (t )
= 1 α B (t )

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Growth Accounting

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Rate of Convergence

Equation (20) and (21) imply rate of convergence of the percapita

capital stock and percapita output towards their steady state at the
rate λ = (1 α) (n + δ + g ) > 0
Equation (20) and (21) also imply rate of growth of percapita capital
stock and percapita output in the long-run is g

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Short-run Implication

Linearizing equation (12) around the steady state by Taylor series

expansion gives,

kb (t ) α 1
= s kb (t ) (n + δ + g )
kb (t )
(1 α) log (kb (t ))
= se (n + δ + g )
α) log (kbss )
= (1 α) se (1
d log kb (t )
(α 1 )
= (1 α) s kbss d log kb (t )

= (1 α) (n + δ + g ) d log kb (t ) (22)

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
The Short-run Implication

Continued from the previous slide,

log kb (t ) = λd log kb (t )
log (yb (t )) = λd log (yb (t )) (23)
log (yb (t )) = 1 e λt
log (ybss ) + log (yb(0)) e λt

Equation (23) used to estimate the convergence rate, λ by Mankiw,

Romer and Weil (MRW) (1992).

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Introduction of Human Capital, MRW (1992)

Consider the Production function:

Y (t ) = K α (t ) (A(t )N (t ))1 α
Divide both sides of equation (25) by Y (t )α and then by N (t ) gives,
α α
K (t ) 1 α s 1 α
y (t ) = A(t ) = A(t )
Y (t ) n+δ+a
at steady state
α α
log (yss ,i ) = a + log (si ) log (ni + δ + g ) + e(26)
1 α 1 α
log (Ass ,i ) = a + ei at the steady state
a: drift ) level of technology common for all countries, ei : random
error ) technology level that di¤ers from all the countries
MRW estimated α from equation (26) using data of di¤erent
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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

si : average annual investment to output ratio from 1965-1980

(δ + g ) = 5%
ni : average annual population growth from 1965-1980

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

Data α = 13 . Estimated α not matching data. Here, g is the

technology growth rate.

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

Introduced human capital in the production function

Y (t ) = K α (t ) H (t ) β (A(t )N (t ))1 α β
, 0 < α < 1, 0 < β < 1 (27)
A fraction sk and a fraction sh of total income is spent on
accumulating physical capital and human capital respectively. But
type of capital depreciate at the δ

kb (t ) = sk f kb (t ) , b
h (t ) (n + δ + g ) kb (t )
= sk kb (t )α b
h (t ) (n + δ + g ) kb (t ) (28)

h ( t ) = sh f kb (t ) , b
h (t ) (n + δ + g ) b
h (t )
= sh kb (t )α b
h (t ) (n + δ + g ) b
h (t ) (29)
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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

Equation (28): given kb (t ) a rise in b

h (t ) increases kb (t ) and
vice-versa. Therefore, kb (t ) rises in the region above the kb (t ) = 0
line and falls in the region below the kb (t ) = 0 line
Equation (29): given b h (t ) a rise in kb (t ) increases b
h (t ) and
vice-versa. Therefore, h (t ) rises in the region to the right side of
h (t ) = 0 line and falls in the region to the left side of b
h (t ) = 0 line
Phase diagram shows it is globally stable system

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

Equations (28) and (29) at steady state: kb (t ) = b

h (t ) = 0 give,
1 1
1 β β
!1 α β !1 α β
sk s h skα sh1 α
kbss = ,b
hss =
n+δ+g n+δ+g
!1 1
α β
skα sh
ybss = (30)
(n + δ + g ) α + β

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

Using identical manipulation as done to derive equation (26) from

equation (25), we can derive equation (31) using equations (30) and

α β
log (yss ,i ) = a + log (ski ) + log (shi ) (31)
1 α β 1 α β
log (ni + δ + g ) + ei
1 α β

MRW estimated α and β from equation (31)

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: MRW (1992)

MRW got α and β that match with the data. It shows that the
augmented Solow model with human capital in the production
function matches the stylized facts.

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Golden Rule Level of Capital

Is steady state capital stock maximizes the long-run consumption? A

social planner’s problem is to choose that golden rule level of capital
stock that maximizes consumption.

css = (1 s) f kbss = f kbss sf kbss (32)

= f kbss (n + δ + g )kbss
= kbss (n + δ + g ) kbss

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Golden Rule Level of Capital

Di¤erentiating Equation (32) with respect to kbss gives a golden rule

level of capital stock kbssg that maximizes long-run consumption

kbssg : f kbssg = (n + δ + g )
α 1 α
kbssg =

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Golden Rule Level of Capital

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: Dynamic Ine¢ ciency

We have got,
1 1
s 1 α α 1 α
kbss = , kbssg =
n+δ+g n+δ+g

Steady state capital stock equals to golden rule level of capital stock
kbss = kbssg when s = α. In this case the allocation of the Solow
model is called dynamically e¢ cient. However, the savings rate (s ) in
Solow model is not optimally chosen. As a result, there is no
guarantee to achieve e¢ cient allocation in the Solow model.

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: Dynamic Ine¢ ciency

Over accumulation of capital: kbss > kbssg ) s > α ) steady state

allocation of the Solow model is dynamically ine¢ cient. Reduction in
savings not only increases short-run consumption but it also increases
long-run consumption. In fact, any allocation belonging to Region B
of the next …gure is dynamically ine¢ cient.
Under accumulation of capital: kbss < kbssg ) s < α ) steady state
allocation of the Solow model is neither dynamically e¢ cient nor
dynamically ine¢ cient. Increase in savings increases long-run
consumption but it reduces short-run consumption.
The problem of dynamic ine¢ ciency arises because the savings
rate in the Solow model is exogenously given and not optimally

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Solow Model with Population and Technology Growth
Problem: Dynamic Ine¢ ciency

Region A: Inconclusive ; Region B: Dynamically Ine¢ cient Region

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Thank You

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