Dynamics Programming
Dynamics Programming
Dynamics Programming
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Setup of the Model
Model Ingredients
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Setup of the Model
Model Ingredients
-There is a large no. of identical and infinitely lived households.
-We examine the problem of a single representative HH.
-Time separable utility function represents the preferences of each
U ({ct }t∞=0 ) = ∑t∞=0 βt U (ct )
Information No risk, perfect foresight of HHs and firms
Endowment At period 0, the HH is born with some endowment k̄o
of initial capital stock. They are also endowed with one unit of time
that can be devoted to leisure or work.
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Setup of the Model
F (kt , nt ) = ct + kt +1 − (1 − δ)kt (2)
ct ≥ 0, kt ≥ 0, 0 ≤ nt ≤ 1∀t (3)
ko ≤ k̄o (4)
where β ∈ (0, 1)
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Setup of the Model
The only choice is the planner faces is the choice between letting the
consumer eat today vs. invest in the capital today and eat tomorrow.
How do we solve this infinite-dimensional optimization problem?
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
Let us begin with the finite horizon case where the representative
consumer lives for T < ∞ periods after which he dies for sure.
w T (k̄o ) = max{k T
t +1 } t =0
∑T t
t =0 β U (f (kt ) − kt +1 ) (6)
0 ≤ kt +1 ≤ f (kt )∀t (7)
ko = k̄o > 0given (8)
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
1 − (αβ)T −t
zt = αβ
1 − (αβ)T −t +1
1 − (αβ)T −t α
kt +1 = αβ k
1 − (αβ)T −t +1 t
1 − (αβ)
ct = kα
1 − (αβ)T −t +1 t
Note that the optimal policies are a function of the time horizon the
social planner faces.
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
Now let’s turn to the infinite horizon case and try to solve it with
Euler equation approach.
Our problem is to solve
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
The transversality condition states that the value of the capital stock
measured in terms of the discounted utility goes to zero as time goes
to infinity.
It does not mean that the value of the capital stock converges to
zero, but rather the shadow value of the capital stock has to converge
to zero.
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
Let U, β, and f satisfy the assumptions we mentioned previously. Then
allocations {kt +1 }t∞=0 that satisfy the Euler equations and the
transversality condition (TVC) solves the social planner’s problem for a
given ko .
Unlike the finite horizon case, we cannot solve for the Euler equations
backwards as in the finite case.
However we can solve it forwards conditional on an initial value for zo .
We now show that for only a unique value of zo , we can find a
sequence that does not violate the TVC or the nonnegativity
constraint on capital or consumption.
In relation with the Figure above, we consider 3 possible cases for the
value of zo .
1 zo < αβ. From Figure we see that in finite time, zt < 0, violating the
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
αβt αβt
limt →∞ = limt →∞ =0
1 − zt 1 − αβ
Hence this equation satisfies the TVC. From the sufficiency of the
Euler equation, jointly with TVC we conclude that the sequence
{zt }t∞=0 , given by zt = αβ is an optimal solution for the social
planner’s problem.
Translating this into capital sequences yields as optimal policy
kt +1 = αβktα , with ko given.
Hence the optimal policy suggests to save a constant fraction of
output for all time periods.
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
1 − zt +1 ≈ (αβ)t −k +1 (1 − zk )
αβt +1 αβt +1
limt →∞ ≈ limt →∞
1 − zt + 1 (αβ)t −k +1 (1 − zk )
= limt →∞ =∞
(α)t −k (1 − zk )
as long as 0 < α < 1.
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
Dynamic Programming
Recall that the social planner’s problem expressed in Equation 5 was
an infinite -dimensional optimization problem.
The idea of dynamic programming is to find a simpler maximization
problem and demonstrate that the solution to the simpler
maximization problem solves the original maximization problem.
The problem in fact can be written as
w (ko ) = max U (f (ko ) − k1 ) + βw (k1 )
{0≤k1 ≤f (ko ),ko given}
v (k ) = max U (f (k ) − k 0 ) + βv (k 0 ) (16)
{0≤k 0 ≤f (k )}
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
v (k ) = max ln (k α − k 0 ) + βv (k 0 )
{0≤k 0 ≤k α )}
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
v (k ) = A + Bln (k )
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
1 βB
kα − k0 k0
βBk α
k0 = (17)
1 + βB
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
βBk α
2 Evaluate the RHS at the optimal solution k 0 = 1+ βB . This yields
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
2 For our guess to solve the functional equation LHS must equal RHS
for all possible values of k. Equating both sides yields
A + Bln (k ) = −ln (1 + βB ) + αln (k ) + βA + βBln ( )
1 + βB
+ αβBln(k )
(B − α(1 + βB )) = −A − ln(1 + βB ) + βA + βBln( )
1 + βB
This equation has to hold for all possible values of k. Since the RHS is a
constant, the LHS must also be a constant.
Hence we need to equate the coefficient of ln (k ) to 0 which yields
B = 1−ααβ
Therefore the constant A has to satisfy
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
βBk α
g (k ) =
1 + Bβ
= αβk α
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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Neoclassical Growth Model in Discrete Time Solution of the Model
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