CompSci Questions
CompSci Questions
CompSci Questions
1 Identify four events that List the parts of the CPU State the difference List 5 threats posed to Explain the different
take place during the fetch and their functions between ROM and RAM a network between the Data
– execute – decode cycle 1.1 1.2 1.6 Protection Act, the
1.1 Computer Misuse Act
and Copyright
2 Explain how increasing the What are the most Explain the need for List 5 ways a system Explain open software
amount RAM on a important things you Virtual Memory can be protected and proprietary software
computer can improve the need to consider when 1.2 against the threats 1.8
computers performance choosing a Secondary posed in the above
1.2 Storage Device? question
1.3 1.6
3 Explain why secondary Explain how Clock Speed, What are the three Draw a star and mesh Explain what disk
storage is needed Cashe and the number of common types of topology fragmentation is
1.3 Cores affect a CPU’s storage? 1.5 1.7
performance 1.3
4 Define what hardware is Define an embedded Define what a LAN and a Explain what an Explain the difference
needed to connect a system WAN is and explain the Operating System between custom
computer to a Local Area 1.1 difference does. software and off-the-
Network 1.4 1.7 shelf software
1.4 1.7
5 List 3 factors which can Give 5 examples of Explain what a client Explain how What is the purpose of
affect the performance of a embedded system server is and explain stakeholders are Cashe memory
network 1.1 what a peer to peer affected by the 1.2
1.4 network is production of new
1.5 technologies
Task Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Explain what abstraction State the 4 common Explain why it is important to Explain why logic Convert the denary
is arithmetic operators use comments and indentation gates are used. number 92 into binary
2.1 2.2 when creating scripts 2.4 2.6
2 Explain what State the 3 main Explain the difference between State 3 different types Add 0100 1001 to your
decomposition is Boolean operators iterative and final testing of translators and answer
2.1 2.2 2.3 explain how each one 2.6
3 Explain the difference Draw the logic gate Explain the difference between State 4 tools or Convert your answer into
between a bubble sort a for each Boolean a syntax error and a logical facilities available in hexadecimal
linear search and an operator error. an IDE and explain 2.6
insertion sort 2.4 2.3 how they benefit a
2.1 programmer.
4 Explain the difference Explain the difference Draw a truth table for each of Put the following Explain what the term
between a binary search between a string and the following Boolean units into order ‘overflow’ means and
and a linear search a character operators (smallest to largest ) provide an example
2.1 2.2 NOT , AND , OR Byte, nibble, bit, where overflow occurs
2.4 terabyte, megabyte, 2.6
5 Define the following Explain the term input Explain why data is Explain why a high Explain the difference
terms. sanitisation represented in binary form level language needs between lossy and
Sequence 2.3 2.4 to be translated into lossless compression,
Selection machine code providing advantages
Iteration 2.5 and disadvantages to
2.2 both