Improper Waste Disposal
Improper Waste Disposal
Improper Waste Disposal
1.Nature of the Problem Presented 2/3 * 1 0.67 It is a human health
Health Threat 2 threat.
Health Deficit 3
Foreseeable Crisis 1
2. Modifiablity of the Problem 1/2 * 2 1 The community/family
Easily Modifiable 2 does not have ablequate
Partially Modifiable 1 intervention to solve the
Not Modifiable 0 problem and has no quick
access to garbage
3. Preventive Potential 2/3 * 1 0.67 The problem on garbage
High 3 disposal can be
Moderate 2 minimized it the family
Low 1 could follow proper waste
4. Salience 0/2 * 1 0 The family does not
A Serious Problem, Immediate Attention 2 recognize it as a problem.
A Problem: But Not Needing Immediate 1
Not a Felt/ Need Problem 0