CHN Rqrments

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Contents of the CHN RLE Written Requirements

I. Comprehensive Family Survey

- please refer to the separate format.

II. Problem List (at least 3 Family Nursing Problems according to priority)
- These problems must be derived or taken from the comprehensive
family survey.

Ranking Health Problems

Of Family Penera


1 Imbalanced Nutrition 2
Improper Garbage
2 2
3 Hypertension 3

III. First and Second Level Assessment

First Level Assessment Second Level of

(Cues/Data) Assessment (Family
Nursing Problems)
1. Family Penera usually eat unhealthy 1. Inability to balanced nutrition due to
foods and rarely eats vegetable and lack knowledge about the problem.

2. Inability to decide about talking

2. The way of the family in garbage appropriate actions due to failure to
disposal is burning. comprehend the nature and the scope of
the problem.

3. Inability to recognize the presence

3. Has a family of hypertension. of health problem due to:

a.) Lack of knowledge

b.) Failure to comprehend the
nature/magnitude of the problem.
IV. Prioritization of the Family Nursing Problems as indicated in the Problem List

Imbalanced Nutrition:

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.66 It is considered as a health threat
problem: because it can contribute to the
Health Deficit = 3 health status of the family which
Health Threat = 2 may cause an increased blood
Foreseeable Crisis = 1 pressure.

2. Modifiability of 1/2 x 2 2 It is intermediate modifiable

the Problem: because I informed them the
importance of proper food intake.
Easily = 2
Intermediate = 1
Not Modifiable = 0

3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 It is highly preventive because as I

Potential: observed the chosen family, they
practiced on eating less salty foods.
High = 3
Moderate = 2
Low = 1
4. Salience of the 1/2 x 1 0. 5 The family is oriented on the
Problem: problem of eating unhealthy food
and they considered it as a problem
Problem needing not needing an urgent attention.
urgent attention =
Problem not
needing urgent
attention = 1

Not perceived as
a problem = 0


Improper Garbage Disposal:

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of 2/3 x 1 0.66 It is considered as a
the problem: health threat
because with
Health Deficit = 3 Improper disposal of
Health Threat = 2
garbage can lead to
Foreseeable Crisis = 1
destroying the
2. Modifiability of the 2/2 x 2 2 It is easily
Problem: modifiable since the
family is cooperative
Easily = 2 and follow health
Intermediate = 1 education in proper
Not Modifiable = 0 garbage disposal.
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Is is highly preventive
Potential: since I had health
teaching to the family
High = 3 about the importance
Moderate = 2 of proper garbage
Low = 1 disposal.
4. Salience of 0/2 x 1 0 It is not perceived
the Problem: as a problem of the
family because they
Problem needing can manage to live
urgent attention = 2 in it.

Problem not needing

urgent attention = 1

Not perceived as a
problem = 0


Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of 3/3 x 1 1 It is considered as
the problem: a health deficit
since that there is a
Health Deficit = 3 presence of
Health Threat = 2
Foreseeable Crisis = 1
2. Modifiability of the 1/2 x 2 1 It is intermediate
Problem: modifiability
because the family
Easily = 2 is able to practice
Intermediate = 1 balance nutrition
Not Modifiable = 0 since I emphasize
the importance of
eating proper foods
during the health
3. Preventive 2/3 x 1 0.66 It is considered as a
Potential: moderate preventive
because the family
High = 3 practiced the proper
Moderate = 2 balanced diet.
Low = 1
4. Salience of 1/2 x 1 0.5 The family
the Problem: recognized this as a
problem not needing
Problem needing an urgent attention
urgent attention = 2 because they can
still manage their
Problem not needing health condition.
urgent attention = 1

Not perceived as a
problem = 0
V. Family Nursing Care Plan
- Please make FNCP of the first three (3) prioritized family nursing problems.

Imbalanced Nutrition:

Health Family Goal of Objectives Nursing Method Resources Expected

Problem Nursing Care of Care Interventions of Nurse Required Outcome
Problems (SMART) -Family
Heal th Inability to The family The family Assess the Establishing Visual aid for The family
Threat balanced will be able will be able family's rapport discussion will be able
nutrition to practice to identify perceptions through (pamphlet). to practice
Imbalanced due to lack the the foods regarding to home visit. taking
Nutrition knowledge importance that are Nutritional balance
about the of proper healthy such Balanced to Health nutrition by
problem. balance as acknowledge teaching eating fruits
diet/nutrition. vegetables the family's regarding and
and fruits concerns and in Nutrional vegetables
which they order to Balanced. to prevent
will practice promote possible
the proper cooperation. diseases.
food intake
to prevent Identify the
imbalanced family's
nutrition. perceptions of
the needed diet
modification to
determine their
outlook in
proper balance

Emphasize to
the family to be
more aware of
nutrional habits
that may

Improper Garbage Disposal:

Health Family Goal of Objectives of Nursing Method of Resources Expected

Problem Nursing Care Care Interventions Nurse- Required Outcome
Problems (SMART) Family
Heal th Inability to The family The family Assess the Establishing Visual aid After 2-3 days
Threat decide will be able can recognize family's rapport for of home visit,
about talking to the possible perceptions through discussion the family will
Improper appropriate determine effects of regarding to home visit. (pamphlet). be able to
Garbage actions due the garbage proper identify the
Disposal to failure to importance burning and garbage Health different ways
comprehend of understanding disposal to teaching on proper
the nature practicing about the acknowledge regarding garbage
and the proper importance of the family's proper disposal such
scope of the methods of proper concerns garbage as:
problem. garbage garbage and in order disposal.
disposal. disposal. to promote 1. Use of
cooperation. compost pit
with cover.
Discuss with
the family the 2. Segregate
possible risk the non-
factors of biodegradable
burning and
garbage that biodegradable
will result materials.
with the
occurrence 3. Recycling
of the of some
problem waste
such as materials.
ozone layer
depletion 4. Selling
and which some
may cause garbage like
respiratory can and
problem like plastic bottles.

in the family
about the
proper ways
on waste

Health Family Goal of Care Objectives Nursing Methods of Resources Expected
Problem Nursing (SMART) of Care Interventions Nurse- Required Outcome
Problems Family
Health Deficit Inability to The family will The family will Assess the Establishing BP apparatus The family will
recognize the make be able to: family level of rapport and visual aid be able to
Hypertension presence of necessary understanding through home for discussion. verbalize the
health problem measures to a.) Educate regarding to visit. understanding
due to: properly family the health of disease
manage, measures problem. Health processand
a.) Lack of control and about the teaching treatment
knowledge lessen the risk importance of Discuss the regarding regimen.
factors of regular check- nature and hypertension.
b.) Failure to hypertension. ups. signs and
comprehend the symptoms and
nature/magnitude The family will b.) Explain the complications
of the problem. have adequate importance of that may arise
knowledge proper due to
about good diet/food hypertension.
proper nutrition intake.
that reduce Discuss with
hypertension c.) Enumerate the family the
and prevent the diseases risk factors of
the occurrence that might hypertension
of relative develop if such as history,
complications hypertension is age, salt/fats
in the future. not prevented intake for
earlier. awareness of
the family.
d.) Educate
family on the
Do's and
Don'ts of

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