CHN Rqrments
CHN Rqrments
CHN Rqrments
II. Problem List (at least 3 Family Nursing Problems according to priority)
- These problems must be derived or taken from the comprehensive
family survey.
Imbalanced Nutrition:
Not perceived as
a problem = 0
Not perceived as a
problem = 0
Not perceived as a
problem = 0
V. Family Nursing Care Plan
- Please make FNCP of the first three (3) prioritized family nursing problems.
Imbalanced Nutrition:
Emphasize to
the family to be
more aware of
nutrional habits
that may
in the family
about the
proper ways
on waste
Health Family Goal of Care Objectives Nursing Methods of Resources Expected
Problem Nursing (SMART) of Care Interventions Nurse- Required Outcome
Problems Family
Health Deficit Inability to The family will The family will Assess the Establishing BP apparatus The family will
recognize the make be able to: family level of rapport and visual aid be able to
Hypertension presence of necessary understanding through home for discussion. verbalize the
health problem measures to a.) Educate regarding to visit. understanding
due to: properly family the health of disease
manage, measures problem. Health processand
a.) Lack of control and about the teaching treatment
knowledge lessen the risk importance of Discuss the regarding regimen.
factors of regular check- nature and hypertension.
b.) Failure to hypertension. ups. signs and
comprehend the symptoms and
nature/magnitude The family will b.) Explain the complications
of the problem. have adequate importance of that may arise
knowledge proper due to
about good diet/food hypertension.
proper nutrition intake.
that reduce Discuss with
hypertension c.) Enumerate the family the
and prevent the diseases risk factors of
the occurrence that might hypertension
of relative develop if such as history,
complications hypertension is age, salt/fats
in the future. not prevented intake for
earlier. awareness of
the family.
d.) Educate
family on the
Do's and
Don'ts of