Chapter12 Driven RLC Circuits Revised JWB
Chapter12 Driven RLC Circuits Revised JWB
Chapter12 Driven RLC Circuits Revised JWB
Chapter 12
Driven RLC Circuits
12.1 AC Sources ...................................................................................................... 12-2
12.2 AC Circuits with a Source and One Circuit Element ...................................... 12-3
12.2.1 Purely Resistive Load .............................................................................. 12-3
12.2.2 Purely Inductive Load .............................................................................. 12-6
12.2.3 Purely Capacitive Load ............................................................................ 12-8
12.3 The RLC Series Circuit .................................................................................. 12-10
12.3.1 Impedance .............................................................................................. 12-13
12.3.2 Resonance .............................................................................................. 12-14
12.4 Power in an AC circuit ................................................................................... 12-15
12.4.1 Width of the Peak................................................................................... 12-17
12.5 Transformer.................................................................................................... 12-18
12.6 Parallel RLC Circuit ....................................................................................... 12-20
12.7 Summary ........................................................................................................ 12-24
12.8 Problem-Solving Tips .................................................................................... 12-26
12.9 Solved Problems ............................................................................................ 12-27
12.9.1 RLC Series Circuit ................................................................................. 12-27
12.9.2 RLC Series Circuit ................................................................................. 12-28
12.9.3 Resonance .............................................................................................. 12-30
12.9.4 RL High-Pass Filter ................................................................................ 12-31
12.9.5 RLC Circuit ............................................................................................ 12-32
12.9.6 RL Filter ................................................................................................. 12-35
12.10 Conceptual Questions .................................................................................... 12-37
12.11 Additional Problems ...................................................................................... 12-38
12.11.1 Reactance of a Capacitor and an Inductor ............................................. 12-38
12.11.2 Driven RLC Circuit Near Resonance ..................................................... 12-38
12.11.3 RC Circuit .............................................................................................. 12-39
12.11.4 Black Box............................................................................................... 12-40
12.11.5 Parallel RL Circuit.................................................................................. 12-40
12.11.6 Parallel RC Circuit ................................................................................. 12-41
12.11.7 Power Dissipation .................................................................................. 12-41
12.11.8 FM Antenna ........................................................................................... 12-42
12.11.9 Driven RLC Circuit ................................................................................ 12-42
Driven RLC Circuits
12.1 AC Sources
In Chapter 10 we learned that changing magnetic flux could induce an emf according to
Faraday’s law of induction. In particular, if a coil rotates in the presence of a magnetic
field, the induced emf varies sinusoidally with time and leads to an alternating current
(AC), and provides a source of AC power. The symbol for an AC voltage source is
An example of an AC source is
where the maximum value V0 is called the amplitude. The voltage varies between V0 and
−V0 since a sine function varies between +1 and −1. A graph of voltage as a function of
time is shown in Figure 12.1.1. The phase of the voltage source is φV = ω t , (the phase
constant is zero in Eq. (12.1.1)).
The sine function is periodic in time. This means that the value of the voltage at time t
will be exactly the same at a later time t ′ = t + T where T is the period. The frequency,
f , defined as f = 1/ T , has the unit of inverse seconds ( s-1 ), or hertz ( Hz ). The angular
frequency is defined to be ω = 2π f .
After an initial “transient time,” an AC current will flow in the circuit as a response to the
driving voltage source. The current in the circuit is also sinusoidal,
I (t ) = I 0 sin(ωt − φ ) , (12.1.2)
and will oscillate with the same angular frequency ω as the voltage source, has
amplitude I 0 , phase φ I = ω t − φ , and phase constant φ that depends on the driving
angular frequency. Note that the phase constant is equal to the phase difference between
the voltage source and the current
Δφ ≡ φV − φ I = ω t − (ω t − φ ) = φ . (12.1.3)
Before examining the driven RLC circuit, let’s first consider cases where only one circuit
element (a resistor, an inductor or a capacitor) is connected to a sinusoidal voltage source.
where VR (t) = I R (t)R is the instantaneous voltage drop across the resistor. The
instantaneous current in the resistor is given by
V (t) V0 sin(ω t)
I R (t) = = = I R0 sin(ω t) . (12.2.3)
Comparing Eq. (12.2.3) with Eq. (12.2.1), we find that the amplitude is
I R0 = = (12.2.4)
The quantity X R is called the resistive reactance, to be consistent with nomenclature that
will introduce shortly for capacitive and inductive elements, but it is just the resistance.
The key point to recognize is that the amplitude of the current is independent of the
driving angular frequency. Because φ R = 0 , I R (t ) and VR (t ) are in phase with each
other, i.e. they reach their maximum or minimum values at the same time, the phase
constant is zero,
φR = 0 . (12.2.6)
The time dependence of the current and the voltage across the resistor is depicted in
Figure 12.2.2(a).
(a) (b)
Figure 12.2.2 (a) Time dependence of I R (t ) and VR (t ) across the resistor. (b) Phasor
diagram for the resistive circuit.
(ii) angular speed: the vector rotates counterclockwise with an angular speed ω.
(iii) projection: the projection of the vector along the vertical axis corresponds to the
value of the alternating quantity at time t.
We shall denote a phasor with an arrow above it. The phasor VR 0 has a constant
magnitude of VR 0 . Its projection along the vertical direction is VR0 sin(ω t) , which is
equal to VR (t ) , the voltage drop across the resistor at time t . A similar interpretation
applies to I R 0 for the current passing through the resistor. From the phasor diagram, we
readily see that both the current and the voltage are in phase with each other.
The average value of current over one period can be obtained as:
1 T 1 T I R0 T ⎛ 2π t ⎞
I R (t) =
T ∫0
I R (t)dt =
T ∫ 0
I R0 sin(ω t) dt =
T ∫ 0
sin ⎜
⎝ T ⎟⎠
dt = 0 . (12.2.7)
1 T
sin(ω t) =
T ∫0
sin(ω t) dt = 0 . (12.2.8)
Similarly, one may find the following relations useful when averaging over one period,
1 T
cos(ω t) =
T ∫ 0
cos(ω t) dt = 0,
1 T
sin(ω t)cos(ω t) =
T ∫ 0
sin(ω t)cos(ω t) dt = 0,
1 T 1 T ⎛ 2π t ⎞ 1 (12.2.9)
sin 2 (ω t) = ∫ sin (ω t) dt = ∫ dt = ,
2 2
sin ⎜ ⎟
T 0 T 0 ⎝ T ⎠ 2
1 T 1 T ⎛ 2π t ⎞ 1
cos 2 (ω t) =
T ∫ 0
cos 2 (ω t) dt =
T ∫ 0
cos 2 ⎜
⎝ T ⎠ ⎟ dt = .
From the above, we see that the average of the square of the current is non-vanishing:
1 T 2 1 T 2 2 1
T ⎛ 2π t ⎞ 1 2
I R2 (t ) = ∫ = ∫ ω = ∫ ⎟ dt = I R 0 . (12.2.10)
I R (t ) dt I R 0 sin t dt I R 0 sin 2 ⎜
T 0 T 0 T 0
⎝ T ⎠ 2
I R0
I rms = I R2 (t ) = (12.2.11)
In a similar manner, the rms voltage can be defined as
VR 0
Vrms = VR2 (t ) = . (12.2.12)
The rms voltage supplied to the domestic wall outlets in the United States is
Vrms = 120 V at a frequency f = 60 Hz .
PR (t ) = I R (t ) VR (t ) = I R2 (t ) R . (12.2.13)
1 V2
PR (t ) = I R2 (t ) R = I R2 0 R = I rms
R = I rmsVrms = rms . (12.2.14)
2 R
Applying the modified Kirchhoff’s rule for inductors, the circuit equation yields
dI L
V (t ) − VL (t ) = V (t ) − L =0. (12.2.16)
where we define VL (t) = LdI L / dt . Rearranging yields
dI L V (t) VL0
= = sin(ω t) , (12.2.17)
dt L L
I L (t) = ∫ dI L = ∫ sin(ω t) dt = − L0 cos(ω t) = L0 sin(ω t − π / 2)
L ωL ωL , (12.2.18)
= I L0 sin(ω t − π / 2).
where we have used the trigonometric identity − cos(ω t) = sin(ω t − π / 2) . Comparing Eq.
(12.2.18) with Eq. (12.2.15), we find that the amplitude is
I L0 = = , (12.2.19)
X L =ωL . (12.2.20)
The inductive reactance has SI units of ohms ( Ω ), just like resistance. However, unlike
resistance, X L depends linearly on the angular frequency ω . Thus, the inductance
reactance to current flow increases with frequency. This is due to the fact that at higher
frequencies the current changes more rapidly than it does at lower frequencies. On the
other hand, the inductive reactance vanishes as ω approaches zero.
The phase constant, φ L , can also be determined by comparing Eq. (12.2.18) to Eq.
(12.2.15), and is given by
φL = + . (12.2.21)
The current and voltage plots and the corresponding phasor diagram are shown in Figure
(a) (b)
Figure 12.2.4 (a) Time dependence of I L (t ) and VL (t ) across the inductor. (b) Phasor
diagram for the inductive circuit.
As can be seen from the figures, the current I L (t ) is out of phase with VL (t ) by
φ L = π / 2 ; it reaches its maximum value one quarter of a cycle later than VL (t ) .
The word “lag” means that the plot of I L (t ) is shifted to the right of the plot of VL (t ) in
Figure 12.2.4 (a), whereas in the phasor diagram the phasor I L (t) is “behind” the phasor
for VL (t) as they rotate counterclockwise in Figure 12.2.4(b).
I C (t) = I C 0 sin(ω t − φC ) . (12.2.22)
Q(t )
V (t ) − VC (t ) = V (t ) − = 0. (12.2.23)
I C (t) = + = ω CVC 0 cos(ω t) = ω CVC 0 sin(ω t + π / 2)
dt , (12.2.25)
= I C 0 sin(ω t + π / 2),
where we have used the trigonometric identity cos ω t = sin(ω t + π / 2) . The maximum
value of the current can be determined by comparing Eq. (12.2.25) to Eq. (12.2.22),
VC 0
I C 0 = ωCVC 0 = , (12.2.26)
XC = . (12.2.27)
The capacitive reactance also has SI units of ohms and represents the “effective
resistance” for a purely capacitive circuit. Note that X C is inversely proportional to both
C and ω , and diverges as ω approaches zero.
The phase constant can be determined by comparing Eq. (12.2.25) to Eq. (12.2.22), and is
φC = − . (12.2.28)
The current and voltage plots and the corresponding phasor diagram are shown in the
Figure 12.2.6 below.
(a) (b)
Figure 12.2.6 (a) Time dependence of I C (t ) and VC (t ) across the capacitor. (b) Phasor
diagram for the capacitive circuit.
Notice that at t = 0 , the voltage across the capacitor is zero while the current in the circuit
is at a maximum. In fact, I C (t ) reaches its maximum one quarter of a cycle earlier than
VC (t ) .
The word “lead” means that the plot of I C (t) is shifted to the left of the plot of VC (t) in
Figure 12.2.6 (a), whereas in the phasor diagram the phasor I C (t) is “ahead” the phasor
for VC (t) as they rotate counterclockwise in Figure 12.2.6(b).
Consider now the driven series RLC circuit with V (t) = V0 sin(ω t + φ ) shown in Figure
We would like to find the current in the circuit,
Notice that we have added a phase constant φ to our previous expressions for V (t) and
I(t) when we were analyzing single element driven circuits. Applying Kirchhoff’s
modified loop rule, we obtain
We can rewrite Eq. (12.3.2) using VR (t) = IR , VL (t) = LdI / dt , and VC (t) = Q / C as
dI Q
L + IR + = V0 sin(ω t + φ ) . (12.3.3)
dt C
d 2 I R dI I ωV0
+ + = cos(ω t + φ ) . (12.3.4)
dt L dt LC L
We shall find the amplitude, I 0 , of the current, and phase constant φ which is the phase
shift between the voltage source and the current by examining the phasors associates with
the three circuit elements R , L and C .
The instantaneous voltages across each of the three circuit elements R , L , and C has a
different amplitude and phase compared to the current, as can be seen from the phasor
diagrams shown in Figure 12.3.2.
Figure 12.3.2 Phasor diagrams for the relationships between current and voltage in (a)
the resistor, (b) the inductor, and (c) the capacitor, of a series RLC circuit.
Using the phasor representation, Eq. (12.3.2) can be written as
V0 = VR 0 + VL 0 + VC 0 (12.3.5)
as shown in Figure 12.3.3(a). Again we see that current phasor I 0 leads the capacitive
voltage phasor VC 0 by π / 2 but lags the inductive voltage phasor VL 0 by π / 2 . The three
voltage phasors rotate counterclockwise as time increases, with their relative positions
Figure 12.3.3 (a) Phasor diagram for the series RLC circuit. (b) voltage relationship
Using Eqs. (12.2.5), (12.2.20), and (12.2.27) for the reactances, Eq. (12.3.7) becomes
I0 = , series RLC circuit . (12.3.8)
1 2
R + (ω L −
From Figure 12.3.3(b), we can determine that the phase constant satisfies
⎛ X − XC ⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
tan φ = ⎜ L ⎟ = ⎜ω L − . (12.3.9)
⎝ XR ⎠ R ⎝ ω C ⎟⎠
1⎛ 1 ⎞
φ = tan −1 ω L − , series RLC circuit . (12.3.10)
R ⎜⎝ ω C ⎟⎠
It is crucial to note that the maximum amplitude of the AC voltage source V0 is not equal
to the sum of the maximum voltage amplitudes across the three circuit elements:
V0 ≠ VR 0 + VL 0 + VC 0 (12.3.11)
This is due to the fact that the voltages are not in phase with one another, and they reach
their maxima at different times.
12.3.1 Impedance
We have already seen that the inductive reactance X L = ω L , and the capacitive reactance
X C = 1/ ω C play the role of an effective resistance in the purely inductive and capacitive
circuits, respectively. In the series RLC circuit, the effective resistance is the impedance,
defined as
Z= X R 2 + ( X L − X C )2 (12.3.12)
The impedance also has SI units of ohms. In terms of Z , the current (Eqs. (12.3.1) and
(12.3.7)) may be rewritten as
I(t) = sin(ω t) (12.3.13)
Notice that the impedance Z also depends on the angular frequency ω , as do X L and
XC .
Using Eq. (12.3.9) for the phase constant φ and Eq. (12.3.12) for Z , we may readily
recover the limits for simple circuit (with only one element). A summary is provided in
Table 12.1 below:
Simple 1 ⎛ X − XC ⎞ Z= X R 2 + ( X L − X C )2
R L C X L = ωL XC = φ = tan −1 ⎜ L
Circuit ωC ⎝ X R ⎟⎠
resistive R 0 ∞ 0 0 0 XR
0 L ∞ XL 0 π /2 XL
0 0 C 0 XC −π / 2 XC
12.3.2 Resonance
In a driven RLC series circuit, the amplitude of the current (Eq. (12.3.8)) has a
maximum value, a resonance, which occurs at the resonant angular frequency ω 0 .
Because the amplitude I 0 of the current is inversely proportionate to Z (Eq. (12.3.13),
the maximum of I 0 occurs when Z is minimum. This occurs at an angular frequency ω 0
such that X L = X C ,
ω0 L = . (12.3.14)
ω 0C
ω0 = . (12.3.15)
I0 = , (12.3.16)
φ =0. (12.3.17)
Figure 12.3.5 The amplitude of the current as a function of ω in the driven RLC circuit,
for two different values of the resistance.
In the series RLC circuit, the instantaneous power delivered by the AC generator is given
V0 V02
P(t) = I(t)V (t) = sin(ω t) ⋅V0 sin(ω t + φ ) = sin(ω t)sin(ω t + φ )
Z Z (12.4.1)
= (sin (ω t)cos φ + sin(ω t)cos(ω t)sin φ )
1 T V0 2 1 T V0 2 1 V0
T 0 Z T 0 Z 2 Z
where we have used the integral results in Eq. (12.2.9). In terms of the rms quantities,
Vrms = V0 / 2 and I rms = Vrms / Z , the time-averaged power can be written as
2 2
1 V0 V
P(ω ) = cos φ = rms cos φ = I rmsVrms cos φ (12.4.4)
2 Z Z
The quantity cos φ is called the power factor. From Figure 12.3.4, one can readily show
cos φ = . (12.4.5)
Thus, we may rewrite P(ω ) as
P(ω ) = I rms
(ω )R , (12.4.6)
1 V0
I rms (ω ) = , (12.4.7)
2 1 2
R + (ω L −
In Figure 12.4.1, we plot the time-averaged power as a function of the driving angular
frequency ω for two driven RLC circuits, with different values of resistance, R2 > R1 .
Figure 12.4.1 Average power as a function of frequency in a driven series RLC circuit.
We see that P(ω ) attains the maximum value when cos φ = 1 , or Z = R , which is the
resonance condition. At resonance, we have
P(ω 0 ) = I rmsVrms = . (12.4.8)
12.4.1 Width of the Peak
The peak has a line width. One way to characterize the width is to define Δω = ω + − ω − ,
where ω ± are the values of the driving angular frequency such that the power is equal to
half its maximum power at resonance. This is called full width at half maximum, as
illustrated in Figure 12.4.2. The width Δω increases with resistance R .
1 V0 2 R 1 V0 2 Rω 2
P(ω ) = = , (12.4.9)
2 R 2 + (ω L − 1 / ω C)2 2 ω 2 R 2 + L2 (ω 2 − ω 02 )2
1 V0 2 1 V0 2 Rω ± 2
P((ω 0 )) = P(ω ± ) ⇒ = . (12.4.10)
2 4R 2 ω ± 2 R 2 + L2 (ω ± 2 − ω 02 )2
Rω +
ω +2 − ω 02 = + (12.4.12)
We can solve this quadratic equation, and the solution with positive root is
R ⎛ R⎞
ω+ = + ⎜ ⎟ + ω 02 . (12.4.13)
2L ⎝ 2L ⎠
Rω −
ω −2 − ω 02 = − . (12.4.14)
R ⎛ R⎞
ω− = − + ⎜ ⎟ + ω 02 . (12.4.15)
2L ⎝ 2L ⎠
Δω = ω+ − ω− = . (12.4.16)
ω0 ω0 L
Qqual = = . (12.4.17)
Δω R
Comparing the above equation with Eq. (11.10.17), we see that both expressions agree
with each other in the limit where the resistance is small, and ω ′ = ω02 − ( R / 2 L) 2 ≈ ω0 .
12.5 Transformer
Figure 12.5.1 A transformer
In the primary circuit, neglecting the small resistance in the coil, Faraday’s law of
induction implies
V1 = − N1 , (12.5.1)
where Φ B is the magnetic flux through one turn of the primary coil. The iron core, which
extends from the primary to the secondary coils, serves to increase the magnetic field
produced by the current in the primary coil and ensures that nearly all the magnetic flux
through the primary coil also passes through each turn of the secondary coil. Thus, the
voltage (or induced emf) across the secondary coil is
V2 = − N 2 . (12.5.2)
In the case of an ideal transformer, power loss due to Joule heating can be ignored, so
that the power supplied by the primary coil is completely transferred to the secondary coil,
In addition, no magnetic flux leaks out from the iron core, and the flux Φ B through each
turn is the same in both the primary and the secondary coils. Combining the two
expressions, we are lead to the transformer equation,
V2 N 2
= . (12.5.4)
V1 N1
By combining the two equations above, the transformation of currents in the two coils
may be obtained as
I1 = 2 I 2 = 2 I 2 . (12.5.5)
V1 N1
Thus, we see that the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage is determined by the
turn ratio N 2 / N1 . If N 2 > N1 , then V2 > V1 , which means that the output voltage in the
second coil is greater than the input voltage in the primary coil. A transformer with
N 2 > N1 is called a step-up transformer. On the other hand, if N 2 < N1 , then V2 < V1 , and
the output voltage is smaller than the input. A transformer with N 2 < N1 is called a step-
down transformer.
Consider the parallel RLC circuit illustrated in Figure 12.6.1. The AC voltage source is
V (t) = V0 sin(ω t) .
Unlike the series RLC circuit, the instantaneous voltages across all three circuit elements
R , L , and C are the same, and each voltage is in phase with the current through the
resistor. However, the currents through each element will be different.
In analyzing this circuit, we make use of the results discussed in Sections 12.2 – 12.4.
The current in the resistor is
V (t) V0
I R (t) = = sin(ω t) = I R0 sin(ω t) . (12.6.1)
dI L
VL (t) = V (t) = V0 sin(ω t) = L . (12.6.2)
V0 t V V
I L (t) = ∫
0 L
sin(ω t ')dt ' = − 0 cos(ω t) = 0 sin(ω t − π / 2) = I L0 sin(ω t − π / 2) ,(12.6.3)
where I L 0 = V0 / X L and X L = ω L is the inductive reactance.
Similarly, the voltage across the capacitor is VC (t) = V0 sin(ω t) = Q(t) / C , which implies
dQ V
I C (t) = = ω CV0 cos(ω t) = 0 sin(ω t + π / 2) = I C 0 sin(ω t + π / 2) , (12.6.4)
dt XC
Using Kirchhoff’s junction rule, the total current in the circuit is simply the sum of all
three currents.
The currents can be represented with the phasor diagram shown in Figure 12.6.2.
From the phasor diagram, the phasors satisfy the vector addition condition,
I0 = I R0 + I L0 + IC 0 . (12.6.6)
I 0 =| I 0 |=| I R0 + I L0 + I C 0 |= 2
I R0 + (I C 0 − I L0 )2
⎛ 1
2 . (12.6.7)
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 1 ⎞
= V0 + ⎜ ωC − = V0 +⎜ −
R ⎝
2 ⎟
ωL ⎠ X R ⎝ X C X L ⎟⎠
Therefore the amplitude of the current is
1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
I 0 = V0 + − , parallel RLC circuit . (12.6.8)
X R 2 ⎜⎝ X C X L ⎟⎠
From the phasor diagram shown in Figure 12.6.2, we see that the tangent of the phase
constant can be obtained as
V0 V0
⎛ IC 0 − I L0 ⎞ X C X L ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
tan φ = ⎜ ⎟= = R⎜ − ⎟ = R ⎜ ωC − ⎟. (12.6.9)
⎝ I R0 ⎠ V0 ⎝ XC X L ⎠ ⎝ ωL ⎠
Because I R (t ) , I L (t ) and I C (t ) are not in phase with one another, I 0 is not equal to the
sum of the amplitudes of the three currents,
I0 ≠ I R0 + I L0 + IC 0 . (12.6.11)
2 2
1 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
= + ⎜ ωC − = +⎜ − (12.6.12)
Z R ⎝
ω L ⎟⎠ X R ⎝ X C X L ⎟⎠
The resonance condition for the parallel RLC circuit is given by φ = 0 , which implies
1 1
= . (12.6.13)
We can solve Eq. (12.6.13) for the resonant angular frequency and find that
ω0 = . (12.6.14)
as in the series RLC circuit. From Eq. (12.6.12), we readily see that 1/ Z is minimum (or
Z is maximum) at resonance. The current in the inductor exactly cancels out the current
in the capacitor, so that the current in the circuit reaches a minimum, and is equal to the
current in the resistor,
I0 = 0 (12.6.15)
As in the series RLC circuit, power is dissipated only through the resistor. The time-
averaged power is
V2 V2 V2 Z
P(t) = I R (t)V (t) = I R2 (t)R = 0 sin 2 (ω t) = 0 = 0 . (12.6.16)
R 2R 2Z R
P(t ) Z 1
power factor = 2
= = = cos φ . (12.6.17)
V / 2Z
0 R ⎛ R ⎞
1 + ⎜ RωC −
⎝ ω L ⎟⎠
12.7 Summary
Resistance Current
Circuit Elements Phase constant φ
/Reactance Amplitude
R I R0 = 0
V0 π /2
X L = ωL I L0 =
XL current lags voltage by 90°
1 V0 −π / 2
XC = IC 0 =
ωC XC current leads voltage by 90°
• For circuits which have more than one circuit element connected in series, the
results are
I0 =
V0 π
R 2 + X L2 0 <φ <
R + X L2
I0 =
V0 π
R 2 + X C2 − <φ < 0
R + X C2
V0 φ > 0 if X L > X C
R 2 + ( X L − X C )2 I0 =
R + ( X L − X C )2
φ < 0 if X L < X C
where Z is the impedance Z of the circuit. For a series RLC circuit, we have
Z = R2 + (X L − X C ) .
The phase constant (phase difference between the voltage and the current) in an
AC circuit is
⎛ X − XC ⎞
φ = tan −1 ⎜ L ⎟.
⎝ R ⎠
• In the parallel RLC circuit, the impedance is given by
2 2
1 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
= + ⎜ ωC − = +⎜ − ⎟ ,
Z 2
R ⎝ ω L ⎟⎠ 2
R ⎝ XC X L ⎠
⎡ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎤ −1 ⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
φ = tan −1 ⎢ R ⎜ − ⎟ ⎥ = tan ⎢ R ⎜ ωC − ⎟ .
⎣ ⎝ X C X L ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎝ ω L ⎠ ⎥⎦
• The rms (root mean square) voltage and current in an AC circuit are given by
V0 I0
Vrms = , I rms = .
2 2
P (t ) = I rmsVrms cos φ ,
ω0 = .
At resonance, the current in the series RLC circuit reaches the maximum, but the
current in the parallel RLC circuit is at a minimum.
V2 N 2
= ,
V1 N1
where V1 is the voltage source in the primary coil with N1 turns, and V2 is the
output voltage in the secondary coil with N 2 turns. A transformer with N 2 > N1 is
called a step-up transformer, and a transformer with N 2 < N1 is called a step-down
12.8 Problem-Solving Tips
In this chapter, we have seen how phasors provide a powerful tool for analyzing the AC
circuits. Below are some important tips:
(1) For a resistor, the voltage and the phase are always in phase.
(2) For an inductor, the current lags the voltage by 90° .
(3) For a capacitor, the current leads the voltage by 90° .
2. When circuit elements are connected in series, the instantaneous current is the same for
all elements, and the instantaneous voltages across the elements are out of phase. On
the other hand, when circuit elements are connected in parallel, the instantaneous
voltage is the same for all elements, and the instantaneous currents across the elements
are out of phase.
3. For series connection, draw a phasor diagram for the voltages. The amplitudes of the
voltage drop across all the circuit elements involved should be represented with
phasors. In Figure 12.8.1 the phasor diagram for a series RLC circuit is shown for
both the inductive case X L > X C and the capacitive case X L < X C .
(a) (b)
Figure 12.8.1 Phasor diagram for the series RLC circuit for (a) X L > X C and (b)
X L < XC .
From Figure 12.8.1(a), we see that VL 0 > VC 0 in the inductive case and V0 leads I 0 by a
phase constant φ . For the capacitive case shown in Figure 12.8.1(b), VC 0 > VL 0 and I 0
leads V0 by a phase constant φ .
4. When VL 0 = VC 0 , or φ = 0 , the circuit is at resonance. The corresponding resonant
angular frequency is ω0 = 1/ LC , and the power delivered to the resistor is a
5. For parallel connection, draw a phasor diagram for the currents. The amplitudes of the
currents across all the circuit elements involved should be represented with phasors. In
Figure 12.8.2 the phasor diagram for a parallel RLC circuit is shown for both the
inductive case X L > X C and the capacitive case X L < X C .
(a) (b)
Figure 12.8.2 Phasor diagram for the parallel RLC circuit for (a) X L > X C and (b)
X L < XC .
From Figure 12.8.2(a), we see that I L 0 > I C 0 in the inductive case and V0 leads I 0 by a
phase constant φ . For the capacitive case shown in Figure 12.8.2(b), I C 0 > I L 0 and I 0
leads V0 by a phase constant φ .
(b) Let the current at any instant in the circuit be I(t) = I 0 sin(ω t − φ ) . Find I0.
Z = R2 + (X L − X C ) ,
⎛ 1 ⎞
Z = (40.0 Ω) + ⎜ (200 rad/s)(0.160 H) −
V0 40.0 V
I0 = = = 0.911A . (12.9.3)
Z 43.9 Ω
(c) The phase constant (the phase difference between the voltage source and the current)
is given by
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎛ ⎞ ω L −
X − XC
φ = tan −1 ⎜ L
= tan −1 ⎜ ωC ⎟
⎟ ⎟
⎝ R ⎠ ⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
(200 rad/s)(0.160 H) −
⎜ (200 rad/s)(100 × 10 −6 F) ⎟
= tan −1 ⎜ ⎟ = −24.2°.
⎜ 40.0 Ω ⎟
⎜⎝ ⎟⎠
Figure 12.9.1 RLC series circuit
(a) Calculate VR 0 , VL 0 and VC 0 , the maximum values of the voltage drop across each
circuit element.
(b) Calculate the maximum potential difference across the inductor and the capacitor
between points b and d shown in Figure 12.9.1.
(a) The inductive reactance, capacitive reactance and the impedance of the circuit are
given by
1 1
XC = = = 200 Ω , (12.9.5)
ω C (100 rad/s)(50.0 × 10−6 F)
The impedance is
V0 150 V
I0 = = = 0.765 A . (12.9.8)
Z 196 Ω
The maximum voltage across the resistance is the product of maximum current and the
VL0 = I 0 X L = (0.765 A)(8.00 Ω) = 6.12 V . (12.9.10)
V0 = VR 0 2 + (VL 0 − VC 0 ) 2 . (12.9.12)
(b) From b to d , the maximum voltage would be the difference between VL 0 and VC 0 ,
| Vbd | = | VL 0 + VC 0 | = | VL 0 − VC 0 | = | 6.12 V − 153 V| = 147 V . (12.9.13)
12.9.3 Resonance
A sinusoidal voltage V (t) = (200 V)sin(ω t) is applied to a series RLC circuit with
L = 10.0 mH , C = 100 nF , and R = 20.0 Ω . Find the following quantities:
(d) the amplitude of the voltage across the inductor at the resonant frequency.
ω0 1 1 1 1
f = = = = 5033Hz . (12.9.14)
2π 2π LC 2π (10.0 × 10 H)(100 × 10−9 F)
V0 200 V
I0 = = = 10.0 A . (12.9.15)
R 20.0 Ω
(c) The quality factor Qqual of the circuit is given by
(a) Find V20 / V10 , the ratio of the maximum output voltage V20 to the maximum input
voltage V10 .
V10 V0
I0 = = . (12.9.18)
Z1 ( R + r ) 2 + X L2
V20 = I 0 Z 2 = I 0 R 2 + X L2 . (12.9.19)
This implies
V20 R 2 + X L2
= . (12.9.20)
V10 ( R + r ) 2 + X L2
R 2 + X L2 1 ( R + r )2 − 4 R 2
= ⇒ X L = . (12.9.21)
( R + r ) 2 + X L2 4 3
Figure 12.9.3
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 12.9.3. The sinusoidal voltage source is
V (t) = V0 sin(ω t) . If both switches S1 and S 2 are closed initially, find the following
quantities, ignoring the transient effect and assuming that R , L , V0 , and ω are known.
(c) The current as a function of time a long time after only S1 is opened.
(d) The capacitance C if both S1 and S 2 are opened for a long time, with the current and
voltage in phase.
(e) The impedance of the circuit when both S1 and S 2 are opened.
(h) The phase difference between the current and the voltage if the frequency of V (t ) is
(i) The frequency at which the inductive reactance X L is equal to half the capacitive
reactance X C .
(a) When both switches S1 and S 2 are closed, the current only goes through the generator
and the resistor, so the total impedance of the circuit is R and the current is
I R (t) = sin(ω t) . (12.9.23)
(b) The average power is given by
V0 2 V0 2
P(t) = I R (t)V (t) = sin (ω t) =
. (12.9.24)
R 2R
(c) If only S1 is opened, after a long time the current will pass through the generator, the
resistor and the inductor. For this RL circuit, the impedance becomes
1 1
Z= = , (12.9.25)
R 2 + X L2 R 2 + ω 2 L2
I(t) = I 0 sin(ω t − φ ) = sin[ω t − tan −1 (ω L / R)] . (12.9.27)
R +ω L
2 2 2
Note that in the limit of vanishing resistance R = 0 , φ = π / 2 , and we recover the
expected result for a purely inductive circuit.
(d) If both switches are opened, then this would be a driven RLC circuit, with the phase
constant φ given by
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎛ ⎞ ωL −
φ = tan −1 ⎜ L
− X C
= tan −1 ⎜ ωC ⎟ . (12.9.28)
⎟ ⎟
⎝ R ⎠ ⎜ R ⎟
⎝ ⎠
If the current and the voltage are in phase, then φ = 0 , implying tan φ = 0 . Let the
corresponding angular frequency be ω0 ; we then obtain
ω0 L = . (12.9.29)
ω0 C
Therefore the capacitance is
C= . (12.9.30)
ω0 2 L
(e) From (d), when both switches are opened, the circuit is at resonance with X L = X C .
Thus, the impedance of the circuit becomes
Z = R 2 + ( X L − X C )2 = R . (12.9.31)
1 1
U E = CVC2 = C ( IX C ) 2 . (12.9.32)
2 2
1 1 ⎛V ⎞ 1 V02 L
U C ,max = CI 02 X C2 = C ⎜ 0 ⎟ = , (12.9.33)
2 2 ⎝ R ⎠ ω 0 2C 2 2 R 2
1 2 LV02
U L ,max = LI 0 = . (12.9.34)
2 2R2
(h) If the frequency of the voltage source is doubled, i.e., ω = 2ω0 = 1/ LC , then the
phase constant becomes
⎛ ω L − 1 / ωC ⎞ ⎛
−1 (2 / LC )L − ( LC / 2C) ⎞ ⎛ 3 L⎞
φ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟⎠ = tan ⎜ ⎟ = tan −1
⎜ ⎟ . (12.9.35)
⎝ R ⎝ R ⎠ ⎝ 2R C ⎠
1 1 1
XL = X ⇒ ωL = . (12.9.36)
2 C 2 ωC
1 ω
ω= = 0 . (12.9.37)
2 LC 2
12.9.6 RL Filter
Figure 12.9.4
Let the inductance be L = 400 mH, and the input voltage Vin = (20.0 V)sin(ω t) , where
ω = 200 rad/s .
(a) What is the value of R such that the output voltage lags behind the input voltage by
30.0° ?
(b) Find the ratio of the amplitude of the output and the input voltages. What type of filter
is this circuit, high-pass or low-pass?
(c) If the positions of the resistor and the inductor were switched, would the circuit be a
high-pass or a low-pass filter?
(a) Because the output voltage Vout is measured across the resistor, it is in phase with the
current. Therefore the phase difference φ between Vout and Vin is equal to the phase
constant and satisfies
tan φ = = = . (12.9.38)
Thus, we have
ω L (200 rad/s)(0.400 H)
R= = = 139Ω . (12.9.39)
tan φ tan 30.0°
Vout VR R
= = = cos φ = cos 30.0° = 0.866. (12.9.40)
Vin Vin R + X L2
The circuit is a low-pass filter, since the ratio Vout / Vin decreases with increasing ω .
−1/ 2
Vout VL XL ω 2 L2 ⎡ ⎛ R ⎞2 ⎤
= = = = ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ .
Vin Vin R 2 + X L2 R 2 + ω 2 L2 ⎢⎣ ⎝ ω L ⎠ ⎥⎦
The circuit is a high-pass filter, since the ratio Vout / Vin approaches one in the limit as
ω >> R / L .
12.10 Conceptual Questions
(a) How does the capacitive reactance change if the driving frequency is doubled?
(b) Are there any times when the capacitor is supplying power to the AC source?
2. If the applied voltage leads the current in a series RLC circuit, is the frequency
above or below resonance?
3. Consider the phasor diagram shown in Figure 12.10.1 for a series RLC circuit.
Figure 12.10.1
(c) Give an estimate of the phase constant φ between the applied AC voltage and the
4. How does the power factor in a RLC circuit change with resistance R ,
inductance L , and capacitance C ?
6. If the power factor in a RLC circuit is cos φ = 1/ 2 , can you tell whether the
current leading or lagging the voltage? Explain.
12.11 Additional Problems
(a) (b)
Figure 12.11.1 (a) A purely capacitive circuit, and (b) a purely inductive circuit.
(i) What is the applied angular frequency ω and, (ii) the applied frequency f , in order
that X L = 1300 Ω ?
(c) At what frequency f would our 0.5-µF capacitor and our 45-mH inductor have the
same reactance? What would this reactance be? How would this frequency compare to
the natural resonant frequency of free oscillations if the components were connected as
an LC oscillator with zero resistance?
The circuit shown in Figure 12.11.2 contains an inductor L , a capacitor C , and a resistor
R in series with an AC generator, which provides a source of sinusoidally varying emf
V (t) = V0 sin(ω t) . This emf drives current I (t ) = I 0 sin(ωt − φ ) through the circuit at
angular frequency ω .
Figure 12.11.2
(a) At what angular frequency ω will the circuit resonate with maximum response, as
measured by the amplitude I 0 of the current in the circuit? What is the value of the
maximum current amplitude I max ?
(b) What is the value of the phase constant φ (the phase difference between V (t ) and
I (t ) ) at this resonant angular frequency?
(c) Suppose the angular frequency ω is increased from the resonance value until the
amplitude I 0 of the current decreases from I max to I max / 2 . What is new value of the
phase difference φ between the emf and the current? Does the current lead or lag the
12.11.3 RC Circuit
(b) What is the phase difference between the voltage and the current?
(d) Find the voltage drop both across the resistor and the capacitor.
12.11.4 Black Box
The elements in the circuit and their arrangement, however, are unknown. Measurements
outside the black box provide the following information: V (t) = (80 V)sin(ω t) , and
I(t) = (1.6 A)sin(ω t + 45°) .
(f) Compute the average power delivered to the black box by the AC source.
The AC voltage source is V (t) = V0 sin(ω t) .
(e) What is the phase difference between the current and the voltage?
(e) What is the phase difference between the current and the voltage?
(a) What is the resonant angular frequency ω 0 ?
(c) Let the driving angular frequency be ω = 4000 rad/s . Compute X C , X L , Z , and φ .
12.11.8 FM Antenna
Figure 12.11.6
(a) For what angular frequency ω0 (radians/sec) of the incoming waves will the circuit
be “in tune”-- that is, for what ω0 will the current in the circuit be a maximum.
(c) Assuming that the incoming wave is “in tune,” what will be the amplitude of the
current in the circuit at this “in tune” angular frequency.
(d) What is the amplitude of the potential difference across the capacitor at this “in
tune” angular frequency?
Suppose you want a series RLC circuit to tune to your favorite FM radio station that
broadcasts at a frequency of 89.7 MHz . You would like to avoid the station that
broadcasts at 89.5 MHz . In order to achieve this, for a given input voltage signal from
your antenna, you want the width of your resonance to be narrow enough at 89.7 MHz
such that the current flowing in your circuit will be 10 −2 times less at 89.5 MHz than at
89.7 MHz . You cannot avoid having a resistance of R = 0.1 Ω , and practical
considerations also dictate that you use the minimum L possible.
(a) In terms of your circuit parameters, L , R and C , what is the amplitude of your
current in your circuit as a function of the angular frequency of the input signal?
(b) What is the angular frequency of the input signal at the desired resonance?
(e) Show that at resonance, the ratio of the amplitude of the voltage across the inductor
with the driving signal amplitude is the quality of the resonance.
(f) Show that at resonance the ratio of the amplitude of the voltage across the capacitor
with the driving signal amplitude is the quality of the resonance.
(g) What is the time-averaged power at resonance that the signal delivers to the circuit?
(h) What is the phase constant for the input signal at 89.5 MHz ?
(i) What is the time-averaged power for the input signal at 89.5 MHz ?