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Awareness and Settlement of IT Field Key Challenges for

Next Generation Development in World

Muhammad Bilal Zhi Yu
Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Service Robot Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Service Robot
College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China Hangzhou 310027, China
[email protected] [email protected]

Abid Bashir Muhammad Ali Hussain

Information Technology Services Management Science and Engineering
Manager MIS / Deputy Director of IT School of Management and Economics, University of
Department of Computer Science, National Textile Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
University, Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan 611731, China
[email protected] [email protected]


Information Technology (IT) is playing a vital role in all aspects • Networks → Network services → Network management
of our lives nowadays. IT is usually used for fast communication
links and transferring useful information from one place to another. Keywords
Nevertheless, around the world, unfortunately, IT is not properly Information Technology; Internet; Transmission medium;
handled. Without IT and Information and Communication Decision-makers; Developing countries
Technology (ICT) world will become a dark place. M ost of the
research in the IT field is inadequate. A subjective IT field 1. INTRODUCTION
development framework designed with the assistance of better Information Technology (IT) is the technology that use to gather,
Internet features utilized properly in all developing countries arrange process, and distribution process data in an accurate
around the world. The proposed IT development framework can application. The processed data improve knowledge and allow us
be used innovatively by adopting a wireless-based network in to make the right decision and action begin. The most common
developing country growth around the world. We analyzed wired data types are numbers, text, image, audio, and video-based on
and wireless systems based on six common key Internet feature which IT processes and stores information [1].
parameters for IT field improvement in developing countries Information technology is considered as a multiplicity term
around the world. In this empirical research, a total of 72 IT because information technology has used in different studies in
professional specialists included based on the statistical technique different aspects. According to Thong & Yap defines information
judgment sampling. The questionnaire survey results signify that technology is a solution of computer software and hardware that
speed, security, and reliability Internet features in the wired supports the provision of operational, management, and
network are better than the wireless network. Moreover, mobility, organizational strategy (1995). Boar describes that information
coverage area, and cost relevant Internet features in the wireless technology is a technology that involved operations, storage,
network are much better than a wired network. According to transport, access management, collection, and altogether
expert decision-makers' strategy, the wireless-based network procedures of information transformation (1997). Information
transmission medium is better to develop improvement in the technology considers as technological aspects of information
world. Therefore, it finally concluded that developing countries systems by Hollander et al. (1997). Information technology is the
could also play a significant role in the IT field as well as other application of Information and Communication Technologies
fields around the world if Internet features are provided in the (ICT), which includes hardware, software, and computer networks
form of a wireless-based network properly. In the future, security that required the Internet connection. IT covers a wide range of
and speed relevant problems will be resolved in the wireless-based information processing and computer applications at the
system through improving routing algorithms. organization level by Tan et al. (2009) [2].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for Information Technology is the technology that uses computer-
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are related resource information and transfers information from one
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that place to another place in a well-organized way. IT is a high-speed,
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights innovative technology throughout the world because it merges all
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or other existing fields in the world. IT-based on three specific
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior components.
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from  Computer
[email protected].
 Communication Networks
ICIT 2019, December 20–23, 2019, Shanghai, China
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.  Know-How [1, 3]
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7663-1/19/12…$15.00

development in the world. Information system relevant public
Computer projects continuously failed in employment in developing
Hardware countries because of the high level of government and private
Program vendors' conflict. Nowadays, developing countries' progress
depends on better decision making [10-14].
Information Decision making is one of the significant problems for the
Technology Program decision-makers in the computer science and information
Comprises Three
Interlocking Components Information technology field. Decision making generally classified into two
principal groups, such as decision sciences (Human-based) and
People decision systems (computer-based). A computer-based system is a
Applications program-based decision system. Decision sciences, further divided
Procedures into three groups, consist of normative, descriptive, and decision
support. The decision support is very crucial in the decision than
Figure 1. Components of Information Technology [3] the above two decision science systems. The decision support
Information Technology cannot be used effectively without these further divided into three subsystems consists of operational
three mentioned IT components involvement, as shown above in research, decision analysis, and decision support system. The
Figure 1. Nevertheless, the Web communication gap is still a decision support system usually used in severe decision problems.
hornets’ nest in the developing countries. The IT field is not used Decision making defined as a mental process that involves
in developing countries in better ways because of the lack of multiple options, judgment, and alternative. Human-based
awareness, and communication gaps are still there. These Web decision making also plays a vital role in any organization's
communication gaps could be situated remove through the help of success [15].
transmission media types consists of wired or wireless networks. Telecommunication industries are finding unique ways to transfer
Furthermore, ICT policy not implemented properly still has issues reliable and secure information in the communication network
in developing countries [3-5]. with maximizing their investment. The critical two popular
Information technology components are essential for managing communication mediums are existing in the form of a wired and
policy compliance. The data is necessary for determining policy wireless system. The term “wireless” basically is used for radio
compliance, and policy compliance report is also produced based receiver or transceiver. In a wireless network, routing is a
on the data. The leading information technology infrastructures nontrivial nature due to an extremely dynamic environment. In
are including instance data centers, an enterprise such as network recent years, several routing protocols have been designed for the
switches, storage devices, computer systems, computer betterment of a wireless network. In each different protocol has a
applications, and servers, etc. Today, organizations are spending a different security policy exists. Wireless network main parameters
lot of financial resources for handling IT infrastructure that such as mobility, usability, coverage, and reliability aspects are
differentiates other IT infrastructure competitors. The IT policy much better than a wired network. However, speed and security
compliances are including security policy, massage delivery issues still exist [4, 16].
policy, backup policy, message organization policy, login policy, How can developing countries make progress efficiently in the
error policy, fault policy, and event policy, etc. These compliance information technology field around the world for the next
policies are managed information technology components by generation growth? How can developing countries improve Web
identifying, determining, analyzing compliance policy methods [6]. communication gaps in the information technolo gy field around
Human emotions and performance are also handled by IT because the world for next-generation development?
the system cannot run successfully without human involvement The rest of this paper is organized in the following way: Section 2
and corporate satisfaction. The non-functional requirements are describes the related work of the information technology field and
provided to users, for instance, usability, and coverage area for the Internet relevant to vital challenges in developing countries
users is understanding correctly [7]. around the world. Section 3 defines the methodology of
information technology field important issues highlight and also
The infrastructure of information technology provides the basis on
which a firm can construct a precise information system. It is provides ways to manage these issues in developing countries
essential with the aspect of business in which information systems around the world. Section 4 deliberated results and discussion
exist. IT investment in sales and profitability is much higher than about the information technology field, and the Internet features
any other expenditures such as advertising, research, and main issues around the world accurately. Section 5 describes the
limitations of the IT field and wireless network key challenges.
developments [8, 9].
Section 6 concludes the central theme of our paper and also
The Information System (IS) generally classified into five major provides guidelines to network administrators of developing
categories: countries that will help them to perform better in the IT field in the
 Office Information System (OIS) future.
 Transaction Processing System (TPS)
 M anagement Information System (M IS) 2. RELATED WORK
The main impacts of information technology on the world level
 Decision Support System (DSS)
organizations are in financial crises. These financial crises have
 Executive System (ES)
amplified to a better understanding of geographical similarities
All mentioned above, information system categories interrelate and differences in managerial and technical IT trends. Due to the
with each other for a better management system. Appropriate use economic crises, IT relevant services were not spread out in the
of one of the information system categories, like a decision world entirely. The quantitative analysis-based survey conducted
support system, can play a vital role in developing countries' in four regions consisting of Europe, the United States, Latin

America, and Asia total of 472 organizations. Nevertheless, the hotels, trains, libraries, etc. M oreover, wireless technology has
cost, speed, reliability, efficiency, and communication gap still some limitations, such as suffer in speed, and radio waves suffer
exist in IT business progress in these countries [17]. in propagation losses and user security [24].
Information Technology became famous in 1970 due to different The computer networks are typically a shared resource used in
applications, but the vast gaps created among the developed and several applications and purposes. Sometimes data transmitted in
developing countries. The developing countries have faced these applications have confidential, and users prefer that other
significant issues as compared to developed countries, for instance, users are unable to read this data A firewall programmed router
economic, market demand, human capabilities, stockholders, and has sat between the site and the rest of the network for confidential
utility infrastructure. If ICT technologies cannot be utilized in data. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) has an example of
developing countries in an organized way, then these countries providing controlled connectivity over the public network on the
have no values in the IT field. Because the IT field is very much Internet. The IP-tunnel concepts have come from the VPNs
crucial in day to day human daily [18]. network. In this paper, a system set up where servers are accessed
This paper has highlighted the critical issues to improve the over the Internet by users who have different privileges. Both
transferability of knowledge in ICT. ICT has played an essential firewalls and VPN provide security -relevant information on the
servers though maintained users' access with suitable opportunities.
role in managing a knowledge-based economy. The general
expertise obtained from Information where information is M oreover, security comparisons of wired and wireless networks
gathered by arranging data in a meaningful form. According to realized with the assistance of OPNET 1.0. The simulation results
microeconomic analysis, knowledge seems to behave like showing that the wired networks were able to receive data with or
information. The knowledge has two ways, such as without security using much better than wireless networks [25].
explicit/codified knowledge and Implicit/tacit knowledge. The The wired and wireless communication system is very much
codified knowledge is transmitted in the form of symbols or crucial for the next generations' development regarding accessible
recorded, for instance, writing, drawing, and tangible way. The Internet services. These services are in the form of convenience,
tacit knowledge is a non-codified knowledge attained through the ultra-high bandwidth, and cost-effective way for fixed and mobile
informal response of learning behaviors and procedures. However, users. The Radio Over Fiber (ROF) is one of the leading
ICT favors the transferability of knowledge in the form of codified technologies that enhanced capacity, bandwidth, mobility, and
that can reduce the data. This paper focuses on the central issues decreases the cost of both wired and wireless systems. The radio-
of the relationship between knowledge transfer, ICT, and trust. over-fiber novel has a scheme simultaneously attained
The ICT main impact of knowledge transferred is examined and independent wired and wireless fewer signals through the single
review by evidence of knowledge management and transfer intensity of the modulator. According to experimental results
knowledge in Research and Development (R&D) international illustrate the ROF optical-based wireless access network has a
enterprise activities. The ICT restricted the transfer of knowledge suitable solution in the future. This unique scheme obtained
in tacit form due to the relationship of trust, and mutual critical advantages in the form of system simplicity, reliability,
understanding develops among parties difficult. The new ICT and flexibility [26].
communication issues can be managed in the future by this critical The wired system consists of a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL),
review of transfer knowledge in the codified form [19]. cables, and fiber broadband technology. M oreover, the wireless
The information system issues were examined in developing network based upon the latest technologies that include Very
countries through a survey from 2000 to onward. In this survey, Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), and
significant terms were addressed, such as technology role, Worldwide Interoperability for M icrowave Access (WiM AX)
methodological, and theoretical aspects. Second, it mainly focused broadband technology. In the developing countries, most of the
on how to handle ICT study aspects and recognized gaps in people live in poverty status and a shortage of physical
developing countries. It also suggested future opportunities in infrastructure that consists of roads, bridges, and dams.
these countries [20]. Technology awareness and management are some of the main
M any strategies have implemented for the proper use of limitations all-around developing countries [27].
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in
underdeveloped and developing countries. Nevertheless, these
Information Technology (IT) plays a vital role in every aspect of
countries are still lackin g in the ICT sector. If developing
life. However, around the world, the IT sector is not operating
countries economically stronger if using the latest technologies in
correctly. Around the world, the usage of IT services in
the ICT field [21, 22]. Internet technology is necessary for the
developing countries is much costly as compared to settled
survival of all the latest technologies, such as communication
countries. According to our research, specific underdeveloped
technology, sensing technology, wireless technology, and the
countries in the world that includes Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan,
Internet of Things (IoT) technology around the world.
Senegal, Tanzania, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. In developed
Nevertheless, most famous technology IoT still facing security
countries, IT is almost free of cost. Nevertheless, in developing
issues in all architecture layers [23]. countries, the concept of IT knowledge is not even known by
Security has played a significant role in wireless networks. The everyone. For the awareness of IT knowledge in developing
3G and 4G networks have separate security layers, but still, countries around the world, IT professionals can play a vital role.
malicious attacks are possible. The wireless network attacks have IT considered the backbone of globalization across the globe. On
been classified based on availability, authentication, the other hand, in developing countries, this ratio is meager.
confidentiality, access control, and availability. Currently, the
According to our viewpoint, if we practice the information
mobility of the world increased, so traditional wired network
technology environment correctly around the whole world on a
methods got limited. This shortfall covered through wireless
technology equal basis without any discrimination, developing
networks. Hotspot technology has supported the flexibility of a
countries can also play a fair role in the information technology
wireless network that can be installed anywhere, such as airports,

race. If cost-effective Internet features provided in wireless among the cities, towns, and villages around the world will
networks, then knowledge is delivered quickly in the whole world, overcome through IT in a better way. Secondly, the Internet of
especially cities, towns, and villages. The conventional and costly Things (IoT) technology is still advance technology for
wired system for Internet users must be situated replace. developing countries around the world. M oreover, if the wireless
Information technology has always required innovation. Only system has been establishing in the world, then most of the cell
some boosters are needed for wireless networks to be established phones can easily access this networking facility. The Subjective
around the world in all areas, including cities, towns, and villages. design framework of IT field development in the world through
In this way, the geographical and Web communication gaps better Internet features used is shown in Figure 2, given below.

IT FIELD (World Level Established)

Best Decision-Making Strategy


Decision Making (Expert Decision Makers)

Internet Features Utilization

Transmission Medium Infrastructure

Untrusty systems Trusty systems

Wired System (Costly) Wireless System (Almost Free)

Bundle of cables/Wires used No cables/wires used

Low Flexibility High Flexibility

Connectivity Limited Connectivity Anytime Anyplace

Difficult to Install and Maintain Easy to Install and Maintain

Limited Area Coverage Larger Area Coverage

Less Communication Devices More Communication Devices


Figure 2. The S ubjective framework of IT field development in the world with better Internet features utilize
The proposed subjective framework of IT field development in administration seats corruption issues, personal interests, and
developing countries around the world with proper use of lack of awareness in IT filed around the world.
Internet features shown in above Figure 2. According to our The suitable human-based expert decision making can be helpful
proposed design framework, expert decision making can play an for the survival of IT infrastructure in developing countries
important role in IT field progress in developing countries around the world. For instance, an expert decision is very crucial
around the world. Unfortunately, developing countries are in better transmission media type selection. There are two main
lacking in specialist decision making because of high conventional transmission mediums used in Internet connection

consists of the wired and wireless system. Our proposed design world leads to a better economic solution. It is also removing the
provides help to experts in decision making in such a way that Web communication gaps by effective use of information
transmission medium type is most suitable for the survival of the technology in the world. Because suitable Web communication
IT field in developing countries around the world. Our design ways are connected to all developing countries with each other
framework signifies that the wired network is challenging to to gain knowledge effectively across the globe. Our proposed
handle for the survival of IT sector awareness and settlement in design framework strategy cycle is depending upon the
developing countries around the world. The wired system is very following sequence:
costly because of the number of cables used, low flexibility
Information Technology Field Improvement  Web
issues, limited connectivity issues, difficult to install and
Communication Gaps Relevant Issues  Information System
manage, limited coverage area issues, and fewer communication Categories Selection  Decision Support Suitable  Internet
devices used. Nevertheless, in the wireless system, all features Features Usage  Transmission M edium Selection  Wireless
are much better than wired systems. Thus, the implementation of Network Suitable  Next Generation Development
wireless network Internet services infrastructure around the

Figure 3. Comparatively analysis of wired and wireless system common Internet features

Engineering Field
We analyzed both wired and wireless systems based on Internet
Business infrastructure for next-generation improvement in the IT field
Science Field
Field around the world. Some significant parameters, such as mobility,
speed, cost, security, coverage area, and reliability, are included
in both systems comparisons. In this comparative analysis, a
Information total of 72 persons of IT professional experts is included based
Technology on the judgment sampling technique. This questionnaire is the
Defense Field Medical Field
Spread design itself for better development in developing countries that
Knowledge removes Web communication gaps in the IT field. The
Around the following twelve concerning questions were asked of these IT
World Efficiently professionals to check the better Internet aspects of both wired
Agricultural via Wireless- Researcher and wireless systems. In this survey, both Strongly Agree and
Field based Internet Field Agree parameters will be considered as same. Similarly, in this
Adoption survey, both disagree and Strongly Disagree parameters will be
considered as same.
According to the questionnaire survey (77.77%), respondents
Social Field approved that the mobility features in wireless networks exist.
The (38.88%) respondents supported that the speed features in
Management Field wireless network exist. The respondents (51.38%) felt that the
cost features in wireless networks exist. Approximately 27.77%
Figure 4. Information Technology (IT) utilization in the of the respondents preferred that the security features in a
developing countries specific field wireless network exist. 62.5% of respondents felt that coverage

area features in wireless networks exist. The respondents 61173185,61173186) and National Key Technology R&D
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