The Most Popular Position in Cyber World

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The term Information Technology

(IT) includes not only the use of computers
but also communications networks and computer literacy
knowledge of how to use computer technology. Simply, term of
Information Technology is included in the scope of cyber world
which has already been spread all over the world. As in other
fields, the basic tasks of gathering, allocating, controlling, and
retrieving information are the same. The push to use IT in all
aspects of health care, from the electronic health record (EHR)
to integrated hospital information technology (HIT) systems,
makes it crucial for health care professionals to be familiar with basic
computer concepts.
Information Technology also covers a broad spectrum of hardware and software
solutions that enable organizations to gather, organize, and analyze data that helps them achieve
their goals. It also details technology-based workflow processes that expand the capacity of an
organization to deliver services that generate revenue. The four main focuses of IT personnel
are business computer network and database management, information security, business
software development, and computer tech support.
Along with the development of computer technology which is very fast, then the
educational program in Computer Science program is directed at the mastery of science and
informatics engineering skills based on the ability to understand, analyze, assess, implement,
and create software in the computer processing. In addition, the one who learns about
information technology is expected to have the ability to plan a network and computer
systems, as well as master the basics of science and technology information as a basis for
the development of advanced study.
Here are some of the most popular positions for people interested in Information
1. Computer Systems Analyst
In this position, analysts design and develop computer
systems, and They are the expert at every facet of hardware,
software, and networks. Analysts also evaluate the systems and
research the industry for better products to enhance their
existing system.
2. Cloud Specialist
Cloud specialists organize and give configuration to the information infrastructure in
the sky. Because this is still an emerging technology, these architects are highly sought
after and one of the top-paying professions in the industry.
3. Computer Forensic Investigator
These investigators are computer crime detectives that search for, identify, and evaluate
information from computer systems.

4. Health IT Specialist
Health IT is booming, especially with Affordable Care Act coming on and transition from paper
to electronic health records. Health IT specialists will mix computer knowledge will record-
keeping skills, medical coding, and billing.
5. Database Administrator
Database administrators create, upgrade, and test for
6. Web Developer
Web developers are in high demand
because they have a great understanding of what makes a good
operating system. They create web pages, web applications and
web content with their knowledge of what the average surfer
finds visually stimulating and how to optimize sites for mobile
tech, among numerous other skills.
7. IT Manager
These managers are the contact pros when your email won't send or Microsoft Word doesn't
open. As the head of the IT department, they ensure that a company's network is operating
smoothly and that dangerous threats like malware are minimized.
8. Information Technology Vendor Manager
Slightly more hands-off compared to some tech positions, vendor managers oversee supply
when it comes to software and hardware. This can mean anything from Microsoft's latest word
processor to health IT programs for hospitals.
9. Computer Systems Administrator
The expertise of network and computer systems administrators is essential to every office.
Aside from maintaining a healthy computer network, they also lend their tech knowledge to
managing telecommunication networks. This profession is expected to add 96,600 new
positions by 2020!
10. Mobile Application Developer
Because of our highly-mobile lifestyle, mobile application developers are and will be in
high demand for years to come, especially as mobile devices and technology becomes
increasingly sophisticated.
Vocabulary lists in context:
1. broad (adj): including a wide range of things; general
2. configuration (n): the way in which all the equipment that makes up a computer system is set to operate
3. demand (n): a need for something to be supplied
4. enhance (v): to improve the quality
5. expand (v): to make something increase in this way
6. network (n): a large system consisting of many similar parts that are connected together to allow movement or
communication between or along the parts or between the parts and a control center
7. retrieve (v): to find and bring back something vendor (n): someone who is selling something

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