P-I Guide Bills of Lading 3 4pp V2 LR
P-I Guide Bills of Lading 3 4pp V2 LR
P-I Guide Bills of Lading 3 4pp V2 LR
The condition of the cargo condition at the time of loading. The to issue a clean bill of lading. In
issue as to when the loading operations consideration of doing so the shipper/
a) Owners’ obligations: to record
are finished is a more difficult matter charterers may propose to issue an
the apparent order and condition
in particular for bulk cargo. If this LOI (Letter of Indemnity) in favour
of the goods
situation arises Members should of the owners/charterers.
Article III Rule 3 of the Hague Visby contact the Club Managers for advice.
Issuing a clean bill of lading when the
Rules states that the carrier or the
If the cargo is not in “apparent good cargo is damaged, constitutes fraud
master are under an obligation to
order and condition” the bill of lading under English law. An LOI for which
record the condition of the cargo as
should be claused. The master is not the purpose is to defraud a third party
received: “After receiving the goods
expected to be an expert: he is only is unenforceable under English law.
into his charge the carrier or the
expected to ascertain damages or Furthermore, not only will the LOI be
master or agent of the carrier shall, on
defects apparent to a reasonable, non- unenforceable but the carrier may
demand of the shipper, issue to the
expert person. This duty is reflected prejudice his Club cover - see again
shipper a bill of lading showing among
within the ambit of the Club’s cover in the exclusions from cover under Rule
other things:… c) the apparent order
respect of cargo claims and failure to 2 Section 16(c)(e).
and condition of the goods….”
comply with this duty may result and
c) If the cargo is damaged prior
As a result the carrier should clause cover restrictions – see Rule 2 Section
to loading but the charterparty
the mate’s receipts and bills of s16(c) (e).
stipulates that “the carrier shall only
ladings (B/Ls) if the cargo is
Reference to a survey report will not issue clean bills” or “sign the bill of
damaged before loading.
constitute adequate clausing (unless it lading as presented”: what should
The carrier’s duty is to record is attached to all bills of lading and the the carrier/owner do?
the apparent visible of the cargo pages are numbered as forming part of
If the charterparty requires the master
“condition” not “its quality”. The the bill of lading together with, ideally,
to issue clean mate’s receipts or bills
description must be accurate, the bill of lading number stamped on
of lading, the master should reject (if
proportionate and record the condition the report).
possible) any cargo which description
of the cargo at the moment of receipt
b) Can the carrier issue a clean bill would require the bill of lading to be
by the carrier.
of lading against a letter of claused. If only defective cargo is
A question arises as to whether the bill indemnity (LOI)? available, then shippers/charterers
of lading should be claused when the cannot rely on the charterparty to
The shippers will generally require
cargo is damaged after receipt by the force the issue of clean bills.
a clean bill of lading in order for the
carrier but before the bill of lading is
bank to make a payment through the The master is entitled to refuse to
issued. If the bill of lading is a “shipped
documentary credit system. If a cargo sign the bill of lading, even if the
on board” bill, then the bill of lading
is damaged, the shipper/charterers charterparty requires the master
must show the apparent order and
will often put pressure on the carrier to sign it “as presented”.
Claims Guides
4. If it is apparent that the figures are Option 2: Can the master/owner insert “The shipper shall be deemed to have
incorrect, what should the carriers/ the ship’s figures and shipper’s guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy
owners do? figures into the bills of lading? at the time of the shipment of the
marks, number, quantity and weight,
Option 1: Refuse to sign the bill This may amount to clausing the bill
as furnished by him and the shipper
of lading? of lading and may be rejected by the
shall indemnify the carrier against all
shippers as the bill may be rejected by
Under Article III Rule 3 of the Hague loss, damages and expenses arising,
the bank under the letter of credit, or
Visby Rules: “….no carrier, master or or resulting from, inaccuracies in
the buyer under the sales contract.
agent of the carrier shall be bound such particulars”.
to state or show in the bill of lading Option 3: The master marks the bill
HOWEVER: the indemnity is
any marks, numbers, quantity or of lading as “weight, measure,
unenforceable if the purpose is to
weight which he has reasonable quantity, quality, condition,
commit fraud. If the master/owner
grounds for suspecting not accurately contents and value unknown”.
knowingly inserts manifestly wrong
to represent the goods actually
The carrier is entitled to put such figures, he commits a fraud and any
received, or which he has had no
remark on the bill of lading if he has LOI is unenforceable.
reasonable means of checking”.
no reasonable means of checking the
Once again Members are advised of
The problem: this will cause delay relevant condition or cargo quantity
the cover exclusions in Rule 2 Section
as the owners may have to go to the (Article III Rule 3 of the Hague Visby
16(c)(e) as mentioned above, and
local court for adjudication and/or Rules). This disclaimer is recognised
are encouraged to discuss potential
support of their position. An added under English law (however not in many
options and the repercussions of
difficulty with going to court is the foreign jurisdictions) and means that
adopting them with the Club Managers
legal uncertainty with regards to the the bill of lading has no evidential value
should such difficulties arise.
local court’s outcomes. Usually this and no warranty is made by the carrier.
just buys the master time to verify
Option 4: Can the master/owner
the shipper’s figures. Furthermore,
obtain an indemnity from shippers?
the receiver may bring a claim for
delayed arrival of the cargo. It’s a Owners could ask for a LOI from
difficult balance for owners and shippers/charterers, in addition there
the commercial pressures will be is already an indemnity in the Hague/
burdensome. Members are advised Visby Rules, because the owners’
to discuss options with the Club obligation to insert the shipper’s
Managers, which will also have figures under Art III Rule 3, Article
the benefit of clarifying issues or III Rule 5 of the Hague Visby Rules
questions of Club coverage. (Article 17 Hamburg rules) states:
Claims Guides
i. Refuse to sign the mate’s quantity of cargo than is known by T +44 20 7716 6000
receipts and/or bills of lading the Member, or Master or Chief E [email protected]
Officer of the insured vessel to W www.westpandi.com
as presented.
have been shipped”. If the ship is
ii. Issue a note of protest. arrested the Club is unlikely to be
© West of England Insurance Services.
in a position to provide bail or at All rights reserved. The opinions expressed
least to do so only having received in this publication are those of the authors.
valuable counter-security first. This note is intended for general guidance
only and should not be relied upon as legal
advice. Should you require specific advice
on a situation please contact us.
February 2018