Barl3 21 2015

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Salary Grade: 18
Monthly Salary: 45, 203.00
Division: Microbiology Department /
Item No: OSEC-DOHB-BARL3-21-2015
Minimum Qualification Standards (per Civil Service Commission Quality Standards Manual);
Education: Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job.
Experience: Two (2) years of relevant experience.
Training: Eight (8) hours of relevant training.
Eligibility: Career Service (Professional) Second Level Eligibility.
Relevant Qualifications to the Position;
Education: Registered Medical Technologist
Experience: Relevant experience in conventional leptospiral culture as well as serologic and molecular testing of clinical specimen for
Training: Relevant training on Good Clinical and Laboratory Practices; Relevant training on Biosafety and Biosecurity
Relevant training on Laboratory Diagnosis of Leptospirosis
Eligibility: R.A. 1080.
NOTICE: ON-LINE APPLICATIONS IS ACCEPTED. Please check the RITM Website and Other Media Site for submission of complete required
documents and Updated Personal Data Sheet (PDS) (PDS form downloadable at RITM Website or CSC Website)

Duties and Responsibilities:

No. Percentage Details
1. 5% Officer in Charge (OIC) of the NRL in the absence of the NRL supervisor.
2. 15% Reviews laboratory results as well as validates them in the absence of the NRL Supervisor.
3. 3% Responsible for the Internal Quality Control of reagents.
4. 3% Conducts of Internal Proficiency Testing and Competency Assessment of the NRL personnel.
5. 2% Write research proposals as well as Provides technical assistance in the research conducted by the department.
6. 15% Creates and reviews Procedure Manual (PM) and Work Instructions (Wl) as well as Policies and Guidelines regarding NRL
activities and procedures.
7. 2% Assists in the preparation of the Operational Plan, Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) and other QMS related
activities of the NRL.
8. 22% Process specimens as well as identifies Leptospiral pathogens through conventional identification system and performs
additional/special tests/serologic/molecular characterization as needed.
9. 10% Encodes routine/outbreak/surveillance laboratory results in the Laboratory Results database as needed.
10. 15% Responsible for the management and maintenance of Leptospira spp. control strains.
11. 3% Responsible for the subscription and coordination of External Proficiency Testing of the NRL as well as the distribution of PT
analytes among NRL staff.
12. 3% Prepares monthly Turn-Around-Time of the NRL.
13. 2% Perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time for the efficient and effective delivery of service of the

The Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) hereby adopts and commits to observe the EOP in the Recruitment and Selection and Placement System:
“Opportunity for government employment shall be open to all qualified citizens and positive efforts shall be exerted to attract the best qualified to enter the service.
Employees shall be selected on the basis of fitness to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of the positions”. (Section 21, Chapter 5, V of Executive Order
No. 292).
The Institute shall strictly adhere to the principle of merit, fitness and equality. There shall be no discrimination in the selection of employees on account of age, sex,
sexual orientation, and gender identity, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation, and other similar factor which may not be consistent with the
principles of meritocracy, job – fit and equal employment opportunities. The qualification standards and job competencies required of the position shall be the basis
for recruitment, selection and placement.
Reference: RITM OFFICE ORDER 2019-0823 Institutionalization of Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) PER DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 2019-0088
Note: All qualified next-in-rank shall be automatically candidate/s for promotion. However, a Letter of Intent together with the following documents shall
be submitted to Selection and Promotion Board (SPB) Chairperson through Human Resource Department. Failure to do so will automatically waive
the right to be included as candidate/s.
A. For the cover, put your name, position being applied for and item code on the upper half portion of A4 size paper using ARIAL BOLD (font size 14);
B. Submit in A4 Size Folder and Paper and separate listed items by numbered tabs as listed below:
C. Put correspondingly on fastener on LEFT long edge side of paper submitted.
TAB 1 Letter of Application with position applied for v. RITM Credentials Committee (RCC)
(please indicate Item Code No.) w. Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC)
TAB 2 Personal Data Sheet (Revised 2017); Work x. Hospitalization and Medical Benefits Committee (HMBC)
Experience Sheet; and Awards and Citation Form. y. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committees
Downloadable thru RITM website and available at i.e. CQI, IQA, Process Team, Quality Circle Team, Promotions Officer
H.R. Department of any organization outside RITM registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission
z. Officer of RITMEA/or member of RITMEA Committee
aa. Association Management Committee (AMC).
TAB 3 Diploma (Bachelor’s Degree Diploma is no longer TAB 13 Publication – copy of publication (submit proof/evidence)
required for Physician/Doctor)
TAB 4 Transcript of Records (Bachelor’s Degree Transcript TAB 14 Proof of scholarship/academic excellence/ certificate of awards
of Records is no longer required for received – (submit proof/evidence)
TAB 5 Diploma and Transcript of Records for Master’s TAB 15 Research involvement – submit certificate of involvement or equivalent
Degree/PhD (if needed for the position)
TAB 6 Board Rating, PRC Certificate and valid PRC I.D. (3 TAB 16 Trainor – submit certificate as Trainor
months prior to expiration of ID)
TAB 7 Certificate of Eligibility - CSC TAB 17 Last Rating Period of IPCR in the present position for RITM Permanent
TAB 8 Certificates of Employment (recent and previous Employee and other permanent Government Employee with at least
employers) - For NON-Permanent RITM Employees Very Satisfactory rating
TAB 9 At least three (3) references from previous TAB 18 IPCR or Performance Evaluation for Contract of Services/Job Order
employer/company or from school officials with Personnel under any Government Agency (duly evaluated and signed by
contact details and email addresses the immediate supervisor) for the last rating period.
TAB 10 Certificate of Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops TAB 19 Valid IELTS and TOEFL Certificate (if there’s any)
attended (from most recent)
TAB 11 Certificates attesting to positions held in TAB 20 Valid NBI Clearance (For NON-Permanent RITM Employees)
professional, civic, religious and cultural
TAB 21 One (1) Original copy of Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case
organizations registered with the Securities and
(issued within the month at the time of application) for all permanent
Exchange Commission.
government employees except for RITM Permanent employees.
TAB 12 Active Chairmanships and/or Membership/s in
committee – with proof/evidence
a. Institutional Review Board (IRB);
b. RIO Executive Board;
c. Therapeutics Committee;
d. Selection and Promotions Board (SPB);
e. Gender and Development (GAD) Committee;
f. HIV/AIDS Core Team;
g. Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) - including
h. Technical Working Group of DOH, NGO, serving
as technical advisers;
i. Course coordinators and faculty of WHO TAB 22 Attendance records for the past 6 months:
Regional Training Center; 1. For DOH Permanent and Contract of Service employees - please
j. Safety Committee, Biosafety and Biosecurity provide number of times per month for the past 6 months
Committee, Chemical Safety, Fire Safety, the a) late/s; b) undertime; and c) halfday and certified by
Patient Safety; the Human Resource Dept.
k. Program on Awards, Incentive, and Service
Excellence) Committee (PRAISE); 2. For RITM Permanent and Contract of Service employees - it
l. Personnel Development Committee (PDC) shall be provided by the Human Resource Department.
m. Inspection and Acceptance Committee
n. Grievance Committee
o. Committee on Decorum and Investigation
p. Fact Finding Committee
q. Performance Management Team (PMT)
r. Infection Prevention and Control Committee
s. Inventory Committee.
t. Management Committee (MANCOM)
u. Executive Committee (EXECOM)

FROM: AUGUST 5, 2022 TO: AUGUST 15, 2022 (Until 3:00PM Only)
Prepared By: Noted By:


Administrative Officer II OIC, Administrative Division
Human Resource Department Administrative Division
Note: If the deadline of submission falls on weekends/holidays, the deadline of submission shall be moved on the next working day (until 3:00 PM ONLY)

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