Rescue Procedure For Confined Space
Rescue Procedure For Confined Space
Rescue Procedure For Confined Space
1. Purpose:
When a worker fallen in confined space it’s important to rescue him as quickly as
possible because of the following reasons and purposes.
● The worker may have consumed less oxygen as normal human being
required and drowsiness and unconsciousness occurred and may need medical
● When workers may expose for a shorter period of time in oxygen deficient
workplace it could lead multiple fatalities.
● All the working crew involved to carry out activities in confined space area
i.e. pipeline, sewer line, sewerage line, vessel, tanks, vessel if they could not
rescued swiftly the result will be the dangerous.
2. Scope:
This procedure applies to all managers, supervisors, forepersons, employees,
subcontractors, and visitors at UEPL Naimat facility Phase-V Project site.
4. Emergency Planning
The three main parts of emergency planning are:
4.1 Training
4.2 Creating an Emergency Response Plan
4.3 Outlining Rescue Procedures.
4.1 Training
Training is mandatory for workforce to develop awareness regarding confined
space entry and probable emergency situations and their expected response to
deal with emergencies and come out of such situation as quickly as possible.
Emergency evacuation routes and gathering area/muster point will be clearly
defined and communicated to all workforce, whilst muster point boards shall be
displayed at conspicuous locations to guide people during emergencies.
4.2 Emergency Response Plan
If a worker unconscious and fallen inside the spool, implement the emergency
response plan by following the steps below.
Note: It’s important to know your role.
a. The ERT Leader takes control of the situation.
b. The ERT sounds the emergency alarm-one long blasts from a horn. All
workers in the vicinity of the incident will immediately stop working. The site
supervisor quickly evaluates the situation and identifies any further hazards that
could arise.
c. The ERT Leader or their designate goes to get help if workers are close
by. If no one is close enough, the site supervisor calls for help.
d. The site supervisor calls fire brigade / ambulance if required.
e. The ERT leader/member isolates the accident zone and its perimeter to
limit further exposure.
f. All non-affected personnel shall be moved to a safe zone/muster point.
g. The ERT team leader assembles the emergency rescue team at the
accident site as quickly as possible to determine the best rescue procedure for
the situation.