Philippines Educational Problem - Docx2
Philippines Educational Problem - Docx2
Philippines Educational Problem - Docx2
Thesis Statement: Educational problem in the Philippines poses a grave threat to the students.
Purpose: To inform the people of the Philippines that there are differences between rich and poor
The changes in the education did not match the high hopes of the Filipino people. Presently,
According to Joel M Durban Catalan Asian journal of social science & humanities of the
Philippines “ Educational system needs to address issues not only of accessibility and quality in
providing education for all other issues needs to addressed involved the role of education in the
national development, the unresponsive curriculum improper monitoring of programs
implemented globalization of education politics in education. There is a need values
reorientation of the Filipinos as key to national development. Teachers transformation in terms of
their values orientation is necessary. Part of the teacher transformation must include their
upgrading our updating for professional and personal development.”
The studies and fact-finding commissions have shown that the deteriorating quality of education
in the Philippines due to the low government budget for education , poor quality of teachers ,
poor management of schools, poor school facilities learning environment. Further, Filipinos rich
households or living in cities and developed towns have more access to private schools, In
contrast, less favored groups are more bound to deal with lack of classrooms, leaders and means
to sustain topnotch learning. A 2018 study found that a simple number of 15-years old Filipino
students ranked last in reading comprehension out of 79 countries. they also ranked 78th in
science and math. Hence, the crisis also ranked lies in the fact that lot of Filipinos students can’t
read or do simple math. There is no fair learning access in the country. Due to COVID -19,
education issues in the Philippines have increased and received new challenges that worsened the
current state in the country. Futher, a blended learning program was launched in October 2020,
which involves online classes. Millions of Filipino students don’t have access to computers and
other digital tools at home to make their blended learning worthwhile, hence, the value of tech in
learning affects many students. Money for mobile load, lack of gadget, poor internet signal,
students struggle to fucos and learn online.
Indeed, it’s clear that there is a class divide between rich and poor students in the country.
Philippines doesn’t invest on topnotch learning as compared to its neighbor countries. In fact,
many public schools lack of computers and other tools despite the digital age. futher, a short all
in the number of public school teachers is also one of the top issues in the country due to their
being among the lowest paid state workers. More than 3 million children, youth , and adults
remain unenrolled since the constant crisis has its long –term effects. Miss- and disinformation,
poor decision making , and other social concerns.