Chapter 12

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C HAP T E R 1 2

1. (i) Release of foreign exchange for travel abroad: endorsement on passport and ticket

The amount of foreign exchange released by an AD to a traveler with the approval of the
Bangladesh Bank or under general authority given to the ADs by Bangladesh Bank should be
recorded by them on the traveler's valid passport as well as ticket under their stamp and signature
at the time of release of such exchange. Release of foreign exchange in excess of USD 200 or
equivalent will require valid visa except in the cases mentioned in sub-para (viii) below.
However, while issuing foreign exchange to the Diplomats/Privileged persons/UN personnel,
Govt. officials travelling on official duties, such endorsement in their passports need not be
made. The AD should verify to satisfy itself that the ticket covers a journey to be undertaken not
later than two weeks after the date on which exchange is issued. No exchange should be sold
against tickets, which do not specify the date of departure.

(ii) The ADs may release foreign exchange upto USD 5000(five thousand) or equivalent per
person during a calendar year to Bangladesh nationals proceeding to destinations in SAARC
member countries and Myanmar. Also for visits of Bangladesh nationals to destinations in
countries other than those mentioned above, upto USD 7000(seven thousand) per person may
be issued during a calendar year. Out of the prescribed entitlement, ADs may release upto
5,000(five thousand) in the form of USD notes and the remainder in other freely convertible
currencies at any one instance as mentioned in Para 18, Chapter 5. For resident Bangladesh
nationals proceeding abroad against one way ticket for valid job or migration or study abroad,
ADs may release the entire unused foreign exchange of the annual travel entitlement of the
person concerned in the calendar year. Irrespective of foreign exchange entitlement, the
outgoing passenger is permitted to take upto Bangladesh Taka 10,000(Ten thousand) in cash at
each time.

The above limits are indicative. Bangladesh Bank will authorise release of foreign exchange for
travel abroad beyond these indicative limits upon submission of documents regarding the
bonafides of the expenses. Application for such authorisation should be sent to FEOD/other
office of Bangladesh Bank.

(iii) The annual quotas mentioned above are for adult passengers. For minors (below 12 years in
age) the applicable quota will be half the amount allowable to adults.

(iv) While releasing foreign exchange for travel abroad, the AD should verify and satisfy itself
that any foreign exchange released for an earlier travel was utilised with the journey being
actually undertaken or was duly encashed unutilised.
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(v) The travel entitlements mentioned above may be utilised also by way of international cards
issued in the names of the persons concerned. Instructions relating to the issue and use of such
cards are laid down at Chapter 19.

(vi) While releasing foreign exchange for travel purposes the ADs should ensure that:

(a) the intending traveller is a client of the AD bank or is sufficiently well known to the AD bank
for it to be satisfied about the bonafide of the application;

(b) the intending traveller is in possession of a confirmed air ticket (where applicable) for
journey to be undertaken;

(c) the amount released is endorsed on the passport and air ticket (where applicable) of the
traveller with indelible ink, with the signature and name of the AD branch embossed in the
passport and ticket (where applicable); the same has been reported to the 'Online Foreign
Exchange Transaction Monitoring System' of Bangladesh Bank.

(d) the amount of foreign exchange endorsed/issued (in the forms of cash, international card,
etc.) so far during the current calendar year against annual travel quota has been checked to
prevent issuance of foreign exchange beyond allowable quota.

(vii) In each case of release of foreign exchange for travel abroad, photocopies of first six pages
of the passport/in case of machine readable passport, photocopies of first two pages, page
bearing visa on the passport (if available), the page recording endorsement of foreign exchange
and photocopies of the pages of ticket showing name of the passenger, route and date of journey
and endorsement of foreign exchange alongwith the relative form TM should preserved by the
ADs as mentioned in Para 4, Chapter 1. These transactions shall be reported in usual monthly
returns to Bangladesh Bank.

(viii) Release of foreign exchange to the resident Bangladesh nationals travelling abroad
without visa

In case of travelling some countries, visa is obtainable on port entry/arrival basis. In such cases
ADs may release foreign exchange without visa to the resident Bangladesh nationals proceeding
to the countries/zones with provision of visa on port entry/arrival basis upto the unused annual
travel quota entitlement applicable for country concerned subject to complying with other
relevant instructions. Besides having validity of the passport of the intending traveler for a
period of minimum six months, the applicability of providing visa on port entry/arrival basis for
travelling the country concerned shall have to be ensured by the AD upon receipt of information
from the concerned passenger. However, utilisation of foreign exchange issued without visa as
mentioned above shall have to be ensured by AD prior to issuance of foreign exchange for the
subsequent foreign tour of the passenger concerned.
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In case of releasing foreign exchange for official visits abroad by the officials of
Government/Semi-Government and Autonomous bodies (Para 3) the above mentioned facility
of issuing foreign exchange without visa for traveling the countries/zones having provision of
visa on port entry/on arrival basis will also be applicable.

2. Release of foreign exchange for travel on health ground

All applications for foreign exchange for travel abroad on health grounds should be submitted
in form as at Appendix 5/83, in duplicate. Upto USD 10,000(ten thousand) or equivalent may
be released by the AD on the basis of the recommendation of the Medical Board set up by the
Health Directorate or on the basis of the need established through recommendation of
appropriate medical specialists and the cost estimate of the foreign medical institution.
Request for release of foreign exchange exceeding USD 10,000(ten thousand) for treatment
abroad should be forwarded by the AD with supporting documents to Bangladesh Bank
(FEOD/other office) which will authorise release upon verification of the bonafides of the

3. Official or semi-official visits by employees of government/autonomous semi-autonomous


(i) For official or semi-official visits abroad by the officials of

Government/Autonomous/Semi-autonomous institutions etc., ADs may release foreign exchange
as per entitlements fixed by the Ministry of Finance/respective competent authority from time to
time. In such cases, the applicant for foreign exchange shall be required to submit the Competent
Authority's Order/Notification/Circular authorising the travel abroad.

(ii) Release of foreign exchange on account of 'overseas allowance' in favour of the cockpit
and cabin crews of Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd.

ADs may release foreign exchange on account of overseas allowances of the cockpit and cabin
crews allowed by Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Before releasing foreign exchange, ADs shall
observe the following instructions:

a) An approval letter from Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. in favour of the crews specifying the
amount to be released should be obtained.

b) The amount released should be endorsed properly on the passport of the crews.

Licenced Money Changers may also release foreign exchange for above purpose observing the
instructions as laid down above.
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4. Release of foreign exchange for attending seminar, conference, workshop, training etc.

Authorisd Dealers may release foreign exchange to private sector participants for attending
seminar, conference, workshop, training, etc. abroad at the scale of upto (i) USD 350(three
hundred and fifty) per diem for SAARC member countries or Myanmar and (ii) USD 400(four
hundred) per diem for other countries. Foreign exchange may be released only for the actual
period of the program to be held on the basis of invitation letters received in the names of the
applicants or their employer institutions. Photocopy of the invitation letter and all other related
documents should be kept in record by the ADs for post facto scrutiny by the inspection officials
of Bangladesh Bank. Release of foreign exchange beyond the above mentioned indicative limits
will be allowed by Bangladesh Bank upon submission of requests supported by documented
proof of the expenses. Application for such release should be sent to Bangladesh Bank (FEOD or
other offices).

5. Release of foreign exchange by debiting Convertible Taka Account for travel abroad

Foreign exchange may be released to private individuals as well as to officials of Govt.,

Autonomous and Semi-autonomous bodies for undertaking educational tours, attending
seminars, workshops etc. abroad by debit to convertible Taka accounts of foreign NGOs and
International Bodies at their request. In the cases of officials of Government/ Autonomous/
Semi-autonomous bodies, the application for release of foreign exchange should be
accompanied by the permission letter of the competent authority authorising their proposed
travel abroad.

6. (a) Issue of TCs and foreign currency notes to foreign nationals

The ADs may issue foreign currency TCs to foreign nationals without any limit and foreign
currency notes upto USD 5000(five thousand) per person (Para 18, Chapter 5) against surrender
of equivalent amounts in other foreign currencies. The TCs and foreign currency notes should,
however, be delivered only on production of a ticket for a destination outside Bangladesh and the
amount issued should be endorsed on the relative passports. In case of travel by car, the ADs may
accept export-cum-import permits in lieu of tickets.

(b) Issue of foreign currency notes to foreign currency account holders

Foreign currency account holders may draw foreign currency notes from balances of their
respective accounts without any limit [upto 5000(five thousand) in USD notes, Para 18, Chapter
5] against endorsement on passport and ticket for a destination outside Bangladesh.
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7. Business travel quota entitlements for exporters, manufacturers for domestic markets
and importers.

Business travel quota entitlements for exporters, manufacturers for domestic markets and
importers will be as under :

(i) Exporters, importers and producers for the local market will be entitled to foreign exchange
quota for travel abroad @ USD 400(four hundred) per diem, subject to limits of USD 4,000 (four
thousand) per trip and USD 10,000(ten thousand) over a calendar year.

(ii) Senior level (top two tires) expatriate foreign nationals employed in business organisations in
Bangladesh with valid visa and work permit will be entitled to the above mentioned business
travel quota as Bangladesh nationals.

The above entitlement may be used through international cards (prepaid/credit) held by
authorised officials of the enterprise concerned (Para 9, Chapter 19).

Genuine requirements beyond the entitlements enumerated above will be accommodated by

Bangladesh Bank upon submission of application supported by documents establishing
bonafides of the additional requirements. Application for such release should be sent to
Bangladesh Bank (FEOD or other office, Bangladesh Bank).

8. Disposal of unspent foreign exchange by returning residents

Attention of all persons granted foreign exchange for travel should be drawn to sub-section (3) of
Section 4 of the FER Act, 1947. No person acquiring foreign exchange for travel may use it for
purposes other than living or travelling expenses in the country for which exchange is issued and
in case of special allotment, for purposes other than those for which exchange is sanctioned. On
return, unspent amounts brought back [with declaration in FMJ form for amounts more than
USD 5000(five thousand] may freely be encashed to Taka or may be retained in RFCD accounts,
upto USD 5000(five thousand) may be retained in hand.

9. Reconversion of unspent Taka into foreign exchange by foreign tourists

ADs may allow re-conversion into foreign exchange of the unspent Taka funds of foreign tourists
(i.e. foreign nationals on temporary visit to Bangladesh except those on employment in
Bangladesh) on production of the certificate evidencing the encashment of foreign currency
brought in by the tourist. Re-conversion shall be allowed by the same AD with which the foreign
currency was encashed earlier, on the strength of the original encashment certificates which will
be retained by the AD while allowing re-conversion. The FMJ Form containing the declaration
of the foreign exchange brought in at the time of arrival should be asked for and retained by the
AD where re-conversion exceeds USD 5000(five thousand). Likewise, licenced money changer
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whether it encashed earlier or not may reconvert the unspent Bangladesh Taka belong to the
foreign tourist upto USD 500(five hundred) or equivalent provided that the tourist submits
system generated encashment certificate (Para 10.B, Chapter 2) issued by any licenced money
changer. While providing reconversion, money changer shall stamp on the original encashment
certificate to the effect that reconversion has been executed and preserve a copy thereof.

Besides, to facilitate returning foreign tourists/non-resident Bangladesh nationals general

permission has been accorded to re-convert their unspent Bangladesh Taka upto USD 100(one
hundred) or its equivalent at the bank booths situated at the departure lounges of international
airports in Bangladesh upon presentation of encashment certificate. While providing such
reconversion facility, the bank both will have to preserve the original encashment certificate/true
copy of the encashment certificate attested by the AD/money changer itself issued against
conversion of foreign currency into local currency earlier and copy of the boarding card of the
passenger wherein passport number, date of issue of passport, nationality and amount of
re-converted foreign currency are to be recorded.

10. Release of foreign exchange for Hajj

The Government of Bangladesh announces each year the scale at which foreign exchange may
be issued to intending pilgrims for performing Hajj. Release of foreign exchange should be made
as per instructions to be issued for this purpose by Bangladesh Bank each year.

11. Issuance of tickets for travel abroad

Airlines/Shipping Companies and their authorised Travel Agents have been given general
authority to issue tickets for travel abroad subject to the following instructions:

(i) Travel abroad by resident Bangladesh nationals

Tickets against payment in Bangladesh Taka may be issued by the Airlines/Travel Agents for
these travels on completion of P Form (Appendix 5/56) in duplicate and production of valid
passport with valid visa, involving journey by a route and at a fare approved by the CAAB. In
case of travel abroad by officials of Govt./Autonomous/Semi-autonomous bodies/Public sector
corporations or Local Goverment Agencies on official duty or as member of official delegation,
tickets shall be issued preferably on Bangladesh Biman.

If the passport of the intending traveller shows that the traveller is employed with any
Govt/Autonomous/Semi-autonomous bodies or public sector agencies, the Airline/Travel Agent
may issue ticket only if the Order or NOC from the concerned administrative Ministry/Division
/Departmen authorising the travel is produced.

The above provision of issuance of ticket against payment in Taka would also be applicable for
those foreign nationals who work in Bangladesh with the approval of the competent authorities
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of the Government of Bangladesh and draw their pay and allowances in Bangladesh Taka; or
whose costs of travel abroad, as per terms of their service, are to be borne by the employing
organisation/agency. In such cases, attested photocopies (in duplicate) of sanction letters of the
competent authorities of the Govt. of Bangladesh and service contract should be asked for before
issuing tickets and submitted to the ADs alongwith monthly statement.

(ii) Travel of Bangladesh nationals to destinations outside the country on employment

The Airline /Travel Agent should ask for the following documents before issuing/okaying tickets
for such travels:

(a) Form P or P-2, (Appendix 5/57) as the case may be, duly completed.

(b) Valid passport with valid visa. In case the passport shows that the intending traveller is
employed with Govt. or with any Public Sector Agency/Autonomous body, Order/NOC from the
concerned administrative Ministry authorising the travel abroad should be produced.

(c) Clearance from The Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET) in the form of
endorsement in passport.

(d) Visa/entry permit issued by the concerned country's Embassy/High Commission in

Bangladesh duly attested by the BMET.

In case entry permit or visa including group visa is issued from abroad, the same should be
attested by the Bangladesh Mission in that country as well as by the BMET.

In case the entry permit or visa does not bear attestation by Bangladesh Mission abroad, the
genuineness of the employment is to be certified in clear terms by the BMET.

(iii) Travel abroad by Bangladesh nationals against tickets/PTAs received from abroad

Passages may be booked by the Airlines/Travel Agents for the above category of travels on
completion of P-2 Form and production of valid passport with valid visa by the passengers
subject to the condition that the journey will be undertaken exactly for the routes for which
tickets/PTAs have been received. If the intending traveller is employed with the Govt. or with
any public sector agency or autonomous body, instructions of sub-para (iv) below should be
followed. In case the PTAs are meant for travel of Bangladeshi scholars/students for studies
abroad, instructions of sub-para (v) below should be followed.

(iv) Travel by Officials of the Govt. and of Public Sector Agencies including
Autonomous/Semi-autonomous bodies against PTAs received from abroad where cost of
ticket is paid/borne by foreign Government Agencies, UN organisations, international
non-profit organisations like International Committee of Red Cross, British Council, Ford
Foundation, Commonwealth Secretariat, Colombo Plan Secretariat, OIC Secretariat,
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foreign universities etc. for attending conference, seminars etc. or for any other purpose

Airlines/Travel Agents may book passages for these travels on production of the following
documents/particulars to them by the travelers concerned:

(a) A photocopy or an authenticated copy of Order/NOC from the administrative Ministry

concerned authorising the travel abroad. In cases where the visits are sponsored by any other
Ministry, a photocopy or authenticated copy of clearance from the sponsoring Ministry should
also be produced. These Orders/NOCs should be retained by the Airlines for their records.

(b) Valid Passport, with valid visa where required.

(v) Travel by Bangladeshi Scholars/Students for studies abroad against PTAs received from
abroad where cost of ticket is paid by foreign governments/foreign universities/
internationally reputed non-profit institutions like British Council, Ford Foundation,
Commonwealth Secretariat, Colombo Plan Secretariat, OIC Secretariat etc.

Passages may be booked by the Airlines/Travel Agents for the above categories of travels on
production of photocopy or authenticated copy of Order/NOC from the Ministry which has
sponsored the travel and valid passport with valid visa. If the intending traveller is employed
with Government or with any public sector agency/autonomous/ semi- autonomous body, copy
of the Order/NOC from the administrative ministry concerned authorising the travel should be
asked for before booking the passage. The Airline should retain the Order /NOC for their record.

(vi) Travel by foreign nationals, foreign diplomats and privileged persons against
encashment of foreign currency notes/TCs/Drafts or against inward remittance from
abroad or by debit to private foreign currency accounts/convertible Taka accounts
maintained by foreign nationals/firms/companies/organisations with ADs in Bangladesh or
against PTAs/tickets received from abroad

Airlines/Travel Agents may issue tickets for the above category of travels for journeys
originating from abroad or from Bangladesh if the person undertaking the travel is the account
holder himself, his/her spouse/children or an employee of the Firm/Mission/Company
/Organisation maintaining the foreign currency account/convertible Taka account subject to
completion of P-2 Form by the traveler concerned and observance of the following drill:

(a) For issuance of tickets against encashment of foreign currency notes/instruments/TTs /MTs
etc. or against encashment of foreign exchange from private foreign currency account,
encashment certificate issued by an AD in the proforma prescribed at Appendix 5/58 should
invariably be produced by the traveller concerned to the Airline/Travel Agent. The passage
should be booked within one month from the date of issue of the encashment certificate.
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However, encashment certificate issued by Money changers will not be acceptable for issuing
tickets in this regard.

Booking of passage against encashment of foreign exchange from foreign currency accounts
maintained by Bangladesh nationals is admissible only for passengers holding Bangladesh
passports. Airlines/Travel Agents should not issue tickets in favour of any foreign national
against encashment of foreign exchange from foreign currency accounts maintained by
Bangladesh nationals without prior approval of the Bangladesh Bank. Off-line airlines also
should not issue tickets against encashment of foreign exchange from foreign currency accounts
of Bangladesh nationals without prior approval of the Bangladesh Bank.

(b) In case of issuance of tickets by debit to convertible Taka account, the cost of passage should
be accepted in the form of Account Payee cheques/Pay Orders drawn on the relevant convertible
Taka account in favour of the Airline/Travel Agent. Where the account holder is not a Foreign
Mission, International Organisation, diplomat or a privileged person, a certificate from the bank
concerned in the proforma as at Appendix 5/59 certifying that the account on which the
cheque/pay order has been drawn is a convertible Taka account and also stating the account
number and the amount to be debited, will have to be produced alongwith the Cheque/Pay Order.
In cases where the account-holder is a foreign diplomatic mission, diplomat/privileged person or
expatriate personnel of UN and its affiliated agencies or IMF, IBRD, IDA or other international
or regional financial or loan giving agency or their expatriate personnel, a declaration should be
obtained by the Airline/Travel Agent/Shipping Company from the concerned organisation/person
showing the name of the bank with which the convertible Taka account is maintained, the
account number and the amount debited towards cost of passage. The concerned Airline/Travel
Agent/Shipping Company should submit these declarations to the ADs alongwith their usual
monthly passage statements. The Airline/Travel Agent shall also obtain a certificate from the
account-holder stating his/her relationship with the passengers in case ticket is to be issued in
favour of spouses or children; and in case of issuance of ticket in favour of officers/staff of
foreign missions/organisations, certificate from the mission or the organisation stating that the
intending traveller is their employee should be asked for. Airlines/Travel Agents will submit
these certificates to the ADs alongwith their usual passage statements.
(c) Passages may be booked for travel of foreign diplomats/privileged persons and other foreign
nationals in Bangladesh against PTAs/Tickets received from abroad. Tickets may also be issued
to foreign tourists against approved credit cards brought in by them from abroad. Issuance of
tickets for travel by foreigners not falling within the above categories would require prior
approval of the Bangladesh Bank.
(vii) Travel by ship's crew of Bangladesh origin
(a) In case of ship's crew of Bangladesh origin proceeding abroad to join vessels abroad, tickets
may be issued against PTAs received from abroad as well as by debit to the foreign Shipping
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Company's account maintained in Bangladesh in the name of the Shipping Company or

Shipping Agent. For issuance of tickets against foreign Shipping Company's account, payment
of cost of passage should be received by Account Payee Cheques drawn on the Shipping
Company's account. The concerned Shipping Agent/Company should furnish certificate from its
bank as per proforma at Appendix 5/60 stating the name of the bank with which the account is
maintained, the name of the foreign Shipping Company and the amount to be debited. The
certificate should be submitted to the AD alongwith the usual monthly passage statements of the
(b) Before issuing tickets favouring ship's crew of Bangladesh nationality, the Airline/Travel
Agent must satisfy itself on the basis of documentary evidence that the crew possesses valid
CDC and clearance issued by Shipping Master of Government of Bangladesh about the
recruitment abroad. Copy of the Shipping Master's Clearance should be forwarded alongwith the
usual monthly passage statement to the AD.

(viii) Travel by ship's crew of foreign nationality

Outward passages of foreign ship's crew of foreign nationality may be booked against inward
remittances or by debit to foreign Shipping Company's account maintained in Bangladesh in
the name of the Shipping Company/Shipping Agent. For booking of passages against inward
remittances, the Shipping Agent/Company should produce encashment certificate from the
concerned bank in the proforma at Appendix 5/58 and the drill as contained in sub-para vi(a)
should be followed. In case of booking of passages against payment from foreign Shipping
Company's account, bank certificate in the proforma at Appendix 5/60 should be produced
and the relevant instructions of sub- para vii(a) above should be followed.

(ix) Travel against rebated tickets issued by Airlines/Shipping Companies

(a) Tickets against free passages [i.e. 100(hundred) percent rebated] allowed by the Airlines/
Shipping Companies favouring their own employees including family members or to their Travel
Agents may be issued subject to completion of P-2 Form by the traveller concerned.

(b) In respect of partly rebated passages allowed by the Airlines/Shipping Companies to their
own employees including family members or to their Travel Agents, tickets may be issued on
completion of P Form by the traveller concerned for travel abroad once a year.

12. Booking of Passage

(a) (i) Before passages can be booked in terms of paragraph 11 above, the intending travellers
shall be required to fill in and submit the P Form/P-2 Form to the Airline/Travel Agent/Shipping
Company booking the passage. These should be forwarded to the ADs by the airlines while
reporting the sales of tickets in the monthly passage statements.
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(ii) Airlines should in their own interest exercise utmost care in booking passage strictly in
accordance with the guidelines given in the above paragraph. For any irregularity/discrepancy in
booking passage under this authority delegated to them, the concerned officials of the Airline or
the Travel Agent will be liable for penal action under the FER Act, 1947.

(iii) Airlines will furnish monthly passage statements to the AD in respect of passages
sold/tickets issued under the authority given in the above paragraph in the usual proforma
together with the documents as indicated in foregoing paragraphs as per prescribed time

(iv) If the Airline/Shipping Company/Travel Agent has any reason to doubt in any case the
genuineness of the certificates/documents produced to them by the intending traveller, they
should immediately get in touch with the concerned area office of Bangladesh Bank for

(v) Bangladesh Bank reserves the right to inspect at any time the books and records of the
Airlines, Shipping Companies and the Travel Agents to ensure compliance with the instructions
issued by Bangladesh Bank.

(b) Booking of passage in cases not covered by the general authority given to the
Airlines/Shipping companies/Travel agents at paragraph 11 above would require prior approval
of Bangladesh Bank in Form P/Form P-2. Bangladesh Bank's approvals in these forms shall
remain valid for travel for 3 calendar months from the date of approval. Travel on international
sectors should commence within the validity of P Form/P-2 Form failing which such tickets will
require revalidation even though the journey on domestic sectors against such tickets had been
performed within the validity of the forms.

13. Booking of passage for outward journey

(i) Booking of passage may be made for outward journey by a route and at a fare approved by
the CAAB. Fare ceilings on various routes are notified by the CAAB from time to time for
guidance of the Airlines and the Travel Agents.

(ii) No ticket for outward journey from Bangladesh should be issued by an Airline/Shipping
Company or Travel Agent which do not specify the actual date of departure. If an application is
made subsequently to the Airline/Shipping Company or Travel Agent to alter or amend the date
of departure they should examine such tickets with a view to determining whether any exchange
has been drawn against such tickets. Where foreign exchange has been drawn against the ticket,
no extension of date of departure should be granted without specific approval of Bangladesh
Bank in each case.
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14. Booking of inward passage

(a) Booking of inward passages against payment in Taka for persons holding Bangladesh
passports who proceeded abroad on one way tickets would require prior Bangladesh Bank
approval in Form P. Booking of inward passages against payment in Taka for foreign nationals
would also require prior Bangladesh Bank approval in Form P.

(b). Airlines/Shipping Companies/their Travel Agents may issue Prepaid Ticket Advices (PTA) in
favour of foreign guests invited by Govt./Autonomous/Semi-autonomous organisations, UN
organisations, local agencies of international organisations in Bangladesh. These PTAs may be
issued against application by the concerned organisation in the Form prescribed at Appendix

15. Refund against cancellation of Tickets

Refunds against cancelled/unutilised tickets/vouchers should be made only after the passenger
produces his/her passport, and after being satisfied that any foreign exchange issued has been
encashed with an AD or the entry has been duly cancelled by an AD or that the document bears
no evidence of any exchange issued to the holder. Sometimes exchange is drawn by one
passenger on behalf of a group of persons travelling together.

In such cases if any member of the group cancels his/her booking, no refund of passage
money should be made unless his/her quota of exchange has been refunded to or encashed
with an AD and necessary evidence to this effect is produced to the Airline/Shipping
Company/Travel Agent. This requirement of encashment of unutilised foreign exchange
applies in all cases. Refunds by the Airline/Shipping Company/Travel Agent should invariably
be made by cheques drawn on the official account of the Airline/Shipping Company/Travel
Agent concerned with a bank in Bangladesh. In all other cases, no refund should be granted
against part or whole cancellation of ticket unless prior approval of the Bangladesh Bank is

However, where a passenger once undertakes the foreign travel it should be construed that the
foreign exchange released to him/her has been utilised for the purpose for which it was released.
Airlines /Shipping Companies/Travel Agents may, in such cases allow refund of the cost of the
cancelled/unutilised portion of tickets without insisting on production of passport of the
passenger concerned if it is otherwise evident that the passenger undertook the foreign travel and
stayed back abroad for any reason.

16. No refund outside Bangladesh

In all cases of bookings made against payments in Taka, whether single or round trip, no refund
should be granted outside Bangladesh. In all such cases refunds should be made only in
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Bangladesh in Taka to the Bangladeshi nominee/authorised person of the passenger concerned.

All tickets/vouchers etc., must be marked accordingly. Airlines and Shipping Companies should
also ensure that such refunds are not given in the form of exchange vouchers or in any other
form which can be used for further transportation. All such refunds must be made either by
cheque or by actual cash payment in Bangladesh
17. Performance of journey from one place to another outside Bangladesh
Passages for journeys to be performed from one place out of Bangladesh to another place out of
Bangladesh i.e. for performance of journey wholly outside Bangladesh should not be booked
against Bangladesh Taka without the prior permission of the Bangladesh Bank in Form P.
18. Adjustment of cost of passage
Airlines/Shipping Companies/Travel Agents may make adjustment upto Tk. 600(six hundred)
without prior approval of the Bangladesh Bank towards cost of passages approved on Form P
within the validity of the form, if the fare changes upward or downward.
19. Acceptance of fare difference
Airlines/Shipping Companies/Travel Agents may accept freight in local currency for the excess
baggage (accompanied or unaccompanied) only in the following cases without prior approval of
Bangladesh Bank:

(a) Freight for transportation from foreign countries to Bangladesh of accompanied as well as
unaccompanied baggage by the returning Bangladesh nationals on freight to pay basis;

(b) Freight on samples, advertisement materials and presentations imported into Bangladesh on
freight to pay basis as per provisions of IPO in force.

In both the cases, two sets of dummy P Forms alongwith the monthly statements are to be
submitted to the ADs.

c. Acceptance of freight of excess baggage

Shipping/Airline Companies or Travel Agents may collect freight in Taka for transportation of
excess accompanied as well as unaccompanied baggage of passengers from Bangladesh to
destination abroad without prior permission from the Bangladesh Bank.

d. Acceptance of Taka freight on FOB imports

Freight in Taka may be accepted by the Airlines/Shipping Companies/Travel Agents without

prior Bangladesh Bank approval for FOB imports into Bangladesh as per instructions contained
in Para 1(viii), Chapter 10.
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e. Acceptance of freight in Taka against export samples

Airlines/Shipping Companies may accept freight in Bangladesh Taka from registered exporters
against dispatch of bonafide trade samples of exportable items from Bangladesh without prior
approval of the Bangladesh Bank on the basis of Customs Clearance Certificate for dispatch of
the article. Where the value of trade sample exceeds the prescribed limit indicated in Chapter 8,
Para 2(i) of this Guidelines, export permit from the Office of the CCI&E and recommendation of
the EPB should also be asked for. While accepting freight in Taka in respect of consignments of
such export samples, the Airline/Shipping Company will obtain a declaration (Appendix 5/85)
from the exporter concerned to the effect that the parcel contains bonafide trade sample without
involving any payment in foreign exchange. The Airlines/Shipping Companies while submitting
their returns to the AD will indicate the number and date of the Customs Clearance Certificate
and Export Permit from the office of the CCI&E, reference number and date of EPB's
recommendation and the registration number of the exporter concerned with date.

20. Reference to Bangladesh Bank

Cases of booking of passage/freight not covered in this Chapter may be referred to Bangladesh
Bank for instructions.

21. Airlines and Shipping Companies should furnish to the ADs monthly returns of all passages
sold, tickets issued or handed over by them as also of refunds and cancellations as per
instructions in Chapter 10. Although Travel Agents are not required to submit monthly returns,
they should maintain records of all passages sold by them as per appendices 5/44 and 5/55.

22. Guidelines for tour operators

To expand the tourism industry of Bangladesh and to facilitate foreign tourists visiting Bangladesh,
the member tour operating firms of TOAB shall observe the following terms and conditions in the
context of foreign exchange transactions:

a) Outgoing Bangladeshi nationals may purchase tour package from TOAB member firms with
an amount of upto 90(ninety) percent of his/her annual travel entitlement in foreign currency.

b) The firm shall issue invoice to the intending traveler in foreign currency for the price of the tour
package. The traveler, in turn, will arrange payment in equivalent Taka through the designated AD.
AD shall endorse the passport of the traveller in equivalent foreign currency mentioning that
endorsement is done from annual travel quota for purchasing tour package against invoice issued by
the tour operator. Afterwards, the AD will transfer the equivalent foreign currency to the FC account
of the firm using the exchange rate of the same day and intimate the transaction to the firm.
CH 12 135

c) AD may release balance of travel entitlement (travel entitlement less tour package value) to
the traveller and endorse the same in the passport in compliance with the instructions stipulated
in Para 1 of this Chapter.

d) Issue of foreign exchange mentioned in para (b) and (c) above shall have to be reported to the
Online Foreign Exchange Transaction Monitoring System of Bangladesh Bank.

e) In no cases, foreign exchange exceeding 90(ninety) percent of travel entitlement will be

endorsed for purchasing tour package in spite of value of tour package exceeds the limit.

f) For effecting outward remittance on account of outbound package against concerned

invoices, tour operators shall submit necessary documents to ADs on monthly basis.
Afterwards, ADs may effect remittance on behalf of the tour operating firms on examination of
relevant documents and recording on form TM. Of the total value of tour package, upto
90(ninety) percent may be remitted abroad, minimum 7.5(seven and a half) percent shall be
encashed in Taka and the rest 2.5 (two and a half) percent may be retained in FC accounts for
utilisation in business travel abroad by the tour operators. ADs shall ensure deduction of
applicable tax/VAT and payment thereof. On effecting remittance, ADs shall send the relevant
documents to FEOD, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office/area office of Bangladesh Bank for post
facto checking.
g) The tour operators shall have to operate inbound tour packages to attract foreign tourists.
Inward tour packages must be at least 25(twenty five) percent of total packages sold.

h) In case of cancellation of outbound package tour, tour operators shall arrange refund of
the payment through encashment of foreign currency in taka and cancellation of
endorsement made earlier in passport. Refund may also be freely remittable to foreign
citizens in case of cancellation of inbound package tour for which payment has been
received in advance.

i) ADs may deposit foreign exchange received in advance from foreign tourists for purchasing of
inbound packages in the FC accounts of tour operators. Besides, foreign tourists may make
payment through international credit cards provided ADs are working as acquiring banks under
merchant agreement with tour operators. Foreign currency paid by the inbound foreign tourists
shall be credited to the foreign currency accounts of the tour operators. The tour operators shall
meet local expenses such as hotel/restaurant bills in Taka through encashment of the balance of
FC accounts. Upto 90(ninety) percent of the foreign currency received from foreign tourists shall
be encashed into Taka.

j) ADs shall not issue any bank guarantee in favor of foreign tour operator or airline on account
of sales of tour package by tour operators.
CH 12 136

k) ADs shall submit the statements of FC accounts and statements of tour packages sold along
with photo copy of endorsement on passports of tourists, invoices issued by tour operators,
supporting documents relating to rent of hotels and other relevant documents to FEOD,
Bangladesh Bank, Head Office/other office of Bangladesh Bank on monthly basis.

l) The tour operators shall apply to FEPD, Bangladesh Bank through ADs for opening FC
accounts with certificate issued by TOAB mentioning that the applicants are their member firms.

(m) Transactions of such FC Accounts shall have to be reported to the SFCAMS, operated by
Bangladesh Bank as mentioned in Section - VI, Chapter 13.

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