Prof. Ed. 10 Unit 1

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San Jose, Malilipot, Albay

COURSE CREDIT: 3 Units, 3 Hours a week (18 weeks, 54 hours total)
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Major exams, Summative quizzes, Per-unit output as specified
in the assessment, End of course learning log (reflective learning)

This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21 st century as evolving social
phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning areas. The 21 st literacies shall include
(a) globalization and multi-cultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media literacy, (d) financial
literacy, (e) cyber literacy/digital literacy, (f) eco-literacy, and (g) arts and creativity literacy.
Field-based interdisciplinary explorations (ex. observation in Mathematics, Field Studies) and
other teaching strategies shall be used to develop PST’s teaching skills to promote learners’
literacy, and critical and creative thinking skills. Pre-service teachers shall develop skills in using
appropriate teaching strategies and resources, including the positive use of ICT, to address
learning goals.


At the end of the unit, the pre-service teachers can:
a. compare the basic concepts of traditional and 21st century literacies and skills; and
b. explain the features and critical attributes of the 21st century literacies.

A. Definitions of traditional literacies

1. Traditional literacy
It is the integration of listening, speaking, reading, writing and critical thinking. It
includes a cultural knowledge which enables a speaker, writer or reader to recognize
and use language appropriate to different social situations.
2. Functional literacy
This refers to the capacity of a person to engage in all those activities in which literacy
is required for effective function of his/her group and community and also for enabling
him/her to continue to use reading, writing and calculation for his/her own and the
community’s development.
It refers to the practical skill set needed to read, write and do mathematics for real-life
purposes, so people can function effectively in their community.
3. Early literacy/Emergent literacy
This refers to the development of skills of students need in order to transition from
learning to read, to reading to learn. These skills include vocabulary, phonics, language,
and numeracy. Early literacy gives students the foundation they need in order to learn
and grow.
This literacy development begins in the first three years of a child’s life and supports
their future language development, reading, writing, and overall learning. If a child can’t
read, he can’t learn.
4. Basic literacy and skills
Basic literacy skills are referred to the skills of reading, writing and numeracy. They
include awareness of the sounds, awareness of print, and the relationship between
letters and sounds. Other literary skills include vocabulary, spelling and comprehension.
B. Definitions of the 21st century literacies
1. Globalization and multi-cultural literacy
This is knowledge of cultures and languages. We live in multicultural societies, teach in
multicultural settings, and our students interact with those who come from a different
place. Awareness of and sensitivity to culturally determined norms promote
Global literacy involves learning about other world regions through arts and culture,
language, economics, geography, mathematics and science.
It aims to address issues of globalization, racism, diversity and social justice. It aims to
empower students with knowledge and take action to make a positive impact in the
world and their local community.
Multicultural literacy consists of the skills and ability to identify the creators of
knowledge and their interests to uncover the assumptions of knowledge, to view
knowledge from diverse ethnic and cultural perspective and to use knowledge to guided
action that will create a humane and just world.
Multicultural literacy brings attention to diversity, equity and social justice to foster
cultural awareness by addressing difficult issues like discrimination and oppression
towards other ethnicities.
2. Social literacy
This means the presence of social skills, knowledge and positive human value that
support ability in human beings to act positively and responsibly in range of complex
social settings and their ability to successfully and deliberately mediate his/her world as
family member, worker, citizen and lifelong learner.
Social literacy is a student’s successful performance and understanding of social skills,
organizational skills and communication skills. It is the students’ ability to connect
effectively with those around them. It spans across interacting with peers, family, co-
workers, teachers and even people we may not have met face to face.
3. Media literacy
This is the ability to identify different types of media and the messages they are
sending. It encompasses print media such as newspapers, magazines and posters, and
theatrical presentations, tweets, radio broadcasts, etc.
Media literacy enables the populace to understand and contribute to public discourse,
and eventually, make sound decisions when electing their leaders.
Teaching media literacy provides students with skills that will help them think critically
about media. It also cultivates other 21st century skills like creativity, collaboration and
communication, as well as increasing digital literacy skills through interacting with
media, information and technology.
4. Financial literacy
This is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including
personal financial management, budgeting and investing.
This is critical because it equips us with the knowledge and skills we need to manage
money effectively. A strong foundation of financial literacy can help support various
goals, such as saving for education or retirement, using debt responsibly, and running a
5. Cyber/digital literacy
Cyber literacy is the ability to use computer technologies effectively and to
simultaneously understand the implications of those actions.
Digital literacies mean having the skills you need to live, learn and work in a society
where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital
technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices. It is also the
ability to use and create technology-based content, including finding and sharing
information, answering questions, and interacting with others and computer
Digital literacy is important because 21st century jobs rely on technology for
production and information processing. Companies are seeking digitally literate
employees to help them maximize production, create new products and manage the
daily business operations.
6. Eco-literacy (ecological literacy)
This is the ability to understand the natural systems that make life on earth possible.
To be eco literate means understanding the principles of organizations of ecological
communities and using those principles for creating sustainable human communities.
Ecological literacy is important for our kids because if we lose nature, we will be lost
too. Each living creature on the planet cannot survive without water and food and this is
something that our kids must learn form childhood. A good ecological literacy is
something that is a must for every person in the world.
7. Arts and creativity literacy
Art (artistic) literacy is the ability to understand and contribute to the broad milieu of
art-related subjects, including visual arts (painting, pottery, drawing, etc.), theater arts,
musical arts and dance.
Arts literacies help students develop design-thinking creativity and critical thinking –
all skills said to be important for the future workforce.
Creative literacy is a concept that looks beyond sitting with a book. It is a “holistic”
approach, in that it incorporates activities that can strengthen reading skills, but are
more focused on broader learning. In many cases it is an activity that on the surface
doesn’t even look like it is related to literacy or learning to read.
- Holding a crayon helps develop fine motor skills later used for writing.
- Singing songs (specially rhyming ones) reinforce letter sounds and building
C. Features of 21st century teaching and learning
The term “21st century skills” is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such
as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving which schools need to
teach to help students thrive in today’s world.

The 7 key features of 21st century education:

1. Personalized learning
This approach recognizes that not all students learn in the same manner. This involves
differentiating instruction so that students can learn in ways that soothe their personal
needs. Educators could adjust their teaching methods in the following ways:
 Differentiate content difficulty
 Differentiate modes of delivery
 Differentiate assessment strategies
2. Equity, diversity and inclusivity
 Equity - a goal of 21st century educators is to achieve equality of outcomes.
Educators are attempting to close achievement gaps between rich and poor.
 Diversity - now considered a strength in classrooms. When students are different,
they learn that difference is okay. They befriend people of different cultures and
learn not t be afraid of other cultures around them.
 Inclusivity - that people of all ability levels, physical disabilities, or learning
disabilities deserve to be included in mainstream classrooms. This can help them
contribute to mainstream life and show them they are welcome and equal
participants in the world.
3. Learning through doing
Now, we encourage students to learn through doing. The central idea in the “learning
through doing” approach is that we are much better at knowing, remembering and using
knowledge if we learn actively, rather than through passive learning. When we are
learning through doing, we:
 Have first-hand experience with applying information to the real world.
 Get opportunity to learn through trial-and-error.
 We discover things through our engagement with the world.
 Learn information that is not theoretical but can be applied to things in our lives.
4. Rethinking learner and teacher roles
Classrooms have changed from being teacher-centered to students-centered. In the
past the students all focused on the teacher and listened to the teacher’s words. Now,
the teacher focuses on the students who are the center of attention. The teacher’s job is
to help coach the students as they learn.
5. Community relationships
In our communities there are amazingly useful people who can teach and inspire our
students better that we can.
Teachers need to seek out experts and bring them into the classroom. By leveraging the
skills and knowledge of the community, we can create a better learning experience for
our students.
Bringing people from different walks of life into the classroom also helps our students
to create connections with people who are not like themselves. This can help inclusion,
education for social justice, and create links between people of different cultures.
6. Technology
Modern technologies can be incredibly helpful in classrooms. It is important to use new
learning technologies in appropriate ways. Students should not use technology to
prevent from thinking or help them cheat. Instead, it should be used to help students
access information or think in ways they could not have done.
7. Teacher professionalization
To ensure students get the best learning possible, teachers in the 21 st century need
ongoing training and support. They need to know all the latest research on best teaching
practices. They need opportunities to ask questions themselves, try out new strategies
and learn from experts throughout their career.
Teachers need time and space to learn how to use technology and new pedagogies in
ways that will best help their students.
D. Critical attributes of the 21st century education
1. Integrated and interdisciplinary
Education in the 21st century is characterized by effective linkages among various
subjects or disciplines to enhance students’ learning experiences.
2. Technologies and multimedia
This involves the full use of available Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
such as computers and internet as well as multimedia like using audio and video-based
instruction to improve teaching and learning activities.
3. Global classrooms
Education in the 21st century exposes students to the concerns of the region and other
countries. Thus, teachers need to include current global issues, such as peace, respect
for cultural diversity, global concerns such as climate change and global warming in
classroom discussions.
4. Creating/adopting to constant personal and social change and life learning
In the 21st century, learning does not only happen inside the school and during one’s
schooling years and it can take place anywhere, anytime, regardless of one’s age.
5. Student-centered
Education in the 21st century is focused on students as learners; the teacher simply
acts as a facilitator of learning – not as “sages on the stage” but as “guides on the side”.
6. 21st century skills
Education in the 21st century promotes skills needed to be productive members of
today’s society, such as creative thinking skills, problem solving and decision making,
and ICT literacy and skills.
7. Project-based and research-driven
Education in the 21st century emphasizes data, information and evidence-based
decision making. Thus, teachers of the 21st century need to be knowledgeable about
research to guide the students’ learning through self-directed activities, such as learning
projects within and outside of the classroom.
8. Relevant, rigorous and real world
Education on the 21st century is rooted in real life, day-to-day activities of learners.
Thus, teachers should teach topics using current and relevant information.
E. Basic strategies for developing literacies
1. Making connections
This is a critical reading strategy that helps students make meaning of what they are
reading. When they make connections to the text that they are reading it is going to
help them make sense of what they are reading, help them retain the information
better and help them engage more with the text itself.
For example, your understanding of the word ‘round’ helps you understand and make
connections to several objects, including the moon or a ball.
2. Visualizing
All readers make mental pictures or visualizations of the words they read. When
readers visualize the text, they are able to understand the elements of the story, such as
plot, in a deeper way.
3. Questioning
By asking questions, children engage with the text, which allows them to understand
in a rich, powerful way. Paint out the natural questions being asked in your head as you
read stories.
Questioning helps the reader to clarify what he is reading and to better understand
the text. Asking questions is a way for students to monitor their own comprehension
while reading.
4. Inferring
An inference is the process of drawing a conclusion from supporting evidence. Making
an inference involves using what you know to make a guess about what you don’t know.
You can use the clues in the text along with own experiences to figure out what is not
directly said, making the text personal and memorable.
5. Determining importance
This is a strategy used to distinguish between what information in a text is most
important versus what information is interesting but not necessary for understanding.
This enables students to distinguish between the most and least important information
presented in a book.
6. Synthesizing
This is the process of merging ideas over the course of a text in order to further
understanding. Synthesizing does not just happen at the end of the book; rather it
happens as the reader gets new information.


1. As a future teacher, how can you cope with the changes and challenges of the 21 st century
2. Make a poster/slogan on any of the 21st century literacies and skills.
3. Write a reflection paper on the 7 key features of the 21 st century education.
4. Summative quiz (optional)

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