Senior High School Research Paper Rubric

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon
Looc National High School


Name of Researchers: ___________________________________________

Research title: ___________________________________________
Date of defense: ___________________________________________

Evaluation Performance Rating

Needs Competent Exemplary SCORE
1-2 3-4 5-6
Purpose Does not clearly Clearly identifies Effectively
state the central the central describes and
purpose, purpose, explains the central
arguments, or goals arguments, or purpose,
of the research goals of the arguments, or
study; displays lack research study, but goals of the
of focus or detail. sometimes may research study;
digress explanation is
focused, detailed,
and compelling
Content Content is unclear, Presents clear and Presents balanced,
inaccurate, and or appropriate significant that
incomplete; support information that clearly and
for arguments is adequately convincingly
weak or poorly supports the supports the
discussed. central argument central arguments
of the research
Organization Information/content Information/content Information/content
is not logically is presented in a is presented in a
organized or clear and logical, interesting,
presented reasonable and effective
sequence sequence
Written Exhibits multiple Exhibits good word Exhibits excellent
communication errors in grammar, choice, language mechanics, and
sentence structure; conventions, and syntactic variety;
skills and or inadequate mechanics with uses language
writing skills (e.g., few minor errors in conventions
weakness in grammar structure; effectively (e.g.,
language facility errors do not spelling,
and mechanics) represent a major punctuation,
hinder contribute to distraction. sentence structure,
an ineffective grammar, etc.)
research paper.
Oral Presenter reads Presenter Presenter
Communication most or all of the maintains eye maintains eye
research study contact with the contact, seldom
Skills notes with little or audience with a returning to notes;
no eye contact; few minor presenter speaks
presenter mumbles, exceptions; in a clear voice and
incorrectly presenter uses correct,
pronounces terms sometimes reads precise
and/ or speaks from notes, uses pronunciation of
silently. Oral good voice terms; oral
presentation is dynamics and presentation is
unclear. The clearly enunciates thorough, clear,
presenter lacks terms; presenter is compelling, and
confidence, is comfortable for the informative.
uncomfortable, and most part and Presenter is
cannot answer adequately professional,
basic questions. answers question. confident,
comfortable, and
answers questions
Analytical/Critical- Research problem, Adequately Effectively
Thinking Skills concept, or idea is identifies and formulates a clear
not clearly describes (or description of the
articulated, or its sketches out) the research problem,
component research problem, concept, or idea,
elements are not concept, or idea and specifies major
identified or and its elements to be
described; research components; examined; selects
information is gathers and and prioritizes
poorly organized, examines information
categorized, and/or information relating appropriate to
superficially to the research addressing
examined; research problem, concept, research problem,
information is often or idea; concept, or idea;
inaccurate or satisfactorily accurately and
incomplete; presents and appropriately
presents little if any appraises research analyses and
analysis or information with interprets relevant
interpretation; only minor research
inaccurately and/or inconsistencies, information;
inaccurately applies irrelevancies, or precisely and
research methods, omissions; effectively applies
techniques, models, generally applies appropriate
frameworks, and/or appropriate research methods,
theories to the research methods, techniques,
analysis; presents techniques, models,
few solutions, models, frameworks, and/or
conclusions; frameworks with theories in
solutions. few minor developing and
inaccuracies; justifying multiple
outlines solutions solutions or
or conclusions that conclusions.
are logical and
consistent with

Name and Signature
Member, Panel of Examiners

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